HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005088_8. CSS CAP Part 2_Appx E_FINAL_20160212This page intentionally left blank Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Executive Summary The goal of geochemical modeling efforts for the Cliffside Steam Station (CSS) site is to describe the expected partitioning of constituents of interest (COls) between aqueous and solid phases (i.e., between groundwater and soil and porewater and ash) and metals species. In addition, geochemical modeling is performed to describe anticipated changes in phase distributions given variations in dissolved oxygen (DO), which affects the oxidation state of groundwater); pH; Oxidation -Reduction Potential (ORP, expressed as eH or Eh); and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), which affects ionic strength and ion competition at adsorption sites. Site -specific COI evaluations were performed on a well -by -well basis using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) PHREEQC (v3.3.3) geochemical speciation code (Parkhurst and Appelo 2013) and PhreePlot (Kinniburgh and Cooper 2011), a companion plotting package that utilizes looping PHREEQC with a hunt and track approach to determine stability boundaries. By using a single -well approach, wells can be evaluated or grouped later based on geochemical characteristics. The single -well approach also allows fine resolution of geochemical constituents and subtle differences between wells that have a significant bearing on the overall geochemical characterization. COls evaluated for the CSS site were antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, pH, selenium, sulfate, TDS, thallium, and vanadium. Calculations were developed based on measured concentrations of COls and other analytes such as ORP, alkalinity, sodium, and other ions in groundwater for each of the 159 wells monitored at the CSS site. PHREEQC calculations were performed to develop Pourbaix (Eh -pH) diagrams. These diagrams display the dominant geochemical forms (i.e., species) that would be expected in groundwater in the absence of adsorption under equilibrium conditions and allowing for most probable mineral precipitation, where appropriate. Measured ORP and pH values for each well were plotted on a Pourbaix diagram for each COI to evaluate the likely distribution of species at the CSS site. Additional PHREEQC calculations were performed to simulate anticipated geochemical speciation that would occur for each COI in the presence of adsorption to soils. Further simulations were performed to evaluate model and COI response to changes in DO, pH, and TDS in the presence of sediment adsorption. Adsorption to soils was represented using a surface complexation theory approach with hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) and hydrous aluminum oxides (HAO) representing weak and strong binding sites, respectively. Values for HFO and HAO were determined from extractions from actual site sediment. These extractions were also the basis for measured distribution coefficients (Kd values) for CSS soils determined from adsorption experiments conducted by the University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC). To geochemically simulate changes to aquifers or test potential remediation strategies, simulations were utilized in which DO, pH, reduction -oxidation (redox), and TDS were varied. These geochemical simulations are termed titrations in this report. Each set of titrations provides an estimate of the percentage of each COI that would be adsorbed as a function of changing DO, pH, redox, or TDS along with relevant changes to the dominant species across Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin the gradient. For these titrations, TDS was evaluated as the addition of a select set of cations and anions known to be common in soils and sediment at the CSS site to include sodium, calcium, chloride, potassium, and sulfate. Changes to DO, pH, and TDS were utilized for titrations due to the affinity for numerous COls such as metals to exist primarily as anionic or cationic species and their adsorption coefficient variations to mineral surfaces, soils, sediment, rock and ash. The titration method in geochemical modeling can also account for mobility changes due to redox threshold changes and potential mineral precipitation, indicated by saturation indices in outputs. Adsorption of anionic species is typically greater at lower pH, in which anions are more strongly attracted to positively charged surfaces (and vice versa regarding cationic species). Similarly, the solubility of mineral phases is pH dependent and lower pH values tend to favor formation of more soluble cationic species for most alkali elements, alkali earth elements, and transition metals. Titration simulation results for the CSS site suggest that COI speciation and adsorption are more strongly influenced by changes in DO (which influences Eh) and pH than by changes in TDS, indicating potential factors to consider during remediation strategy discussions. Probability plots were completed using site data based on a 3 x 3 matrix. This matrix included the upgradient, source, and downgradient wells along with a comparison of shallow, deep, and bedrock wells. The plots were evaluated to determine if a pattern in the data is present. Additional information obtained directly from the PHREEQC model included the Saturation Index. This information was used to determine the potential species of metals that may precipitate within the aquifer. A study of the potential sorption capacity of the soils for the COls was completed as a precursor to Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) Tier III site evaluations of acceptable groundwater concentrations. The sorption potential of soils was evaluated by using PHREEQC to numerically titrate a mixture of COls to evaluate how aqueous and sorbed phase concentrations vary in response to COI additions. In these titrations, the ratio of Cols added was calculated as the geometric mean of COI concentrations measured in source wells for the CSS site. Cols in the titration mixture were antimony, arsenic, boron, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, and vanadium. This mixture was incrementally added to the mixture of COls present in groundwater of each downgradient well at the CSS site. In general, soil sorptive capacity for COls such as boron is typically small and even a small addition of boron to groundwater is expected to result in increased aqueous concentrations of boron. In contrast, soil sorptive capacity for COls such as arsenic or chromium is much higher and a relatively larger amount of arsenic or chromium could be added to soils in downgradient areas of the CSS site without resulting in aqueous concentrations that exceed groundwater standards. These findings indicate substantial differences between the potential adsorption of various COls to sediment across site conditions. 