HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG180000_Affidavits of Publication_20240529 LO CA U10 StarNews I The Dispatch PO Box 631697 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1697 Times-News PROOF OF PUBLICATION NC DIV.OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES'INTENT TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER Joyce Sanford DISCHARGE PERMIT Brianna Young The Division of Energy, NcdegDemlr Resources and(DEMLR) 1612 Mail Service CTR invites public comment on, or oblections to,the Permit- Raleigh NC 27699-1600 ting DEMLRtionsint listetdo breloi e and re-issue the following NPDES industrial stormwo- ter General Permits with STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER J ne posed zo2a�The date Public comment period begins at 9:00 am on April 15, 2024, The Wilmington Star-News, a newspaper printed and published in and ends at 5:130 Pm an May the city of Wilmington, and of general circulation in the County of 15'NCG160000 rot Asphalt New Hanover, State of North Carolina,and personal knowledge of Paving Mixtures and Blocks, Proposed issuance date June the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was 1,2024 • NCG17M for Textile MITI Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: Products, Proposed issuance date June 1,M4 NCG18M for Furniture 04/07/2024 and Fixtures, proposed issuance dare June 1,M24 • NCG200000 for Scrap Metal Recycling,proposed issuance and that the fees charged are legal. date June 1,2024 Sworn to and subscribed before on 04/07/2024 Persons wishing to comment, or obiect mOy submit written comments to the address below by the due dates indi- cated. All comments received Prior to the dates will be considered In the final determinations regard. ing Permit issuance. Public comments may result in changes to the Proposed permitting actions. All comments should reference the specific Permitting actions listed below and the Permit number. The General Permits and Fact Sheers may be viewed beginning on OWI R024 at: tIt1R5:/IfIL'a.nc. ov/about/d'v's ny-m Legal Clerk _ �resouae s/stor nerabaist resources/starmwater/storm w91er-pJJl9raaVsiprmweter- r Public Notary,State of WI,County OtiQFOWtI '� Please direct comments or (r��IIC—/ objections t � Mike Lawyer Stormwater Program My commission expires NC Division of Energy, Mineral,and Land Publication Cost: $208.78 Resources 1612 Moil Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Order No: 10036790 #of Copies: Mike.L°wy r�aen ns gsv V12024 Customer No: 929332 1 PO#: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not we this form forpayment remittance. DEBASE ROBERTS Notary Public State of Wisconsin P RECEIVE0 f- vA imi Page 1 of 1 LOCAMIG Star Newslrhe Dispatch ITirnes-trews PO Box 631697 Cincinnati,OH 45263-1697 Sun Journal I The Daily News I The Star The Free Press I Gaston Gazette The Fayetteville Observer AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NC DIV.OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES'THFOLLOWING ISSUE THE FOLLOWING Joyce Sanford DISCHARGE PERMIT BriannaYOun The Division of Energy, g Mineral, and Land Not specified Resources (DEMLR) Invites Public comment on, 1612 Mail Service CTR or oblections to,the permit- ting actions Ilstee below. Raleigh NC 27699-1600 DEMLR intends 10 revise and re-Issue the following NPDES industrial stormwa- ter General Permits with STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND Proposed 2023 Putt comment period begins ai 9:00 am on April 75, 2024, The Fayetteville Observer, a newspaper distributed in the county and ends at 5:00 Pm on May of Cumberland, published in the Cityof Fayetteville,County of 5,2024.NCGI6aeo0 for Asphalt Cumberland, State of North Carolina printed and published and Penang Mixtures and Blacks, personal knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notice arp024 issuance Bare Jane hereto annexed was Published in said newspapers in the issues Productssooposed Xissuo ce dated on: dare June 1,M24 NCG1g000a for Furniture and Fixtures, proposed 04/10/2024 issuance date June 1,2024 • NCG200000 far Scrap Metal Recycling,Proposed issuance date June 1,2024 and that the fees charged are legal. The Fayetteville Observer Persons wishing to comment, was a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications censtheidssommento t ade prescribed by Sec. No. 