HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071760 Ver 1_More Info Received_20071110~_ 7 4 3 x , a .U.' ~ , *~{ ~, r ` ~ ~; tx' ,, ~ _;, ~ `~-, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: NC Division of Water Quality Q7-l7Ga W~ KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 7921 Haymarket Lane, Raleigh, NC 27615 (91944-7437 Fax (919}8447438 DATE: November 30,2007 ATTENTION: DWQ Staff RE: Wake Chapel Church u,;C ~ (} 2007 ~a~r.~ - vVA1~FR QIJALiTI' v~tFTi AfvD~ ~u~~D ;Tf)!?M?~IATER 9FtANCH WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING: ^ Pre-construction Notification (PCN) ^ Plans ® Documents ^ Other ^ Maps ^ Specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ® For approval ®As requested ®For review 8c comment ^ Please reply ^ See below ^ For your files ^ Regular Mail ^ Fed-Ex ®Delivered by KE ^ Picked Up COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 5 11/29/07 Wake C 1 DWQ R Letter 5 11/05/07 Wake 1 DWQ RFMI Letter 5 11/14/07 D Extended Detention Basin Su lement 5 11!29/07 D Extended Detention Basin I&M A ment 5 11/14/07 Level S reader Su lement 5 11/29/07 Level S reader I&M A Bement 1 CD Remarks: /f THANK YOU! Recd By: ~ ~~~ Signed i~%~~ SE KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS November 29, 2007 Cyndi Karoly NC Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands WQ Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Wake Chapel Church Keller Environmental Job No. 0631 DWQ Express Project # 2007-1760 Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Karoly: L„°ti ,jj t ~~ Ui_~ ~ 0 20C7 C)E~~'h - rvAl ~k (~UALI'fy ~vus ~;~ srci~~a~r~ We are requesting your assistance with this "Wake Chapel Church" project. On November 12, 2007 Keller Environmental received your request for more information dated November 5, 2007. We have addressed your included written comments in the following paragraphs. 1. Since this submittal was made after October 1, 2007, the use of the new BMP Supplement Forms is required. Please provide a separate BMP Supplement Form for each proposed level spreader and dry detention pond. Both worksheets must be submitted (Design Summary and Required Items Checklist) along with all of the required items. The new BMP Supplement Forms are available at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm. Please refer to attached worksheets and supplemental items. For your information, the stormwater pond was constructed in 2006 and referenced in Section III (#10) of the October 9, 2007 PCN. 2. Please provide the new forms for Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) of BMPs. These are also available at the above web site. An original signature on the I&M forms is required. Please refer to attached (new) I&M Agreements. As mentioned on Page 1, we are requesting your assistance with this project. We understand that your Unit has a very large workload and attention is given to projects on a timely basis. However, we have some concerns. DWQ 401 Certification & Neuse R. Buffer Rules Re-Submittal Wake Chapel Church November 29, 2007 Page 2 of 2 The church staff and I met with Lauren Witherspoon and Nike Maher at the site on September 20, 2007. Several suggestions, requests, and other items were discussed. Some of the items included placing a deflection device in the stormwater pond and a bypass structure associated with the concrete level spreader. To prevent further sediment from depositing in the downstream area, we all understood that the subsequent events needed to be done quickly. Therefore, Mrs. Witherspoon informed us that she would provide the stamped engineering plans to Annette Lucas and review them together. Knowing both of their schedules, we highly appreciated this. The engineer, Mike Crowley, provided us the plans on October 12, 2007. Additionally, the stream sediment removal was performed on Saturday October 13tH The contractor has informed us that they are