HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8910411_CURRENT PERMIT_19910424 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 Gl1UL}11 DOC TYPE © CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE \qc1 1 U,t 24 YYYYMMDD e State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager April 24, 1991 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE24ENT Mr. J. Lansing Smith, Partner Westbank Associates Post Office Box 989 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Subject: Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations Project No. 910411 St. Joseph Place New Hanover County Dear Mr. Smith: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater submittal for the subject project on April 17, 1991 and final information on April 23, 1991. Based on our review of the project plans and specifications which limit the built-upon area to 3,800 square feet on each of the 18 lots identified, we have determined that the project complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H. 1003 (a) (3) . This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and the project shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications as filed with the Wilmington Regional Office. Any modification of the plans submitted to this office or further development of this site will require an additional Stormwater submittal/modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built-upon surfaces, addition of built-upon surfaces, redesign of property boundaries. 7225 Wnght ilk A. w, Wilmington, N.C. 2W3-3696 0 Tekpha 919L256-1161 0 Fax 919-256-8 572 Stormwater Certification No. 910411 April 24, 1991 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Paul Rawls or me at (919) 256-4161. Sincerely} A. Preston Howard, Jr. , P.E. Regional Supervisor PER:DSK1:910411 Attachment cc: Kenneth D. Stewart Jim Herstine, CAMA Bill Mills, DEN Wilmington Regional Files Central Files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Submittal Form for Projects Using Density Limits for Stormwater Control PROJECT DATA Name of Project: S SoSLof, 041acC 1"o1cp �„d ���• ,� Location (Coup y, Township/Municipality, Address) : se z erral;,�. Applicant Name: k , Mailing Address : Phone No. : zSG - ZpS?� Submittal Date: Brief Description ( include map and appropriate drawings) : Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: /� Name of Water Body: Mw r4t Grove .So✓.tee}' Classification of Water Body: 5 R . L Total Area of Proposed Project (acres) : 305 000 ,Wye �tT State/Federal Permits and A 7} ac.;tl (Check A PProvals Required: ppropriate Blanks) CAMA Major MtAwr M01. 1-r Sedimendation and Erosion Control 404 Permit Fecess DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal S retelf f+ Ce-v04✓f Other (specify) : .d Saftk+✓1 CALCULATION OF BUILT-UPON AREA (Built-upon area means that portion of an individual development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, etc. -=but not including decking. ) R E C E ➢ Va) Built-upon area: Bli97o Sr b) Total project area��eoos� APR -4 "9! built-upon = 1'built-upon / total project ar_, * F M �� built-upon area = �B s o If the water body receiving stormwater runoff is classified as SA, is the o built-upon area < 250? Yes No If the water body receiving stormwater runoff is 5 � sified other than SA, is the a built-upon area < 30%? Yes ✓ No STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Is the on kind of stormwater collection system grass swales? Yes No ( Grassed-line swales should have a side slope of 3 : 1 ( H :V) or less . ) 11 11u, please proviae a aetaiied aescription. `4 BUFFER AREA Is the built-upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes __%,,:!� No If no, please provide a detailed description. (Note: Only boat ramps, public roads, public bridges and walkways to water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of mean high water if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits . ) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Do the deed restrictions and protective covenants ensure that subdivisions maintain the development consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the division and 1 ude the State as a beneficiary of the restrictions? Yes INo (Include a copy of the restrictions and covenants with this form. ) CERTIFICATION D / I� � ' f� 5 if�Jw� certify that the information included on this submittal form is correct, that the. project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requriement of�CA �I (b 0 i99 / Signature-Owner or Agent Da G V.3 r&441Pct1 Z> .,^f _ �J Ai Address If agent, please list owner ' s name and address below: wts)444 4 ASSOC Va. sale 9P7 DIVIS ON OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I�G F Regiona Office WW APR I -} 19� i D. ndi idual Evaluating i � ►� 1991 Date tonal Water Quality Supervisor i cc : Applicant/Region/Mills/CF edccrrC.,-r DlnaJ'c� per./M-.'