1-597 G.S.of N.C. below by the due dates Inci- cted. comments Swom to and subscribed before on 04/10/2024 reecceived Prior to the dates will be considered in the final determinations regard- ing Permit issuance. Public comments may result in changes to the Proposed Permitting actions. All comments should reference the specific Permitting actions listed below and the Permit number.Per The General Permits v anda be Fact Sheers may viewed Legal Clerk beginning y- mn.L4024d- WIRS:/lGC_a.OS. ov/abpuileiv's g aao�u�e ntorrn ne- e- a stprmwa. to RgOunlwat - proase,dirormwat comments Notary,State of WI,County of Bro�itr-- � Please direct comments or ns to 7`zt(, object-awye: Mike Lawyer Sformwater Program M Commission expires NC Division of Energy, y Co sson eX P Mineral, and Land Publication Cost: $228.90 Resources1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Order No: 10036664 #of Copies: MIk L ®d .BC 4nQ14 10036664 Customer No: 929332 1 PO#: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not use this form for p4mment remittance. DENISE ROBERTS Notary Public State of Wisconsin RECEIVED APR 221014 Page 1 of 1 the 9eau(ort Gal tip Wdum I T Herald-Sun The Modes.g The Belleville NewsDemorxat Fro W.th Star-Tehgra. The S,.News-Myrtle Beach Bemngha.Herald Raleigh News&Observer Suri McClatchy �SaaaHerald lire Telegraph-a adef Txomus N,,,��sTrihne Theo louv Observer Maned Sun-Star Tn-City Herald The Sate Miami Herald The Wichita Eagle Ledger-Erprdrer El Nuevo Herald The Ohysnpian AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION A000untI Order Number IdeIltlBradon I OrdLrPO Amount Cole Depth 38106 539509 I Print LegalAd-IPLO1677600-IPLO167760 $aU 2 1 37L AttenUoft Joyce Sanford Clark STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NC DENR ENGERGY MINERAL&LAND RESOURCES COUNTY OF WAKE,COUNTY OF DURHAM 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Before the undersigned,a Notary Public of Dallas RALEIGH,NC 276991612 County,Texas,duty commissioned and authorized to administer oaths,affirmations,etc.,personalty joyce.sanford@deq.nc.gov appeared Tara Pennington,who being duly sworn or ----------------------- --- __ affirmed,according to law,doth depose and say that he NC DIN.OF ENERGY,MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES$ I or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News& INTENr TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING Observer Publishing Company,a corporation organized NMRMWATER DISCHARGE PERMR and doing business under the Laws of the State of North The DMision of Energy,Mineral,and Lend Resources (DFMLA)Invites public Carolina.and publishing newspaper known as The comment on,or objections to,the pennittlng actions listed bebv DFMLA intends News&Observer,Wake and State aforesaid the said W revise and re-Issue the following NPDES Industrial sbrtrrivater General Per- Mae with proposed re-issuance pate June 1,2023,The public comment period ; newspaper in which such notice,paper,document,or begins at 9:00 ern on April 15,2D24,and ends at 590 pm on May 15,202C NDG16WW for Asphalt Paving MizNres and Ricks,proposed issuance legal advertisement was published was,at the time of date June 1,2024 ��` each and every such publication,a newspaper meeting • NOG170000 for Tex ile Mill Products, proposed issuance date June 1, 2024 t� all of the requirements and qualifications of Section i- • NOG180000 for Furniture and F&tures,proposed issuance date June R+ 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a 1,2024 qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 NOC200000 for Scrap Metal Recycling,proposed issuance , w date June 1 . 2024 Q of the General Statutes of North Carolina,and that as Persons wishing to comment or object may submit written comments to me such he or she makes this affidavit;and is familiar with address below oy the due dates indicated. All comments received prior to the v dates mil be mmdered in the final determinations regarding pennd issuance `!