1. Introduction A geochemical modeling effort was undertaken to describe the speciation of constituents of interest (COls) and other groundwater constituents across the spectrum of groundwater conditions measured at the Cliffside Steam Station (CSS) site. The goal of this effort is to describe the expected partitioning of COls between aqueous and solid phases (i.e., between groundwater and soil and pore water and ash) and anticipated changes in phase distributions given variations in dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Changes in Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin DO affect the oxidation state of groundwater as measured by Oxidation -Reduction Potential (ORP), which is generally expressed as Eh, eH, or electron activity (pE). Changes in pH change the acidity of groundwater, and thus affect Eh. Changes in TDS affect ionic strength and ion competition at adsorption sites. COls evaluated for the CSS site were antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), boron (B), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), pH, selenium, sulfate (S042-), TDS, thallium (TI), and vanadium (V). Site -specific evaluations were performed on a well -by -well basis using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) PHREEQC geochemical speciation model (Parkhurst and Appelo 2013) and PhreePlot (Kinniburgh and Cooper 2011), a companion plotting package based on PHREEQC. Calculations were developed based on measured COI concentrations (including pH), ORP, alkalinity, sodium, chloride, and other ions in groundwater for each of the 159 wells monitored at the CSS site. Adsorption (surface complexation) data for thallium do not exist in the databases used for PHREEQC simulations; adsorption cannot be simulated without data to parameterize reactions with mineral phases. For COls without adsorption data, laboratory studies would be needed to evaluate their interactions with hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) and hydrous aluminum oxides (HAO). PHREEQC simulations were used to: 1. Develop Pourbaix (Eh -pH) diagrams to display the most likely geochemical forms (i.e., species) that would be expected in groundwater in the absence of adsorption to soil. Measured ORP (as Eh) and pH values for each well were plotted on a Pourbaix diagram for each COI to evaluate the likely distribution of species on a site -specific basis (Section 2). 2. Evaluate geochemical speciation for groundwater condition in conjunction with surface complexation to HFO and HAO, which are expected to be representative of soils, rock, and ash (Section 3). 3. Simulate anticipated geochemical speciation that would occur for each COI in the presence of adsorption to soils and in response to changes in DO, pH, and TDS (Section 4). Simulations in which DO, pH, and TDS were varied are termed titrations. Each set of titrations provides an estimate of the percentage of each COI that would be adsorbed as a function of changing DO, pH, or TDS. For these titrations, TDS was evaluated as the addition of cations and anions known to be present in soils and groundwater at the CSS site: sodium, calcium, chloride potassium, and sulfates. DO, pH, and TDS were chosen for titration because metal COls exist primarily as anionic or cationic species and their adsorption to mineral surfaces can change with variations in pH and interactions with minerals present in soils, rock, and ash. In simulations beyond development of Pourbaix diagrams, adsorption was represented as surface complexation to HFO and HAO (e.g., the mineral gibbsite) and was determined from extractions that are the basis for distribution coefficients (Kd values) for the CSS site soils determined from adsorption experiments conducted by the University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC). However, these experiments to determine Kd values, are not easily applicable where significant site heterogeneity exists across ranges of pH, Eh, and DO values, as compared to utilizing surface complexation methods of adsorption (Bethke and Brady 2000). Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Groundwater data used for analysis includes samples collected for the initial investigation completed in June 2015, and several subsequent rounds of sample collection through September 2015. Additional results are provided for background (BG) wells sampled in November 2015. These data sets were separated into a matrix for calculation of average concentrations of COls. Data were separated by several matrices including location and depth. The location matrices include the upgradient, source or downgradient location, and the depth matrices as shallow, deep, or bedrock. In the event there was an issue with a particular data point, the model was developed to ignore the anomalous data point (e.g., dissolved oxygen = 0 or >10.0 mg/L, which is supersaturated). The data set was used to calculate the minimum, maximum, and median of the data to use for the PHREEQC modeling as discussed further in Section 3. 2. Pourbaix Diagrams To gain an understanding of the aqueous chemical species of each COI, Pourbaix diagrams were generated using PhreePlot (Kinniburgh and Cooper 2011). PhreePlot uses PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo 2013) to produce graphics of select PHREEQC outputs more readily than can be generated by other means. To perform these simulations, the WATEQ4F database was utilized since it provides a consistent set of thermodynamic constants to represent surface complexation as described below. Constants for As, Be, Co, Sb, TI, V, and Cr are not present in the WATEQ4F database. The values for these constituents were retrieved from the MINTEQ database and verified for consistency. Both databases are standard components of PHREEQC. This augmented database of thermodynamic constants was used for all geochemical speciation simulations for consistency. The Pourbaix diagrams display the geochemical composition (i.e., predominant phase distribution of species) that would be expected in an aqueous solution in the absence of surface complexation to sediment or soil. Dominant species are shown in terms ranges of their existence across ranges of Eh and pH. Diagrams for each metal COI were generated based on a 500 parts per billion (ppb) (pg/L) concentration of each COI (Figures 1 through 15; Table 1). A background electrolyte of 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of sodium and calcium were added in conjunction with a balance of chloride for speciation and base ionic strength, based on most common measured groundwater electrolytes. These concentrations are generally higher than concentrations measured in the CSS site groundwater samples. If precipitation (solid phases) is not anticipated for Eh -pH regions of interest, it is not expected to occur for less saturated, lower concentration conditions measured at the CSS site. On these diagrams, predominant aqueous species are shown with blue shading and predominant precipitated solid phases (if any) are shown with brown shading. Precipitation or solid phases are designated with an (s), the amorphous solid/liquid phase is designated as an (a), and the aqueous form of the metal is provided as an anion (-) or cation (+). The symbols on the Pourbaix figures indicate an upgradient, source, or downgradient well and shallow, deep, or bedrock well depths. The symbols are provided to assist with a visual description of precipitate formation based on depth or other factors. Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Table 1 Concentrations of COls used to generate Pourbaix diagrams Species Concentration ppm, m /L Molar Conversion /mol Concentration mol/L Antimony 0.5 121.76 4.11 E-06 Arsenic 0.5 74.92 6.67E-06 Barium 0.5 137.33 3.64E-06 Beryllium 0.5 9.01 5.55E-05 Boron 0.5 10.81 4.63E-05 Chromium 0.5 52 9.62E-06 Cobalt 0.5 58.93 8.48E-06 Iron 0.5 55.84 8.95E-06 Lead 0.5 207.2 2.41 E-06 Manganese 0.5 54.94 9.10E-06 Nickel 0.5 58.69 8.52E-06 Selenium 0.5 78.97 6.33E-06 Sulfate 0.5 32.06 1.56E-05 Thallium 0.5 204.38 2.45E-06 Vanadium 0.5 121.76 4.11 E-06 Notes: 1. ppm = parts per million 2. mg/L = milligrams per liter 3. g/mol = grams per mole 4. mol/L = moles per liter Horizontal lines on Pourbaix diagrams represent transitions that depend on reduction -oxidation (redox) conditions, but are independent of pH. Vertical lines represent transitions that depend on pH, but are independent of redox conditions (Eh or eH). Sloping lines represent transitions that depend both on pH and Eh. Although Pourbaix diagrams are useful to identify the predominant (i.e., most abundant) species in solution, some limitations exist: Only equilibrium conditions for the predominant species are shown. Information regarding the kinetics (rates) at which reactions to form a given species occurs is not provided. Similarly, equilibrium conditions and predominant species are presented for a standard temperature 250 Celsius. Formation of some mineral phases and their predominance may differ at other temperatures and under non -equilibrium conditions. • Only reactions between a COI and base electrolytes in water are considered. Other aqueous or mineral species may occur in groundwater under in situ conditions and contribute to the reactivity of a secondary constituent. Secondary minerals will vary from well to well and are not considered. A discussion for each COI may be included in the next section if secondary mineral precipitation is indicated. The presence of other species or phases (e.g., surface complexation) may substantially alter the in situ distribution of a COI. Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 0.5 w > 0.21 atm ❑a Sb03 _ �a ❑ aCP ° 00Cl m 0 ° ° 00 _ CHa(g) > 1 ❑ Shallow 0 Deep © Bedrock o Upgradient a Source ® Downgradient —0-5 1 1 1 1 l -1- 1 2 4 B H 10 12 pH Figure 1 Pourbaix diagram for antimony with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1. 0. v LU n 0 0 >0a.21 atm H3 C4 N#AS04 A A HAGO,_2- i❑ I] ° Da ° A ®Q H3As 0 013 0 0 HP Sol, CH4(g) > 1 As a ❑ Shallow 0 Deep Q Bedrock O Upgradient O Source © Downgradient 2 4 6 S 10 12 pH Figure 2 Pourbaix diagram for arsenic with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 6 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 0.5 W M a 0.21 atm AA Bat+ 6 O O O 0 00 0 a �I 0 ° ° E3 PdCi4)34aq_ �>l ❑ Shallow 0 Deep 0 Bedrock © Upgradient 0 Source O Downgradient —0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 H 10 12 pH Figure 3 Pourbaix diagram for barium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.0 0.5 v W Ur ❑A Bee- AA 0.21 atm ■ �,r, ■ •a ■■ ■ • • • CH4(g) > ❑ Shallow 0 Deep 0 Bedrock 0 Upgradient 0 Source } 0 Downgradient —0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 S 10 12 pH Figure 4 Pourbaix diagram for beryllium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 02(g) > 0.21 atm 0.5 s W M ❑ Shallow 0 Deep Q Bedrock © Upgradient • Source O Downgradient —0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 H 10 12 pH Figure 5 Pourbaix diagram for boron with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.0 0.5 v LU Ur 05 HCrO4- Oafg) > U-21 atm ❑+, CrOd2- Cr3� OH)2 NaC'C �❑ 00 ❑ 0 �9— CIg} > 1 Ja ❑ Shallow 0 Deep O Bedrock d Upgradient O Source © Oowrgradient 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Figure 6 Pourbaix diagram for chromium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 8 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 0.5 W M a 0.21 atm ❑AL �. ❑ Co2+ C0304(S) ❑ '' ❑ o 64- ❑ ©0 ❑ ❑ O ❑13 d CH4(g) s 1 C00O3(S) ❑ Shallow 0 Deep © Bedrock o Upgradient Q Source 4 Downgradient —0-5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 8 10 12 pH Figure 7 Pourbaix diagram for cobalt with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.0 F FFOHr7� 09(q) > 0.21 atm 0.5 v W Xr ■■_: ■ ■ ■ ■■ E.. ■ CH4(g) > 1 ❑ Shallow 0 Deep Q Bedrock O Upgradient O Source © Downgradient —0 51 1 1 1 1 V. 1 LV2 4 6 S 10 12 pH Figure 8 Pourbaix diagram for iron with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 9 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 0.5 WONT -I 02(9) > 0.21 am ❑e Pb2+ �e 46 %4-- C3 E3 C3 ❑ Pb(C[D3g2` O ❑ ❑ OP OH), S1 CH4(g) � 1 ❑ Shallow 0 Deep O Bedrock © Upgradient D Source a Downgradient 2 4 B H 10 12 pH Figure 9 Pourbaix diagram for lead with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.0 0.5 MCI ❑ Shallow I] Deep O Bedrock © Upgradient • Source O Downgradient -0.5 1 1 1 1 1 --. 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Figure 10 Pourbaix diagram for manganese with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 10 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 P2(g) a 0.21 aim ee 0.5 .—. Ni2+ s e W 4e► 1] M 0.0 W ° ° ° ° CH4(g) � 1 ❑ Shallow I] Deep Q Bedrock © Upgradient • Source o Dawngradient —0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 H 10 12 pH Figure 11 Pourbaix diagram for nickel with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.0 LU 0. MEN 0 02(g) a 0.21 aim H Se 3 e e Se042- HSeG3 ❑ © SEiT320 O O CH4(g) 1 ❑ Shallow I] Deep O Bedrock © Upgradient • Source O Downgradient — s�2 4 6 S 10 12 pH Figure 12 Pourbaix diagram for selenium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 11 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 1.0 0.5 W 2(g) a 0.21 atm A ❑ S042_ 4A% O 13 O d WO 00 U � O ©O 0 Oa CH4(g) > ❑ Shallow E3 Deep O Bedrock O Upgradiient O Source O Downgradient -0.50. i 1 i 1 i 'L� i V 2 4 B S 10 12 pH Figure 13 Pourbaix diagram for sulfate (as sulfur) with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 1.01 TI I W 0.5 Ur Op(g) a 0.21 atm ❑❑ I A ❑ TI+ 4�%6 %4- D E3 O o OQ 13 6 O D 0 ® O CHA) > 1 ❑ Shallow E3 Deep O Bedrock O Upgradient O Source © Downgradient -0.51 1 i 1 i i 2 4 6 S 10 12 pH Figure 14 Pourbaix diagram for thallium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells 12 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin W 1.0 0.5 —0.5 V02+ 09(9) > 0-21 atm H3V2{ 7 6e H2VOa Vol+ ❑ ❑ HV042- o0 2+ 1 O 0 0 ® 0074 V305(s) CHejg) = t 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH ❑ Shallow © Deep © Bedrock © Upgradient • Source O Downgradient Figure 15 Pourbaix diagram for vanadium with measured Eh and pH from Cliffside Steam Station wells Site -specific measurements of Eh and pH for the 159 wells monitored at the CSS site are also shown on the Pourbaix diagrams (Figures 1 through 15). These overlays of site measurements on the predominant phases shown on the Pourbaix diagrams provide an indication of the expected geochemical forms in which a COI may exist in CSS groundwater in the absence of interactions and surface complexation with soils, rock, or ash. In these diagrams, the symbology highlights categories for well type (upgradient, source, and downgradient) and well depth (shallow, deep, and bedrock). Antimony Antimony is a non-metallic element having similar chemical properties to that of arsenic. However, antimony is only about 1/10th abundant in minerals (Hem 1985). For Eh -pH conditions measured in the CSS site groundwater, antimony is most likely to exist predominately as Sb(V) in the form of Sb03 and as Sb(III) in the form of Sb(OH)3(aq) to a lesser extent under most redox conditions. Numerous potential minerals of antimony exist, with potential precipitation likely of SbxOx phases most commonly having the highest saturation indices. Arsenic Arsenic is a common element found in rocks and sediment in low concentrations across the United States. Low levels of arsenic in the aqueous phase have been identified to cause impacts to human health. For Eh -pH conditions measured in the CSS site groundwater, arsenic is most likely to exist as As(V) in the form of conjugate bases of arsenous acid: H2As04 and HAs04 Z. Under lower redox potentials, Eh < 0.1, arsenic exists as As(III) in the form of H3AsO4. 13 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin At the highest pH values measured, arsenic may occur in solution as NaAs04 2. However, other highly aqueous phases such as thioarsenate are not considered in these diagrams that have been identified in many aquifers under sulfate reducing conditions. Given these circumstances, it is unlikely that significant arsenic mineral precipitation of formation would occur; rather, adsorption would be more likely (Hem 1985). Beryllium For Eh -pH conditions measured in the CSS site groundwater, beryllium will exist as B(II) and will be predominantly in the form of Bee+ (aq), Be(OH)+ (aq), or Be3(OH)3+ (aq). For those wells where pH values range between approximately 8.25 and 9.5 SU, beryllium will exist as Be(OH)2 (s). Boron In the CSS site groundwater, boron exhibits relatively simple chemistry existing and predominantly exists as B(III) in the form of neutrally charged (protonated) boric acid, noted in the literature as either B(OH)3 or H31303, or as a borate anion H2BO3- (or noted as B02) which occurs when the pH value exceeds 9 SU. Chromium Under the Eh -pH conditions of the CSS site, chromium will predominantly exist as Cr(III) in the form Cr203 (s), which will likely precipitate. However, under highly oxidizing conditions, Cr(VI) may become dominant. This could occur due to increases in alkalinity leading to increased pH or additions of DO from recharge or anthropogenic changes, leading to increased redox condition changes in the aquifer. Cr(VI) is highly mobile as an aqueous complexed species and, in situations where oxygen bearing recharge have been identified, has been known to persist above acceptable limits in widespread areas from point sources in numerous studies (Hem 1985). Cobalt In the CSS site groundwater, cobalt is likely to predominantly exist as Co(II) in the form of aqueous Coe+ as Co(III) is thermodynamically unstable under typical groundwater conditions (circumneutral pH). For those wells where pH values greater than approximately 8 SU occur, cobalt is likely to partially oxidize to Co(II,III) and precipitate as C0304 (s), as cobalt has a very low solubility in natural water. Iron Under the Eh -pH conditions measured in the CSS site groundwater, iron is likely to primarily exist as Fe(II) in the form of Fee+ (aq). For those wells where the pH value is higher than approximately 8 SU, iron will occur as Fe(III) in the form of Fe203 (s) or alternatively as Fe(OH)3 (s), and is likely to precipitate. Lead In the CSS site groundwater, lead is likely to occur predominantly as Pb2+(aq). As the pH is increased above a pH of approximately 8 SSU, lead will precipitate as Pb(OH)2. 