HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0047384_Pretreatment_IUP_Qorvo_Renewal_20240509 CITY OF GREENSBORO WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL WASTE SECTION SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SIU PERMIT NUMBER P073 QORVO US, INCORPORATED IS AUTHORIZED TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER FROM A FACILITY LOCATED AT 7908 PIEDMONT TRIAD PARKWAY GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA into the City of Greensboro Sanitary Sewer System to the T.Z. OSBORNE Water Reclamation Facility [NPDES PERMIT NUMBER NC0047384] in accordance with the limitations and conditions set forth in this permit. This permit shall become effective SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on AUGUST 31, 2028 or upon permit reissuance, whichever comes first. Amy V noski Date Pretreatment Coordinator Page 2, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 INDUSTRY OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PERMIT COMPLIANCE This signatory official shall be responsible for permit compliance,including monitoring, report submittals, accidental discharge notification, and permit renewal. Although certain of these activities may be delegated to other individuals, the Signatory Official is ultimately responsible for compliance with all permit conditions, limits, activities and terms. I am aware of my responsibilities as Signatory Official and I am aware of the terms and conditions set forth in this wastewater discharge permit and the City of Greensboro Sewer Use and Pretreatment Ordinance. Signatory Official NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Signatory Official TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) Signatory Official Signature Date: CHANGE OF SIGNATORY OFFICIAL If there is a change of the Signatory Official for this facility, the City of Greensboro shall be notified of such change within thirty (30) days. A new page 2, "INDUSTRY OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PERMIT COMPLIANCE" shall be submitted to the Industrial Waste Section with the name, title and signature of the new official. September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 3, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 SECTION I— PERMIT MODIFICATION HISTORY DATE MODIFIED REASON & DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION OR ACTION Omission of 90-Day Compliance Report requirement, inclusion of pH January 1, 2005 limitation and monitoringfor arsenic added. 90-Day Compliance Report requirement added on page 7. pH limitation and arsenic monitoring added on page 5. Omission of pH limit, daily pH not less than 5.0 April 1, 2005 Added Arsenic limits: daily max 2.09 mg/1, monthly average 0.83 mg/l RFMD has shown consistent compliance with permit, therefore January 1, 2007 monitoringfrequency is being reduced. Section III-Page 5, Monitoring Frequency changed to 116 months for RFMD and City of Greensboro PERMIT RENE TVA L Page 4, Section II.C. —modified description of monitoring location; Page 5, Section III—flow limit changed to Monthly Average Limit of 200,000gpd and Arsenic Monthly Average Limit decreased from 0.83mg/1 to 0.65mg/1; Page 6, Section IV.A.1. —Incorporated requirement for flow September 1, 2008 data submittal by the 15th for the previous month's readings; Section IV.A.2. —modified to specify reporting period; Section IV.A.3. —modified to include POTW contact information; Page 7, Section IV.B. —modified permittee sampling requirements and due dates and incorporated requirement to submit written notice of zero discharge for a reporting period; Page 8, Section IV.D. —incorporated requirement of TTO certification statement due date. Arsenic limit changed—Previous limit 0.65 mg/l monthly average October 1, 2008 changed to 0.83 monthly average. Flow limit changed from 200,000 gallons monthly average to 250,000 gallons monthly average. TTO limit changed from categorical limit of 1.37 mg/l to a limit of 1.07 mg/l. This is a 22% reduction based on the volume of RO reject water being discharged as part of the categorical wastestream. 22%reduction November 15, 2008 approved by PERCS Unit (Sarah Morrison) via e-mail dated 1114108. Page 9—Section IV.E. (last paragraph) Requirement added—sampling for TTO is to be performed as part of each permit renewal as long as RO reject water is part of categorical discharge Installation of small nickel, copper, tin and silver plating line. Not March 1, 2009 regulated by 40 CFR Part 433, nickel monthly average limit of 2.38 mg/l is >5% of MAHL Page 4 Section ILA. Description of discharge changed to include rinse waters from plating baths. 1) Page 5, Section III-Changed minimum sampling requirement for City to 1/year. 2) Page 6, Section IV.A- Renumbered section; Page 6, Section IV.A.2.—changed effluent meter calibration requirement from once per July 1, 2011 six-month period to once a calendar year; 3) Page 6, Section IV.A.3. and 4. - deleted names from permit and included the position titles only. Page 6&7, Section IV.B Changed self=monitoring report due date to 15th of month September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 3A, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 SECTION I— PERMIT MODIFICATION HISTORY cont'd DATE MODIFIED REASON& DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION OR ACTION PERMIT RENEWAL Section III Added City TTO monitoring; Removed daily maximztm nickel September 1, 2013 limit because <5% of the MARL; Section IV. -Added Special Condition C (Slug/Spill Control Plan); Modified Special Condition E (TTO)per DWQ guidance. PER MODIFICATION Qorvo US, Inc. took ownership of RF Microdevices-Fab 3. This is a June 14, 2016 change in legal name and ownership