HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210428 DMR SW (2)for���lorth Ca`rolb a ®E6V� R Geer ` `P I671'It'�E�. �CG2�00� 0 d -DatesubMitted '��f d CERTIFICATE:OF C0VERAGE0 61E ,1 p?;8 SAMPLE CCiB.LECTiC4N YEAR r. FACILITY NAME:�' 07 SAMPLE;BfERICID til 9an'3une uOy=Dec COUNTY ; ,. , Q Morothlyl (month) PERSON C®LLECTING'SA pe_Es ". � i A TO'cW" S' p®R1N ps Qw .°prrcut 'pPivA LABORATOEBY� Lab Ceht. #_. .�. . r.. pZero=how,.' plMater`Supply pSA Coira� ants on sarvrple.c®Ilection:or analysis. pother 1 Monthly. ZForsamp 3.The total 4 See Gene CENTRAL FILES PLEASE:REMEMBERiTA:SIGN:ON TFIE REVERSE 4 DWR.SECTION rnwater laekhrnarks and Monitoring Resuits.(Monitoring is required only -if the facility stores exposed accumulations of sawdust, wood chips, or,oth`er,`simolarmaterialbb site for longer than seven (7) days.) milling (ir - outfa114Nb �h - ..T'- T +®a�e Sample4 a 24=hourarainfal0 Inches a x . ,'Y�;�_ ��L_F �".k'a,+., kMu.� `r����cd��� Chenslcal7oxygen Demand x s g-� �x h $ ""20, mg/l wiari- IVo discharge fh�s periotl?` ¢ Notal Suspend d solids Y _ 10®"m L 8/ °®r 50 nod/L x b•,rr.^.•7 _.,,. , ..a t�, s.•.• -'.F_ ,PuFay';.t,L, steadofsemi-an`n��an.�,�rr Tor acne same patameter at,the same outfall. periods witfi no-iiischarge;at anysingle outfall; .you must sUllsubmit#his dischargennonitoring.;report.With a`eheckmark`here. . cipitation must be recorded using data from anon -site rain gauge t�nattentled;sitet may lie eligible'for a Waiter of.'the fain gauge requirement. Permit text; Table. 3, identifying.the especia'lly;sensitive:receiviiig.water elassifications wfiere'the°more profec#ivebenchmatkapplies. Note: Resultslmust',be reported sn �unierical'forrriat ;For e'xample do not r , � Belgw Detection limit, BDL, <PqL, Non-d6tect;; ND ,or,other siinilarnon- numeriealformat. When resultsare below. the'apphcab{.elerriits;°thev.rasreported cn tMe f®rma ��r<s=nye/L" where XX is.fle.:numericalvalue of the 4 A1Y!jii. ".eh a s. detection limit, reporting limit, etc: in'mg/L. (Vote: If .you report ra sample value in: excess of the 6encFirriarOr; you nroustrenpBernent Fies'Y •.Tier 4, or.Tier 3 =responses:: See Ge► erol<Pernsit•>rext. Permit Date:'8/1/2013=7/31/2018 SWU-245, last revised 7/31/2013 Page 1 -of 2 Part B: Vehicle, Maintenance Area Monitoring•ResWts: only for facilities averaging •>-55 gal of. new oil: per month. Footnotesftorn Parti (Vote: if.you report a sample value in:excess of `the benchmark; you must -implement Tier 1;`Tier 2 or.:Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: w A BENCHMARK`EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERSTIER iAEQ.UIREMENTS.- SEE -PERMIT PART It SECTION B.. 0 2:EXCEEDANCES'IN.AROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATTHE:SAME OUTFALL.TRIGGER'.TIER 2"REQUIREMENTS: SEE PERMIT PART It SECTION.B. m TIER 3: HAS YOWR FACILITY°HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK;EXCEEDENCES FORTH E- SA?VIE'PARAMETER-AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES :Q NO.C] IF YES, MAVE YOU CONTACTED'THE DEMLR REGIGNAL OFFICE? -YES--,EJN0_11 REGIONAL OFFICE -CONTACT•NAME: all an.oric�lna! and one come of th►s ®II11R,1ncludens�,a1! "IVa ®ischarae" reraarts withirr3O alays o receipt of the dab r$sults (prat end of monitoring aeriod in the case .o .. wa oischarae" ireoortsl to: Division of -Water Quality Attn: DWQCentral`Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699=1617 YOU MUST-5IGNTHIS.CERTIFICATIVIVW AIYF11rMI-%M. 1wosn.Lf WnIw. "I'certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all; attachments were prepared -under mydirection or supervision in accordance.with asystem designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gather and:evaluate the information submitted: Based orrrnyinquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or tliose'persons dir yr le for ering.the information, the information submitted'is, to the'best of my knowledge. and= belief, true, accurate; and complete. am aware th Mere a s ggffi " ies�forsubrriitting false;information,� including the possibility; of.fines and iiiiprtsonment for knowing violations." IVKM (Signature of Permit Date:'8/1/2013--/31/2018 p /10;7 (6 (e)_ SWU=245, last revised 7/31/2013 Page 2 of •2 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE FACILITY NAME /{r COUNTY,. PERSON'C0LL'ECTING SA610 LABORATORY,-.,.