HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0082376_Report_20071001Assessment of Raleigh's Recycle System Submitted to City of Raleigh Raleigh, North Carolina Submitted by EE&T, Inc. 712 Gum Rock Court Newport News, Virginia 23606 October 2007 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ....................................... ... LISTOF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................ iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................... vi OBJECTIVESAND APPROACH.............................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................................ 4 RecycleSystem.................................................................................................................................. 4 DataUsed in This Evaluation....................................................................................................... 7 SamplingLocations......................................................................................................................... 10 RESULTSOF DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 11 Flow.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Turbidity............................................................................................................................................. 12 TotalOrganic Carbon..................................................................................................................... 18 Manganese........................................................................................................................................ 20 Iron...................................................................................................................................................... 22 TotalColiform.................................................................................................................................. 23 HeterotrophicPlate Count............................................................................................................. 23 TotalSuspended Solids.................................................................................................................. 24 TTHMand HAA5........................................................................................................................... 24 Cryptosporidiumand Giardia....................................................................................................... 25 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................... 28 RECYCLE REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................... ........... 21 ................. RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................................. 32 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................... 36 ii LIST OF TABLES Measured Cryptosporidium and Giardia concentrations.............................................................. 26 2 General concentration trends for recycle, raw, and influent water ............................................... 28 iii LIST OF FIGURES 1 Schematic of recycle/residuals system (as of June 2007).............................................................. 5 2 Flow rates (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007)................................................................................... 37 3 Recycle flow rate (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007)........................................................................ 38 4 Turbidity (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)...................................................................................... 39 5 Turbidity: log -scale plot (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007).............................................................. 40 6 Raw lake water and recycle water turbidity (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)................................ 41 7 Turbidity (May — Aug 2006)............................................................................................. 42 8 Settled and finished water turbidity (May — Aug 2006)................................................... 43 9 Turbidity during Nov. and Dec. 2006............................................................................... 44 10 Recycle, settled, and finished water turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007)............................. 45 11 TOC concentrations (Feb 2006 — Mar 2007).................................................................... 46 12 Percent TOC removal (Feb 2006 — Mar 2007)................................................................. 47 13 TOC concentrations (May — Aug 2006)........................................................................... 48 14 Settled water TOC concentrations (Jan — Mar 2007)........................................................ 49 15 Manganese concentrations (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007).......................................................... 50 16 Finished and raw lake water manganese concentrations (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)............. 51 17 Influent manganese compared to applied dose and influent turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb2007).......................................................................................................................... 52 18 Manganese concentrations during the period of no permanganate addition (July 5 — Nov12, 2006)........................................................................................................ ..... 53 19 Manganese concentrations (May — Aug 2006)................................................................. 54 20 Manganese concentrations for raw lake water and finished water (May — Aug 2006) .... 55 iv 21 Source of manganese over time (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007).................................................. 56 22 Manganese mass loadings for raw lake water vs. recycle water (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)...................................................................................................... 57 23 Manganese mass loadings during the period of no permanganate addition (July 5 — Nov12, 2006)......................................... ::........................................................................ 58 24 Iron concentrations (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)...................................................................... 59 25 Applied dose of ferric sulfate (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) ........................... ............ 60 ................ 26 Finished water iron concentrations (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007)............................................. 61 27 Iron concentrations (May — Aug 2006)............................................................................. 62 28 Total coliform (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007).............................................................................. 63 29 Heterotrophic plate count (Mar — Sept 2006)................................................................... 64 30 Total suspended solids (Mar — Sept 2006)........................................................................ 65 31 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007).............................................. 66 32 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 versus finished water TOC (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) .. 67 33 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 versus influent water TOC (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) ... 68 VA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objectives and Approach An extensive evaluation of the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant's waste stream recycling system and related water quality data was performed to determine if the recycling practice has any observable adverse impact on finished water quality. Plant schematics and existing data on the residuals system, recycle quality, reservoir quality, and plant operating data were obtained and reviewed. These data were then compared to recommendations in the AWWA report "Self Assessment of Recycle Practices" previously prepared by EE&T, Inc. (Cornwell, et al., n.d.). The evaluation process examined raw source (lake) water, recycle water, combined influent, filtered water, settled water, and finished water quality over time. Water quality and flow data were obtained primarily for a full one-year period, from March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007, and the following primary scenarios were considered to help determine if recycling of the treated Spent Filter Backwash Water (SFBW) supernatant has had any adverse impacts on treated water quality: 1. Comparison of water quality during periods with and without recycle 2. Normal vs. worst -case conditions: High water production (high flow) High influent turbidity • High Temperature (for disinfection by-product (DBP) formation) • Substantial change in operations (e.g., doubling of the ferric sulfate dose) • Low water production (low total flow) with recycling Each of these scenarios was examined for its potential impact on a series of different water quality parameters, including turbidity, TOC, manganese, iron, total coliform, HPC, suspended solids, THMs and HAAs, and protozoa (Cryptosporidium and Giardia). vi Summary of Results and Discussion The recycle practice did not have any adverse impacts on finished water quality for any of the water quality parameters examined. In fact, concentrations of several key parameters in the recycle water were less than that of the raw water (e.g., turbidity, TOC, TSS), while in cases where the recycle water did have a higher concentration than the raw water (e.g., Mn, Fe, BPC) there was no observable impact at any time on finished water quality. There are several positive aspects of the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant's recycling system that help provide for no observable adverse impact from the recycling on finished water quality. First, the physical system is well -designed and relatively extensive. Secondly, WTP personnel appear to do an excellent job monitoring performance of the various residual and recycle treatment units and responding to changes in water quality as needed. Lastly, in summer 2007 (subsequent to the period of the data analyzed in this report), three significant improvements were made to the recycle system at the WTP, including (1) a UV disinfection treatment system was installed for the backwash water settling basin supernatant to help reduce or eliminate the viability of bacteria, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and other pathogenic microorganisms; (2) a new recycle pump station was constructed that now directs the backwash water settling basin supernatant (after UV disinfection) to both the East and West raw water reservoirs; and (3) piping and valve improvements were made to ensure all of the drying bed underdrain water is directed to the sewer system, which should lower the manganese levels in the settling basin supernatant. Recommendations Based on the above analysis, it is apparent that the recycle system is well -designed and well -operated. Nonetheless, certain improvements could be made to improve recycle water quality, and additional study performed to further understand some of the key issues. Accordingly, we offer the following recommendations: 1. Issue: When the main WTP sedimentation basins are cleaned out, the wash water is currently routed to the SFBW clarifiers. This arrangement results in substantial vii fluctuations of recycle water turbidity levels and levels that are often higher than the raw lake water turbidity. There would be much less impact from this wash water if it was instead directed to the splitter box leading into the three thickeners. That way the wash water would be treated with polymer and clarification prior to that supernatant entering the SFBW clarifiers. Recommendation: Install appropriate piping and valves to route the wash water from the five main WTP sedimentation basins to the splitter box entering the thickeners, and discontinue the current practice of routing that wash water directly to the SFBW clarifiers. Draining of the clear water in the basins should still be directed to the SFBW settling basins, and the wash water used for cleaning out the solids could be directed to the thickeners. Currently finished water is used to wash the main WTP sedimentation basins, and WTP staff are concerned that the relatively high alkalinity in the finished water would affect the settling in the thickeners if it was directed to them. Accordingly, if the wash water is directed to the thickeners, the effect of using finished water on thickener settling should be evaluated, and if there is an adverse impact then settled water should be used for this washing (a means of storing and pumping the settled water may be necessary). Further analysis of the potential ramifications of this recommendation should be performed to assess all potential issues. 2. Issue: An improved mass balance analysis would be useful to better understand the fate of manganese in the WTP. Also, manganese levels in the SFBW settling basin supernatant (recycle water) were historically as high during periods when permanganate was not used as they were when it was being applied, and it would be good to determine the source of that manganese. Until piping improvements were made in May 2007, some of the underdrain water from the filter cake drying beds (which is high in manganese) was inadvertently pumped to the SFBW settling basins. Permanganate has been used continuously since that time, so it is as yet unknown if the piping improvements will help reduce recycle water manganese levels. viii Recommendation: Measure the manganese concentration of the thickener overflow and the SFBW (during both periods of permanganate use and non-use), and perform a mass balance analysis. Also, when permanganate use is next discontinued, increase the frequency of analysis of manganese in the SFBW supernatant to daily to better assess any improvement in manganese levels (currently weekly analyses are performed). 3. Issue: No TTHM of HAA5 data are available for the recycle water; only finished water TTHM and HAA5 data are available. The highest DBP results of the year were obtained during the warmest month (83.4 µg/L for TTHM and 66.7 µg/L for HAA5 on August 7, 2006) Since these numbers are at least approaching the future LRAA MCL, it would be good to determine if recycle is contributing to the levels. Recycle can add to both the instantaneous DBP levels by recycling preformed DBPs and add to the formation potential by adding precursors. Recommendation: Obtain TTHM and HAA5 data for the recycle stream during the warmest months (July and August, when DBP levels are expected to be highest) at the same time as the monthly DBP sampling of the finished water. Analyze for both instantaneous DBPs and SDS levels by adding additional chlorine, buffering the pH to the distribution system level, and holding for an appropriate time (— 3 days). 4. Issue: The City is currently required by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) to discharge the SFBW settling basin supernatant (recycle water) to a nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek for one 2-week period each year. The above analysis showed that this requirement is unnecessary and unduly burdensome. In fact, many parameters are lower in the recycle than the raw water and thus improve the plant intake levels. The requirement puts. a physical and water quality load on the receiving stream (normally dry except for storm events) with no recognizable benefit to the WTP, ix and can lead to unnecessary objections from local residents who are not familiar with the specific quality of the discharged water nor the reasons for its discharge. Recommendation: The City should negotiate with the State to rescind the requirement for occasional discharge of SFBW settling basin supernatant to the nearby creek. The NPDES permit that allows that discharge should be maintained, however, in the event of some unforeseen circumstance where operational conditions mandate a release of SFBW settling basin supernatant to the creek. 