14 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Manganese Given measured Eh -pH conditions in the CSS site groundwater, manganese is likely to exist predominantly as Mn(II) in the form of Mn2+(aq). Nickel Under the Eh -pH conditions measured in the CSS site groundwater, nickel is likely to exist as Nit+ (aq). Selenium In the CSS site groundwater, selenium is likely to occur predominantly as Se(0) in the form of an uncharged, solid state, Se (s). Sulfur/Sulfate Under Eh -pH conditions in the CSS site groundwater, sulfur is likely to exist entirely as S(VI) in the form of sulfate (S042-). Thallium In the CSS site groundwater, thallium is likely to exist as TI(I) in the form of TI+(aq). However, in most groundwater samples from the CSS site wells, thallium concentrations were often reported as being below quantitation limits or as estimates at or near the detection limit. Thallium was above quantitation limits in just eight of 187 sample analyses. Vanadium In the CSS site groundwater, vanadium is expected to predominantly exist as V(III) in the form of V(OH)3 (s) precipitate. However, in most groundwater samples from the CSS site wells, vanadium concentrations were typically reported as being below quantitation limits. Vanadium was above quantitation limits in 38 of 187 sample analyses. 3. Adsorption Model Development To be useful in modeling electrolyte adsorption, a theory needs to be developed to describe hydrolysis and the mineral surface, account for electrical charge (electrostatic adsorption), and provide for adequate mass balance on the sorbing sites. In addition, an internally consistent and sufficiently broad database of adsorption reactions should accompany the theory. Of the approaches available, a class known as surface complexation models (Adamson 1976; Stumm 1992) reflects such an ideal most closely and accounts for the parameters to explain overall adsorption. This class includes the diffuse double layer model (also known as the diffuse layer model) and the triple layer model (Westall and Hohl 1980; Sverjensky 1993; Bethke 2008). Of the two models, the diffuse double layer model is more fully developed in literature (Dzombak and Morel 1987; Bethke 2008) and hence currently the most useful and accepted surface model in geochemical modeling as compared to other methods (Bethke 2008; Soltermann et al. 2014; Stoliker et al. 2011). The constant capacitance model commonly refers to an application of double layer theory that does not account for variation in the electrical charge on the sorbing surface, whereas diffuse layer models do. Some researchers prefer the term two layer model to describe an application of double layer theory that accounts for more than one type of sorbing 15 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin site on a single surface, although that distinction is not given in this section (Bethke 2008). In addition, a Charge Distribution Multi -Site Complexation Model (CD -MUSIC) with triple layer adsorption and competitive sorption between two or more Iigands was not applied to the model given the complexity, unknown charges to each planar surface, and inability to consider amorphous solids using this model (Merkel and Planer -Friedrich 2008). The use of mechanistic geochemical models has advanced geochemical modeling from a theoretical approach to a highly accurate method used for nuclear repository and contaminated site remediation research by the USGS and the bulk of academic researchers (Dulnee et al. 2013; Hyun et al. 2009; Stoliker et al. 2011; Xie et al. 2016). Mechanistic surface complexation models rely on oxides (iron, aluminum, manganese, humic substances, silica, etc.) on surfaces to account for the phenomenon of surface complexation. These proxies used in models are determined by quantifying oxides of these metals in field collected sediment, thus accounting for the bulk of reactive surfaces with which a species can interact. In doing so, these models excel over simple Kd approaches in accounting for variable redox, DO, pH, COI concentration (given likely Langmuir adsorption), and surface site competition (Bethke 2000; Stoliker et al. 2011). Typically, Kd experiments are also conducted under oxic conditions, which may not reflect actual site conditions. Consequently, Kd values from laboratory experiments should be interpreted and used with caution because they may not account for the full range of sorption conditions that occur in heterogeneous, natural soils.. Experimentally determined Kd values are also highly dependent solid/liquid ratios, which may not be consistent across lab tests and which may not reflect actual environmental conditions (Bethke 2000). Surface complexation methods in geochemical models provide a more consistent means to evaluate how Kd values may change with COI concentration changes and varying geochemical composition. For this reason, adsorption reactions were modeled using a double layer surface complexation model. To ensure consistency in the modeling effort, a single database of constants was used as opposed to searching for individual constants from the literature. The diffuse double layer model describing ion adsorption to HFO and HAO or gibbsite by Dzombak and Morel (1990) and Karamalidis and Dzombak (2010) was selected for this effort. Given the widespread abundance of surface complexation coefficients in literature, utilizing HAO and HFO as proxies for adsorption will account for adsorption to dominant facies controlling surface complexation in this system more comprehensively than other approaches. Given the heterogeneity of the site, single reaction approaches would not be appropriate or accurately describe surface complexation across all COls as compared to an HFO/HAO approach. Many surface complexation reactions for ions of interest have already been added to the PHREEQC database. Equilibrium constants for aqueous speciation reactions were obtained from the USGS WATEQ4F database. This database contained the reactions for most elements of interest except As, Be, Co, Sb, TI, V, and Cr. Constants for aqueous reactions and mineral formation for these elements were obtained from the MINTEQ v.4 database, which is also issued with PHREEQC. However, no surface complexation data in either database was included for thallium adsorption to HFO or HAO. The constants utilized were all checked to provide a consistent incorporation into the revised database (Martell and Smith 2001). Densities of HFO and HAO were determined based on extractable aluminum and iron content from sediment samples collected from the CSS site. The extractable aluminum and iron 16 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin concentrations were determined by UNCC and are shown in Table 2. Based on the modeling approach described by Dzombak and Morel (1990) and Karamalidis and Dzombak (2010), the sorption site densities were calculated utilizing 0.2 moles of sorption sites per mole of extractable iron and 0.41 moles of sorption sites per mole of extractable aluminum. The extractable