HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241327_ESC Approval Submitted_20240501 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S,BIS£R Secretary 4 a+++" '' BRAN WRENN NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality June 6, 2022 LETTER OF APPROVAL CL DEVELOPERS, LLC ATTN: Mr.JASON D. CAMP 239 US 64 HWY RUTHERFORDTON, NC 28139 RE: Project Name: CAMP ELECTRIC STORAGE FACILITY Acres Approved: 3.65 Project ID: RUTHE-2022-027 County: RUTHERFORD City: RUTH Address: 1103 ROCK RD River Basin: Broad Stream Classification: WS-V Submitted By: Mr. David Odom, P.E. Date Originally Received by LQS: May 12, 2022 Date Revision Received by LQS: June 3, 2022 Plan Type: COMMERCIAL Dear Mr. Camp, This office has reviewed the subject revised erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to be acceptable and hereby issue this Letter of Approval. The enclosed Certificate of Approval must be posted at the job site. This plan shall expire -- three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land disturbing activity has been undertaken,as is required by Title 15A N CAC 4B .0129. As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an electronic Notice of Intent(eNOI) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC)under the NCG010000 Construction General Permit. After the form is reviewed and found to be complete,you will receive a link with payment instructions for the $100 annual permit fee. After the fee is processed,you will receive the COC via email. As the Financially Responsible Party shown on the FRO form submitted for this project, you MUST obtain the COC prior to commencement of any land disturbing activity. The eNOI form may be accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCG01. Please direct questions about the eNOI form to the Stormwater Program staff in the Raleigh central D E(1" North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources •��}� Asheville Regional Office 12090 U.S.Highway 70 I Swennanoa,North Carolina 28778 NPi7H CARCL?4 *men of Enda=east a.N 828.296.450 0 , . ... .. . . .. . .. . . Letter of:Approval a PgYg:0!:gR.Si-j,44 MTN: Mt,JASO.N 1:i CAP . M ---:••------ •-••- • • :. • .: :.•..... . , June*2022. i Page-Z-4f 3-, 1 - office_ If the owner/operator of this TrOject.th.anges in the:'faturei the new . .. irospoisiblepartynnist obtain a new CO.C.- i 1 Title ISA NCAC "4:0':<01.18(ay-and.thenRCGO1 'permit require that the following .., _ ,.: .. . ,.. OncumentatiOnbehept on,file atthe.Jdb•-site: i • • • • • - . - • • __. . . . . . . ... ... 1,. The-approved E&SC plartait.well as any approved deviation 2.„ •TheN•CG01.:permit and the COG,once it is received; 1. '3,. Reritrilt of:ifle an.snadedunngthep.revi&us previous12.rnoriths.:] Also,this letter givesthenoticerequired by O-,$;-14.3A-7,614:1w 0 opriyight oppriojo • 1 ... inspection:to insurecompilancewitIrtheapproved plan, f . ..... . .,. . , North.k Carogna,s Sedimentation :Pollution Control Att is perfOrtuance-oriented, 1'. requiring protection of existing natural resources:And:adjoining properties.. if,: frillthiving the:cOrittnendentent of this'0000, it Is determined that 1U:erosion and. , . • sedimentation :control :plan is inadequate to meet the requirements -of the SetthmtatiOt Pollution...C.00tta Act of 19.73. (NOtth".Catolina.'General". _tutell.-13A. -• , 5.1 thiitcinghi64:.this Office nlay require revisions to the plan and implementation,of i the revisions toensurecortipliance.ivith-theAct . . . • . . Acceptance.and APplWal, ciPtlivit*plan s coliditionedi•#.06n-•Afttrdith.06406.Fmtitih" . ...... 'Pederaland State water quality laws,regiiiationSi and rules In addition,local city , • county-or' dirtanOeS Or rules may also 404 to .thilatidt.d.i4ttit;biOg!...4.01iity, This approval does not supersede anr other permit or approval E 1.. . Please that note'tt this i'aproval based isin;part.411 the..a...cotgcy,ofthe information ... .... .:._ . ...„.. ... provided i in;:.the.:!1i.114.0014 •Revogibility..Fomi W.high you provided You are 1 t requested to file art•ianiencled'fOrniiif-theriis i-aelly.ohangein'the.inforrh.ation included l on the form In additio it*OW be helpful if notify this Office OftheprOpOted , f .starting,Mte fOr:thi,svroject . . ... . . . 1 'your cooperationisappreciated.: I ; .g . T . .. . 5"--00::-.:...-• . ,'• ...."i ' ..,'..: ,.-,i '...... ... .. .., . ,.. m''• 'oe:shift :: ,.:•-•fl.----: ...- - -:.: .... . 1 hz"-.., nt'Regionat'Engineer ,_..: .... .....-.: :- ::••••••••••,--- •• . ... . 4. Land•Quality$eOtion a . i. 1 :f. 1 Letter of Approval CL DEVELOPERS, LLC ATTN: Mr. JASON D. CAMP June 6, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Enclosures: Certificate of Approval NPDES NCGO1 Fact Sheet ec: Mr.David Odom, P.E. davidodom@odomerigineering.com Mr.Scott Roach,E.I. scott@odomengineering.com cc: Regional Office file IrF { •:,1»-s'.C. UCi .,!4. i't:Y.. x^.�• •+r•• .,,,..'Y..`,'Yn-:-rtfs-t„2 tY'i .f':' x ::.J 4. "'L^r"4.-.: < 1..c _. „m.>....,,A-,-,:tryr i:c.f.r :":i 6 Y{ x. "S61 _^...,' "m.€x- ..?;,: i i..: ,r .;s:: y``. ,t.,4,;---4,.r,',tg:€:-..',R=k,.,.,:&,14=-,-ti,`r1",:=y,,-.'•V.%;e,.,,",,:--,-,.,4..----'-,,-'j,, .. ,',,.,,a,-,p i:-w.,=:,=,'L,,4,,-,,,,":z,,a,`-,-_:5t•:,:_*=,:.-,,.,','=::::_r-,i,,:::-=,,=_-:-_„:--,:=--:-',,:,..,-,;--=,,-:.:::!-„..:!l1:-,:-,K=--:-:•=:-:.=-,,,„=::.-:-=,-:i,-:-':: ?•x: i -1,-i >:,r"-:z:r- L`=:--' i` .'EE'i s ..... ?..... l:r:P:xa:�;i-3^Sroii. ..;- -S ."mot... ::n rh'we. .,'::-,-,_;,:-=:]--„:"::,,!:.1,c-,, _c,r-;-,„g,&=F..:4..,.51i.-,V E„... 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