HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240501_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240607 November 17, 2023 Consulting Engineers Beacon Partners GEoSCIENCE 500 East Morehead Street, Suite 200 GROUP Charlotte,North Carolina 28202 Attention: Mrs. Maggie Houston Senior Project Manager Reference: Report Of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Project W Salisbury,North Carolina Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE Geoscience Group, Inc. (Geoscience) has completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation for the referenced project. This work was performed in general accordance with Geoscience Proposal No. CH23.157P.GE. The purpose of this exploration was to determine the general subsurface conditions at the site and to evaluate those conditions with regard to foundation support and site development. This report presents our findings along with our geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for design and construction of the project. SCOPE OF EXPLORATION Field Exploration: The subsurface exploration included the execution of twenty-three (23) soil test borings (B-1 through B-23) at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Diagram, Drawing No. CH23.0123.GE-1, included in the Appendix. The boring locations were established in the field by an engineer from Geoscience using the August 15, 2023, Conceptual Development Plan prepared by Colliers Engineering & Design, a handheld GPS unit and the existing site features as reference. The soil test borings were extended to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 45 feet below the ground surface using continuous-flight, hollow-stem augers. Drilling fluid was not used in this process. Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the soil test borings using an automatic hammer at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586-84. The Standard Penetration Test, when properly evaluated, is used to provide an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split-spoon soil samples were recovered and placed in plastic resealable bags. In addition, a bulk sample was obtained from the auger cuttings of soil test boring B-17 between the approximate depths of 3 and 8 feet below the ground surface. Upon the completion of drilling soil test boring B-23, a temporary piezometer consisting of 1-inch diameter continuously slotted polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe was installed in the boring from the ground surface to the boring termination depth. The temporary piezometer was monitored over a period of 3 days in an effort to determine more accurate groundwater levels in the area of the stormwater detention pond. 500 Clinton Road Charlotte.North Carolina Telephone Facsimile NC License Suite K 28217 704.525.2003 704 525.2051 F-0585 Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 2 All soil samples were returned to our laboratory for soil classification and laboratory testing. A brief description of the field testing procedures and copies of the Test Boring Records are included in the Appendix. Elevations shown on the Test Boring Records and referenced in this report were interpolated from the November 15, 2023, Grading & Drainage Plan prepared by Kleinfelder and are considered approximate. Laboratory Services: The laboratory services provided for this project included visual classification of the soil samples by the project geotechnical engineer. The color, texture and plasticity characteristics were used to identify each soil sample in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The results of the visual classifications are presented on the Test Boring Records included in the Appendix. The laboratory testing performed on the bulk sample obtained from soil test boring B-17 consisted of a Standard Proctor compaction test, soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests and a natural moisture content determination. The purpose of this laboratory testing was to determine the suitability of the onsite soils for use as structural fill and to evaluate the remolded soil properties with regard to pavement support. Also, natural moisture content determinations and Atterberg Limits tests were performed on select soil samples to further explore the moisture and plasticity characteristics of the onsite soils. A brief description of the laboratory tests and the results obtained are included in the Appendix. SITE The project site (Rowan County PIN 5658-02-86-0330) is located on the north side of Corporate Center Drive immediately east of Summit Park Drive in Salisbury, North Carolina. The project site is undeveloped and predominantly wooded. However, a Duke Power Easement, sanitary sewer easement and well-defined creek are present just south of the proposed construction limits. In addition, a wet-weather drainage feature extends in an approximate north to south direction across the center of the site; the drainage feature was dry at the time our field services were performed. The topography across the site slopes downward from the northeast towards the south and west. A high elevation of approximately 795 feet (MSL) is present in the northeastern corner of the site, with a low elevation of approximately 755 feet (MSL)present in the southwestern portion in the area of the well-defined creek. SUBSURFACE FINDINGS The subsurface conditions at the site, as indicated by the soil test borings, generally consist of a residual soil profile which has formed from the in-place weathering of the underlying parent bedrock. The generalized subsurface conditions are described below and illustrated on the Generalized Subsurface Profiles, Drawing Nos. CH22.0123.GE-2 and CH23.0123.GE-3, included in the Appendix. For soil descriptions and general stratification at a particular boring location,the respective Test Boring Record should be reviewed. Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 3 Groundcover: An upper layer of topsoil and roots was encountered in all the soil test borings. The thickness of the topsoil and roots ranges from approximately % to % foot. Deeper topsoil deposits are anticipated in the more heavily wooded areas of the site. Therefore, topsoil stripping depths on the order of 10 to 12 inches should be used for site balance analyses. Also, it should be noted that the root mat of large trees can be quite extensive and normally extends a minimum of 2 to 3 feet below the ground surface. Residual Soils: Subjacent to the topsoil in soil test borings B-2, B-4, B-7, B-9, B-10, B-11, B-13 through B-18, B-21 and B-22, residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils are present to depths ranging from approximately 2 feet to 5% feet below the ground surface. These residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils have formed through the advanced weathering of the near-surface soils and are likely present at other locations on the project site. The Standard Penetration Test results within these residual very clayey soils range from 8 to 38 Blows Per Foot (BPF), with the majority of the values being 13 BPF or higher. In addition, the natural moisture contents of these residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils range from approximately 13 to 32% percent, the liquid limits are 59 and 66 percent, and the plasticity indices are 33 and 41 percent. The residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils are depicted in orange on the Generalized Subsurface Profiles. Residual clayey SILT, sandy SILT and silty SAND soils are present beneath the topsoil and/or residual very clayey soils in all the soil test borings. These residual SILT and SAND soils extend to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 42 feet below the ground surface. The Standard Penetration Test results within these residual SILT and SAND soils range from 5 to 53 BPF. Also, the natural moisture contents of these residual clayey SILT, sandy SILT and silty SAND soils range from approximately 6%to 34%percent. Partially Weathered Rock: Partially weathered rock was initially encountered in soil test borings B-7 and B-23 at a depth of approximately 22 feet below the ground surface. This depth to the beginning of partially weathered rock corresponds to elevations of approximately 761% feet (MSL) at boring B-7 and 750 feet (MSL) at boring B-23. ranging from approximately 750 to 719 feet (MSL). For engineering purposes, partially weathered rock is considered any dense residual soil exhibiting a Standard Penetration Resistance value in excess of 100 BPF. When sampled, the partially weathered rock generally consists of sandy SILT soils. Also, a natural moisture content of approximately 12% percent was recorded in the partially weathered rock materials in boring B-23. The partially weathered rock is depicted in green on the Generalized Subsurface Profiles. Groundwater Observations: Groundwater measurements were attempted at the completion of each soil test boring and again at the conclusion of the drilling activities. However, as mentioned previously, a temporary piezometer was installed in soil test boring B-23. In this boring, groundwater level readings were taken in the piezometers over a period of 3 days after it was installed. Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 4 Groundwater was observed in soil test borings B-7, B-22 and B-23 at the respective depths of approximately 231/2, 211/2 and 18 feet below the ground surface. These depths to groundwater correspond to elevations ranging from approximately 7521/2 to 760 feet (MSL). No measurable groundwater was observed in any of the other soil test borings performed for this phase of the project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project will include the construction of an 81,225 square feet warehouse building with supporting pavement areas. In addition, a storm water detention pond will be constructed in the southern portion of the site, between the warehouse building and the Duke Power Easement, sanitary sewer easement and well-defined creek. Structural loading information was not provided to us at the time this report was prepared. However, based on our experience with this type of construction, we anticipate maximum wall and column loads to be less than 5 kips per linear foot and 100 kips,respectively. Also,the maximum floor slab loading is not anticipated to exceed 250 pounds per square foot. The finished floor elevation of the warehouse building is currently set at 785 feet(MSL). The pavement and detention pond grades range between 763 and 787 feet (MSL). A maximum excavation depth of approximately 8 feet and a maximum fill depth on the order of 10 feet will be required to establish the final site grades. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The soil test borings performed at this site represent the subsurface conditions at the test locations only. Due to the prevailing geology, there can be changes in the subsurface conditions over relatively short distances that have not been disclosed by the results of the borings performed. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that require special treatment or additional preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the project description outlined above and on the data obtained from our field and laboratory testing programs. Changes in the project or variations in the subsurface conditions may require modifications to our recommendations. Therefore, we will require the opportunity to review our recommendations after we are provided with the final design information so that we can make any pertinent changes. PROJECT DESIGN Discussion: Based on our review of the site and subsurface information collected for this project,the following special considerations with regard to site development are warranted. In addition, development of this site during the hotter summer months will likely reduce the effort and expense required to properly grade the site to the proposed grades. Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 5 Residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils were encountered in soil test borings B-2, B-4, B-7, B-9, B-10, B-11, B-13 through B-18, B-21 and B-22 to depths ranging from approximately 3 to 51/2 feet below the ground surface. In addition, these residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils will likely be present in other areas of the site between the individual boring locations. Based on the results of the laboratory testing, Standard Penetration Testing and our visual observation of the soil samples, these near-surface clayey soils have a stiff to very stiff consistency and, in their present state, are suitable for direct foundation, floor slab and pavement support. However, these near-surface very clayey soils are susceptible to moisture intrusion and can easily become remolded (i.e. softened) under the weight of construction traffic. Consequently, some undercutting of these materials may be required to provide a suitable building, pavement and/or structural fill subgrade. The extent of the undercutting will be influenced by the final site grades, the weather conditions, the time of year during which site grading is performed and the amount of construction traffic that passes over these clayey soils. Also, the results of our laboratory testing indicate that using the residual very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils as structural fill could be difficult, particularly during the inclement weather conditions experienced in the late fall and winter months. Additional recommendations with regard to the use of these materials as fill are outlined in the Fill Material And Placement section of this report. The onsite wet-weather drainage feature is located within the limits of the building and pavements. We anticipate the presence of alluvial soils within the drainage feature. Any alluvial soils associated with the drainage feature should be removed and replaced with properly compacted structural fill. Further recommendations in this regard can be provided during mass grading. Foundation Support: Provided the recommendations outlined herein are implemented, the proposed warehouse building can be adequately supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of spread footings bearing on suitable residual soils or on newly-placed structural fill. A net allowable bearing pressure of up to 3,000 pounds per square foot (PSF) can be used for design of the foundations. The net allowable bearing pressure is that pressure which may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 16 and 24 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, "punching"type, shear failure. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be designed to bear at least 18 inches below finished grades for frost protection. Floor Slab Support: The slab-on-grade floor system can be adequately supported on suitable residual soils or new,properly-compacted structural fill. We recommend that the floor slab be structurally isolated from the building foundations to allow independent movement. Also, due to the soil types encountered at the project site, we recommend that a minimum 4 inches of Aggregate Base Course (ABC) stone or similar graded stone material be placed immediately beneath the slab-on-grade floor system to provide a capillary barrier and to increase the load distribution capabilities of the slab-on-grade floor system. Furthermore, the use of a moisture barrier should be considered to reduce the potential for moisture transmission through the slab. Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 6 Proper curing techniques must be employed when using a moisture barrier to prevent uneven curing. Consideration could be given to eliminating the ABC stone beneath the floor slab provided the top 12 inches of the subgrade materials are stabilized by cement. However, we must review this recommendation once racking loads and fork-lift traffic become available. For summertime floor slab preparation, we are anticipating a cement application rate of 6 percent of the soil's dry unit weight. If project construction moves into the winter months, the application rate should be increased to at least 7 percent. Moisture content testing on the final subgrade soils should be performed at the time of treatment to assist in determining the cement application rate. Seismic Design Parameters: Based on the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC) and the results of the soil test borings,a Site Class C Category can be used for seismic design. Loading Dock Walls: The loading dock walls should be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures from the backfill and supported soils. Additionally, the wall structures should be designed to resist the lateral components of surcharge loads occurring within a zone defined by a plane extending up at a 45 degree angle from the base of the walls. If the walls are not drained, they should be designed to withstand full hydrostatic pressures. Alternatively, the buildup of hydrostatic pressures could be precluded by specifying a free-draining fill material immediately adjacent to the below-grade walls, with a gravity-driven subdrainage system at the base of the walls. As an alternative to the free-draining fill material adjacent to the below-grade walls, a suitable man-made drainage material may be used. Examples of suitable materials include Mira Drain or TerraDrain. All drainage board systems should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and connected to the perimeter drainage system. The following soil parameters can be used to compute the lateral earth pressures associated with a level backfill that consists of clayey SILT, sandy SILT and silty SAND soils. The onsite plastic very clayey soils should not be used as wall backfill. In addition, it should be noted that the following lateral earth pressures only include the weight of the backfill, and do not account for any applied surcharge loads which may be present behind the walls. 