aluminum and iron concentrations in the solids were variable. Therefore, a range of sorption site conditions was calculated in Table 2. Sorption site concentrations were calculated as follows and based on minimum, mean, and maximum extractable aluminum and iron concentrations for all tests completed. This approach was utilized as 0.05 and is assumed to be a fraction of extractable iron available for sorption sites (consistent with Dzombak and Morel [1990]) and 0.12 of aluminum (Karamalidis and Dzombak [2010]). The extractable iron and aluminum content for a number of solid samples has been measured and batch Kd measurements have been performed on those solids by UNCC (refer to Corrective Action Plan Part 1, Appendix D; HDR 2015). These data indicate an average extractable iron content of 445.5 mg Fe/kg-solid and an average extractable aluminum content of 347.1 mg AI/kg-solid. This was converted to moles of iron or aluminum per g of solid using the appropriate molecular weight of HFO and HAO, then converted assuming site density as described previously for iron and aluminum based on literature: [-FeOH/-AIOHO] _ [Solid] * [Hf(a)o] * * mol Hf�L* 0.2 mol FeOH (0.41 mot==_AIO A 1000 55.845g (26.98g) mol Hf(a)o Where: [=FeOH/=AIOH°] is the concentration of iron adsorption sites in mol/L for model input [Solid] is the concentration of solid in g/L [HF(A)O] is the amount of extractable Fe or Al in mg per kg of solid Mol HF(A)O is the moles of extractable Fe or Al 0.02 or 0.41 is the assumed fraction of extractable Fe or Al adsorption sites 17 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Table 2 Extractable iron and aluminum contents for CSS soil samples Sample Name Depth HFO HAO HFO HAO HFO HAO ff. mWKg mg/Kg moVkg moVk mol(sites)/k mol(si es)/kg AB - ID 109 153.3 124.8 1.43E-03 1.60E-03 2.87E-04 6.56E-04 AB - 2D 59 - 63 224.8 195 2.10E-03 2.50E-03 4.21E-04 1.02E-03 AS - 3 BR 54.5 - 55.5 230.8 530 2.16E-03 6.79E-03 4.32E-04 2.79E-03 GWA - 55 19 - 28 283 232.8 2.65E-03 2.98E-03 5.30E-04 1.22E-03 GWA - 1 BRU 21 - 22 1534.5 406 1.44E-02 5.20E-03 2.87E-03 2.13E-03 GWA - 13 BR 28 - 29 280.5 183.8 2.62E-03 2.36E-03 5.25E-04 9.66E-04 GWA - 30 BR 27.4 Bedrock - NA GWA - 2D 28 - 29 809 557.8 7.57E-03 7.15E-03 1.51E-03 2.93E-03 GWA- 1 OD 46.2 - 46.8 600.3 276.3 5.62E-03 3.54E-03 1.12E-03 1.45E-03 GWA - 23D 20.4 - 21.4 302 138.4 2.83E-03 1.77E-03 5.65E-04 7.27E-04 GWA - 20 S 17 - 19 265.75 179.8 2.49E-03 2.31E-03 4.97E-04 9.45E-04 GWA - 24 S 20 - 25 509 454 4.76E-03 5.82E-03 9.53E-04 2.39E-03 IB - 3 SB 49 - 51 531.3 134.8 4.97E-03 1.73E-03 9.94E-04 7.09E-04 MW - 22 BR 41 - 43 696.5 402.5 6.52E-03 5.16E-03 1.30E-03 2.12E-03 US - 3D 40 - 45 1 176.3 204.5 1.65E-03 2.62E-03 3.30E-04 1.07E-03 US - 6 D 34 292.5 427.3 2.74E-03 5.48E-03 5.47E-04 2.25E-03 US - 6 D 50 496 950.8 4.64E-03 1.22E-02 9.28E-04 5.00E-03 IB - 1 D 35 - 40 742.5 767.5 6.95E-03 9.84E-03 1.39E-03 4.03E-03 US - 45 50 676.3 781.3 6.33E-03 1.00E-02 1.27E-03 4.11E-03 AS - 55 39 - 44 491 310.5 4.59E-03 3.98E-03 9.19E-04 1.63E-03 US - 5D 38 673.8 3.4 6.31E-03 4.36E-05 1.26E-03 1.79E-05 AS - 2 S 30 571.5 431.5 5.35E-03 5.53E-03 1.07E-03 2.27E-03 GWA- 33 D 28.1 - 29.1 347.8 222.5 3.25E-03 2.85E-03 6.51E-04 1.17E-03 The basic speciation model was developed by varying the amount of [=FeOH] or [=AIOH°], and forcing actual measured pH and redox potential with utilization of the fixed ion concentrations listed in Table 1. The iron adsorption site densities were varied from minimum to the highest measured level to simulate batch adsorption experiments for these same samples. These values corresponded to soil suspension concentrations of 100 g/L mass to liquid ratio, with a site density of 0.2 for HFO, and 0.41 for HAO based on moles of iron or aluminum as previously described. In titrations, the redox potential was varied between a pE of -5 to 15, corresponding to redox potential measurements of -5 to 255 mV. Titrations of pH were designed to titrate to ending points where values of a pH of 2 to 12 were achieved for all =FeOH or [=AIOH°], sites and redox potential values listed above. Titrations evaluated adsorption as a factor of percent species adsorbed. In this way, changes in liquid/sediment ratios would not impact final results; however, Kd values have been calculated and stored across the titrations ranges and are easily convertible to other sediment/liquid ratios. The range of pH and Eh values were selected taking into account sites measured values from the CSS site so that the breadth of water chemistries could be evaluated and potential remediation strategies that would vary these geochemical parameters. Chemical speciation was evaluated after all [=FeOH] or [=AIOH°] concentrations, pH values, and redox potentials were run, particularly with respect to changes in redox speciation, mineral precipitation, and changes to the percent of adsorbed species. The speciation model outputs were compiled by calculating an average Kd value for model runs at minimum, mean, and maximum HFO/HAO adsorption at fixed Eh and pH values. For each category, a median value was utilized to minimize skew from site outliers. The variable surface site concentrations with constant pH and Eh conditions for each experimental run allowed for 18 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin the evaluation of changes in the predicted Kd value due to competition between ions for adsorption sites which may be depleted in models using a low suspended solids concentration. The Kd values calculated for the minimum, mean, and maximum pH and/or Eh field measurements are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Minimum, mean, and maximum calculated Kd values C01 Min Mean Antimony 8.33E-06 5.90E-05 Arsenic 3.00E+01 3.76E+02 Boron 1.34E-03 3.75E-02 Barium 4.69E-06 1.06E-05 Beryllium 3.47E+03 9.08E+03 Cobalt 8.63E-02 9.22E-01 Chromium 1.41E+06 3.72E+06 Iron 1.89E-02 6.46E-02 Lead 2.79E+01 3.02E+02 Manganese 2.13E-02 5.25E-02 Nickel 7.39E-02 2.51E-01 Selenium 1.15E+00 2.13E+01 Sulfate 2.54E-03 4.14E-01 Thallium n/a n/a Vanadium 2.64E+00 2.76E+02 MM- 2.63E-04 1.76E+04 1.12E-01 2.43E-05 3.55E+04 2.70E+00 1.67E+07 2.96E-01 9.16E+02 1.32E-01 8.58E-01 1.64E+02 1.27E+00 n/a 7.24E+03 Generally, the experimental data are captured by the minimum, mean, and maximum model - predicted Kd values. However, it should be noted that predicted Kd values can be linearly scaled with the assumed fraction of surface reactive iron/aluminum (assumed to be 5% or 12% of the total extractable iron or aluminum, respectively, in this model as discussed above) and soil to liquid ratios can differ, leading to changes in Kd values of up to 2 orders of magnitude. For comparison, experimental data from batch adsorption experiments are provided where available. While the modeled and experimental Kd values are not exactly the same, the trends describing the adsorption strength of ions relative to each other are well demonstrated in these predicted Kd values and the observed trends discussed with regard to the site measurements. Results of the PHREEQC modeling indicate very low adsorption to HFO/HAO is observed for the COls antimony, barium, and boron. Adsorption of thallium is unable to be determined as no adsorption constants exist in either thermodynamic database for thallium adsorption to HFO/HAO. In several wells, minimal adsorption of these COls is likely occurring due to low concentrations of the COI in groundwater (e.g., antimony). Major groundwater constituents calcium and carbonate exhibit zero adsorption to HFO/HAO in all well cases and are not included in Table 3. Information from the model was used to develop the Pourbaix figures shown in Section 2 and to develop the titration output addressed in Section 4. In this way, the utilization of "percent adsorbed" over a range of pH and other geochemical ranges may be more informative of COI behavior through the CSS site and in response to potential remediation efforts. 