ready to construct the level spreader and associated devices. This also includes the deflection device and riparian plantings. We would be highly grateful for a rapid approval to complete this project. This would allow this project to be completed this year and safeguard the stream and its riparian areas. Thank you for your help and please contact me so we can expedite this process. Sincerely, Keller Environmental, LLC Jay Keller Principal Cc: Wake Chapel Church Attachments: • November 5, 2007 DWQ RFMI Letter • Dry extended detention basin supplement • Dry extended detention basin I&M Agreement • Level Spreader Supplement • Level Spreader I&M Agreement a~O f !{tJA~'~C~Q~ MichaeS F. Easlei~, Governar William G. P.oss Jr., Secreta.r}~ !~,., Narth Camli.na Department of Environment aad Natural ltesourees .:.! „~, Colecn l~l. Salons, Director . f3ivision of V/aYer Quality November 5, 2447 DWQ Project #i 2467-1764 Wake County CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN R.F.CEII'T REQUESTED Reverend Sohn J. Wilkins, Jr. ~'"' /~" ~ ~~ `5~"~.,~"~ ,r 3845 Tarheel Club Road ~; ~ ~ I=°~' i) ~'~ ~E Raleigh, NC 27604 ijr C ~. ~ =2007 Subject ~Praperty: Wake Chapel Chillrch UT to Netise River [43442, 27-(22.5), C, NSW] D~h~t - w,41 fk u~~a~l rY t~naNag ~~ s~ol?~Pa±:r~~ awwcH REQUEST F4R MARE INFORMATION Dear Reverend Wilkins: On October 17, 2447, the Division. of Water Quality, (DWQ) received your application. dated October 9, 2007, with additional infonn~ttion received October 25, 2407 to impact 344 Square feet (ft2) of Zane 1 of the protecCed riparian buffers and204 square feet {fie) of Zone 2 afthe protected .riparian buffers to canstruct the proposed level spreader acid bypass. The DyL'Q has determined that your applicatiaii was ineornplete andlor provided. inaccurate information as discussed belaw. The DWQ will refit#ixe additional inforration in arder to process your application to impact protected 'wetland, st~reains andlor bufJ'~:rs on the subject property. Therefore, unless we receive the. ~.dditiaiial infonnatian requested. below, we will. have to move toward denial of your application as required by 1 S~1 NCAC 2Il .4506 antJ 2I3 .0233(8} and will place this project an bald as incamplete until we receive this additiai'ai informatian. Please pravide the following ii~f~rmation sa that we may cantinue to review yaur project. Additional Information Requestedc l . Since this submittal was made after October 1, 2447, the. use of the new I3MP Supplemenrt Forins is required. Please provide a separate BM.I' Supplement 1~orm for each propased level spreader and dry detention pond. J3oth worksheets mlast be submitted (DesitTn Suinniary and Required Items Checklist) along with all of the required items, The new BMP Supplement Forms are available at: http:I/h2o.enr.state.nc.uslsu/bmp forriis.him. ~. Please provide the new forms for, Inspection and Maintenance {I&M:) of I3h%Ii's. These are also available at the above web site. An original signature on the I&M forms is required. Please respond within tlvee weeks of the date of this letter by sending this information to me in writing and Lauren 'Witherspoon of the DWQ Raleigh Regional Ctffice. If we do sat hear from. you within three weeks, rve will assume tihat you na longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn. This letter only addresses the application review and •does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, waters or protected buffers. Please be aware that arty impacts rdquested within your application are sat ,~ pp .,... - - -- ~ l`IICR~l, t~~ 401 i5versightrExpress Petmitting Upit 1650 Mail Service Ccntcr, Raleigl+, North Carolina 27649-i6S(? 232i Crabtree Eioulcvard, Suits 2~d; Raleigh, Nan9+ Carolina 27G04 Phase: 919-733-1786l.FA3~ 914-733-(843 i Internet: htt~:/~~3.2a.c:iZr.si a.n-.