HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3231005_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240524 February 7,2023 Consulting Engineers Dkota Investments GEQSCIENCE 4848 Lemmon Avenue, Suite 622 GROUP Dallas,Texas 75219 Attention: Mr. Russell Leitch Reference: Report Of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Salisbury Property Salisbury,North Carolina Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV Geoscience Group, Inc. (Geoscience) has completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation for the referenced project. This work was performed in general accordance with Geoscience Proposal No. CH22.273P.CV. The purpose of this exploration was to determine the general subsurface conditions at the project site and to evaluate those conditions with regard to foundation support and site development. This report presents our findings along with our geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for design and construction of the project. SCOPE OF EXPLORATION Field Exploration: The subsurface exploration included the execution of eight (8) soil test borings (B-1 through B-8) at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Diagram, Drawing No. CH22.0177.CV-1, included in the Appendix. An engineer from Geoscience established the boring locations in the field using the February 15,2022,Site Plan, a hand held GPS unit and the existing site features as reference. The borings were extended to depths ranging between 10 and 50 feet below the ground surface using continuous-flight, hollow-stem augers. Drilling fluid was not used in this process. Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the soil test borings using an automatic hammer at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586-84. The Standard Penetration Test is used to provide an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split-spoon soil samples were recovered, placed in Ziploc® bags and returned to our laboratory for visual soil classification and laboratory testing. A brief description of the field testing procedures and copies of the Test Boring Records arc included in the Appendix. Elevations referenced in this report were interpolated from the Rowan County GIS Mapping Tool and should be considered approximate. Laboratory Services: The laboratory services provided for this project included visual classification of the soil samples b y the project geotechnical engineer. The color, texture and plasticity characteristics were used to identify each soil sample in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Sy stem (USCS). In addition, natural moisture content determinations were performed can select split-spoon soil samples to further explore the 500 Clanton Road Charlotte.North Carolina Telephone Facsimile NC License Suite K 28217 704.525.2003 704.525.2051 F-0585 Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 2 moisture conditions of the near-surface soils. The results of the visual classifications and natural moisture content determinations are presented on the Test Boring Records included in the Appendix. SITE The 3.74± acre project site (Rowan County Parcel ID No. 402CO21) is located on the north side of Corporate Center Drive, approximately 1,000± feet east of its intersection with Summit Park Drive in Salisbury,North Carolina. In addition, well-defined drainage features form the northern and western property boundaries. The project site is currently unoccupied with the surrounding goundcover consisting of dense brush and trees. Flowing water was observed in both drainage features and soft/saturated near-surface soils were observed at various locations across the site. The ground surface across the project site generally slopes downward from the south toward the north. A high elevation of approximately 773 feet (MSL) is located in the southern portion of the site, and a low elevation of approximately 757 feet (MSL) is present in the northwest corner of the property. SUBSURFACE FINDINGS The subsurface conditions at the project site, as indicated by the soil test borings, generally consist of residual soils which have formed from the in-place weathering of the underlying parent bedrock. The generalized subsurface conditions are described below and illustrated on the Generalized Subsurface Profile, Drawing Nos. CH22.0177.CV-2, included in the Appendix. For soil descriptions and general stratification at a particular boring location, the respective Test Boring Record should be reviewed. Groundcover: An upper layer of topsoil and roots was encountered in all the soil test borings. The thickness of the topsoil and roots is on the order of 1/2 to % foot. Also, it should be noted that the root mat of large trees can be quite extensive and normally extends a minimum of 2 to 3 feet below the ground surface. Residual Soils: Residual moderately to highly plastic silty CLAY soils were encountered beneath the topsoil in soil test borings B-1, B-2, B-6 and B-8 to a depth of approximately 21/2 feet below the ground surface. In addition, a moderately to highly plastic very silty CLAY soil extended to a depth of approximately 