1.I(=0.50 At-rest Earth Pressure Coefficient 2. Ka=0.33 Active Earth Pressure Coefficient 3.y= 117.5 PCF Moist Compacted Soil Unit Weight (Pounds Per Cubic Foot) Sliding resistance on the base of concrete footings for the wall systems can be calculated using the friction factor,Tan$=0.35. Pavement Support: For speculative building construction, typical industry standard pavement sections include a light-duty flexible pavement system of 3 inches of asphalt and 6 inches of Aggregate Base Course (ABC) stone, a heavy-duty flexible pavement system of 4 inches of Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 7 asphalt and 8 inches of ABC stone, and a heavy-duty rigid pavement system of 6 inches of 4,000 psi concrete and 4 inches of ABC stone. These development pavements can be adequately supported on suitable residual soil or properly compacted structural fill. Geoscience can provide a tenant specific pavement design if we are provided traffic looming information. The pavement subgrades should be prepared in accordance with the site preparation and fill recommendations provided in this report. Also, the subgrade and pavement surface must be sloped to a suitable outlet to provide positive subsurface and surface drainage. Water within the base course layer and ponded on the pavement surface can lead to softening of the subgrade and other problems that will result in accelerated deterioration of the pavement system. Consideration could be given to reducing the light-duty asphalt thickness to 2% inches if these areas will not see heavy refuse or delivery truck traffic. Also, consideration could be given to eliminating the ABC stone beneath the concrete pavements provided the top 12 inches of the subgrade materials are stabilized by cement. For summertime floor slab preparation, we are anticipating a cement application rate of 6 percent of the soil's dry unit weight. If project construction moves into the winter months, the application rate should be increased to at least 7 percent. Moisture content testing on the final subgrade soils should be performed at the time of treatment to assist in determining the cement application rate. In addition, a minimum of 4 inches of ABC stone should be placed within 50 feet of and through all sharp turns. However, these recommendations and the above pavement sections must be reviewed once traffic counts become available. Cut And Fill Slopes: We recommend that permanent cut slopes within residual soils and properly compacted structural fill slopes without reinforcement should be no steeper than 2%(H):1(V). All permanent slopes should be properly seeded and/or protected to minimize erosion. For maintenance purposes, the permanent slopes may need to be flattened to allow access to mowing equipment. Temporary slopes in confined or open excavations should perform satisfactorily at inclinations of 1(H):1(V). However, if soft/saturated soil conditions or groundwater are encountered within the excavations, then flatter slopes, shoring and/or dewatering will be required. Also, the face of all temporary slopes should be properly protected and all excavations must conform to applicable OSHA regulations. For permanent slopes less than 5 feet in height, the future building and pavement limits should be offset a minimum five(5)horizontal feet from the crest of the slope. For permanent slopes that are 5 or more feet in height, the future building limits should be offset a minimum horizontal distance equal to the slope height, and the pavement limits should be offset a minimum five(5)horizontal feet. Appropriately sized ditches should run above and parallel to the crest of all permanent slopes to divert surface runoff away from the slope face. In addition, slopes greater than 15 feet in height should be constructed with a mid-height bench. To aid in obtaining proper compaction on the slope face, all fill slopes must be overbuilt with properly compacted structural fill and then excavated back to the proposed grades. Traversing Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 8 the slope face with a bull dozer is not considered a proper compaction technique for the slope face. Also,any fill placed in sloping areas must be properly benched into the adjacent soils. Detention Pond: A stormwater detention pond is planned for southern portion of the site. Soil test borings B-22 and B-23 were performed within the limits of the proposed detention pond. The soil samples recovered from these borings were observed for redoximorphic features to assist in estimating the Seasonal High Groundwater Table (SHWT). Redoximorphic features (a grey or bluish-grey colored soil matrix) and mottles are formed by the process of reduction, translocation and/or oxidation of iron and manganese oxides as the water table fluctuates. A soil layer exhibiting redoximorphic features can be representative of the SHWT. Based on the observed groundwater levels, our visual classification of the soil samples and the moisture conditions of the soil samples, the Seasonal High Groundwater Table (SHWT) estimate in the area of the stormwater detention pond is estimated to be approximately 755 feet(MSL). If the pond is required to hold water, it may be necessary to over-excavate the ponds and install a soil liner consisting of the near-surface very clayey soils with a minimum thickness of 2 feet. The excavation area should include the pond bottom and sidewalls up to the permanent pool elevation. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION Site Preparation: The proposed construction area should then be stripped of all topsoil, organic material and other soft or unsuitable material. Due to the appreciable thickness of the topsoil layer, Geoscience can present several value engineering options to keep the topsoil onsite rather than hauling these materials offsite. These options include leaving the topsoil layer in-place in the deeper fill zones, blending the topsoil with onsite soils and using it as structural fill, and onsite borrow pits. Additional recommendations in this regard can be provided at your request. Special considerations with regard to the presence of residual near-surface very clayey soils and potential alluvial soils are outlined in the Discussion section of this report. In addition, any existing utilities encountered within the proposed construction limits should be properly relocated, as required, and the resulting excavations backfilled with suitable fill material. Any other remaining excavations should also be backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. Upon completion of the above preparatory operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be compacted with an adequately sized roller and proofrolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic-tired vehicle having a loaded weight of approximately 25 tons. After excavation, the exposed subgrade in cut areas should be similarly compacted and proofrolled. All proofrolling operations should be performed under the observation of a geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative from Geoscience. The proofrolling should consist of two (2) complete passes of the exposed areas, with each pass being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding one. Any areas which deflect, rut or Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 9 pump during the proofrolling, and fail to be remedied with successive passes, should be undercut to suitable soils and backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. However, within the deeper fill zones, any unstable residual materials could probably be compacted in- place and/or bridged through the planned grading operations. Bridging may include the use of geogrid, geotextile and/or lime treatment techniques. The decision to undercut or bridge any soft or unsuitable areas should be made in the field by an engineer from our office once the site conditions have been revealed during construction. Groundwater And Surface Water: Based on the observed groundwater levels and the proposed site grades, it does not appear that permanent dewatering will be required beneath the building and pavements. However, any water present within the onsite wet-weather drainage feature will have to be diverted and/or controlled during site grading. This can be accomplished with diversion trenches and/or filtered trench drains that discharge to suitable outlet areas. Additional groundwater problems, if encountered, should be addressed in the field by a qualified geotechnical engineer as they occur. Difficult Excavation: Partially weathered rock was encountered in soil test borings B-7 and B-23 at a depth of approximately 22 feet below the ground surface. This depth to partially weathered rock is at least 15 feet below the planned grades at these boring locations. The remaining soil test borings were drilled to the scheduled termination depth without difficulty. Therefore, problems associated with excavating very dense soil and rock are not anticipated for this project. Soil Suitability And Fill Placement: All structural fill used for this project should be free of organic matter and debris with a low to moderate plasticity(Plasticity Index less than 30). The fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test(ASTM D 698). We recommend that moisture control limits of+2 and-2 percent of the optimum moisture content be used for the proposed fill soils. In addition, any fill soils placed wet of the optimum moisture content must remain stable under heavy pneumatic-tired construction traffic. The onsite residual soils generally appear suitable for use as structural fill. However, due to the plasticity characteristics associated with the near-surface very silty CLAY, sandy CLAY and very clayey SILT soils, difficulties will likely be encountered while attempting to dry and place these materials as properly compacted structural fill. In addition, these very clayey soils can become unstable beneath the weight of repeated construction traffic. Site grading during the hotter summer months, scarification of each fill lift with an adequately sized disc harrow, and/or lime treatment would likely reduce the difficulties and time associated with working the fine-grained near-surface very clayey soils. The natural moisture content determinations performed