19 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 3.1 Probability Plot Evaluation Probability plots are provided in Attachment A. These plots provide a comparison of results across well type (upgradient, source, and downgradient) and well depth (shallow, deep, and bedrock) categories. The plots provide a graphical evaluation of groundwater chemistry by illustrating where results for different well type and depth categories occur within the overall distribution of results. For example, if results for upgradient, source, and downgradient wells are equally spread throughout a distribution, it would demonstrate that source well and downgradient well characteristics (for a given analyte) may not differ from upgradient conditions. In contrast, if results for a distribution show distinct groupings with source wells that are higher than downgradient wells and with upgradient wells alone at the low end of the distribution, it would indicate that an analyte may be migrating from source wells to downgradient areas. Analytical results of these plots are presented without modification (i.e., potentially anomalous values have not been eliminated). Results flagged as estimates or below quantitation limits (e.g., values flagged with J or U qualifiers) are presented at their reported values. Aluminum Aluminum detections are fairly well -distributed across the CSS site in the shallow, deep, and bedrock wells as well as the upgradient, source, and downgradient well locations. The highest concentrations of aluminum were detected in upgradient shallow wells and shallow and deep source wells. Aluminum does not have a 2L Standard or a USEPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Antimony The greatest concentrations of antimony were detected in shallow and deep source wells at the CSS site. Several downgradient deep groundwater wells indicate that antimony may have migrated at concentrations that exceed the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC). Arsenic Arsenic was detected in a number of source wells above the 2L Standard. Arsenic in several deep downgradient wells at the CSS site was in the upper percentile of detections, but source well concentrations are evenly spread along the probability plot curve and contain the lowest concentration detections. Barium Barium exceeded the 2L Standard in several deep source wells and deep downgradient wells at the CSS site, and is well distributed along the probability plot. Beryllium The highest concentrations of beryllium were found in deep source wells and deep downgradient wells at the CSS site, and were generally detected at concentrations less than the IMAC. A large number of the results were indicated at the detection limit, which accounts for the horizontal line in the probability plot. 20 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Boron Boron is present in deep source wells and higher concentrations were detected in a number of downgradient deep wells at the CSS site. The 2L Standard has been exceeded in source and downgradient locations based on the probability plot. Chromium Chromium was detected in shallow and deep source wells at the CSS site above the 2L Standard. However, several shallow, upgradient wells have higher concentrations of chromium. Cobalt The probability plot indicates the greatest concentrations of cobalt were detected in deep and shallow source wells at the CSS site at the highest and lowest concentrations. The majority of the upgradient and downgradient locations are between the source locations. It is unclear what these results indicate and additional groundwater sampling should be completed. Iron Iron appears to be present in higher concentrations in source and deep downgradient wells at the CSS site above the 2L Standard. The upper and lower results may indicate higher concentrations of iron, but no discernable pattern is present. Lead Results for lead appear to be spread evenly amongst the well locations and depths at the CSS site and no discernable pattern exists. Manganese There are several deep source well results at the CSS site near the upper end of the probability plot curve. Results for manganese appear to be spread evenly amongst the well locations and depths, and no discernable pattern exists. Nickel Results for nickel appear to be spread evenly amongst the well locations and depths at the CSS site and no discernable pattern exists. The highest and lowest concentrations of nickel were found in several shallow upgradient and downgradient locations. Selenium The probability plot indicates that several shallow and deep source wells at the CSS site contain selenium along with several deep, downgradient wells at concentrations less than the 2L Standard. The remainder of the data indicate that selenium is evenly spread out amongst the well locations and depths. Thallium The probability plot indicates that several shallow and deep source wells at the CSS Site contain thallium along with several deep, downgradient wells at concentrations less than the 21 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin IMAC. The remainder of the data indicates that selenium is evenly spread out amongst the well locations and depths. Vanadium Vanadium appears to be present in the source wells at the CSS site at concentrations above the detection limit. A number of shallow, upgradient wells indicated the presence of vanadium. 3.2 Saturation Index Evaluation In geochemical modeling it is important to consider potential solid/mineral precipitation as both a mechanism of sequestering constituents or later release should redox, pH, or saturation equilibrium changes. For the purpose of this discussion, designations of (a) after amorphous solid species signify a solid phase. Typically, allowing a solid/mineral to precipitate in a model will decrease the aqueous concentration and allow for equilibrium to occur from a previously "supersaturated state." In the natural environment, precipitation of pure phase minerals, while indicated, is not exactly known and more than likely impure or mixed form minerals are likely to occur. In addition, mineral precipitation secondary to reduction associated with microbiota may thermodynamically differ due to microbial catalysis rather than strict thermodynamics if the reaction is thermodynamically favorable and there is energy to be gained from the transfer of electrons for microbial growth for adenosine triphosphate production. Such reduced or sequestered minerals can again be dissolved in solution should for example in the case of Cr(III), redox conditions increase due to increases in dissolved oxygen. However, these systems in any case will find a point of equilibrium between those minerals phases and aqueous phases. Changes to ionic strength are also important in considering minerals precipitation. At certain pH and redox levels, natural groundwater becomes supersaturated with anions/cations and precipitation will occur. In PHREEQC, mineral precipitation is determined by the Saturation Index (SI) in the output of a solution: Saturation Index (SI) = log ([COI](aqueous) / [CO I](saturated)) The SI of a solid phase can range from extremely negative (undersaturated in solution) to extremely positive (supersaturated in solution). An SI of zero (0) would indicate the solid/mineral is in perfect equilibrium with the aqueous phases in solution, although this rarely occurs in modeling results except when equilibrium with certain mineral phases is manually invoked for calculations. Most commonly in systems that are in equilibrium, solid phases of chromium, iron, selenium and manganese are typically indicated to likely precipitate. In these cases this is due to redox conditions and likely dissolution could also occur given changes in aquifer conditions. It is important to take into account SI for phases and track them through changing redox conditions for any potential remediation strategies. Should an SI decrease, it likely indicates that conditions are causing the increase in an aqueous form of a species, and vice versa. However, in all cases care should be taken to thoroughly research any potential solid phase of complex that is indicated to be supersaturated. Thermodynamic data for these species is often lab collected and tested under pure and controlled conditions, and calculated with an infinite