5%z feet in boring B-4. The Standard Penetration Test results within these residual CLAY soils range from 10 to 19 Blows Per Foot (BPF), and the natural moisture contents range from approximately 14% to 37% percent. The residual silty CLAY and very silty CLAY soils are depicted in orange on the Generalized Subsurface Profile. Residual sandy SILT and silty SAND soils are present beneath the topsoil and/or residual CLAY soils in all the soil test borings performed for this project. These residual SILT and SAND soils extend to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 27 feet below the ground Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 3 surface. The Standard Penetration Test results within these residual sandy SILT and silty SAND soils range from 9 to 58 BPF, and the natural moisture contents within the upper 5%2 feet of the subsurface profile range from approximately 9%3 to 203/percent. Partially Weathered Rock: Partially weathered rock was encountered in soil test borings B-1, B-3 and B-8 at the respective depths of 27, 12 and 5Y2 feet below the ground surface. These depths to partially weathered rock correspond to elevations ranging from 739 to 761%2 feet (MSL). For engineering purposes, partially weathered rock is considered any dense residual soil exhibiting a Standard Penetration Resistance value in excess of 100 BPF. When sampled, the partially weathered rock generally consists of silty SAND soils. The partially weathered rock is depicted in green on the Generalized Subsurface Profile. Auger Refusal: Auger refusal was encountered within residual soils in soil test boring B-3 at a depth of approximately 20 feet below the ground surface. This depth to auger refusal corresponds to an elevation of approximately 750 feet(MSL). Generally, auger refusal within residual soils is encountered within very dense partially weathered rock, at bedrock and/or on top of boulders and is indicative of materials which will likely require rock excavation techniques for their removal. Groundwater Observations: Groundwater measurements were attempted at the completion of each soil test boring and again prior to leaving the site on the last day of drilling. Groundwater was encountered in soil test borings B-1,B-2 and B-3 at depths ranging between 15 and 15%3 feet below the ground surface. These depths to groundwater correspond to elevations ranging from approximately 750% to 754% feet (MSL). No measurable groundwater was observed in any of the other soil test borings performed for this phase of the project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project will include the construction of a single-story building with a plan area of approximately 7,884 square feet. New pavements and a loading dock is planned for the north side of the building. The currently proposed site layout is shown on the Boring Location Diagram. The building construction will consist of a steel frame metal building with a concrete slab-on- grade floor system. The maximum wall and column loads are anticipated to be on the order of 5 kips per linear foot and 100 kips,respectively. Also,the floor slab loading is not anticipated to exceed 500 pounds per square foot. Finished grades are anticipated to be located within several feet of the current site grades. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The soil test borings performed at this site represent the subsurface conditions at the location of the borings only. Due to the prevailing geology, there can be changes in the subsurface conditions over relatively short distances that have not been disclosed by the results of the Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 4 borings performed. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that require special treatment or additional preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the project description outlined above and on the data obtained from our field and laboratory testing programs. Changes in the project or variations in the subsurface conditions may require modifications to our recommendations. Therefore, we will require the opportunity to review our recommendations in light of any new information and make the required changes. DISCUSSION Based on our review of the site and subsurface information collected for this project, the following special considerations with regard to site development are warranted. In addition, development of this site during the hotter summer months will likely reduce the effort and expense required to properly grade the site to the proposed grades. Near-surface moderately to highly plastic CLAY soils were encountered in soil test borings B-1, B-2, B-4, B-6 and B-8. Undesirable post-construction settlement and/or heave of the footings, floor slab and pavement systems could occur if these structural elements are placed directly over the near-surface residual CLAY soils. Therefore, the residual silty CLAY soils should be undercut to suitable soils and the resulting excavations backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. The foundations, floor slab and pavements can then be supported directly on the newly-placed