HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160138 Ver 1_Application_20160215Carpenter,Kristi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: McHenry, David G Monday, February 15, 2016 10:34 AM Beckwith, Loretta A SAW Chapman, Amy; Carpenter,Kristi; Barnett, Kevin; Andrew Henderson (andrew_henderson@fws.gov); Chambers, Marla J; Deyton, Joshua B; DeWit, Benjamin NCDOT Nationwide 14 Application for Bridge No. 318 Replacement in Henderson County Attachments: NCDOT_B318_Henderson_NWP14 Application Package.pdf; NCDOT_B318 _Henderson_Plans.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Please accept the attached application and plans for a Nationwide 14 Permit to replace Bridge No. 318 in Henderson County. Please advise if you need additional information or clarification for the application. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Dave McHenry Environmental Specialist NC Department of Transportation/Division 14 828 586 2141 office 828 246 -7078 mobile dqmchenrv(cancdot.qov 253 Webster Road Sylva, NC 28779 ,4 � � �Y* � Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Corps Submitfal Cover Sheet Please pi•ovide the follo�viiig info: l. Project Name Bridge 318 on SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) 2. Name of Property Owner/Applicant: NC Department of Trausportatiai 3. Name of Consultant/Agent: N/A *Agent autlioriza�ion needs lo be uttaehed. 4. Related/Previous Action ID numUer(s): N/A 5. Site Addeess: N/A 6. Subdivision Name: N/A 7. City: Flat Rock 8. County: Henderson 9. L�t: _35.278655° N Long: -82.44631° W (Approx. Project Center) 10. Quadrangle Naiue: _Hei�dersonville (35083-C4-TP-024) 1 L WaterwTy: Memiuger Creek (C) 12. Watershed: Preuch Broad River (06010105) 13. Requested Action: X Natioinvide Per�uit # 14 General Permit # Jarisdictional Determination Reqaest Pre-Applic�tion Request The following information will be completed by Coips office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assigu number in ORM Begin Date Autl�orization: Sectiai 10 Section 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nahu e of Activity/ Yraject Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Key�vords: Transpar[ation ree,���a�y � s, ao i 6 Ms. Lori Beckwith U. S. Army Corps of Engineers NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager I51 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Aslieville, NC 28801-2714 Subject: Nationwide 14 Permit Application Replacement of Bridge 318 on SR Henderson County, Nortli Carolina WBS �lement No. 1713P.14.R.45 Dear Ms. Beckwitli: PAT McCRORY Govemor NICHOLAS f. TENNYSON Sraelory 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek The No�th Carolina Departiueut of Transpoi�tation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace the subject bridge. This bridge is a structurally deficient 20' W s 18'7" L single spau timber deck on timber joist shlichu�e. The new structure will be a 25'2" W(span) � T H� 38'9" L aluminum bos cnlvert on a 75° skew and 0.05% slope. An off-site detour will be used to handle traffic during construction. The culve�t will be buried one foot below the stream bed. Also, three 2' H sills aiid baffles with 10' W by I' H deep notches �vill be attached to the boY bottom to maintain a low flow channel moiphology, hold bedload in the culvei�t bottom, and facilitate aquatic life passage througl� the crossing. Ple�se find enclosed a PCN application, �reliminary jurisdictional detennination fonn, Division of Mitigatiai Seivices acceptance letter, SHPO Concun ence Forms, maps, plan sheets, photographs, aud other supporting project information. The North Carolina Natural [-lerit�ge Program lists 40 species with federal stahis for Henderson County that are known fiom cunent records or were la�own to occur in the county historically. Tl�e bog tiutle (Gl}p(enrys »irrh(enbergii) is listed as threateued due to similarity of appearance to the uorthern bog tu�tle. Eight species, Caroliva noithem Flying squirrel (Glar�conrys snbrinus colorrdus), Appalachian elktoe mussel (Alnsnii�lonln rm�enelrmur), swamp pink (Heloinrrs bullrun), small whorled pogonia (Isotrrn uiedeoloides), buucl�ed arrowhead (Sagu�ru•in fnsciculnla), mountain sweet pitcher plaut (S�u•rncenia jonesrr), wttite irisette (Sisyrinchium dicholoiu�nn), and northern long-eared bat (NLEB, Myolrs seplenhdonnlis) liave current records and are Iisted as threatened or endangered. The Appalachian elktoe mussel is found in well-osygenated, cool-�vater rivers with moderate to fast flowing water and stable, mised-substrates of silt, s�nd, gravel, aud/or cobble. The Appalac�ian elktoe records in the region are from relatively luge streams suc(i as the Erench Broad, Little, and Mills rivers. There are no records of occurrence in tributaries to tliese rivers. Meminger Creek downstream of the bridge joins Mud Creek (53 miles downstream), which then �Nothing Compares�� Sla(eo(NotlhCamlina � D.partmentofTr:msFwtlalionl Di�isionlJ 2531Vcbs[crRoad I Syka,NorihCarolina28�79 Pliont 823-536-NJI I Fa� 8?8-586JOA3 Bridbe No. 318 Page 2 February 15, 2016 flows another 6.8 miles wliere it meets tlie French Broad River. Mud Creek is too polluted with sediment to suppart mussels. And, Meminger Creek is too small to suppo�t ntussels. The terrestrial I�abitat in the viciuity of die bridge is wooded with scattered residences and landscaped yards. The area near the bridge has been disturbed by the roadway and its maintenance, buried utility line installations, a driveway, and landscaping on adjaeent residential properties. The bridge site is only about 2,000 feet in elevation, so there is no habitat present for the Caroliva nortl�ern flying squirrel. White irisette habitat includes mid-elevetion slopes witli open diy to mesic oak-hickory forest, rypieally on rocky steep terrain with shallow soils. Tl�is plant has only been found in the eastern part of He�iderson County. The area near the bridge is I�eavily shaded and damp, and therefore, it is not suitable for white irisette. Swamp pink and mountain sveet pitcher plants botli require saturated-soil wetlands, usually bogs, while bunched arrowhead is considered a submerged �quatic pla��t that is associated with low flow seepage areas. There are wetlands within a few miles of tl�e bridge that support these plants. However, tliere are no wetlands dose to the bridge that �vould be affected by the project. Small whorled pogonia occurs in open, diy, deciduous woods �vith acid soil, though it can occur on slopes along streams. It is also laio�vn to occur in rich, mesic forest in association �vith �vhite pine and rhododendron. Tliere are woods surrounding the bridge, but conditions are poorly suited to small wliorled pagonia because of a closed cviopy, tl�ick understory, and flat terrain. Also, this plant �vas not obseived during several site visits. NLEB are laiowu to roost in caves and mines in winter and, in summer, they roost on trees �vith sloughing bark or on structures, including conerete bridges that retaiu heat well. The eYisting bridge is a lo�v timber structw�e tl�at slionld be too cool for bat roosting. During the field seoping and subsequent site visits we did not see a��y evidence that bats were using the bridge for roosting (i.e. staini�ig or guano). Also, there are no caves visible near the bridge and the nearest uuderground mine is over I l miles away (USGS hcta). This project will require the removal of h�ees, mostty smaLl hemlock and black�valnut trees, but uone of the trees appear to be suitable for bat roosts. There are uo laiown NLEB hibernacula or maternity roost h'ees within 0.25 mile or 150 feet, respectively, of tl�e bridge site. Therefore, the project should be consistent witl� e�ceptions for incidental take outlined in the NLEB Final 4(d) rule wliich goes into effect February 16, 2016. The project is limited in scope to the replacement of a bridge with a culvert on an existing roadway alignment using an off-site detour. �rosion and sedimentation control measures will be implemented to minimize adverse effects of the work on aquatic habitats. Habitats for listed species are lackiug at tlie project site and uone of these species were observed during tield visits. For tliese reasons 1nd those discussed above, �ve recommend that a determination of "no effecP' on listed species app(y to this project (except