HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232918_Contact Update Request (Correction)_20240515 Georgoulias, Bethany
From: Georgoulias, Bethany
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 1:20 PM
To: Niemann, Holly Elizabeth
Cc: Robert Wylie; Lawyer, Mike
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Modification Confirmation - Contact Update Changes
Hi, Holly,
Thanks so much for reaching out. I goofed when I did this one! I was working through so many of those,that I
missed updating the name along with the rest of the information. It got overlooked when the contact confirmation
email went out, probably because the recipients were getting several of these notices too. I am sorry about that!
I will correct it and forward you the confirmation.
By the way,we still have several legally responsible person updates pending for Duke projects that haven't been
done yet—we straddling our time between tasks in our current system and helping developers with the new one,
and these take a little longer than the regular Mods to process.
Georgoulias, Bethany
From: laserfiche,ncdenr,gov rnccicloud-ic
Sent: Wed nesday. April 24. 2024 4:25 PM
To: Eric,Szkolnyj@duke-energy.com; kenneth.McKinney@duke-energy,com
cc: Georgoulia5, Bethany; Hvlloman, Tevye L
Subject: [External] Construction SW Permit Contact Information Update for NCC232918
CAUTION; External ern ail. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified, Report suspicious emaiIs with the Report Me
button IDrated on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab,
This email is to notify you that contact information has been updated for Allen North Starter Landfill
Construction, Operation and Closure, under COC No. NCC 32918. You can rev ew the information
the permit folder in ourLaser#iche Repository.
The following contact information is now associated with this permit record. If anything is in error,
please contact Bethany Gecrgoulias at bet hany-georgoulias deq.nc gov-
Legally Responsible Individual
Medhi Maibodi �
Eric.Szkolnyi duke-energy.cum
( 80) 373-7144
(Mailing Address) 525 S Tryon Street, , Charlotte, NC, 27202, US
(Street Address) 525 S Tryon Street, , Charlotte, NC, 27202, United States
Best regards,
Bethany Georgoulias(she/her)
Environmental Engineer,Stormwater Program
DEMLR Laserfiche Administrator
Division of Energy, Mineral,and Land Resources
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
919 707 3641 office
512 N.Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 (location)
1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (mailing)
Website: httl2://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater
From: Niemann, Holly Elizabeth <Holly.Niemann@duke-energy.com>
Sent:Wednesday, May 15, 2024 1:00 PM
To: Georgoulias, Bethany<bethany.georgoulias@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Niemann, Holly Elizabeth <Holly.Niemann@duke-energy.com>; Robert Wylie<robert.wylie@erm.com>
Subject: [External] RE: Modification Confirmation
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Hi Bethany! Hoping I can get your help on something.A Legally Responsible change form was recently submitted for
NCC232918 moving the individual from Mehdi Maibodi to Eric Szkolnyj. It looks like a confirmation e-mail was received
(below) on 4/24/24, however, the systems I can access still show Mehdi Maibodi.Just wanted to make sure the change
went through?
Certificate of NCC232918
Coverage(COC)No.* Enb,,me C rar�oaee of Go—mge Number(use oapitA li
2020 Annual Fee Status 2021 Annual Fee Status 2022Annual Fee Status
May be blank iF WA May be blank if WA play be blank If hL'A
2023 Annual Fee Status 2024 Annual l Fee Status
May be blank if WA May be blank if WA
Information associated with this permit:
Project Name Allen North Starter Landfill Construction,Operation and Closure
Address 253 Plant Allen Road,Belmont,NC
County Gaston
Latitude 351898
Longitude -81.0008
Permittee Listed Duke Energy Carolinas LLC
Legally Responsible MedhiMai bad i
NC Reference No. N0001-2023-2918
E&SC Plan I❑ GASTO-2024-004
Original NOI Tracking 161067
Date CDC Issued x 04101f2024
Prior Rescission Date
This field will populate only if CDC has already been rescinded.
From: laserfiche.ncdenr.gov@mccicloud.io<laserfiche.ncdenr.gov@mccicloud.io>
Sent:Wednesday, April 24, 20244:26 PM
To: Eric.Szkolnyi@duke-energy.com
Cc: bethany.georgoulias@deg.nc.gov; mehdi.maibodi@duke-energy.com; kenneth.McKinney@duke-energy.com;
Robert Wylie<robert.wvlie@ERM.com>
Subject: Modification Confirmation
This e-mail is to notify you that the modification information for COC No. NCC232918 for the project Allen North Starter
Landfill Construction, Operation and Closure that you submitted on 4/18/2024 has been added to the permit file records
as of 4/24/2024.
Modification Reason: Legally Responsible Individual and/or Site Contact Has Changed
Additional Details(if provided):
You can find all Construction COC Permit files in our Document Repository here.
Questions? Please contact The NC Stormwater Program at(919) 707-3640.
Be sure to add laserfiche.ncdenr.g-ovCoDmccicloud.io to your contacts to avoid future e-mails about this
application from going into Spam filters.
The NC DEMLR Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street,Archdale Building 6th Floor, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
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