structural fill or the suitable residual soils that will remain in- place. It may be possible to bridge the residual CLAY soils in the deeper fill areas of the site. Additional recommendations in this regard can be provided once the grading plan has been prepared. Partially weathered rock was encountered in soil test borings B-1, B-3 and B-8 at the respective depths of 27, 12 and 5% feet below the ground surface. In addition, auger refusal was encountered within residual soils in soil test boring B-3 at a depth of approximately 20 feet below the ground surface. Difficulties will be encountered while attempting to excavate these dense rock materials, particularly within utility trenches and other confined excavations. Further recommendations with regard to partially weathered rock and auger refusal are outlined in a separate, subsequent section of this report. Although not encountered in any of the soil test borings, alluvial soils may be present within the drainage features that form the northern and western property boundaries. Alluvial soils are typically unsuitable for direct support of any buildings, pavements, storm pipes and/or structural fill soils. Therefore, any alluvial soils encountered during site construction should be undercut and replaced with properly compacted structural fill. Further recommendations in this regard should be provided in the field by a qualified geotechnical engineer from our office once the site conditions have been revealed during construction. Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 5 PROJECT DESIGN Foundation Support: Provided the recommendations outlined herein are implemented, the proposed building can be adequately supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of spread footings that bear on suitable residual soils or on new, properly-compacted structural fill. A net allowable bearing pressure of up to 3,000 pounds per square foot(PSF)can be used for design of the foundations. The net allowable bearing pressure is that pressure which may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 16 and 24 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, "punching" type, shear failure. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be designed to bear at least 18 inches below finished grades for frost protection. The subgrade for each foundation excavation must be observed by an experienced geotechnical engineer from Geoscience or his authorized representative to verify the suitability of the bearing materials. As part of our observations, hand auger/penetrometer borings need to be performed in all foundation excavations. If soft or unsuitable soils are encountered, they would likely need to be undercut and backfilled with a select fill material suitable for the recommended bearing pressure. Additional recommendations for undercutting will be provided by an engineer from Geoscience as the need arises during foundation construction. Floor Slab Support: The proposed slab-on-grade floor system can be adequately supported on suitable residual soils or on new, properly-placed structural fill provided the site preparation and fill recommendations outlined herein are implemented. We recommend that the floor slab be structurally isolated from the building foundations to allow independent movement. Also, we recommend that a minimum 4 inches of ABC stone (or equivalent graded stone material) be placed immediately beneath the slab-on-grade floor system to provide a capillary barrier and to increase the load distribution capabilities of the floor slab system. Furthermore, the use of a moisture barrier should be considered to reduce the potential for moisture transmission through the slab. Proper curing techniques must be employed when using a moisture barrier to prevent uneven curing. Seismic Site Coefficient: Based on review of the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC) and the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings, a Site Class C can be used for seismic design. Below-Grade Walls: The below-grade walls should be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures from the back ill and supported soils. Additionally, the wall structures should be designed to resist the lateral components of surcharge loads occurring within a zone defined by a plane extending up at a 45 degree angle from the base of the wall. If the walls are not drained, they should be designed to withstand full hydrostatic pressures. Alternatively, the buildup of hydrostatic pressures could be precluded by specifying a free-draining fill material immediately adjacent to the wall systems,with a gravity-driven subdrainage system at the base of the walls. Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 6 As an alternative to the free-draining fill material adjacent to the below-grade walls, a suitable man-made drainage material may be used. Examples of suitable materials include Mira Drain or TerraDrain. All drainage board systems should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and connected to the perimeter drainage system. The onsite SILT soils, SAND soils and weathered rock materials are suitable for backfill behind the below-grade walls provided they are properly compacted at the appropriate moisture content. Heavy CLAY soils should not be used as backfill for the below-grade walls. The following estimated soil parameters can be used to compute the lateral earth pressures associated with a level backfill that consists of the onsite suitable soils (or similar soils). In addition, it should be noted that these lateral earth pressures only include the weight of the backfill, and do not account for any applied surcharge loads that may be present behind the walls. 1. K.=0.50 At-rest Earth Pressure Coefficient (Non-Yielding Walls) 2. IC.=0.33 Active Earth Pressure Coefficient (Yielding Cantilevered Retaining Walls) 3.y= 115 PCF Moist Soil Unit Weight(Pounds Per Cubic Foot) Sliding resistance on the base of concrete footings for the retaining walls can be calculated using the friction factor,Tan 6=0.35. Exterior Pavements: Design of the project pavements was beyond the scope of services provided by Geoscience for this phase of the project. A properly designed pavement system should be based on laboratory testing of the future subgrade soils and on anticipated traffic volumes and loading conditions. However, suitable residual soils or properly compacted structural fill can provide adequate support for a pavement structure designed for the appropriate subgrade strength and traffic characteristics. All pavement subgrades should be prepared in accordance with the site preparation and fill recommendations provided in this report. Also, the subgrade and pavement surface must be sloped to a suitable outlet to provide positive subsurface and surface drainage. Water within the base course layer and ponded on the pavement surface can lead to softening of the subgrade and other problems that will result in accelerated deterioration of the pavement system. Cut And Fill Slopes: Permanent cut slopes within residual soils and properly compacted structural fill slopes should be no steeper than 2%(H):1(V) and should be properly seeded and/or protected to minimize erosion. For maintenance purposes, the permanent slopes may need to be flattened to allow access to mowing equipment. Temporary slopes in confined or open excavations should perform satisfactorily at inclinations of 1(H):1(V). However, if soft/saturated soil conditions or groundwater are encountered within the excavations, then flatter slopes, shoring and/or dewatering will be required. Also, the face of all temporary slopes should be properly protected and all excavations should conform to applicable OSHA regulations. Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 7 For permanent slopes less than 5 feet in height,the future building and pavement limits should be offset a minimum five(5)horizontal feet from the crest of the slope. For permanent slopes that are 5 or more feet in height, the future building should be offset a minimum horizontal distance equal to the slope height. Appropriately sized ditches should run above and parallel to the crest of all permanent slopes to divert surface runoff away from the slope face. To aid in obtaining proper compaction on the slope face, all fill slopes must be overbuilt with properly compacted structural fill and then excavated back to the proposed grades. Traversing the slope face with a bull dozer does not constitute proper compaction of the slope face. Also, any fill placed in sloping areas must be properly benched into the adjacent soils. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION Site Preparation: The site preparation activities should include the removal of any organic material,highly plastic CLAY soils and other soft or unsuitable soils from within the proposed construction limits. All existing utilities should be removed and relocated, as required, and the resulting excavations backfilled with suitable compacted fill. Any other remaining excavations should also be backfilled with properly compacted structural fill. Proper subgrade preparation in advance of fill placement and at design grade in cut areas will be critical for this project. Exposed subgrade soils that are near fmal site grades and areas that will receive structural fill should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer by observing proofrolling with a loaded tandem-axle dump truck. The proofrolling should include two passes over the subgrade at walking speed. Any areas that are loose or soft, or that are observed to rut, pump or deflect during the proofrolling should be repaired. Shallow test pits should be performed to better identify areas needing repair. Possible repair measures include aerating, drying and compacting the subgrade soils prior to proofrolling or over-excavating and backfilling with geotextile/geogrid and select stone material. The magnitude and type of repairs will be dependent upon the time of year and type of construction(e.g.,pavement areas, slab-on-grade structures, etc.), and will need to be determined in the field by a qualified engineer from our office once the site conditions have been revealed during construction. Groundwater: Groundwater was encountered in soil test borings B-1, B-2 and B-3 at depths ranging between 15 and 15%3 feet below the ground surface. No measurable groundwater was observed in any of the soil test borings performed for this phase of the project. Based on the anticipated finished grades, it does not appear that permanent dewatering will be required for the project. However, once the final site grades have been determined, Geoscience should review this information to determine if additional recommendations with regard to permanent dewatering are required. Temporary groundwater control may be required for deeper stormwater and sanitary sewer pipes, and while site grading in close proximity to the well-defined drainage features. In addition, perched water conditions are common and the contractor should be prepared to control any water that enters onsite excavations. Temporary groundwater control measures include sump areas, diversion trenches and/or filtered tieiich drains that discharge to suitable outlet areas. Additional groundwater problems, if encountered, should be addressed in the field by a qualified geotechnical engineer. Dkota Investments Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 8 Difficult Excavation: The results of our subsurface exploration indicate that the majority of the onsite soils at the locations of and within the depths of the borings can be excavated with conventional construction equipment. However, partially weathered rock was encountered in soil test borings B-1, B-3 and B-8 at the respective depths of 27, 12 and 51/2 feet below the ground surface. In addition, auger refusal was encountered within residual soils in soil test boring B-3 at a depth of approximately 20 feet below the ground surface. Also, the depth to partially weathered rock and bedrock can vary significantly over relatively short horizontal distances, and conditions such as boulders,rock lenses,partially weathered rock and mass rock can be encountered between the boring locations. For partially weathered rock encountered above the finished grades, a D-8 or similar size dozer equipped with a steel tooth ripper may be required to loosen these materials prior to their removal. In addition, for removal of dense soils and partially weathered rock within deep utility and other confined excavations, a Caterpillar 335 or similar size backhoe equipped with rock teeth may be required. If blasting or other rock excavation techniques are required to remove very hard or very dense materials, we recommend that it be performed by a qualified blasting contractor prior to the start of building construction. Fill Material And Placement: All fill used for the project should be free of organic matter and debris with a low to moderate plasticity(Plasticity Index less than 35). The fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 698). Any excavated rock materials that cannot be adequately broken down to pieces smaller than 4 inches in any dimension will need to be placed in non-structural areas or hauled offsite. We recommend that moisture control limits, with respect to the optimum moisture content,be established for the proposed fill soils prior to the start of site grading. In addition, any fill soils placed wet of the optimum moisture content must remain stable under heavy pneumatic-tired construction traffic. The residual highly plastic CLAY soils are unsuitable for use as structural fill. As a result, consideration should be given to hauling these materials offsite,placing them in non-structural areas or placing them is designated borrow pits. Additional recommendations with regard to borrow pits can be provided at your request. The remaining residual soils and weathered rock materials generally appear suitable for use as structural fill. However, some moisture modification (drying and/or wetting) of the onsite soils will be required. The soil plasticity and weather conditions encountered during project construction will influence the type, extent and difficulty associated with obtaining the required moisture modification. All fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches loose thickness and should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its Standard Proctor maximum dry density, unless otherwise stipulated by the civil engineer. For isolated excavations around the footing locations, behind retaining walls or within utility excavations, a hand tamper or walk-behind roller will likely be required. While using a hand tamper or walk-behind roller, the maximum Dkota Investments Consulting Engineers Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV February 7,2023 Page 9 lift thickness (loose) should not exceed 5 inches. We recommend that field density tests be GEoSCIENCE performed on the fill as it is being placed, at a frequency determined by an experienced GROUP geotechnical engineer,to verify that proper compaction is achieved. Footing Construction: Bearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather; saturation of the onsite soils can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. If construction occurs during inclement weather, and