for NLEB). This project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2011 for potential affects to historical architecture and archaeology. The bridge is witl�in tlie Flat Rock Historic District. Suiveys were conducted with determinations of "no adverse effect" on historic structures and "no resow•ces present/aSfected" forarcheologicalresources. Bridge No. 318 Page 3 February 15, 2016 NCDOT best mauagement practices will be used to minimize and control sedimentation and erosion. The coustruction foreman will review all measures daily to ensure erosion and sedimentation are being effectively controlled. If the devices are not functioning as intended, tliey will be replaced immediately with better fwictioning devices. Impacts to Waters of the Uuited Stntes Meminger Creek (DWQ Class: C) is shown on the USGS topographic map as a perennial stream. The cham�el is well defined and approsimately 8' wide witli a substrate of silt and sand with gravel/cobble riffles. Meminger G'eek at the bridge is aboul 53 miles upstream of Mud Creek, which then flows about 6.8 miles to the French B�road River (HUC 06010105). The Freiicli Broad River meets the definition of a Tr�ditional Navigable Water. For these reasous, we believe Meminger Creek is a Relatively Permanent Water and is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Replacement of tl�e bridge witl� an alnminum bos culve�t will result in impacts to waters of the United States as listecl in the table below. Site No. �xisting Candition Proposed Conditiou Net Statian Im �cts 20' W s 18'7" L single 25'2" W(span) � 7' H s 38'9" L Site l span timber deck on 39' titnberjoist bridge almninum bos culvett Site lA free-flowing sh'eam ��»Pervious dike and temporary flo�v � 00' diversion Site 2 streambed and banks constructed floodplain beitches with rip 26, rap (upstreaui of the culveit) Site 3 streambed and banks conshucted floodplain benches with rip 18, rap (downsh'eam of the culvert) Total Permaneut Stream Impact for Culvert 39' Total Tempora�y Stream Impact for Impe�vious Dilce and Plow Diversion 100' Total Per�uauent Strea�u Imp�ct fm� Tloodplaiu Bencl�es aud Rip Rap 44' Pei•mits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed with the construction project outlined above. By copy of this letter, 1 am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western DOT Review Coordinator for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), to commeut directly to you ca�cerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. I am also requestiug auHiorization under Sectiou 40 L of tlie Clean Weter Act from the North Caroliva Depaitment of Environmental Quality, Divisiou of Water Resources (DWR), ln addition, 1 am askiug Ms. Chambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer (NCDOT), to comment directly to me conceruing this permit request. Bridge No. 318 Page 4 Februery I5, 2016 Ifyou have any questious or need additional information, please contact me at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josh Deytou, PE, at (828) 488-2131. Yotu' early review and consideration �vill be greatly appreciated. '�icerely, ����� ave McHemy Division 14 Environmental Speci�list Enclosures cc: Ms. Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources, DEQ, Raleigh Ms. Kristie Lynn Carpenter, Division of W�ter Resources, DEQ, Raleigh Mr. Kevin Barnelt, Division of Water Resources, DEQ, Asheville Mr. Andrew Henderson, Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Asheville Mrs. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, NCWRC Mr. Josh Deyton, PE, Division 14 Bridge Management Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, PE, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT o�oF w n rFyQ� � y � � y O '- �T � Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Noti�cation (PC Form A. A plicant Inform�tion 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has lhe NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Cerfificalion — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorizalion 1e. Is this notifcation solely for the record For lhe record only for DWQ 401 For lhe record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for miligation � Yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance letler from mitigalion bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the projecl located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 318 on SR 1217 over Meminger Creek 2b. County: Henderson 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Flat Rock 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 17BP.14.R.45 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Dave McHenry, Division 14 Environmental Specialist applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Road 3e. City, stale, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: dgmchenry@ncdot.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Olher, specify: 4b. Name: 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. Agenf/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N!A (if applicable): 5c. Slreet address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N!A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude:35.278655 Longitude: -82.44631 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Meminger Creek praposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C 2c. River basin: French Broad 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on lhe site and the general land use in lhe vicinity of the project at the time of lhis application: The general landscape is a mixture of forest and single-family home sites. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all exisling wetlands on the property: N/A 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 100 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of the project is to replace a structurally deficient 18'7" L x 20' W single span timber deck on timber joist bridge with a 25'2" W(span) x 7' H x 38'9"' L aluminum box culvert on the existing location. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed. An off-site detour will handle traffc flow. The old bridge will be removed and the culvert installed in the same localion. Track hoes, dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, paving equipment, water pumps, sandbags, diversion pipe and various hand tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / � yes � No ❑ Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what lype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list lhe dates of lhe Corps jurisdiclional determinations or State determinations and aQach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permils or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help f le" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all lhat apply): ❑ Wetlands � Slreams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete lhis question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (induding temporary impacts) proposed on lhe site, lhen complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Slream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non-404, width pinear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Culvert Meminger Creek � PER � Corps $ 39 ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Flow diversion Meminger Creek � PER � Corps g 100 ❑ INT � DWQ Floodplain � pER � Corps S2 � P❑ T bench/rip rap Meminger Creek � INT � DWQ $ Z6 (upstream) Floodplain � pER � Corps S3 � P❑ T bench/rip rap Meminger Creek � INT � DWQ $ �$ (downstream) S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total Permanent Stream Impact for Culvert 39' Total Temporary Stream Impact for Impervious Dike and Flow Diversion 100' Total Permanent Impact for floodplain benches and rip rap 44' 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If lhere are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, Uibularies, sounds, the Allantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. lhen individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or Tem ora 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T df. Totnl open water impacts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, lhen com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Slream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A P2 SP. Totnl N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, lhen you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Olher: Project is in which prolecled basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleinan 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpacl number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Stream name mitigalion (square feet) (square feet) or Tem ora T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A O Nas N/A N/A B2 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Tot�l bufPer impacfs N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The bridge is being replaced wilh an aluminum box culvert on the same location. Sills and baffles will be added to the culverl to help retain a more natural channel morphology and to help wilh aquatic life passage. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. BMPs will be installed to minimize effects on aqualic habitat. Flow diversion will be used so that road fill and old bridge materials can be removed and the new culvert constructed in a dry work environment. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Miligation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitiga�ion is required by (check nll that apply): ❑ DWQ � Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project7 � Payment to in-lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (atlach receipt and leiter) Type N/A Quantity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 39 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperalure: ❑ warm � cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigalion requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zotte Reason for impacl Total impact Multiplier Required miligation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoralion, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to prolected riparian buffers identified � yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is lhe overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If lhis project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: N/A 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, lhen provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: The plan is covered under the NCDOT General Stormwater Permit No. NCS000250 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Certified Local Government NCDOT ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW appty (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coaslal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been altached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review Sa. Does lhe Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requiremenls? ❑ Yes ❑ No Sb. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, does the project require preparalion of an environmental document pursuant to the requiremenls of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)7 1 c. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, has lhe document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? pf so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Welland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)7 2b. Is this an after-lhe-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anlicipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No addilional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, submit a qualitalive or quanlitalive cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project consists of lhe replacement of a structurally deficient bridge. The road infrasfructure is not being upgraded. The secondary and cumulalive impacts from this routine construction project are expected to be insignificant. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail lhe ullima[e treatment melhods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will lhis project occur in or near an area wilh federally protected species or � Yes ❑ No habital? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use lo determine whelher your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habilat? Norih Carolina Natural Heritage Program Database and site visils during and after lhe feld scoping process. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essenlial fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to detennine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habital? N/A--There are no marine or estuarine habitat within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes ❑ No stalus (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties signifcant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use lo determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was submitted to lhe NCDOT's Human Environment Unit for review. Surveys were conducted for cultural resources and historic architecture with final determinalions of "no resources presenUaffected" and "no adverse effect", respectively (see altached forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will lhis project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the tloodplain determinalion? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Dave McHeiuy Division Environmental Specialist �i ��z� 'G�/� %� ApplicanUAgenPs Signa ur�t e Date AppllCanUAgent'S Pfinted Name (AgenCs signature is valid only if an authorization letler from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version u ,i = I W m � v U 4 � o .� � Z � � c � o m°-ZF > � a�i v �O�w 'v o c w Z�H� o II 11 F �� ggNN � ( ) w pUwN o, �i �03 ; � �� V � Qc G � � i � N _ � � }a,� V � a� _ W r' M O Z � � � .` m d- -�� � ' �_ u � ^�u:��,� ! �.-� �,11 � � ,�; _��.��� ; � _� _lil_- - Z..� ':�.���- � _� I � � Ln.� � ..cf y` N u 0 5 o � � \ W Q � � SU s� � oSSF+ o�s �d ��� � /' �`r� tt/'� �� / J�/ /(,/,�`. �! `y S%� `' __�, sr'af fAfNGf.R G _�� . i � �� Sr � \�, i /i �,av� I � / � � � , / W �9zss+z� •o�s ld U n. � z Z��W O maZO 2' Q W � W �V Z—~l� �� g�o p ag"'y � a �uWo � � 03 N w �� �, . ,'� _ �> , i�17`r- � ``.. 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( ��" d �� *e'�'��.. � c r r' � ,� _ , - - �� . ��. .�� . " �� �r y , .'y} • '� K � �'-',�'►,� y.�"�: -..y, ,; �t. v �l� - y v . � � .s .'� r .,�i! A -�r +d..' �� � � j*� , ' ' + . .,r t�� .� ' . .Y . ..a . `i ��- ,{:`' t ��_ .. + 3i.,. -� �h - �.,'d' '* �{� p��. �i ' . .� �� !, � � ' �. � ..- ,� 'y f - y. Y�a�,�}. ��t�� � �w -�, �� T �j - � �"� ti� ��� ' � Y�� s �.i y .i'� �(� � r4 � i � w il ' f r ` • ' ,�4` 7i�. �',+ ,,a ' ` � !• �} , . � ,�• ` J ` �' / ";, i Bridge318 ° �_ __.� jYa �{ � + . a.� .i�r� t��,y r,�L� - �� ' -. »•'' . �r� 'r�lf;+� --yA7,� �* f ,- �'+, •� ` `'�� �S'st r� 1�^.� _ � � �'� ' '"� � yJ( ��•f .�v.l '`�.�n � �, i� .Y � ��; ` �,'. ��R 1 . j e�T��� M� il � .5 .. .1' .'�. ' `� ,,a'<S r £ ` ����jjj , � R ��� r�� ' �. . P � •i �, in ,�• � ���.�•' � �R µ��. . � _ �1 (t , Y i �. .!R ��' t�t �:' '�� 1 �, '�' " {.�� p$' �:� ( .i� '_ F' �. � �!Y` � ': � , ' . _ T )..� . . ! � K 1 � �� ��. � � � ' , �'�' r ♦ .. ; �` a�f..�t �:di. :aa 'r a. � , 1 , ; �� � .. �' �` `� a•,j�,�ij�'a,�+ :�� JJJGGG���444111 +� `� �' "�.�-. � ����^� �.� r• � ♦ 4��, �,.V t � . � .1 y y -'� ' � - �. - : f � 1 � i. � .. . r!1 . � �� '. � � � , �, Bridge 318, SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek W�E Henderson, County 5 0 50 100 200 Feet ���+.■■�r��►�i►�1 .�Ar�}c���CUi���i��� r�� �� rr7'�����J�� �'� Henderson County Bridge N318 on SR 1217 over Meminger Creek Augus[ 13, 2014 Looking east towards bridge. a _ , � M1 l' 1 �ry'i . . ;.l {I'+1) . " �'�` �i i��i :i ��� �'j'. ` � � .r: �-.- `;:t 1 ' Looking west towards bridge. Henderson County Bridge q318 on SR 12ll over Meminger Creek August 13, 2014 Looking downstream under bridge. Di��ision 1�4 6ridge Re��lncements I Icndcrson Qrid��e .i I S U ��; .. •., � ,�. :� . �r: , '., ,, � , � ,i : , . .., �,�, � ,'; , 1 � t�•'' � ; � ;\ . .�`� I, :' '� �'' ' . ;�i � if.�). , ' i ^ � �:' � �.� �� .'\�,:',\ � � � . � i � S � ��� � ' _� � � - �' J � � �: � � � :•1 � `� , .��,%� � ,, f• `,. ` �> . . . � , 4 1� � � l.' :` �r,t .j,- ' i 1 .�i� ` U..���Yl�-� .t��. .. + � ' � �'iMA . , tt�: `t`� :.-�r� IG' <'.. i `. . ,..y � � 2.^ 1 !.� � i�'.> � ��, �. u( . ��'' 7-,^.:-v . �� t :. L 'i �' 1 r � ''' i � ; � . -;, . '� . :,, r , , : ,, �' a`f� .: � i� o i•'.{'1: � � �-' 1 ' J '�' ,�};. � � ��t1' ���.�'. .'� �,�y:il �'- t q .S ' -' ' J �'r+ �� , i�U9. � .� �.� .. ��^ ct. t' S�y.',`f } ' • : �l.'