HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5230802_Plansheet - Other_20240612 (5) rF FIMSHED GRADE GAP } _—� - 4" SHORT SWEEP EXCAVAT EI) MATERIALKr FINAL SLOPE 7U CDnIFOf2hE Ys?fT1 BACF(F]LL fD CG o HA REOWREME" Q —CLEAd< OV7 `., A.RS. 4f7 PVC TO C-I, SOIL SADDLE 1" PVC SOP 35 -- P FTC PVC SADDLE ,` PIPE ADAPTER UNDISTURBED SOIL 4" LONG SWL� W c1 "1f"8x$x4 PIPE CRUW ru Li iqIx ' - 8" PVG S D R 35 co mH- -Y' a If$ B k �.:. _.� s 2}- "-•_ f'� 1 ._ l •. R ' s''^ ..y ICJ/-"-�I z PIPE �,•�::•;:�-�.�� - ..._ . - - � fir,-- _ -•- ,. TNLTIAi BACEFILL - _ -, �. _ `�--,x� STAIN Ei - .:: =r � N t1NOl5TURBE0 .SOIL #TCU � .•'., r - - Y - "K,�-:.z�,�- T � `� � y �° NIT �O= rl kco Z ( r B" {Ilk OF PIPE JrtiNIMVIA SIDE CLEARANCE , .o. of PIPE MAXIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE � PLAN: EVifER LATEI4AL BACKFILL EJNf]£R PVC ,�°° NO strafe OR A9S f� - TYPICAL `JREIVCIi BOTTOM DIIti<!l`JdSIY SADDLE,ADAPTER' AND CAST, lR0p4 FOR. DUCTILE Ji i IJ, VJ-fRIFiEI] CLAY BEND WITH * 67 STONE AS SHOWN THE CONTRACTOR MAY AT HIS OP'i`IOH, DEPENDING ON ${}I1. CLEAN OUT CAP AND REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. ON U-3. COIN17f1lOHS OR DEPTH OF TRENCH EXCAVATION, USE THE ABOVE AJO�1;S q � SHORING ANDEXC BRACING DE'EF 'I?ft HE SHORING 6 NF BRACING. -L J. TRENCHES REQUIRING SHOMNG AND BRACING, DIMENSIONS SHALL BE TAKEN SliORlNG AND BRACING I]F' TRENCHES Si-TALL CONFORM 70 At-L APPLICABLE aSLH.A. REGULATIONS. FHOM THE INSIDE FACE OF THE SHORIN1 ; AND SRACING. 4-PVC SDR 35 4- CAST [Porn NOTE: 2- NO ROCKS-OR' BOULDERS 4w OR LARGER TO BE USED IN INITIAL ,BACKFILL 4- LONG SWEEP PIPE Cn"N 6 MIN.COVER FOR SF-WF-R MAINS IN TRAFFIC AREAS. a ALL E3ACKFILL MATERIAL. SHALL EE 5UITASLE NATIVE MATERr'Al- -y 8x8x1 434 3'MtM_COVER FOR SIEWER MAINS IN NON-TRAFFIC AREA-5- A BACKFILL SHALL BE TAMPED IN G LAYERS IN- TRAFFIC AREAS, I2 IN 30" M114. COVER FOR WATER MAN-5 IN ALL AREAS. NDN-7RAFFJC AREAS. 9- PVC SDR 35 "Y"4x4K4 Come.."Y- a U8 r SEND SADDLE 4- SHORT SWF_FP -` PIPE SPRINGLINE F�f=OW 4- PVC sDR5 _ - — —� SECTION ELEVATION. SEWER LATERAL_ - — TRENCH BOTTOM DIMENSIONS AND BACX- STANDARD WATER AND FILL[NG REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCTILE NO SG�L` — � LATERAL SADDL€ INSTALLATION CETAIL W SEWER MAIN TRENCH DETAJL IRON- VITRIFIED CLAY a REINFJD CONC.PIPf , FOR PVC AND ASS COMPOSITE PIPE Q DWG, N9. REYi ions J}.a ri= A VJSdJrI rE• _SA4pLE IN�gI,E on" owl$, h0. FJEvr SIONS LI�lT � U_59 flare J2fvJ5JOH5 oa7e Ll- I . -—�____ _ _ _ SFWE=R LATERAL - -� � STANDARD t" TO 2"GOMMERCIAL OUTDOOR BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY DETAIL J .k6 F£+0 ML�rSL Iw[*Zl�ra.,Cnl a.crML.7,.hwt�[n1,tr+�+1Rr STANDARD METER Box LYF ♦Al11 {SEE u-as} F3 OR r.A1 W9.Y rM PS:11113 11PIE AWWA{yW PaE4'E�Zhi-ri.rSSFJdllLY 9HANIl.[YIl1Pl.Y WIT}i a9Sf?I o1]k xWYrw Cif I WP OF .v{TVR 7 IKWMI.FrAFr7L VA4 VF,hPA'KFIAP r P*L I'h-TJIW A-54 f:kiRl w Flthi.t. NEE05 TO 6C txom.Y uarfa„SI 1`14A AWWAC514 M6 L00 0"Ll!area rAL+C 84WLOP Fk.