concreting of the foundation is not possible at the time it is excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on the bearing surface for protection_ Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrades. CLOSURE Geoscience appreciates having had the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you have any questions concerning this report,please contact us. ,\\‘�(N CA R /i Respectfully, �� Q� -i•S•-., 0e ;.. GEOSCIENCE •�,+t', I Cr y�y EA „,/ Ru14 �. Senior Engineer' Oi�M A. RUFF\\\� North Carolina I: ense o i46603 Daniel A. Mickney, '.E. Senior Vice President North Carolina License No. 4977 Enclosures File:P:/Work Files/Geotechf2022/0177 Salisbury Property/geotechnical report APPENDIX Boring Location Diagram Generalized Subsurface Profile Investigative Procedures Test Boring Records \. \--7-____7.1 .------'''.*.- ------------------ -- N �� - _ '. 7 — --______1\ A / \ CE - -Th --.. ..... d 1- \ T i .., , „„ ,. \_, 1 1 --------------------',---1----______„\_ ,.... __— \ x________ ______..., 1 B 4 ASPHALT Pe►,yC ``` 1 ( \ / ) a po , B_5 ( \ 4 r:_-s I A. \ 1 4/ 1 5 S V. \ ' iii i till� EASED - / -,,, _, i ( B-6 ‘ \ \ i -43-7 \' .....00 .....„,"N. \ PA \ ACL C �.$8 ._ B_2 ■ r fltrIAL 118 ■VE t \ y keT $ S ni i A EHpUSE 5 Z . 17 �� � ,. 790 SF �►:. t �:' �FF1F _ a `� IL ciAtict-----441.1-7..„ 0 a a50 , .r* . ei /1) � ' as "--- 00//—**s‘fr CQo ' \ \ il 00.....\e„......,c, ( I/ /1:7 \ ' SALISBURY PROPERTY SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA �� T O BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM GE_SCIENCE : Ly DRAWING NO. CH22,0177.CV-1 GRO APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1" =45' ii - PMATE BORINION 7r 6 __...i \ 1 www.geoscienceg rou p,com (ELEV. _ PAVED AREAS - BUILDING PAD -- \ 780 B-3 BLOW 770 COUNT B-8 Bcou r B-I mow B-2 e�ow 0.0� 14 B-6 coura � r ow B-7 BLOWr 0.0 f"1 15 0.0 COUNT 0.0 19 3.0 19 B-4 mow B-5 BLOW 0.0 18 0.0I II 9 EL.761.5' 2.51 18 2.5 , f. 14 2.5 - 19 5.5 21 COUNT 760 0.01 15 0.0I I I 5 Nr 2.5111 31 3.0 47 5..'• . 50/0.4 21 = 21 20 8.0:.:.r 38 3.Q 5.5• 51 5.5 15 8.0•.•. 32 8.0 17 8.0- 20 12.0 J EL.758' 5.510 5.5 f •f 26 40 8.0111 9 10.0 I 16 _ 14.9' 50/0.2 19 •• • 35 10.0 10.0 a 15.3 12.0 EL.752.1' B.T. 100" 4- 27 1a011f 25 B.T. B.T. NGWE . 17 EL. 750.7' - 25 17.0 15.3' 750 NGWE NGWE = 20.0 50/0.0 EL, 754.7' B.T. B.T. 17.0- - 35 NGWE NGWE 23 20.0 A.R. EL. 750' 22.0•.•. B.T. • • 58 740 27.0 EL 739' 50/0.4 730 50/0.1 37.0 50/0.3 42.0 720 50/0.1 50.0 50/0.1 B.T. 710 LEGEND .' Silty CLAY 1 11 1' Clayey SILT/Sandy SILT 1•.•.•.•1 Silty SAND • Weathered Rock %f/l/ Very Silty CLAY GEOSCIENCE GROUP, INC. � DRAWN BY: LL APPROVED BY VERTICAL: AS SHOWN -Water Table-1 HR. = DATE: 212123 (4) 4A HORIZONTAL: N.T.S. -Water Table-24 HR. / -Loss of Drilling Water -Cavern Depth SALISBURY PROPERTY B.T. -Boring Terminated A.R. -Auger Refusal C.T. -Coring Terminated SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWING NUMBER NGWE -No Groundwater Encountered WOH -Weight Of Hammer GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE CH22.0177.CV-2 GEOSCIENCE GROUP,INC. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES Salisbury Property Geoscience Project No. CH22.0177.CV Page 1 Of 1 FIELD Soil Test Borings: Eight (8) soil test borings (B-1 through B-8) were drilled at the approximate locations shown on the attached Boring Location Diagram, Drawing No. CH22.0177.CV-1. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586-84. The borings were advanced with hollow-stem, continuous-flight augers and, at standard intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch(3.6cm)I.D.,2-inch(5.1cm)O.D., split-tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches (15.2cm) to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional 12 inches (30.5cm) with blows of a 140 pound (63.5kg) hammer falling 30 inches (76.2cm). The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches (30.5cm) was recorded and is designated the "Standard Penetration Resistance" (N-Value). The Standard Penetration Resistance, when properly evaluated,is an index to soil strength,density and ability to support foundations. Representative portions of each soil sample were placed in sealed containers and taken to our laboratory. The samples were then examined by an engineer to verify the driller's field classifications. Test Boring Records are attached indicating the soil descriptions and Standard Penetration Resistances. LABORATORY Moisture Content: The moisture content is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of the water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the solid particles. These tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM Designation D 2216-66. The test results are presented on the attached Test Boring Records. 