HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03123_Well Construction - GW1_20240522 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For(normal Use ONLY: Thu form can M used for smirk or mudtipk net, 1.Well Contractor lrtformatkln: IL WATER ZONES Stefan Smith TOON to OItSSC'RIPTION Well C'orametor Name ft. it, R, ft, 3576A _ NC Well Contractor Ccni1 t,on NumberIS.OUTER CASING(for emelli-cated wells)OR LINER(if Ikaek) MOM TO ttlMlTFR TOKIO:TM NALTRIAI SAEDACCO 0 R. 14 ft. 2 in. SCH-40 PVC ('ampam Nang If.INNIIRC�.ASINGORTURING meadclswed-lospl FROM TO DIAMETER TUI(K FSS NA IF.RI Ai 2.Well Construction Permit II: 1000417 R. it. ie. -- —�— List a0 applicable wrll permits fir.Carron'. .am. Varese'[,Nitaion etc.) -- -.._.__. .__..�._._. R. R. rye• 3.%%ell I'm'trite&well use►: 17.SCRUM - lt Ater Supph V.dl: VRON Ttl DIAMETER 5IO iNt T ar T111(1t NV111141. UAgit�ulttital OMutnrclpal.PuhliC 14 ft. 29 R. 2 .010 SCH-40 PVC i (:]Geothermal II-bating/CoolingRipplII-bating/CoolingiRipply) OResidetxial Water Supply(single) fry R. in.) s I C]hidustria1 Commercial OResid nttal Water SupplyIL UT (��) FROMGRO !O MATERIAL E\Erl.l(EMOIT METHOD&AMOUNT El{motion It. ft Non-Water Supply Well: R. ft. —, ®Morutonne ❑Recover Injection'WO: rl.. rt. ❑Aquifer Recharge OGrou dmatcr Remcdiation L la-s.l\D I.RA\'LL PACK lit alyrlicabici `1kt1�i - 10 SistlStSI 1NIPIytt%n\TN1T1100 uikr Suxa c and Rceover ❑Salinity Barrier ______ 8 12 ft, : 29 fry, Sand 2 ❑Aquifer Tcsl 0Slommater Drainage R. ❑Evpcnmcraal 7cehitologs ❑Subsidcncc Control i lA1#&LIPIG LOG WM&alfillrYleArelsif acumen l OGeothemal(Closed Loopt ❑Tracer PROM TO 0ES[TNPT1ON'valor.l.wrder..,wdww-I,II pr.er..w..rr.rk. ❑Ge tlterrral(F eatinJCooling Return) OOthet(explain under S21 Remarks) 0 R. 17 R. Silt 17 fit. 29 ft, Sandy silt 4.Date Wells)Cimpkled: 4-25-24 Well ID/TMW-1 . . - . . -.. ft. II. 5a well Location: ►t. I I. MAY '' 2, C 024 Metropolitan Redevelopment ft. rt. Fades OnncrName Facrim IDS(if applicable! fry. ft !,lotion- I'`] a r,.',,,.. a!I.!I...*'• 1200 Metropolitan Ave., Charlotte, NC, 28204 R. fl, ' Plnsical Address.Cit..and Zip ' :1.RI:MARK.I' Mecklenburg Bentonite seal from 10 to 12' COmay Pre l ldk nl.f,C:d iou N.. I PI]I 5h.Latitude and Longitude in de1medini utes/seennds or decimal degrees: 22.('ertitkatien lit ell held.one halms a 0Jl'ekll) _. r 35.211639 N 80.836017 Iq• !' / i ""' 4/30/2024 Signal. of Cc,tied Well Contractor Dale 6.Is tare)the nell(t): 'Permanent or mTtmperan tl,elgniaat Mu fam t Irrmin rrrryy Mai thr.rrO,..l was I wren c'r.rtaniard or accordance with 1 SA NCAC O2C.0100 or 1 Sat,NCAC 02C,0200 Well(.',o ratn.ru Se uwlurd'rind rhwr a 7.Iva this a repair to an existing well: :Ycs or EINo rips of this rr con(has hem periled es the wr11 owner. If Mb to e tepaer,fill is r i,,,wa w rli X rn»ow tarn ntfamwrttat am/r%pla nil tie rnrare of due repair under Ill rewwarkr.rr,-rior,or.,n the hark of this fan... 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You nun use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of welly constructed: 1 consimction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. for multipie rukrrlon,r,N,NI-w'nter rwppt,urlh ONLY wail Ow unSe rtwrsrrirrkwt tr.w aver, vubrnir..,tr(orm. SUBMITTAI.INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 29 (NA 24a. Fur All Weller Submit this form within 11.1 days of completion of well f,,r mwlripir wrOil lot an deprht if dtperrnr 1<aamrph'-ft.i`IRt'[awl iO fiat', construction to the following,- Ill.Stalk water kvel below lip of easing: 19.8 (ItI Division of Water Resources,Information Processing l nit. If Hake lerel h abort.r,on,' n e-. 1617 Mail Service('eater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:8.25" (in,) 24b.for lnjlrtion Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abose. also submit a copy of this form within 10 days of conviction of well 12.Well ceotin.ctioe method:HSA couslruction to the following it C.auger.roan.cable.dined push ctc.l Division of Water Resources,IIndergnnend Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Serra ice(enter.Raleigh.SC 2 3t9')-16J6 24e.For Mater Supply R!nivelion Wells: IJa.Yiaid Iglini) Method of test: Also submit one copy of this faun 'Elton W day sofcompletionof IJb-Disinfection ripe Amount: well constnution to the county health deportment of the county'where constructed Form GW-t None Carolta=Deprannren of Ens mown sot Natural Resources-Division of w.wcr Rnottrt:es Re,teed August Ili I1