HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130477 Ver 3_Skeet Club Rd project_20160121Wanucha, Dave From: Homewood, Sue Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9;54 AM To: Wanucha, Dave; Chapman, Amy Subject: RE; Skeet Club Rd project ��. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 � ! y y +! s s s � i i''" 111 � 1 1 r r 1 1 r r/1 .� � I. 1 1 . � . � � � 1 � i 4 .�� ,4i ........14 :.. 1 11 /1 , � , r III f1 � i. 1 1. �n��ll ��rr����rr��rr�� C� �rrd �r�n� Chl� ��dr��� I� �I!�j�cC C� Ch� I��rCh ��r�lir�� ��!��i� ��c�r�� ����r �r�d n���r �� �i��l���d C� Chir� ��rCi�� From: Wanu�ha, Dave Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 2:45 PM To: Chapcnan, Acny <acny,�hapcnan@n�denr,gov> Cc: Hocnewood, Sue <sue,hocnewood@n�denr,gov> Subject: Skeet Club Rd proje�t Hi Acny and Sue, Still trying to wrap cny head around the Utility issue, Ri�k Moore �landowner) sent cne an ecnail today �see below) that he re�eived frocn Mike Mills �DOT) stating that High Point installed a utility pole outside of DOT's right-of-way �ROA�, High Point says they are within the right-of-way, So I'cn getting cnixed cnessages, I'll go out there tocnorrow and take socne pi�tures and try to detercnine if the installation has icnpa�ted buffers and if it is in DOT's ROA, 1, Part of DOT's issue with High Point is that the existing poles were distribution poles but (arger transcnission poles are going in, Does the Randlecnan Rule cnake a distin�tion between the "type" of overhead utility line in the Table of Uses? I do not see where it does, � � �� � . �. � . �� ,�..,, , . �� � � � � � � . . . , �� � . , , , �, ! s s s 2, If we detercnine that High Point has indeed installed utilities outside of DOT's right-of-way, and they icnpa�ted surfa�e waters, wetlands and buffers, what will our next cnove be with respe�t to High Point? I think we'd then treat this as any unauthorized impact and ignore the fact that there's a DOT permit right next to it, Of course we'd end up asking what's going on and why it �ouldn't be done in �onjun�tion with the DOT permit but if they had a reason then we'd treat it separately, So if that's the �ase you �an �ertainly take the lead and I �an help walk you through the NOV pro�ess, after the fa�t permit, et� (not sure how it'll all end up) or you �an pass it over to me, I vote for the first option, 0 Ha! Dave W, Ecnail frocn Ri�k Moore re�'d Jan 20, 2015 is below, Hey Dave, Here is the e�nail from Mike MiUs, Rick Moore a,rc�rrl�aaa,�I �4$��' calecarn -----Original Message----- Fro�n: Mills, Ja�nes M <r1�rl�rlls��%��cr�at,�av> ,,,,,, To: Rick Moore <a,rc�rrl�aaa°�I �4$��% cal carn> Sent: Tue, Jan 5, 2016 9:20 am Subject: Re: Skeet Club Rd Trru�smission Poles Rick: Even though we spoke on the phone, I thought I woul�go r�ead anrd responrd to your e-m�i� I have spoken to our Utility Section, �nd it hr� been confirmed that because these subject transmission poles are proposed to be loc�ted within our Right of Way, by encro�chment, and are not a part of the Skeet Club widening project, High Point Electric will not be able to ' piggy back" on our permits for this projec� Br�ic�lly, they will have to obtain their own permits for this installation within this area of the project �long Skeet Club Roar� In r�ddition, �ccording to our Right of Wr�y Mr�nr�ger, this trr�ns�nission pole w�s set outside of our e�isting Right of Wr�y on the property of Fox Run Invest�nents. OurRight of Wr�y office did notify High PointElectric of this. If you have any r�uestions, pler�e do not hesitate to r�k, Thanks, Mike Sent from my iPad On Dec 17, 2015, at 3:15 PM, Rick Moore <a,rcJrrl�aaa,�I �4$��%�rale carn> wrote: Good Afternoon Mike, Per our conversation on Monday 12-14-2015I wanted to be clear on the subject of permitting, It is my understanding per our conversation that the City Of High Point is not permitted to utili�e in any way the Construction, EPA, Buf fering, or Flood permits issued �nd granted to NCDOT for any part of their u�lity project �nd the City Of High Point acting independently from the NCDOT road widening is rer�uired to obt�in there own permits solely for wh�t ever utility project they are under taking, I also wanted to be clear that the transmission pole th�t is currently located on the property of Martin �nd Kathy Schl�ppi wr� installed before NCDOT hr� acr�uired the right of way and th�t your office notified the City Of High Point of this fact in which �id not keep them from completing the erection of this trru�smission pole, Thank you for all you r�sistance in this matter that is so dear to the residents of Skeet Club Rr� H�ppy Holidays Rick Moore a�rc�rrl�aaa��i�4$��' ca�r1� ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Dave Wanucha Division of Water Resources Transportation Permitting llnit NC Department of Environmental Quality 336-776-9703 office 336-403-5655 mobile Dave:War�.ucha, r�c�er�r,c��v NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston Salem, NC 27105 �n��il ��rr����rr��rr�� C� �rrd �r�n� Chi� ��dr��� i� ��!�j�cC C� Ch� I��rCh ��r�lir�� ��!��i� ��c�r�� ����r �r�d n���r �� �i��l���d C� Chir� ��rCi��