5. Issue: The City has resisted using a polymer in the SFBW settling basins to improve coagulation and clarification because of toxicity concerns from the polymer for occasions when the supernatant is discharged to the nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek, as required for one 2-week period per year by the NCDENR. The City previously determined in 2005 that the polymer used for the splitter (entering the three thickeners) and the filter presses was causing toxicity in the water discharged to the creek. Subsequent modifications to the residuals system now direct the press filtrate to the sewer, and no polymer is recycled from the presses. Any polymer left over in the thickener supernatant passes along to the SFBW settling basins. Recommendation: Consider evaluating the use of a polymer to improve clarification in the SFBW settling basins and the quality of the supernatant water recycled. Polymer addition might be particularly helpful during the times when wash water from cleaning out the five main WTP sedimentation basins is directed to the SFBW settling basins (note that Recommendation No. 1 above suggests directing that wash water to the thickeners). Since the SFBW settling basin supernatant might on occasion need to be discharged to the nearby creek (e.g., as was done when there was a problem with the pump station at the UV disinfection facility in July 2007), the issue of potential toxicity of the supernatant water containing polymer should be reevaluated. This evaluation should also include an assessment of any impacts from recycling polymer to the raw water reservoirs. x 6. Issue: Recycle water turbidity levels on occasion were measured higher than the raw water turbidity. However, the recycle flow averages only 5.0 percent of the influent flow (maximum of 10.0 percent), and as such on those occasions contributes a minor increase in turbidity for the influent water compared to that in the raw water. Overall through the one-year period studied, there were 337 days when recycle was occurring, and of those 337 days there were 43 occasions (12.5 percent) where the recycle water turbidity level exceeded that measured for the raw water. Furthermore, of the times when recycle turbidity was greater than for raw water, recycle turbidity was > 4 NTU on only 13 occasions (3.6 percent of all sample days), and only 23 occasions where recycle turbidity was > 3 NTU (6.8 percent of all sample days). Raw water turbidity averaged 5.5 NTU during the year. Recommendation: Some type of informal goal for the level of recycle water turbidity may be appropriate. One goal would be to establish a recycle water turbidity maximum value, such as 4.0 or 5.0 NTU. Alternatively, the maximum could be set at the influent turbidity, but this is a harder operating goal to monitor and maintain and during times of low influent turbidity could be difficult to achieve. xi v ASSESSMENT OF RALEIGH'S RECYCLE SYSTEM CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH This report provides an evaluation of the recycle system employed at the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant (WTP). The overall objectives of this project are as follows: Evaluate the existing recycle system and make any recommended improvements • Offer opinions as to the acceptability of the current recycle system with respect to water quality and operational impacts Evaluate the state requirements for the recycle system • Identify additional data collection needs In order to evaluate the recycle system's possible impacts on water quality, EE&T and the City worked together to gather historical data. That data were then reviewed in detail to evaluate impacts. Fortunately, the City has a large database that allowed for this evaluation. We often do not find that cities are as productive in collecting data on recycle systems as Raleigh has been. The staff should be commended for their efforts in this area. The first step was to obtain and review plant schematics and existing data on the residuals system, recycle quality, reservoir quality, and plant operating data. These data were then compared to recommendations in the AWWA report "Self Assessment of Recycle Practices" previously prepared by EE&T, Inc. (Cornwell, et al., n.d.), following the flowchart provided in that report for performing an evaluation of a recycle system. Additional guidance was obtained from the Awwa Research Foundation report on "Water Treatment Residuals Engineering" (Cornwell 2006) and the US Environmental Protection Agency's "Implementation Guidelines for the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR)" (USEPA 2002). A site visit was also conducted. The evaluation process called for in the AWWA guidance examines raw water, recycle water, combined influent, settled water, filtered water, and finished water quality over time. If the finished water quality is not variable under normal or worst -case conditions, or if that 1 variability is not caused by recycle, then the recycle stream is not causing adverse perturbations in finished water quality, and no further action would be recommended. For this analysis, water quality and flow data were obtained primarily for a full one-year period, from March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007. The recycling of Spent Filter Backwash Water (SFBW) settling basin supernatant was started on February 9, 2006 (data collection for that water started on the same day); prior to that the flow was discharged to the nearby creek. As such, the first full month of data collection was in March 2006. The following primary scenarios were considered to help determine if recycling of the treated SFBW has had any adverse impacts on treated water quality: 1. Comparison of water quality during periods with and without recycle: recycling was discontinued from June 7 to 19, 2006 and August 1 to 14, 2006, and during those periods the filter backwash sedimentation basin supernatant was discharged to a nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek. The June 7 to 19 period was used to fulfill compliance with requirements set by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR 2005), and the August 1 to 14 period resulted because the recycle pumps couldn't keep up with the backwash rates due to excessively high consumer demand during this time (Figure 2). These two 2-week periods were compared to results from the rest of the year, with focus on the few weeks immediately preceding and following each of those two periods. 2. Normal vs. worst -case conditions were examined. `Worst -case' conditions are defined in the AWWA manual as times when recycle has the most potential to impact water quality. The following conditions were evaluated. • High water production (high flow): the highest influent flows were over 70 mgd (Figure 2), and occurred on July 17-18 (up to 75.2 mgd) and eight days in August (up to 72.5 mgd) High influent turbidity: possible periods include June 15 — 28, 2006 (>20 NTU; including during and immediately following the June 7 - 19 period of no recycle); late April — mid May 2006 (up to 14 NTU), a couple days 2 in the month of December 2006 (6.1 — 13.2 NTU), and February 2007 (10 —12 NTU) • High Temperature (for disinfection by-product (DBP) formation): month of August (26.6 — 30.1 °C; avg. 28.1 °C) — this period coincided in part with the period of no recycle on August 1-14, 2006 • Substantial change in operations: doubling of the ferric sulfate dose (it was increased from 58.8 to 110 mg/L during December 10 —14, 2006) • Low water production (low total flow) with recycling was also considered since the percentage of recycle in the influent would be highest during low production. The lowest total flows occurred in the winter (December — March). However, flow data show that the percentage of recycle water was consistent throughout the year (Figure 3), and thus no specific period could be examined where the recycle water provided a larger than normal relative contribution to the overall WTP influent flow. This analysis would have to be performed on a day to day basis as opposed to selecting longer periods of time to be representative of relatively low and high periods of percent recycle Each of these scenarios is discussed below in terms of its potential impact on a series of different water quality parameters. The comparative analysis focused on different treatment process streams — raw lake water, the recycle stream, the WTP influent (mix of raw lake water and recycle stream), settled water, filtered water, and finished water. The impact of the recycle stream on filtered water quality could potentially be a determining factor for either practicing or discontinuing recycle of certain residual streams, or may indicate the need for additional treatment prior to recycle. Settled water was studied to identify potential recycle impacts on the primary coagulation and clarification process. Settled water quality can vary more than filtered water quality and, therefore, may provide a clearer indication of potential recycle impacts. Settled water data were available for two parameters only: turbidity from July 1, 2006 through February 1, 2007, and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) from January 5 through March 15, 2007. 3 BACKGROUND The impact analysis is presented on a contaminant by contaminant basis. The contaminants evaluated were turbidity, TOC, manganese, iron, total coliform, HPC, suspended solids, THMs and HAAs, and protozoa. In some cases only limited data could be analyzed. When possible, the contaminant data were analyzed in accordance with the criteria and evaluation factors listed above. Recycle System The City of Raleigh's E.M. Johnson water treatment plant (WTP) is rated for a capacity of 86 mgd in April through October, and 78 mgd for November through March. The amount of water treated averaged 52.5 mgd during the period from March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007. The plant uses ozonation for primary disinfection (to help meet -disinfection by-product (DBP) regulations), ferric sulfate coagulation and clarification (five sedimentation basins), high - rate sand filtration (22 filters; up to 5.5 gpm/fl ), and chloramination for residual disinfection. In the month of March chlorine is used instead of chloramines. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is also occasionally used. Raw water is obtained from Falls Lake. Raw lake water and recycled water are combined in each of two raw water reservoirs (the East and West Reservoirs), both with a rated capacity of about 70 million gallons. With an average WTP influent flow of 52.5 mgd (combined from both reservoirs), each reservoir provides approximately 2.7 days of detention time. Potassium permanganate or sodium permanganate is added to the raw water lines before the two raw water reservoirs for oxidation of organics and taste- and odor -causing compounds (and has been since the early 1990s). Permanganate is generally not used at the same time as ozone. A schematic of the recycle and residuals management system is provided as Figure 1. There are two primary waste streams generated by the WTP processes: sedimentation tank blowdown and filter backwash. Sedimentation tank blowdown is intermittent, occurring approximately once per hour, and is conveyed by gravity to three thickeners. Polymer (Praestol A3025L, Ashland Specialty Chemical, Greensboro, NC) is introduced at the thickeners to aid in NEI ]6WFMM,Yx]NI ]WPCE] Avael sFm]ua aiwwure m aiuel ro]r¢x wmcimv] dnxAmwo wR]mv¢sq iimerAm wursnmart] ews m w mimua axwvsy]r 6VN91]NPml 65WIp TCF16i, TVHmI] i1M8R1] MOHFR OILY ��� bRAYTMT RYRAI]MI 9rt4 W.WpR RM YIMG.dtli BIG'I RCMf£NOMB[O.O R1MN ]NMYBVEM M MMRIFM WALK iAM I M lw W{ T"N% 14pN LAY{ RRO.EmTEW69] MW1Y991 PF56M1YMi OFfY.IERliYF9 (0.b CRwR1'6N1 m]eEww.i®mevm wiwvumvRsmw]m MIM ILYwmAi{N ca]]m RTPIY6A1 RIRPEBB] 0.TfA HY9] RYyyy�]flTfMY 1AM NO R1Mm�Y91]BIRW W]IDIYMl61 &NEPVMLO wvrtAm] Rl1YR QrERIgY wnwm¢ aiwreroxwe] anaYsrtam RIRYIFdf6QIM mnsm�u onemr aewaeru mrt�udert nmrnr�® a]oR]muu ®1 EE&T, Inc. RALEIGH RESIDUALS SYSTEM xuc .m Figure 1 Schematic of recycle/residuals system (as of June 2007) in sludge blanket formation and maintenance. Thickener effluent is conveyed by gravity to the two filter backwash sedimentation basins (described below) on a continuous basis. Thickener sludge is pumped to sludge blending tanks and then dewatered through belt filter presses. The same type of polymer (Praestol A3025L) is introduced before the filter presses to aid in dewatering. Belt filter press filtrate and spent spray wash water are pumped to the sanitary sewer through the sewer pump station. In addition, there is a spray stream used to clean the solids conveyor belt ("conveyor belt spray down"), and that stream is also pumped to the sanitary sewer through the Sewer Pump. The filter press solids are stored in one of the open outdoor mud cake storage pad/drying beds (other drying beds are currently unused), and underdrain liquid from all of the drying beds is pumped to the sanitary sewer through the sewer pump station. The current system for filter press cake handling requires the cake be handled twice — once to move it to the storage area, and a second time to load it onto the 20 cubic yard trailers used by the hauler. Spent filter backwash (including filter to waste) is conveyed by gravity to two filter backwash sedimentation basins (the North and South Basins). The spent filter backwash water (SFBW) flow is intermittent, up to 22 times per day if each filter is backwashed once. Each filter backwash typically produces 77,600 gallons of waste. Calcium thiosulfate, used for dechlorination, is introduced to the SFBW prior to the North and South Basins. The thiosulfate is added in case of an operational event that necessarily leads to discharging recycle water to a nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek (which drains back into Falls Lake). Caustic is also added occasionally to the SFBW before the settling basins. SFBW clarifier sludge (from the North and South basins) is collected and pumped back to the head of the residual waste treatment system into the three thickeners. The flow of supernatant from the SFBW clarifiers (the "recycle stream") is normally continuous. During this study period, the recycle pump station pumps the North/South Basin effluent (recycle stream) to the West Raw Water Reservoir, where it is combined with the raw lake water to form the plant combined influent ("WTP influent"). The inlet for the recycle stream into the reservoir is located fairly near the raw lake water inlet, and a good distance from the outlet of the reservoir that carries water to the head of the WTP. Accordingly, there is a reasonable level of mixing between the recycle water and raw water before it is used by the WTP. R A 26-MG on -site sludge storage lagoon is used occasionally to store solids resulting from cleaning out the SFBW settling basins. The cleaning is done approximately once per year, but has not yet been done since recycling started in February 2006. The solids remain in the lagoon until dredged and hauled off -site. On July 5, 2007 (subsequent to the period of data reviewed for this report), two improvements were made to Raleigh's recycle system. First, a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment system was started up to provide a high level of disinfection for the supernatant from the filter backwash settling