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�✓p� NCO Environmental Quality Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) ��?? Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out thisform,please visit https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/ npdes-stormwater-gps Permit No.: NICl&42/I /O/o/tv/a/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/2/.1 /0 /.0 /0 N / Facility Name: BUILDERS FIRST SOURCE County: STANLY Phone No. 704-983-6748 Inspector: LANCE tAMONDS AND MIKE HUNEYCUTT Date of Inspection: 11/11/2022 Time of Inspection: - A Total Event Precipitation(inches): .5 1 to All permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a"measurable storm event." A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DEN4LR Regional Office. By this si mature,I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permittee or Designee) 1. Outfall Description:Outfall No. I Structure(pipe, ditch,etc.): '0 14-rik Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occ'�ij within the outfall drainage area: �YUL GtV1U�[AGTUVIYICi Page 1 of 2 SWU-242,Last modified 06/01/2018 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors(red,brown,blue,etc.)and tint (light,medium,dark)as descriptors: C letxy- 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have(i.e.,smells strongly of oil,weak chlorine odor,etc.): NONE 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge,where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 ® 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: ® 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: © 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Q Yes No. 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? QYes 6UNo. 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 0 Yes 0 No. 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe /v I A- Note: Low clarity,high solids,and/or the presence of foam,oil sheen,or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242,Lest modified 06/O1/2018 NC Enwronmenrol Quality ��, Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out thisform,please visit https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/ npdes-stommwater-gps Permit No.: N/C/S M/ t/u l®lo/O/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/2/.1 (0/0 /0 /0 / Facility Name: BUILDERS FIRST SOURCE County: STANLY Phone No. 704-983-6748 Inspector: LANCE LAMONDS AND MIKE HUNEYCUTT Date of Inspection: 11/11/2022 Time of Inspection: [I,-V14Nn Total Event Precipitation(inches): is I y1 All permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a"measurable storm event." A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DEMLR Regional Office. 7Byth' i re,I z certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of PermTuZe or Designee) 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. *3 Structure(pipe,ditch, etc.): Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities at occur within the�outfall drainage area: t55 mftVlt�CUG Yle Page 1 of SWU-242,Last modified 06/01/2018 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors(red,brown,blue,etc.)and tint (light,medium, dark)as descriptors: Mpie 3. Odor: Describe and' `distinct odors that the discharge may have(i.e., smells strongly of oil,weak chlorine odor,etc.): I V Ll vie 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge,where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 © 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: n 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: O 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Q Yes A0 No. 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? * Yes 0 No.9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? *Yes Q No. dt4t� JUAlk P—M4 1 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity,high solids,and/or the presence of foam,ail sheen,or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242,Last modified 06/01/2018 Envrmnmexrat r^� Quality Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out thisform,please visit https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/ npdes-stolmwater-gps Permit No.: N/CQ&4-(1 /O(0/0/0/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/2(1 /0/`0 /0 /0 / Facility Name: BUILDERS FIRST SOURCE County: STANLY Phone No. 704-983-6748 Inspector: LANCE LAMONDS AND MIKE HUNEYCUTT Date of Inspection: 11/11/2022 Time of Inspection: u'.3011Fw► Total Event Precipitation(inches): • 5 1 Y1 All permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a"measurable storm event." A"measurable storm event'is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DEMLR Regional Office. By this signature,I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Pennittee or Designee) 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. A Structure(pipe, ditch, etc.): 1 (� Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur w/j'1hhin the outfall drainage area: 71U% nuk �v[rva Page 1 of 2 SWU-242,Last modified 06/01/2018 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors(red,brown,blue,etc.)and tint (light,medium, dark)as descriptors: NUNG 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have(i.e.,smells strongly of oil,weak chlorine odor, etc.): No t 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: ] © 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 0 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 0 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? 0 Yes 4V No. 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? + Yes wNo. 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? *Yes Q No. WS-« PuyG ►� 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity,high solids, and/or the presence of foam,oil sheen,or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242,Last modified 06/O1/2018 NCOa, Environmental �- Quality Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out thisform,please visit https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/ npdes-stormwater-gps Permit No.: N/C/. /, /. / / / / / or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/2/.1 /.0/0 /0 i0 / Facility Name: BUILDERS FIRST SOURCE County: STANLY Phone No. 704-983-6748 Inspector: LANCE LAMONDS AND MIKE HUNEYCUTT Date of Inspection: 11/11/2022 Time of Inspection: W-3fJIRrr Total Event Precipitation(inches): *S\Yl All permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a"measurable storm event." A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DEMLR Regional Office. By this si afore,I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Si tore of P i ee or Designee) 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. q Structure(pipe,ditch,etc.): Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur within the gutfall drainage area: Truax iMuhu('vcFav>,m Page I of 2 SWU-242,Last modified 06/01/2018 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors(red,brown,blue,etc.)and tint (light,medium, dark)as descriptors:NUME 3. Odor: Describe any dj n�tto ors that the discharge may have(i.e., smells strongly of oil,weak st chlorine odor, etc.):4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge,where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 © 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: Q2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge,where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? 0 Yes a No. 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? QYes WNo. 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes 0 No. 