HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020330 DMR WWVUAL SUMMARY OMER - W S END TO CENTRAL OF PROCESS MINE/DEWATERING �GkNlRAL P. Eltkff NO. -NCG02 Report All =Wastewater discharge moniforing.data on this form (ingluding.Ko Flow' and N6 Discharge_ and Permit' Limit Vinlatibmv) by MARCH I of each -year. If Ycku have limit violations, yqu mustalsohave turned in allmit Violation DMR to -your -local Regibrial Office within 30:days of receiving.siam•le results from a lab. CERTIFICATEOF COVERAGE No 1 NCG02 0 SAMPLE COLLECTION FEAR: 2015' FACILITY NAME: 3K 9TTsoogo COUNTY: 7roam PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES:'��_S_CA 1r99 PRONENO.(912 )Q,4�Z-4009 CERTIFIED LABORATORY: PAfg` AyALrr/CjtL Lab #' 46 ADD TO LISTERVET YES [:]NOR"' EMAIL: Lab # S49 90 DISCHARGING TO SA WATER LIMITS VIOLATIONS? YES 0"NO [2, INDUSTRIAL SAND1. Part A: WastewaterMonitbrink R601rem—ents Outfall.No.. Date Sample C91letted- 50050 Total Flow �00530' Total Suspended Soiids�, 00406 Turbidit? 00545 Settleable Solids .60460 PH 31616 Fe;gl Coliforms Mm/d4/yr MG j1n91I 1,2 NTV ThIll 2 Standard 2 col/MF� 003 Z 7. 2 FiL, (018 — 9,12- do, 9.01 003 OG&ALZOLE 3728 JVQ 0.51 ND 9.55 003 021,28tZohs Afi.(Pr ND hip 14D 84 'CENTR� UVVR SE 063 IZIOT/2615 4.5 NVED 3 2016 [- FILES CTION' A11 mines must iii6tiftor WW dik*ges'fior TSS. bn4y indusffial sanidmine di§cha'rges 0'e'subje6t to TSS limits. 2 If an.efflueht limit is exceeded, The permittee is required to institute monthly monitoring for that paramieter,ffir the remaining permit term. 'The-discharee shall not cause an instantaneous measurement -of the turbidity.,of the receiving water to exceed IO NTU for freshwater streams, lakes,. and. reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all, lakes and -reservoirs, and all salt waters, 50 NTU for all other streams and surface waters. Turbidity may be monitored . dfth6, St6hmwitcrl)ischargeOutfaB. Alternatively, the permittee may choose to monitor turbidity in the receivingwater, directlyuporehin and dawrioream of the discharge. 4 Only fidilities-discharging to SA watemare required to monitor for Fecal col.iforms,. NOW Permit Date: 4/1/201042/3112014 I,a§t'RdVistd 01-05-16 Pagel of Part A Continued: Wastewater Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Sample Collected Collected 50050 Total Flow . 00530 'Total Suspended :Solids 00400 Turbldily3 60545 Settleable Solids 06400 pH 31616 Fecal Coliforms - mm/dd/yr MG NTU - mi/12 Standard col/ml2,4 Division of Water Quality Altus DWQ Central Files . 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOUMUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANYINFORMATIONREPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction•or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of 'my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete: I am:aware that re are ,si nif cantpenalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of P rmittcO. (Date) Permit Date: 1/.11201.0=42/31/2014. Last Revised 01-05-10 Page 2 of 2