Taylor-Smith, Aana
From: Green, Delores A <delores.green @te.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:17 AM
To: Taylor-Smith, Aana
Cc: Kemp, Darren; Mason, Joseph W; Eshback, Peter R
Subject: Conformance to No Exposure Permit Requirements (TE Connectivity)
Hello Aana,
It was great speaking with you and I look forward to working with you. As confirmation to our phone discussion, it is
acceptable for TE connectivity, 233 Burgess Rd, to construct an outside storage building to store empty reels. The
building's dimensions will be 20'x 41'with a style roof. It will be closed in on 3 sides with one 41' side being open. Leg
height would be 9 or 10'. All sides and top would be metal and framing is galvanized tubing. TE is to make all efforts to
control run off from the building.
Delores A. Green
1 Profcrsciurrrri Services Firm
Environmental Health & Safety Consultants
delores. reen@insourcesafet .corn
336.665.4497-Direct Line
336.665.4571 -Fax
information contained herein,and all attachments transmitted with it and information contained therein,are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may
include confidential and legally privileged information that is the property of Insource.Any copies or reproductions of any part of this message or its aftachment(s)
must be marked'INSOURCE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMA TION."If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient,notification is hereby given that any
reading, disclosing, copying, disseminating,or distributing this message in any form or by any method,its attachments or any portion of the information contained
therein,is strictly prohibited. We apologize if you have received this communication in error and ask that you contact Insource toll-free at(877)357-2338,ext. 2391,
or the sender by e-mail immediately and destroy all copies and the original message including all attachments.
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
25 February 2011
Mr. Darren Kemp, EHS Manager
Tyco Electronics
233 Burgess Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
Subject: No-Exposure Certification NCGNE0760
Tyco Electronics
233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Guilford County
Dear Mr. Kemp.-
The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No-Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater
Permitting form. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, the
Division is granting your conditional exclusion from permitting as provided for under 40 CFR 126,22(g), which is
incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations.
Please note that by our acceptance of your no-exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no-exposure
conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no-exposure
exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge.
Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. You must self re-certify
annually using the included form, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your
facility. The annual self re-certification does not need to be submitted to DWO, unless requested.
Your conditional exclusion from permitting does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental
permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Corey Basinger at(336) 771-4963, or at
Sincerely, � (@
for Coleen H. Sullins ►yeNR _ 2011
r t/
cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office $ncr,
Sto�mwater-P-e►mitting Unit, No-Exposure Files
Wetlands and Stonmwater Branch
1617 Mail Sere+ce Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 NorthCarolina
Locatien:512 N.Salisbury St.Raleigh,North Carolina 27604
Phone:91M07-63001 FAX:919-807-64941 Customer Service:1-877-623.5748 ;Vatumll
An Equat Opportunity 4 Affirmative Action Employer
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
25 February 2011
Mr. Darren Kemp, EHS Manager
Tyco Electronics
233 Burgess Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
Subject: No-Exposure Certification NCGNE0760
Tyco Electronics
233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Guilford County
Dear Mr. Kemp:
The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No-Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater
Permitting form. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, the
Division is granting your conditional exclusion from permitting as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g), which is
incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations.
Please note that by our acceptance of your no-exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no-exposure
conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no-exposure
exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge.
Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. You must self re-certify
annually using the included form, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your
facility. The annual self re-certification does not need to be submitted to DWQ, unless requested.
Your conditional exclusion from permitting does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental
permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Corey Basinger at(336) 771-4963, or at
for Coleen H. Sullins
cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office
Stormwater Permitting Unit, No-Exposure Files
Wetlands and Stomnvater Brandt One
1617 Nail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699.1617 NorthCarolina
Location:512 N.Salisbury St.Raleigh,North Carolina 27604
Phone:919.807-6300 4 FAX:919-807-64941 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 �aturallt�
An Equa!Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer
T Tyco Electronics
Tyco Electronics Corporation, Building 263
Location Address: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Mailing Address: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Telephone: (336) 665-3200
Bill Ray, Campus Director
Phone: (336) 665-3220
Joe Mason, Manager-Technical Services
Phone: (336) 665-3777
Darren Kemp, EHS manager
Phone: (336) 665-4472
ABP046-EV Page 1 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
` ~ Tyco Electronics
Facility Name: Tyco Electronics Corporation
Facility Address: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
1.- Does the facility transfer oil over water to or from vessels and does the facility have a total oil storage
capacity greater than or equal to 42,000 gallons?
Yes No X
2. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and does
the facility lack secondary containment that is sufficiently large to contain the capacity of the largest
aboveground oil storage tank plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation within any
aboveground storage tank area?