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity,high solids,and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen,or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242,Las[modified 06/O1/2018 '\ Builders 2001 Bryan St,Suite 0 Dallas.TX 7525201 Phone 214.880.3500 . FirstSource Fax 214.880.3599 November 16, 2022 Zahid Khan, CPM, CPESC, CPSWQ BOG North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality t� Land Quality Section— Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Builders FirstSource Compliance Evaluation Inspection 2100 Sterling Drive Albemarle, North Carolina 28001 NCG210397 Mr. Khan, Please find included in this correspondence copies of supporting documentation demonstrating issues identified during a Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted August 23, 2022 and conveyed within correspondence dated August 31, 2022. As requested, an updated copy of the facility SWPPP is included as well as copies of the most recent Quarterly Qualitative Inspection forms conducted November 11, 2022. The facility contacts have been updated and current Qualitative Inspections forms as supplied by North Carolina have been included for use.As we anticipate a permit renewal by your department next year, Builders FirstSource will contract with a third party to update any specifics related to the maps contained within prior to the listed expiration of July 31, 2023. No changes have occurred at the facility since the original issuance of the SWPPP and therefore the information contained within is accurate and represents current activities at the facility. It should also be noted that facility personnel are addressing suggestions made during the inspection with respect to outfall erosion and employee training. Currently, the facility has contracted with a local aggregate supplier to address areas of erosion by placing additional 57 size gravel and rip rap in those areas which will build up the gravel base and act as a flow break thus reducing the potential for erosion during heavy rainfall events. Corporate personnel will be implementing a new Stormwater Training Module in our internal training database which is known as Foundations and will help to ensure all employees receive annual Stormwater Training including a basic overview of Stormwater regulations as well as those which are specific to North Carolina. This training will be available by December 1, 2022 and the facility will conduct annual training by December 31, 2022 as required by our corporate and regional staff. OUTPERFORM TODAY. TRANSFORM TOMORROW. r ' We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the findings and would ask that should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Chris Lambert Market Components Manager Builders FirstSource Albemarle, NC Truss Cc: Lily C. Kay—Land Quality Section Phillip E. Cobbs—BFS Environmental Compliance Mgr. OUTPERFORM TODAY. TRANSFORM TOMORROW. � ' t STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIONPLAN BFS Operations, LLC. Albemarle Truss Plant 2100 Sterling Drive Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina November 2022 uliders ■ . 'Irst ource Prepared by.- Phillip E. Cobbs MSEM Environmental Compliance Manager 7595 Technology Way,Suite 500 Denver, CO 80237 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN BFS TRUSS ASSEMBLY PLANT ALBEMARLE, NORTH CAROLINA TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Regulatonj Background 1 1.2 Purpose of the SWPPP 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 2.1 Facility Location 2 2.2 General Description of Business 2 2.3 Physical Description and Site Plan 2 2.4 Storm Water Flow 4 2.5 Pervious v. Imperious Areas 5 3.0 SWPPP ADMINISTRATOR AND SWPPP TEAM 7 4.0 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES 8 4.1 Loading and Unloading Operations/Outdoor Storage of Raw Materials and 8 Finished Goods 4.2 Manufacturing Activities 8 4.3 On-Site Waste Management 9 4.4 Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance 10 4.5 Inventor/of Materials Potentialh/Exposed to Storm Water 10 4.6 SARA Title III Section 313 Water Priorihj Chemicals 11 4.7 Historical Leaks or Spills 11 5.0 MEASURES AND CONTROLS 12 5.1 Non-Strutural BMPs 12 5.1.1 Vehicle-Related Preventative Maintenance 12 5.1.2 Spill Prevention and Response Procedures 13 5.1.3 Good Housekeeping 13 5.2 Structural BMPs 14 5.2.1 Secondary Containment for Diesel Tank and Drums 14 5.2.2 Containment Structure for Wood Chipper 15 5.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs 15 6.0 IDENTIFICATION OF NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES 16 6.1 Process Wastewater 16 6.2 Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges 16 6.3 Certification of Non-Storm-Water Discharges 17 7.0 INSPECTIONS 18 7.1 Housekeeping Inspections 18 7. 2 Semi-Annual Site Compliance Evaluations 18 7.3 Deadlines for Correcting BMP Deficiencies 19 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN BFS TRUSS ASSEMBLY PLANT ALBEMARLE,NORTH CAROLINA 7.4 Annual SWPPP Review 19 7. 5 Documentation of Inspections and Annual SWPPP Review 20 8.0 STORM WATER MONITORING 21 8.1 Quarterly Visual Monitoring Inspections 21 8. 2 Storm Water Sampling Requirements 21 9.0 RECORD KEEPING 23 10.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING 24 11.0 REVISION OF SWPPP 25 12.0 ANNUAL REPORTING 26 13.0 CONSISTANCY V=OTHER PLANS (SPCC PLAN) 27 14.0 CERTIFICATION 28 FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Plan 3. Impervious Surfaces by Sub-Basin APPENDICES A: Notice of Intent/PermitApplication B: Storm Water Permit C. Inspection Forms and Sampling Guide D: Monitoring Forms and Instructions E: Employee Training Log and Training Outline F: Certifications G: SWPPP Revision Log ii BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN y�G^ cJl 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Regulatory Background This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared for the BFS Operations, LLC ('BFS") building components assembly plant in Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina. This SWPPP Plan has been developed and implemented to satisfy the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) -Division of Water Quality,General Permit to discharge of Storm Water under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (General Permit No. NCG210000). The permit became effective on August 1, 2018 and will expire on July 31,2023. A copy of the MSGP is included as Appendix B. The SWPPP Plan is intended to: • Identify potential sources of pollution which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharged from the site; and • Describe and ensure the implementation of practices which will reduce the potential for pollutants to enter storm water discharges. • A copy of this SWPPP must be kept on site at all times. 1.2 Purpose of the SWPPP The purpose of the SWPPP is to evaluate potential pollution sources at the facility and to select and implement appropriate measures to prevent or control the discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff. The pollution prevention approach focuses on three objectives: (1) to identify sources of pollution potentially affecting the quality of storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the facility; (2) to describe and outline implementation of practices to minimize and control pollutants in storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the facility; and (3) to provide a mechanism for compliance with the terms and conditions of the General Permit. This SWPPP is a foundation for the facility's storm water pollution prevention program. This document will be revised if conditions and practices at the facility change to accommodate new methods of production, storage and material transfer. The SWPPP describes activities, materials and physical features of the Facility with potential to contribute pollutants to storm water runoff and the procedures and methods that are used to prevent introduction of such pollutants. 1 BFS ALBEMARLE,NC TRUSS ASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Facility Location The Facility is located at 2100 Sterling Drive, Albemarle,Stanly County, North Carolina. The location and the topographic, hydrologic and cultural features of the surrounding area are shown on Figure 1, Site Location Map, which was developed from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Albemarle NC 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) map. The center of the Facility is located at approximately N 80.1653; E 35.3383. The average elevation of the facility is between 570 and 580 feet NGVD. The nearest surface water body is an unnamed tributary of Lake Tillery. The tributary drainage is south and southwest of BFS. Lake Tillery is approximately 5.75 miles to the southeast. 2.2 General Description of Business The Property is a floor truss and roof truss assembly plant. On occasion,it also fabricates wall panels. BFS receives raw materials (lumber and metal fasteners) and ships finished truss assemblies via truck. The raw materials are assembled inside the roof truss plant and the floor truss plant. Finished products are stacked in various locations around the property and await pick up from customers. Minor servicing of fork lifts occurs within the maintenance area in the southwestern corner of the roof truss assembly building. The facility does not store oil in excess of 1,320 gallons (thus, it is not subject to SPCC requirements), nor does the facility store any hazardous materials in excess of regulatory thresholds. 