dilution series (or ionic strength of zero). While supersaturation and potential precipitation of a phase 22 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin may be indicated, it may not be possible in the pure phase shown, which is kinetically too slow to occur, or pressure and temperature may not be optimal for the reaction catalysis. Below are some potential phases that may potentially exist in various locations at the CSS site as identified through geochemical modeling and having an SI greater than zero: COI POTENTIAL SOLID PHASE CHEMICAL COMPLEX ANTIMONY SbOZ; Sb2Se3 ARSENIC Ba3(ASO4)2 BARIUM BaSO4; Ba3(AsO4)2 COBALT CoFe204; CoSe CHROMIUM Cr(OH)3(a); Cr203; FeCr204 IRON Fe(01-1)3(a); FeSe2; FeCr204; Fe00H; Fe203; Fe304; FeCO3; CoFe204 MANGANESE MnCO3; Mn02 SELENIUM Se (s); CoSe; FeSe2; Sb2Se3 SULFATE AI4(OH)10SO4; KAI3(SO4)2(OH)6; BaSO4 VANADIUM V305 4. Variation of pH, Redox, Dissolved Oxygen, and TDS A series of solutions were defined for each well at the CSS site to evaluate the impact of changes in pH, DO, redox, and TDS. Several wells were selected within the flow path from upgradient to downgradient to generally describe differences in groundwater flow chemistry as groundwater flows from the upgradient through the source area and downgradient towards the CSS site. This evaluation was completed in PHREEQC by simulating specific changes in pH, redox, or TDS over a number of steps or simulations (Table 4). In general, reactions were completed to equal endpoints of the range specified and the number of steps in PHREEQC to produce an output. Increases in number of steps increases resolution, but substantially increases computational time. While redox directly impacts pH, pH was held constant during redox titrations to achieve a consistent, wide sampling of potential redox and pH combinations. The impacts of increases in TDS were evaluated as the addition of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and gypsum (CaSO4) to address a range of potential cations and anions that are potentially related to the detection of TDS and address the general ionic strength of the groundwater. These additions were chosen as proxies for TDS due to their common mineral occurrence in sediment in these types of aquifers, and are most likely to undergo mineral weathering. Individual well pH titration results are provided in Attachment B, and redox titrations in Attachment C. Selected DO and TDS titration results are provided in Attachment D and E, respectively. 23 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Table 4 Titration reactants Reaction Range # Steps pH 2 to 12 500 REDOX (Eh) -500 to +750 mV 300 TDS 10e-3 moles 300 Oxygen (DO) 5.0e-2 moles 300 Titration of these reactants using the minimum, maximum, and mean Kd values (Table 3) will provide a general understanding of impacts due to changes in groundwater chemistry and facilitate decisions on various groundwater alternatives and MNA activities. For example, maintaining the pH at near -neutral conditions may prevent metal species formation such as Cr(VI) to remain reduced as Cr(III), which is highly insoluble in this system and easily adsorbed. A titration model was completed for each of the 159 wells on CSS for each of the COls to show the percent of COls adsorbed, and COI speciation versus pH, DO, redox, and TDS for minimum, mean, and maximum adsorption, resulting in 17,000 simulations. Review of titration simulations indicates that the greatest impact to adsorption of Cols occurs when pH and redox are modified. Changes in response to DO and TDS variations are less than an order of magnitude and do not appear to materially alter adsorption of COls relative to variations in pH or redox. DO changes are noted to either not substantially impact adsorption, or react quickly at very low concentrations (below 0.1 mg/L) and further adsorption remains consistent throughout saturation. For DO, only figures that indicate notable changes in percent species adsorbed from solution are provided in Attachment D. Based on review of the CSS site layout, one transect was selected for comparison based on flow from upgradient to the downgradient locations through the source material: Transect 1: MW-30S/D AS-7S/D/BR GWA-21 D/BR Representative results for Transect 1 are presented in Figures 16 through 21. 24 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin 0.0 Cr at Site CliffsIde, Well MW-30D for max HFOlHAO values, pH Titration 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 10 1 OL. _ 110 -2 OX 1.0 2.6 3.0 4,0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9,0 1❑-0 11.0 12-0 pH (SU) Figure 16 Simulated response of chromium absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well MW-30D based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO Co at Site Clillside, Well MW-30D for max HF&HAO values, pH Titration 0.0 1.0 2.0 3A 4A 5.0 6A 7.0 8.0 9A 10.0 11.0 12A 100 10 1013 t to (9 n [0 UP 0 O 7 10 2 0 7 m O 7 ■ Total_Cobalt _ug1L 0 C.M ugiL C C-13) uugg+L 11 %C. Adenr6ed 01 - d 10 -4 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 49 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11A0 12.0 pH (SU) Figure 17 Simulated response of cobalt absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well MW-30D based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO 25 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Cr at Site Cliffside, Well AS-7S for max HFO/HAO values, pH Titration 1.0 1.0 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.9 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 1� r ag 70 �+ ea I a � 50 40 I I I 30 I ■ Tola Chmmium_LgL o Cr(21_ug4 20 0 C,{31_ug'L o Cro) uugg L 0 %Cr Ads rbed 10 �I 10 C U3 10 $ 10 '® 0.0 1.0 2A 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 pH (SU) Figure 18 Simulated response of chromium absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well AS-7S based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO Cr at Site Cliffside, Well AS-7S for max HFOIHAO values, pH Titration 0.0 to 2.0 3.o 4A 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 fo.0 11.0 12.0 loci 10 10 .7 all d 10 '2 ■ Tou ® Cr12 0 Gr{3 O ■ G Z?l w v ro n 10 -3 y. 0 0 a 10 4 a Gt fo _5 O a C i0 10 r 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9A 10.0 11.0 12.0 pH (SU) Figure 19 Simulated response of cobalt absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well AS-7S based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO 26 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Cr at Site Cliffside, Well GWA-21S for max HFOIHAO values, pH Titration 0.0 1.0 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 f0.0 1110 12.0 10 2 10 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 pH (SU) Figure 20 Simulated response of chromium absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well GWA-21S based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO Coat Site Cliffside, Well GWA-21S for max HFO/HAO values, pH Titration 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 &0 9.0 0.0 11.0 12.0 inn n 9 ■ Tot E8 Co(. G0 % a °b 10 2 w v n 1 q 1 14 0 0 a 0 ro a 10 o m 0 a C i0 10 1 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 TO 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 pH (SU) Figure 21 Simulated response of cobalt absorption and concentrations in response to pH variations for Well GWA-21S based on the upper bound for surface complexation to HFO and HAO 27 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Summary of Transect 1 MW-30S/D AS-7S/D/BR GWA-21 D/BR The general shape of adsorption curves is similar from well to well for an individual COI for the pH titration but can differ substantially between COls. A brief discussion for the maximum Kd value is provided for each COI based on the upgradient, source or downgradient location through the transect. MW-30S/D (Upgradient) Antimony Antimony does not change with pH. The adsorption line is not changed by pH. Arsenic The shallow and deep soils behave similarly. Arsenic is generally 100% adsorbed onto soils at a pH of 2 SU. Arsenic (5) is generally the least sorbed at a pH of 6 SU, but resorbs