Yes No X
3. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the
facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Attachment C to this
appendix or a comparable formula*) such that a discharge from the facility could cause injury to fish
and wildlife sensitive environments? For further description of fish and wildlife sensitive
environments, see Appendices I, 11, and III to DOCINOAA's "Guidance for Facility and Vessel
Response Plans: Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments" (see Appendix E to this part, section
10, for availability) and the applicable Area Contingency Plan.
Yes No X
4. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the
facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Attachment C-Ill to this
appendix or a comparable formula;) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down a public
drinking water intake?"
Yes No X
5. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and has the
facility experienced a reportable oil spill in an amount greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons within
the last 5 years?
Yes No X
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information
submitted in this document, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining
this information, I believe t a bmitted information is true:,accurate, and complete.
Campus Director
Signature Title
Bill Ray
Name (type or print) Date
*If a comparable formula is used, documentation of the reliability and analytical soundness of the
comparable formula must be attached to this form.
* For the purposes of 40 CFR Part 112, public drinking water intakes are analogous to public water
systems as described at 40 CFR 143.2(c).
ABP046-EV Page 2 of 17 Rev:B
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver::B.Ray Date of Revision:02/24/10
Tyco Electronics
A. Plan Conformance Statement
B. Name of Facility: Tyco Electronics Corporation
C. Type of Facility: Manufacturing — Metal Stamping, Assembly of Automotive
Electrical Connectors
D. Location of Facility: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
E. Name and Address of Owner: Tyco Electronics Corporation, 1050 WestLakes Dr,
Berwyn, Pa 19312
F. Designated Person Responsible for Oil Spill Prevention: Bill Ray, Campus Director
G. Management Approval — Full approval is extended by management at a level of
authority to commit the necessary resources(manpower, equipment and materials)
required to implement this plan and if necessary expeditiously control and remove
any quantity of oil discharged th t may be harmful;
Signature: - , Campus Director
Certification of Compliance
1 certify that I am familiar with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 112, and I have
examined this facility.
I also certify that:
• This plan has been prepared in accordance with accepted and sound industry
practices and standards and with the rule requirements
• Procedures for required inspections and testing have been established
• The Plan is being fully implemented
• The facility meets the qualifying criteria
• The Plan does not deviate from rule requirements except as allowed. Where
deviations are made, they are certified by a PE
Management approved the Plan and has committed resources to implement it.
Signature: Title: V*"N "-A
ASP046-EV Page 3 of 17 Rev:B
Originator:J. Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver::B.Ray Date of Revision:02/24/10
Tyco Electronics
All aspects of this plan are in conformance with the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)
Regulations, as updated effective February 19, 2010. Except where noted, all control, response, and
spill prevention measures are implemented as of the date on the attached Certification Form. If
measures are in progress or planned, a schedule for completion and the proposed effective dates are
included in this plan. This plan will be reviewed and, if necessary updated, following any related facility
modifications and at a minimum of once every five (5) years from the date of Certification or last review.
As a result of any review and evaluation, the SPCC Plan will be amended within six months of the review
to include more effective prevention and control technology if the technology has been field-proven at the
time of the review and will significantly reduce the likelihood of a discharge from the facility.
Implementation of any amendment will occur as soon as possible, but not later than six months following
evaluation and recommendation of the amendment. Documentation of the completion of the review and
evaluation, and a signed statement as to whether the owner/operator will amend the Plan, either at the
beginning or end of the Plan or in a log or an appendix to the Plan. The following words will suffice, "I
have completed review and evaluation of the SPCC Plan for(name of facility) on (date), and will (will not)
amend the Plan as a result."
All technical modifications to the SPCC Plan will be reviewed and self-certified by a competent person.
Facility Name: Tyco Electronics Corporation, Building 263
Mailing Address: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Location Address: 233 Burgess Road, Greensboro, NC 27409
Owner: Tyco Electronics Corporation
Contact Name: Bill Ray, Campus Director, Tyco Electronics Corporation Building 263
Other Personnel: An average of 332 people are employed at this facility (based on FY2009 numbers).
Location: This production plant is situated in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina. It is located at
233 Burgess Road.
Latitude: 36.101781
Longitude: -079,961764.
"Attachment A is a location map for the site.
Facility Description and Operations:
The Burgess Road plant consists of 127,400 square feet and houses Metal Stamping and Assembly
operations. Attachments B-1 and B-2 are site plans, which show the general layout of the facility, the
location of the oil container areas on the site, containment and/or diversionary structures, spill kit
locations, storm water drainage features, and other pertinent aspects of the site.
