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Catawba_Well Abandonment_20240610
F ' `� a WELL ABANDON WENT RECORD . r !1 „. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality • WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # a. �' ` .if ' 1 CONTRACTO I 5. WELL DETAILS: .Q Al l Va.1'otal Depth:_ ft Die:neter., �!n. I • ..„Contractor(Individual)Nacre / b.Water Level(Below Me •unn Point):_ __- `t • J,� ` , p,,3�t- +C _ � _10 Measuring point is' ft.above land surface. wall .otttractor omprnp-Nanc STREET 'ADDRESS R/6R 4. , U8 6. CASING: 1-ength Diameter w C Vo ga a.Casing Depth(if known) R. 2 Q in. Oily or Town State Zip Code b.Casing Removed: _ft. n K' 3�f p_y_ -PIrn�.dmber �` • 7. DIS!NFECTio'_�� 4'6,` i e 2.WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%75°/a calcium hypocblorite used)• a`•' SITE WELL ID l(if applicable) 8. SEALING MATERIAL: STATE WELL PERMIT•#(if applicable)____���� I` Neat('morn' Saint Cement 2_V,-�� Water __ b. Cement COUNTY WELL PERMIT p(if applicable 7 _ 'Water_ __gal. Water -�;a! DWQ or OTHER PERMITS(if applicable) Bentonite ... • WELL USE(Check applicable use): ❑ Monitoring :Ti s dal { Bentonite ib. a �'�' ; ❑ Municipal/Public ❑.IndustrlaVCommerclal 0 Agricultural • Type:❑Slurry DPellets JUN ! Ci , Weter gal. ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection 0 Irrigation bltf�ftttt>yr�;4i� Other rct•' e u'g ❑Other(list use) O©C ,r }) Type mate:i t►/�+� (! 3.WELL LU��'ATI Amount COUNT l�,/� ADRgNCLE NAME __.___ NEAREST TOWN: J 1 Ai4 O � 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: ue (StreerRoad Name,Number.Community,Subdivision, of No.Parce'.,+'►c — --_ TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETT�IJG: -- --.•— ----- 0 Slope ❑Valley at ❑Ridge❑Other -- — -- (Check appropriate setting) I 4 �� ---- 1U. WELL DIAGRAM:Dr£w a detailed sk.tch of the well on the back of this �. May be in degrees, form showing total depth,depth and diameter of screens(if any)remaining l LAT1Tli minutes,second_,or in a /G +f :coal formatin the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDE$� .f r types of fill materials used. Latitude/longitude source: 4Eltp< ❑Topographic map • +'�a �� (Location of well inner be shoo non a USGS topo'nap and II. DATE WELL ABANDONED. ` attached to this form ij not using GPS) . 1 DO HERESY CERTIFY THAT Ti•IIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE an.FACILITY-Ti*name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4a and4b. WITH ISA NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF (Ife residential well skip 4a.complete 4b,well owner information only.) THIS RECORD HAS sriEN PROVIDED TO THE WE_L OWNER. FACILITY[D#(if applicable) i • r�� �� NAME OF FACILITY ' C-� - SI 'NATURE ER1'IFIL'D WEL CONTR4Cl' UA lli STREET ADDRESS ...... City or Town ' State' Zip Coda •SIGNATURE OP PRIVATE WELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE (Tile pnvate well owner must be an individual who personally abandons his/her residential well .� 4b.CONTA PERSON/WELL OWNER: `, in c with iSA NCAC 2C.0113) NAME a ~ — ,oci ' O! , d f7 PR NTEDNAME PERSFBAND ,'IN' T EWELL STREET ADDRESS I Submit a copy to the ow n :and the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Form OW-30 Ann:Information Management,1617 Mail Service Center—Raleigh,NC 27699-1617, Phone No.(919)733-7015 ext 568. Rev.5106 1 ___,C7..L) u ,Q 4 le..z r7Z1 cji -7175 f4R 6,4. ih-7..... i , i, d t*/ --, C4) ' ' (-0 kie /g,-1 Co ,kife 7 1 ' I , - ._57-47-7c ,47C/2Zede 6 -Y " re4/7-5 ,7/Z42 /4 „iiEe7 14J /77/ C A 117Iti Zifo, \ )., II Z 0 igl l j Lii P ,7Qy tJ1T/I32 0z. / E- -3ftq c1.4 PZ6/e,t E N r Ltie. L 27,271 OP 776 6 FEE7 velot.1) ((--;.- ° 0-s'I' leocZ File-cl, , 77--(e- ge-HiMuisio,5 (0 reer 1,t) if7-) "--3 jAxa5 0F _ a r52 Co ,SC,g0 7