for this project indicate moisture contents of these onsite soils ranging from approximately 6Y2 to 34% percent, with the majority of the values falling between 15 and 25 percent. Based on our visual classification of the soil samples, the laboratory test results and our area experience, the in-situ moisture Beacon Partners Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 10 contents of the majority of the onsite soils appear to be close to their estimated optimum moisture contents. However, some moisture modification of the onsite soils could be required prior to their placement as structural fill. The percent fines, plasticity characteristics, depth of soil excavation and weather conditions leading up to and during construction will influence the type and extent of the required moisture modification. The onsite soils are susceptible to moisture intrusion. The site grading contractor should limit the amount of moisture intrusion into these soils during heavy rains. This can be accomplished by maintaining positive drainage during fill placement and sealing off the exposed subgrades with pneumatic-tired vehicles or smooth drum rollers prior to a rainfall event. Despite these efforts, drying of the exposed subgrades will likely be required after significant rainfall events. The fill soils within the upper twelve (12) inches of the proposed floor slab and pavement areas must be compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in general accordance with ASTM D 698, Standard Proctor method. All other fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches loose thickness and should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its Standard Proctor maximum dry density. For isolated excavations around the footing locations, behind retaining walls or within utility excavations, a hand tamper or walk- behind roller will likely be required. While using a hand tamper or walk-behind roller, the maximum lift thickness(loose) should not exceed 5 inches. We recommend that field density tests be performed on the fill as it is being placed,at a frequency determined by an experienced geotechnical engineer,to verify that proper compaction is achieved. While compacting adjacent to the retaining walls, heavy construction equipment must maintain a minimum horizontal distance of 1(H):1(V) from the base of the wall. If this minimum distance cannot be maintained, the lighter compaction equipment should run perpendicular,not parallel,to the long axis of the wall. Footing Observations: We recommend that the footing excavations be observed by an experienced geotechnical engineer or authorized representative from Geoscience to verify that suitable soils are present at the proposed bearing elevation. In addition, hand auger borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests should be performed within the footing excavations to confirm the suitability of the underlying soils. If soft or unsuitable materials are encountered, they should be undercut and replaced with a select fill material suitable for the design bearing pressure. Bearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather; saturation of the onsite soils can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. If construction occurs during inclement weather, and concreting of the foundation is not possible at the time it is excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on the bearing surface for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrades. Beacon Partners Consulting Engineers Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE November 17,2023 Page 11 GEQSCIENCE GROUP CLOSURE Geoscience appreciates having had the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you have any questions concerning this report,please contact us. `�\ti1111Elll//�' Respectfully, C. A Rpz GEOSC NCEGROfi E6slo••(2 • • :Q. SEAL r — • 24977 Daniel A. ..Ivey,P.▪ �•• �VGt�1E� ' Senior Vice President �'/ ti/Fj A �\G'�\�`� North Carolina License No. 2W97Vi i i►l �� Enclosures APPENDIX Boring Location Diagram Generalized Subsurface Profiles Investigative Procedures Test Boring Records Summary Of Laboratory Test Data Laboratory Test Results 1 //? ,7 • % 7S, / 1 ?)% \*01-- F 1 f o+m 1/2"EIR i 1 ` \\ • EGVD. ociat90, es, LLC ' , 8-15 •� ; ' 8 Revised Tract/2 4//\ :--011 .sy z, ,..7 „,\ , ///', ." ;* ,B-14 �h\ \ „A. . \ '� 1 / r./-- B-16 �, ,..44,, / . d x ./144/ -- • 73 , ,...._ _lee/ .- -I- • ` Yam` _''0_ _r — — 1/2"EIR ' .', yell`, \,� \ 6 " - , 8" 9 0 r / �', ,I „14: . B-4 + —.... tee -_....immo maimu >•ai ( - ,pS, iif \\N .k, .'MEd rirp- A. . 1 1 rohlplia,k -) k \\i' A ' t/i l � B-9 Os\r 1 ..e ;;g. �, .�w , g1e1+ �' \ :c 1/2 EIR VS/ ll. -0-B6 8v5p 13 'yi, ,' ` PROPOSE?2D BUI NG , B// 1 `�� 780 F.F. SB-5 I'w� 110 _ ,`• `, �S B-7 RI / h. _'_.., . - ‘4. ,_._____tillx isir_____. _B-12.2----\ Ik`' \\ ?.. ' - //h Jr try /4k'I "bat\ I ` \Cc 7741' - v iiiiN / )41. c_ -- a /': 4 A /if/�� • �\ .� �\ �� \+ �� - �ry `� PIN //i , , if/ -- B-19 B s r� ` F' \‘‘....-- -1 \ s 1 B-18 } ! if \ \ \ \ \ \ ` B-22\ ,. , , -,t,\, \\\\ N4---,,, -------....\\*- -,'''. , `-i, ' " N \ \ , ' . \., a �? �, e 1/2"EIR Si /1 ( ,-S. k \ 1." -----...." Il Il I `� \ \ \ \ u �\ ..fo se.���e ow` \ 25 M.B. 9995. PG/6467� 780 7 �• 7� ` ` _ - �+►r P M.B. 9995, PG. 10115 ' \`� pp (M.e IN: 5658-02-B6-0330 B.21- ,\ PROJECT W L J�2p� ass o � '�o Parcel 1 _� •��\,�' \ SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA \�` �� t,27z,szs Sq.Ft. ' \.U" O or`P9,-222 Acres 1-- GE_SCIENCE BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM PP '° s f \ GRDUP DRAWING NO. CH23.0123.GE-1S -•,� — ~ Ns.? 30' sontta, Sewer Ease. ^:� APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 =90' `C�-� _ G+ �re (M.B. 9995. PG. 32zo) 500-K Clanton Road APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION ORp' `,;Iv_____:3.17 •2_7_,_ — - — — O 55\ ,° Charlotte,NC28217._1_!"'------ RATE _ _ �_ --� ss �- �s5� -�oss ss1Ds�s- �� Phone: 704.525.2003 �) 5 pCNTR /V '� — — — \ ,6s�"7`� — t, — — — — — — Fax: 704.525.2451 c. a e eos �, — �. __ www.geosciencegroup.corn (ELEV. PAVED AREAS _ 790— B-11 BLOW B-10 BLOW COUNT COUNT F.G. 0.0,-;_; 785 0.0 1 785' `.'.a 8 B-13 BLOW B-15 BLOW F.G. COUNT F.G. COUNT 17 2.0'' " F.G. 0.0 F.G. B-14 BLOW 0.0� 783.5' COUNT 784' 783.5' 783.5' 0.0 3.0 16 28 14 15 A 780 9 5.5 3.0 3.0 F.G. 5.5 25 779.5' B-12 BLOW 14 3 0:� I- 23 22 0.0 COUNT 5.5 31 23 - 30 22 5.5 22 775 B-9 BLOW 22 10.0 26 cOUNr 10.0 B.T. 3.OT 8.0 0.0 25 18 B.T. NGWE - 29 10.0 17 10.' 2s NGWE 2.0 B.T. 10.0 B.T. NGWE B.T. NGWE 770 29 NGWE 15 5.5 28 F.G. 33 10.0 767' B.T. 8.0 765 NGWE 22 10. B.T. NGWE 760 LEGEND MB Very Clayey SILT ® Clayey SILT/Sandy SILT ' Sandy CLAYNery Silty SAY GEOSCIENCE GROUP, INC. DRAWN BY: MWH APPROVED BY VERTICAL: AS SHOWN DATE: 11/13/23 HORIZONTAL: N.T.S. -Water Table-1 HR. -Water Table-24 HR t -Loss of Drilling Water I= -Cavein Depth PROJECT W B.T. -Boring Terminated A.R. -Auger Refusal C.T. -Coring Terminated SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA DRAWING NUMBER NGWE -No Groundwater Encountered WOH -Weight Of Hammer GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE CH23.0123.GE-2 J ELEV. PAVED AREAS - DETENTION POND 4\ 800 795 B-20 BLOW COUNT 0.0 790 B-17 Row14 COUNT 0.0/ - 11 F.G. B-16 c Y 18 F.G. 5.5 - 12 785 O.O�j 3.6 786' 785' 22 8.0 F.G. B-18 BLOW B-19 BLOW l 12 F.G. - 6 COUNT F.G. COUNT 783.5' 3.0 782.5' 21 F.G. 0.0. 13 783.5' 0.0-I_ 32 780 16 12.0'-II781.5' 5.5 19 17 - 7 B-21 BLOW 3-0 19 43 COUNT 775 19 12.0 17.0 0.0„ 19 5.5 24 5.5 - 39 BLOW 10.0 13 S.0 B-22 B.T. 20.0 - 6 3.01„� 30 10.0 20 10.0 29 B-23 COUNTLOWf10�/ COUNT 770 NGWE B.T. 5.5 0 0�+ �� 13 18 11 B.T. B.T. B.O.P. 48 3.0 20.0 NGWE 10 NGWE NGWE 769' 3.01• - - 29 B.O.P. 765 B.T. io.0 24 - 28 NGWE B.T. s.0 25 8.0 31 NGWE 43 760 F17.9 31 EL.754.1' 36 755 17.0- 21.4' 1 42 EL.752.6' 755 zz.0:••-' 22.0 y��y EL.750' - 43 50/0.4 25.0 _ 745 25.0 B.T. B.T. 740 LEGEND f Sandy CLAYNerySilty ® Clayey SILT/Sandy SILT Very Clayey SILT CLAY GEOSCIENCE GROUP, INC. I'•'•'• I Silty Y SAND ::‘:--ci Weathered Rock DRAWN BY: MWH I APPROVED BY VERTICAL: AS SHOWN DATE: 11/13/23 1 C. I HORIZONTAL: N.T.S. -Water Table-1 HR. - -Water Table-24 HR .4 -Loss of Drilling Water II -Cavein Depth PROJECT W B.T. -Boring Terminated A.R. -Auger Refusal C.T. -Coring Terminated SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA DRAWING NUMBER NGWE -No Groundwater Encountered WOH -Weight Of Hammer GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE CH23.0123.GE-3 1 fELEV. PAVED AREAS ` BUILDING PAD 795 790 F.F.E.=785' B-2 mow COUNT B-� 0.0 - BLOW 785 F.G. B 1 BLOW couNr B-4 BLOW B-5 BLOW 784.5' COUNT F.G.FC' 0.0 COUNT COUNT B-7 BLow I 0.0 784' 3.0 17 23 0.0 0.0 BLOW ccuNT 29 5.5 3 0 20 19 B-6 BLOWCOUN 0.0 38 B-8 BLOW 2.01 L. COUNT 780 3.0 l 35 - 17 3.0 3.0 H 22 0.0 _ 15 1 L o.Q 16 21 8.0 1 g 14 9 - 25 3.0 - 33 I 1. 3.0•.'. 8.0 39 19 775 12.0 25 8.0; 8.0� 5.5 I i ifi 35 - 16 14 24 15 - 18 • 19 32 12.0 12.0 - 19 8'0'•• 25 770 I - 20 15.0 - 31 15.0 14 15.0 5 24 15.0 20.0 23 B.T. - 765 B.T. NGWE B.T. B.T. 15.0 11 17.0 23.4' 15.0 25 B.T. NGWE NGWE 53 EL.760.1' NGWE NGWE B.T. EL.761.5' B.T. 760 NGWE 22.0 . NGWE = 50/0.4 755 27.Oi 34 750 43 745 37.0 38 740 42.i L 0 50/0.1 45. 