ABP046-EV Page 4 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
T Tyco Electronics
Aboveground Oil Containers (including equipment and piping)
Max on Normal
Qty Capacity hand Location Container Daily Product
(gallons) Is)aMateriallType Usage
1 AST 300 300 Scrap Room Steel Tank Varies Mobil DTE 24
(Hydraulic Oil
1-2 55-110 110 Scrap Room Steel Drum Varies Used Oil
2 600 600 Scrap Room Aluminum Tote Varies Vanish 6916
300- al 1325848-1
1-4 55-220 220 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Cherokee Clear Cut
(55-gal) Storage Room 982841-2
1-4 55-220 220 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Stamping Lube
55- al Storage Room 985140-2
1-4 55-220 220 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Contact Lube
(55-gal) Storage Room 987325-2
1 55 55 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Chemlube 1102
(55-gal Storage Room 22014-4
1 55-220 220 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Vanish 6916
(55-gal) Storage Room 1325848-1
1 55 55 Flammable Steel Drum Varies Mobilfluid 421
(55-gal) Storage Room
1 55 55 Flammable Steel Drum Varies ionoplus 3000
(55-gal) Storage Room Dielectric
1 55 55 Stamping Mop Steel Drum Varies Chemlube 1102
(55-gal) Room 22014-4
1 55 55 Stamping Mop Steel Drum Varies AMP Stamping
(55-gal) Room Lube 985140-2
1 55 55 Stamping Mop Steel Drum Varies Cherokee Clear Cut
(55-gal) Room 982841-2
1 55 55 Stamping Mop Steel Drum Varies AMP Contact Lube
(55-gal) Room 987325-2
1 55 55 Stamping Mop Steel Drum Varies Vanish 6916
(55-gal) Room 1325848-1
1 55 55 Mechanical Steel Drum Varies Mobil Rarus 826
(55-gal) Room
1 628 628 Transformer Pad 2500 kVA NIA Mineral Oil
1 566 566 Transformer Pad 2000 kVA NIA Mineral Oil
1 192 192 Transformer Pad 225 kVA NIA Mineral Oil
Aboveground Container Capacity: 3771 Gallons
Underground Oil Containers {including equipment and piping)
Capacity Container Normal Daily
Number (gallons) Location Material/Type Throughput Product
ABP046-EV Page 5 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06125/10
Tyco Electronics
Underground Container Capacity: 0
Complete/summarize past spills in this section. (See Attachment E)
Date of Location Material Volume Response Plan
Incident Released Released Taken Amendment
02/24/06 South side of Oily mop Approximately Contacted None.
building, water 50 gallons Greensboro Corrective
outside of (00% oil) Fire Dept. ; action by
scrap room Inspected to Shamrock
insure that no Environmental
part of the included
release having
reached any additional
waterways; spill-control
Heritage equipment on
Environmental truck and
conducted designated
clean-up of the drivers.
storm drain.
ABP046-BV Page 6 of 17 Rev;C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination: 02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
T Tyco Electronics
Is Facility
Equipped to Fully
Respond to Spill
Volume Release/Spill Likely Direction or is Assistance
Potential Event Released Rate of Spill Necessary?
Complete failure Up to 300 Instantaneous Scrap Room No assistance
of a full tank or gallons spill containment necessary. Spill
tote pit containment in
Partial failure of 1 to 300 Gradual Scrap Room No assistance
a full tank or tote gallons spill containment necessary. Spill
pit containment in
Tank overfill 1 to several Up to 35 gpm Along east side Use designated
gallons of building spill response team
Total pipe failure NIA NIA NIA NIA
Leaking pipe or NIA NIA NIA NIA
valve packing
Leak during tank 1 to several Up to 200 gpm East toward Tanker driver has
truck loading gallons storm drain spill containment on
Tank truck leak 1 to 2200 Gradual to East toward Tanker driver has
or failure gallons instantaneous storm drain spill containment on
Leak from Up to 628 Gradual to West toward Some spill
transformer gallons instantaneous storm drain containment in
place, use
designated spill
response team if
As listed in Part 1, above, all oil containers and drums are located inside the building on the site.
A spill from any of these sources would be very unlikely to reach the outside environment since
no floor drains are present in the manufacturing area of the facility. Three transformers are
located on the east side of the building, located on concrete pads with a containment trench
surrounding the pads. If releases outside the facility would occur, due to either transformer
case failure, accidents during delivery of drums, delivery of oil, or during transfer of used oil or
oily waste water from storage tanks into a disposer's tanker trucks, they would tend to flow into
the site storm water drainage and toward the on-site retaining pond, and eventually toward the
East Fork - Deep River. A map showing local streams is included as Attachment C.
ABP046-EV Page 7 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver::B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
As described in Part 1 of this SPCC Plan, the 300-gallon hydraulic oil tank, 300-gallon aluminum
totes and 55-gallon drums of used oil are located in the Scrap Room on the east side of the
facility. Up to (18) 55-gallon drums are located in the Flammable Storage Room, (1) 55-gallon
drum is located in the Mechanical Room, and up to (4) 55-gallon drums are located in the
Stamping Department Mop Room. Three transformers are located outside the building on the
east side. Attachment B shows the locations of these areas.