_ Lys' CNJ 'Me (/L 5)"W"4C "4640 lts � / (A�/iW.r7_ FOR CIRCULATION TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS Draft #3 DECLARANT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE PRIOR 4/8/91 TO RECORDATION. RECEIVED t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA APR 2 3 1991 Wllm(ng(o�D COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Wow Offled PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ST. JOSEPH PLACE SUBDIVISION THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, RESTRIC- TIONS AND EASEMENTS, dated for purposes of reference only this day of , 1991, by WEST BANK ASSOCIATES, a North Carolina general partnership (hereinafter "Declarant") . RECITALS: Declarant has, by recordation of a subdivision plat, subdivided certain property shown on said plat into lots in- tended for utilization for construction of single family homes. The subdivision plat is recorded in Map Book , Page , New Hanover County Registry, and all property shown thereon is hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision. " Each numbered lot shown on the recorded plat is referred to herein as a "Lot. " The name of the subdivision is St. Joseph Place. In order to own, manage and maintain common areas and utilities as more fully set out hereinafter, and to enforce these Protective Covenants and to provide an organization for the benefit of the owner of each Lot within the Subdivision, Declarant has chartered a North Carolina nonprofit corporation named St. Joseph Place, Inc. (the "Association" ) . The owner of each Lot is a member of the Association, and the owner of each Lot is obligated to pay dues and assessments to the Association for the benefit of the Association and the owner of each Lot within the Subdivision. The organization and operation of the Association is described in these Protective Covenants and in the By-Laws of the Association. It is the desire and intention of Declarant, for its benefit and with the intent of preserving the value of each Lot, to restrict the utilization of and improvements on each Lot within the Subdivision in accordance with guidelines estab- lished herein. Therefore, Declarant hereby subjects the prop- erty described hereinafter to the terms and provisions of these Protective Covenants for the use and benefit of all present and future Lot owners within the Subdivision. r - 2 - 1 . DESCRIPTION. This Declaration shall run with the land and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the owner of each Lot within the Subdivision, and the property made subject to these Protective Covenants is all of the property shown on that plat of St. Joseph Place Subdivision recorded in Map Book , Page , New Hanover County Registry, as the same may be amended from time to time. 2 . ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES. Declarant reserves no right to subject additional properties to the terms and provisions of these Protective Covenants. 3 . SINGLE FAMILY UTILIZATION. This Protective Covenant restricts all numbered Lots subjected to its terms to use only for single family residential purposes. No home or other structure constructed within the Subdivision shall be utilized for commercial purposes, except that Declarant or its assigns shall be entitled to use any structure located within the Subdivision for purposes of assisting in the sale of Lots within the Subdivision. 4 . BUILDING AND SITE RESTRICTIONS . The Architectural Control Committee must give prior approval of any removal of any tree of a size of four inches in diameter or greater from any Lot or the construction of any improvement or structure on any Lot in accordance with the procedures described in Paragraph 5 of these Protective Covenants. In addition, the following restrictions shall apply: (a) No detached garage, storage shed, or car- port shall be permitted unless architecturally compatible with the primary dwelling structure on the Lot. (b) No more than one (1) single family house shall be allowed per Lot. (c) All homes must be constructed substantially on site, and no modular home shall be located within the Subdi- vision and no homes constructed elsewhere shall be allowed to be conveyed into and located on a Lot within the Subdivision. No temporary structures shall be allowed. (d) No sign shall be allowed on any Lot so as to be visible from any street right of way or any adjoining Lot or from any water course, except as to the following signs, which shall be allowed: (1) a sign, no greater than four square feet in size, specifying the general contractor actually con- structing a structure on a Lot. Such sign must be removed upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the structure; RECEIVED - 3 - APR 2 3 1991 Wilmington RegImml O► d (2 ) a sign identifying the property upon which such sign is placed only by the 'name of the owner and a street