+tsln~_ An Equal Opp~rtunity/Affirmative Action Employer -- Sp;~o R.ecycledll0°~o Post Gousunter Paper ltevererad Jaynes Wilkii3s Page 2 of 2 November S, 2U07 authorized (at this dine) by the UWQ, ;Please call Cyndz Karoly or Amy Chapman at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions regarcl.i.n.g or would like to set up a meeting to discuss this matter, Sincerely, ~, Cyndi Karol}~, pervisor 401 Oversight~E+cpress Review .Permits Unit CBK/ijmlase ce: Lauren Wi.tl~erspaon, DWQ Fialeiglr Regional Office USACE Kaleigh Regulatory Field Office Niki Maher, NPS Compliance Unit, DWQ !ay Keller, Keller Environmental, 7921 Haymarket Lane, Raleigh, NC 2761 S Fite Copy Central Files Ei{ename: 07S ;60WakeChapclC:hurch(Wake}NBR_On_Flold Permit (to be provided by DWO) Opp W AT'~R~G q 9 ~"~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM NCDENR 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM DRY EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all the required information. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name Wake Chapel Church Contact person Jay Keller Phone number (919) 844-7437 Date 11/1412007 Drainage area number II. DESIGNI FORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 7.63 ft2 Impervious area 7.63 ftz Impervious 1.00 Design rainfall depth 6.4 in Peak Flow Calculations Is pre/post control of the 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow required? Y (Y or N) 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth 0.1 in Rational C, pre-development 0.9 (unitless) Rational C, post-development 0.9 (unitless) Rainfall intensity: 1-yr, 24-hr storm 2.9 inlhr Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 19.9 ft3lsec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 9.7 ft3lsec PrelPost 1-yr, 24-hr peak control -10.2 ft3lsec Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Design volume Sediment storage volume provided Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Basin Design Parameters Drawdown time SHWT elevation Basin bottom elevation Storage elevation Basin side slopes Top elevation Freeboard provided Basin Bottom Dimensions Basin length Basin width Length to width ratio Additional Information Total runoff volume captured by basin Forebay provided Is basin in a recorded drainage easement? Does basin capture all runoff at ultimate build-out? Is a sediment depth indicator included? Does the basin include a drain? ft3 ft3 0.1 in 1719360 ft3 835488 ft3 1 days Ot 88.00 fmsl 94.00 fmsl rK 99.00 fmsl 3 :1 ~iit 101.00 fmsl GK 1.00 ft {)it 142 ft 72 ft 2 :1 OK 20.81 ac-in Far~bay is requireC Y (Y or N) N (Y or N) Nec;d to a recerd~,d cir<~inale easement Y (Y or N) OI{ Y (Y or N) i?K Y (Y ar N) :'K Form SW401-Dry Extended Detention Basin-Rev.1 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 1 hermit tVo. ___ (to be provided by DWQ} ,~'~`~i '..~'~'~~~~2.i"'44Af tea ~yh *~y~~. 3, i:..i~j~.~.~,''~::j. :~~.p1~~y}f"1~ ~f~ .\t! ~t ,fit ~, 4t t".. i 1( E:i: .lt', 1~7~ ~' S+Pi f11I`:~ ~ Please indicate the page or plansheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package wilt result in a xequest for additiianat infarmatian. This viii decay final review and approval of the prajec#. initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. tf a requirement has not bean met, at#ach jus#ificatian. Pagef plan initiate Sheet No. ~_ C~ t. Plans {1" - 5fl' or larger} of the entire site. showing: -design at ultimate build-out, -Off--site drainage {if applicable], • Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin,}, - Basin dimensions, - Pretreatrnenk system, -Nigh flaw bypass system,. - Maintenance access, -Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROIN), -Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement, ,~ T~:y---._ ~~G~r 2. flan details {t" = 3U' or larger) for the bioretentian cell Showing: - Basin dimensions -Pre#reatment system, -High flaw bypass system, • Maintenance access, -Outlet structure, -.Overflow device, -Flaw distribution detai4 for basin 'snflow, and -Vegetation specifications. 