'RO.R1'.3G NO B- TEST DATE DKr ED 1123123 DRILLING CONIRAc IOR cO2.. _�----_ BORING GEOSCIENCE 1013 NO C1122.0177.CV -_--- _ RECORD? GROUP, INC. \PRo1Ec r. JAI MILEY R'EoYEhlY DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 766.0± Content Count _ 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 too 0.5_Topsoil And Roots 765.5 Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Medium To Fine Sandy Silty CLAY With Large To Fine 14 • Roots- Residual _ 2.5 Note: Sample Moist 763.5 Very Stiff Olive-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 15.9% 21 17 8.0 758.0 Very Stiff Olive-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT Note: Samples Moist 16 • 17 • 15.3' 17.0 749.0 Very Stiff Olive-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 23 • i - 22.0 744.0 _ Very Dense Olive-Brown And Tan Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND I� 58 • 27.0 739.0 Continued Next Page BORPNG AND SAMPLING MEETS ASIMD-1586 1_1 PRESSLRLMEIER ITST WATER TABLE- HR CORE DRILLING MEETS MINI M D-2113 1501% ROCK C ORI'RECON I RY WATER r IDLE-l HR. 'PENETR.AT ION IS THE'WITHER OF BLOW' OF A 140 LB (63 5kg) 41 LOSS OF ORLI.TING WATER 1111. I CAN FAN DEPTH HA%IMER k AILING 30 Lk(76 2cm)RL;QUIRED TO DRIVL A 14 IN on Imam'Of R At1IMF.R PAGE 1 of 2 \13 6.,m)1.D.SAMPL R]FL(30.5cm) CBOT:Mi.No _Li DATE DRUID .4i __._. TEST DRILLING CaNIMACTOR SSA_ .. .. BORING GEOSCIENCE rOB NO c1172.0117.CV RECORD GROUP PROJECT } . .rSui' �I�PE;R'I , INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 27.0 (continued) 739.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Olive-Brown,Tan And Grey Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 50/0.4 • 50/0.1 • 37.0 729.0 Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Grey Silty Coarse To Fine SAND With Rock Fragments 50/0.3 • 42.0 724.0 Partially Weathered Rock- No Sample Recovery 50/0.1 • 50.0 716.0 50/0.1 • Boring Terminated BORING AND SMUT LNG ME I IS AVM D-1586 ] PRESSURE .IER T S'IT ` WAIER TAKE-24 AR CORE DRILLING MII:ETS AS I M D-2113 150 °4 ROCK CORE RECO%Mt WATER CABLE-1 HR. 'PENETRATION IS'IRE NUMBFR OF BLOWS OF A 140 LB.(63.5k ) A LAS&OF DRILLING LStG W Al ER NM I CAVE-IN DEPTH ff4M VIFR FAL LING 30 I1N..t76.2im)REQL1RED'TO DRIVE 4.1.4 PNi. Won v1man.OF Roam PAGE 2 of 2 `13 6cm)I D.SANIPI ER 1 FL(30.5e1n) 13i ZI Ct NO 11-2 DATE DP ILU.D 1/23/23 _/ TEST 13R1111NG CON IRACIOR.. BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO. c1122.017 .cT�„_ --- RECORD GROUP, INC. 02O1E,CT S.r1,.[...SELRY PRWERTY_ DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 767.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5_Topsoil And Roots , 766.5 Very Stiff Olive-Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Silty CLAY With Large To 37.8% 19 Fine Roots- Residual 2.5_Note: Sample Very Moist _ 764.5 Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 20.7% 20 21 I 8.0 759.0 • Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT • Note:Sample Moist 20 12.0 755.0 - Very Stiff To Hard Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 254\ 14.9' 1\11 I . 20.0 747.0 35 Boring Terminated BORING '>,IVDSANIPIINGSIEF;is 4SCM1ID-1586 _ _ PRESS IiRFME11RT1"S1 = '\A1FRrABLE-24HR CORE DRILLING MEE1S ASiM D-2113 1501 a ROCK CORT RECO4FRV W.ILR TABLE-1 IiR. ''PENETRATION IS TIFF'1TMBLR OF BLOWS OF.A 140 LB.(63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER • I C VVF-IN DFPIII HAIVINIFR FALLING 30 IN (76.2 m)RFQLIRFD TO DRIVE A IA IN. .c01 WEIGHT OF RANDIER PAGE 1 Of 7\(3.6cm)I.D.SAMPLER 1 FL(30.5em) - J 1BORINO NO B-3 >JAII DRILLEDii TEST DRILLING CON rR.. CI t. Scxz BORING GEOSCIENCE FOR NO. .0177.CV RECORD GROUP, INC. DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 770.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5_Topsoil And Roots 769,5 Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Large To Fine 18.6% 14 • Roots-Residual 3.0 767.0 Very Stiff Brown,Tan And Grey Clayey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 20.3% 19 5.5 764.5 Very Stiff Brown,Tan And White Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 21 r 8.0 762.0 Dense Brown And Tan Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 38 • 12.0 758.0 _ Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Grey Silty Coarse To Fine SAND With Rock Fragments 50/0.2 • 15.3' 17.0 753.0 Partially Weathered Rock-No Sample Recovery 20.0 750.0 Auger Refusal 50/0.0 - • BORING AND SAMPLING MELTS.4STAID-I586 1.11 PRL&SUREMF.T1R TES I = WAXER TABLE-24HR CORE.DR1I.LL'VC MEETS?Ib'I M1I D-21 i3 I5o1u ROCK CORE ItLCOVERI WAXER FABLE-1 HR 'PL1 i:1Ri 1ION IS THE NUMBER OF BLOM S OF 140 LB.(63 5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER - I CAVE-Pi DEPTH R AMMER I:%L•GiNG 30 L1.(76.2em)REQUIRED TO DRIVE' 41.4 IN. WOH NTrIGH 1 OF RA?h1M1I1 R PAGE of `(3.(em)LD.$4 4FLLR 1 FT (30—gem) (BORING NO _ Dt IEDRILL _ �_.. _ _.__ TEST DRILI.INCI CO�C IOR _cqL__ __ BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO C 122.0111.CY ....P.�c S, rLR . Q 1,131 _.__ _ CC?RC GROUP, INC, DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 761.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 Bo 100 0.5_Topsoil And Roots 7$0.5 Stiff Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Very Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 14.5% 15 Residual 19.6% 10 5.5 755.5 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 19 • 8.0 753.0 Very Firm Brown And Tan Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 10.0 751.0 27 + Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered - i BORING 'AND S.