[,Ulk'fb1 A907,160 WITHIN 6' OF i!!A{'RFl.2Yu: Irx,I,S IR1.t'WLT}{ty(k.+t'I'N,ti 4a1 rp STlAl1.JNE .60M 'S :i l 0h FxFii SURFACE JN9Th7 1 I t, I F 1,np UPMUM 19A WF-" i ISAr' l{... I UFN hSSE1MRl,Y SNA1J.bELf]aillR,kt>'�l% 1�`�' arc- ,�nw or.. Cl1rV[�ks,� I r.T`1RF f"SSA1I11-141W,PAOA-1p7S'FNr1RLF1F II A. Fg?¢►t k►xn�lwc-z WFIHI'.1 1 ill.Nl •--- a►.I1N4W -I 11 SIR.ATFDfi"I OR C IA%H.AMP 14W4%VI:A'W.Kft(K* i F-1I.Aktil I` I QL'PAM(IMATTee FNTMAI.L � �p�w�i a¢�iu� O LLI 6(JPI14JNhl I.FCI LU FX"151P['A L NL�( 17ABI E7YI R}II45TAL LI371P� {pk _ ,t-TORt>hN�k ,sllaEiNEH C FIErrKK.51.41.X 'F[,Be1'"NX30t w 1 K LL !11 0* AT1Flt f I'M MATPAIAL SHALL 9E PW--(Sat IN0e1Fe 9M00 I'urNAflYK.Pik rHREABM I7R':Kat.kilr-likIMlt'K31 ft,1,1110"IM111141, � LdWolkk � v i.INST,iLLATJ, SIIAIA.JIEII.v(VMPL IANC£%MI ALL.5,!'hlXAM ;MLIA 1,_�, IMIT FiANNANM AJ•:11 sPR 1'I:ATION IN+1nlTMM Tv TW.n.r " wrrkukL �--ahw.ncrt+ r.a•xt Q O ' PL1:i1 A&GC0UE 2 ,Y.1nw Dio*.Gx wr o � J _______f� 0.M1Pk7I4YOWNPR SHALL W MP'C7N5MU'irM MAMINAWTANb ,y„ 1kG do I MM&Q_%E�raku 1,r1:'k V IJr (11YRA7U1'31JP&4(l1FLlLA'AJLSF MR1.Y hNl1f'r} PlJ WCT:WiTF{ - Aw xn,Yl WSUE o•Wn J L1J T 24_ kEJ cl KiinSi AfII7�Y5T1KGF kFA�LrIRk]lE7rlTv ''�111 L- - r M J E 11)AIJ.0RAM 0 W1I'.NVrNn SHALL U '--,a)LJ:h o,fP&A."S Mf}llNCi l'� , • - _ < C"11 AS F L'lI AM M U954. Ii.Brlt-KAU,4NSSA:RSLYJUTALLBEU49TAILLM1K'141FIRIMIe.WTAL P' {" ' JKlSli7LllJ , o'a pMw' .r,`r.E■ Q S waw,slw D' 5 Ld t 67 STONE 3 FYPY aF no ILB. Sec 27-279 installation Of Assemblies (a)All backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the specif-cations furnished by the Water purveyor and/or in the latest edition Of the North Carolina Building Code,whichever is most restrictive. I' I O STANDARD 1 WATER SERVICE AND METER BOX DETAIL = Ll_ (b)All new construction plans and specifications,when required by the North Carolina Building Code and the North Carolina Division of Environment Health,shall be made available to the water purveyor for review and approval and to deteymme the degree of x'xs' CONCRETE BRICK Q Q hazarJi_ "r,u v&2..w- *_ = z �/ STEw01tiRD 3f4' OR 1' SERVICE 517� �,a�r�ni.�0'4. I__I- (c) Ownership,testing,and maintenance of the assembly shall be the responsibility of the consumer. .-F. w,� U U J3 All double-check valve assemblies must be installed in drainablE its wherever below aund irLstall.ati,an is necessary, NOTE TIE BAC-KFLOW PREVENTER LOCA-110N IS OEPENOENT ON THE TYPF DEVLCC W 5 W.IkOMLLT■ra. a r�w r.- { } F qr Dry, iu accordance with detailed specifications- Double-check valve assemblies may installed in a vertical position with prior approval, PROPOSEQ FOR LJSe AS FDLLOriS: �'" �_ A .. �•d.ca rve # w nurWj�r;rk.