3. Sec#ian view of the dry detention basin {1" = 2Q' or larger] showing; - Bide slopesi 3;1 or lower, • Pretreatment and treatment areas,. and -Inlet and ou#let structures. ~~_ 4. An assurance that the installed system wiq meet design specifcations upon initial operation once the project is complete and the entire drainage area is ~~tabiGzed. ~~~ ~ 5. A constntetion sequence that shows how the dry detention basin wi{I be pro#ected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. ~~ . __ _ 6. The supporting calrulatians. ~ 7, A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance {l&M) agreement. ~_ ~_~ 8. A copy of the deed restriction. h~orm SWAa1-Dry Extended Detention £3esin-Rev,i Hart lil. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of i l:~xy Extended. ~-etention Basin ~nsixection end 1V.~.ainte~.ance :A.greemen# I will keep a tnaintertance retard. on this B1~~T'. This ntaixttenance xecord will. lie kept in a. log in a known set :locatior-. Any deiieient BMP elements noted in: the inspection will be corxer~ted, repaired. ox replaced irxtntecfiately. These deficiert.cies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, anti tl7e retazoval efficiency of the SMl1'. The clry extettdecl detention basin system. is defined as the drv detention basut, outlet structure, pretreatment including forebays anal the vegetated filter if one is proviclid. Tktis system {check are): does ^ dies not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check orae): ~] does ~ does not incorparate pretreatment other than a £orebay. lrxtpoxtan.t maintena~~ce procedures: - Th.e drainage area vvi.Il be managed to reduce the sedixxtent load. to thr~ ciry extended detention basin. - lmrnediately after the dry extended detention. basin is established, tl-re vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed. until the plants becotxte established (commonly six weeks). - No portion of the dry extended detention pond ~vil.l be fc=rtil.ized after th.e first initial fertilization that is recluixed to esk~blish the vegetation. - I will maintain the vel.;etation in and arotuld khe basin at a .height of approximately six incl~tes, - Once a year, a da.m safety expert will inspect the embanknzertt. After the d.ry extended detention basin is established, it will lie inspected once a gaxarter and within 24 hours after every storm event greater thar- l..€i .inches {or 2.5 inches if in a Caastal CQUnty). Records of inspection ancl. ixtaintenance will be l<cpt in a known set location anti will be available upon request. Inspection activities sl-aIl be .performed as fellows. Any prciblerxts that are found shall be repaired intmecliately. __ I3MF' element: ~ Potential pxobiem~-_---~~ -F-Fow I wilt remediate the pYOble~tt: _ The ecttire I3MP _..__ _ Trash jdehris is present. _»_ -. Rentave the trash/ d.~xbxis. _.~ The perimeter of the dry ~1.reas of bare soil a~1d/or lZegxade th.e scot .if necessary to extended. detent4an erosxvc gullies have fornteci. remove the gully, and than plant a basan ground corer and water un:tiI it is established. Provide lirrie and. a are-tirr~e fertilizer a~plrcatian. _ l3MP elemez~:t: Potential ~rablem: ]Flow ~ will remediate the problem: The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged (i.f Unclag the pipe. Dispose of the swale a livable . sedi:m.ent oft-site_- _ _ ___ The pipe is cracked ar Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if a Iicable~. _ _ _ _~ _ Erosiatt is occurring in the Itegrade the sK~ale if. necessary to swale (if applicable), smooth i:t avex and provide erosion can.tral. devices such as rein.farced turf matting ar .riprap to a.vaid future xoblents with erasion. -T'he farebay Sediment has accumulated. Search for the source of the and reduced the depth to 75`x, sed.unet'tt a..nd remedy tho prabletn if of the anginal design depth possible. Retn.ave the sediment and (see diagram below}. dispose of