2.3 Physical Description and Site Plan The Property is situated in a moderately developed commercial/industrial section of Albemarle. Preformed Line Products, which manufactures electric power line and telecommunication equipment,is located to the north. Property owned by Grandview Property is located to the east and southeast and is a residential subdivision. The Property consists of a 15.42 acre (+/-) parcel. The main features of the Property are depicted on the Site Plan. They are summarized below: • Main Buildin¢: The main building is a 74,400 ft2 building, which houses administrative, sales and shipping offices, roof truss assembly operations,facility maintenance operations and a shipping area. The warehouse area is 65,600 ft2; 2 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN office area is 5,000 ftz and the Maintenance and Shipping area is 3,800 ft2. The area surrounding the building is covered an asphalt apron. Crushed gravel surfaces are present beyond the asphalt pavement to the north, east and south. The Facility is connected to the Albemarle municipal water and sewer systems. The facility sanitary wastewaters are the only waste streams discharging to the municipal sewer system. Roof truss operations contain several saw stations and truss assembly lines. The finished assemblies exit the warehouse on the south side and are stored to the east and secondarily at the far northwest corner of the property extending onto a leased storage lot. There is a large wood chipper used to chop up small pieces of waste lumber outside the north wall of the truss assembly warehouse. The chipper is connected to a conveyor belt that extends through the north wall from the saw station inside of the truss assembly area. The chipper is located under a flat roof and is on a concrete slab. There are no walls to this structure. It is subject to weather related migration of sawdust via rain and wind. • Floor Truss Plant Building: The floor truss plant contains saw stations and an assembly line to assemble floor trusses. The building is an 18,000 ftz, concrete slab-on-grade building. It is located in the southwest quadrant of the Property. It is surrounded by crushed gravel surfaces. • EWP Trimming ShoR: This is a three-sided,4,000 ftz building that is open to the north side. The building houses saw stations used to trim lumber for the floor truss plant and to trim EWP materials (Engineered Wood Products). It is in the southeastern corner of the Property. The area around the building is unpaved. Portions of the surface are gravel-lined. • Open Shed Building: This 6,000 ftz open-sided,concrete-floored structure is used to store raw materials prior to assembly operations. The building is located in the southern central area of the Property between the main building and the floor truss plant and the WEP Trimming Shop. • Forklift Fueling Shed: BFS maintains a three-sided, wooden shed that contains a 500-gallon diesel fuel tank and up to three 55 gallon drums of used oil. This shed is located in the eastern central area of the Property. The open side faces to the west toward the main building. The diesel fuel tank rests within a concrete secondary containment structure, and the drums are on individual spill pallets. There is a concrete floor. The tank and drums are protected from the elements by a roof. 3 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN • Employee Parking Area: There is an employee parking area located on the northwestern side of the Property at the entrance driveway to Sterling Drive. The lot is gravel-covered with grassy areas bordering the western property line. • On-Site Materials Storage Areas: Building materials are temporarily stored at several locations until they go into production. Finished assemblies are temporarily stored until they are shipped to their destination. The storage areas are typically gravel-surfaced. • Leased, off-site Roof Truss Assemblies Storage Area: Roof truss assemblies are also stored on a neighboring property northwest of the employee parking lot. This lot is also unlined and slopes toward undeveloped woodlands to the south. • Undeveloped Perimeter Areas: There are undeveloped areas beyond the fenced- in portions of the Property. These undeveloped grass-covered woodlands border the active portion along the western, southern and eastern fence lines. They generally slope away from the active areas. 2.4 Storm Water Flow Figure 2 shows the drainage patterns at the site. The Property is relatively flat with a slight slope from north to south over most of the Property. South of the main building, however, there is a very slight topographic high running north-south from the middle of the south wall of the main building (by the truss stackers) to the southern property line beyond the floor truss plant building. West of this divide, the Property falls off to the southwest, and to the southeast east of the divide. North of the main building, there is a slight slope to the north-northeast. Beginning at the main building, storm water run-off is expected to flow radially to the southwest and the southeast across the crushed gravel driveways and storage areas. Uncontrolled run-off would discharge into the bordering woodlands and eventually discharge into stream drainages on the west and east sides of the Property. North of the main building storm water run-off will flow along the crushed gravel areas to the northeast discharging into the wooded border area east of the fence line. There are catch basins in the crushed gravel lots in the southwestern quadrant of the Property as well as in the northwestern lot leased from the abutting neighbor for temporary roof truss assembly storage. These catch basins drain into the wooded areas to the southwest. All discharges eventually enter an unnamed tributary to Lake Tillery, which is in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Watershed. 4 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLLUTIONPREVENTIONPLAN 2.5 Pervious vs. Impervious Surface Areas The northern quadrant including the Main Building and the asphalt aprons and lots surrounding it cover approximately 50% of the developed portion of the Property. The eastern truss assemblies yard and the southern yard containing the floor truss plant and the EWP trimming shed cover the remaining 50% of the developed portion of the Property. East of the unpaved eastern yard beyond the fence line is undeveloped woodlands. A smaller woodlands is also present outside the southwestern fence line. An estimated 65% of the Property is covered with pervious surfaces (gravel and unlined surfaces plus the grass, shrubs and wooded areas along and outside of the fence line. The remaining 35 % is covered with buildings or concrete and asphalt surfaces. The leased roof truss assemblies storage yard is 100% pervious. The Facility slopes to the south and west with an elevation change of about 10 feet across the site. There are three drainage subsystems on the Property. A fourth subsystem is on the abutting leased property off-site west-northwest of the employee parking lot(see figure 3): Subsystem 001: Northern Portion: This portion consists of the gravel-lined entrance and driveway, the wood chipper and the storage area north of the main building and the woodlands east of the fence line. Roof drains will contribute to the run off along the north wall of the building. Surface flow will run to the north and east along the gravel driveway eventually draining into the woodlands beyond the eastern fence line. Outfall 001 is located in the wooded area east of the fence line. The surface area this subsystem is approximately 30% covered with gravel or unlined (pervious) surfaces. The surface area of Subsystem 001 covers approximately 21% of the property. Subsystem 002: Southeastern Portion: This subsystem consists of the southeastern portion of the Property beginning approximately midway through the main building along the north-south divide described above. This subsystem is east and south of the subsystem 001. Storm water will run along the asphalt and crushed gravel lot to the southeast eventually draining into the woodlands beyond the eastern fence line. Roof drains will contribute to the run off along the east and south walls (eastern half) of the main building. Roof run off from the fuel storage shed and the EWP Trimming Shop will contribute to the surface run-off in this subsystem. Outfall 002 is in the southeastern corner of the fence line. The surface area of Subsystem 002 covers approximately 33% of the property. 