number. Such sign must be constructed at a size, and to specifications and styles established by the Architectural Control Committee, and must be located on the Lot in a place approved by the Architectural Control Committee; (3 ) a sign, no greater than four square feet in size, identifying the fact that the Lot is for sale, and the name and telephone number of the selling agent. (4) street or directional signs erected by the Association; (5) any sign required to be constructed by any governmental agency; and All permitted signs, except those required to be constructed by governmental entity, shall be constructed of materials, in a style, of colors and in a location established and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. (e) The minimum square footage of heated, en- closed living space for each approved -residential structure shall be 1 , 500 square feet for all homes. No home shall exceed 4, 000 square feet; no more than 2,000 square feet shall be allowed on any one living level . carports, garages , attics , porches , patios and decks shall not be considered heated, enclosed living space. There shall be no more than / 3, 800 square feet of impervious ground coverage (as defined by regulations of the Department of Environmental Management of the State of North Carolina) allowed on any Lot, as required by the stormwater regulations adopted by the State of North Carolina , unless a modification to the stormwater certification issued by the Department of Environmental Management of the State of North Carolina is approved by the State of North Carolina and by the St . Joseph Place Architectural Control Committee after full consideration of the proposed plans. The Architectural Control Committee shall further be fully authorized to deny approval of any plan that is not consistent with stormwater regulations adopted by the Department of Environmental Management of the State of North Carolina and the stormwater certification issued in accordance therewith. (f) There are no absolute building setback re- quirements other than those that may be imposed by a local government or those shown on the recorded plat of the Subdivi- sion. However, no structure will be allowed within 30 feet of - 4 - (of ny street right of way (except construction shall be presumed ppropriate within 20 feet on Lots 14 and 15 adjacent to the djoining side street) , 10 feet of any side Lot line, 40 feet any water way, and 30 feet of any rear Lot line, unless alternatives are approved by the Architectural Control Committee . NOTWITHSTANDING ANY SUGGESTED SETBACK, THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE SHALL HAVE COMPLETE AUTHORITY TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE BUILDING SITE ON EACH AND EVERY LOT. THERE IS NO PRESUMPTION THAT SUCH APPROVED BUILDING LOCATION SHALL BE WITHIN THE SUGGESTED SETBACKS SET OUT HEREINBEFORE. (g) The construction of bulkheads and the utilization of other riparian rights by construction of improvements or structures shall only be allowed after approval by the Architectural Control Committee and all applicable governmental agencies, and no such structures will be allowed unless said structures are compatible with similar or proposed improvements on other Lots and after a finding that the construction of such structures will not unduly interfere with the riparian rights or reasonable property expectations of the owners of other Lots within the Subdivision. The type of construction utilized for bulkheads may be controlled by the Architectural Control Committee based on appearance , function and environmental engineering criteria. No individual piers shall be allowed. (h) The heights of structures shall be subject to approval of the Architectural Control Committee in accor- dance with the standards set out in Paragraph 5 hereunder, but no structures may exceed in height the height limitations im- posed by Carolina Beach. (i) Fences are subject to the complete jurisdic- tion of the Architectural Control Committee as to location, style, materials and height. As used herein, fences shall include walls, barricades, shrubbery or other impediments to reasonable mobility and visibility. Absent an extraordinary showing of need by the owner of a Lot, no fence shall be al- lowed along any Lot line. The Architectural Control Committee shall only approve the construction of a fence upon a determination that the fence is aesthetically pleasing; does not detract from the reasonable value of any Lot and does not unreasonably impede the view of any water course or other attractive feature from any other Lot. (j ) No satellite receiving dish, radio antennae or other similar device shall be located on any Lot. The Ar- chitectural Control Committee shall approve the location of such device only upon making an affirmative finding that the location of the device on the Lot is in the area of minimum