it in a location where it will nat cause impacts to streams or the BMI'. ___ ~~` _ _ Erosion has accu.rred or~ Provide addi.tio.nal erasian. ii ri.prap is displaced. protectian such. as reinforced turf i matting ar riprap if needed to event future erasian probl.enis. _ Weeds are present. Remave the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticides are used, wipe therzt on the plants rafiher than __ spraying. _ '1'Fte maze treafime.xtfi area Sediment has accumulated Search. far the source of the a.nd reduced the depth to 75°~ sediment and remedy the problem .if of the original ciesigtt depth passible. I~emave the sediment and (see diagram below). ciispase. of i.t its a lacatian where it will nat cause impacts to streams c7r the Bl~~I'. Revegetate disturbed areas imxxtecliateiy with sod (preferred} ar seed. protected. with secu.rc?i sta.ked exosian mat. _ Watex is standing more than Check outlet structure .far elagging. 5 days after a storm t?vent. ~ If it is a design issue, consult an _ ~ ap~a~riate X7rofessional. Weeds anti noxious plants are i'i Remove ilte plants by hand or ley growing in the main (wipinf; them with pesticide (da not treatment area_ ._ _ ,{{{{ s~ra~r • _-- BMP eiexnent: - Potentiai~robiem:_-- ~ How I writ xer_ned_iate the robiem: The embankment Shrubs ox trees have stag ted Remove sltxubs or. trees to ~xow on tl;e ~mbank_ment. _ ~ ixrirnediately. ----___ Grass cover is unhealthy or. restore tiz.e hea:lttz of the grass cover eroding. --~ --~_ _ consult a ~fessioxlal zf necessary_ Signs of seepage on the C:on.sutt a professional, clownstreaxn face. ._.___ _ _ - Evidence of tnusi<rat or iJse traps to remove xnuslcrat~; astd beaver activity is grc~ent. r_onsult a pra:[essio.na.i to remove beavers. ___~ _ A.n annua.l insgectio.rz by arl iVlake a.ll needcrcl repairs. appropriate grofessiorial shows that the embankment • rE'~air~. needy __ _ The outlet device - Clogging has orcux.red. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sedizttc-~tt off-si.tE. _ vice is ciama. ec1 The ouEletde _Repair ox rc~l~ce the outlet r~evi.ce~_ ~ _ _ The receiving wader _ i'rosion or outer sigr7s o.F jE Contact t:he I~iC. I~ivision of Water darn.age have occurred at tht ~u~itity 4U1 Qvexsgitt Unit at 91:9= - ou fief. _._^__._.. 733-3.766. --- -_----- J The measuring device used to determine tl~te sedirnenk elevation shall be surf that it will. give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. Whop the basin depth. reads 0~5 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall. be rernovecl. When the basal depth reads l`5 fc*et in tl~e forekray, the sedirner-tt shall be rexnnved. IiAS~N DID-4.GitAlt!I (~iti ire nc~~ BlUrtks) 't'emporary Pool Elevation 99 Sediment Ren3oval E 95.5 ~ 't'e porar Pooi etnporai} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ olume Sediment R.etnova! llevatiort 9~1~5 4 ry Volume Bottom Elevatio )4 ry5o~0 _ _ _. _ ----- Sediment ^ r Y' `Y ^~i3ot#arrt. Elevation R4 ~~~_~~25°~~ Storage St' f~O~.R:TBAY MAi]Y i'~.tYL1 3 ackrzawlc+d~e atld a~gr~ by my si~*n:tGUre 5e~Inw thac ~ atrl t~espottsibi~ £or the pe~r~itirtt~ance of t1a~ tnaigtt:a:~cc praatwduzt~s lisecci abave. i a~ t4 n4ta~y DWQ of ~t:sy probi~tns euith tttc sya€~rn or prtui• to aay cS~n~as to the sysccm ar respc~asihlc pAny. lsrirtt nttrn~.T..i. ~1Jifkins r Addr~ys:3.~,=K(15 T:~rheel ~tnh na.d R. ~i t~iU[C: 'T'hhc;1~.~;~tiy tes~tmsibie parer s2~w71d nat be a ;tnrr~riawnerF ~~t;iat-nu tt~tl~ss gtrrta than SQ'3a of flip iC+t.9 F1ttVC t~A 9p~4 Aad A t~9iclertt of deo Sl1kK{iYisian hies 6~~cu dtGil~d fire p~&FCItt1L i, ~?..~.~~.G~-- ~` ~ ~..~~~~_r.~. ~ a ido~cy Yut~tic fc~r it~.~t~tc of ~,; r;~ Y ~~ C ~~ ~~ f L'? ~-~. County of __ ~/`~'..~....,...~...,..~ ~0 6ertrby cezti~y that .,~ ..;,~ ~~''~ ~ ~ ..„_,. p~rsc~ncttly ~tpp~t~;:d b~forr: rtte this ~ ~~ day off'.. r '' ~;' `i ~= d~''~ ~'~:~"~ ~ ~~~~ ~` :~n~i ~CknOwl~dte; die ctu~ ~zccuti0n OF the fax'gainp wc;t deccntion l~a.