° U provided the flaw of Water is in an upward direction- � -- _ � NAP LOCKnON DEVICE NOTES • - # � (e)Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies must be installed in a horizontal position and in a location in which no portion of the assembly can became submerged in any substance under any circumstance- Pit and/or below grade F41ip ANGLE CfsEcx installations are prohibited. (vrlJi-T 1-,z w FOR 3/4•) MAY Nan ,nDornorwL (VHK-74-12 w FOR 1-) LIACKFLOw PREVENDOM (f)The installation of any backflow prevent#on assembly which is not approved by the water purveyor must be replaced by once which is approvecL 1X%4CCs IF USED Na MORE TqK1MFGp" Ww- -Blom W LEAP ate. LE DiAN TWO fMSIOEWRAL L TS. The consumer is responsible to matte sure a backflow reveution assembly is w3rkin properly u on mstallation and is re uired to furnish the following information to the water purveyor within fifteen 15 days after a reduced pressure principle backflow �'"'� '°'°8 j""9* (9) Pa F Y 9 P P Y P � 9 � P Y ( ) Ys P P P rnr.•■®ao-1 Ev..kemrs� � � preventer(RF),double-check valve assembly(DCVA),pressure vacuum breaker(PVB),double-check-detector assembly(Dr-DA),or reduced pressure principle detector assembly(RROA)is installed: M P Z z N Ii>IGtE FAMILY, RESI[}EIVTIAL. NEW C0�lSTRUCTION, BACI{I=COIN PREVENTION Gr_ ,rlk :� I1} Service address where assembly is located- 5y kku*,� oa.k v (2) Owner(and address,if different from service address)- a,rlar I13 wi 2 1ytL Ell w -4W 5EK ELL m�,ki nl,m� O O (3J Description of assembly's location .��F71 eEaEz NW LLF!A1C 1.�quEP sA1D.V — lOFrl���Wi'4: F,'„1FG6 7,FIi CCINI�r,sw xtM C77G. -u MIF•AE79EI,lIAI+l�IJCxn4•�n..r.ESRI.iE+R HaE•mridn lkiw4,^w 1^'F.Pk � U E h:u k4£C4 issoFek:raY uki77C. '•r 1W to W%L E Gar aa,rl r-A,�N.C1,W 3?C.wN mn a■55 7E � �,,,� mk.n� •� 0 in.$$90JPFiptS'1.'•1L Ee WD 12ia'M.!ft W111L)Imk CE5tW 15.'@r.,s5rw.e5d, 1 �y �/� 00 '•4 F 4., mf G Ili•IWFS,FF ya}+JF 4nLL]P ML1 rN& IN YEM Mitt CFQ,C .�-I'rllll L0 t � T 4 Date of installation- F w 4 mmI [*�r-■r TrFv rive ar t,5m WIN.aear_rq out -MADE l JrnI -W„Ak S 4L PE n 1N1'WK Y+hVACW-M * k . „vda yA.rw■tar'L kiW:.■k'yL'.9wtJF r0.H.L VI�11l1 �lEL R BOX, SEE =NEC FWA hke MOM.*[M ne Ina FEN AL WA (5) Installer(include came,plumbing company represented plumber's license number) STANDARD U--86 °°°�kEp,grrF aisukr�a4,s°n-,apt.r , ka � � Z 0 N U ct � (6) Type of assembly and size of assembly- I I O � �fJ -0 ('r Manufacturer,model number,serial number. ROADWAY LJJ � l (8) Test results{report. raP OF IAJ TER NEEDS T4 �J 00 ��- �- � BE W{RTIN fi OF SURF.".CE. t� II I I � Z I I � (h) When it is not possible to interrupt water service,provisions shall be made fora"parallel installation"Of backflaw prevention assemblies.The water purveyor will not accept Jan unprotected bypass around a backfiaw preventer. LOeKCABLE DUAL CHECK vntvE I ^^ a W VALVE 8ACKFL4w PRCvEN7row �" W (i) Upon notification,the consumer shall install the appropriate containment assembly not to exceed the fallowing time trance: 2+. GE`TcE SEE DE7AJt U-29,1 r� O p� 4'-Ir 3" 67 Star< CD Z O N � Health hazard.....60 days EmKirILM11J, TYP� L., TAIkIPED IN s' uFrs �S CRiFAP WATER SFRVlME Nan-health hazard.....90 days , _y ;,,:,;. AT PROPERTY rjJlE ct Following installauon,all RP.DCVA,PVB,DCDA,and RPDA are re aired to be tested h a certified backflow rEventioli assembl tester within ten 10 days- . .