�� the books,files and business of said corporation and by Public comments may result in changes to the proposed permitting actions.All cornrtlen[s should reference the specific permitting actions listed below and the �� reference to the files of said publication the attached permit number ; advertisement for NC DENR ENGERGY MINERAL&LAND The General Perms and Fact Sheens may be viewed beginning on 04/15/2024 RESOURCES was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on at: dates as follows: hftmJ/de4.m.gm/abo W dNisions/energy-mineral-end-lard-rewurces/sform- water/stor mater-pro9ram/stomrwater- public ; 1 insertion(s)published on: Please direct commer4s or objections to: 04/07/24 Mike Lawyer Sdmnvater Program NC Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center IR 0167760 Apr 7 2024 I RFcF�vF �C•'����lri' ,�fr+� OM-4y0 certi or ecare un erpenatyo perjuryt att e foregoing is true and correct. 1.9 ZQ� S 4['ij� TT Mr4ty ' Notary Public in and for t e state o exas,resi ing in Dallas County 41,! �s :. STEPHANIE HATCHER _•1�. My Notary ID#1335YA06 Wires January 14,2026 F.xtradlarge for lost ordupliate affidavits. Legal lieament please do Trot destrayl The Beaubn Oazeae Durlmm l The tr.a un The Modesto Bee _ The Bellevale News-17emarat— Fat Worth Stu Telegram' Su News=Myaae Beach McClatehy BelWgham Haad The Fremo Bea tea egh New,&O s yen CnUm Daay'r es The bland Packet Buck HID I T Herald Sun Heald The Kansas City Star The Saaammto Bee Idaho Statemun L< gue H.a lead. San Luisobhpo Tdbam Bradenta,H d The Telegraph-Moron Tacoma l The News Tabmie The Charbtle Observe Ma.dsun5t. Td-aty Herald The State Miami Herald TMWuldta Eagle Ledger-Engdter El Nuevo Herald The Olympian AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account/ Order Number Identification order Po Amount Cols Depth 311106 SiBI55 Print Legal Ad-IP1.01671920-IPL0167192 $96554 2 40L Attention: Joyce Sanford Clark North Carolina } S5 NC DENR ENG ERGY MINERAL&LAN D RESOURCES Mecklenburg County1612 } RALEIG I,NC 27 991612 ER Before the undersigned,a Notary Public of said RALEIGN,NC 276991612 County and State,duly authorized to administer joycesanford@deq.nc.gov oaths affirmations,etc.,personally appeared. being duly sworn or affirmed according to law, NC DIV.OF ENERGY,MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES'INTEIff cloth depose and say that he/she is TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMrr representative Of The Charlotte Observer The Division of Energy,Mbroral,and Land Resources(DEMLR)In. re p vitas wrbUc mrnmenf on,or objaoeom to,the pannlldnel ections Publishing Company,a corporation organized and Hand balm. DB&R Intends to revue and.redasue the following NPD(S d1 business under the laws Of the State Of Industrial arormBater General Permits with proposed re-issuance 0n date June 1, g 202& The public continent period begins at 99D am an April 15,2024,and Delaware,and publishing a newspaper known as ends at 5:00 on on May 15,2024. The Charlotte Observer in the city of Charlotte, J 1 ZQ24 Asphalt rev g Mixtures and IicNa proposed Issuance dateune , ; County of Mecklenburg,and State of North • 2170000 for Textile MITI Products,proposed Issuance date June 1, ; Carolina and that as such he/she is familiar with 4024 180000 for Furniture and FIdure%proposed Issuance date June 1, ; the books,records,files,and business of said 4 00D00 for Scrap Metal Recycling,proposed Issuance date June 1, Corporation and by reference to the files of said publication,the attached advertisement was Persons wishing to comment,or oblect may submit when ceuanents to the inserted.The following is correctly copied from address below by the due dates Indicated. All torments received prior to the ; the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation dates wit be considered In the final detenminatlom regarding permit Issuance. p Public comments may resat In charges to Me proposed penittnlg actions.All and Publication. comments should reference the specific permitting actions listed below and tie cep"mmn�n 1 insertion(s)published on: The General Permits and Fact Sheets may be viewed beginning on 04/15/2024 at: ; 04/04/24 hltpsy/dea.ca.gw/aboWtlNlsions/emrgy- lmral-and-land-mwurces/storm- water/slnnwater pmgmm/stomrwaterpublic Please direct comments or objections to: Mile Lawyer Sbmmvater Program NC Division of Energy,Mineral,and Lard Resources 1612 Mail Service Center t Ralelgh NC 27699-1612 Milw1awyerildeq=gov ff iA167192167192 1• Y{}�i Apr 4 2024 n Testimony Whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and affixed my seal on the 4th day of April,2024 + RECEIVED MAY pE St2.