5 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Subsystem 003:West-southwestern Portion: This portion consists of the areas beginning west of the entrance driveway and employee parking lot in the northwestern corner of the property. It extends southward and includes the gravel-lined lots west of the slight topographic high south of the main building. Roof drains from the main building will contribute to the run off along the west and south (west half)walls of the main building. Roof runoff from the metal storage building and the floor truss building will also contribute to the surface run-off in this subsystem. Outfall 003 is in the west- southwest corner of the fence line. The surface area of Subsystem 003 covers approximately 46 % of the property. Subsystem 004: Off-Site Roof Truss Assemblies Storage Lot: This lot is a 100% unsurfaced (pervious) area. It is located west of the employee parking lot. BFS uses it to store roof assemblies prior to shipment to customers. The unlined lot is bordered to the west and south by shrubs and woods. Surface runoff will either flow uncontrolled to the wooded borders and then into the drainage basin southwest of the Property or into a catch basin within the center of the lot. The catch basin discharges via a pipe into the drainage basin. Outfall 004 is at the base of the catch basin. The surface area of Subsystem 004 covers 4.2 acres. Table 1 Drainage Areas of Subsystems Subsystem Approximate Surface Impervious Surface by Area (acres) Subsystem 001 3.08 30% 002 6.16 28.5% 003 6.16 62% 004 off-site * 4.17 0% 6 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 3.0 SWPPP ADMINISTRATOR AND SWPPP TEAM The facility has reorganized its Pollution Prevention Team ("PPT") team to make the site's existing safety committee responsible for SWPPP obligations. The team has been renamed as the Safety and BMP team. The Safety/BMP Team consists of the following leadership employees with the noted responsibilities: Responsibility Individual Title Telephone Responsible Contacts SWIJIJIJ minigEation, Chris Market ice: - - Components SWPPP Revisions, Emergency Lambert ell: 804-283-1492 Manager Response nst anon amtenance Lance Maintenance ice: 704-983-6748 Lamonds Technician ell: 980-581-0447 BMF Inspections an ance Maintenance Office: - - onitoring/Sampling Lamonds Technician ell: 980-581-0447 Documentation and Safety ice: '/U4-983-6748 mployee Training Huneycutt Coordinator ell: 980-258-9304 Implementation of Procedurali e Safety OUice: - - MPs Huneycutt Coordinator ell: 980-258-9304 7 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSS ASSEMBLY PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 4.0 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES Development of this SWPPP included a thorough evaluation of areas where industrial activities occur and/or industrial materials may be exposed to storm water. The industrial materials or activities that were evaluated, along with the specific pollutants that may potentially be associated with each area include the following: 1. Loading and unloading operations: Unloading of trucks with incoming lumber,metal plates and other manufacturing supplies;loading of finished goods for delivery to customers; 2. Outdoor storage of raw materials and finished truss assemblies; 3. Solid waste collection/storage; 4. Maintenance and fueling of forklifts; 5. Manufacturing activities (interior) including the collection and disposal of wood scraps and saw dust. Descriptions of these areas are provided below. When industrial materials or activities warrant, Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been implemented. 4.1 Loading and Unloading Operations/Outdoor Storage of Raw Materials and Finished Goods The Facility receives lumber, fasteners (nails and metal plates) and other manufacturing supplies on site via truck. Unloading of lumber and supplies occur south of the main building by the open-sided supplies shed. Fork lifts are used to transport these materials to their respective storage locations in the open shed, the roof truss plant, the floor truss plant and the engineered wood products (EWP) shed area. Finished truss assemblies from either the floor truss or roof truss plants are transported by fork lift to the storage areas on the east side of the main building,north of the floor truss plant or on the leased roof truss storage lot northwest of the employee parking lot. Additionally, EWP beams are cut to length and readied for delivery. All finished goods are loaded onto the delivery trucks by forklifts. Potential pollutants that could be associated with loading and unloading operations include oil and fuel that could be released from delivery vehicles and handling equipment (forklifts). 4.2 Manufacturing Activities All manufacturing activities at the facility are conducted under roofed structures and on paved surfaces. These activities include woodcutting, sawing, and truss assembly. The principal contaminant from these activities is sawdust. The majority of the cutting and sawing of wood that generates saw dust and wood scraps occurs during the assembly of trusses and wall panels. These activities take place under 8 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN roofed areas in the floor truss building and in the roof truss plant building. To a much smaller degree,wood scraps and saw dust are also generated by the cutting of EWP beams to customer specifications in the EWP shed. Dust from these activities drops onto the concrete floors at each building. Dust collection occurs at the end of each of the three employee shifts each day (Monday-Sunday) in each of the three buildings mentioned above. Workers assigned to the dust collection tasks sweep out the dust accumulated on the saw and assembly equipment and on the floors under this equipment using compressed air and brooms. • All 3 shifts: Sawyers clean wood bits and sawdust 30 minutes before the end of their shift. • All 3 shifts: Building component assemblers clean wood bits and sawdust 15 minutes before the end of their shift. • Day Shift: In addition, BFS employs a dedicated maintenance person who is responsible for cleaning of the wood bits and sawdust throughout the day shift. • Quarterly: Maintenance activities once every three months include the removal of sawdust from the overhead rafters in each of the assembly buildings and saw shed. The sawdust and small cut wood bits from the assemblies operations and EWP trimming operations are dumped into satellite 5-cubic yard dumpsters. The dumpsters are transported into the roof truss plant where they are emptied onto a conveyor at the north side of the roof truss plant and discharged into the wood chipper at the north side of the plant. The wood chipper rests on a concrete slab in an open-sided structure under a shed roof. The wood scraps and saw dust in the chipper are emptied regularly into a trailer, which is stored at the roof truss assembly area for off-site disposal. Saw dust piles that accumulate around the wood chipper and trailer during the conveyance of scraps and saw dust are picked up on a daily basis and discharged into the trailer. In addition, the area by the trailer connection to the wood chipper is cleaned following the coupling of an empty trailer to the chipper. 4.3 On-Site Waste Management Materials that could potentially impact storm water as a result of waste management practices include general debris, sawdust, cardboard, paper, packing material and scrap wood. All solid waste is collected in roll-off containers. Two larger roll-offs are used mainly for the collection and storage of wood waste, plastic wrapping, and strapping material. Smaller roll-offs and bins are used for the collection and storage of office wastes and general refuse. Wastes from these roll-offs are removed at least weekly for off-site disposal. Waste management areas are included in weekly housekeeping inspections. 9 BFS ALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 4.4 Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Vehicle fueling and maintenance activities could potentially result in the introduction of diesel fuel,lubricants,coolants and other maintenance fluids to storm water. The forklift fueling shed contains a 500-gallon diesel fuel tank and three 55 gallon drums of used oil. The 500-gallon tank is surrounded with concrete secondary containment. The drums are on spill pallets. The tank and drums are protected from the elements by a roof and a spill kit is located in the area. There were signs of minor spillage from refueling activities on the concrete shed floor. Additionally, BFS maintains a maintenance area in the southwestern corner of the roof truss warehouse. Small quantities of equipment maintenance chemicals are stored inside. A 300-gallon portable tank (tote) of diesel additive fluid is stored in this area. Fork lift maintenance activities performed by an outside contractor area conducted in this area. The fork lift fluids are brought in and taken away by the vendor after each maintenance visit. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for hazardous substances are maintained onsite in the main office located throughout the facility and are readily available to employees. These MSDSs identify the physical, chemical, and toxicological properties of these substances. 4.5 Inventory of Materials Potentially Exposed to Storm Water All manufacturing operations take place inside facility buildings. Materials that are potentially exposed to storm water are identified below, according to drainage area. Drainage Subsystem 001 on the northern side of the Property: Temporary storage of lumber occurs in this area. Scrap lumber and saw dust accumulates around the wood chipper outside the north wall of the building. Drainage Subsystem 002 (southeastern portion) and Drainage Subsystem 003 (western and southwestern portion): Materials stored and potentially exposed to storm water within include the following: • Scrap Metal (to be recycled) or assembly equipment to be installed inside the main building(temporary storage) • Scrap Lumber/saw dust • Dimensional Lumber • Forklifts (left outside at times) • Fork lift fuel and lubricant and other oils 10 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLLUTIONPREVENTION PLAN • Finished roof truss assemblies Drainage Subsystem 004 on the northwestern side of the Property: Temporary storage of finished roof trusses and temporary storage of the trailers containing the wood chipper wastes (saw dust) occurs in this area. 4.6 SARA Title III Section 313 Water Priority Chemicals In accordance with regulatory requirements, any potential pollutant sources subject to reporting requirements pursuant to SARA Title III Section 313 (Water Priority Chemicals) must be identified in a facility's SWPPP. Section 313 requires that reports be filed by owners and operators of facilities if the facility has 10 or more full time employees, the facility's operations are included in covered SIC codes and the facility manufactures,imports, processes or otherwise uses a Section 313 chemical in quantities greater than the regulatory threshold in the calendar year. After a review of materials on site,the facility has no known EPCRA Section 313 chemicals present over the threshold limits. 4.7 Historical Leaks or Spills The SWPPP is required to identify any significant spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that have occurred in areas exposed to storm water or that otherwise drain to the storm water system in the three years previous to the submission of the Notice of Intent (NOI) to be covered by the storm water general permit. "Significant spills or leaks" are defined by the Storm Water Regulations as a release within a 24-hour period of a hazardous substance or oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity in 40 Code of Federal Registration (CFR) 117 or 40 CFR Part 302. No record of historical significant spills or leaks at Facility has been identified. The NCDENR has no records of historical spills at the Property. The Facility's ongoing inspection program is expected to prevent future spills. If, however, any such spills occur, this SWPPP will be revised and the following information regarding the spill will be recorded in this section: • Date of spill; • Materials and quantity spilled; • Summary of spill response. 11 BFSALBEMARLE, NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN 5.0 MEASURES AND CONTROLS The Facility has developed a preventative maintenance program for storm water management structures and facility equipment and systems that could potentially contribute pollutants to storm water. This section of the SWPPP describes the pollution prevention measures, controls and best management practices (BMPs) that will be implemented to control discharge of pollutants from the facility storm water outfalls. BMPs, as described below, are broken down into two types: • Non-structural BMPs (practices or activities) and • Structural BMPs (equipment and devices). 5.1 Non-Structural BMPs 5.1.1 Vehicle-Related Preventative Maintenance The following table lists the equipment that is included in the Facility's preventative maintenance and good housekeeping program,along with applicable requirements: Equipment Covered Schedule of Items covered in Method of in Preventative Equipment Inspections Documentation Maintenance (PM) Inspection/Testing Program Dispenser Weekly Inspections Pump,hoses, Housekeeping Form fittings Hoses, seals, fittings Trucks Per PM Schedule and fuel tanks Completion of PM checked for leakage documents by outside contractor or Forklifts Per PM Schedule Hoses, seals, fittings on-site mechanic and fuel tanks checked for leakage Hose(s) and fill nozzle(s) will be inspected on a daily basis for deterioration and leakage. Incidental spills will be contained by the use of a sorbent material kept in spill kits at the vehicle fueling shed and in the maintenance area within the roof truss plant. Absorbents will be applied to any oil leaks or spills associated with the use of forklifts and/or trucks used during the handling of the finished products. The resultant absorbent will be disposed of according to applicable regulations. 12 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN If indicated by routine inspections, appropriate repair, adjustment or replacement of equipment will be completed as soon as practicable. 5.1.2 Spill Prevention and Response Procedures SRill Prevention: All liquid chemical products in containers of 5-gallon capacity or less are to be stored indoors. Absorbent materials will be used to clean up any releases from these containers, as they occur. The used absorbent will then be containerized and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. Used absorbents should be stored in a drum inside the maintenance shop area until disposed of, at an appropriate off-site facility. Chemical spill areas will not be hosed down. Spill kits equipped with absorbent material are to be kept within the maintenance shop, inside the truss plant building and in the wooden fueling station shed. Signs providing emergency notification procedures are to be posted near each spill kit. Storage and operations areas will be swept and cleaned as applicable based on weekly housekeeping inspections. Spill Response: In the event of a chemical spill, the area will be immediately isolated and the manager on duty will be notified. If the spill is less than five gallons, the on-site spill kit will be obtained and the designated spill response contractor will be contacted for the chemical specific clean-up and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) advisement. Trained employees will then don the proper PPE and clean-up the spill utilizing items in the spill kit. Storm and sewer drains will be immediately diked or blocked as needed. When necessary, materials will be absorbed with an in-house bulk absorbent(such as Abzorb-It). Smaller leaking containers and used absorbent materials from the spill kits are to be placed in plastic overpack drums for future disposal. If the spill is larger than five gallons or if the spill requires clean-up beyond the capabilities of BFS employees the spill response contractor will be contacted and the appropriate local agencies will be notified. While liquid hazardous materials are not stored outdoors, oils are contained within some outdoor mobile equipment(i.e., forklifts and delivery trucks). When oil is changed in such equipment, it will be conducted indoors or under roof and care will be taken to minimize spills. In the event that spills occur, absorbent will be applied as described above. 