HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_7. DRSS_CAP Part 2_Appx D_FINAL_20160210This page intentionally left blank Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Overview of Modeling The relatively simple morphology of receiving waters adjacent to Dan River Steam Station (DRSS) makes the site amenable to the mixing model approach. For this approach, river flow data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were analyzed to determine upstream river design flows and assess compliance with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality surface water quality standards, including determination of 1 Q10, 7Q10, and mean annual river flows. The 1Q10 flow is the annual minimum 1-day average flow that occurs once in 10 years; the 7Q10 flow is the annual minimum 7-day average flow that occurs once in 10 years; and the mean annual flow is the long-term average annual flow based on complete annual flow records. The river discharge design flows were combined with groundwater model discharge results to calculate effluent dilution factors using the following equation: DF = Qgw+Qriver Qgw where: DF is the groundwater dilution factor; Qg , is discharge rate from the groundwater model (cubic feet per second [cfs]); and Qriver is the upstream river design flow (cfs). The mixing zone sizes presented in Section 4.2 of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Part I Report for the different water quality standards were used in this equation to determine the appropriate dilution factor to assess compliance with the applicable water quality standards. The applicable dilution factor was then used with the groundwater model concentration and upstream concentration for the constituent of interest (COI) to determine the resulting surface water concentration at the edge of the mixing zone using the following equation: (DF-1)XCriver+C9w CSw DF where: CS,, is the surface water concentration at the edge of the mixing zone (micrograms per liter [pg/L]); Cg,, is the groundwater model concentration entering the river (pg/L); Cri,r is the upstream (background) river concentration (pg/L); and DF is the groundwater dilution factor. Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Ash Basin Alternately, the resulting surface water concentration can be calculated using the following mass balance equation: QgW X Cgw+QriverX Criver CSw Qgw+Qriver where: Q., is discharge rate from the groundwater model (cfs); Cgw is the groundwater model concentration entering the river (pg/L); Qri,eris the upstream river design flow (cfs); and Criver is the upstream (background) river concentration (pg/L). For each groundwater COI that discharges to surface waters at a concentration exceeding the North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards, as specified in T15A NCAC .0202L (2L Standards), the appropriate dilution factor and upstream (background) concentration were applied to determine the surface water concentration at the edge of the applicable mixing zone. This concentration was then compared to the applicable water quality standards to determine surface water quality standard compliance. Historical USGS river flow data are available for the Dan River near Wentworth, NC (Gage #02071000, 1939 to present), which is located approximately 14 miles upstream of the DRSS. The only major tributary to the Dan River over this section is the Smith River, which enters the Dan River approximately 3 miles upstream of the DRSS and (USGS Gage #02074000, 1939 to present). Daily river flow data from these two gages were summed and analyzed to calculate 1Q10, 7Q10, and mean annual design flows for the Dan River at the DRSS. Key Assumptions and Limitations for Each Model The key model assumptions and limitations include, but are not limited to, the following • Groundwater flow mixing in the receiving water occurs over the entire cross-section of the mixing zone area (e.g., over 10% of the river width for the acute water quality assessment). • COI transformations are not represented in the analysis (i.e., all COls are treated as conservative substances without any decay). • The analysis is limited by the availability of surface water data used to assign upstream river COI concentrations. Mixing Model Development The mixing model approach requires the assignment of upstream critical river design flows for the fraction of the river as specified in Section 4.2 of the CAP Part I Report for the acute, chronic, and human health mixing zone limitations. The 1Q10, 7Q10, and mean annual river design flows were calculated from the sum of flows at the Dan River near Wentworth and Smith River, as presented in Table 1. Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Ash Basin Table 1 Dan River Design Flows Design Condition Design Flow (cfs) 1 Q 10 264 7Q 10 382 Mean Annual 1,817 For the water quality assessment in the unnamed east tributary, it was assumed that the upstream low flow was negligible and the resulting surface water concentration was equal to the groundwater model calculated concentration entering the tributary. There were limited flow measurements on the east tributary from August 6, 2015 that averaged 0.1 cfs, which indicates that the mixing model approach taken here is conservative. In addition, dissolved groundwater COI concentrations entering the unnamed east tributary and unnamed east tributary surface water dissolved COI concentrations are required, which were determined from observed site monitoring data. Table 2 lists these concentrations and also provides the applicable North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency surface water quality standards. Groundwater and surface water data from the Dan River are provided in Table 3. Table 2 Unnamed East Tributary Dissolved COI Concentrations and Water Quality Standards Groundwater Surface Water Acute WQS Chronic Human COI Concentration Concentration (p9�L ) /L WQS (Ng ) Health WQS (pg/L) (pg/L)* (pg/L) Arsenic 0.956 11.3 340 150 10 Boron 48.2 97.1 ns ns ns Total Chromium 4.73 4.62 ns ns ns Hexavalent 0.084 0.021 16 11 ns Chromium Cobalt 0.483 0.618 ns ns 4 Sulfate 13,125 14,425 ns ns ns Thallium 0.193 0.125 ns ns 0.47 Vanadium 0.948 0.856 ns ns ns Notes: 1. All COls are shown as dissolved except for total chromium 2. * — average of data from site stations SW-3, SW-4, SW-10, SW-1 1, SW-12 and SW-13 3. WQS = water quality standard 4. ns = no water quality standard 5. Human Health / Water Supply (15A NCAC 02B .0211, 15A NCAC 02B .0216, effective January 1, 2015) Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Ash Basin Table 3 Dan River Dissolved COI Concentrations and Water Quality Standards Groundwater Surface Water Acute WQS Chronic Human COI Concentration Concentration �pJ�L ) /L WQS �pJ ) Health WQS (pg/L) (pg/L)* (pg/L) Arsenic 1.24 0.235 340 150 10 Boron 263 150 ns ns ns Total Chromium 3.32 0.500 ns ns ns Hexavalent 0.061 0.500** 16 11 ns Chromium Cobalt 0.332 0.465 ns ns 4 Sulfate 35,994 5,150 ns ns ns Thallium 0.133 0.059 ns ns 0.47 Vanadium 0.868 1.65 ns ns ns Notes: 1. All COls are shown as dissolved except for total chromium 2. * — Data from upstream site station SW-8 3. ** — Value set equal to total chromium value 4. ns = no water quality standard 5. Human Health / Water Supply (15A NCAC 02B .0211, 15A NCAC 02B .0216, effective January 1, 2015) The groundwater concentrations presented in the Tables 2 and 3 are based on model output from the groundwater model developed for the DRSS. It should be noted that all of the measured surface water concentrations in the unnamed east tributary and in the Dan River are less than the associated water quality standard except for two arsenic measurements in the unnamed east tributary at stations SW-3 and SW-10 that are greater than the human health water quality standard. In addition, the acute and chronic water quality standards for arsenic and hexavalent chromium use a water effects ratio of 1, which expresses the difference between the laboratory- measured toxicity and toxicity in site water. Measured water effects ratios are typically less than 1 due to complexing parameters in the site water (e.g., dissolved organic carbon) that reduce the site toxicity as compared to laboratory measured toxicity for metals. Therefore, use of a water effects ratio of 1 provides a conservative assumption in the surface water quality assessment. Groundwater modeling discussed in Section 4.1 of the CAP Part I Report was used to provide the groundwater flow and COI concentrations into the adjacent receiving waters (unnamed tributary to the east of the DRSS and the Dan River). Figure 1 depicts the location of the groundwater model calculated flow inputs into these adjacent receiving waters, and Table 4 provides the total flow along the two flow paths noted in Figure 1. These groundwater flows were used to assess the impact on surface water concentrations and compliance with the applicable water quality standards at the mixing zone boundaries in the unnamed east tributary and the Dan River. Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Ash Basin Table 4 Model -Calculated Groundwater Flows Waterbody Groundwater Flow s (ft /day) (cfs) Unnamed East Tributary 571 0.0066 Dan River (Total) 21,900 0.2535 Notes: 1. ft3/day = cubic feet per day The values reported in the preceding tables were used to calculate the COI concentrations in the unnamed east tributary (completely mixed) and in the Dan River at the mixing zone boundaries for comparison to the applicable water quality standards to assess water quality compliance of the groundwater discharges from the DRSS. Surface Water Mixing Model Approach Dan River Steam Station Ash Basin 9 East Trib GW Model Discharg Dan River GW Model Discharge 0 .05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Miles `u Jb Figure 1 DRSS Groundwater Model Flow Locations and Surface Water Stations �I 6