-,._ Semi-annual.Stormwa.tere-D.ischarge!Mor itoring Report for North Carolina-D.E9VILRGener `P ,rnpt°N'01 iNCG210000 Date subnfiitted 1 SAMPLE COLLECTION,YEAR E%— SAMPLE�RERIOD;'Q':Jan=June ul Dec Y- or 'FjNlonthly1 (month) :DISCHARGING TO CLASS [�ORW []HQW r[�Trout []PNA Lab Cert'#; ❑Zero`flnu FlWater°e'I—, ❑SA Comments on samplecollection or analysis. ❑Other PLEASEAEMEMBER TO -SIGN ON.THE REVERSE. 4 Part A Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results.(Monitoring.is required only:if the -facility stores exposed accumulations of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulct or other'simh.ar materid[ On site for longer than seven (7), days.) * iry ulaw!uf yC�LII/J..Ptr1UUr ( A ifYdkl� -Ti h . DateSampier,24hour f d1 11�!. rainfall rl G �'2 i ..Ei�Y �' Eag✓ Ttf„ Sh.�S t+ 7 Outfall+No ?� ' �hemcnal0 x5 y ,��Colle�cted taImncohuentsr� ` Demst - MTotal s N g Suspended ohds 0 ,��� ���s ,�, .�� ;>, z�`,�t,�,:.�, ��.�L 120`rng/L ;��"�100 mg/L•or 50 m L � _ � , 'Monthly sampling (instead of-temi-annual)-must begin with the second-consecutiGe. 6hehrnark_&ceedance for the �same,paeameter at the same outfall. z.For. sampling periods with no discharge:.at any single outfall;. you must;still'submit,this.discharge`Monitoring;report with.aycheckmackhere. The total precipitation; must -be recorded using data from anon -site -rain gauge Unattended sites may -be e1igiblefor•a waiver of the rain gauge requirement °See General Permit text; Table 3, identifying the especially: sensitive:receiving:water=classifications.where�the,more:protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be. reported in numerical''formatF..or examr numerical format.. When results are.below.the applicable limits; j detection limit,, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. kenort Below Detection Limit, .BDL, <PQL, Non=deter# . ND, or other similar-non- �auk •Yyt-..S��F'3Kik xi, � , be renorted.in7tle format "<)O( me/L" ,where XX isthe numerical value of the Note: If you report a sample value in. excess of the benchmark, you ►rust implement Tiera; Tier 2 or -Tier.'' -responses. See.Generaf-Pi rmit text. Permit Date: 8/1/20134/33/2018 SWU=245, last revised 7/31/2013 Page 1 of 2 PatB: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring- Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month.. (�o discharge this period? Outfall No: Datd`Sample Coliected 24-hour, rainfall ,r� a amount; ' W > � p �� Y Non- olar O&G b CEPA SoUiis l o%day/YrI 7 r #IncFies3 r _7 ^� 1664 (SGT-HEMJr... ¢ a Notal Suspended ,. 4 _ Benchmarks =-> - ,15 mg/lammg/L�or.50;mg/L v Footnotes from Part A:also apply to this Part'6 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of -the -benchmark; you must�implement Tier 1; Tier 2, or.:Tier,3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART•A AND PART R MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 'EXCEEDANCES IN XROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE'SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER:TIER2`REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. e TIER 3: HAS YOUR.FACILITY.HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK,EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME-PARAMETERAT ANYONE OUTFALL-? YES :E. NO Q IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DEMLR REGLONAL OFFICE? YES -.Q NOE) REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: ail an originaland one copy of this DMR includinia all "No Discharge" reports within -30 days of receipt of the lab:results for at-end.of monitoring. aeriod in; the case of "No Discharae" reports) to: Division of:Water.Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law; that this documehi and all attachments were prepared.under my direction or supervision in accordance.with-a system designed io assure,that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the -system, or those persons dir' yr. "' Ie -16e' ering the -information, the -information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am aware there a s i ies'forsubinitting fglseinformation, including the possibility of fines an&imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permute (D e) Permit Date: 8/1/2013-7/31/2018 SWU-245, last revised 7/31/2013 Page 2 of 2