5.1.3 Good Housekeeping The following housekeeping procedures will be followed to minimize surface water pollution: Saw Dust and Wood Scrap Minimization: 13 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSS ASSEMBLY PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN • Saw dust accumulation, reduction and control measures are to be implemented inside and outside of the truss plants and the EWP trimming shed. Re- inspections and cleanup activities will occur at each of these buildings. An on- going goal should be the elimination of saw dust piles outside of these structures. • The wood chipper will be inspected for and cleaned of accumulated saw dust and wood scraps at the end of each shift. • Spills/drips/leaks from fluid material transfers will be immediately cleaned with absorbent; • Spigots or funnels are to be used to minimize leaks while transferring fluids; • All changing of fluids is to be performed indoors or under roof out of the weather (i.e.,fork lift maintenance); • Catch basins and sediment chambers will be inspected weekly and cleaned of trash and accumulated sediment as necessary. • The vehicle fueling shed will be inspected weekly to identify the presence of stains or any other indication of fuel releases. • Drainage ditches will be kept clear of accumulated brush and debris, as needed. • Scrap metal and unused equipment will be kept under a shed roof to the extent practicable. 5.2 Structural BMPs 5.2.1 Secondary Containment for Diesel Tank and Drums The potential for storm water to be impacted by diesel fuel and other fluids stored in the fueling shed should be minimized through the maintenance of secondary containment structures. The integrity of the concrete containment for the tank must be maintained; it should be ascertained during the weekly housekeeping inspections. Any damage to this structure threatening its ability to contain the fuel in the tank must be repaired as quickly as feasible. The drummed fluids stored inside the fueling shed must be kept on spill pallets under roof and on the concrete floor. The floor should be bermed such that any accidental release of drummed fluids onto the floor will not escape the containment structure. 14 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 5.2.2 Containment Structure for Wood Chipper The potential for storm water to be impacted by accumulated saw dust piles and/or wood scraps need to be minimized at the wood chipper, through which large quantities of wood scraps and dust are passed into the disposal trailer. Piles of saw dust and scraps accumulate along the conveyor belt into the chipper and at the juncture where the chipper blows the wastes into the trailer. Contact of these wastes with storm water should be minimized through the maintenance of secondary containment structures. The integrity of the containment structures should be maintained through routine inspection and maintenance to eliminate potential contact between the wood wastes and storm water. 5.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Controls The potential for erosion and off-site transfer of sediment is minimal and no erosion/sediment control BMPs have been implemented. However, BFS will monitor this catch basin and immediate surroundings to make sure that there is no significant sediment transfer into the catch basin during storm events. 15 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 6.0 IDENTIFICATION OF DISCHARGES OTHER THAN STORM WATER Process wastewater and nonexempt,non-storm water discharges may not be commingled with storm water discharges. 6.1 Process Wastewater Process wastewater is not generated on site. The only wastewater generated on site is related to domestic uses (e.g., toilets, sinks, showers). Domestic wastewater generated within the store/warehouse building is discharged to the municipal sanitary system. 6.2 Allowable Non-Storm water Discharges The following non-storm water discharges, termed exempt non-storm waters, can be commingled with storm water: • Discharges from fire fighting activities; • Fire hydrant flushing; • Potable waters, including water line flushing; • Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; • Irrigation drainage; • Landscape watering; • Uncontaminated groundwater; • Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials; • Discharges from springs; • Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred and where detergents are not used. No non-storm water discharges, other than those listed above, may be commingled with storm water. BFS discharges the following non-storm waters, termed exempt non- storm waters, along with their storm water: • Air conditioning condensate: The truss plant office maintains air conditioning equipment on the west side of the truss plant building. The uncontaminated condensate is discharged onto the asphalt pavement outside of the building. It is to be inspected weekly for the presence of any contamination. • Roof Truss Plant compressor condensate: The two compressors for the roof truss plant are maintained in the southeastern corner of the truss plant building. The condensate is discharged directly to the paved surface outside of the building. Prior 16 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN to discharge the condensate flows through an oil separation filter. Accumulated oil is discharged into the waste oil tank in the diesel tank shed for off-site recycling. • Floor Truss Plant compressor condensate: The compressor for the floor truss plant is maintained in the rear of the building. The condensate is discharged directly to the paved surface outside of the building. Prior to discharge the condensate flows through an oil separation filter. Accumulated oil is discharged into the waste oil tank in the diesel tank shed for off-site recycling. •EWP Trim Shop compressor condensate: The compressor for the shop is maintained in the rear of the building. The condensate is discharged directly to the paved surface outside of the building. Prior to discharge the condensate flows through an oil separation filter. Accumulated oil is discharged into the waste oil tank in the diesel tank shed for off-site recycling. The discharges from these compressors are to be inspected weekly to ensure that the oil is collected in the filter equipment. The filter reservoir should be inspected at the same time to make sure it has sufficient available storage capacity for the next week. 6.3 Certification of Non-Storm Water Discharges Certification that all storm water outfalls have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-storm water discharges is required for the initial implementation of the SWPPP and subsequent annual comprehensive site evaluations. The Certification Forms are included in Appendix F. Dry Weather Observations: Evaluations for non-storm water discharges will be made using dry weather observations, according to the following protocol: During dry weather, storm drain outlets will be observed during normal operating hours when an illicit discharge, if one existed,would be expected to be visible. If flows are visible, illicit connections are assumed to be present. All observed flows, stains, sludges, oil films, or abnormal conditions will be noted. If such flows are found, additional tests are required to determine the source(s). In the case where there are no storm water inlets and all discharge is conveyed above ground, observations are made to verify that there are no exposed outlets from floor drains, sumps, etc. Evaluations will be started at the outlet of the drainage system if it is accessible. If not, observations will be started at the farthest point downstream that the system is visible. If a discharge is observed, possible sources will be determined by viewing upstream inlets and grates. Copies of the drainage system schematics will be reviewed when available. 17 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN 7.0 INSPECTIONS Several inspections are required in order to comply with the requirements of the MSGP. Summary descriptions are provided below. The SWPPP administrator will be responsible for monitoring of storm water runoff and for conducting inspections or for ensuring that an alternate qualified individual conducts the required inspections and/or monitoring. Only those who have completed the Facility's storm water training may conduct inspections or monitoring activities. 7.1 Housekeeping Inspections Housekeeping inspections are to be performed to address those activities that are necessary to eliminate or minimize impact to storm water from operations. These include routine housekeeping tasks and BMPs described in Section 5.0, above. BFS combines its weekly housekeeping inspection with its weekly facility Safety inspection. A copy of the weekly inspection form is included in Appendix C. Completed copies of the inspection forms are kept on file with this SWPPP. 