HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02745_Well Construction - GW1_20240506 • �VELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fur keened Use ONLY; • This form cart Ic used tin's ta Single or ultipk walls .• i I.Well Conttactar Information: . i4LWATitR ZONES Stefan Smith .. - ' . FROM ' TO Di-SCRIPTiON- I Wall CoiWell Contractorhaale ' .' ft. . f . . . ' 3576A ft.• (t: 1 • • • ' . • NC Well CaniraetbrCcr1lftc�liori Mabel - tS:Ot1TER CASiNG One muttkisedUerisi'OR=LINER tit np?ie'abte}: - FROST m DIAMETER TFIItK\E55- MATERIAL• • SAEDACCO IL ft 1•n: • Company.Nana Id,INNER CASING OR TUBING kentbarrrlal closcddoop): a _ ;FROM .to DIAMETER. THICKNESS - MATERIAL _ . . 2.Well.Construction permit zr: . . .• - - • . .. . . R: • . ft: • In. . List oll applicable w I permits(i.r.Cnirnty:Stale,.Variarrer,Irtle t Crl rlf:J', If, R. in . 3.Wcl:Use(shale well use): . • ,l7:SCREEN • . Water Well: Fnosl. .t TO +•DiASIETF:R SLOT SIZE T/11CH1sIs5. 1 MATERIAL - CIAgricultual DMutiicipaliftsblic' o R. l0 ft. i° .hi Olo sCH-4i), PVC DGeothms eai(lieatin�CooliagSupply}-. ClResideathal WalerSupply tsinplo) = ft' rL• in. ' ©lndustiial/Conn icicinl DRcsidcntial Water Suppiy(shated) tac GROUT FROM - . .TO . . DL\TRRIAL • EMPLACEMENT 1ORTHOD.4ASIOUNT ' CI Intention •. • • • -ft. ''ft, . . ' • • Non-Water Supply Well:: . BiMonitoring . ' • _DRccosrty- fa' . -Injecdon%Vetto- . f� .. - Cl'AgniferRecharge C_lOtoundt{aicrRentcdiatioti ' .L9:SANDIGRAVEL.PACK tit aliitienbte),'', - ' Rost - ' TO' • 1LtTRRIAL . . HIPIA(a:KENT METHOD ' . OAguifcr.Stotagc and ltccovcty F. 1lSalinity H;iiiicr ,ft.. rL. 17AquiferTcst ❑Sivrn SIItcrihaiitaac ft., • ft.. • . I70.gICRrllcnlal Tecimotogy 17Sttbsidcn;d CO10tol '20:DRILLiNG'LOG(attach additional sheet it.necessary) • - OGeopltemial(Closed Leal)) . lTrdcer . . . . .FROM-. TO DESCRIPTION(Rotor.baninea:urn.nfktytfe.rrstn tire.Net OGeodteitual(Heatimg'Cooline Return) :'DOilrer(esplaiit under A21 Rethinks) 0 r ft.' 10 . ft.-. Sand •I;- , . . ft:, ft . ' - 4.Date Well(s)Completed:*4-16-24 .Well IDPTW-10- • it, ft. . 54.1Vell Location: ft. R,- . •; .FT r • Buckeye - ft. ft. �iZ;_ t :" .Facilit},'OorerNantc Facility IDk(ifapplicablc) R. R.- t . 4414.Buffalo Rd., Selma, NC, 27576 . ' .R. ft.' Plry3icalAddicss City.UndZip ' lrrio'i 1),-r.•ye.•.:-,... r..,... . • 2LiREl.IARK.S' r''ii.„'0 . . Johnston . . Temp well for grab sample., . CoaWy ' - Parcel hh:olificalion No,WIN} . Sb.1-niitudcand Longitude in dcgrcesimmnutcstscconds OrIteellnal degrees: 2w Certification: • (IfACltticid,oirl atnoroissolliekkit) . . . ' 35:555181 ' N' 78.297675 w• 1' '• ' ' 4/22/2024 .• . Signi(, Dicii. . .. • d Well Conuactar Dale - ' 6.Is(art)the well(s):..OPersnattent of BITemporary • • -lfy signhig this fone;'1 hereby ertriey alas she u•eil{,sl wrls thrrll conanKITCI is occonlance . irirh 15ri AVCAC 02C.0100 or-1SA NCAC 02C,0200 Rill Consariettoti Standards and:lrsi a 7.Litinsancpairtoanecistingwelli i7Yes or ElNo olviyof Mir'rrcordliasllr-rnproridekd.rotlaiuvllrunner, if itIs'Li a repair;fill our lacnin iidl car s;iitcriodh iforrnallon era!replabt'tIia natare oleic ' . • ' :repairthrrt'er 021 iemarks.iratiro or on.1he bail of grit fornr. - - ' .23.Site_diagranfor additional well details: ' You may use the back of this page to.pro%lde additional well site details or:well• " • . . • 8.Nnmberof wells constricted: 1 - - coustluctlon details. You inay also.attachadditianal pages if tiNessaiy. - • • For tiwtrlp(r In fecaon or amt-umrer supply urlfi ONLY mltli ihr same colratractlon,you ern I Sz*iii teriePorn. .- _ _ - SUBMITTAL fNSTUCTIONS. I - 9.Total well depth below land surface: 10 (fc) 2.13. For all Walls:•Subntil this faint:within 30 days of completion of µwell Far mntraplel vetlrllsr aUdrprbs ifdferrns(eramjrhe—J i2 AT and.2@ liar) - Construction to the fottoesiag:. • ' I' ; • . . 10.Static water level below tap of easing:•3 - - •(it) Dh'kiun,of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, : . • ' if wilier-levelIsabovecadag,tic"+" 1617MailScrsiceCentcr,IRailetgr,VC276991617 • • 11.Borehole diameter.2.25" . ' •(in.) 24b.For Infection Welts ONLY: in:addition to sending-the form to the address in ' .24aabose. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion_of Well 12.Well construction method:DPT • - coustmetlon to the following:- - • (Lc:auger.'missy.sable:direct pink,pink,etc.}- - ' j - . - 'Disislau of Water Resources;Underground Injection Control Programs: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - - . - - .1636 Mail Service Cent r«;Raleigh,NC 2,7614.163E - 13a 'Yield(gpu! Method of test: '24c.-Fm"Watcr Supply&Injection Welts: Also'subtiut one-copy-of this form iYithin 30.day sof completion of -13b.Disinfection.type: - - Amount: - sschi construction to the county health dicpartment of the county.where - constnicted. Form GW-1 North Carolina Depannalu.or Environnkluand Natural Resources- esoues-Division of WalcrResotrem - Revised Argust2013 I