735 B.T. 730 I LEGEND ® Clayey SILT/Sandy SILT -7 Sandy CLAYNery Silty ii= Weathered Rock CLAY GEOSCIENCE GROUP, INC. f••••••.1 Silty SAND DRAWN BY: MWH APPROVED BY e VERTICAL:AS SHOWN DATE: 11/13/23 HORIZONTAL: N.T.S. -Water Table-1 HR. - -Water Table-24 HR t -Loss of Drilling Water NM -Cavein Depth PROJECT W B.T. -Boring Terminated A.R. -Auger Refusal C.T. -Coring Terminated SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA 1 DRAWING NUMBER l NGWE -No Groundwater Encountered WOH -Weight Of Hammer GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE CH23.0123.GE•4 GEOSCIENCE GROUP,INC. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES Project W Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE Page 1 Of 2 FIELD Soil Test Borings: Twenty-three (23) soil test borings (B-1 through B-23) were drilled at the approximate locations shown on the attached Boring Location Diagram, Drawing No. CH23.0123.GE-1. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586-84. The borings were advanced with hollow-stem, continuous-flight augers and, at standard intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch(3.6cm)I.D., 2-inch(5.1cm)O.D., split-tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches (15.2cm) to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional 12 inches (30.5cm) with blows of a 140 pound (63.5kg) hammer falling 30 inches (76.2cm). The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches (30.5cm) was recorded and is designated the "Standard Penetration Resistance" (N-Value). The Standard Penetration Resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to soil strength,density and ability to support foundations. Representative portions of each soil sample were placed in sealed containers and taken to our laboratory. The samples were then examined by an engineer to verify the driller's field classifications. Test Boring Records are attached indicating the soil descriptions and Standard Penetration Resistances. LABORATORY Moisture Content: The moisture content is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of the water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the solid particles. This test was conducted in accordance with ASTM Designation D 2216-66. The test results are presented on the attached sheets. Soil Plasticity Test(Atterberg Limits Test): Representative samples of the near-surface soils were obtained to determine the soil's plasticity characteristics. The Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this characteristic and is bracketed by the Liquid Limit(LL) and the Plastic Limit(PL). The Liquid Limit is the moisture content at which the soil will flow as a heavy viscous fluid and is determined in accordance with ASTM D 423. The Plastic Limit is the moisture content at which the soil begins to lose its plasticity and is determined in accordance with ASTM D 424. The data obtained is presented on the attached sheets. Compaction Test: A representative samples of the onsite soils was obtained from the auger cuttings of soil test boring B-17 to determine their suitability as fill material. A Standard Proctor Compaction Test(ASTM D 698)was performed on these soils to determine their compaction characteristics, including maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The test results are presented on the attached sheets. California Bearing Ratio(CBR): The results of the Standard Proctor compaction test described above were utilized in compacting samples for laboratory CBR testing. The California Bearing Ratio is a punching shear test which provides a semi-empirical index of the strength and deflection characteristics of a soil which has been correlated with pavement performance. The test is performed on a six (6) inch diameter, 4.61 inch thick disc of compacted soil that is confined in a steel cylinder. Before testing, the sample is inundated under a confining pressure approximately equal to the weight of the future pavement in order to GEOSCIENCE GROUP,INC. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES Project W Geoscience Project No. CH23.0123.GE Page 2 Of 2 (Continued) determine the potential swelling, and to simulate the worst-case conditions that can occur in the field. A piston approximately two (2) inches in diameter is then forced into the soil at a standard rate to determine the resistance to penetration. The CBR value is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the actual load required to produce a 0.1 inch deflection to that required to produce the same deflection in a standardized crushed stone. The results of the CBR tests are shown on the attached California Bearing Ratio Test Result Sheets. 'i ORING NO B-1 ------- --- TEST DATE DRIIIFD 11/2/23 C _ L R Svc ON AA .1OR c BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO. C1123,0123.GE RECORD GROUP, INC. PROJECT _MOM W DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 783.0t Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2\Topsoil And Roots / Very Stiff Brown, Black And White Medium To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Fine 29 Roots-Residual 3.0 780.0 Stiff And Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Black Slightly Micaceous Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 21 14 16 • 1 I " 15.0 768.0 20 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered 1 _ BORING AND SAMPLING MELTS tSTM D-1586 1=i: UNDISTURBED RBED SAMPLE'. = WATER TABLE-24 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS AS TM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY WATER I ABLE-1 HR ''PEINFTRAT1ON IS THE NLMBP•R OF BI OVirS OF A 140 LB.(63 5kg) IOSS OF DRILLING WATER INN CAVE-IN DEPTH 3 6cin)IER FALLING 30 IN.(76.2em)REQUIRED TO DRIVE 4.14 IN. WOH WZIG$T OF'HA)�R PAGE 1 of I 3. cm LD.SAMPLER 1 rr.LO.Sem) _ IBORINO _ D!TL DRILLED 114 _.. .. TEST MR NG CONIRACI OR SO.,_ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB No tt23. 123,G1 RECORD GROUP, INC. -11 DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION - Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 787.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2 ATopsoil And Roots Very Stiff Brown, Grey And White Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine 28.4% 16 Roots-Residual 3.0 784.0 Very Stiff Olive-Brown,Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT Note: Sample Moist 34.8% 17 5.5 781.5 Hard Brown,Tan And Black Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments 35 • 8.0 779.0 Stiff Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments 9 • 12.0 775.0 Stiff To Very Stiff Olive-Brown,Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 1.4 20.0 767.0 23 i Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered /BORING AND SAMPLING.MEETS.ASTM D-1586 UNDIS I GRBED SAMPLE _ WATER TABLE-24 BR CORE DRR LING MEETS ASTM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY — WATER TABLE -1 RR *PENETRATION IS THE NUMBLR OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63.51.0 I LOSS or DRILLING WATER • I CAVE-IN DEPTH IIAMMER FAILING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRI%E A 14 IN WOH MUM T OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 `J3.6cm)I.0.SAMPLER 1 F I (30 5cm) CBORIlGr NO• B.-3 TEST DAI'l.DRIL!FD- 11/2/23 DRILLING cONIRAC1 Rt. c(�`L,.- BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB ND. 014,..0133.GE _ RECORD GROUP NC.P LOJEC."I<'�1+ _ , I NC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 785.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.3-\Topsoil And Roots / 784.7 Very Stiff Tan And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT With Fine Roots- Residual 23 4111 3.0 782.0 Very Stiff Brown, Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 1711\11 25 8.0 777.0 Very Stiff To Hard Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 25 • 15.0 _____ 770.0 31 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND SAMPLLNG MEE rs %SZM D-1586 !.—! UNDIS r1RBED SAMPLE �` M%TFR FABLE-24 HR CORE DRILLING ►1LETS ASZ M D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVER\ WATER TABLE-1 HR. "PENT TRAZ ION IS THE NUMBER OF BC OWS OF 4,140 LB.(63.5kg) / LOSS OF DRILLING WATER 1 C 1\'F-LN1 DEPIH 11%NEMER FALLING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 1.4 IN. wail WEIGHT OF HAMMER `(3.6cm)ID.SIMPLER 1 F I (30.5cm) PAGE 1 of 1 (-BORLA3•ti NO B I D'1 TF DRILLFD 1113/23 TEST DRILLPvG CON IR.,�OOR �G2 - BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO C'H23.4123.GE PROJECT PROJEC.1i: RECORD GiROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 784.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.3-\Topsoil And Roots / 783.7 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 20.9% 20 • Residual 3.0 781.0 _ Hard Brown,Tan,Black And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 24.1% 43 f� f . 39 • 8.0 776.0_ Very Stiff Brown And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 24 • 12.0_ 772.0 Stiff Brown,Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 15.0 769.0 14 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING 4'YD SAMPLING.MEETS ASTM D-1586 0.0 UNDIS CURBED SAMPLE WATER I_ABLE-24 HR, CORE DRILLING MEETS ASI 1 D-2113 1501% ROCK C ORE RECO%FRY R•1`I FR T ABLE-I BR. ''PENETRATION IS nu;NUMBER OF BLOBS OF 1140 LB.(63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DWI ING WATER I CAVE-IN DEPTH HAMMER FALLING 30 IN (76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRT%E A 1.4 IN `(3.6cm)I.D.SAMPLER 1 FT (30 5cm) woH t�IrIGII T OF HAMMF R PAGE 1 of 1 "BokrqG�o a____ TEST "NIDATI"`.DRILL FT) la/VP imu C ;N .CToR. .C�. - BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB N . c�.1�1�.3. RECORD GROUP, INC. / DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION-BLOW COUNT* 0.0 784.