No changes in processes, personnel, or contacts. All references to RF Microdevices were changed to Qorvo US, Inc. PER RENEWAL Moved arsenic from a limit to an allocation because the crystal growth is September 1, 2018 not being performed and was moved to IQE in 2008. Special Condition Changes: Added Flow Measurement Calibration/Verification Section, Modified flow language, Modified Total Toxic Organics Certification language. PERMIT MODIFICATION Monthly Flow Average Limit was changed from 250,000 gallons monthly December 1, 2021 average to 110,000 gallons monthly average per industry request and direct result of water conservation strategies. PERMIT MODIFICATION February 15, 2022 Section IIL - increased monthly average flow limit from I10,000gpd to 175,000gpd. September 1, 2023 PERMIT RENEWAL September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 4, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 SECTION II - GENERAL INFORMATION A. Description of Discharge Pipe 01 —Process Wastewater from semiconductor microchip manufacturing processes which includes RO reject water, air pollution scrubbers, product rinse baths,wet grinding and metal finishing rinse waters. Pipe 01 does not include domestic waste discharge. B. Authorization Statement 1. The permittee is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and all other conditions set forth in this Industrial User Pretreatment Permit (IUP) into the sewer collection system and wastewater treatment facility of the City of Greensboro 2. The permittee is hereby authorized to continue operation of and discharge wastewater from the following treatment or pretreatment facilities. These facilities must correspond to the treatment units listed on both the application and inspection forms. Ion Exchange Neutralization, pH adjustment Spill Protection Solids Removal by Bag Filters and Centrifuge 3. The permittee is hereby authorized to, if requested by the City of Greensboro and after receiving Authorization to Construct (A to C) from the City of Greensboro, construct and operate additional pretreatment units as needed to meet final effluent limitations. C. Monitoring Location Composite sampler located on discharge line from wastewater tanks. Sampler is located in the Acid Waste Neutral ization/De-Ionization room at the back southeastern portion of the building D. Composite Sampling Technique A compliance sample for the purposes of this permit is: A "Flow Proportional Composite" sample taken over the entire workday by a refrigerated automatic sampler interfaced with the effluent flow meter. September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 5, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 SECTION III - EFFLUENT LIMITS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PIPE 01 THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR SEMICONDUCTORS AND ELECTRONIC CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS [40 CFR Part 469.18 Subpart A -Semiconductor Subcategory] EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING FREQUENCY EFFLUENT Daily Monthly Sample CITY OF CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Average Type PERMITTEE GREENSBORO Flow (gallons per day) 175,000 # DAILY H standard units 5.0—12.0 GRAB 1/ ear Total Toxic Organics,' m /1 1.07** GRAB ** ** Arsenic T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Cadmium T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Chromium T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Copper T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Lead T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Nickel T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Zinc T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Silver T m M C 1/6 months 1/ ear Cyanide(total) (mg/1) M GRAB 1/6 months 1/year ALL METALS ARE TO BE ANAL YZED AS TOTAL[TJ ^See Attached List for definition of Total Toxic Organics under 40 CFR Part 469 Subpart A and Subpart B. #The Greensboro Industrial Waste Section does not consider Flow to be a pollutant and flow data is not considered to be a report. **A certification statement can be submitted semi-annually in lieu of sampling for total toxic organics. (See Section IV-Special Permit Conditions). One TTO analyses shall be conducted with each permit renewal and submitted with the Permit Application. See Special Conditions: Dilution Wastestream Confirmation C - Composite Sample [See Section II Part D for permit-specific definition] G - Grab Sample M-Monitoring Only [See Local Pollutant Allocation Document to determine if an Allocation has been issued for this parameter] September I,2023 Permit Renewal Page 6, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 SECTION IV - SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS A. FLOW MEASUREMENT Compliance with the flow limit in this permit shall be documented in the following manner: 1. The Permittee shall provide and maintain a refrigerated composite sampler and primary flow measurement device for flow proportional sampling and flow measurement of the permittee's process wastewater discharge. 2. The effluent process flow meter readings shall be recorded daily and the daily effluent flow calculated in gallons per day. Flow measurement records shall be submitted to the City of Greensboro Industrial Waste Section monthly. Data is to be submitted by the 151h of each month for the previous month's flow measurements. 3. The permittee shall maintain permanent flow records and maintenance and calibration records on-site for a minimum of three years. These records shall be available to the City of Greensboro Industrial Waste Section during inspections or upon request. 