�a�atii,er Hater Notary Public inand for thee stateo Texas,residing in Dallas County s;y•,. eA• •••�!b; STEPHANEEIiATC1iER My Notary ID 4133534400 "•'' Eires January 14,2026 Flora durge for last or dupkete dfidaft Legal dodmcelR please do not desbop NThe Daily Reflector-The Daily Advance-The Rocky Mount Telegram Bertie Ledger-Chowan Herald-Duplin Times-Fam ville Enterprise-Perquimans Weekly Standard Laconic-Tarboro Weekly-Times Leader-Wiliamston Enterprise PO Box 1967,Greenville NC 27835 (252)329-9500 PAID VIA Media of Eastern North Carolina ❑�Caj�s�h [:]Credit Card NCDEQ/DEMLR Copy Line: STORMWATER DISCHG PERMIT 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Lines: 58 512 N SALISBURY ST Total Price: $184.50 RALEIGH NC 27699 Account: 153655 Ticket: 463715 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA NC DN OF ENERGY,MINERAL AND Pasquotank County LAND RESO E FOLLOWING TO ISSUE + I STORMINATER DISCHARGE PERMIT AAAgn /�!/, affirms that he/she is clerk of Daily The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources(DENIER) invites public Advance,a newspaper published daily at Elizabeth City,North Carolina, and that comment on,or objections to,the per- mktine actions listed below. DENIER the advertisement,a true copy of which is hereto attached,entitled STORMWA- intends to revise and re-issue the fol- TER DISCHG PERMIT was published in said Daily Advance on the following lowin al PeDDES indus with rpl stor ater Genedates: nuance date June 1, 2023. The public comment period begins at 9:00 am on Wednesday,April 10,2024 May115,2015, 24.'and ends at 5:00 pm on • NCG160000 for Asphalt Paving Mix- tures and Blocks, proposed issuance and that the said newspaper in which such notice,paper,document or legal date June 1,2024 advertisement was published,was at the time of each and eve publication, a •NCG170000 for Textile Mill Products, P every P proposed issuance date June 1,2024 newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Chapter 1, Sec- • NCG18M for Furniture and Fix- tion 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper tures" proposed issuance date June 1, 2024 within the meaning of Chapter 1,Section 597 of the General Statutes of North •NCG200000 for scrap Metal Recycling, Carolina. Proposed issuance date June 1, Persons wishing to comment,orr object may submit written comments to the address below by the due dates indi- cated. All comments received priortto AffirO and subscribed before me this 12th day of April 2024 the dates will be considered in the fi- nal iss determinations regarding permit y� ee II pp Il JI IlJ1l• XTr_.iC�.-�J, issuance. Public comments may result permit 1 u Jl� _ in changes to the proposed permitting Otary Public Signature) actions.All comments should reference QIA r6 1 eg �� ry the specific permitting actions listed V below and the permit number. (Notary Public Printed Name) The General Permits and Fact �7 Sheets may be viewed beginning on l�S .L!Ja 1 htt 52024 at My COmmiSSi00 expires energy-minnc. ov/aboul7divsourc/ energy-miners-and-land-resourc- es/starmwater/stormwater-program/ stornswater-public Please direct comments or objections LAURA ALENTINE to: NOTARY PUBLIC Mike Lawyer Stormwater Program Pitt County NC Division of Energy, L� Mineral,and Land Resources SS cF NOM Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center My commission K Ices 06/16/2027 Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Mi6ke.L 4/1024110(2deq.ncgov 4371 q/�o�o1r O 024 RO mNm NC DIV.OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES' INTENT TO AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT The Division of Energy, State of New Jersey, County of Hudson, ss: Mineral,and Land Resources (DEMLR) Invites public comment on, or objections Nichole Seitz, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:That(s)he to, the permitting actions listed below. DEMLR intends is a duly authorized signatory of Column Software, PBC, duly to revise and re-issue the following NPDES industrial authorized agent of The Robesonian, a daily newspaper of general stormwater General Permits with proposed re-issuance circulation, printed and published in , Robeson County, North date June 1, 2023. The public Carolina,that the publication, a co of which is attached hereto, comment period begins at ends p copy am on April 15,2024,and ends was published in the said newspaper on the following at 5:00 pm on May 15,2024. • NCG160000 for Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks, PUBLICATION DATES: proposed issuance date June Apr. 10, 2024 1,2024 • NCG170000 for Textile Mill NOTICE ID: JrWxfxJ17KJ2PnbMsQFX Products, proposed issuance PUBLISHER ID: 01155837 date June 1,2024• NCG180000 for Furniture NOTICE NAME: STORMWATER and Fixtures, proposed Publication Fee: $213.56 issuance date June 1,2024 �y &/ pro NCG200 for Scrap Metal �(�,�� ' Recycling, proposed issuance date June 1,2024 (Sigrea) SHANNEA H HOWES Persons wishing to comment, NOTARY PUBLIC Or object STATE OF NEW JERSEY bl may submit written VERIFICATION MyCanmieebnExpiresAugue11,2B28 comments by the duelo thedaee belowddress indicated. All comments received prior to State of New Jersey the dates will be considered County of Hudson in the final determinations regarding permit issuance. Public comments may result Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this: 04/10/2024 in changes to the proposed permitting actions. All comments should reference n / the specific permitting actions listed below and the permit 5� number. Notary Public The General Permits and Notarized remotely online using communication technology via Pr of. Fact Sheets may be viewed beginning on 04/15/2024 at: hitps://deq.nc.gov/about/ divisions/energy-m ineral-and- land-resources/stormwater/ stormwater-program/ stormwater-pudic Please direct comments or objections to: Mike Lawyer Stormwater Program NC Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources 1612 Mall Service Center Raleigh,NC 276WI612 4/10 2024 STORMWATER - Page 1 of 1 Hickory Daily Record See Proof on Next Page AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Hickory Daily Record 1100 11th Ave Blvd SE (828) 304-6979 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancaster, ss: Before the undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared the Publisher's Representative, Nicole Riegert,who by being duly sworn deposes and says:,that he/she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement, that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto,was published in the Hickory Daily Record and that the said newspaper to which such notice, paper document, or legal advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. PUBLICATION DATES: Apr. 9. 2024 NOTICE ID: R6NIHeOP4Ysvfh9)grOY5 PUBLISHER ID: COL-NC-300077 NOTICE NAME: STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Hickory Daily Publication Fee:$198.60 13iWa°A Q4w Cemmmxaeltn d�enrcyNenY 4omry SM VERIFICATION "m1i B11d116r'''1a"ry Pi°"� 1.araewr Cwmy State of Pennsylvania County of Lancaster a,,,.N�rr, .,,aa2tW Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this: 04/09/20 V,0(& Su1 oLcQ¢r� Notary Public Notanzed remotely online using communication technology via i proof, STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Hickory Daily - Page 1 of 2 COLUMN SOFTWARE PBC 9450 SW GEMINI DR PMB 79042 BEAVERTON OR 97008-7105 UNITED STATES 10002812-001837 <> JOYCESANFORD 1612 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699-1600 �IIO1�1��11�91�JInIIIIIII�IJ1�1��6��J��Id��lipl��I�JIII S t i4 NC DIV. OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES' INTENTTO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT The Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Raaoacas(DEMLR)invi[as rtc command on,o ab)aetiorns ID,the sell"gated 6► DFWR Intends to dense and reissue thethe f ng NPDES irdu at stamvrater General Pvn*s win proposed re-Issuance date June 1. 2023.The p, he ronvn M period begins at 9:00 am on AMi1 15,2024. and enos a'50 pmon May 15,2024. NC13160000 for Asphalt Pavkq Mixtures and Blocks proposed,sso ante date June 1,2024 NCG170000 for Textile M,11 Products proposed issuance date June 1,2024 NCG180000 for Fgmiure and Fixtures,proposed,ssuance date June 1,2024 NCGA0000 for Scrap Metal Recycling proposed issuance date June �\ 1,2024 Persons wishing to catvner,,or obfect may subrni wdtlm cornrl to the address twkbw try the Are dates indk:ated.Ad m. mpn fecr4rM prior to the date;wgi be corrsidcred n the fir"determinations rcgawding pmnn issuance. Public corrrtnems may result in changes to the pro Poaed permMing actions.All comments should reference the specific p�'mtring actions listed be'ww and the pertrdt ntmber. life General Permits and Fact Sheets may be viewed beginning on 04/15/2024 at sat/deq.nc