basins. The UV will help further remove coliform bacteria from the recycle stream, and it is also particularly effective for sterilizing Cryptosporidium and Giardia, depending upon the delivered dose. Secondly, a new pump station (three 8-mgd pumps) was installed to pump the treated spent filter backwash water to both the East and West raw water reservoirs. While the new pumping arrangement won't necessarily result in additional dilution of the recycle water with the raw lake water (since water from the two reservoirs is combined anyway prior to entering the WTP), it does provide sufficient pumping capacity such that during periods of relatively high flow all of the filter backwash settling basin supernatant can be pumped to the raw water reservoirs (that was not always the case previously, as in August 2006 the flow of supernatant was too high for the old pumps to handle and the supernatant was discharged to the creek for two weeks). Both of these improvements are expected to provide an additional safeguard for recycling the treated streams to the head of the WTP. Lastly, piping and valve improvements were made on May 18, 2007 to discharge the drying bed underdrain water to the sewer system. Previously the underdrain water was pumped to the splitter box just before the three thickeners, but a leaking valve allowed some of that water to be directed to the SFBW settling basins, potentially resulting in unnecessarily elevated manganese levels in the settling basin supernatant. Data Used In This Evaluation This assessment is based on data provided by the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Data were obtained mostly for the one-year period from March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007, as described below. The data used in the plots presented below were h 0. obtained mostly from the Recycle data sheets, and were supplemented where needed and appropriate with data from the Monthly Reports or TOC data sheets. The data evaluated included at minimum the following: Recycle data sheets (March 2006 — February 2007) • Monthly reports included data for Falls Lake Raw Water, Treated Waste Effluent — Recycle (only through September 2006), Treated Waste Effluent - Discharge, Water Plant Influent (including recycle), and Water Treatment Plant Finished Water • The two "Treated Waste Effluent" samples are of the supernatant from the backwash water settling basins. The "Treated Waste Effluent — Recycle" samples are obtained before the suction side of the pump, and the "Treated Waste Effluent — Discharge" samples are obtained on the downstream of the pump — about 500 feet downstream from the "Treated Waste Effluent — Recycle" samples Includes daily data for flow, turbidity, pH, temp, iron, manganese, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total coliform, and heterotrophic plate count (HPC) (Mar — Sept 2006) or E-Coli (Oct 2006 — Feb 2007) • Includes weekly data for settable solids and/or total suspended solids (TSS), and total solids (TS) • Includes monthly data for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and haloacetic acids (HAA5) in the finished water; monthly data for Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the raw lake, recycle, and influent water; and slightly more frequent data for UV- 254 and SUVA (raw lake water, recycle water, influent water, and finished water) Monthly reports (March 2006 — February 2007) • Raw and finished water: PHYSCHEMI spreadsheet: daily data for turbidity (also settled water for July — December), color, pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, hardness i - PHYSCHEM2 spreadsheet: daily data for Mn, Fe, fluoride, and chlorine; weekly data for chloride DBP precursor spreadsheet: TOC and alkalinity (monthly averages) • Finished water only: PHYSCHEM2 spreadsheet: nitrate and silica (approximately weekly) • Settled water only: PHYSCHEMI spreadsheet: turbidity (daily) - available for July 2006 - February 2007 • Temperature: Raw water (PHYSCHEMI spreadsheet) and finished water (PHYSCHEM2 spreadsheet) • Microbiological Operations Report: Colilert MPN and coliforms/100 mL for raw; total plate count and Colilert MPN for filtered and finished water • DBP Precursor Removal Performance #1 report: monthly TOC and alkalinity (source water and treated water) • DBP Precursor Removal Performance #2 report: monthly bromide and bromate for finished water, and monthly bromide in source water Distribution system: chorine residual, total coliform, E-coli • Turbidity Monitoring Report: readings 6 times per day • Residual Disinfectant (Chlorine) Monitoring Report: readings 6 times per day for finished water • Plant Operations/Filter runs: daily data for influent flow, filter run length, filter washing, chemicals used • Plant Operations - Attachment: daily data for influent flow, ozone used • "LABMrATTACHED" sheet: daily summaries for turbidity (raw), pH (raw, filtered, and finished water), alkalinity (filtered and finished), Mn (finished), chlorine (finished), and sludge water produced TOC data sheets (Jan 2006 - Mar 2007) • TOC data: WTP influent and finished water for all of 2006 (daily data; M-F is regular, weekends are composite samples) E • "Special TOC data": for December 2006 — March 15, 2007 includes TOC data for source, influent (labeled as `raw'), and finished water; also influent alkalinity; includes settled water TOC for Jan 5 — Mar 15, 2007 Sampling Locations The different types of water mentioned above were obtained at various sampling points as follows: • Raw lake (source) water: sampled from one of the two raw water lines leading from the lake to the raw water reservoirs (the 36-inch pipe, not the 54-inch pipe); this sample is pre -impoundment and pre -permanganate addition • Influent water (combined raw lake water and recycled water): taken at the venturi meters entering the WTP. This water is post -reservoir (water combined from both of the raw water reservoirs), post-preoxidant (e.g., post -permanganate addition and post -ozone when used), post -powdered activated carbon (when used), pre - ferric sulfate, and before any other chemical addition • Recycle water: sampled just before SFBW clarifier supernatant pumps • Settled water: sampled between the clarifiers and sand filters • Filtered water: taken right after the filters, after all filter effluent is combined Finished water: clearwell effluent just before it is pumped into the distribution system; this is the final treated water after addition of chlorine, caustic, fluoride, corrosion inhibitor, and ammonia 10 RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS Data are presented for the following parameters: • Flow (Figures 2 — 3) • Turbidity (Figures 4 —10) • Total organic carbon (Figures 11-14) • Manganese (Figures 15 — 23) • Iron (Figures 24 — 27) • Total coliform (Figure 28) • Heterotrophic plate count (Figure 29) • Total suspended solids (Figure 30) • TTHM and HAA5 (Figures 31— 33) • Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Table 1) Flow The amount of finished water produced during the one-year period (March 1, 2006 — February 28, 2007) ranged from 35.5 to 66.3 mgd, and averaged 48.4 mgd. Treated water flows (influent to the WTP) ranged from 38.4 to 75.2 mgd, and averaged 52.5 mgd (Figure 2). Recycle flows averaged 5.2 percent of the total influent flow (range of 0.0 to 10.0 percent), corresponding to an average of 2.9 mgd (range of 0.0 to 5.0 mgd) (Figure 3). The daily amount of water recycled never exceeds 10 percent of the same day's production. As expected, the highest flows experienced during the period were in July and August (Figure 2). The highest influent flows were over 70 mgd, and occurred on July 17-18 (up to 75.2 mgd) and eight days in August (up to 72.5 mgd). 11 Turbidity Recycle water turbidity averaged 2.61 NTU, with a range of 0.65 to 19.7 NTU (with one exception of 43 NTU on January 29, 2007), throughout the one-year period of March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007. Recycle water turbidity is typically lower than the raw lake water turbidity (Figures 4 and 5), and thus typically would have no adverse impact on the turbidity of the influent water. However, there were a few occasions where recycle water turbidity was higher than the raw lake water turbidity, as discussed below. In terms of periods of recycle water turbidity being higher than the raw lake water turbidity, Figure 6 focuses on turbidity for just those two waters (for values up to 20 NTU). Other than twelve (12) individual days scattered during the year, there were two main times when recycle water turbidity occasionally exceeded raw water turbidity: December 2006 through January 2007, and July 2006. Each of these cases is discussed below. 1. December 2006 through February 2007: During these three months WTP staff were cleaning out the five primary sedimentation basins, and the wash water was directed to the SFBW settling basins. As such, recycle water turbidity was highly variable throughout those three months, and there were ten (10) days where recycle turbidity was greater than raw lake water turbidity. Nonetheless, this appeared to have no adverse impact on finished water turbidity, as that was at a maximum of 0.12 NTU during those 12 days, and ranged only from 0.07 to 0.14 NTU during the whole three months. To lessen any potential impact of this wash water, WTP Standard Operations Procedures (SOPs) dictate that no filters will be backwashed during times that sedimentation basin wash water is directed to the SFBW settling basins for at least three (3) hours afterwards. While it would be better if that wash water was directed to the three thickeners in order to receive an additional clarification step (and the polymer used in the thickeners), the current piping system does not allow for this arrangement. 12 2. July 2006: There were 21 days during this month where recycle water turbidity exceeded that in the raw water, with the differences being relatively small, ranging from 0.1 to 2.6 NTU. During this period raw water turbidity was low relative to historical values, averaging 2.6 NTU (median of 2.3) compared to an average during that year of 5.5 NTU (median 3.8). Furthermore, recycle water turbidity never exceeded 5.0 NTU at any time during the month. Given that the recycle flow contribution is usually around only 5 percent of the total influent flow, these minor excursions where recycle water turbidity is relatively low but slightly greater than raw water turbidity should have little or no adverse impact on the treatment system. 3. Twelve (12) days scattered throughout the one-year period examined: Of these 12 days, where recycle water turbidity exceeded that of the raw water, on only one occasion (13.7 NTU difference) did recycle water turbidity exceeded that of the raw water by more than 1.7 NTU. Furthermore, the raw water turbidity on all of these 12 days was lower than normal, averaging 1.7 NTU with a high of 2.6 NTU. Examining the finished water turbidity values for these 12 shows no impact from the recycle turbidity being slightly higher than the raw water, as only once did finished water turbidity go above 0.12 NTU (and that was 0.18 NTU on a day when recycle was only 0.1 NTU higher than the raw water turbidity). As noted above, the recycle flow contribution is usually around only 5 percent of the total influent flow, further supporting the lack of adverse impact from these minor excursions where recycle water turbidity is slightly greater than raw water turbidity. Overall through the one-year period studied, there were 337 days when recycle was occurring, and of those days there were 43 occasions (12.5 percent) where the recycle water turbidity level exceeded that measured for the raw water. Furthermore, of the times when recycle turbidity was greater than for raw water, recycle turbidity was > 4 NTU on only 13 occasions (3.6 percent of all sample days), and only 23 occasions where recycle turbidity was > 3 NTU (6.8 percent of all sample days), raw water turbidity averaged 5.5 NTU during the year. 13 In terms of periods of relatively high influent turbidity, during the one-year period examined (March 1, 2006 — February 28, 2007) there were four occasions when influent turbidity rose above 10 NTU (Figures 4 and 5): (1) June 17 — 28, 2006 (21 — 29 NTU); (2) late April — mid May (up to 14 NTU); (3) two days during the month of December (up to 13 NTU); and (4) most of the month of February 2007 (10 —12 NTU). Each of these periods is discussed below: 1. June 17 — 28, 2006: Between June 14 — 16, influent water turbidity rose from < 10 up to 29 NTU, and this spike corresponded to an increase in raw water turbidity from <2 up to 45 NTU (Figures 5 and 7). These high levels corresponded with a large storm event on June 14, 2006, when approximately 6 to 8 inches of rain fell within a day. These high turbidity levels began dropping after these peaks but remained relatively high for the rest of the month of June. Raw water TOC (Figure 11) and iron (Figure 21) concentrations also increased subsequent to this storm event. Note that recycling had been discontinued (to comply with NCDENR requirements) during the time of the large increase in raw and influent water turbidity (there was no recycling from June 7 to 19), and thus recycling could not be contributing to the influent water turbidity. As such, the large increases in raw water and influent turbidity were clearly caused by the large storm event mentioned above, not the restart of recycle on June 20. Even after recycle restarted on June 20, the recycle water turbidity remained at or below 3 NTU, and thus could not be the cause of the relatively high influent water turbidity that was experienced throughout the rest of June. The data also indicate that all finished water turbidity were < 0.15 NTU during the storm event and for the next couple of weeks following that. Note that the raw water turbidity reached its peak on June 16, and the influent turbidity did not reach its peak until June 17 — 18. This difference in timing is a result of the detention time in the raw water reservoirs, as the inlet and outlet are at opposite ends of the reservoir(s), and thus this lag period of one to 14 two days is the time it takes the new raw water to reach the influent inlet to the WTP. Lastly, this large increase in influent turbidity (Figure 7) appeared to cause the relatively high levels of settled water turbidity observed when that data was starting to be collected on July 1 (Figure 8). 2. Late April — mid May 2006: During late April to mid May 2006, influent turbidity rose from about 5 NTU up to 14 NTU and back down again to 5 NTU (Figures 4 and 5), but this increase was not accompanied by an increase in either recycle water or raw lake water turbidity. As such, this spike in influent turbidity does not appear affected by the recycle water, but can not be fully explained given the lack of correlation with raw water turbidity levels. 3. November 2006 to February 2007: In late 2006, the influent turbidity steadily rose from about 2.5 NTU in mid -November up to 12 NTU by mid -February (Figure 9). The rise in influent turbidity is apparently caused by a similar rise in raw lake water turbidity, both likely due to frequent rain events (TOC also increased). During that period the recycle water turbidity also generally increased (even going as high as 43 NTU; second highest value was 20 NTU), but showed much more variability than the steadily increasing trends of the raw and influent water turbidity. The start of the increase in recycled water turbidity occurred over one week after the raw lake water turbidity started to increase (Figure 9), and so it would appear that the cause of the influent turbidity increase at that time is not due to the recycle practice but rather to changing raw water conditions. As noted previously, the ferric sulfate dose was nearly doubled between December 10 and 14. Though there is a fair amount of variability in the recycle water turbidity following that change, that variability had already been observed since the beginning of December (Figure 9), and thus is not likely attributable to the change in ferric sulfate dose. Furthermore, settled water turbidity, which had been slowly but steadily increasing since the beginning of November, decreased slightly after the change in ferric sulfate dose had been made (Figure 9), indicating a slight improvement in water quality. Lastly, as described above, the fluctuations in 15 recycle water turbidity are likely caused by the occasional introduction into the SFBW settling basins of wash water from the five primary sedimentation basins. 