`' ..",>:<:,. a 6) � q y 1} Y � ] Y - SET Br3K 0N 2 t 4' CONCRETE BRICKS. (Ord-No-2010 7,§1 12-6-10) WATER F W N COPPER SETTER ML-rER YOKE Sec 27-280 Testing And Repair Of Assemblies -3/4-COPPERIc PIPE SoFT >,J�o�slufter o SOIL Z ,c a Testin of backflow reventian assemblies shall be made b a certified backflow prevention assembly tester approved b Siler City. Such tests are to be conducted upon on installation and annual/ thiereafteT or at a fr uenc established b Sder Cit A record of CORPORATION cock NO JOINTS OR COl1pL1INGS ( ) g P Y P y PP Y tY� P Y �1 Y Y P- all testing and repairs is to be retainedby the consumer.Copies of the retards must be provided within ten(10)business days after the completion of any testing,and/or repair work. CONCRETE BRICJf UNDER rORPORATJQN (b)Any time that repairs to ba,ckEow prevention assemblies are deemed necessary, whether through annual ar required testing, or routine inspection by the-consumer oT by the water purveyor, these repairs must be completed within a specified time in COCX FOR SUPPORT -W/SUF-nCIEIJT T.} YrAT>{t Iat R As 1rL4T4tJFACTLRED BY = �.-I BEJ4f7ENG, � �accordance with the degree of ha m hazard-La no case shall this time period exceed; SEtiSUS, NEPTUNE DR APPROVED EQUAL I I � a � t Health hazard facilities-1 days ] VI'SR 805C P 9E LO JyTEp JH R/w usT LJJ (� Y OIJTSfflE PROPERTY LINE. _ \ (2) Non-health hazard facilities--21 days .} WHEN THE GRAPE CHANGE5, ati Ogpp� w Q (3) Ali backt1ow prevention assemblies with test cocks are required to be tested annually or at a frequency established by the water purveyor. GRaDE, CAN 'BE USED TO ADJUST T4 PROPER (4) Ali certified backflow prevention assembly testers must obtain and employ backflow prevention assembly test equipment which has been evaluated and/or approved by the purveyor.All test equipment shall be registered with the purveyor and shall be checked for accuracy annually(at a minimum),calibrated if necessary,and certified as to such accuracy/calibration,empiaying a calibration method acceptable to the purveyor.(See section 27-275(c)(5)). (5) It shall be unlawful for any consumer or certified backflow prevention assembly tester to submit any record which is false or incomplete in any material respect.It shall be unlawful far any consumer or certified tester to fail to submit any record which , is requiredby this article.Such violations Tnay result in any of the enforcement actions outlined in section 2.7-284 of this Ordinance. _ STANDARD 3/4" WATER SERVJCF INSTALLATION _ D�ZILWlHG �: U-2JE7 DAT3` J3J10f9d (Ord-No.2010-7,§1,12-6-10)