yyovfabout/dfvislons/enefgy-minmai-and-lan&eso c- StOfmormet-stIXmwater-prograrn/slcr eater-public direct convnents a objections to Mike Larger Starnavatw ram NC DNts+on of L.W.Mineral,and Lad Resources 1612 Mad Seivkx Center Ratee��hh��NC 27b99-1612 Ag M.Leveyer@deq.nc.gw Ptthlication Dates April 9,2024 CM WC-306077 c STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Hickory Daily - Page 2 of 2 NEWS_& RECORD See Proof on Nerd Page AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Greensboro News and Record 3001 South Elm Eugene St (336) 373-7053 State of Florida. County of Charlotte, ss: Before the undersigned. a Notary Public duty commissioned. qualified, and authorized by taw to administer oaths,personally appeared the Publisher's Representative, Vuade Moore,who by being duly sworn deposes and says:,that he/she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement:that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the Greensboro News and Record and that the said newspaper in which such notice,paper document, or legal advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. PUBLICATION DATES: Apr. 10, 2024 NOTICE ID: 4p2SdLd97aQBw8nrwHH7 PUBLISHER ID: COL-NC-100322 NOTICE NAME: STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Greensboro Publication Fee: $312.64 4'�V ej AAGNAEL MARV SC LR VERIFICATION ;r° ` +, Nobly Public-Stall Flout e t Cemml k m..+a State of Florida �i+' a� Espim W May it s County of Charlotte °"` Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this: 04/10/20 4 N Notary.Public otarized remotely online using communication technology via Proof. STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Greensboro - Page 1 of 2 a COLUMN SOFTWARE PBC 9450 SW GEMINI DR PMB 79042 BEAVERTON OR 97008-7105 UNITED STATES 10002812-007680 <> JOYCESANFORD 1612 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699-1600 hhi�I�Ilpi,i,L,u,�qil,gl�I��II�I��Ir�dPIdIUIIIII�I��I s 41: NC DIV. OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES' INTENT TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER -- DISCHARGE PERMIT w The Division of Energy Mineral,and land Resounds(DEMW)invites Vc eotrawr'on,w oo�bjectians to,the pert% gactions Rated be• low.DEMI:Rinrends to revise and reassuethefollaving NPDES Industri- al stomnvater General Permits with proposed reissuance date June 1, 2D23.Tire public comment period begins at 9:00 am an April 15,2024, and ends at 5:00 pm on May 15,2024. • NCG160000 fw Aspha t Paving Mixtures and Blocks proposed issu- arm date June 1,2024 • NCG170000 for Textile Mill Products,proposed issuance date June 1,2024 • NCG780000 for Furniture and Flxtures,proposed Issuance date June 1,2024 NCG209000 for Scrap Metal Recyciing,proposed Issuance date June 1,2024 Persons Wshing tto Comment,orobject my submit vnitlen comments to the address helm by the due dates indicated.A0 crxnmerasreceived prior to the datcswill be considered in the final determinations spardin g permit public comments posed peimMf actions.Ali mt result deferene the specific Geearmsndac� � i nral eP aFact 9m be viewed beginning on 04/15/2024 at: t� Ti/dep.na.gov/about/divisions/energy-minema and-land-msourr e�lstownater/stommvaterprogram/siomnvatelyublie Please diiectoommerde erobjectionc to: Mike Lawyer Storm vatM rem NO Division o ergy,Mmeral,and Land Recources 1612 Mail Senvice Center Ralei NC 27699.1672 MLke. wyer@de9.nc gov Pub fimtion Dates Apd110,2024.COL-NC-100322 N N_ mO V STORIvIWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Greensboro - Page 2 of 2 • WINSM-SAIM4 JOURNAL See Proof on Next Page AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Winston-Salem Journal 418 N Marshall St (336) 727-3311 State of Florida,County of Charlotte, ss: Before the undersigned,a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared the Publisher's Representative, Yuade Moore,who by being duty sworn deposes and says:, that he/she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement,that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto,was published in the Winston-Salem Journal and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document,or legal advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every such publication,a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. PUBLICATION DATES: Apr. 10, 2024 NOTICE ID:jvw7g9EzaG4bcsxuFKwu PUBLISHER