The 300-gallon oil tank and 300-gallon totes are located above a containment area, which can
hold at least 110% of the tank volume. Perimeter trench drains and a large sump in the
concrete floor prevent any spilled oil from leaving the room. Within the manufacturing building,
the Flammable Storage Room has concrete block walls and full pit with a concrete floor that is
covered with a steel grate. The pit has the capacity to contain more than 110% of the largest
storage tank volume in the room. The Stamping Department Mop Room also has perimeter
trench drains and a large sump in the concrete floor to prevent any spilled oil from leaving the
room. The trench drains and sump alone are large enough to contain more than 110% of the
largest storage tank volume in the room. The single drum in the mechanical room has a spill-
containment platform that will contain more than 110% of the contents of the drum. The
transformers are located on concrete pads with a spill-containment trench surrounding the pads.
This trench is filled with stone and lined with plastic.
Three spill kits, which contain absorbent materials, containment booms, and other essential
materials, are located at strategic points throughout the manufacturing facility (see Attachment
B-2). These spill kits are for use in controlling and containing any released product.
Facility management believes that the design of this facility, along with the
containment/diversionary structures and equipment referred above, intended to prevent any
released product from reaching navigable waters, are both practical and effective.
No floor drains are present in the manufacturing area. There are five floor drains in the
mechanical room that connect to sanitary sewer. Any spill within the mechanical room would be
contained by a spill containment platform. Any spill occurring on the manufacturing floor would
be contained before it could reach the mechanical room. Any spills outside the buildings would
tend to flow into the site stormwater drainage features and toward the on-site retaining pond,
and eventually toward the East Fork - Deep River. A map showing local streams is included as
Attachment C.
Part 2 of this SPCC Plan shows the materials of construction for the bulk storage tank.
Pertinent tank has a high level indicator to help prevent overflow. All piping is above ground.
All deliveries arrive either in bulk, 300-gallon totes, 55-gallon drums or 5-gallon pails. Bulk, tote
and drum deliveries are determined by the amount of oils needed for operations. Bulk oil is
ABP046-EV Page 8 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
TY co Electronics
pumped through a hose into the 300-gallon bulk storage tank. Used oil/lubricant is vacuumed
from a holding tank into a tank truck. It is then taken away for recycling or disposal.
Available tank capacity is checked prior to delivery into the tanks or containers. A bucket is
used to catch any drips while disconnecting hoses during delivery or used oil pumping. Tank
truck drivers are instructed to remain close to the fill/suction pipe while unloading or loading
operations are in progress.
All piping and supports are properly designed and installed to minimize abrasion and corrosion,
and to allow for expansion and contraction. Aboveground piping is subject to visual inspection
during on-going operations. Any problems are noted, reported to the facility management, and
promptly corrected.
Areas where tank and transport (drum delivery) trucks operate are paved. Any spilled product
would be contained or absorbed using available spill kits. If necessary a spill contractor (see
Attachment E) would be called-in to clean up any larger releases after initial emergency
containment was employed.
10. INSPECTION AND RECORDS (Example— modify as necessary)
The entire facility is under visual observation as part of on-going, day-to-day operations. Any
indication of leakage from piping or containers is noted and appropriate corrective steps are
The facility and oil container areas are inspected on a bi-weekly basis. An inspection checklist,
as shown in Attachment D, is completed during this inspection. Any deficiencies are
documented and appropriate action is taken to prevent any possible release of product. The
checklist is signed by the inspector. A copy of the checklist is maintained at the facility for a
period of five years.
Access to the manufacturing facility is restricted by card key to authorized Tyco Electronics
Corporation employees and approved contractors only. Access to those portions of the site
where bulk and drum storage of petroleum products is present is restricted to Tyco Electronics
Corporation employees that use the stored product, maintain storage systems, or load/unload
the product.
The facility has a central, automated fire alarm system.
Facility employees have been instructed in emergency procedures. Trained employees are
used to respond to in-plant/on-site emergencies such as evacuation of the facility, extinguishing
fires in the incipient stage, and to provide "defensive action" to releases or potential releases of
oil and hazardous material. The Campus Director of Tyco Electronics Corporation Building 263,
is accountable for oil spill prevention at this facility.
The following items are addressed in the Plan:
ABP046-BV Page 9 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J. Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver::B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
■ Discharge prevention briefings are conducted at least once a year;
■ Oil-handling personnel are trained in the operation and maintenance of equipment to
prevent discharges; discharge procedure protocols; applicable pollution control laws,
rules, and regulations; general facility operations; and the contents of the facility SPCC
■ A person is designated who is accountable for discharge prevention and who reports to
facility management.