%MPLBGMEI•IS.ASIMD-15$6 L . PRESSt'm win Es =_-= AAIER TABLE-24AR1 f ORE DRILL PNG MEETS A51 M D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY A A1ER TABLE-1 BR. PENETRATION IS TILE NLImIBF.R OT BLOAS OF S 140 LB (63 5kg) 11 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER • I C4VE-IN DEPTH Ii kMMLR FALl-.ING 30 IN.(76.2cm)RrQLIRED T O DRrs L A 1.4 IN %oft WCIGH I OF ii4'1LNIER \f3 6cm)I D.S�MPL ER 1 FI (30.5cm) PAGE 1 of 1 a r; NO B-s TEST DATL URLLL D 1124/23„.� nu LNG(*ON IRAc'IOR _C: _.. BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO CB22.tl1fi7.t'V RECORD GROUP, INC. \,PROJE `T` JSBLRX YRQ .8r DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 761.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0 8 Topsoil And Roots 760.2 Stiff Brown,Tan And White Coarse To Fine Sandy Clayey SILT With Fine Roots- 17.6% 15 • Residual 3.0 758.0 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Very Sandy SILT 9.3% 26 +♦ 5.5 755.5 Dense Brown,Tan And White Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 35 • 8.0 753.0 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Medium To Fine Sandy SILT 10.0 751.0 25 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND SAMPLING MEEIS ABM D-1586 177_1 PRI.SSIRFMET I R TEST = R 4.TF'R TABLE-24 RR CORI'DR.iiT.iti!MEETS AS I M D-2113 15016,10 ROCK CORE RFCON ERV =_ ' VI A TER CABLE-1 HR -PENETRATION IS THE NLMBF.ROI'BLOWS OF.A 140 LB (63.54) 1 LOSS OF DRILLLNG V►,ATLR an I CAVE-IN DEPTH HAMMER FALLING 30 Di.(76 2cm)REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 1.A 1N. woa v F IGH T'O1 H AWLMFR PAGE I Of 1 - `{3.6cm)LD.SAMPLER 1 FT.(30.5cmi i3ORINGNO B-6 • D.T DRu1 ED 1f24123 � TEST DRU r (ONIR stOOR C62 BORING GEOSC1ENCE cos NO. _c.1122.e177.Ccr �- RECORD GRIP, INC.`PKQ3I'C I, . cs i OPERn Y DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 765.0+ Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5,Topsoil And Roots - _764.5 Very Stiff Olive-Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 31.9% 18 Residual 2.5 Note:Sample Moist 762.5 _Note: Brown,Tan And Black Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 14.3% 31 • 5.5 759.5 Dense And Very Dense Brown And Tan Very Silty Coarse To Fine SAND - 51 10.0 755.0 40 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered /BORING CND SAMPLING MEETS.AS'IM D-E586 PRL SSUREMETRR TEST = u ATFR T'BLE-24 HR. CORE DRILLING!fI l+1 S 451111 D-2113 1501% ROCK CORE RECOVERY =27 W ATFR FABLE-1 HR. °PENFIRi11ON IS THE NUMBER OI: BIoWs or 140 LB (63.5kg) 4 LOSS OF DRILLING WATER 1 CAVE-IN DEPTH IL441113I PALLING 30 EN (762cm)REQI•IIRE D TO DRIVE 41.4 IN. WOR %TIGHT OF HASIME.R PAGE 1 of 1 •.{3.5c.m)LD.S 4.MPI ER 1 FI.(30.5cm) ONO B-7 eDxu D i ii3 TEST MUM CONTRACTOR. _CG2 _- BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO c'1122.0177.cV,._P RECORD GROUP,�R.oJEc T. S ISBUR P OI. �_ , INC.- DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION - BLOW COUNT* 0.0 765.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5.,Topsoil And Roots , 764.5 Stiff Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT With Large To Fine Roots- 17.5% 9 Residual 3.0 762.0 Hard Brown And Tan Clayey Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT With Quartz Pieces 16.9% 47 • 5.5 759.5 Firm Tan And Grey Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 15 • 8.0 757.0 Stiff Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT With Rock Fragments Note: Sample Moist 10.0 755.0 9 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered • BORING.AND SAMPLING MEETS ASTM D-1SSo (=] PRESSL REMRI'FR FFS1 -T V1 1TLR IABLE-24 HR CORE I)RII I I NG MEETS AS TM D-2113 1501% ROCk CORE RECO%ERY R AT"FR TABLE-1 HR. PFNFIRAEION IS T E NUMBER OI BLOWS Of A 140 LB.(63 5kg) / LOSS OF DRILLING WATER - I CAVE-IN DEPTH HAMMER FALLING 30 LN.(76 2cm)RFQLIRL=D TO DR1\F A 14 IN. w;oi WEIGHT OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of 1 `(3.6cm)1 D SAMPLER 11°I (30.Scm) (-BORNCt NO B-$ TEST DATE.DRILLED 1/24/23 _ _ DRIIl ING C ONTRA.CIOR CG? BORING GEOSCIENCE JOB NO 0ll2 .o177.C-4 RECORD GROUP, PROF,C f SALISBU'RY PRO.PF<RTY INC. J DEPTH, FT. DESCRIPTION Elev. Moisture Blow • PENETRATION -BLOW COUNT* 0.0 767.0± Content Count 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0.5_Topsoil And Roots _766.5 Stiff Brown And Grey Coarse To Fine Sandy Silty CLAY With Fine Roots- 16.6% 15 • Residual 2.5 764.5 Very Stiff Brown And Tan Coarse To Fine Sandy SILT 16.2% 18 • 5.5 761.5 Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown And Tan Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 50/0.4 • 8.0 759.0 Dense Brown And Tan Silty Coarse To Fine SAND 10.0 757.0 32 • Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered BORING AND AND SAMPLING.MEI IS %SIM D-1586 PRI SSLRLIvIL;I ER[FS1 _ WATER I ABLE-24 AR CORK DRILLING MEETS ASTM D-2113 1501% ROCS CORERCCOVIRA WATER LAW r-1HR *PENFTR 11 ION IS TEl NUMBER OF BLOM S OF.A 140 I (63 5kg) 41 LOSS OF DRILLNG%ATER • 1 CAVE-IN DEPTH II iMMI:R F 1L I ING 30 IN.(76.2cm)RLQI'lRED IO DRIV E A 1.41N *OIL RT IGII F OF HAMMER PAGE 1 of `(3 6cm)I D.SAMPLER 1 F7.(30.5cm)