ID:COL-NC-600201 NOTICE NAME: STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT WinstonSalem Publication Fee: $521.13 isyneol T V�/VL��L� �11111111//p4 �eY ry RACHAEL MARY SC ULTZ ==t ��� Notary Wblk-State Flood. VERIFICATION =_. e� Comminion#UH1 n State of Florida ''(o � Ewires on May n. M County of Charlotte mnnnna'r Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this:04/10/20 Notarize�iremotely online using communication technology via roof. STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT WinstonSalem - Page 1 of 2 COLUMN SOFTWARE PBC 9450 SW GEMINI DR PMB 79042 BEAVERTON,OR 97008-7105 """""AUTO"MIXED AADC 130 PL1 T11 P7 84569 JOYCE SANFORD 1612 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699-1600 I"�I�'11�I"ICI'�'�II��IIIII�III�II���I�III"�III�'��I�"1�I'�II 0 0 0 0 0 0 i; s m e a 0 $o a 0 0 N U O NC DIV. OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES' INTENTTO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT The Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources(DEMLR)invkes public comment on,or 211,ections to,the pennitdhg actions listed be- low.DEMLR intendsto revise and reissue thefollowing NPDES industri- al stonnwater General Permits with proposed m4ssuance date June 1. , 2023.The public comment period begins at 9:00am on April 15,2024, and ends at 5:00 pm on May 15,.2D24. • NCG760000 for Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks,proposed issu_ ante date June 1,2024 NCG170000 for Textile Mill Products,proposed issuance date June 1,2024 NCG180000 for Furniture and Fixtures,proposed Issuance date June 1,2024 • NCG200000 for Scrap Metal Recycling,proposed issuance date June 1,2024, Persons wishing to comment,or object may submit written comments to"a address below bythe due dates Indlcatetl.All egmmems received pdorto"a dates WIII be considered inthefinal de[ertninations regarding pemdF Issuance. Public comments may w3oh in changes to the pro- posedpermitting acltons.AO comments shouldreference the specifc Permitting.ecticns listed belan and the permk num her . The General Pemtits and FactShests may be viewetl beginning on 04/15/2024 at hops✓/deq.nc.gov/abouVdiv is, ons/energy-mineraFendaand-resourc eS/stormvrater'Wm vrater� rr'Vstormwater-pub Please direct comments or obJso' "to: Mike Lawyer Stormwaler Pro grem NC Division of Energy Mineral,and Land Resources 1612Mail Service Center RalelOh NC 27 69 9-1 61 2 Mike. awyer@deq.nc.gov WSJ:April10,2024.COL-NC-600201 i STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Winston-Salem - Page 2 of 2 * LocaliQ Georgia/North Carolina p0 Box 631697 Cincinnati,OH 45263-1697 outh Carolina S GANNETT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NC OIV.OP ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES'INTENT TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING STORMTER Joyce Sanford DISCHARGE PERMIT Joyce Sanford The Divtsror f Ersercr, Nc Division Of Energy,Mineral And Land Resources seeeoum" oM(DEMLR) InvitN public comment on, 1612 Mail Service CTR or oblectlons to,the Permu- ting anlons listed below. Raleigh NC 27699-1600 DEMLR miens to revise reissue and fallowing NPDES industrial storni ter General Permits with Proposed fe iss,mosg date STATE OF WISCONSIN,COUNTY OF BROWN Jane 1, 2022. The Public ..art ceriad "Ins m 9:W am on APNI 15, 2Wz, not ands m 3:00 Pm an May, Before the undersigned, a Notary Public,duly 19,R0 4. • NCG160W0 for Asphalt commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to PoOnto Mlxturss era Blacks, mopaeed I5...date June administer oaths, personally appeared said legal clerk,who, I NCGI WW for Textile MITI being first duly sworn,deposes and says: that he/she is the d'arfa uJ.ct.'PrPappvsp I,,.. legal clerk of The Asheville Citizen-Times,engaged in am CGFi�re, Furniture os wn edpte dune 11 MA publication of a newspaper known as The Asheville Citizen- NCG2WWc fa scrap Metal PRecrcling,Proposed issuarlce Times,published, issued and entered as first class mail in date JVAe 1,=4 the city of Asheville,in Buncombe County,State of North or PgrsOm wishing ro comment, obiect m bmit su t address wUen comments to the Carolina;that he/she is authorized to make this affidavit beiey,by the duet rotesis cured. An m camerenb and sworn statement;that the notice or other legal rocelvea prior to the dales g will x oonsldered I. the 11.1 deternhhanom regard