Annual spill prevention briefings are provided to pertinent plant employees to ensure adequate
understanding of the SPCC Plan. These briefings highlight, among other things, any past spill
events, equipment failures, and any subsequently developed precautionary measures. Training
has been held on oil spill prevention, containment, and retrieval methods.
Records of meetings and spill prevention training are maintained by the Facility EHS
Coordinator or the Site Director's designee.
Instructions and phone numbers regarding reporting of spills to the National Response Center,
as well as state or local agencies have been distributed to the appropriate teams and
individuals, are attached to this plan, and are available at the.facility. Also attached to this plan
is an outline of the pertinent information and reporting response requirements in the case of a
spill or release. (See Attachment F)
A listing of emergency telephone numbers is included as Attachment E. These telephone
number are posted at the East Employees' Entrance (inside the MSDS cabinet), in the Shipping
Office and in the Maintenance Shop.
Any equipment or materials (eg. absorbent materials}used in the containment of an oil release
will be handled, stored and disposed of properly, in accordance with applicable state and federal
regulations through our contracted waste disposer.
Material Safety Data Sheets are maintained by the facility and are available to employees at the
east Employees' Entrance, in the office of the Plant Administrator or from the EHS Coordinator.
ABP046-EV Page 10 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
Attachment "A" (Location Map)
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Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum
ABP046-EV Page 11 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J. Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver.: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
Attachment ,B-I"
Tyco Electronics corporation Buildingong 263
(Latitude: 233 Burgess Road
36.101781, Greensboro, NC 27409
Longitude: _
(Site Map
w/Details of -
Storage andf�,., f f
Containment __.Sr=r�Y-_ : � ;�i :' FF; B-2
Devices) `,
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Electronics .'' .� ' ' 1
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Burgess ,r %, � �•.s'' -.: -�;�.:�--: o
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low36.101789 :J
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ABP046-EV -~--��__ BURGESS RED S.R. ZG15
Originator:J- Mason --
Approver:: B.Ray
bate of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
— r �
aunMNG 263 ouRWn LAYOUT Lj—j
ABP046-EV Page 13 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
SPCC and Stormwater Protection Bi-Weekly Inspection Checklist
1. Is spill control kit complete? (gloves, broom, mop, absorbents, etc) ❑ ❑ ❑
2. Is area free of spills? ❑ ❑ ❑
3. Are the drum bungs tight? ❑ ❑ ❑
4. Are the aisles open between containers? ❑ ❑ ❑
5. Is the drain trench empty? ❑ ❑ ❑
6. Are the lights working? ❑ ❑ ❑
7. Are all materials in good condition? ❑ ❑ ❑
8. Are all materials labeled legibly? ❑ ❑ ❑
9, Are storage tanks and containers in good condition? ❑ ❑ ❑
1. Is the area free of visual signs of spilled substances? ❑ ❑ ❑
2. Is the area free of drums, containers, pallets, etc.? ❑ I ❑ ❑
3. Are all designated safety exit doors propedy secured? 1 ❑ 1 ❑
4. Is the building area appearance acceptable? I ❑ 1 ❑
5. Is the outside building area free of stored metal items, buckets, debris etc.? ❑ ❑ ❑
6. Is the roof area free of metal items, buckets, debris, etc.? ❑ ❑ ❑
7. Are construction sites free of storage items, debris, etc.? ❑ ❑ ❑
8. If construction items are stored outside, are they covered according to ❑ ❑ ❑
stormwater discharge regulations?
9. Are storm water outfalls free of staining,foam discoloration, sheens or dry ❑ ❑ ❑
weather flow?