��J'.��. ll ' � �.? r �+ �, t �;; ��. � i � ti�ti, la�r{��:�..' � . _.... )�._�a.: ..'.�-�� �. A DONIISfI'Q�III il � `�,�$,- i�� � fn vironmen ral Quality Mr. Mnrk S. Davis NCDOT Division 14 Euviro�miental Supervisor North Caroluia Departmen[ of Transportntim� 253 \Vebster Road Sylva, North Carolina 28779 De�r Mc Davis: Febn�ary 9, 2016 Subjech Mi�igetion Acceptance Letter: PAT MCCRORY r,..__ . DONALD R. VAN DER VAAR7 ti_ -, � r:�, , RECEIi/ED FEB 0 9 2016 DIVISION 14 Division 14 Projecl, Replace Bndge 3l8 on SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek, Henderson County; WE3S Element 17BP.I4.R.45 The puryose of tliis lettcr is to nofify you that ihe Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory sVzam mitiga�ion for the subject projecl. Based on the inCormation received on February 3, 2016, the impacts are located in CU 06010105 of !he French Broad River Uasiu in Ute Southem Mountnins (SM) Eco-Region, and are as follows: I'rench Broad Stream Metlends Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 06010105 Non- Coastal S� Cold Cool 1Vami Riparinn Zone 1 Zone 2 Ri nrian Marsh Tmpacts 0 39.0 0 D 0 0 0 0 (feet/acres) This impact and associaled mitigalion need were under projected by Ihe NCDOT in ihe 2016 'vnpact data. DMS �vill commit to implement sufticient compensatory stream miligation credits to ofFset iLe impacts associated with this project as detemiined by [I�e regulatory egencies using the delivery timelu�e listed in Seclion F3.e.iii of 8ie In-Lieu Fee Instrument deted July 28, 2010. If tl�e above referenced impact amounts are revised, then Ihis mitigation acceplance letter will no longer be valid a��d a new mitigation acceptnuce letter will be required from DMS. 8420. If yon have any questions or need additional infonnntion, please con�act Ms. Beth Harnion al 919-707- Sincerely, ��tiL�"i'v �a �i�'"' 1 / �' / 7a�peS� Sfenfill Cre�iF}vlanagement Snpervisor cc: Ms. Lori BeckwitU, USACE — Asheville Regulatory Field Office Mc Josh Deyton, P.E., NCDOT — Division 14 Bridge Maintenance Engineer Ms. Linda Fitzpalrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: SR 1217 — Dridge 318 — Divisia� 14 "i�in,L�nr� (:oinparc;;,1- SutlenfkurlhC.nnliw � Fnvironmenlalp,iyllly IGOlbiailSc-�viceCni�ha �, Ralei�h,NotlhCarolinal7G59�1G01 914]OI�A(,00 ,P �' r�f-�.. �Z-c..r•_... ...-.. . ._ _ '__' � N N L a � o � .��•'��� � ° �$ �' N � ° ^+ ° n rneE ¢Q' \ °1 � a � Z Z .c a w .. 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Y � O. � � -� � c�>>°> 'xo o x o : n a�Oi °o o`i v� w A n° >U = momc.f¢m wa` a` w a` in`oa m a.� am?w �m za wz ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD):2-3-zois B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: NC Deparlment of Transponation, Dave McHenry, Division 14 Environmental Specialist 253 Webster Road, Sylva, NC 28779 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Replace bridge no. 318 on SR 1217 (Boyd Dnve) over Meminger Creek with aluminum box cuived (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC COUIIIy/�JB�ISII/IJOf0UgI1: Henderson CI(y: Hendersonviile Center coordinates of site (IaUlong in degree decimal format): Lat. ss.z�asss °N; Long. -az.aassi °�/�/, Universal Transverse Mercator: 3ssass.�, asoasoa.e zo�e i� Name of nearest waterbody: Mem��se� c�eek Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: �oo linear feet: 8 width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: R3uaz Stream Flow: Wetlands: Na acres. Cowardin Class: �a Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: Na Non-Tidal: Na E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): � Office (Desk) Determination. Date: z-3-zois � Field Determination. Date(s): 8 -/3-iy� SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicanUconsultant: NcooT ❑ Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the appl�i❑canUconsultant. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. � Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data � USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps �✓ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: � z4k He�ae�so���iie ❑ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: � 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑✓ Photographs: ❑✓ Aerial (Name & Date): or 0 Other (Name & Date): Baia, a-is-ia � Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: � Other information (please specify): E 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicanYs acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWAjurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. 3 This preliminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarilV been verified bv the Corps and should not be relied upon for later iurisdictional determinations. �� Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) `,� `i'/G � 2 - 3 -/6 Signature and date o person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estimated amount of aquatic Class of resource in aquatic Site Number Latitude Longitude Cowardin Class review area resource 1 35.278655 -82.44631 R3U62 1001inear feet Non Section 10 — non-wetland , , �:r l�a;A�r�� 1�� _n..n..,i � .tl (WA)11-08-0112 I�J�I LC l;ti UI�; I'F.R�IINATION POItR1 PKOJI(C'I' INPOR]f:\7'ION l�,�,�r,r:��n. c'u,rnr,: Henderson i; 7ts :�'�,: 17 BP.1R. R.A 5 I�ncrun� �,r. 1..L A'u: ]�ui�rlin�: X tilatc [f Pedcf:il l�i�rlrrul l(�:C:I('F.� Pcrinil R��y+rired? X 1'es n un P�•,�,��ir �}�p�: NWR 3 or 14 1�,��irci t�����,rprro,,. Replace Bridge No. 318 on SR 12J.7 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Greek with offsite detour (no improvements planned) Nric/ deacriprion uf rerir�r url'n�rNes. +ra+rh.i o(r�•vrrtr. ru;r/c<n�rlrnions': HPl]Wek� revfewetl on 22 SepLemCcr l01 l and �ielded nne NR, and nr� SL, SS, DOE, or L� properties in the Area of Potenti�,l Effccls (APE). Hendv_rsnn County current <;15 mappfnq, aerial pho[ography, and tax informatiori indieated several la[rtwentieth century resources and h:o proper[ies conlaining domeslic buildings dating to tlie I�t� 195p5 (/f 108 �,nd Y 113 Boyd Drive) in the I�P(. (vie'�:2d 22 Septenlber 2011). Thc proj�d falls ;vithin the National Re<�ister boundary of the Flat Rn: k I listoiic District (HN 2) and Jraft (Fe6ruary 2010) houndary increaeFfdecrEase. Conslr��ded in 1959, Bridge fJo. 318 is neither included in lhe NCDOT I listoric k3ridqe Survey, nor repre:enlalive of any distinctive engineering nr ae;lhe[ic type. The APE ex[ends �100 feet tn Fither end of the exi;linc� bridqe {E-�iJ) and lU0 feet to either side of the SR 1217 (Boyd Urive) centcrlinc (P!-S) to rncompass .�U propo,ed conslruclion activitics as uirrently deffned. I he absenr,e nf reliabir �0tial phulogrdpfiy and o[hcr imagcry, as v✓e!I as ti�e presenc,e qf prr:-196C1 resr�urces and the NR historic distrir.t, indicated an �r�hitectural sur�ey, conducted nn 13 October 2011, The 5urvey includcd invc;tigation of lOp�Yo of the APE by autornobile and on (oot, and thi. identifiCation, photcr�raphing, and niappinq o( all above�q_:ound resaurces ovFr fI(ly year; of ac7e in Lhc APE. lhc ranch houc,es at � 1D8 �nd C' 113 Boyd Drivc (hroperty Plwiihers 1 and 7_ un tii�• atla�hed ;urvCy map and photographs) are uniemarkable exarnple; o( lftefr type and are compnnents nf ih2 Plat Rock Forest Subd�vision, a nomcontributing resnurce tvithin the dre(l Fiat k�ck Historic District f3oundary Increa;e, 6oundary �ccrease and Additional Documentatinn (Fehrunry 2010). Proocrty No. 3 is histori�ally assnr,iated t'dith Saludd Cotlages (11189` LitUc River Road, 183Ci and 1887), but no ronlributing cicmcnls or any other ahove-grnt:nd rrr:ources an, locnted vdithin or near tl�e �PF. I'hTLC'I:S I)1: fIiRD11:V:�'170\ Flat Rock Historic District (HN 2) and draft Boundary Increase, Boundary Decrease �nd Additional Doeumentation PrapeiY�:�.C(Iu: �FObYU�ty ���.�� .�r�nr�,: NR and pending NR Ll/��rls /'inclinc,� n\o t.i�tiet X No Advcrs� F,flcci n:\dcci.c I�.flcn � i � .�,.�,,:: , ,,... ,a,�� :,.;..,�:,•�� ::,,,�, � i,,.:, .,.� .:.��,..:..��,...��,:� .i �„� ..,� .,.. _..:� 1r��.r.,., n.,... �u . r;, , I�:r��lnnn�irni <>flCffi'</.ti U�v��,„:t,u,rrr�,,. APE includes non-contributing, undistinguished resources (#�108 ancl 113 Boyd Drive) and undeveloped lancl aY the margin of th� Saluda Cottages prQperty, i.��r �;m: t,,» �» rr„rd <'��n,n,iun��r�r., i;!