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2\Topsoil And Roots / 783.8 Very Stiff Brown, Grey And White Medium To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Fine 19 • Roots- Residual 3.0 781.0 Very Stiff Tan, Grey And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 22 19 • 8.0 776.0 Stiff Brown, Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 15 • 12.0 772.0 Firm Olive-Brown And Brown Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT Note:Sample Moist 15.0 769.0 5 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING.AND SAMPLING MFE7 S.ASTM D-1586 OM UNDISTURBED SAMPLE IN AIM TABLE-24 HR. CORI:DRIL-1PiG MEETS A59M D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY = WATER TABLE-1 HR. "PENETR I ION IS TIlE NUMBLR OF BLOWS or.A 140 LB.(63.5kg) 11 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER 1111111 I CAVE-IN IW E'H HAMIVIE R FALLING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE.A 1.4 M. WOH BLIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1`13.6cm)I.A.SAMPLER 1 FI.(30.5cm) t 8ORT3O Nt) 8-6 1 I)ArLDRRLED 11r at a_ _��._. TEST DRILLINOCCINTIMIOR . c __. BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO t"i123.0133.GE RECORD GROUPS INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 781.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.3-\Topsoil And Roots / 780.7 Stiff Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Fine Roots- 15 • Residual 3.0 778.0 Hard Tan And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 33 • 5.5 775.5 Stiff And Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 18 1 • 19 • 15.0 766.0 11 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND SAMFLI.NG MEETS:AVM D-1586 OM UNDISTURBED SAMPLE — W 4iFR TABLE-24 HR CORR DRILLING MEETS ASrM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORP,RECO%ER1 — NV IFR TABLE-1 HR. -PENETRATION IS THE NUMU R OF BI.OV$S OF A 140 LB.(63.5kg) 441 LOSS OF DRILLING K ►TER- I CAVE-IN DPPMH H M-61FR FALLING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQLIRED TO DRIVE A IA IN. WOH WEIGHT OF H tMMER PAGE 1 J �3.6cm)1D.SAMPLER 1 FT.(30.5cm) Of 1 BORING NO.- B-7 DATE DRILLED 11/1f2 s TEST DRILLING CONTRACTOR CG2 �` � a,, JOB NO._ cx23.0123.GE ��, BORING ��� ..�:;:�k ,. GEOSCIENCE d' . PROTECT, PROJECT NV ` , . GROUP, INC. RECORD• • h - .. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 783.5± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0 8 Topsoil And Roots "~ 782.7 Hard Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine 2.0 Sandy Very Silty CLAY-Residual 781.5 17.1% 38 Very Stiff Brown, Tan, Black And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 16.1% 18 • 16 19 24 17.0 766.5 Very Hard Brown,Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments 53 • 22.0 761.5 Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 23.4' 50/0.4 • 27.0 756.5 i Continued Next Page BORING AND SAr WLLIG MEETS ASTM D-1586 NMI LADES FURRED SAMPLE = WA1 ER TABLE- 4 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS ASTM 12113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY WATER FABLE-1 HR. 'PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63 Skg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER in I CA1VE-IN DEPTH HAMME R E AILING 30 LN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 1.41N, q,0i1 WEIGH I OF HAMMER `(3.6enu)I.D.S4MPLFR 1 FT.(30 Sem) PAGE '[of 2 • • (BORING NO.; B-7 1 t ; TEST ._4 •DATE DRIL ED •11)11 3 • DRILLING CONTRACTOR CG2 BORING ' . ' GEOSCIENCE JOB NO: C1123.0123.GE £:°; ..: PxoJECr.. PROJECT r RECORD . :� GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 27.0 (continued) 756.5±Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 Hard Brown,Grey And Black Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 34 l I } I 43 • 37.0 746.5 Hard Olive-Brown And Brown Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 38 • 42.0 741.5 _ Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments 45.0 738.5 5010.1 Boring Terminated BORING AND SARIPLI G MF.Ers %STM D-IS86 LAMS UP.BRD SAMPLE WRIER TABLE-24 IIR C ORE DRILLING MEET S 4Sr4I D-2113 1501 is ROCK CORE R ECO4 ERY T' WA E'ER TABLE-I IIR. tPENETRAT ION IS THE NUMBF.R OO BLOVb S 01 1i 140 LB.(63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WAI ER Ili I CAVE-IN DEPTH HAMMER FALLING 30 IN.(76.2em)REQUIRE!)TO DRIVE A 1A IN. v4UR 1411101F OFHAALWER PAGE 2 of 2\43.6on)L.D.SAMPLER 1 FT.(30 Sent) ,f 1 BORINGO �,. . _____ . _.__--.- — TEST \ DIVE DRUID 11/1/23 _-- urauxqo coNTRAmoR cG2 BORING GEOSCIENCE �� ' � ..0 RECORD GROUP, INC. c rg+ DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 781.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.21Topsoil And Roots / (8u.t3 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Medium To Fine j Sandy SILT With Fine Roots-Residual 16 3.0 778.0 11 Dense Brown, Tan And White Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 35 32 8.0 773.0 Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 25 • 15.0 766.0 25 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered I BORING AND SAMPL-LNG MEIL1 S 4STM D-1586 UNDIST URBFD SAMPI G WAXER I'4BLE-24 HR. CORE.DRILLING MEETS ASINID-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY %41FRTABLE-1 AR *PENETRATION IS'IIM N10VIBLR Or BLOWS OF t 140 LB (63.5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER In I C:AN'F-IN DEPTH HAMMER FAILING 30 I.N.(76 2cnn)REQUIRED TO DRIB F.A].4 IN RUR WEIGHT OF H Aril MER PAGE 1 of 1 \(3 6cm)I.D.SAMPLER 1 F I.(30.5ca0 fDORN.° 9 TEST DALEDRIILFD 11/1/23 _.- DR ING CON IRAcTOR . __ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO C3. 17.1GE -_ RECORD GROUP, INC. `PRO W _ DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 _774.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.7 Topsoil And Roots 773.3 Very Stiff Reddish-Brown, Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Clayey SILT 32.3% 29 2•0 With Rock Fragments-Residual ' 772.0 \Note:Sample Moist Stiff Reddish-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT 20.5% 15 • 5.5 768.5 _ Hard Reddish-Brown And Tan Clayey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 33 • 8.0 766.0 Very Stiff Reddish-Brown,Brown And Tan i Medium To Fine Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments 22 • 10.0 764.0 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered I - l I BORING 4ND SAMPLING MEETS %SI M D-1586 UNDISTURBED SAMPLE WAIFR I'ABLE-24 BR C ORE DRILLING MEETS 4S1 M D-21 L3 15oha ROCK CORE.RECOVERY -- VIAIIR FABLE-IHR. 'PENI TR JTION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS Or A 140 IB.(63.5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLING WAFER I C AVE-EN DEPIH HAMMER I ALL-ING 30 LN.(76.2cm)REQURI;D TO DRIVE A 1.4 IN WOM WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 \.(3 bcm)LD.SA_MPLER 1 rL(30.5cm) J IBORZIcoNO .13,49 TEST DAZE DRIFL.ED WU12,3 DRIILIi i CON IRACIOR. rG2 BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO. Ii23.0123.0 _ -- RECORD GROUP, INC. .a.PROLTECit pRoffsT w DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 _ 785.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.7 Topsoil And Roots 784.3 Very Stiff Reddish-Brown And Brown Medium To Fine Sandy Very Clayey SILT 29.6% 17 With Fine Roots-Residual 3.0 782.0 Stiff Reddish-Brown And Tan Clayey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT Note: Sample Moist 30.6% 9 • 5.5 779.5 Very Stiff Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 22 • 10.0 775.0 22 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND SAMPLING MELTS ASTM D-1586 Oil UNDISTURBED SAMPLE WATER IABLE-24 III CORE DRILLING 1g E'TS 4S I M1I D-2113 150 f°Jo ROCK CORF RECOVERY W VIER TABLE-1 ER PE NE7 R tT I O)N IS THE NUMBER OT BLOR S OF V 140 LB (63.5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER III I CAVE-IN Mill HAMMER FALLING 30 LN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED 70 DRIVE A 1.4 IN. vtOH WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 `[3.6cm)I.D.SAMPLER 1 FT.(30.5cm) (BORING NO B-il D I l�DRILLED I l/L23 ---�'-W..-�_____ _ _- . TEST DRILL NG t'ONIRAGTOR BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO 0123.0123.GE \I�Rain'r PR(} C"i'w_ RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 786.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5 Topsoil And Roots 785.5 Firm Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 25.5% 8 2.0 Residual 784.0 T. Stiff Reddish-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Clayey SILT With Rock Fragments 24.8% 14 i • 5.5 780.5 Very Stiff Tan, Grey And Black Clayey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 25 10.0 _ 776.0 23 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING %ND SAMPLING MEET S 'ASTMI D-1586 L.NDISTURBED SAMPLE = W iTER TABLE-24 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS ASTM D-2113 1501 o ROCK CORE RECOVERY =-. W VIER I ABLE-1 HR. *PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOBS OF A 140 LB.(63.54) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WAIER - CAVE-IN DEPTH H 1m)ER F..A LING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRI%`E A 14 IN. won WEIGHT OF HAMMER m)LA.SAMPLER I FT.(30.5cm) PAGE 1 of \(3.6c tROR1?G NO $-232 _ DAIF DRILLED fl»'2� TEST MU LING CONTACTOR G2 ___._.._-_ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB D c23.0123.GE - - RECORD GROUP, INC. c�r kxtacT w .. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 778.