10. Are waste storage areas clean and free of debris? ❑ El ❑
11. Are stacks free of staining, discoloration, sheens, etc.? ❑ ❑ ❑
1. Is the area free of visual signs of spills or leaks? ❑ ❑ ❑
2. Is outside appearance acceptable? ❑ ❑ j ❑
1. Is appearance around dust collector acceptable? ❑ ❑ ❑
2. Is the area free of visual signs of leaks? ❑ I ❑ ❑
3. Is there room for dust in the barrels? ❑ L❑ 1 ❑
1 Is the area around the compactor clean? I ❑ ❑ I ❑
1. Is the area around the transformers clean? I ❑ ❑ I ❑
2. Is the area free of visual signs of leaks I ❑ ❑ I ❑
COMMENTS(Required for any"No"answers)
ABP046-EV Page 15 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver::B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
Emergency Telephone Numbers
CompanV Personnel:
Bill Ray, Campus Director Work: (336) 665-3220
Cell: 336 314-4186
Joe Mason, Manager, Technical Support Services Work: (336) 665-3777
Cell: 336 817-6627
Darren Kemp, Facility EHS Manager Work: (336) 665-4472
Cell: 336 508-1204
Glen Foster, Tyco Electronics Corporation, Manager, Work: (717) 986-7916
Environmental Health & Safety Cell: 717 979-6441
Tyco 24-Hour Hotline, Facilities Services 717 592-3333
Tyco Security Control Center 717 592-4000
Enforcement, RequlatorV, and Other Agencies:
Greensboro-Guilford County Emergency Management 336 641-7565
NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) (800) 508-8400
NC Emergency Response Commission 800 858-0368
National Response Center U.S. EPA/Coast Guard 800 424-8802
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 —Atlanta 404 562-8700
Emergency Clean-Up Contractors
A&D Environmental 336 434-7750
Heritage Environmental Services, LLC 704 519-7397 or 704 392-6276
Clean Harbors 800 343-4244
Shamrock Environmental (336 370-9098
ADT Incorporated 800 428-7124
Greensboro Fire Department 911
EMS Ambulance 911
Guilford County Sheriffs Department 911
City of Greensboro Water Resources Department 24-Hour Contact Number 336 373-2033
ABP046-EV Page 16 of 17 Rev:C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
Tyco Electronics
Spill 1 Release Incident Report
Date Filed:
(1) Name of the facility
(2) Your name
(3) Location of the facility
(4) Maximum storage or handling capacity of the facility and normal daily throughput
(5) Corrective action and countermeasures you have taken, including a description of equipment
repairs and replacements
(6) An adequate description of the facility, including maps, flow diagrams, and topographical
maps, as necessary
(7) The cause of such discharge including a failure analysis of the system or subsystem in which
the failure occurred
(8) Additional preventive measures you have taken or contemplated to minimize the possibility
of recurrence; and
(9) Such other information as the Regional Administrator may reasonably require pertinent to the
Plan or discharge.
Date Filed:
Authorities Contacted:
Plan Amendment Required? Yes No
§t 12.4 If you are the owner or operator of a facility subject to this part,you must:(a)Notwithstanding compliance with ss'112.3,whenever your
facility has discharged more than 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil in a single discharge as described in §112.1(b), or discharged more than 42 U.S.
gallons of oil in each often discharges as described in§112.1(b),occurring within any twelve month period,submit the(applicable)information
to the Regional Administrator within 60 days from the time the facility becomes subject to this section.
ABP046-EV Page 17 of 17 Rev: C
Originator:J.Mason Date of Origination:02/07/07
Approver:: B.Ray Date of Revision:06/25/10
10 2011ona�
T Tyco Electronics Corporation
Y Global Automotive Division
233 Burgess Road
Greensboro, NC 27409-9672
Phone: 336-&fi5-4400
January 27, 2011 p R@ jf0 LE
Stormwater Permitting Unit FEB 1 ZOrr
Division of Water Quality
1617 Mail Service Center DW-mTERQLpjTr
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 WETLmos AND aTORlMYt'im sMttCFt
To Whore It May Concern:
Per the requirements of 40 C(A R 122.26(g), Tyco Electronics is requesting a No Exposure
Certification for Exclusion. Attached is the application. Tyco maintains that a permit for
stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in the State of North Carolina is
not required because the facility qualifies for a no exposure exclusion. Materials stored
outside of the facility are contained in ground container units and is weather resistant.
Ifyou have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 665-
4472, or via email darren.kemp@te.com.
Darren Kemp, CSP
Environmental Health and Safety Manager
Tyco Electronics f 4
. � � S..�
,. iY�. •-
If (v i
hate Received
Division of Water Quality/Surface Water Protection Year r,at�n as
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System CertifiicateofCoverage
FHvmre..� wr Ne,aw.itf.•��n RECEIVED
NCGNE0000 ".c•Dec',of ENR
FEB 10 2011
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for exclusion from a StormwaterfPerm-1 based __
Submission of this No Exposure Certification constitutes notification that your facility does not require a
permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity in the State of North Carolina because
it qualifies for a no exposure exclusion. A condition of no exposure at an industrial facility means all
industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter(with some exceptions)to
prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff.
For permitted facilities in North Carolina, DWQ must approve your application for No
Exposure Certification before this exclusion is effective. Until you are issued a No
Exposure Certification and your NPDES permit is rescinded, your facility must continue
to abide by the terms and conditions of the current permit.
industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to. material handling equipment or activities,
industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products.
Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of
any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not
required for the following industrial materials and activities: drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers
that are tightly sealed,provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. "Sealed"means
banded or otherwise secured and with locked or non-operational taps or valves;adequately maintained
vehicles used in material handling;and final products, other than products that would be mobilized in
stormwater discharges(e.g., rock salt).