as the pH is increased or decreased. Beryllium Shallow and deep soils behave similarly for the adsorption of beryllium. In general, beryllium is sorbed at pH levels between 5 SU and 10 SU. Boron Boron does not change with pH, the line for both shallow and deep soils is flat. Chromium Based on titration results for chromium, the percentage of chromium in a sorbed phase reaches a peak near acidic to neutral pH, indicating the greatest binding to HFO/HAO sites and/or precipitation to a solid phase. As pH increases, chromium is expected to desorb would be and released to groundwater as Cr(VI). The peak adsorption in the deep well is around a near neutral pH. Cobalt Shallow and deep soils behave similarly for cobalt. The maximum adsorption occurs at a pH of 7 SU at which point it begins to desorb as Co (3). Iron Iron does not change with pH. The line for both shallow and deep soils is unchanged with changing pH. 28 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin Manganese Manganese indicates its maximum adsorption between a pH of 9 SU and 10 SU. Manganese (2) desorbs at a pH of 7 SU and is least sorbed at pH of 9 SU and 10 SU. Selenium In CSS groundwater, selenium is likely to occur predominantly as Se(0) in the form of an uncharged, solid state, Se(s).Thallium Thallium (1) is primarily sorbed at all pH ranges, but indicates a greater sorption of TI (3) at a pH of 5 SU. Vanadium Vanadium indicates the greatest adsorption at a pH of approximately 6 SU. Other vanadium species desorb at a pH of 4 SU. AS-7S/D/BR The adsorption of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, boron, cobalt, iron, selenium, sulfate, thallium, and vanadium are similar to the upgradient locations. Chromium Chromium is similar to the upgradient adsorption plots; however, the maximum adsorption is shifted to a pH of 7 SU and Cr (VI) is least sorbed at a pH of 7 SU. Cr (6) desorbs from the matrix near a pH of 11 SU. Manganese The manganese curve is similar to the upgradient wells; however, manganese (6) sorption occurs at a pH greater than 12 SU in the shallow wells. The deep and bedrock wells are similar to the upgradient well. GWA-21 D/BR/BRU The adsorption of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, thallium and vanadium are similar to the upgradient locations. Chromium The chromium curve for the bedrock is similar to the upgradient MW-30S shallow well, and the deep, downgradient well is similar to the MW-30D curve with the tighter adsorption curve. The general shape of adsorption curves is similar from well to well for an individual COI, but can differ substantially between COls. Based on titration results for chromium, the percentage of chromium in a sorbed phase reaches a peak near mildly acidic to neutral pH, indicating the greatest binding to HFO/HAO sites and/or precipitation to a solid phase. As pH increases, chromium is expected to desorb and released to groundwater as Cr(VI). This is supported by the Pourbaix diagrams presented in Section 2. In contrast, manganese indicates its maximum 29 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin adsorption between pH of 9 SU and 10 SU, whereas chromium has its greatest adsorption between pH of 2 SU to 7 SU. Titration results for the CSS site wells can be used to support evaluation of MNA or remediation impacts. For example, titration results can be used to help determine the expected impact that DO changes would have in response to addition of an engineered cap (leading to reduced infiltration and lower recharge DO), or the introduction of oxygen creating a more oxic environment, addition of acid or base to adjust the pH to conditions that prevent COls from being solubilizing, or impact due to excavation and the release of TDS and other metals. Changes in redox can occur also in response to DO increases or decreases as well as the introduction of inorganic oxidants from anthropogenic contamination or changes in groundwater flow vectors. 5. Sorption Capacity A study of the potential soil sorption capacity of COls was completed as a precursor to MNA Tier III site evaluations of acceptable groundwater concentrations. The sorption potential of soils was evaluated using PHREEQC to numerically titrate a mixture of COls to evaluate how aqueous and sorbed phase concentrations vary in response to COI additions. In these titrations, the ratio of COls added was calculated as the geometric mean of COI concentrations measured in source wells for the CSS. The eight COls in the mixture were antimony, arsenic, boron, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, and vanadium. This mixture was incrementally added to the mix of COls present in groundwater of each downgradient well at the CSS site. As detailed in Section 3, the geochemical model accounts for surface complexation, ion competition for binding sites, and the equilibrium that occurs between groundwater constituents under different redox conditions as expressed by pH and electrochemical potential (eH). Surface complexation in the model was again represented as a range described by minimum, mean, and maximum distribution coefficient (Kd) values for CSS site soils. With each incremental addition of Cols to a well, the model computes the distribution between the aqueous and sorbed phases of the COI and accounts for changes to surface complexation with other ions in solution. For downgradient wells and sorption capacity cases, titration results are shown as a series of curves on graphs that express the relationship between aqueous and sorbed COI concentrations for all eight COls in the titration mixture. On each graph, the applicable 2L Standards or USEPA MCL is also shown for each COI. Under conditions where sorption is favored, sorbed phase COls concentrations increase much more rapidly than aqueous concentrations. When conditions unfavorable for sorption occur, aqueous COls concentrations increase much more rapidly than sorbed phase concentrations. In general, soil sorptive capacity for COls such as boron is typically small, yet even a small addition of boron to groundwater is expected to result in increased aqueous concentrations of boron. In contrast, soil sorptive capacity for COls such as arsenic or chromium is much higher and relatively larger amount of arsenic or chromium could be added to soils in downgradient areas of the CSS site without resulting in aqueous concentrations that exceed groundwater standards. 30 Geochemical Modeling Report Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin It is important to note that the relationship between aqueous and sorbed COI concentrations is an equilibrium processes. As aqueous COI concentrations increase, there will be increases in sorbed COI concentrations. Similarly, as aqueous COI concentrations decrease, there will be decreases in sorbed concentrations. It is also important to note that the behavior of each COI evaluated can differ. There may be no point in the spectrum of redox conditions were every possible COI will sorb to soils. As noted above, some COls show little sorption potential while others may be more readily sequestered in soils. Graphs displaying COI titration results for downgradient wells are presented in Attachment F. 6. Summary The modeling effort described above provides both qualitative and quantitative estimations of the chemical speciation and adsorption behavior of several key COls. Relevant observations from this modeling effort are as follows: • Redox conditions vary widely at the CSS site, indicating that it has not reached equilibrium, or data is not representative of the conditions sampled. Additional groundwater results will assist in refining the model further or confirm these findings. • The observed site condition of limited solubility of arsenic, chromium, and cobalt in the CSS site groundwater is confirmed by the modeling. • Each of the pH, Eh, and TDS figures can be further evaluated to potentially support MNA or remediation. The addition of an engineered cap would reduce infiltration and introduction of oxygen presumably creating a more anoxic environment. 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