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.7 Topsoil And Roots _ 777.3 Very Stiff Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Fine Roots- 30 • Residual 3.0 775.0 Very Stiff Brown,Tan, Grey And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 29 • 29 • 10.0 768.0 28 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered c BORING AND SAMPLING MEETS tSTA+I D-I586 L NDI3I EJEBED S MPL E = Si ATFR TABLE-1.3 HRH CORE DRILLING MEETS ASTM D-2113 I50I°%o ROCK CORE RECO%FRY H VIER TtBLF-1 BR ''PENETRATION IS THE NLMBIR OF#1LOWS OP t 140 I.E.(63.5kg) 1 LOSS OF DRILLLNG WATER IM I CAVE-IN DEPTH H,MAIER FALLING 30 IN.(16.2cm)REQUIRED TO DR1\E A 1.4 IN. won REIGNT OF HAMMER �{3.6cm)LD.SAMPLER 1 F .(30,5cm) PAGE 4 of I �BORINC3 NO. B-13 \ DATE DRILLED 11/3/23 TEST ' DRILLING CONTRACTOR. CG2 -_ BORING "t' GEOSCIENCE JOB NO.: CH23.0123.GE 31: �PIzOJEcr PROJECT w ; RECORD � �.:� GROUP 0 INC. : DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 784.0±Content Count 5 10 20 30 ao 60 80 100 0.3-\Topsoil And Roots / 783.7 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Quartz Pieces 21.0% 16 • And Fine Roots-Residual 3.0 781.0 _ Stiff Brown,Tan And White Medium To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT 20.4% 14 5.5, 778.5 Very Stiff Brown,Tan,Black And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 22 10.0 774.0 25 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered f BORING AND SAMPLING MEETS ASTM D-1S86 UNDISTURBED SAMPLE -= WATER TABLE-24 HR, CORE DRII,L1 G MEETS ASTM D-2113 f i501• ROCK CORE RECOV[R`l = W ATER I ABLE-1 HR. *PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140 LI3.(63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER* I CAST-IN DEPTH AMMEit FALLING 30 EN.(76lcm)REQUIRED TO DRWL 41.4 IN. `(1.6em)Lb.SAMPLER I TT.(30.5010 woa WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 f130R1NU NO B-14 TAT DATE DRIL I ED 11t3/23 DRILLING CONTRACTOR. QG . BORING GEOSCIENCE .1013 NO CI .0123.r ; _ `rROJECT PRO vv RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION- BLOW COUNT* 0.0 783.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2'\Topsoil And Roots / Its21:1 Stiff Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Very Clayey SILT With Fine Roots- 14.3°!. 15 Residual 3.0 780.0 Hard Olive-Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY 26.5% 31 • 5.5 777.5 Very Stiff Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 26 • 8.0 775.0 Very Stiff Tan,Grey And Black Coarse To 1 Fine Sandy SILT With Clay Seams 10.0 773.0 17 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND SAUPILNG MEF TS ARMD-1S86 " UNDISILRBFD SAMPLE 'VIER TABLE-24 HR1 CORE DRILLING NH ETS AST N1 D-2113 f 501% ROCK CORE RECOVER/ RATER TABLE-]HR "PE"ETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BI OR S OF A 140 LB (63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING W.&TER - f C-&' F-IN DEPTH II AM1INIF:R F AILING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 14 FN. wog WEIGHT I'OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 `(3.6cm)I D.5 A3IPL ER I TT.(30.5cm) J tBORING NO B-15 _._ - - TEST DATE DRILII D. 1.1I2123 DRll.UNGC:ONIRAG"I(}R � Z __-- - BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO clzs.ol .r _ RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 784.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2 \Topsoil And Roots / 783.8 Very Stiff Brown And Grey Silty Coarse To Fine Sandy CLAY With Rock Fragments 19.0% 26 • And Fine Roots- Residual 3.0_ 781.0 _ Very Stiff Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 25.3% 23 • 22 10.0 774.0 18 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered � 1 BORING AND SAMPLING MEETS AST.M D-1586 . UNDIS FLARED SAMPLE — % ATER TABLE-24 HR. CORE DRILLING MEETS ASTM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY WATER TABLE-1 HR. ;PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63.56J I LOSS OF DRILLING V4 ATER • J CAVF-LN DFPIH IL M.MER F%LI:PVG 30IN.(76.2cm)RLQLIRTD TO DRIVE A 14IN. wort WEIGHT OF HVAN ER PAGE 1 of 1 \,(3.6cm)I.D.SAMPLLR 1FF (30.5cm) Bt�NG NO i�.......�... 1 i . DA1.EDR]UED 11(2/23 � TEST DRULDR,CONTRA.CIORSO____-- BORING GEOSCIENCE ONO• GH23.0I23.GE RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 785.0±Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2 ATopsoil And Roots / /84.8 I Stiff Brown And Grey Silty Coarse To Fine Sandy CLAY With Quartz Pieces And Fine 175% 12 • Roots-Residual 3.0 782.0 Very Stiff Tan, Grey And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 18.3% 16 • 5.5 779.5 Very Stiff Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 19 • 10.0 775.0 19 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND S4MPI ING MEETS ASTM D-1586 !_.-! IIND1S1 IRBED SAMPLE «.4IER IABLLF-24 HR CORE DRILI IN 14EF IS ASTM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERA WA1FR TABLE-1 HR. *PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS Of k 140 LB.(63.541 4 I OSS OF DRILLING WATER IMO I CAVE-LV DEP1H H kNINIER FALLING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 14 IN. WOH WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of I `(3 6cm)I D S,AMPIER.1 Pi (30.5cm) CBORINC tO. 47 _ _ DRILLED 11/2/23 TEST D �CONrE U OR � BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO etra0123.GE RECORD GROUP INC. PROTirr PROJECT W DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 789.0±Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.2'\Topsoil And Roots / taa.a Very Stiff Brown, Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine 25 5% 18 Roots-Residual 3.0 786.0 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 13.0% 22 23.3% 21 17 12.0 777.0 Stiff To Very Stiff Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 13411 20.0 769.0 18 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered Bulk Sample Of Auger Cuttings Obtained From 3 To 8 Feet BORING.4ND S_ INIPLLNG MEE IS %SIM D-1586 L1 UNDISTURBED SAMPI F -- WATER r4BLL-24 HR. CORE DRIL•LIIMG MEETS 4S1'Yf D-2113 1501% ROCK CORI RECOVERY W 1,TFR TABLE:-1 HR. *PFNETR STION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63 5kg) 1 LOSS OF DRILLING WAFER I= 1 CAVE-IN DEPTH !MISTER F SLUNG 301N.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 14 IV. 'won. WEIGHT OF it Y11 MER PAGE 1 of 1 J \(3.6cm)LD.SAMPLER 1 PI.(30.50m) "BORING G o als - -------- TEST DATE DRILLE•I> 1112/23 DR1LI N(J cONTRAUCiR _=C+r 2 _. BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO 0123.0123.GE\?RQ1IEC-1. c r W RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 783.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.21Topsoil And Roots / 18213 ' Stiff Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Clayey SILT With Fine Roots- 17.0% 13 • Residual 3.0 780.0 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Clayey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 21.2% 19 • 5.5 777.5 Very Stiff Brown, Grey And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 24 • 8.0 775.0 Very Stiff Brown, Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 10.0 773.0 20 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered • 1 BORING AND SAMPUNG MEF IS ASTM D-1586 Ili UNDISTURBED S.4MPLE — WATER TABLE-24 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS 4S'I'M D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERI W 4TF-R TABLE-l HR. wPEN£TRAPION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OE 4140 LB.(635kg) LOSS OF DRILLLNG WATER O J CAVE-LN DEPTH HAMMER F AILING 30 IN.(76 2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE 41 A IN %OH WEIGIII OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1`(3 6cm)LD 8.4MPLER 1 IT.(30.5cm) 'ABC?.R.[)!G NO B-13 --- DATE DRILLED ilnf23 __ TEST DRILLING CONIRACI OR. CG2 _ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO. 0123. 12 .c:. RECORD GROUP, INC. PROJECT PROJEL W,._ J DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0-0 783.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.7 Topsoil And Roots 782.3 Hard Tan And Black Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT-Residual 32 43 i 5.5 777.5 Very Stiff And Hard Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 39 10.0 773.0 29 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered `' 1 M F BORING AND SAMPLING MEE IS AST D-I586 , I L'NDIST URBFD SAMPLE = WATER FABLL•-24 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS AS TM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY W 41ER TABLE-I HR. 'PENETRATION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 4140 LB.(63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILL[NG WATER I I CAVE-LN DEPTH HAMMER J 4LLING 30 L1.(76.2em)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 14 IN. *OH WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 `(3.6cm)LD SAMPLER 1 F .(30.5cm) j (noxu'.•CrNO -20 TEST EWE URII.IFD Ill 3--- DRILIEIGCOTAC1OR CG2 _.,. _ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB?O• ejrn.0123.GE RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 793.0± Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.3-.\Topsoil And Roots / 792.7 Stiff Reddish-Brown And Tan Clayey Medium To Fine Sandy SILT-Residual 14 11 5.5 787.5 Stiff Reddish-Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 12 8.0 785.0 Firm Tan And White Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 6 12.0 781.0 Firm Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 7 • 17.0 776.0 _ Firm Brown, Tan And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 20.0 773.0 6 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered i r (BORING AND SAMPLING MEETS AST:M D-1586 UNDIS'TURBFD SAMPLE = WATER TABLE-24 HR. CORE DRILLING MEETS AS D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECO%ERY AIFR F ABLE-1 HR. 