4. February 2007: In this case influent turbidity stayed around 10 to 12 NTU for the whole month (Figures 4 and 5). This was not a large change from recent values, however, as it had been mostly around 6 to 9 NTU in December 2006 and 7 to 9 NTU in January 2007 (Figures 4 and 5). As was the case for December 2006 (discussed above), the relatively high influent turbidity levels correlated at the same time to relatively high raw lake water turbidity levels. Recycle water turbidity during this period varied greatly, as it had since the beginning of December 2006, as discussed above. In terms of periods of relatively high finished water turbidity, there were only five days during the year where it reached as high as 0.3 NTU, and those were all between August 11 and 15 (0.30 to 0.34 NTU). Two of those values were obtained on the second and third days after recycling was restarted following a two -week period of no recycle (August 1-14, 2006), and the other three values were from a few days before that two -week no -recycle period ended. Can these turbidity values above 0.3 NTU be attributed to the restart of the recycle? Apparently not, as the evidence suggests otherwise. Primarily, no substantial difference is shown in settled or finished water turbidity between the times during and immediately before and after the August 1 — 14, 2006 period of no recycle, and though a slight increase in both values is shown in August 2006, that increase started near the end of the no -recycle period before recycle was restarted (Figures 7 and 8). Further examination of finished water turbidity (Figure 5) shows that throughout the year it typically was around 0.1 NTU, but an increase occurred around June 16, 2006, with the level rising up to 0.2 to 0.3 NTU and staying around there until it started to decrease again around August 17, getting down to approximately 0.1 NTU on around September 3, where it stayed throughout the rest of the period examined through the end of February 2007. As discussed above, the start of this approximately 2.5-month period of relatively high finished water turbidity corresponded to a large storm event on June 14, 2006, when approximately 6 to 8 inches of rain 16 fell within a day (note in Figure 5 the very high raw lake water and influent turbidity levels at that time). Finished water turbidity is compared to recycle water and settled water turbidity in Figure 10 (similar to Figure 5). Note that there is a rise in recycle water turbidity in late June and July 2006 that occurred at the same time as the rise in finished water turbidity. As mentioned above, it seems clear that the large storm event, which occurred just a few days before recycle restarted on June 20, 2006, was responsible for the large increase in raw and influent water turbidity. Furthermore, the subsequent 2.5-month period of relatively high finished water turbidity does not appear to be caused be the restart of recycle because of the following factors: 1. There was no beneficial impact in stopping recycle on June 7 (Figure 10) 2. The recycle water contributes only about 5 percent of the influent flow to the WTP 3. The increase in finished water turbidity corresponded to a decrease in settled water turbidity in early July 2006 (Figure 8), and if recycling was a contributing adverse factor then the settled water turbidity also should have been affected. Instead, it appears that the period of relatively high finished water turbidity was started by the large storm event (and corresponding high influent turbidity) and continued because of operational factors related to the sand filters 4. The increase in finished water turbidity noted started a few days before recycle restarted, and any impacts from restarting recycle would not have been expected to be observed not until a few days after the start due to mixing of recycle water with raw lake water in the raw water reservoirs and the corresponding lag period in that recycle water reaching the influent inlet to the WTP 5. In March 2006 there was a similar rise in recycle water turbidity but with no change in finished water turbidity (Figure 10) Accordingly, despite the fact that recycle water turbidity was somewhat elevated in late June and July 2006 (Figure 10), the storm event in mid -June and subsequent operational factors for the sand filters are much more likely the cause of the increase in finished water turbidity in the time following the June no -recycle period than is the restart of the recycle stream. 17 In terms of comparing periods of recycle and no recycle, settled and finished water turbidity did not visibly vary between these two different times (Figure 8), suggesting no impact from recycling on either settled or finished water turbidity. For example, during the August 1 — 14, 2006 period of no recycle, settled water turbidity ranged from 0.25 to 0.46 NTU, while during the two weeks before and after that period it ranged from 0.20 to 0.45 NTU (Figures 7 and 8). Settled water turbidity levels for all of July through December 2006 (Figures 4 and 5) ranged from 0.19 to 2.0 NTU, with an average of 0.68 NTU. During the August period of no recycle, finished water turbidity ranged from 0.19 to 0.31 NTU, while during the two weeks before and after that period it ranged from 0.12 to 0.34 NTU (Figures 7 and 8). The influent turbidity does begin to rise slightly during the latter stages of the August two -week no recycle period (1.6 up to 2.5 NTU), then continues to rise up to 6.4 NTU before falling again in late August. During that rise, however, recycle water turbidity (Figure 7) remained the same or decreased (ranged from 1.0 to 2.3 NTU during August 15-31, 2006), and was consistently below the raw lake water turbidity (2.0 to 4.9 NTU). With a slightly lower turbidity level and a much lower flow contribution compared to the raw lake water, the recycle water does not appear responsible for the August perturbations in finished water turbidity above 0.3 NTU, nor for the rise at that time in influent turbidity. Examining the June 7 — 19, 2006 period of no recycle, finished water turbidity did not vary substantially between the periods before or during the time of no recycle (Figure 8) (settled water turbidity data were not available for this period). While there is a slight increase in finished water turbidity from 0.09 to 0.15 NTU in the two weeks subsequent to this period (Figure 8; and as discussed elsewhere, finished water turbidity continued to rise after that time), examination of Figure 7 shows a large increase in raw lake water and influent water turbidity during the latter third of the no -recycle time period running from June 7 to 19. These increases were fairly substantial, and were caused by a large storm event. Total Organic Carbon Total organic carbon results are presented as an indication of DBP formation potential in Figures 11 to 14. Throughout the one-year period of March 2006 through February 2007, 18 influent TOC changed in accordance with the raw lake water TOC, and recycle water TOC was consistently less than either of those (Figure 11). Recycle water TOC usually rose during periods when raw water TOC was rising, as did finished water TOC but to a much lesser degree (Figure 11). Since the recycle TOC was always less then the raw TOC, recycle can only lower the influent TOC, not raise it. The overall efficiency of the treatment plant at removing TOC is shown in Figure 12 (influent vs. finished water levels). The second two -week period of no recycle (August 1 to 14, 2006) showed no substantial difference in TOC removal percentage than the weeks immediately before or after that period (Figure 12). The first two -week period of no recycle (June 7 - 19, 2006) appeared to show a slight drop in TOC removal efficiency, thus indicating no adverse impact from the recycling stream (Figure 12). While that same period corresponded to a slight increase in finished water TOC (from about 2.1 up to 2.8 mg/L; Figure 13), that result is correlated to an increase in both raw lake water and influent water TOC resulting from the big storm event in June 2006. TOC results focusing on the no -recycle periods are presented in Figure 13. Here it is clear that the influent and finished water TOC did not change as a result of the lack of recycle. Recycle water TOC varied more than did that for the raw, influent, or finished water, but was always at a lower concentration than the raw or influent water (Figure 13). As such, the recycle water it is not contributing any increase to the influent TOC level. Note that the increase in ferric sulfate dose (between December 10 and 14) apparently helped to improve TOC removal efficiency from around < 60 percent up to 70 percent, as evidenced in Figure 12. Settled water TOC data were available for January through mid March 2007, and are plotted in Figure 14. During that period the settled water and finished water TOC levels were very similar and steady, ranging only from 2.1 to 3.1 mg/L. The influent TOC was typically similar to but slightly less than the raw water levels, with both ranging between 7.3 and 10 mg/L. Recycle was ongoing during that whole period (Jan - Mar 2007). There is a good increasing correlation for both TTHM and HAA5 with the finished water TOC (but not with influent water TOC), as discussed below in the section on TTHMs and HAA5. 19 Manganese Manganese results are presented in Figures 15 to 23. Manganese levels for lake water, recycle water, permanganate addition, influent water, and finished water are shown in Figure 15 for the one-year period of March 2006 through February 2007, and Figure 16 focuses on the finished water and raw lake water data for that period. Finished water manganese concentrations were almost always lower than or equal to the raw lake water manganese (with only one exception on May 23, 2006), and ranged from 0.00 to 0.05 (only twice did it go above 0.03 mg/L), and averaged 0.006 mg/L (Figure 16). Raw lake manganese levels were typically below 0.15 mg/L (full range of 0.01 to 0.33 mg/L), and averaged 0.06 mg/L for the year (Figure 16). Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) or sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) is added seasonally to the raw water lines before the raw water reservoirs for oxidation of organics and taste- and odor -causing compounds (and has been since the early 1990s). The amount of permanganate used is based on a 4-hour manganese demand test. KMnO4 was used from January 1 - July 4, 2006 and February 1 — 11, 2007; NaMn04 was used November 13, 2006 — January 31, 2007, and then again on February 12 - 28, 2007; and neither oxidant was used from July 5 - November 12, 2006. When used, the permanganate typically contributes the bulk of the manganese in the influent water, and the influent manganese levels vary substantially over time as the desired doses changed (Figures 15 and 17). The WTP influent manganese concentration reached as high as 2 mg/L when permanganate was added (Figures 15 and 17), and only up to 0.8 mg/L (usually < 0.6 mg/L) when it wasn't used (Figures 15, 17, and 18). Data in Figures 15 and 17 show that when permanganate is used, the concentration of Mn added and the measured influent levels correlate reasonably well. The changes in influent manganese level also followed the changing pattern of influent turbidity, as shown in Figure 17. That pattern between influent turbidity and influent manganese exists whether potassium permanganate was being added or not (Figure 17). Figure 18 focuses on the period of no permanganate addition, showing the manganese concentrations in the raw lake water, recycle water, and influent water. Recycle manganese concentrations are consistently higher than those in the raw lake water throughout this period (and also during the rest of the year when permanganate was used). The recycle water 20 manganese concentrations are also higher than those in the influent water during this period (Figure 18). During the rest of the year when permanganate is used the recycle concentration varies in relation to the influent level, sometimes being higher and sometimes lower than the concentration in the influent (Figure 15). Interestingly, one substantial increase in the concentration of Mn in the influent water occurred during the second week of the August 2006 two -week period of no recycle (and when no permanganate was being added), as shown in Figure 18. Since there was no recycle occurring at this time, this increase in influent Mn can not be attributed to the recycle water. However, it appears to be directly related to a corresponding increase in raw water manganese concentration (Figure 18). Figure 19 presents the manganese levels during and around the two time periods of no recycle, the latter of which was also a period of no permanganate addition, and Figure 20 focuses on the finished water for that same time period. The lack of recycle did not result in lower levels of manganese in either the finished water (Figures 19 or 20) or the influent water (Figure 19). While the measured finished water manganese concentrations were 0.0 mg/L during the whole June 7 — 19 period of no recycle, it had already dropped to that level a few days before the recycling was stopped (Figure 20). As such, recycle did not appear to adversely affect manganese levels in the finished water during this period. Since the recycle water manganese concentrations are typically higher than the raw lake water levels, a mass balance analysis was performed to compare the manganese loading rates of the various sources (raw lake water, recycle water, and permanganate addition). Concentration values were multiplied by flow rates to calculate the total daily mass in each water stream. The results are shown in Figure 21, which presents the daily mass loading (in kg of Mn) for the added permanganate, raw lake water plus recycle water, and the influent water (note that Figure 21 is the mass balance counterpart to Figure 15, which included concentration levels for the various sources). When permanganate is used, the dose added and the mass of Mn measured in the influent correlate well, and the mass of manganese added is substantially well above the levels in both the raw water and recycle water (Figure 21). Accordingly, the recycle stream does not contribute any substantial amount of manganese to the influent water when permanganate is being used. 21 When permanganate is not used, the mass loading from the raw lake water plus recycle water correlate roughly to the influent levels, (Figure 21), but this is not as good a correlation as that between the permanganate dose and influent level when permanganate is added. In this case, they are roughly the same level as they are during periods of no permanganate use (Figures 15 and 22). Figure 22 shows the relative daily mass loadings of manganese for the raw lake water and the recycle water, and in most cases their mass contributions of Mn to the influent water were relatively equal, though the raw lake water contribution was at times higher. This is simply a result of the higher concentration but lower flow contribution associated. with the recycle water compared to the raw lake water. The period where permanganate was not added (July 4 — November 12, 2006) is examined in more detail in Figure 23. This shows that the Mn mass loading from the recycle water was at times less than, at times roughly equal to, and at times greater than that of the raw lake source. Note that Figure 23 is the mass balance counterpart to Figure 18, which included concentration levels for the various sources during the period of no permanganate addition. Iron The primary source of iron in the water is expected to be from the use of ferric sulfate as the primary coagulant, and iron concentrations in the recycle water were typically higher than that in the raw lake water, WTP influent, or finished water (Figure 24). Ferric sulfate is added downstream from the collection point for the WTP influent samples. The applied ferric sulfate dose over time is plotted in Figure 25. The dose was deliberately nearly doubled between December 10 and 14, 2006. Figure 26 focuses on the level of iron in the finished water from March 2006 through February 2007, and shows that it was usually below 0.05 mg/L, and was always 0.10 mg/L or below. Finished water iron levels varied from 0.0 to 0.10 mg/L, averaging 0.018 mg/L with a median of 0.10 mg/L (Figure 26). Focusing around the two periods of no recycle, Figure 27 presents the levels of iron in the recycle water, raw lake water, influent, and finished water. Removal of iron (levels in the finished water) did not seem to be affected by the recycle practice. 