4. Immediate notification, within 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem, shall be provided to the Pretreatment Coordinator [336-433-7227] or Pretreatment Compliance Specialist [336- 373-3285] by phone or e-mail for any periods in which the effluent meter is inoperable with the exception of periods for maintenance/calibration. This notification shall include the cause of the malfunction/failure, anticipated repair time and/or plan of action to allow the permittee to comply with the requirement to record the flow meter readings daily. 5. Malfunction/failure of effluent flow meters that are used for sewer billing purposes shall also be immediately reported, within 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem, to the Water Resources Customer Service Division by phone---Assistant Manager[336-373-4108] or Manager [336-373-2639]. Failure to do so will result in the Industrial Waste Section and the Water Resources Customer Service Division reverting back to the incoming water meter to determine compliance and billing. 6. The wastewater meter must have a non-resettable totalizer that reads in cubic feet or gallons. There shall be no by-pass capability of the wastewater metering devices and monitoring point(s). 7. If the wastewater meter is being used for billing or compliance, it must have permanent flow records (i.e. strip chart recordings) that include at minimum the following basic information: date, time, totalizer reading (with units), interval flow volume(with units), maximum now rate (with units), and primary measuring device type. Any interruption in such records with the exception of periods for maintenance/calibration are a violation of this permit and may result in a civil penalty each day the interruption is allowed to continue. September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 7, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 8. The wastewater meter shall have a back-up power source (battery or generator)to ensure uninterrupted measurement of the discharge flow in the event of a power failure unless loss of power automatically prevents any discharge from the facility. The back-up source shall provide power to the wastewater meter's sensor and permanent flow records for a minimum of 12 hours. B. TOTAL TOXIC ORGANICS CERTIFICATION IN LIEU OF MONITORING [40 CFR Part 413, Part 433, and Part 469] Per 40 CFR Part 413.03, 433.12, or 469.13, in lieu of monitoring for Total Toxic Organics (TTO) this facility may complete, sign, date, and submit a semi-annual certification statement, which includes the following language: "Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the pretreatment standard for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the wastewaters has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report" because (select correct statement below): I further certify that no toxic organics (as defined by EPA), are used at this facility 1 fitrther certify that this facility is implementing the toxic organic management plan submitted to the City of Greensboro. I hereby certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information. " The semi-annual TTO certification statements are due by July 15th of each year(covering the previous January 1 through June 30 period) and January 15th of each year (covering the previous July 1 through December 31 period). Certification statements must not be signed prior to the end of the semi-annual period. C. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL USER REPORTS All self-monitoring and re-sampling data submitted for compliance to the City of Greensboro shall include the certification statement below and shall be signed by the person on-site at the facility who is authorized to represent the company in an official capacity concerning matters that involve the City of Greensboro Industrial Waste Section ("Signatory Official"). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. [40 CFR Part 403.6] September I, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 8, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 D. PERMITTEE SAMPLING AND MONITORING REPORT SUBMITTAL DATES Permittee Sampling for the pollutant limitations in Section III (Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements) of this permit shall be conducted in the following manner: 1. Samples for the January 1-June 30 Reporting Period shall ALL be taken during the months of January, February and/or March. The compliance report shall be submitted on or before APRIL 15 of each year. 2. If there are no discharges during months designated for sampling, the April 15 compliance report shall be submitted with the notation"NO DISCHARGE/NO SAMPLING". If there is a discharge after March and prior to June 30, self-monitoring is still required to meet the permit monitoring requirements and that data shall be submitted with the corresponding monthly flow data. 3. Samples for the July I-December 31 Reporting Period shall ALL be taken during the months of July, August and/or September. The compliance report shall be submitted on or before OCTOBER 15 of each year. 4. If there are no discharges during months designated for sampling,the October 15 compliance report shall be submitted with the notation"NO DISCHARGE/NO SAMPLING". If there is a discharge after September and prior to December 31, self- monitoring is still required to meet the permit monitoring requirements and that data shall be submitted with the corresponding monthly flow data. If there are no discharges during an entire semi-annual reporting period, a letter must be submitted to the Industrial Waste Section by July 15 or January 15 stating there was no discharge and no sampling for that period. This letter must be signed and certified by the signatory official. E. SLUG/SPILL CONTROL PLAN The permittee