7.2 Semi-Annual Site Compliance Evaluations A semi-annual Site Compliance Evaluation will be performed to: • Confirm the accuracy and description of potential pollutant sources in the SWPPP; • Determine the effectiveness of the SWPPP and current BMPs; and • Assess compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. A member of the Safety and BMP Team will conduct the Site Compliance Evaluation. A copy of the Inspection form is included in Appendix C. Materials and finished product loading/unloading areas and any other potential sources of pollution will be visually inspected for evidence of potential pollutant discharges to the storm water drainage system. The inspections will occur according to the following schedule: 1. January-June 2. July-December The two inspections must be separated by 60 days unless the inspection frequency is increased to more than twice yearly. The following steps will be conducted: 18 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN • The SWPPP will be reviewed and a list of material handling, storage, and transfer areas covered by the plan will be altered as necessary. • Materials and equipment in the SWPPP will be verified. • Facility operations will be reviewed to determine if more areas should be included in the SWPPP or if existing areas should be modified. The SWPPP will be changed as necessary. • Drainage pathways and other accessible areas of the drainage system will be inspected for any evidence of the entrance of pollutants. • Structural measures, sediment controls, and other storm water BMPs will be observed to ensure proper operation. • Equipment needed to implement the plan will be inspected and evaluated. • The SWPPP will be revised within one month of evaluation, if necessary. • The changes to the SWPPP will be implemented in a timely manner, within a maximum of 90 days,unless special authorization is obtained from the EPA. The storm water inspector will note on the Semi-Annual Inspection Report form whether any BMPs require maintenance (e.g., cleaning of scrap wood or replacement of wattles at the outfall; resealing of concrete in paint area, etc.). The storm water inspector will, immediately after the inspection, make arrangements for BMP maintenance and inform the Storm Water Administrator of any required BMP maintenance. 7.3 Deadlines for Correcting BMP Deficiencies All BMP deficiencies noted during inspections will be remedied in a timely manner. Corrections will be made within the following time periods: • 14 days for maintenance of BMPs: If BMPs are functioning as intended, but simply need maintenance, such maintenance shall be completed as soon as practicable but no longer than 2 weeks after inspection. • 14 days for revisions to SWPPP: If, as a result of the inspection, it is noted that a BMP is not adequately controlling pollutants as intended, or if the facility's potential pollutant sources change, the SWPPP shall be revised within 14 days of the inspection. • 60 days for implementation of revised BMPs: If the SWPPP is revised, the revisions to the SWPPP must be implemented within 60 days of the inspection. 7.4 Annual SWPPP Review One of the two semi-annual inspections will also serve as the annual review of the SWPPP. The annual review should include any changes to the design, operation 19 BFSALBE/YIARLE, NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN maintenance or configuration of physical features that could impact storm water quality. The annual update component of this inspection shall include: • A list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants for the previous 3 years (note that no spills have occurred if appropriate). • Re-certification that the storm water outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-storm water discharges. • Re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the on-site storm water BMPs. • A review and comparison of the semi-annual outfall sampling data to benchmark values (as applicable). 7.5 Documentation of Inspections and Annual SWPPP Review The storm water inspector will document all storm water inspections on the BMP inspection report forms included as Appendix C. Weekly housekeeping inspection will be documented in the Housekeeping Inspection Checklist include in Appendix C. The annual review of the SWPPP will be documented and signed in a memo/form to be kept in Appendix C. 20 BFS ALBEMARLE,NC TRUSSASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN 8.0 STORM WATER MONITORING 8.1 Quarterly Visual Monitoring Inspections Storm water from each monitoring outfall will be monitored for qualitative signs of contaminants from facility operations each quarter. Qualitative monitoring will be performed quarterly: once in the winter (January - March), once in spring (April - June) once in summer (July- September) and once in the fall (October- December). A minimum of 60 days must separate monitoring dates. The qualitative monitoring must take place during a measurable storm event. A measurable storm event is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall(s). The previous measurable event must be at least 72 hours prior to the event use for monitoring purposes. The characteristics below must be documented for each of the three storm water discharge outfalls regardless of representative outfall status: • Color, • Odor, • Clarity, • Floating Solids, • Suspended Solids, • Foam, • Oil Sheen, and • Erosion or deposition at the outfall (i.e., settled solids in a catch basin runoff) • Other obvious indicators of storm water pollution. If the qualitative monitoring indicates that existing BMPs are not effective at controlling pollutant discharge into storm water, trained facility personnel shall investigate potential causes, evaluate solutions and implements said solutions within 60 days. A form to document this quarterly monitoring is provided in Appendix D. Note the results are to be reviewed by the Pollution Prevention Team If no monitoring is done, an explanation is required to be provided (i.e., no or insufficient rainfall in a particular quarter). A copy of the inspection form for the Quarterly Visual Monitoring Inspections is included in Appendix D. Completed and signed forms must be kept on file with this SWPPP for five years. 8.2 Storm Water Sampling Requirements Per the requirements of the General Permit, any facility that retains accumulations of sawdust or wood chips or bark or mulch exposed to rainfall or storm water run on for more than seven days will be required to monitor and report all site storm water discharges for laboratory analysis for total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). In addition, the total precipitation for the measurable storm event in 21 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLLUTIONPREVENTIONPLAN which the sampling occurs must be recorded using an on-site rain gauge. A grab sample must be collected from each of the four outfalls semi-annually unless Representative Outfall Status (ROS) has been granted by the Division of Water Quality. If the DWQ letter has been issued, a copy of the letter must be kept on-site. There are four outfalls to be sampled unless the facility is granted ROS status for one or more of the outfalls. Sampling occurs from January through June (period 1) and from July through December (period 2) for each year. A minimum of 60 days must separate period 1 from period 2. Discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) reflecting the results of the quarterly monitoring must be submitted to the DWQ within 30 days of receipt of the analytical results. The results must be submitted on the DMR forms available on the DWQ website (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/npdes-stormwater). If no discharges have occurred during the report period,the facility must submit a DMR indicating NO FLOW as per NCAC T15A 0213.0506. Copies of forms are included in Appendix D. The results must be compared to the benchmark values as follows: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 120 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 100 mg/L These values are guidelines that are used to determine the need to modify SWPPP activities (BMPs, housekeeping, containment structures, management actions, etc.) in a tiered approach. The three tiers are provided in Appendix D. DMRs shall be signed and two copies submitted to: Central Files Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 22 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLLUTIONPREIVENTIONPLAN 9.0 RECORD KEEPING Records of activities associated with the implementation of this SWPPP will be prepared and maintained on site. Records will be maintained for at least five years for the applicable activities in the Appendices of this Plan. These include: Appendix A: • Notice of Intent Appendix B: • NCDENR MSGP Appendix C: • Semi-Annual Site Compliance Evaluation • Housekeeping Inspection Forms • Annual SWPPP Review Form Appendix D: • Quarterly Visual Monitoring Forms • Sample Collection and Analysis Records Appendix E: • Employee Training Logs Appendix F: • Non Storm Water Discharge Certification Appendix G: • SWPPP revisions log 23 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 10.