22 The upward spike in raw water iron concentration observed in June 2006 (Figure 27) is attributable to the large storm event that occurred then. Total Coliform Figure 28 presents the total coliform results for February through December 2006 for the raw lake water, recycle water, and WTP influent. Total coliforms were measured as "absent" in all finished water samples in 2006, illustrating the effectiveness of the chloramine/chlorine disinfectant. Accordingly, the recycle practice apparently did not adversely impact finished water coliform levels. Recycle water coliform levels were usually below or near the levels measured in both the raw lake water and influent water. One exception was the period of late April to May 2006, where recycle coliform levels were above those found in the raw water (and similar to those in the influent) (Figure 28). However, during that period there was no substantial change in the influent coliform level (Figure 28), and none were detected in the finished water. As noted previously, a UV disinfection system for the recycle water was installed in summer 2007 which should provide for good disinfection of coliform bacteria. Heterotrophic Plate Count HPC is an indicator measure of the general bacteriological quality of the water. A heterotroph is any organism that cannot make its own food and is therefore dependent on other substances such as organic carbon for nutrition. Organisms measured using HPC methodologies include bacteria, yeasts, and moulds. Figure 29 presents the HPC results for March to September 2006 for the raw lake water, recycle water, WTP influent, and finished water (after September HPC was no longer monitored, and E. Coli was measured instead). Recycle water HPC was usually above or near the level measured in the WTP influent, and the influent HPC was usually near or above the level in the raw lake water (Figure 29). Thus in terms of HPC concentrations it appears the recycle water is contributing some to the HPC loading of the influent water, but of course the recycle flow is 23 much less than that of the raw water. Furthermore, most of the time HPC was measured as <2 CFU/mL in the finished water, while on only 12 days during those seven months the level was between 2 and 6 CFU/mL. Only once was HPC measured in the finished water above 6 CFU/mL, that being 56 CFU on April 23, 2006 (Figure 29), and that result did not correlate with any perturbation in influent water HPC. HPC and E. Coli levels in the recycle water are expected to be lower in the future with the installation of the new UV disinfection system in summer 2007. Total Suspended Solids Figure 30 presents weekly data for total suspended solids (TSS) between March and September 2006 for the raw lake water, recycle water, WTP influent, and finished water. Finished water levels were usually reported as 0 mg/L, though on three occasions were measured as 1 mg/L (Figure 30). TSS for the other water streams was slightly higher. Normally either the raw lake water (range 1 — 6 mg/L; average 3.20) or influent water (range 0 — 14 mg/L; average 4.52) TSS level would be highest, with the level in the recycle water (range 0 — 5 mg/L; average 2.13) being lower than either of those (Figure 30). As such, the recycle stream is not adversely contributing TSS to the influent water. No data were obtained during either the June or August 2006 two -week periods of no recycle, so direct comparison to those periods could not be made. No seasonal trends were observed during the period of March through September 2006. TTHM and HAA5 Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and haloacetic acids (HAA5) were measured approximately monthly in the finished water; results are presented in Figure 31. TTHM ranged from 26.4 to 86.4 µg/L, and averaged 47.9 µg/L. HAA5 ranged from 19.1 to 66.7 µg/L, and averaged 39.1 µg/L. As expected, the highest results were obtained in July and August, the two warmest months. In terms of recycle water contribution, no DBP data were available for the recycle water stream. However, the highest DBP results of the year were obtained on August 7, 2006 (83.4 µg/L for TTHM and 66.7 µg/L for HAA5), about half way through the two -week 24 period of no recycle. A TTHM sample obtained shortly before that period on July 27 measured 77.6 µg/L. Accordingly, the recycle stream is apparently not the cause of the relatively high DBP results since the highest results were obtained during a period with no recycle occurring. Finished water TTHM and HAA5 levels are compared to TOC concentrations for the finished water in Figure 32, and to influent water TOC in Figure 33. There is a good increasing correlation for both TTHM and HAA5 with the influent water TOC (Figure 33), but not with the raw water TOC (Figure 32) due largely to the different treatment steps between the samples. Only one sample day included both DBPs and settled water TOC, so no comparison could be made there. Cryptosporidium and Giardia The USEPA Filter Backwash Recycle Rule is designed to help prevent the recycling of key water quality constituents, particularly active protozoan pathogens such as Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts, to prevent potential contamination of the drinking water supply. Monthly samples were collected and analyzed via USEPA Method 1623 for the raw lake water, recycle water, WTP influent, and finished water. The data obtained are reported in Table 1. Neither Cryptosporidium nor Giardia were detected in any of the monthly samples for the finished water during the period of February 2006 through February 2007. The samples of the other waters resulted in few detections of Cryptosporidium, and no detections of Giardia. The positive Cryptosporidium samples were from the months of May, June, and July 2006 (Table 2). Standard analytical methods for Cryptosporidium are notoriously difficult and unreliable, and the different results for the two types of recycle water samples reflect this problem. Specifically, these two samples are of essentially the same water, obtained a mere —500-feet apart on either side of the recycle pump (the "Treated Waste Effluent — Recycle" samples are SFBW clarifier supernatant obtained before the suction side of the pump, and the "Treated Waste Effluent — Discharge" samples were obtained —500 feet downstream on the discharge side of the pump). On all three occasions where Cryptosporidium was detected, one of these samples had a positive result while the other was not detected (Table 1). Given the similarity of these two sample sources, similar results for each would have been expected. 25 Table 1 Measured Cryptosporidium and Giardia concentrations Cryptosporidium Giardia Treated Treated WTP Treated Treated WTP Waste Waste influent Raw Waste Waste influent Raw lake Effluent - Effluent - (incl. Finished lake Effluent - Effluent - (incl. Finished Date water Recycle Discharge recycle) water water Recycle Discharge recycle) water 2/20-28/06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/21-28/06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/24-25/06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/22-31 /06 0 0.19 0 0.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/20-21 /06 0 0 0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/17/06 0.10 0 0.10 0.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/15/06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/23-24/06 0 NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 11/28/06 0 NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 12/12/06 0 NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 1/16/06 0 NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 2/13/06 0 NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 1VULCs: 1Vt1 � nUL analy"LCU. 1 nC 1 rCULCU W USLC Z111Uem — 1CCcyc1C samples are arts W clarlller supernatant omamea UeIore the sucuon siae of the pump, and the "Treated Waste Effluent — Discharge" samples were obtained —500 feet downstream on the discharge side of the pump. 26 Due to the expensive cost of these tests more frequent analyses was not practical, and much more data are available for potential indicator parameters such as turbidity, total coliform, and HPC, as discussed above. 'Importantly,- and despite the lack of any positive detection for Giardia and infrequent detection of Cryptosporidium, a new UV disinfection treatment system was installed for the treated recycle water stream in summer 2007 (Figure 1). UV disinfection can be highly effective at inactivating both Cryptosporidium and Giardia, depending upon the dose. Though there was no indication from the data examined that the recycle water has any adverse impact on finished water quality, this additional treatment step may help to further ensure a high -quality recycle water with no adverse impact on the microbiological quality of the finished water. 27 SUMMARY An extensive evaluation of the City of Raleigh's E.M. Johnson water treatment plant's waste stream recycling system and related water quality data was performed to determine if the recycling practice has any observable adverse -impact on finished water quality. The recycle practice did not have any adverse impacts on finished water quality for any of the water quality parameters examined. Parameters evaluated and discussed in this report include flow, turbidity, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, total coliform, HPC, TOC, manganese, iron, TSS, THMs, and HAAs. In fact, concentrations of several key parameters in the recycle water were less than that of the raw water (e.g., turbidity, TOC, TSS), while in cases where the recycle water did have a higher concentration than the raw water (e.g., Mn, Fe, HPC) there was no observable impact at any time on finished water quality. Table 2 shows the general trends that were observed when comparing water quality data for the recycle stream to that of the raw lake water and combined influent. Table 2 General concentration trends for recycle, raw, and influent water Parameter Typical relative concentration Recycle conc. < or > Recycle conc. < or > raw lake water WTP influent water Flow rate, daily average --- < (-0 —10%, avg. 5%) Turbidity (NM < < TOC (mg/L) < < Manganese (mg/L) > = or > Iron (mg/L) > > Total coliform (coliform/100 mL) < (occasionally =) <, _, or > HPC (cfu/mL) > > or = TSS (mg/L) < < 28 There are several positive aspects of the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant's recycling system that help provide for no observable adverse impact from the recycling on finished water quality. First, the physical system is well -designed and relatively extensive. The two primary waste streams are treated with clarification - the primary clarifier blowdown with three sludge thickening tanks, and the spent filter backwash water with two settling basins. Also, supernatant from the thickeners is routed to the SFBW clarifiers. The only waste stream recycled toward the head of the plant is the supernatant from the two backwash water settling basins. In addition, that recycled flow does not go directly to the head of the plant, but instead is directed to the West raw water reservoir, where it is combined with the raw lake water to form the plant combined influent. Furthermore, the inlet for the recycled water into the reservoir is located fairly near the raw lake water inlet, and a good distance from the outlet of the reservoir that carries water to the head of the WTP, and thus there is a reasonable level of mixing between the recycle water and raw water before it is used by the WTP. Secondly, WTP personnel appear to do an excellent job monitoring performance of the various residual and recycle treatment units and responding to changes in water quality as needed. This conclusion is based on observations made during an in -person site visit by EE&T water treatment engineers to the WTP in June 2007, and in numerous subsequent contacts between EE&T and WTP personnel. Lastly, in summer 2007 (subsequent to the period of the data analyzed in this report), three significant improvements were made to the recycle system at the WTP. First, a UV disinfection treatment system was installed for the backwash water settling basin supernatant to help reduce or eliminate the viability of bacteria, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and other pathogenic microorganisms. UV disinfection is well above what would be considered standard treatment for filter backwash water, and in fact EE&T knows of no other U.S. water supplier currently using UV disinfection for this purpose. UV used in this fashion can be an excellent barrier to viruses, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium depending upon the delivered dose. The City is going to be an active participant in an Awwa Research Foundation research project. with EE&T to further evaluate the delivered dose and the disinfection capability of the system. The installation of the system and the commitment to participate in the research project exemplify the interest that the M City has shown in providing state of the art facilities that go well beyond requirements to treat recycle streams. Secondly, in summer 2007 a new recycle pump station (three 8-mgd pumps) was constructed that now directs the backwash water settling basin supernatant (after UV disinfection) to both the East and West raw water reservoirs. While the new pumping arrangement won't necessarily result in additional dilution of the recycle water with the raw lake water (since water from the two reservoirs is combined anyway prior to entering the WTP), it does provide sufficient pumping capacity such that during periods of relatively high flow all of the filter backwash settling basin supernatant can be pumped to the raw water reservoirs (that was not always the case previously, as in August 2006 the flow of supernatant was too high for the old pumps to handle and the supernatant was discharged to the nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek for two weeks). Lastly, piping and valve improvements were made to ensure all of the drying bed underdrain water is directed to the sewer system (previously that water was supposedly directed to the splitter box before the three thickeners, but a leaking valve allowed some of that water to be directed to the SFBW settling basins instead). This improvement is expected to result in lower manganese levels in the settling basin supernatant. 