shall provide protection from accidental and slug discharges of prohibited materials and other substances regulated by this permit, which have a reasonable potential to cause Interference or Pass Through, or in any other way violate the POTW's regulations, local limits or Permit conditions. The permittee shall notify the Industrial Waste Section immediately of any changes at its facility affecting potential for a Slug Discharge. The permittee shall submit a new or updated slug/spill control plan for approval when so directed in writing by the City of Greensboro Industrial Waste Section. The plan shall contain, at a minimum the following elements: September], 2023 Permit Renewal Page 9, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 ■ Description of discharge practices, including non-routine batch discharges; ■ Description of stored chemicals; ■ Procedures for immediately notifying the POTW of slug discharges that would cause a violation of 40 CFR Part 403.5(b) [EPA Specific Prohibitions included in Greensboro SUO Article II, Section 1. B.], with procedures for follow up written notification within 5 days; ■ If necessary, procedures to prevent adverse impact from accidental spills, including inspection and maintenance of storage areas, handling and transfer of materials, loading and unloading operations, control of plant site run-off, worker training, building of containment structures or equipment, measures for containing toxic organic pollutants (including solvents) and/or measures and equipment for emergency response. Any current slug/spill control plan developed by the permittee and approved by the City of Greensboro is hereby incorporated as a condition of this Significant Industrial User Permit. F. DILUTION WASTESTREAM CONFIRMATION The Reverse Osmosis reject water dilution flow included in the process wastewater discharge regulated under 40 CFR Part 469 was calculated. The result was an estimate of 22% dilution(RO reject water) in the Categorical wastestream. The Combined Wastestream Formula was used to adjust the Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standard for Total Toxic Organics. The 22% adjustment resulted in the TTO categorical standard being decreased from 1.37 mg/1 to 1.07 mg/l. This percentage was reconfirmed by the SIU in the 2018 Permit Application. Qorvo US, Inc. shall sample for TTO during each permit renewal and submit the analyses as part of the permit renewal application. If the percentage of RO reject waters increases or decreases on an average of>10%, the POTW is to be notified immediately and the limit will be recalculated. G. FLOW METER CALIBRATION/VERIFICATION Flow meters used for flow monitoring under this permit shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation by an independent contractor or a Greensboro Industrial Waste Section approved in-house technician. Calibration documentation shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3) years and made available upon request and during on-site inspections. l. Industries with a highly-accurate (<0.5%variance) flow meter, such as a magnetic or ultrasonic (doppler and transit) meter, must have the meter calibrated/verified once every five years. 2. Industries with effluent wastewater meters that are used for City of Greensboro sewer billing purposes, must calibrate the meters annually. Permanent records in the form of electronic data trend sheets, strip or circular chart recordings that have back-up and fail-safe capabilities are also required to be maintained. 3. Any industry may conduct meter calibration more frequently than required in this permit. September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Page 10, SIU Permit#P073 QORVO US, INC. Effective September 1, 2023 The following flow meters/systems have no calibration requirements: 1. Industries with custom built Memtek0 pretreatment systems have a permanently calibrated flow measurement system (as long as the plumbing remains intact and the viscosity of the liquid does not change) and no calibration is required. 2. Industries with a non-discharge closed-loop system are not required to have any meter on the system calibrated. 3. Industries that record daily flow from a City of Greensboro owned, maintained, and calibrated incoming potable water meter are not required to have the meters calibrated. 4. The Industrial Waste Section does not require deduct meters to be calibrated. Industries with an electronic data base with power back-up do not need to maintain redundant paper recorders. September 1, 2023 Permit Renewal Total Toxic Organics (TTO) List 40 CFR Part 469 —Electrical and Electronic Components Subparts A and B The term"total toxic organics" (TTO) means the sum of the concentrations for each of the following toxic organic compounds which is found in the wastewater discharge at a concentration greater than ten (10) micrograms per liter(0.01 mg/1): [From 40 CFR Part 469.12] 40 CFR Part 469 SUBPART A 40 CFR Part 469 SUBPART B 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene Chloroform 1,2 Dichlorobenzene 1,3 Dichlorobenzene 1,4 Dichlorobenzene Eth lbenzene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane Methylene Chloride Naphthalene 2-Nitro phenol Phenol Bis 2-eth 1he.x 1phthalate Tetrachloroethylene Toluene Trichloroethylene 2-Chloro henol 2,4 Dichloro henol 4-Nitro phenol Pentachloro phenol Di-n-butyl phthalate Anthracene 1,2 Di hen lh drazine Iso horone Butyl benzyl phthalate 1,1 Dichloroethylene 2,4,6 Trichloro henol Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2 Dichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Dichloi•obromomethane 2018 Total Toxic Organics List: 40 CFR Part 469-Electrical and Electronic Components Subparts A and B Page 1 of 1