A No Exposure Certification must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion. In
addition, the exclusion from NPDES permitting is available on a facility-wide basis only—not for individual
outfalls. If any industrial activities or materials are, or will be, exposed to precipitation, the facility is not
eligible for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting this No Exposure Certification form, you
certify that a condition of no exposure exists at this facility or site and are obligated to comply with the
terms and conditions of 40 CFR 122.26(g).
You are required to self re-certify your No Exposure Exclusion annuall .
For questions,please contact the DWO Regional Office for your area_ (See page 6)
(Please print or type)
1) Mailing address of owner/operator(address to which all certification correspondence will be mailed):
Name T Ca F 2 0 ; CS
Contact i m �Ra
Street Address of
City o State NC ZIP Code _4`f Qq
Telephone No, Fax: 3 ) 46o1O
Email i S• rCAV ll
Page 1 of 7
FEB x 2011
SW U-NE-12Aug2010
2 ��2
ƒ § j
a '
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
2) Location of facility producing discharge:
Facility Name e w i CS
Facility Contact rV- n vzvnD C S MCI,
Facility Street Address Lirr4Ss
City r cc n, i State NC- ZIP Code d' Td-{Oq
County a+
Telephone No. (Q 5_ 9 L)- Fax: 9& 6*5- g5(,4
Email A co-rE l/-cry,��,-Y,
3) Physical location information:
Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility(use street names, state road numbers, and
distance and drectio from a roadway in ersection). ro t,-,��v _,Sgt v .E "i qO E
i t o or I•O m ar M1
(A coo y of a rya with th facili y c arl�[to ated on it should be included with the certification application.)
u i� v� c,�e' - ,�a� �S-0 o� '6— ut,��� �,'����
4) Is t�e f c lity located on Natttive American Lands. ❑ Yes No 3"' r
5) Is this a Federal facility? ❑ Yes &Ao
6) Latitude 2(p-iC>Ij9j Longitude—0*79 •C4fp I7(64 (deg., min., seconds)
7) This NPDES No Exposure Exclusion application applies to which of the following:
❑ New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin
V Existing Date operation began I qq(p
❑ Renewal of existing No Exposure Certification Certification No.: NCGNE
8) Was this facility or site ever covered under an NPDES Stormwater Permit? ❑ Yes R fVo
If yes,what is the NPDES Permit Number?
9) Standard Industrial Classification:
Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code)that describes the primary industrial
activity at this facility
SIC Code: _� A --(,o a
10) Provide a brief description of the types of industrial activities and products produced at this facility:
11) Does this facility have any Non-Discharge permits(ex: recycle permits)?
El Yes
If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non-Discharge permits for this facility:
Page 2 of 7
SW u-NE-12Aug2010
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
Exposure Checklists(12. - 14.)
12) Are any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable
future?(Please check either "Yes" or"No.") If you answer"Yes"to any of these items,you are not
eligible for the no exposure exclusion.
a. Using, storing, or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where ❑ Yes &(No
residuals from using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain
and are exposed to stormwater
b. Materials or residuals on the ground or in stormwater inlets from spills/leaks ❑ Yes R No
c. Materials or products from past industrial activity ❑ Yes No
d. Material handling equipment(except adequately maintained vehicles) ❑ Yes t(No
e. Materials or products during loading/unloading or transporting activities ❑ Yes ErNo
f. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside ❑ Yes VNo
use [e.g., new cars]where exposure to stormwater does not result in the discharge
of pollutants)
g. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, ❑ Yes ldNo
and similar containers
h. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by ❑ Yes VNo
the discharger
i. Waste material (except waste in covered, non-leaking containers (e.g., dumpsters]) ❑ Yes VNo
j. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) ❑ Yes dNo
k. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not ❑ Yes O"No
otherwise regulated,(i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the
stormwater outflow
I. Empty containers that previously contained materials that are not properly stored ❑ Yes E'No
(i.e., not closed and stored upside down to prevent precipitation accumulation)
m. For any exterior ASTs,as well as drums, barrels,tanks, and similar containers ❑ Yes E No
stored outside, has the facility had any releases in the past three (3)years?
13) Above Ground Storage Tanks(ASTs): If you answer"No"to any of the following items,you are not
eligible for the no exposure exclusion.
a. Are exterior ASTs and piping free of rust, damaged or weathered coating,pits,or Cl Yes ❑ No VN/A
deterioration, or evidence of leaks?
b. Is secondary containment provided for all exterior ASTs? If so, is it free of any ❑ Yes ❑ No VN/A
cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks, and are drain valves maintained locked shut?