30 RECYCLING REQUIREMENTS The E.M. Johnson water treatment plant is required by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to discontinue recycling for one 2-week period each calendar year (NCDENR 2005), and during that time to discharge the backwash water settling basin supernatant to a nearby stream in accordance with an NPDES permit (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit). The stated purpose of this requirement is to allow complete flushing of the raw water reservoirs and treatment plant (NCDENR 2005). The above detailed assessment evaluated two such periods of no recycle, in June and August 2006. The extensive water quality data evaluated showed no observable adverse impact on finished water quality at any time for any of the water quality parameters evaluated. In addition, the exceptional physical system design and operational practices employed by WTP staff help to ensure no adverse impact will be realized during times other than that examined in this report. Furthermore, the City of Raleigh has made improvements to their treatment system after the period of data collection analyzed in this report, including installing a UV disinfection system for the recycle water. UV disinfection is well above what would be considered standard treatment for filter backwash water, and in fact EE&T knows of no other U.S. water supplier currently using UV disinfection for this purpose. UV used in this fashion can be an excellent barrier to viruses, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium depending upon the delivered dose. As a result of the above analysis, it is our professional opinion that the NCDENR requirement for not recycling for two weeks per year is unnecessary and unduly burdensome. In fact, many parameters are lower in the recycle than the raw water and thus improve the plant intake levels. The requirement puts a physical and water quality load on the receiving stream (normally dry except for storm events) with no recognizable benefit to the WTP, and can lead to unnecessary objections from local residents who are not familiar with the specific quality of the discharged water nor the reasons for its discharge. 31 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above analysis, it is apparent that the recycle system is well -designed and well -operated. Nonetheless, certain improvements could be made to improve recycle water quality, and additional study performed to further understand some of the key issues. Accordingly, we offer the following recommendations: 1. Issue: When the main WTP sedimentation basins are cleaned out (such as in Dec. 2006 through Feb. 2007), the wash water is currently routed to the SFBW clarifiers. This arrangement results in substantial fluctuations of recycle water turbidity levels during the times of basin cleanout, and levels that are often higher than the raw lake water turbidity. There would be much less impact from this wash water if it was instead directed to the splitter box leading into the three thickeners. That way the wash water would be treated with polymer and clarification prior to that supernatant entering the SFBW clarifiers. Recommendation: Install appropriate piping and valves to route the wash water from the five main WTP sedimentation basins to the splitter box entering the thickeners, and discontinue the current practice of routing that wash water directly to the SFBW clarifiers. Draining of the clear water in the basins should still be directed to the SFBW settling basins, and the wash water used for cleaning out the solids could be directed to the thickeners. Currently finished water is used to wash the main WTP sedimentation basins, and WTP staff are concerned that the relatively high alkalinity in the finished water would affect the settling in the thickeners if it was directed to them. Accordingly, if the wash water is directed to the thickeners, the effect of using finished water on thickener settling should be evaluated, and if there is an adverse impact then settled water should be used for this washing (a means of storing and pumping the settled water may be necessary). Further analysis of the potential ramifications of this recommendation should be performed to assess all potential issues. 32 2. Issue: An improved mass balance analysis would be useful to better understand the fate of manganese in the WTP. Also, manganese levels in the SFBW settling basin supernatant (recycle water) were historically as high during periods when permanganate was not used as they were when it was being applied, and it would be good to determine the source of that manganese. Until piping improvements were made in May 2007, some of the underdrain water from the filter cake drying beds (which is high in manganese) was inadvertently pumped to the SFBW settling basins. Permanganate has been used continuously since that time, so it is as yet unknown if the piping improvements will help reduce recycle water manganese levels. Recommendation: Measure the manganese concentration of the thickener overflow and the SFBW (during both periods of permanganate use and non-use), and perform a mass balance analysis. Also, when permanganate use is next discontinued, increase the frequency of analysis of manganese in the SFBW supernatant to daily to better assess any improvement in manganese levels (currently weekly analyses are performed).. 3. Issue: No TTHM or HAA5 data are available for the recycle water; only finished water TTHM and HAA5 data are available. The highest DBP results of the year were obtained during the warmest month (83.4 µg/L for TTHM and 66.7 µg/L for HAA5 on August 7, 2006), about half way through a two -week period of no recycle. Since these numbers are at least approaching the future LRAA MCL, it would be good to determine if recycle is contributing to the levels. Recycle can add to both the instantaneous DBP levels by recycling preformed DBPs and add to the formation potential by adding precursors. Recommendation: Obtain TTHM and HAA5 data for the recycle stream during the warmest months (July and August, when DBP levels are expected to be highest) at the same time as the monthly DBP sampling of the finished water. Analyze for both instantaneous DBPs and SDS levels by adding additional 33 chlorine, buffering the pH to the distribution system level, and holding for an appropriate time (— 3 days). 4. Issue: The City is currently required by the NCDENR to discharge the SFBW settling basin supernatant (recycle water) to a nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek for one 2-week period each year. The above analysis showed that this requirement is unnecessary and unduly burdensome. In fact, many parameters are lower in the recycle than the raw water and thus improve the plant intake levels. The requirement puts a physical and water quality load on the receiving stream (normally dry except for storm events) with no recognizable benefit to the WTP, and can lead to unnecessary objections from local residents who are not familiar with the specific quality of the discharged water nor the reasons for its discharge. Recommendation: The City should negotiate with the State to rescind the requirement for occasional discharge of SFBW settling basin supernatant to the nearby creek. The NPDES permit that allows that discharge should be maintained, however, in the event of some unforeseen circumstance where operational conditions mandate a release of SFBW settling basin supernatant to the creek. 5. Issue: The City has resisted using a polymer in the SFBW settling basins to improve coagulation and clarification because of toxicity concerns from the polymer for occasions when the supernatant is discharged to the nearby creek, as required for one 2-week period per year by the NCDENR. The City previously determined in 2005 that the polymer used for the splitter (entering the three thickeners) and the filter presses was likely causing toxicity in the water discharged to the creek. Subsequent modifications to the residuals system now direct the press filtrate to the sewer, and no polymer is recycled from the presses. Any polymer left over in the thickener supernatant passes along to the SFBW settling basins. 34 Recommendation: Consider evaluating the use of a polymer to improve clarification in the SFBW settling basins and the quality of the supernatant water recycled. Polymer addition might be particularly helpful during the times when wash water from cleaning out the five main WTP sedimentation basins is directed to the SFBW settling basins (note that Recommendation No. 1 above suggests directing that wash water to the thickeners). Since the SFBW settling basin supernatant might on occasion need to be discharged to the nearby creek (e.g., as was done when there was a problem with the pump station at the UV disinfection facility in July 2007), the issue of potential toxicity of the supernatant water containing polymer should be reevaluated. This evaluation should also include an assessment of any impacts from recycling polymer to the raw water reservoirs. 6. Issue: Recycle water turbidity levels on occasion were measured higher than the raw water turbidity. However, the recycle flow averages only 5.0 percent of the influent flow (maximum of 10.0 percent), and as such on those occasions contributes a minor increase in turbidity for the influent water compared to that in the raw water. Overall through the one-year period studied, there were 337 days when recycle was occurring, and of those 337 days there were 43 occasions (12.5 percent) where the -recycle water turbidity level exceeded that measured for the raw water. Furthermore, of the times when recycle turbidity was greater than for raw water, recycle turbidity was > 4 NTU on only 13 occasions (3.6 percent of all sample days), and only 23 occasions where recycle turbidity was > 3 NTU (6.8 percent of all sample days). Raw water turbidity averaged 5.5 NTU during the year. The NCDENR has stipulated a maximum turbidity for the recycle water of 30 NTU (NCDENR 2005). Recommendation: One goal would be to establish a recycle water turbidity maximum value, such as 4.0 or 5.0 NTU. Alternatively, the maximum could be set at the influent turbidity, but this is a harder operating goal to monitor and maintain and during times of low influent turbidity could be difficult to achieve. 35 REFERENCES Cornwell, David A. 2006. Water Treatment Residuals Engineering. AWWA Research Foundation. Denver, CO, 364 pp. Cornwell, David A., Michael J. MacPhee, and Rodney J. Mutter. Undated. Self Assessment of Recycle Practices. Prepared for the American Water Works Association, Government Affairs Office. EE&T, Inc., Newport News, VA, 121 pp. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. January 21, 2005. Letter from J. Wayne Munden (NCDENR) to Russell Allen (City of Raleigh). US Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Implementation Guidelines for the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR). Office of Water. EPA 816-D-01-001. 36 . Raw lake water o Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water X Recycle water 80 E 40 3 0 FL 20 r� L-41, .s:, :a►tirr�tYr1 `''' .,tiYfiila..v..;. W CO 4�1 CJ) 0) CO CO 1 N W W W N N N N CD N N N 0') C7 O O O O CO C) CO CO CO O \ O tV N N C\ O P O O) CA m C') CA m m C) CO C) �I v m CA m Figure 2 Flow rates (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 37 ■ % recycle of total treated water x Recycle water flow 10 .-, 8 ENo 0 6SON M ME Ip No ... % o, 4 m AM L01 a ME No 0 Lj M � 00 N W W W N N N N N N N _O Co (0 W N N N C_31 P a) 0 00 0 0 00 a.. a- C) o 0 0 0 CD a) a) a� C) C) CD -4 -A Periods of no ■ ■ recycle ■ ■ Figure 3 Recycle flow rate (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 38 ■ Raw lake 50 .N D z 30 w 20 10 9 Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water ® Settled x Recycle I W W 4�1 Cn O) �I Oo CO 1 N W W W N N N N O N N N O O O O O C\O O C\O O CO O � O N N N C\ O ? O O m O 0) O m O) O O O �1 �l O m m Figure 4 Turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 39 ■ Raw lake • Influent to WTP 100 ♦ Finished water ® Settled * Recycle Y , 1. � t , f-� � � �� ` •�. r ' , ': � ti '`{S♦ �� ♦: J - 11�` 1 � ;may off YµS '4WL_Cki r m W 4�h, CP O v CO O N W W W N N N N O N N N O O C\O CD CO -4 N N N (CJ7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �1 ­4 O O O Figure 5 Turbidity: log -scale plot (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) ,o ■ Raw lake water X Recycle water 20 15 H Z ' 10 L 5� W W 4� Cr m Cfl N O O CEO C`O Co -4 N N N C�31 m O O O O O O O O O (A (A CA W W O O O O m C) m r ' Figure 6 Raw lake water and recycle water turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 41 ■ Raw lake i Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water ® Settled x Recycle water 50 recy 40 z 30 a 20 H 10 0 y y V! \ ` \ \ UI O P CO c\O W 00 O O O O O O O O m m m m 0') m 0') 0") Figure 7 Turbidity (May — Aug 2006) 42 ♦ Finished water ® Settled water 1.0 Periods of no recycle 0.9 � 0.8 0.7 0.6 z 0.5 . H- 0.4 ®® A.' 0.3 4L ♦♦ ♦ ♦� A4 AL ♦ I�w �4 0.1AAA A 0.0 can con -C4 a� a� -4 N o0 Co N N C_n O 0) P Co P ( W Co 0 m m m 0) � 0) Figure 8 Settled and finished water turbidity (May — Aug 2006) 43 ■ Raw lake • Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water 20 increase in ferric sulfate (Dec. 10 - 14) 16 4 X Settled X Recycle 1 ■•� X)KI T WW E'm 0 � � N C) O O O O O �I O O Figure 9 Turbidity during Nov. and Dec. 2006 M, is + w . r + , • • • • • • • Note: no settled water turbidity data were available for before July 1, 2006 Figure 10 Recycle, settled, and finished water turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 45 12 in 8 J E 6 O i- 4- 2- ■ Raw lake ® Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water . Settled x Recycle �F T � � �.. i r FAA I 712 W m W C\3lm ` CO CD W \ W W N N N N O \ \ N \ O O (D (0 CO N N N O O O O O O \ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Figure 11 TOC concentrations (Mar 2006 —Feb 2007) m i I 1 U O O V v i 80 Periods of Fi�n ferri 3 �. c sulfate no recycle � (45% removal is required) ♦ % TOC removal 11 VA Figure 12 Percent TOC removal (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) Figure 12 Percent TOC removal (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) ■ Raw lake water • Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water )K Recycled water) 10- Periods of no recycle Figure 13 TOC concentrations (May - Aug, 2006) ■ Raw lake water a Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water ♦ Settled water 12 10 E 6- L) 0 4 «♦<♦!�� s♦♦�♦,�♦♦♦s�•�i �+11►� m r�eoys♦�♦..wt.♦i�.<.♦1��►<u♦ ,<♦�<��. 2 0 0 \ I Q C:) C Figure 14 Settled water TOC concentrations (Jan — Mar 2007) 49 -y 1• ♦ \ ♦ I� 0 i 6 / 1 ♦ ♦ Figure 15 Manganese concentrations (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 50 o Raw lake water ♦ Finished water 0.35 , Periods of,.,--, Period of no MnO4used 0.30 0.25 J 0.20 r 0.15 ea 00 0.10 0.05vt 0.00 MIX = W ((0 O � ONO y N N N CN31 0) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a� (3) 01) a) a) a) a) O O o -4 -4 4+ . • Figure 16 Finished and raw lake water manganese concentrations (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 51 ■ Influent turbidity • Influent Mn ♦ Mn dose added 100 J Periods of Period of Figure 17 Influent manganese compared to applied dose and influent turbidity (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 52 2.0 m Raw lake water Influent to WTP )K Recycle water cn w w rn rn rn o 0 rn rn Figure 18 Manganese concentrations during the period of no permanganate addition (July 5 — Nov 12, 2006) 53 54 ■ Raw lake water • Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water )K Recycle water 2.0 1.6 J al F 1.2 OW X d C 0.8 c 0.4 0.0i " 01 � rn rn OD 00 —W N N N CTI O A C\O -P c\O W o7 O O O O O O O O m 6) m O) 6) m a7 6) Periods of • no recycle zil • � • • • no Mn04 • � • , used • Figure 19 Manganese concentrations (May — Aug 2006) ■ Raw lake water A Finished water 0.15 o.10 E y ai C m 0.05 0.00 w rn m m 0) 0) 0) Mn04 used only through Periods of no recycle � ■ 7/4/06 ■ ■ no Mn04 used ■ ■ ■ ■ ♦ III Y1i►11► ♦RMO M► W► ♦ Y Figure 20 Manganese concentrations for raw lake water and finished water (May — Aug 2006) 55 500 !SIT ca .a Y 300 N d C R 200 E fC w 100 is o Lake + Recycle x Mn added ♦ Influent to WTP W W P Cn CA �I CO CO N O W \ O W O O W O O N COE O N C`O O N Oo O N \ O O N N N N N CCnn O N O O CA CA CA M CA C) O O O -4 M M CA Figure 21 Source of manganese over time (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) 56 ■ Raw lake water )K Recycle water 75 60 - �a a� Y y N 45 N C R 30 E �a ' 15 0 W W W 4�h- W M W CA N v N Cb N CD N O 1 N _, N N N 0') O O O O O CO O CEO O 00 O � O N IliN CCTI \P O O M CA CA CA CA O O CA O O �I v CA CA Figure 22 Manganese mass loadings for raw lake water vs. recycle water (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) 57 ■ Raw lake water 1000 as 100 X y fn E °' 10 to C !0 is C R E 1 0 H 0.1 • Influent to WTP Recycle water Period of • recycle go- / 00 cc c\n 4� w O O O W N M CD CD CD Figure 23 Manganese mass loadings during the period of no permanganate addition (July 5 — Nov 12, 2006) 58 m 3- J G1 E 2 C O = ■ Raw lake water ® Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water X Recycle water -- •• • 0 .. 