HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130477 Ver 3_email to attorney_20160126Wanucha, Dave From: Wanucha, Dave Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5;14 PM To: 'Jennifer Fountain' Cc: Henry Isaacson Subject: RE; Skeet Club Road, High Point, NC U-3615AB � Apparently our server �annot send huge files, If you �li�k on the Proje�t Number link below, you will find everything we have on the proje�t ar�hived in our laserfi�he database, The most re�ent entries are in version 3, The permits and appli�ations are in versions 1 and 2, If you need anything further please let me know, � �� . M ��.MM .��w� M.,��� �� � ���li�w kM � �1 . . �� . �� w �� w �� M. �w � � w�. � � � �r � . �� � � r. r. y� y s Proje�t Number: 130477 Portal (if link does not workf , �ttp.:�./..porta.l.er�c�e.�r..or�/�e�a.��.q./..la.se.rfiic�.e �. 1 � � . ' � . �� .� � . � 1 � . � � , l� . � � i � � �i � �� : 1. . . �� 1l� r . '��.� , i , '�. !! � , i. es � f.. .. . . , h .. .s .... � �fllk;d�l �VI14r�7�VIlU4rfl�4r �V �dll� II VII�I ����7 �dWWl4r�7�7 ��7 �7��Akd�4rW�� �V ��4r '�iVl�� 1„6�;dlVl�flk"d I������,Akd��� k���\4rB�rVIW�71��;dlflf �;dll� fllk;d�f kd4r W��7B�rIV�74rW �V ���IW ��dl��4r��� From: Jennifer Fountain [cnailto:jfountain@iislaw,�ocn] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:45 PM To: Wanu�ha, Dave <dave,wanu�ha@n�denr,gov> Cc: Henry Isaa�son <hisaa�son@iislaw,�ocn> Subject: Skeet Club Road, High Point, NC U-3615AB Dave, Thanks for speaking with us today, Please forward cne a �opy of the appli�ations and percnits for this proje�t, Thank you, Jennifer N, Fountain, Esq, jfc�urltairl(%iislaw.cc�rtl Isaa�son Isaa�son Sheridan Fountain & Leftwi�h, LLP 804 Green Valley Road Suite 200 Greensboro, NC 27408 Dire�t (ine: 336-609-5136 Main (ine: 336-275-7626 Fax: 336-273-7293 www,iislaw,�om ��� Please note new address, �5c�c��"��I� ��"i�r��'��i� ������'�"��1 �"��1,1'��i����,,, ���������V��°�r ➢.l,la, �a Con�dentiality note� The iofocmalion iransmitted in ihis e-mail message (inoluding any a000mpanying attaohmenis) is iniended io be oonfideniial and pnvileged if ihe reoipieni of ihis message is noi ihe iniended reoipieni or reoeived ihe message io error, you are hereby noiified ihai any reienlion, disseminalion, disolosure, disidbulion or oopy ofihis message is sinoily prohibiied In ihai eveni, please ooniaoi ihe sender immediaiely and deleie ihe onginal and all oopies ofihis iransmission (inoluding any aliaohmenis) wiihoui reading orsaving io any manner Thank you Draft Attaehment Diselaimer: If a drafi dooumeni is attaohed io this email, please noie thai in an effor� io expediie the dooumeni review prooess, the attaohed is being fon�arded io you withoui pdor review by others who musi review ii A000rdingly, the attaohed is expressly subjeoi io fu�her modifioalion Forthe proieoiion of all par�ies, the preparalion, revision or delivery of the attaohed for examinalion and disoussion shall io no eveni be deemed io be an offer or an obligalion, bui shall be merely pa� of the negolialions among the pa�ies No pa�y shall have any obligalion or liabiliiy io another whaisoever ai laworin equiiy (inoluding withoui limiialion, any olaims fordeinmenial relianoe, parlial pe�ormanoe, good faiih, promissory esioppel orany similar or dissimilar olaims) unless and uniil suoh lime as all par�ies shall have exeouied and delivered a 6nal agreemeni This paragraph supersedes all other oonflioiing undersiandings or agreemenis whioh have noi been reduoed io wnling and exeouied and delivered by the par�ies, and any language sei for�h in the attaohed