�,qr� Minimize t��ee removal, as well as equipment and materials storage beyond existiny ROW. Should the design of the pr�qject change, please notify NCb47 Historic Architecture as additional review may 6e necessaiy. suF�rnu'r i�nCi �n�'.n'r:�'rio� Scc �utnchcJ: I)csign pl�ms nnd photn:_ `l C�,V� i;) ,, C.�_ (� J' ,� C;} .� 1.L�;���1 �. c'uhural kcsourccs Spe; i.�Iist, \CIlO'I' 1 1� { I[ C.-.it-r �'\�- Z_ �,:- :�-� �i �. -� r� Rcpre�enlAli�c.I�PO'C)Si\ 7 IIPO'O.S:J ('unmteul�:� -- ��f/l/ .<'�C-tiL[. �:. )' ;: �/ � D.lti� ,'rq. i ,.... .. � . ..�. . . , .. . ..r:, � _ lr.o , . , n .i,. . �,i. . i....., 7. ..�.. ... .. .. � l- �' � � Datr ,,. , _ ,� 1�� :,, r; ,'t'� . ,:�;1 . ..;� .�. rc�-. .�,,, ,:�, ,�'�. . '�• 4 ' :' r!. � �' I . i �i �� : � � _ � :� � .t;% �. . fw, } . i .. �� , : � ,''. !. � P8'�I � i• E� >��i �y.• i // R � / I / • \ / 1 1 � . � /� l '..� � ) . / � Fl� 4 .il� �� � ��f-i Y� ��! I. � ���< ;�i "� i ' .�,� ��—,l�r r /.° � _ t� � /3� �� `� � f � / — �? � � i; / > � ': T f'��( `` i �'j ` ti �r �r,' � .� z . 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S.' " 16 �(Ir U �I P r �' a � ,r r CI (� _ (1 �1J r � <i -� " �� Pfl �. i � ;n, 4J ' { � � cJ �' U ,_� <�" (11�' K ^J ; � '. <i i� ^ _ � �� �, � f � ' '- �� Vl .� � �i p rv .- � `.C<i . - � e� �, � �, ,. �- � -- ,� ',' � ,. Q 'r� u '<<'i, c !1���� =�i <� u � z u � •n � r �n :. o .i, �� 4 r� °� . Y s �.. ,y U �r� J r1 �j� ���� ].'- //7//�. ( �� �-•�t // '(�/ , .1 1 .r � G .�, '1 , #2 - -- _�.�- ISI'i�il;e �VCl. �.�ii �--• - ---- - - - _. -- r. :�, � �i' y` — � _ -'�� 1. — _` "-_'.i r;�rldlli —_ —_ _'- t- __ � -- --- _, �; _ ---. j .�, �--r'_./ . - � #� -- _ .r-- � � Historic /�rchitectural Resources f3ridge Na. 318 Henclerson Coimty WBS # 17f3t�.1R.ft.�b5 Surveyed 13 October �OX� 6ase map; Henderson County GIS (2011), NTS NCDOT Nisluric �ird�itrcWrc Trackin�H 71�OS�O11Z � � r� � - 1 I � � �� -�- :�J �y . � Rr� ��� r✓�•. � �� ti.� � � - �_, ) ' � ,(, ``\ ... s i +,, . i t�esc 3 ) ' +Y �-� �; l, 1��� , 14 � ,�"�`- �,. ) . i! � �� � _. � A'� ' . ` �Z� 7 '� � �. �'. , . � . . K �. .. �� . r�i; ;r. . ;1;� � . .. i �r. � ` � , f +F � .. =� � �'�; t �1 .� �� k ��,y,r.� T� �`� -�' t -�... ��-.�. , � • .��t••j�:St .' �`F ti�� , , . a � � d �;R , - . .. �� I • . i �{�� ` . r ( ! ?] � '� 9j � E� . �.../II�FiS all�l,��' 'l�{' '.�(T?S'" ,��+�r*�� �L l::� S� -:._ ..��F1 i =.�n��.� ... ,�.....o--.e.qFDi� I .:�'.._:. .., . � f i f_ R��j1rT��;. -� ' .. . ti5r°rFR:. , . . .... . .. `.i�.....� ! �� ��l } '•r; � ~ V� t ' ' .. . . _� _ ' . . t . . Prc�perty IVo. "l, i�108 Boyd Qrive Property NQ. 2, #113 Boyd Drive Iirirlgr Nn 318, Hend�!son County 11-OH-0117 6'J6S fI llBP_14.RA5 � Prc�perty No. 3. Loolcing east towar��s Bridge Na. 318 on SR 121% (Boyd Drive), property to south (right) 4, �y � ' h �y 1 K ••� i �.: r � 1i. . �� :, - �� r � r ;`� �� , n �y ;. i'.- �. .$ .e.,, � p �I �Y 1 �; - �C _ I ,,' ` w ' �'4. - �!' � �� z..' r,� i �i �I',, , i. p � 1�`-{ . I� � Y.e. � . 1 f !. � /� ... `: � � �}� � � � s, � '�` )� y � * �i � % A c �.i.� % i � .1��:! 7t r"�. :Y i � ' . ,..O��a . 4 ,,`.�-.�! . . Y t �I � .. ; . �.�'. _ �- � �'�j �Y ' Y I j� � t ) ; � �'i l{� li � � 2� �w: r -� , < < �. �, f .;� �Ilt -x,: �� �r '.� i _ � E y f � j ' _ �` i}4/� 7 e }'� � } .� y � ' . � � �; ��' � � ' ' r2 r � ' � �� • � 1'; /i� �-:1 , _. �� �. ����K J ,� Y�� a����� Y �•'� l~ � � � �' � ��� _ � �sci . .. . . .. [ ,e f'ra��cr�y No. 3. Lool<ing sou�h towards Saluda Cottages frari� SR 12�7 {Boyd Dr iv�) Hlidge h�o. 518, Ilendc�:on County ? t-0ft-011Z 4NfiS 1! 1/6P.14.R.4 ; SUR PROJECT INPORNIATION Pr•oject No: Jv6S No: 17BP.14.R�45 F.A. No: Federal (USACE) Periiii! Reg«irer!? Projecl Trncking No. (h�lenm! UseJ 11-08-0112 1 � RM Cotnrry: Henderson Docunlent: Fimding: X State Federal X Yes No Pern�i� Type: NWP 3 or 14 P,�oject Desc,�iy�ior,: Replace Bridge No. 318 on SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek with offsite detour (no improvements planned). SUMMARY OF CULTi.iIZAL R�SOURC�S REVIEW —SURVEYREQUIRED l3rieJdescriplion afrerretir nclri�ities, resr�l�s ofrerieiv, nnd concl�isions: HPOWeb reviewed on 22 September 2011 and yielded one NR and no SL, 55, DOE, or LD properties in the project area. Henderson County current mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated several late- twentieth-century resources and two properties containing domestic buildings dating to the late 1950s (#108 and #113 Boyd Drive) in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) (viewed 22 September 2011). The project falls within the National Register boundary of the Flat Rock Historic District (HN 2). Constructed in 1959, Bridge No, 318 is neither included in the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey, nor representative of any distindive engineering or aesthetic type. Available aerial photography and other imagery are insufficient to accurately assess pre-1960s properties and possibly other resources in a preliminary APE, APE extends 400 feet to either end of the existing bridge (E-W) and 100 feet to either side of the SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) centerline (N-S) to encompass all proposed construction activities as currently defined. The project will be reviewed for both GS 121-1Z(a) and Section 106 compliance. The project is contained within the boundaries of the National Register-listed Flat Rock Historic District (HN 2). The presence of the distrid and the pre-1960s resources indicate the need for a field investigation. SUPPORI' DOCUM�NTATION See attached: location map; National Register boundary map FINDING BY NCDOT CULTURAL R�SOURC�S PROTESSIONAL -- SURVEYREQUlRED Arcl)l�eology Historic Arcliitecture (circle one) / .Cl �_" n Specialist October 30, 2011 Proposed fieldwork completion date Svn�{�� Reqvired l��mi far M1linar T�m�spur'lulinn {'roJec�s as OunLfirAln ihe 2001 Prvgrommalrc.4grremeN. A'('007'Ar.imanlo�� 8� HiilaNc.-irddtculnrc Group� Date Projee! Tr'neking �Vo. �bvenml Use) 1�-�8-�112 NO PR�ffiSTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTI�S PR�SENT/AFF�CTED FORM YROJ�CT INFORMATION Project No: Sh'.4403 I 8 IVI3S No. F.A. No: 17BP.14.R45 N/A Federnl (US�ICE) Pernrrt Reqtrired'? Cotrnly: Docmnenl Henderson PCE or Min. Criteria Checklist Frrn�(ing: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Pe�mil Tj�pe: NWP3 orNWPl4 Pi�ojectDescrrption: BridgeNo. 318 on SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek is to be replaced in kind while making use of an off-site detour. 'Chere will be minor ditch-line impacts. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) should be 75' either way from tlie centerline oY'tlie bridge and 300' fi�om either end of the bridge. The bridge was originally built in t952 and is in poor condition so it has been selected to be replaced under the S�ate Funded Bridge Replacement Program-Design-Build Year I. SUMMARY OF P'INDINGS The Nordz Cnrolina Depnrintenl qj Trct�tsporinlioi� (NCDOTJ re��ieu�ed !he sttbjee( projee! cmd delerntiired: Historic Architecture/Landscapes ❑ There are no National Register-listed or S[udy Listed properties within the projecYs area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties less than fifry years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G �vithin thc project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the projecYs area of potential effects. ❑ 7'here are properties over fiffy ycars old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Regis[er. ❑ All properties greater than 50 years ot age located in ihe APE have been consictered and all compliaiice for historic architechu�e with Section I06 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 12I-12(a) has been completed for this project. ❑ There are no historic properties present or aCfectecl by Ihis project. (flltcich mry no�es or docmiten�s ns neecled) Archaeology � There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the projecYs area of potential effects. � No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investiga[ions did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible C � for the National Register. All identitied Archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-I2(a) has been completed for this project. There are no historic properties presen� or affected by [his project (Atluch rmp noles or docmneivs ns nee�(ed) ..,��„ enr,��n� r.,,���.n,�, r.o.."n ��l,,,,� /,. ar,�,�, r����� �,,.