~in mt~intcmm~~°c requirrrtfcrrtwr'. 'Witnnu~, my h+~ttct and aft%cia! srra3, ~~~*~1419#lOdOdgg. ~.` ~O•uw~n Ya• ~~14t 1~ s° n ~, 'M„ A ao-. i ~ ~ ~ .. . ~ .. ~ .yr ~ _ ,--~ ~ ,gym r~"~xi f~ ~QUfia~ ~~ti~~ C My couusussian cxpit'~.s ~ ~= ~ (-7 ~ j b,at~: ~- r ~.. .1.....~....... NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM O~oY ....,cgQG > y O Y LEVEL SPREADER, FILTER STRIP AND RESTORED RIPARIAN BUFFER SUPPLEMENT _ This form must be filled out. printed and submitted. z.:. ~;_~~t8 fi'equired If~ns, ~h~klist (Fart 111}. ~rtaSt b~ primed .I"itiecf~~ttt ~d bmittad along ~r7h aH of tt~e re ire~i inform , rt ~.; (I. PROJECT INFORMATION _ _ __ _ _ ~ _ __ __ Project name eke ; n~~el Church Contact name Jay Keller Phone number (919) 844-7437 Date 1111412007 Drainage area number ~II. DESIGN INFORMATION For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow From a BMP Type of BMP Drawdown flow from the BMP cfs For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow from the Drainage Area Drainage area 332,363 ftZ Impervious surface area 332,363 ft2 Percent impervious 1.00 Rational C coefficient 0.9 Peak flow from the 1 inlhr storm 6.867004132 cfs Time of concentration min Rainfall intensity, 10-yr storm T,23 inlhr Peak flow from the 10-yr storm 49.64843988 cfs Where Does the Level Spreader Discharge ? To a bioretention cell? (Y or N) To a wetland? (Y or N) To a filter strip or riparian buffer? Y (Y or N) Please complete filter strip characterization below. Other (specify) Filter Strip or Riparian Buffer Characterization (if applicable) Width of grass 3 ft Width of dense ground cover 0 ft Width of wooded vegetation 60 ft Total width 63 ft Slope (from level lip to to top of bank) 3.33 Are any draws present? N (Y or N) OK Level Spreader Design Forebay surface area 665 sq ft OK Feet of level lip needed per cfs 63 ft/cfs Answer "Y" to one of the following: Length based on the 1 inlhr storm? (Y or N) Length based on the 10-yr, 24-hr storm? (Y or N) Length based on the BMP discharge rate? Y (Y or N) Design flow 2.15 cfs There is too much flow to be handled by a level spreader. Is a bypass device provided? Y (Y or N) OK Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.2 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 1 of 2 Length of the level lip Are level spreaders in series? Bypass Channel Design (if applicable) Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? Does the channel enter the stream at an angle? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M B W Y Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr, 24-hr storm Channel lining material t ~------------- Y i 1 -------------- M M B 95 ft Level spreader is not long enough. N (Y or N) N (Y or N) 3 ft 4 ft 10 ft 1 ft 12:85 cfs Grass Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.2 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 2 of 2 .~ - r.. ~ t~ico~~rf r r ~ s *c r, ~; ~'+"'~'4 rk `4n~ 1, v w r '"i"s i i , d i v.., a (~~,, ,.',ad Z y, x~y*n,{~i~ei~~7~~r ~ {do- ~u~~'+~~`~ .r~~~~t.. " .fir ~ ° ~ . r ;!~,,' 3 r ii:. Y <, f, iu•`:4~k~ ~' R~~ ,(~tLi~~~. v~ ~ a .t t 5 t •?1 a'~, • ~, ~. Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers wheys the supporting daaamentation can be round. An inaamglete submittal gaakage will result in a request for additional information. Thts will delay final review and aggrov~l ~f the projecE, initial in tyre spare provided to indicate the #oilowing design requirements have been met. If the appiit:ant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below, if a requirement has not been mat, attach justification. Paget Plan Initials Street Na. ~~ _ 1. Plans { 1" ~• 50' or larger) of the entire site ;showing: - Design at ultimate build-auk, -Oft-site drainage (if applicable), - pelinea#ed drainage basins {include Rational C eaeffic'sent per basin), - Parebay {i# applicable), - Migh flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, - Recorded drainage easement and public right a# way (ROW), and -Boundaries of drainage easement. C. ~ 2. Plan details {1" = 30' ar larger) for the Ievei spreader showing: - Forebay {if applicable), -High flow trypass system, - One foot tope lines between the {eve! lip and tap of stream bank, -Recorded drainage easement, end - !?esign at ultimate build-out. ~~~ ~~~ ~7~ ` _-_____ '~ 3. Section view of the level spreader (1" . 