Page 3 of 7
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
14) Secondary Containment: If you answer"No"to any of the following items,you are not eligible for the
no exposure exclusion.
a. Is secondary containment provided for all single above ground storage ❑ Yes ❑ No EMA
containers (including drums, barrels, etc.)with a capacity of more than 660-
b. is secondary containment provided for above ground storage containers stored ❑ Yes ❑ No It�I`N/A
in close proximity to each other with a combined capacity of more than 1,320-
c. Is secondary containment provided for Title III Section 313 Superfund ❑ Yes ❑ No EM/A
Amendments and Reauthorization Act(SARA)water priority chemicals'?
d. Is secondary containment provided for hazardous substances" designated in 40 ❑ Yes ❑ No ®'NIA
e. Are release valves on all secondary containment structures locked? ❑ Yes ❑ No NrN/A
15) Hazardous Waste:
a. Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? ❑ Yes VNo
b. Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator(less than 1000 kg.of hazardous waste ❑ Yes IKNo
generated per month) of hazardous waste? C CFSQ G
c. Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator(1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste ❑ Yes 2 No
generated per month) of hazardous waste?
If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information:
Type(s) of waste:
How is material stored:
Where is material stored:
How many disposal shipments per year:
Name of transport/disposal vendor:
Vendor address:
Footnotes to Questions 14)c. & d.
'Note that amounts below the 660-gallon (single) and 1,320-gallon (combined) bulk storage minimums require
secondary containment. However, some exceptions may be made for de minimis amounts of certain substances,
and/or other qualifiers, as described in the exemptions from reporting requirements of Title III SARA 313 in 40 CFR
"Note that amounts below the 660-gallon (single) and 1,320-gallon (combined) bulk storage minimums require
secondary containment. However, some exceptions may be made for amounts less than the Reportable Quantities
of the hazardous substances listed in 40 CFR§117.3.
Page 4 of 7
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
16) Other information: If you answer"Yes"to any of the following items,you might not be eligible for the
no exposure exclusion. A more in-depth evaluation of the site circumstances may be required.
a. Does your facility store used, recycled, or otherwise reclaimed pallets outside? ❑ Yes 2 No
b. Does your facility have coal piles on site? ❑ Yes VNo
c. Does your facility store other fuel sources outside in piles, such as wood chips, ❑ Yes L"No
sawdust, etc.?
d. Does your facility have air emissions associated with its industrial activity(e.g., Cl Yes M'No
degreasing operations, plating, painting and metal finishing)? If so,describe the
industrial activity:
e. If you answered yes to d., are those emissions permitted by an Air Quality Permit? ❑ Yes ❑ No R(N/A
Please specify:
f. Please list any other environmental program permits (federal, state,etc.) not
specified earlier in this application (such as Hazardous Waste Permits, etc.):
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Permit: Program:
Page 5 of 7
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
17) Certification:
I certify under penalty of law that 1 have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming a condition of"no
exposure"and obtaining an exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting.
I certify under penalty of law that there are no discharges of stormwater contaminated by exposure to industrial activities
or materials from the industrial facility or site identified in this document(except as allowed under 40 CFR 122.26(g)(2)).
1 understand that I am obligated to annually self re-certify No Exposure and, if requested,submit the re-certification to
DWQ or the operator of the local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4)into which the facility discharges(where
applicable). I understand that I must allow the North Carolina Division of Water Quality,or MS4 operator where the
discharge is into the local MS4,to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make such
inspection reports publicly available upon request_
In the event that the site no longer qualifies for a No Exposure Exclusion, I understand that I must obtain coverage under
an NPDES permit prior to any point source discharge of stormwater from the facility.Additionally, I certify under penalty of
law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my
inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information,the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true,accurate and complete. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.
I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief
such information is true,complete,and accurate.
Print d Name of P rson Sig ing:
r Title_ �?
kzDnz i gill
(Signature of Ap iicant) (Date Signed)
Please note: This application for the No Exposure Exclusion is subject to approval by the
NCDENR Regional Office prior to issuance. The Regional Office may inspect your facility for
compliance with no exposure conditions prior to that approval. The Regional Office may also
inspect your facility at any time in the future for compliance with the No Exposure Exclusion.
North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(i) provides that:
Any person who knowingly makes any false statement,representation,or certification in any application,record,report,plan,or other
document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article;or who knowingly makes a false
statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article;or who falsifies,tampers with,or knowingly
renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the
[Environmental Management]Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine
not to exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000).
There is currently no fee for a No Exposure Exclusion.
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S W LJ-N E-12Aug2010
NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification
Final Checklist
This application should include the following items:
I( This completed application and all supporting documentation.
d A map with the location of the facility clearly marked.
❑ If the site currently has an NPDES Stormwater Permit, be sure to indicate the permit number in Question 8.
Mail the entire package to:
Stormwater Permitting Unit
Division of Water Quality
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617
The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a No Exposure Exclusion.
For questions,please contact the DWO Regional Office for your area.
DWQ Regional Office Contact Information:
Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500
Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300
Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699
Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 ! 1le
Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481
Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215
Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 '
Central Office .........(919) 807-6300 ;;, ,
Wit ngton
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