�o�r„�, r.y«��� o, g„��g���d n� d,.• znn � r.��e.�n��,or,� . ie..•����»r. n°c'onr.-i,��i,.,.�����,G��x-nrm�.r� d.d�rn•��«,.. r,.�����. SUMMARY OI' CULTUItAL RLSOURC�S R�VI�W Briefdescriplion �f�rerieir aclivi�res, resrrlls ofrerieir, mrc(conch�sians: A map revie�v and site tile search �vas conducted at the Otlice of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, Sepleinber 23, 201 I. A comprehensive archaeological swvey at this particidar bridge location has never been conducted, nnd only hvo (2) archaeological sites h�ve beeu recorded �vilhin one (1) mile of the proposed project, both of are historic in nahu�e. Digital copies of IiPO's maps Q-Iendersonville Quadrangle) as well as the HPOVVEB CIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) �vere reviewed on Tuesday, September 27, 201 L There �re no kno�m historic architechu�al resources loca�ed within the project area that may have intact archaeological deposits within tlie footprint of the proposed projeet. In additiou, lopographic maps, historic maps (NC�[aps �vebsite), OSDA soil swvey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors Ihat may have contributed to historic or prehisloric settlement �rithin �he projecl limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, a�ricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbanees within and surrowiding [he archaeological APE. As s�ated in d�e Sm�rep Requirect Fo��m for fhis projec[, `Based on flood mapping, Ihe projecl area appears to fall outside any po[enti�l Flood hazard The project 2rea is located on what �vas once the 250-acre Saluda Cottages eslate, �vhich hed originelly been ped of Ihe vasl Charles Baring estate. [n I 836, Count Joseph b(arie Gabriel St. �avier de Choiseul, the French consul to Chadeston, purehased 100 acres fi�om Baring aitd buill Saluda Coltages, so named for its numerous ou�buildings and location along �he old Saluda Patl�. By I850, ihe deed belonged to C G. Menuninger, Ihe tuture tirst Secretaiy of the Treaswy for tl�e Confederacy. \-lemminger subsequen�ly transferced title to at leas� a poi�ion of tlie estate to Rev. Charles Cotesworth Pinckey �vho served �s rector at the nearby SL John in Ihe �Vilderness Episcopal Chw�ch, originally built by Charles Baring in 1833 [n I�ter years, the estate seived as ihe summer home of C. P. Clevela��d, a banker fi�om Spartanbw�g, SC, �vho later sold mos[ of the original es�ates to C�mpbell Boyd. Sometime during the 1950s, Boyd divided a lot of remaining estale into large lols, calling fhe development Plat Rock ForesL Allhough Ihe principal d�velling, "Saluda Cotta�es," is locnled well oulside the APE for tl�e project, an arohaeological survey is reeommended in order to detennine tl�e presence or absence of any historic material that may be associated �vith the fomier estate. A��isual inspec�ion of the entire con'idor should be conducted first, follo�ved then by archaeolo�ical investigations in areas deemed approprinte and suitnble for survey. Should the description of Ihis project or design plans change prior to construction, then ndditionnl consultation regarding archaeologl' mny be required.,, On Wednesda}', October 19, 201 I, a field review meetin� �vas held on-site regarding Ihe proposed bridge replacement projecl. Prior to Il�is meeting �vith Division personnel, ihe project limits had already been staked. Furiher discussion revealed that ground-disturbin� activilies were to be limited to within the s�aked limits of the project as seen in the field (see photos). 6ased on tl�e positioning of the stakes, the archaeological APE for �his project is e�tremely sinall and constric�ing, ex�ending onl}� a fe�v feet oft ihe edge of pnveinent (EOP) on either side of Uie road (rop of ditch line to lop of ditch line) within existing ROVV. Since the actual footprint oYthe proposed project is so small, it was determined Uiat no subsurface testing �rould be required for Ihis projecL The polential for intact archaeological materials �rithin such a narrow and disturbed APF, is extremely low. If, however, desi�n plans change prior to construction, then additional consulletion regarding archaeologieal investigations will be required. As cw�'enlly designed, a finding of"no historic properties" is considered appropriate in association �vith lhis bridge replacement projec[. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTATION Sae attached: Figures, Photos Sig�ied: �� � �� � ���� o�ro�z�� 2 i. 2o i i Cultural Resources Spe�}�list, NCDO'I' Date _,�'o Hkio,r�� /�.op:.u.r Ne,cnr"I �,�„y�..l6nor Trz„�rp��n��ih�n r. �.cn ae {hial);ed �u ih: zon nbug.m,mmr. ,{c..�,�,.•,�e FCDOT.An�hntdi�yn� d� Hht,nle dmhiieemm Gruvr�c � �- � � , ., .- «nc�t � niu f� vur Luci�?' ( �- � � � � �... : pn,y/`,\,;�'• of the•. � '/ �%/��_ ' ; t ,� ;� ���� Hills Gam` . . � . . ' . . : J% ( - • wi✓..�,� � � `, \� . ( ,�� I�= � ' I .� _�• `��-5w�m�wnu•: r���� - 'Z`1'� - /� •�! : I .. � � �ut�oul " �° .�\I'/ f % r � � � �l�p` � /.Jf �U IIl �• ,% 1� ��'=� �+' /r . � � � .��,. C�; � ' . .-�.��. ' ' o , Tr hol��} �. �.. �i/: �,t��� �, ,; . ::�;• _ ivltr� /" '. � � > � . . �' lt�ado�a�ta . 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F � , � •- l , . �� '.� ' �.,�e.., • �o / � '�L'k?�� � �: , �i � j� ; .+�— � �� t '� � � �i,.•r � �� . �._ . ..�< ♦ � `' :; �/ . j�'� , ) < . ,, . �, �: �`l , :�--.,� �, � .r igure I: llendersonville, N.G (USGS 1965 [PR1990]). Photo L South�vest Quadrant, lookiug Southeast. �a�„ nrr,��,�, r,�,,",i."� r,.�,-.•,,, ���,,,�, r,,.v��,��, r,�„��,,,,.��,���� Y,����.,; �„ �,�,����,��� r„ ,n�� znn� r,.,s.o�,,,»�,� .as..•.��.����_ A'C/XJT.Irdmrningc fi Hirn�rlr.-Ircldiramrc Gr�nipr Photo 2: Southeast Qundrant, looking \Vest. ..�� �_.'R.. � Myr a�S�I � :�;-'�i{t�`.�,ri� �� �.;� .�i� : � ci . r �- / . � .: '.�� S--,s.: �. _ -- '� ��. + . C - q Y i- � . :..�M�es 'i`� . - . r : . i :1,:� ..y.'.� s '-.°. .���.:;. :�.°�r,.r.; �' �r " ' . J ' � �r � i _� ' I � � : : 4 ,' . � � �� ��,. t ' � � .--:s� } �... _ < � � ;y r , ,� �, Photo 3: Northeast Quadrant, looking lVcst to�vard priva�e drive�vay and garden. _Nn HismNr Yrnpe.d. r Promi,r"/,rn, l n 1/hmr 7'rauapmmrrou ]', jeer, a. �k,alhed D, rha 2no 9l'rnyrammarie,l yarmem_ �A'CDOT dreAa.nln,Gr d- //isrm'ic drehlleuure Grovps Pho�o 4: Staked Projecl Limits near East End of Rridge, looking AVest. �, \` t �� . � , .:; J <;' � "� I - � \� .-��� � - .+). �•�.,' � � i � ,';,,1� �1,�� j � ' 1; :` 5: �� �,� i� ` �� .t � �x`#' � }'s{ �1,'"'� �� � '� -��(C s�' „xr'� a �' �t��._�f�t � -' ���� �. �1 �:� P7 . � '"� � �`�,�.-;i�'�`'. '' ' ; ; .. �::4 j I �r �i ' � l ,� I�� �; � � ` •'; �� �,.:i-�..- t; '. _ .,y, ' � 'r; � � --� ' '' . ' �T' � r � _ i �I. . ( , �"'��. ' t- ' ' �.r`.n , �'. �' + , ' �� � �, `y F � ` ¢ � � ,.�,'-��{�`.` b `.'y,�.. •,� �.,.�. .r ,_.`.�, , . `a 4 : .,� �. ,M r�°�.� i�'�'r ' „« +` ,,�ti, i `� �:'�,.� r ,;` r >t�ked Project Limits in Southeast Quadrant, looking F.as1. ,A'o Hhr�nlc P�epdr�l: c l'ra.�o�C' (urm fa.1 Lnnr Tranrpnr�otlnn Pr jeu� oc OrmlJwd ir� iA. ?OlV Piagro�nuwnr.-ikreewanc ,A'f'U07'.Jn•h�m�dngc fi7livnrta Ard�irc.nvc (iruupr Pholo 6: Snludn Cottnges, as secn fi�om �he lVest Limi�s of Proposed Project, looking Sou�hwesl. . ,� � . , yya.._ � . i r . F �� f,'� � �? .�� � � Y j`';�� ' ����� ��y • � 9j � �v , q � � 1 \ � � L � •� : � ' � � � ,� ��� � � ;,y,, ; � � � -�> , �� 2ty, ��� ,; „ ,,. , � �4 ` F ���. k I ! \ )'� 1� � �t }� � � . o., � i .. ♦' L � � � � .�� , x � . . _.a_ �� A ���^�f5'�t ..' 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N Y z � � . ; � � � �. l� � � � � i o / � y � � ''. �� V � � /"! _ � � � � �x- � : °, �S�J ��', ,: � � y,_. , � v o � " �e" , : � ��,0. .- ,f E a �V a �i � �� 'Jr, � L�G � �� y�-r,•r_. � �U y M.� N �� N ? N �I ���� �.�;,�~. i i O y � 8 � Q -� E ��"� - , . -. � _ � � � Z � � ci a = = z K �� / �, �•' �. c a�', d;,r' �;.��� ,�! '�� � � � � � � 'C � .., :i 3 �,� . _'.�T '��f � ' � 0 ��� � ��i - � �� � 7�� � . .tiYr'. � � i, i %. �� � / � m ,Y�� � .��� \�,��SI .e . / // .%/ \,. ��`.i���� SUR VEY REQ UIRED FORM YROJ�CT INFORMATION Project A�o. Sht440318 lYBS No: F'.A. No: 17BP.14.R.45 N/A Feclernl (USACE) Perniil 2equi��ed? Coau:t��: Uocmnent: Projeel Tr'n��king �\'o. (Lnervml UsrJ 11-�t�-� 112 Henderson PCE or Min. Criteria Checklist Fto��l'nig: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No PerndtTj�e: NWP3orNWPl4 Projecr Descri�lion: Bridge No. 313 on SR 1217 (Boyd Drive) over Meminger Creek is to be replaced in kind while makiiig use of an off-site detom�. There will be minor ditch-line impacts. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) should be 75' either way from the ceuterline of the bridge and 300' ti�om either end of the bridge. The bridge �vas originally built in I952 and is in poor condition so it has been selected to be replaced under the State Punded Bridge Replacement Program-Design-Build Year l. SUMMARY OP' CULTURAL R�SOURC�S R�VIG�V — SURVEY REQUIRED Briefdescription oJ'rerie�r nclii�itres, residts ofrei�ietr, rntd concltisions: A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, September 23, 201 I. A comprehensive archaeological survey at this particular bridge location has never been conducted, and only hvo (2) archaeological sites have been recorded �vitliin one (l) mile of the proposed project, both of are historic iu nature. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Hendersonville Quadrangle) as �vell as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were reviewed on Tuesday, September 27, 201 L There are no known historic architechu al resources located within the project area that may h�ve intact nrchaeological deposits within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have conh�ibuted to liistoric or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hy�rological, and other erosive-rype disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. A review of USGS maps, Web Soil Swvey (hnp://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.eov/apu), and Henderson County GIS reveals a project area (i.e. APE) consisting primarily of one ( I) soil type: Codorus loam (Co, arlaqua). These soils are generally located on floodplains of streams draining from the mountains. In unprotected areas, these soils flood occasionally or frequen[ly for very brief periods; protecled areas are subject to rare or occasional tlooding Yor vciy brief periods. Based on flood mapping, the project area appears to fall outside any potential flood hazard. The project area is Iocated on �ahat was once the 250- acre Saliida Cottages estate, which had originally been part of the vast Charles Baring estate. In 1836, Count Joseph Marie Gabriel St Xavier de Choiseul, the French consul to Charleston, purchased 100 acres from Baring ancl built Saluda Cottages, so named for its nwnerous outbuildings and location along the old Saluda Path. By l 550, the deed belonged to C. G. Ntemminger, the future first Secretary of the Treasury for the Confederacy. N[emminger subsequently transferred title to at least a portion of the estate to Rev. Charles Cotesworth Pinckey who served as rector at the nearby S[. Jolm in the Wilderness Episcopal Church, origivally biiilt by Charles Baring in 1833. In later yeais, the estate se�ved as the summer home of C. P. Cleveland, a banker fi�om Spartanburg, SC, who later sold most of the a�iginal estates to Campbell Boyd. Sometime during the 1950s, Boyd divided a lot of remai�iing estate into large lots, calling the development Flat Rock ForesL Although the principal dwelliug, "Saluda Cottages," is located r�vrqr Reyie„AF rn, /,nt/nmrTran.pnnoiiun Vr jon, u, (hmlfcd in �ho zuOT Prnynmmur� dGrernreni_ iP('[X)T dreh�renlo��� �2� HI�roAr drd�iremrn Grov�+z 11-08-0112 well outside the APG for the project, an archaeological swvey is reconuuended in order to deterinine the presence or absence of any hisroric material tl�at may be associated with the former estate. A visual inspection of �he entire corridor should be conducted fiist, followed then by archaeological investigations in areas deemed appropriate and suitable for survey. Should the description of this project or design plans change prior to construction, then additioual consultation regarding archaeology may be required. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTATION See attached: Map(s) and aerial(s) P' DI�V. BY NCDOT CULTURAL R�SOURCES PROFESSIONAL -- SURVEY REQUIRED Archaeology Historic Architecture (circle one) �� ' ' ` � September 27, 201 I NCDOT Cultiiral Resow�ces Spec� lj t Date V October 30, 201 1 Proposed tieldwork completion date ' ., .- �cr,�i� i+��u� 1< . Our T�u • . qnn/ � o , of the,. :..' % � , . • , : � .� ,� ��;' :�>> � ��; Hills Gam /� • r. � / ! 1 • � � . 1 �-,�� �SYltillpllllf{• ♦'' + p ±':�J�yf:�(Iflll �/ � 'll{1fiU� .��° d �/�'� Cfl // � .'� .�. .. •i , `;,. . ��/ ; � t?, : _� • . .�. . � � � ;`' � `� �. 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Snrc.g' Reqidr.d Fonri (rn1 flunr Tron��v�rrndon Pro�eetr nx Q�ml fed in ihc 200] P�ugrnmrnauc dGraemrnr. iCCDOT.trd�ncu(qPr R- Hi�n�rh�.-Irdilmrmm Grvnrpn 11-08-0112 ( ) \ '( ;'-l� • �/�' � �i 7. \���'� 1 1� ��\ : ? ♦ �, �I �'1 + � t i i `. .,� ,�'� � ,, . , 1i� i-•� .� �/ �� �I J , ' ��t,� • a `- • - q � �. t _� `.,,�� �-� '• I — �� � ' .'� � ' �- — ►�� .. �--, . i, t —., i� 4 � � � ��� ��� � 1 �.�, �. c� � �_ ' " � � __ ,. ___.._ , . :�� _� , �r_._� , . � y�` �.. • .�'7 / � � 1 . . � ���� � % . , j ,� . ', r •._� ., • y�/ - � ,- Figure 2: Soil Map, North Carolina, Henderson County Sheet (Hearn et al. 1907). .. . - ' � , ...' • � ' •' I I I(7�11� 1' M� i � � ���'" +�.�,�:��III' �� (.:11 1 � +w T � : 1 � � . 1�� ` . . ` � .' ' � � /��' r :. �; G � � �� �..✓ � ' • `. .� . � f/� �� . . l� � ��� " ' . ' �r !/ • • �� y ., � -.� - �, . �i c . , �� l��t ]iuc i �� ' `, �'1i 'i _ ' 1� l)i"C �9 M 11�. �`', `,� .,1 "! e „ �. � ,� � . 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' � l , m -�. �a , 1�\. � 'o�� I '1� ���II,'�{ +� �I.L."'I-� ,��� C G D L N + U L Q D r � 0 m � 0 l 0 0 c m E � a � W � � a � w 0 � io o� nit a� o �� �,�o �rc � � � N O � A � U � � O V See S/eef 1-A For Index of Sf�e75 See Sfeef 1-B Fo� Cornienllonal Symbols S�f' �\ ;C'1�, C�1C' 1�����'1�[ �C� �� ' � 1L�1��� �����1��� � � �����Iti������ HEI�DERS01� CO U1�TY LOCATION: BRIDGE #4403I8 OVER MEMII�IGER CREEK OPI SR 1217 (BOYD DRIVE) TYPE OF WORK: PAVIIVG, GRADING, DRAINAGE f�' CULVERT WETLAI�D PERMIT DRA WI1�GS NCDOT CONTACT: HIGHWAY DIVISION 14 BRIDGE MANAGER JOSHUA DEYTON, P.E. (828)468-0902 THERE IS NO CONTROL ACCE55 ON THIS PROJECT. GRAPHIC SCALES 20 10 0 � 40 , ,L-r J-r-r � J PLANS 20 10 0 20 40 Mn � f� PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) ��� PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGN DATA ADT = 330 DHV = NA D = NA T = 7% V = 25 MPH TfST =NA DUAL NA FUNC CLASS = LOCAL PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT 17BP.14.R.45 = 0.034 MILES zu¢ T"EllV.'IE.GIIi U.'.GPSSIXNh5�50VlrvJ15i.iq ERIrtFT �i1VF.`�'VI1E110 AMERICAN �.oE°,h„'�sm3FOL11�:a,.s Engineering °C":.'':°.�-':" R/GHT OP IYAS' DdTE: I ALUSON C. JOHNSON, P.E. NOVEMBER 4, 2015 Pxoiccr cxcc�'u LETTLVG DATE: I BENIAMIN C. PICKERING II, P.E. TQn AROJEC! OESIfi1' EA'L'L\GtH 17BP.14.R.45 1 ...,...e.� � ....,�.n , �. n t PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 4 f!}'DRAULICS ENGINGER ROADIYAY UL•S7GY LNGINEER PRCLIDIINARY PLANS UOLV MEMi NOT LOHSIOEPEO FINAL UNlE55PLL $IGNLTURES COMPLETED DI[�ISION OF HIGHIVilYS ST.9TE OF NORTX CAROLfNA �� IIOA y 6 �' �1 ��1 e, �I •.' 4' e� rer.rPo • 35°00'00" PLAN OF CULVERT vw:sruvwn�oc: '°'o ss. �� GannettFleming � EtrelLeiue DelG�eiedAs Pionrisrd � IECT No. 17BP,14,R,45 HENDERSON CouNTY -Tnti. 13+02,00 -L- 30F 9 T T ` FLOW � CULVERT �'_ p��ao�ei:am�sv ��n�s DO PdOY ID@s �OC� 6m:�@4R�D6YOBh] FLOOR SILL/BAFFLE LAYOUT FLOOR SILL/BAFFLE DETAIL � ROW NATIVE ldATERIAL 6ETYIEEN BAFFLE/SILLS IN THE C�WERT SHALL PROVIDE A CONTINU0�5 LOY/ FLOVY CHANNEL NdTIVE lAATERIAL CONSISTS OF IAATERIAL THAT IS E%CAVATED FROM THE STREAM BED AT THE PROJECT SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION.NATIVE l.IATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER AN� IAAY BE SUBJECT TO PERI.ffT CONOITIONS. TOP OF LOW FLOW BAFFIE/SILLS SHOl1L0 IAATCH STREAlA BED ELEVATION IN LOY! FLOW CHANNEL OF STREAld, DO NOT SET E�EVATION OF HIGH BAFFLE/SILLS ABOVE BANK FULL. NU`ABER OF BAFRE/SILLS DETERlAINED BY THE ENGINEER. PLACElAENT OF BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INCW�EO IN THE W!AP Sll1A PAYlAEM FOR ^CULVERT EXCAVATION". �w�sruviuEom: °^)"✓/a"� r �.�or : ✓.��r.unm. �� GannettFleming ,»s,..�,� ficellexe DelicerrdAs Piomued � PROJECT No. 17BP,14,R,45 HENDERSON CouNTY STATION: 13+02,00 -L- �IH. ^31tl 11 � I � � s�..