1 Lv AI W CT O � 00 (fl N \ CA)W \ \ CA) \ N \ NJ \ N \ N.)\ O _, \ N \ \ N \ N O O (.0 (D 00 \ N N N C\ O O O O O O C) O O O CA CA CA O O CA C) v v CD C) Figure 24 Iron concentrations (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 59 125 ♦ Ferric sulfate dose • � Periods of � no recycle' • • RIC Figure 25 Applied dose of ferric sulfate (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) Figure 25 Applied dose of ferric sulfate (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 0.20 0.15 J E 0.10 0 L 0.05 0.00 O OO 00 = a� o 0 0 0 00 0 rn m a) m a) a) a) a � CD C) ♦ Finished water Periods of no recycle �u AL ern • �� ��■rrrn Figure 26 Finished water iron concentrations (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) �� 19111 2.5 2.0 a� E 1.5 c 0 L 1.0 0.5 ,1 e ■ Raw lake water • Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water )KRecycle water • , ;•;A� R 1 ;�� is �!7� i ,.;4� . r Ull \l 6) ` Col CD CEO CD CD CD m 0) m Figure 27 Iron concentrations (May— Aug 2006) I I � OD 00 N N W 00 m � m ■ Raw lake water • Influent to WTP 100000 J 0 10000 I � T N >_ 0 1000 O U E 100 O 0 U w 10 0 Recycle water OO O CEO Q 00 z N N N Q O O O O O O O O O O) d) O O O) O) O) C) W CD v V Note: any data values with a "> x" designation were translated to "= x" for plotting purposes Figure 28 Total coliform (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) 63 ■ Raw lake water • Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water * Recycle water 10000 * *)% X * MONNOM * * W A *WWA * * *• * •• OK ■ 1000 * * � • �� X ` * ��IKM IN s ■ l 't� a NIN~en X Periods of ° * ■ m L no recycle 10 a ** ■ ■ _.- cK ♦ ♦ AL 1♦ 1 W W W N N N N O O CO CO 00 �1 0) O O O O O O O 0) m CT) CY) CD 0') 0') Note: values designated as < 20 are plotted as = 10; values designated as < 2 are plotted as = 1; and values designated as > x are plotted as = x Figure 29 Heterotrophic plate count (Mar — Sept 2006) m .-. J E 16 12 ■ Raw lake water a Influent to WTP ♦ Finished water )K Recycle water ... 0 Ca 8 c a� CO 0 0 w w gyp. W W can W a� N � N oo N � N O = O O seCO OD0) 0) Periods of no recycle (no TSS data were availablefor these times) SIC �K SIC SIC SIC SIC SIC ® SIC 3�E ® l�C 3�E �C �C SIC ♦ ♦ ■ SIC �K SIC ■ ■ � Figure 30 Total suspended solids (Mar — Sept 2006) 65 _ f 100 ♦ THM - Finished water o HAA5 - Finished water Peri ods of no recycle � 0 oo e a o Figure 31 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) Figure 31 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 (Mar 2006 — Feb 2007) • TOC:TTHM ❑ TOC: HAA5 100 ... J .M 80 L. 3 60 sE 40 L 0 20 s 0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Total organic carbon in finished water (mg1L) • D • ❑ a Figure 32 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 versus finished water TOC (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) 67 V ♦ TOC:TTHM ❑ TOC: HAA5 100 ,-. 80 L •a+ 3 = 60 y ME 4= ❑ ♦ ❑ .� 40 LO LM C 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 Total organic carbon in influent water (mg/L) Figure 33 Finished water TTHM and HAA5 versus influent water TOC (Mar 2006 - Feb 2007) Assessment of Raleigh's Residuals Treatment Systems Submitted to City of Raleigh Raleigh, North Carolina Submitted by EE&T, Inc. 712 Gum Rock Court Newport News, VA 23606 December 2007 LIST OF TABLES ................................... ... LIST OF FIGURES ........................... iii ............................................................................................................. EXECUTIVESUMMARY........................................................................................................................... iv OBJECTIVESAND APPROACH.............................................................................................................. 1 RESIDUALS AND RECYCLE SYSTEMS........................................................................................... 1 RESULTSAND DISCUSSION................................................................................................................ 5 TotalSolids Produced..................................................................................................................... 5 SFWBSettling Basins................................................................................................................... 10 ThickenerOperations..................................................................................................................... 12 SludgeHolding Tanks...................................................................................................................... 15 FilterPress Operations.................................................................................................................. 16 FilterCake Handling...................................................................................................................... 18 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................................ 19 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 20 ii 0 LIST OF TABLES 1 WTP waste stream treatment........................................................................................................ 10 2 Filter press solids information..................................................................................................... 17 3 Filter press hydraulic and solids loading rates.......................................................................... 18 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Schematic of recycle/residuals system (as of September 2007)........................................... 3 2 Calculated solids production based on plant operations data (March 2006 to April2007)............................................................................................................ 7 3 Comparison of calculated solids production to observed solids in filter press feed (2006 data)............................................................................................................ 8 4 Comparison of reported cake removal to calculated and observed solids production (2006 data)............................................................................................................ 9 5 Cumulative distribution of calculated SFBW settling basin HLRs from March 2006 toApril 2007......................................................................................................... 11 6 Cumulative distribution of calculated thickener HLRs from March 2006 to April 2007...................................................................................................................... 13 7 Cumulative distribution of thickener SLRs from March 2006 to April 2007.................. 14 iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH This memorandum provides an evaluation of the residuals treatment systems employed at the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant (WTP) and recommendations designed to help improve performance and reduce operating costs. This assessment is based on data provided by the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, including information on the production of solids as well as operation of the spent filter backwash water (SFBW) settling basins, gravity thickeners, sludge holding tanks, belt filter presses, and filter cake handling facilities. Data from other water treatment plant operations were also used such as flow, turbidity, and total suspended solids (TSS). Operational factors such as hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and solids loading rate (SLR) were evaluated for the gravity thickeners and filter presses. HLR was also evaluated for the SFBW settling basins, and a separate detailed evaluation of potential water quality impacts from recycling SFBW setting basin supernatant was also performed (EE&T 2007). SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Solids Production Calculations of the amount of solids produced by the WTP were calculated in three ways: (1) using influent water quality data and treatment chemical dosages; (2) data for the solids coming from the holding tanks to the filter presses; and (3) reports of the amount of solids hauled away as compost. Since there was not a good correlation between any of these three results, it is recommended that a study be conducted to collect additional information to better characterize solids production at the treatment plant, especially as it relates to the values the City is being charged to haul. iv SFWB Settling Basins Currently, no equalization storage is provided to dampen peak flows during filter backwashes. Furthermore, the instantaneous HLRs are higher than would normally be recommended for SFBW settling basins that do not use polymer. Nonetheless, as shown in the separate report for the recycle system analysis (EE&T 2007) there is currently no observable impact on water quality from recycling the SFBW settling basin supernatant, which indicates that the SFBW settling basins are performing adequately. Gravity Thickeners In general, the calculated solid loading rates (SLRs) with three thickeners in service are within the normally observed range, although at the higher end of the range (typical range 0.1 to 0.4 lb/hr-ft ). With one thickener out of service, the thickener SLRs exceed what would be considered normal operating range at other water treatment plants. The thickener hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) are also within the range normally observed at other water treatment plants when all three thickeners are in service. With one of the thickeners out of service, occasionally the thickener HLRs may exceed the high end of the normally observed range. Based on both the SLR and HLR results, it is recommended that a fourth thickener be added so that the plant can keep three thickeners in service at all times, even when one thickener is out of service for maintenance. Sludge Holding Tanks Available data show that the available storage time is, approximately 1.0 days for the median flow rate of sludge to the filter presses, and 0.6 days for the upper 90th percentile flow rate. While these storage times are relatively short, they should be sufficient to maintain normal operation of the filter presses (23 hours of operation per day with 1 hour of down time for maintenance). If additional operational flexibility is desired, the addition of a fifth storage tank will provide an additional 6 hours of sludge storage during median conditions, which may be v o, helpful if the filter presses cannot be operated due to maintenance. It would be appropriate to install sludge level gauges in each tank, as well as a means to automatically transmit that data to the dewatering system building to aid in operator evaluation. Filter Press Operations The median and maximum (90th percentile) HLR were calculated as 32 and 56 gpm/meter, respectively, and the median and maximum SLR were calculated as 321 and 521 lbs/hour/meter,• respectively, based on operating one filter press 23 hours per day. During maximum conditions two (or even three) filter presses are operating, which would cut in half these maximum HLR and SLR values. In general, the calculated median HLRs and SLRs are within the range of values that are typically observed at comparable plants, however, the maximum values for SLR are above typical values if only one press is operating. The City should consider operating two presses during these higher conditions, if it does not already do so. It was separately recommended the City consider whether the existing presses or with the addition of a fourth press the sludge material in the reservoirs could be dewatered by the city to avoid contractor dredge and dewatering costs. Filter Cake Handling The current system for filter press cake handling requires the cake be handled twice — once to move it to the storage area, and once again to load it onto the 20 cubic yard trailers used by the hauler. Also, there is no cover over the outdoor filter press solids drying bed. Since the solids are hauled away as compost and this is paid for by the City on a weight basis, any rain water in the solids is also paid to be trucked away. Unfortunately, as noted above neither the calculated solids production nor the observed solids feed to the filter presses correlates well with the reported values that the cake hauler is charging the plant for transportation. Furthermore, there is no clear bias in the discrepancy; the calculated and observed values are neither consistently higher nor consistently lower than the reported values. For this reason, additional studies are recommended to assess the accuracy of the values that are reported by the cake vi a hauler. Regardless of that result, the City should consider evaluating different options for keeping the filter press solids covered, as well as installation of an on -site truck scale to weigh the amount of cake hauled away. RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations proffered based on this assessment are summarized as follows: 1. Initiate a study to better determine discrepancies between calculated, plant measured, and hauler reported solids quantities. 2. Consider installation of a fourth thickener to provide additional capacity, and to enable three thickeners to be operating while one is being cleaned and/or serviced 3. Consider installation of a fifth sludge holding tank prior to the filter belt presses to provide additional capacity, including more storage time if the filter press operation is temporarily unavailable 4. It would be appropriate to install sludge level gauges in each tank, as well as a means to automatically transmit that data to the dewatering system building to aid in operator evaluation 5. Consider the feasibility of using the existing processes or additional presses to process sludge from the on -site lagoons as an alternative to hiring a contractor to dredge and dewater the material. 6. The City should consider evaluating different options for keeping the filter press solids covered. Possibilities include (a) constructing a roof over the current drying bed, and (by devising a system where several trailers are kept on site, loaded one at a time directly from the filter press conveyor belt, and then covered with a tarp until a time when it is convenient for them to be hauled away. This latter method would require changes to the filter press building structure to accommodate the 20 cubic yard trailers used by the hauler, but would also eliminate the need to handle the cake twice. Either of these methods (`a' or `b') should save on shipping costs (due to a lower weight of the solids). The City vii could also explore the possibility of getting the filter cake classified as "Class A", and then perhaps the local wastewater plant would be able to take the WTP filter cake and mix it with theirs. 