'PENETRATION IS THE NUMBF.R OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63.5kg) 1 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER I CAVE-LN DFPIH H tMMER F AILING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIB E A 14 IN. Og -WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 �3 6cm)L.D.SAMPLER 1 TF (30,5cm) ) 1BORLNO NO B-21 DATE DRILL FD 11/2/23 TEST DRILLING CONTR CIOR CG2 ---_,..... BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO CYH23.0123.GE __ �. RECORD GROUP, INC. `P.i.U11V1 PRt?d G'T R� DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 777.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.21Topsoil And Roots / 116.8 Very Stiff Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 151% 19 • Residual 3.0 774.0 Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY 13.1% 30 • 5.5 771.5 Stiff Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 11 • 10.0 767.0 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING.AND SAMPLING MEETS A;T>.vl D-1586 U NDIST URBED SAMPLE WATER TABLE-24 HRI. CORE DRILL LNGMEETS AS TM D-2113 I50I%b ROCK CORE RECO%FR7r W VIER 14BLE-1 HR. "PENETRATION IS THE NLTIIBER OF BLOWS OP t 140 LB.(63.5kg) 11 LOSS OP DRILLING WATER 1 I CAVE-IN DEPILI H.S►MMFR FALLING 30 P.V.('76.2em)REQUIRED TO DRR E A 1.4 IN. won WEIGHT OE H AMMER PAGE: 1 of 1 \(3.6cm)LD.SAMPLER 1 FT (30.5cm) J 1BORUO NO B-22 DATE DRILLED 11/1/23 TEST DIMLINGcoMR. croR CGZ _ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO c1J23.O 123.GE _. RECORD GROUP, INC. `PROJECT. tga 'V4 DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 774.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.6 Topsoil And Roots 773.4 Stiff Brown, Grey And White Silty Medium To Fine Sandy CLAY With Fine Roots- 21.2% 13 Residual 3.0 771.0 Very Stiff Tan, Grey, Black And White Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 6.6% 29 • 28 • 8.0 766.0 Hard Brown, Grey And Black Coarse To • Fine Very Sandy SILT 31 31 17.0 757.0 Dense Brown Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 42 • 21.4' 22.0 752.0 Hard Brown, Grey And Black Medium To 'I Fine Very Sandy SILT • 25.0 749.0 43 Boring Terminated BORING AND SAMPLING MELTS AST M D-1586 - UNDISTLRBED SAMPLE WATER TABLE-24 HR CORE DRILLING MEETS AS I'M D-21 i3 1501% ROCK CORE,RECOVERI WATER TABLE-1 HR. -PENETRATION IS IHE NUMBER OF BLOWS OI A 140 LB (63 5kv) 41 LOSS OF DRILL NG WATER 1M 1 CAVE-IN DEPTH HAMMIER F.SLLING 30 IN.(76.2cm)REQUIRED TO DRI1 E A 1.4 IN. wolf WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 �3 6cm)LD.SAMPLER 1 FT.(30.5cm) r— �a NDRI�I..>ED�-� r1/23 TEST URAL1vGcoNIRALTOR T. �� _. BORING GEOSCIENCE KM NO cf123.0123.GE -----.. R,EGORI? GROUP, INC. \.PROJECt. . ,.WECT W.._w DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 772.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0 8 Topsoil And Roots 771.2 Dense Brown, Grey And White Silty Coarse To Fine SAND With Fine Roots- 16.1% 48 • Residual 3.0 769.0 i Very Stiff Brown,Grey And Black Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 27.9% 24 • 20.7% 25 • 8.0 764.0 , Hard Brown And Grey Medium To Fine Very Sandy SILT 13.3% 43 14.2% 36 .! 17.0 755.0 Dense Brown And Grey Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND With Rock Fragments a 17 9, 18.5% 33 • 22.0 750.0 Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 12.6% 50/0.4 • 25.0 747.0 Boring Terminated Temporary Piezometer Installed From The Ground Surface To The Boring Termination Depth BORING 4ND SAMPLING MEETS AST.M D-1586 ice± UND1STLRBED SAMPLE = WATER TABLE-24 I1R GORE DRII.I.I VG MEETS 4STM D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECO%CRC' —_ W AT'FR TABLE-i HR. "PENElR41ION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOYrS OF A 140 LB.(63.5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER 1 1 CAVE.-LN DEPTH H'I31NIERICLUNG 30 IN.(7(5.2cm)REQUIRED 70DRIVE A 1 41N. %OH WEIGHT OF H4MMER PAGE 1 of 1`(3.6cm)I.D.SAMPLER 1 FI.(30.5aM U e del t e 6 .0 Va c z° e gib p x Ey L. I 1 A N H o r a M r O Yi 0IgRI' o z p o HH o ›-, (4""5 "" JJ -j v O 51 sl.) to la 0. N up q 'a o a I O .a 0 0'a yy 00 c., - - M v1 -C 'C V1 00 C ct. M 1/1 C M v1 M kr, C M 1- C N „. -• N `O a MN Ni O cr: C V ' , v-i - tri nri N N N ,-, N N N N N N N - N N .- N N ^ N - N U N i. C C c c C c c G C c c G C c c c C c G a c C C C H as aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa es 4 V V n y v n y n v n v y H n y y y y h y uUa .ci f� C. Val Val VaJ VA} in onVa] Vas vat vai vaa vai vai VQI Val Vai v�' Vas vat rn VQJ Vai vai r/ai va' ,� ttl Qi1 r-, O O O O C C C C C C C R C O C C R C C C C C r C C C C O C dN V1 N v1 N 1/1 N N `r.' N V1 41 N 1n C'] Vj N 1i1 N �1 N V1 n W N V',1 N N V'1 '/, to �,,,, h r r r x, r r-- Y1 r Vl Vl V1 V, r Vl ..r? Yl V1 lh �1 Le-, O en ul Vt y un ‘o V) U> C ene.-;C O M C en;, C M C rv, C r1 C M O rv, C CC' 'p C r, C rn C cn F'My O p 1 '= N N 7 1` N a, Q, O O '. .-. M el et v1 h b 10 1.. ;+ 1+ n 00 a0 N c� m co0" C4 CO 0] WN N N N �- 6 4 th 6 6 m 4 4 6 6 m th of 6 6 a3 oa 4 r� MI rn 0 2 CA E 0 e �. 6 p. 0 o � V Q W 77▪ ri A aQ L O . 00 w H � xz o u g cv Pqa• z � a .; w▪ p4 O O C Q N M N V1 V' O +V N N M1 ei 06 Ci ❑ c 0 a a 0 d ao a • uo v, v°i v°i rn o o h o 0 0 0 5 06 N vi C" 0 N N • w W V Vl O A '1 V] O M \C 90 M N y N N N N N E" 0] CO CO 03 0n (n m 140 138 1 Geoscience Group, Inc. COMPACTION 136 500-K Clanton Road TEST Charlotte, North Carolina 134 132 JOB NAME: PROTRCT W JOB LOCATION: SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA - \\ ,_ 130 JOB NUMBER: CH23.0123.GE 128 . MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 126 METHOD OF TEST: ASTM D 698 Method C 124 MAX DRY DENSITY: 109.3 PCF - OPT.MOISTURE CONTENT: 18.4 122 . NAT.MOISTURE CONTENT: 20.7 a/o . - ATTERBERG LIMITS: LL PL 120 SOIL DESCRIPTION: Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 118 c o ' 116 . - J BORING: D-17 DEPTH: 3.0'-8.0' Q i 114 - - a F 112 o CURVES OF 100%SATURATION FOR 110 3 SPECIFIC GRAVITIES EQUAL TO: x .. CD 108 1 2' 2.8 CBR Snell Bearing % 3 Point % Ratio Compaction FF 106 • 2.7 1 7.3% 4.6 98% 104 - NN2.6q ' 2 6.9% 4.9 98% 102 - w,� 100 - �► 3 5.5% 5.9 100% 98 4 2.7% 2.0 94% 96 — _ \ \ 94 , \ 92 90 - BB - 86 - • \\ 84 82 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 WATER CONTENT(percent of dry weight) CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST JOB NAME: PROJECT W JOB NUMBER: CH23.0123.GE JOB LOCATION: SAL ISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA BORING NUMBER: B-17 SAMPLE DEPTH: 3.0'-8.0' 95 CBR POINT 1 90 85 80 75 70 - U Gi a) 65 a+ 55 - ^o I 50 Z 45 O 40 z 35 - - O 30 0 25 20 - - 15 10 5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PENETRATION(inches) 1.Method of Preparation ASTM D 698 Method C 2.Description of Sample Brown And Tan Med• T 3.Dry Density Before Soaking 106.8 PCF 4.Swell 7.3% 5.Percent of Maximum Dry Density 98% 6.Moisture Content 15.2% Geoscience Group,Inc. 7.Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 Inch 4.6 500-K Clanton Road 8.Surcharge 65 PSE Charlotte,North Carolina CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST JOB NAME: PROJECT W JOB NUMBER: CH23,0123,GE JOB LOCATION: SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA BORING NUMBER: B-I 7 SAMPLE DEPTH: 3.0'-8,0' CBR POINT 2 110 100 - 90 80 - S. a) Y+ _ O' 70 N rn 60 0 50 F Z 40 0 C 30 20 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PENETRATION(inches) 1.Method of Preparation ASTM D 698 Method C 2.Description of Sample Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 3.Dry Density Before Soaking 107,4 PCF 4.Swell 6.9% 5.Percent of Maximum Thy Density 98 6.Moisture Content 16.2% Geoscience Group,Inc. 7.Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 Inch 4.9 500-K Clanton Road 8. Surcharge 65 PSF Charlotte,North Carolina CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST JOB NAME: PROJECT W JOB NUMBER: CH23,0123.6E JOB LOCATION: SALISBURY.NORTH CAROLINA _ BORING NUMBER: B-17 SAMPLE DEPTH: 3.0'-8.0' CBR POINT 3 110 - - - 100 - - 90 U •c4 80 11) v 70 _ - a, o - 60 0 50 p 40 O 30 20 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PENETRATION(inches) 1.Method of Preparation ASTM D 698 Method C 2.Description of Sample Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 3.Dry Density Before Soaking 109.1 PCF 4.Swell 5.5% 5.Percent of Maximum Dry Density 100% 6.Moisture Content 18.8% Geoscience Group,Inc. 7.Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 Inch 5.9 500-K Clanton Road 8.Surcharge 64 PSF Charlotte,North Carolina CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST JOB NAME: PROJECT W JOB NUMBER: CH23.0123.GE JOB LOCATION: SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA BORING NUMBER: B-17 SAMPLE DEPTH: 3.0'-8,0' CBR POINT 4 65 60 55 - 50 U 'cd 45 4 40 i_5 O 30 a 25 20 - c a 15 IO 5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PENETRATION(inches) 1.Method of Preparation ASTM D 698 Method C 2.Description of Sample Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 3.Dry Density Before Soaking 102.4 PCP 4.Swell 2.7% 5.Percent of Maximum Dry Density 94% 6.Moisture Content 23.3% Geoscience Group, Inc. 7.Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 Inch 2.0 500-K Clanton Road 8.Surcharge 64 PSF Charlotte,North Carolina