-..�...„ ��I — i I � t ` �' , � I,1 � �a II i. � �_I i Y�"� "� �- , I I - �i� '9zsse�-� >' ' I . - � - i--`-. _ _ _ _ J - - m - . - i m„s':v�.�s iI� � � � - i 1 1 3 ltyl l 1 11 J]l � I� � � � � �—� /.- � �l..i '' __ � _- I; l � � - _ �/ �i i T „ �. " � - I ,�3 s« 3� � � s � �� l r, �,� =�,n �j � � � ,, , _ � � - - �F--'I .Hj �„ .m, a , ,. � a�x tsvnro� I _{¢ ��6,9auax inm- a3eon i . �. � � i � -_- -J �1 = i S'I11S dNtl l3NNVH7 i �j /AOIj h101 03M3A5 �. i �i 1N3A1f17 138NV8 3l�NIS i'�. � i � fBSlltl134 - li �+'--� � ��_ �,-- - , ;��� � � - =�- _ f= �_ � �sNouiat+o� in•ro?d oi i�3rens 3e n�nv arrv a33Ni�� 3N1 Ae rvnoaaav �� ;; -�r oi ll3rens si ma3imv �imJ'Nou�nnuNo� �Nrana aiis u3roaa 3ui �- I'�. � iv o3a ��rv3ats a�u vroa3 a3ivnv�za si ln+i ma3lv�v io sisisNo� __ �� MN31V�Y 3N1tM 1V1ll31bV! 3Al1tlN Hlll,1 a�ii��ve ae mnoHs laanim Ia i--- �ZNI -. llaroaa s�w vroaa =aavn ee wuaadv aiasaanov ae nm� saewnais on It -, �=' �� s3ioN �� 1 �� orv a3e vinis isx � � -i- i �� - ' �-� ��li' -'� ' smiriou�3�u � - ---i ,oel�z� - E'6EIZ OSBEIL L'8'IZ '6ElL 6'LfIL O3S020 1 � � O� L��� �� n$ L'E[¢ 18BCIZ 9'B[¢ YBFIL 6L[IL 9:.LLS� - -��CR N$diY � — 6'8E6 C>GfIL CB[R U9E12 CLCIZ MNV`! I'. I�b fl� I - "'ws ooi os 4c '.,ai OVl-Z 068C1L= 35idK a u:anoane � I If _ .� I I N j 1 �_ _ I 1: hcM1f�C lOOJN I 11 �' �- oanar =�II_'�,I�.__" II-.-- II L-II1 �- II I— -- BtEyvra�aiae - I— �— � � I -- - -� _ ao��= -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONS �RAINAGE AREA 608 AC �95 SQUARElJLES� FRENCH B0.0AD RWER BPSIN, USE . .. . .. .... .... I ❑SGS FLOOD-FREQUE,�CY APPLICATIO�S TOOI VEA510N 13 UNGAGED WCAil04 ... ..... . .. � V/ORI(SHER,.HYOROLOGIC REGION l ..... ..... . .. .......... ......... Q�y =_ ]�8 ch USE ]80 af. ........ ...._ ._..... ... .._ ... . ......... ......_. �.u._-_.38d dz, USE 380 ds __.........__....._ ............. . __....._.................... ....._. .. .. Qs� = 461 ds,USE �60 ds .......... ._ ........ ....... .._ __ _ ._.... ____ Q¢o..=. 555 cfz USE 550 ch ._..... _......_. _......... . _ _ .. . ..... . . ..... o.,.. _ �66 �Fz. USE 150 dz THE .11Uf.UNUM BO% NIVERT HECRAS SMAPE DOESN9 AIATCH THE ACIUAL AREA OF THE ... ...._ _ _ - ABC THE PROPOSED SfRUQU4E HPS A SPAN.OF 351' AND A RISE OF ] iH15 RESUlTS IN A HYD¢AUl1C OPENING �OF 1622 SQ R AND AN ACfUAL HYDRAWC OPENING OF 105 ) SQ R 1lIiH SIIL BLOCKACES iHE NIVERT HPS BEE4 EMEAED I`ITO HECatAS _ f.WMA1NING. A RISE OF ]'.BUt VITH A SPAN OF 1915 TO_ RERER THE TRUE HYORAUIIC OPENING ,... ._ _ .._ - _ ... THF IXISTING BRIOGE HAS AN EFFEQIVE AAFA OF 1039 SQ Ff ___ ,__ THE PROPOSED ALU1hll1`.1 60% NLVERT HAS AN EFFECIIVE_AQfA OF_ 1059 54 R ........ ....... ........ _ ..... ...... � S2LlY5 1 t '..I 1 �-�' ��I � �`a 1 ♦LJS � I' � i � lo - 190f � �� _ , � — F � — � �� � ix3�31v _ �'_� � _— � c�F'� � -1+�, V�* � 2r.-� _ I. - �• V .. 'ti�A � � I �. � I[J ) SoOII!�-_ — � I� I�+ I I`� �A O.Z - � i.� e I " y - �,,,,,..•r''-,_ I � I - ' � � I� _ ` — ° � c ���,� s!d- s y�_ _ _ - z�-�- Q004 J I — � J L . ' i iI� I �! / � I �- J� \y � L / 131 t 1 I � I I �- i. II� I... � dtL! f T �� ��.��500 4 1 1! , na..b�f L .� �— ��Z II�l�,. m _- � � f � m � . "- _ __ I �r� I�_' �� � I � L _ I �m � ' I� D .I � . � ���� � _: ,— , A' .� � ��; � i Y i-( ico i � � �� I D� I g i F L�a�� ��- f =( I / _ ,h. � ,. � al -i � �-" _ i. ._ a�� aoau F�l� rb' �� i i H _ z..�'$� �i �, nr �_ a. � i \� _o I i �_ 1 � I � �� �, - s��u— �\-� '— -�� �� — ° $ �:_� _- � � E ` ��'�''�ctr�' .�I - - ..�-ii � -_�`�' ��",--I-?� I igT � - 9 � i�1- 1�`��- �e auon•{ eNoeoa _I .`- � N_ "y.'r"� � � � k�4 " �o v� i j'�v�l�ixt � _ - �Fx � � , 1,'SI �- � �o '�r€� _ v -'.�' � � __ _ � �.9m i '�� -A T O� x�' �1r i I - ',.I -- � ' i - f � I_a-P ��a��>__ sssn:� � - �� � - 3c .. � . syy a �{ ��i`�a- Ot -II � I�..�Y�..:.TA� —YJI .�03�qi$ �-_ � �� 4I =:� A � m ; �J � � I�II --I � i � i �.'. -�_— _ II I I __ I�_iiz I �x . ��'. i� _''_�` II ohui 3 i irl_I - I� I�, �j I� I�_ �o _�"--t i'�� �''.�I� � � � � --I� � - - � � �� _ - � i 1� i�. ANVO 3D��O11H91tl — � I I ' — - r �! ir I� Z o i- =�` � I��.� �,ivN- �oaoi 3t - I{ -L�' __ - — �1 ��� T _ � - {���_ J - I _ �� - �,'��� + —�� -� i � � __� J � �t � _ — " � - � , _ - ae ol ��--' a n� '- f I i-�.i nuiis�za i .-�.: {i3t�� _ i I -� SITE DATA Dro'noSa A.ea _.608._AS ................._...__ Somm _.USGS_�UA� I.NPS..............._..........._..... x'rrer¢osin _FRENCH_.BROAD ..............._. �a�o�r....BESIOFMIAt.jFOORIILLS)_................. Skeam ❑ h' [ ISurh as Traul, HIgM1 Qm Iq Volzr, elc � � ._... .._. Dafa an 6s��g Swnure , SINGIE SPAN TVIBER BRI�GE (lei 18 J j 9 BED TO CRO\M _ To!ol\'lal '/ OP 9__I0P 9..sf. 1/olemoy OPzan9 Be!ow IOO�c WS EL 102:9...s1. oeb,:s Po�em.oL Lowp Mademie� H:ghO UPSiRFPl1. 90 CA1P �S(ONE HFADYIALu UNDER SRII]] �o!a on S�rv�wres Up and �o.m Srceom ,NOT INVEM091E�� .. ... .. . ... 00\'MSTAFN.I SINGLE BAPREL 0.CBC (5'_, 101 UN�ER_$CI166 jNOT,INVENiOYIED) .___, GageSmeonna.NO_GAGEINVICINItt Penadolxe�ard ,._ __......kA ........yrs. ... . ........ N� Ors� i9e_.........._kA___..._cfs �as............_NA............ &nvana.........µA....._._ Hislariml Flood Inlormalion: VAIENE PENN 119 eoro ort pe�� e� oo�z._...r....._Elev.�J380hEsLFrz'9..10+,p1.5oa,m .FV.T_ROCK,_N�..__._..........Kno�eicd5-15}..yrs. MFF2 fV:IfT Penod o! Da�a..._r...._ Flri_2)38,ORBL FreG. 10 F_Sc Sawm . KCOOi..-_oY_ 11....._........_._. Nno'nied9'_�B..y�+� Nlo�.mble MV Flre �p]:9..IE%ISPNG 10 YR V/SELI....F. No�malV/a1.r5adare Flei. ..._2131:1..._ h. FlEio 1.'nnn'n9 :leN0.8..:�0 CAannel..:045„ R-gNO.B..:10... Obioin=dFmmA&SERYA719!� flood Shd//9ows _NONE _ _ ......... _ . ....._Flaad.v/Enoh1.M1•dz N'A.. win �mnow Flmd SNd� 100 fr. ourho�9e ._�I'A._ �.Is.;V/5 Flec: Flocdxo/ ..._HA.._h F:aoM%..._ �:%.A._.fL DESIGN DATA H�dm,cg ml UzMad USGS fLOOD FREpUENCY APFIICATIONS TOOL VEASION 1 3(UNGAGED) M��dmv'<�u.gn I��tAod HECRAS VER510� 410 �4d03181AFlAINGER C0.EEK SRI21).pq] OeagnTat�amr a� J9 p. p .8Y H. O� 8.� FQ 8.55_H ��� B9 .. h u �..a ar an.t r-._. Saa d il[a Icl� I K NVaO C lil � 2��D M1 X � IRI la o Rwdx'a/ Re.c on Re9� redt NB . ._- iclal PmPosed \YalenuY �P 9" -... 1 W�Ie1Ve.oary�Vl �6 (psNowmlChannelVebcM �Vwl .. �5 ._-. �p Peqo'red OullelPw'eaon CVSS IGP RAP ON BANKS .... . .. _ . ..__ WFORh4P.TION TO BE SNOVN ON PLANS RBOS ELT �en � P' S. n I�Q9 He Y13J9 _.. h P.5.9n: ��.uwe9e ._efs f 9 / ... P ..-.- emeFlaod oscAore�. 550._.cf�. Fmquenry _IOo �r pl�. . .]I3890.._..p O:znoPPn9 OscM1or9x .340._ds. Fre9o:nry 10+ . P 0z.. _ E138].... J� THIS PROIECf I.WNTAINS THE E%ISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE ,;�r�� CULVERT SURVEY & HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT N. C. DEPAQTIdEM OF TRAIJSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGM'/AYS HY�RAUl1C5 UNR - RFIEIGH, N.C. u: i; I.O Na. SFd0318 . Pm�zaHo.. VBP11.245.. . Pro1.510[0 -�-13+02 ._..._ .... . ......... ii Cau�y ..._MENDERSON...._ Stream...._..._.._. . . 1.4EI.iINGER.CREEK ...............StN.No. .._�18.... ei � K9k � Y.._....SR @I] ..___.. B.�xzen .. SR @]5 . and..... US.l5...... Zi, Rxommend 15irvWre uU1VNWA B0%NLVERT;SPAN 95']',USE )' _ ..... ....... _ _ ..... . ... ..... _... •��', \'UCONCREfE HE40WAllS e.. ... ................... ................ ................._. _....__....................................... ___......._.......... `: RxommnMed Y/d�F olRood..a 20'I�P lo FOP .................._ hE...�.`i_.._................ 5: � Y ................... .....I. 7i Remmm�nded LomF.on:s (Hp.�tb�ml 9reom hom 689�g Cms�ng.........._ ........................._. LL Aole.:da Tor ❑ RegionalTxr ❑ Suh-RegionalTer p ° 9an�Ff.lahis�OMROL_POINjB!Arl:-BL-$fA6456.00(9'Rij�RRSPIKEJN.,18'PINE _... y: I!a...-l-.@+65.891T23191 ......_ F 41391f. h DaNm:_�w 80..... �� iempamryCmssng �FFSITE �FfOOP_NO iE'APORARY C0.0SSING REQUI0.E� ,,._. r I ��� il � !. ' i � ``� `s� � - �'J �1 � i�� � � � ��; z _ '�' � N{i � � .L� „�� (. ���� `1M.- �"7 "�[- II - v� �S 1,,�„� P � -}e, ��31 Z r { r� '- � s.._,'�.; '��� �`a �',, �'s' �r �..�s �, %� � 1 v E �.�r`5..:�.- f � �', � � l ��_ , '� ♦ . �_' J ', . d _�' .____._.. �' . ooaN1[0.9p�'��. ., o-s�� �r PAIIL W1EfON PE... °`��'E55'.. �"- ... . S�6 /i ,• ��,� i4\r�,, ' t.i. ni b! ROGER 5\IFGDON,.PE O°" I... . - i¢ �� v E� ve.-a[`.�k«. . NOGER 5 \IFADON.PE ...... �✓"L� [ i f1696 : _ . �y � .... -�No�E,n9mee in9 6���qii511.4EP��2�� p Pe.cn.dt/%'�i,�-�, Lri_�.. . .... e e.s . F O�. „ S// „ �.ue�.