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING Employees that are responsible for (1) implementing SWPPP activities, (2) conducting inspections, sampling and visual observation, or (3) whose job activities could impact storm water will be trained in the goals and required activities of the SWPPP on an annual basis. This includes the maintenance staff, fork truck operators and the Safety/BMP team. New employees with SWPPP responsibilities will be trained within 60 days of being hired. • Training will include: o An outline of potential sources of storm water pollution and methods of reducing or eliminating that pollution. o Best management practices. o Importance of storm water pollution prevention - storm water runoff is the primary source of pollutants to rivers and streams. These pollutants can be toxic to fish. o Defining the Safety and BMP team. o Locations of storm drain structures and outfalls. o Review of good housekeeping and BMP procedures. A Record of Storm Water Training form (see Appendix E) will be filled out for each training event. 24 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 11.0 REVISION OF SWPPP This SWPPP will be amended whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants, or if the SWPPP proves ineffective in achieving the general objective of controlling storm water discharges. Amendments to the SWPPP will be recorded in the SWPPP Revisions Log,which is included in Appendix G. 25 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN 12.0 ANNUAL REPORTING The annual reporting obligations are as follows: • The non-storm water discharge certification form must be re-certified annually following the non-storm water discharge inspection. • The BMPs must be reviewed as part of the annual S WPPP update and effectiveness evaluation and certified annually. Copies of these certified documents must be kept with this SWPPP. 26 BFS ALBEMARLE,NC TRUSS ASSEMBLYPLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 13.0 CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER PLANS (SPCC PLAN) The facility does not store oil/fuel in excess of 1,320 gallons and is therefore not required to have a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan pursuant to 40 CFR 112. 27 BFSALBEMARLE,NC TR USS ASSEMBL Y PLANT STORM WATER POLL UTION PREVENTION PLAN 14.0 CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibili of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. G4-1 Signature Pegallyonsible Party Date Printed Name and Title NOTE: The preceding certification statement applies to this Storm Water Management Plan and must also be included in every formal submittal made to the implementing agency under the storm water permit, and must be signed by the legally responsible party or his/her representative. 28 Figures ♦ s.. y GatieCe t ' n Iwo IL.� .* .rpt5 l• a a j f tj pp � Yp i a•' 4 Y �T I I ♦ Y I) 4 ff + I J { r t { j { t 1 A L { E CODY EHLERS GROUP ANS caVSUL27WG ANN SMWVJM iw max STD. FALtsD% OWNS IM Dana 4UADRANGLE s ace LOCATION >b,e: 1/9/1 a SITE LOCATION MAP Stole N FIC AS SHCMD! slcwes t PeR nar.®ta am SOURCE: MAPCARD - USGS ALBEMARLE, NC QUADRANGLE, 1996 105t - 5.3383N, 80-1653V (WGS84/NAD83); ELEVATION = 581-601' e U LID U MOP,00 M PA 18 J 2100 S-I RL NG DP,I VE PP,OA LDEMAP,ELF.IN C 2 60 D1 N","PR% 3bmm M.0 S . E _ R �- - -ROOF TRUSS I _ _ _ - - -- OUTFALL 001 1 ASSEMBLIES G _ _ �- I STORAGE _ _ _ GRAVEL [��t x D EMPLOYEE R IVOODS/GRASS i i v I I I PARKING - ' GATE � ASPHALT COVERED i - DISCHARGE WOOD PI , CHIPPER I T I OUTF'ALL 004 I SAW I '- O SiIXAHEAs 1 O STATIONS._�� 1 GRAVEL l R _ �- ;� Imo. I SUH-AREA 00/ ROOF TRUSS ' ASSEMBLY PL4NT I SUB-AREAa01 CsuH-AfurA noa 1 550-CALL0.v gESEL 1 ' ASPHALT COMPRESSORS AST/SHED MA/NTENANCEAHIA 1 -,� SUB-AREA 004 I � 1 1 ASPHAL7 � GRAVEL LrcEND L ® SAMPLING POINT OOI S GRA I'EL I TRUSS STACKERS o f — - —) DRA/NACEPATILRA' - - - �- ' ASPHALT �� t —)(-- FTeNFC/./Nfi F GRAVEL � — PROPERTYLINE RESTMANAGI:MliNTPRAC'IICIiS 1 jib y . 0 50 100 150 200 FUELWOODED OIL CONTAINMENT �ANEIR -' OUTIhALL001 j'q Ff.00RTAU.CS ! SWe»Fcl I 9' DEBRIS-FREE CA 7CNBASINS A ASSEMBLY �J DISCHARGE \ PIPE - r-a_I„PLAN ENGINEERED WOOD MIN/M2E AND CONTROL OF PRODUCTS TRIMMING CODY EHI,ERS GROUP WOOU.SCIGPS'AND S1 W OU$ � �� /'/6('UKtiI//]VNGAAIJS/JfVIChS S'A W DUS'TCOLLECTIONAND / EARTHEN BERM osuixuaanixs xunu.rxvwnna.cmuNecncvr ixsn DISPOSAL 011 f:4LL WOODED n.,. 003�` SITE PLAN KEEP OUThAL SOF.BRIS-FREE AS SHOVM _ PPOPUIID IUNPFP CdAPAN" 05L� \V- 210o S TER'NG DP,I V E 1 8 3-1 Ap E. N C 2 0 I M C 3 o Too Zoi A SUB-AREAS SUB-AREA 00 SUB-AREA 002 reacE,vracE of 62% SUB-AREA 003 IMPERVIOUSAREA SUB-AREA 004 IMPERVIOUS AREAS L__ Appendix A Notice of Intent/Permit Applical FOR AGENCY USE ONLY NCG21____ Assigned to: ARO FRO MRO RRO WARO WIRO WSRO Division of Energy, Mineral,and Land Resources Land Quality Section National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NCG210000 Notice of Intent This General Permit covers STORMWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities under the following Standard Industrial Classifications: SIC 24 member Products,including Wood Chip Mills—except as specified below]and like activities deemed by DEM[R to be similar in the process and/or the exposure of raw materials,products by- products,or waste materials.The following activities are specifically excluded from coverage under this General Permit:SIC 2434[Wood Kitchen Cabinets],SIC 2491[Wood PreservingL and SIC 2411[Logging]. You can find information on the DEMLR Stormwater Program at deq.nc.gov1S W. Directions: Print or type all entries on this application. Send the original,signed application with all required items listed in Item(6)below to: NCDEMLR Stormwater Program,1612 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1612. The submission of this application does not guarantee coverage under the General Permit.Prior to coverage under this General Permit site inspection will be conducted. 1. OwnerfOperator(to whom all permit correspondence will be mailed): Name of legal organizational entity: Legally responsible person as signed in Item(7)below: Street address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone number: Email address: I - -__._---------------- Type of Ownership. Government O County )]Federal )]Municipal ❑State Non-government ❑Business(If ownership is business,a copy of NCSOS report must be included with this application) Undividual 2. Industrial Facility(facility being permitted): Facility name: Facility environmental contact: Street address: City: State: Zip Code: Parcel Identification (on Number PIN).: County: Telephone number: Email address 4-digit SIC code: Facility is: I Date operation is to begin or began: _ ❑New ❑Proposed ❑Existing _ Latitude of entrance: Longitude of entrance: Brief description of the types of industrial activities and products manufactured at this facility. This facility will produce Wood Pellets: OYes El No If the stormwater discharges to a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4),name the operator of the MS4: O N/A Page 1 of 5 3. Consultant(if applicable): Name of consultant: Consulting firm: Street address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone number: Email address: 4. Outfall(s)At least one outfall is required to be eligible for coverage- 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water Classification: ❑This water is impaired. ❑This watershed has a TMDL Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfall? ©Yes 0 No If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is impaired. _ �._ ❑This watershed has a TMDL Latitude of outfall, r Longitude of outfa 11 Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfa9? 13 Yes 0 No If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water Classification: ❑This water is impaired. El This watershed has a TMDL Latitude of oudail: Longitude of outfaH: :Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfalf? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water. Classification: ❑This water is impaired. ❑This watershed has a TMDL 1atftude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfall? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? All outfalls must be listed and at least one outfall is required.Additional out;alh m,ay 6e added in,he section "Additional Outfalls"found on the last page of this No]- Page 2 of 5