advertisement,a true copy of which is attached here to, mg permit Issuance, Public comments mar result In was published in said newspaper in the issues dated: changes to the Prapa.ea bermlNing actions All cammenfs should reference Me specific rermnfbw 04/10/2024 amens usted Wt.and me cermif number. The General Permits and Fact Sheets mar be riewea That said newspaper in which said notice,paper,document beginning on O,Vl A m: P P kulu tpupon,-mC.ipnWer/aahbare- orW t/d lrie legal advertisement was published was,at the time of mna.r.sograeghrarmwa. rerormworer- each and every publication,a newspaper meeting all the mogogrom9rarmwmer-ppbllc requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the oPg'IK; d tact common`s °r General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified BlormLwater Program NC Division of Energy. newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the Mineral, and Lord Resources General Statutes North Carolina. 1612 Mall Serriue center Rnlelgh,NC 276R,1612 MIke.Lo W reredM.a[.gar April 10,2024 W3 R90 Sworn to an subs ribed befo e o 4/10/2024 Legal Clerk Notary,State of WI,Co y of Bro �1'11 tit My commission expires Publication Cost: $172.36 Order No: 10037290 #of Copies: Customer No: 745790 1 PO#: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! =Notary LTY Please do not use this form for paymentvemirtance. blic L consin Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC NOTICE NC OF ENERGY, BEAUFORT & HYDE COUNTIES MINERALAND LAND RESOURCES'INTENT TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING Ashley Vansant, being duly sworn, says: STORMWATER DISCHARGE That he is Publisher of the Washington Daily News, PERMITS a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and The Division of Energy, Min- published in Washington, Beaufort& Hyde Coun- eral, and Land Resources ties, North Carolina;that the publication, a copy of (DEMLR) invites public com- which is attached hereto, was published in the said ment on, or objections to, th ed newspaper on the following dates: Permitting actions t re- g below. DEMLR intends to re- vise and re-issue the following NPDES industrial stormwater General Permits with proposed 04/O6/24 re-issuance date June 1, 2023. The public comment period begins at 9:00 am on April 15, That said newspaper was regularly issued and 2024, and ends at 5:00 pm on circulated on those dates. May 15,2024. • NCG160000 for Asphalt Pav- ing Mixtures and Blocks, pro- The sum charged by the Newspaper for said publi- posed issuance date June 1, cation does not exceed the lowest rate paid by com- 2024 mercial customers for an advertisement of similar N Prodducts, ro for Textile Mill oossize and frequency in the same newspaper in which date June 1,20ed issuance 24 the public notice appeared. •NCG180000 for Furniture and Fixtures, proposed issuance There are no agreements between the Washington d to June 1,2024 Scrap Metal Daily News and the officer or attorney charged with Recycling, proposed issuance the duty of placing the attached legal advertising date June 1,2024 notices whereby any advantage,gain or profit ac- Persons wishing to comment, crued to said officer or attorney. ciesotade beomm he submit w by the due dates indicated. All SIGNED: comments received prior to the dates will be considered in the final determinations regarding 7 permit issuance. Public com- ments may result in changes to the proposed permitting ac- tions. All comments should reference the specific permitting actions listed below and the permit number. Ashley Vansant, Publisher The General Permits and Fact Sheets may be viewed begin- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ning on 04/15/2024 at: 6th Da of April, 2024 https://deq.nc.gov/about/ y p divisions/energy-mineral-and- Ian d-resou rces/stormwate r/ stormwater-program/ stormwater- Q Please direct (J iL r a�,'Norpav;Q Please direct comments or ob- jections F aueuc//: Mike Lawyer 9r -/r Stormwater Program mace NC Division of Energy, Mineral, Ma Jo Eskridge, Notary Public and Land Resources Mary 9 Y 1612 Mail Service Center State of Alabama at Large Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 My commission expires 03-02-2026 Mike.Lawyer@deq.nc.gov Washington Daily News: Apr.6,2024 NCG16117118120 Account#304614 Ad # 1806032 NCDEQ 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699