20' ar larger) showing: - lJnderdrain system (if applicable), - Level lip, - lJpslope channel, and - (7ownslope titter fabric. ~. A date-stamped photograph of the filter strip that clearly shows the #ype of vegetation that is present. 5. An assurance that the installed system wiEl meet design specifications upon initial operation once the project is complete and the entire drainage areais stabilized. 6. A construction sequence khat shows haw the ieved spreader vtili be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 7. The supporting caicuiations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance (18tH) agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restriction. Form 5W407-t.ever Spreader, wiper Strip, Restored Riparian quffer-Rev.Z parr IIE, page S of i Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Inspection and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. - Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC,1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. - Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. - Once a year, soil pH will be tested and lime will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblern: The entire filter strip Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. s stem The flow splitter device The flow splitter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) clo ed. of an sediment off-site. The flow splitter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for re air. SMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblem: The Swale and the level The swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose lip sediment. of it off-site. The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip. settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise damaged. There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide lime and aone-time fertilizer a lication. Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them. to grow on the swale or just downslo e of the level li . The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then reestablish ro er erosion control. Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of (if a licable). a roximatel three to six inches. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer a lication. Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer a lication. Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality local Regional Office, or the outlet. 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733-1786. 1 acknowledge and agr~ by my signlture below that .I am responsible for the prrforrnance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I a~~ree to notify DWQ of any probldms with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name:J..T. Wilkins r. Titler:.~enior Pastor AddrCSS:3KOS Tzrheel Clnb oad R. i ~ b1UCC: The legally ~eSponslUle party shrnild not be a :tomenwnera n~rociatkm -uiless ntotn than SOgb of the lot.9 hove been gold and n tcsitlent of rho sttbdivisioa ltas beem ttutned the president. 1. -=! d-'~--~-~'` ~ ` ~-~ /~"~ ~~ ~ , a Nola~y Public for the State of ~~ C ~ ~ f + ~ ~-.., Cuunty of ~ U ~'~ ~, do hereby crrtiify that A ~ ~ r , personally appeared before me this ~ ~~ day ul' / ~ ~ ~ -~ en ~~ ~ L~~ry ~ and aCknUwiddkc the duC execution Of the forgoing wet detention baein mflintcnanoc rcyuirrmcnts. Wimcss my hand and official seal, _ .~ y ~~~- 2 :moo ' pUBUG ::~ . ~ b•` ~'~~9~ 'COU~;S ;r~`e ~ e.~~ SEAT, ~_ G My couuvission expires ~~ c~ ~~~ / ~ LQI~r. _ ~ / r V I V