7. Consider installation of an on -site truck scale to weigh the amount of cake hauled away viii ASSESSMENT OF RALEIGH'S RESIDUALS TREATMENT SYSTEMS CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH This memorandum provides an evaluation of the residuals treatment systems employed at the E.M. Johnson water treatment plant (WTP). This assessment is based on data provided by the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, including information on the operation of the spent filter backwash water (SFBW) settling basins, gravity thickeners, sludge holding tanks, and belt filter presses. Data from other water treatment plant operations were also used such as flow, turbidity, and total suspended solids (TSS). Operational factors such as hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and solids loading rate (SLR) were evaluated for the gravity thickeners and filter presses. HLR was also evaluated for the SFBW settling basins, and a separate detailed evaluation of potential water quality impacts from recycling SFBW setting basin supernatant was also performed (EE&T 2007). RESIDUALS AND RECYCLE SYSTEMS The City of Raleigh's E.M. Johnson water treatment plant (WTP) is rated for a capacity of 86 mgd in April through October, and 78 mgd for November through March. The amount of water treated averaged 52.5 mgd for the one-year period from March 2006 - February 2007 (the period of study for the separate recycle evaluation (EE&T 2007)). The plant uses ozonation for primary disinfection (to help meet disinfection by-product (DBP) regulations), ferric sulfate coagulation and clarification (five sedimentation basins), high -rate sand filtration (22 filters; up to 5.5 gpm/ft), and chloramination for residual disinfection. In the month of March chlorine is used instead of chloramines. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is also occasionally used. Raw water is obtained from Falls Lake. Raw lake water and recycled water (supernatant from the spent filter backwash water (SFBW) settling basins) are combined in each of two raw water reservoirs (the East and West Reservoirs), both with a rated capacity of approximately 70 million gallons. With an average WTP influent flow of 52.5 mgd (combined from both reservoirs), each reservoir provides 1 approximately 2.7 days of detention time. Potassium permanganate or sodium permanganate is added to the raw water lines before the two raw water reservoirs for oxidation of organics and taste- and odor -causing compounds (and has been since the early 1990s). Permanganate is generally not used at the same time as ozone. A schematic of the recycle and residuals management system is provided as Figure 1. There are two primary waste streams generated by the WTP processes: sedimentation tank blowdown and filter backwash. Spent filter backwash (including filter to waste) is conveyed by gravity to two filter backwash sedimentation basins (the North and South Basins). The SFBW flow is intermittent, up to 22 times per day if each filter is backwashed once. From March 2006 to April 2007, the average filter backwash produced 114,000 gallons of waste. Calcium thiosulfate, used for dechlorination, is introduced to the SFBW prior to the North and South Basins. The thiosulfate is added in case of an operational event that leads to discharging recycle water to a nearby unnamed tributary of Honeycutt Creek (which drains back into Falls Lake). Caustic is also added occasionally to the SFBW before the settling basins. SFBW clarifier sludge (from the North and South basins) is collected and pumped back to the head of the residual waste treatment system into the three gravity thickeners, while the supernatant is pumped to the two raw water reservoirs where it is combined with the raw lake water to form the plant combined influent. Operation of the SFBW clarifiers is discussed in more detail further below. The three gravity thickeners receive waste from two sources, blowdown from the five primary WTP sedimentation tanks and sludge from the North and South SFBW settling basins. Supernatant from the thickeners is conveyed to the SFBW settling basins, and the solids stream is directed to four 25,000-gallon sludge blending/holding tanks prior to the belt filter press dewatering system. Filter cake solids are stored on -site prior to being hauled away as compost, and the press filtrate is pumped to the local sewer system. Operation of the gravity thickeners and filter presses is discussed in more detail below. A 26-MG on -site sludge storage lagoon is used occasionally to store solids resulting from cleaning out the SFBW settling basins. The cleaning is done approximately once per year, but has not yet been done since recycling started in February 2006. The solids remain in the lagoon until dredged and hauled off -site. 2 .1PIMSW SgMR, x7Yl BBY/I]a RYWIWYh Q]RRMI . wY]im1 rYanCMtB1 YSOlV9]9 Wexrou�p ,1 sWWmunaiar rxmc sw ¢nlm �aamvWew.mrt aims 6 YA11111 ] i 110E61AICUE R�Pm111W WCI�I SVHENLAV] mIaWIM'W Rai m]uowror a]vaemwzxloseaxo mmnx al wrWlru] m N WYBYFM MJIW]B r/]R In011B IYlI10 4]K iIm( llmt ro WaYc][roevlxwa �IISA tNE8 Yu]WIa�lWO WYPB YmMMW1.VFWm£q Wimromrurcvml ILL' mBl Rl]A 4PE49t 0.1Rq®i3 0.1ERYAMi �llhtl]R��YM/AIMm RTN1EreIB1]MYYWWFTl91 BaI�V]LLW wsmmax nmYe wemvW uwamm]u+E niwaroims] orrmWaerma 0.1GWmMW mraYWnmu mram w�nu�e rr mwi�® ® 0 mwlawa ®j EE&T, Inc. RALEIGH RESIDUALS SYSTEM mic xm m mu Figure 1 Schematic of recycle/residuals system (as of September 2007) 3 j Several improvements to the WTP operations have been implemented by the City of Raleigh in the past couple of years, including the following: • Started recycling SFBW settling basin supernatant to the West Raw Water Reservoir in February 2006, with intensive data collection for analyzing any potential impacts on water quality. • Air scouring was introduced to the filter backwash operations to reduce the amount of SFBW produced. • The chemical used for dechlorination was changed from sodium bisulfite to calcium thiosulfate. • Sludge blanket measurement instrumentation was installed in two of the three thickeners (it was already used in one of the thickeners), and remote displays of the measurements were installed in the dewatering system building (previously was only displayed locally at the one thickener). More recently, the following three improvements were made in 2007: • On July 5, 2007 a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment system was started up to provide a high level of disinfection for the supernatant from the SFBW settling basins. The UV will help further remove coliform bacteria from the recycle stream, and it is also particularly effective for sterilizing Cryptosporidium and Giardia, depending upon the delivered dose. • On July 5, 2007 a new pump station was installed (with three 8-mgd pumps) to pump the treated spent filter backwash water to both the East and West raw water reservoirs. While the new pumping arrangement won't necessarily result in additional dilution of the recycle water with the raw lake water (since water from the two reservoirs is combined anyway prior to entering the WTP), it does provide sufficient pumping capacity such that during periods of relatively high flow all of the filter backwash settling basin supernatant can be pumped to the raw water reservoirs (that was not always the case previously; e.g., in August 2006 the flow 4 of supernatant was too high for the old pumps to handle and the supernatant was discharged to a nearby creek for two weeks. • Piping and valve improvements were made on May 18, 2007 to discharge the drying bed underdrain water to the sewer system. Previously the underdrain water was pumped to the splitter box just before the three thickeners, but a leaking valve allowed some of that water to be directed to the SFBW settling basins, potentially resulting in unnecessarily elevated manganese levels in the settling basin supernatant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A discussion of the total amount of solids produced by the WTP is presented below, followed by discussions of operation of the SFBW settling basins, gravity thickeners, sludge storage tanks, filter presses, filter cake handling, and related facilities. Total Solids Produced The amount of solids reported in the filter cake was compared to the amount of solids calculated to be produced by the water treatment plant. This was done in part to compare the calculated amount of solids produced to that being paid to be hauled away. The mass of solids reported in the filter cake was calculated from the mass of cake hauled away as compost (as reported by the hauling contractor) and results from total solids tests on the filter cake (coming off the presses and prior to outside storage). The amount of solids produced by the WTP was calculated using the equation: S = (8.34 x Q x (bTu + 0.805 Fe + (TOCi — TOC f )+ PAC + PolyJ)+ Poly, (1) where S = residuals production (lb/d) Q = plant flow (mgd) b = ratio of total suspended solid (TSS) in mg/L to turbidity in ntu Tu = influent flow turbidity (ntu) Fe = ferric sulfate dose (mg/L as Fe2(SO4)3) �1 TOC; = influent total organic carbon (mg/L) TOCf = finished water total organic carbon (mg/L) PAC = powdered activated carbon dose (mg/L) Poly, = coagulant aid polymer dose (mg/L) Polyt = polymer added to thickeners (lb/d) One important factor in the above equation is the TSS:turbidity ratio, which is used to related the turbidity in the plant influent (which is frequently sampled) to the total suspended solids in the plant influent. This factor was estimated using total suspended solids data that were available approximately weekly for the period of March through September 2006, and the daily turbidity data from the same period. On average, the TSS/turbidity ratio (b) was equal to 0.82 (mg/L)/ntu. This value was on the low end of the typical range for this ratio (0.7 to 2.2), and was lower than the value of 1.5 (mg/L)/ntu which is typically used to estimate total suspended solids when empirical data are not available. Review of the procedures used to collect the TSS data used above showed that the sample volumes used in the TSS analyses were relatively small (200 to 500 mL), which may have skewed the TSS results since the TSS of the plant influent is so low. Increasing the sample volume to >_ 1 L may increase the accuracy of the TSS analysis. To illustrate the extent that this factor influences the calculated solids production, two calculated solids productions will be presented in this report, using both the calculated TSS:ntu ratio of 0.82 (mg/L)/ntu and value of 1.5 (mg/L)/ntu (all other components in the solids production calculations are identical). Because solids in the finished water and SFBW supernatant are minimal, it was assumed that all of the solids entering and generated by the WTP would end up in the filter cakes. A summary of the plant's solids production between February 9, 2006 (the day that recycling of spent filter backwash water started) and February 28, 2007 is plotted in Figure 2. Note that, because the amount of polymer used in the gravity thickeners and filter presses was available only on a monthly basis, and each month's amount of polymer was averaged throughout each month to calculate a daily mass of solids produced. 0 100% 00 0 _ oo a o TSS:ntu = 0.82 (mg/L)/ntu l0C� � 3 90% o TSS:ntu =1.5 (mg/L)Into CFF > 80% ++ 70% N N 60% C j/ .0 50% itd 40% .Q O 30% O c 20%Af L IL 10% 0% - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Solids Production (lb/day) Figure 2 Calculated solids production based on plant operations data (March 2006 to April 2007) As a check, the monthly calculated solids production was compared to operating data from the filter presses, the results of which are shown in Figure 3. The values shown as the solids in the filter press feed were calculated by multiplying the measured flow data to the presses by the average monthly solids concentration of that feed, which was provided by plant staff. As evident in Figure 3, there is no correlation between the calculated solids production and the observed solids in the filter press feed. During some months the two values are quite close, while during other months the values are considerably different. The reason for this discrepancy is not immediately obvious. One explanation could be that the actual solids concentration in the filter press feed is, on average, less than the values that were reported. This is reasonable considering that the filter press feed may vary throughout the month, so it is possible that average solids concentration is not captured by the one solids concentration measured for each month. 7 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 ® solids in filter a press feed Z O 600,000 — — m a ■calculated solids 0 y production w/ 400,000 — - — TSS:ntu = 0.82 D calculated solids 200,000 production w/ TSS:ntu = 1.5 0 Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Date Figure 3 Comparison of calculated solids production to observed solids in filter press feed (2006 data) The situation becomes even less clear when calculated and observed solids production is compared to the amount of wet solids present in the filter cake (as reported by the hauler). Figure 4 shows this data for the period of March through September 2006 (when WTP influent TSS data were available). Note that, in Figure 4, the solids in the fresh cake were calculated by dividing the dry solids in the filter press feed by the solids concentration of the filter press cake. It should be noted that the reported data from the hauler are not directly equivalent to the solids production, as there is a variable lag time between when the filter cake is produced and when it is hauled away, however, it is useful to compare the two to observe general trends in the data. Please note that the values shown in Figure 4 represent the mass of the wet cake, as opposed to the mass of dry solids shown in Figure 3. Thus, any change in cake mass due to evaporation or absorption of precipitation on the storage pad would be represented in Figure 4. However, the extreme differences between the reported cake mass and the other three values are unlikely to be solely attributable to loss or gain of water. Instead, it appears that additional data would need to be collected to adequately characterize solids production at the treatment plant. E 2,500 2,000 e $ 1,500 — — a 3 tl! 9 c 1,000 N 500 — Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Date ® solids in fresh filter cake ■ calculated solids production w/ TSS:ntu = 0.82 ❑ calculated solids production w/ TSS:ntu = 1.5 ❑ reported cake mass IIgure 4 Comparison of reported cake removal to calculated and observed solids production (2006 data) In theory, the calculated solids production should be fairly accurate because it is based on fundamental chemistry and mass balance principles, and relies on plant operations data that are generated frequently (raw water turbidity, coagulant feed, etc.). While the TSS:ntu ratio can vary, as discussed previously, Figures 3 and 4 show, the change in calculated solids production that results from changing the TSS:ntu ratio is not sufficient to explain the discrepancy between observed, calculated, and reported values; thus, this difference cannot be solely attributed to the uncertainty regarding the TSS:ntu ratio. It is more probable that the difference is due to problems with the measured solids concentration in the filter press feed or the weight of the filter cake reported by the hauler, because information on these waste streams is calculated much less frequently. It is recommended that a study be conducted to collect additional information to better characterize solids production at the treatment plant, especially as it relates to the values the City is being charged to haul. 9 SFBW Settling Basins Data for the operation of the two SFBW settling basins are provided in Table 1, including the dimensions, hydraulic loading rates, and normal chemical doses. Unless otherwise noted, data in Table 1 was provided by WTP staff. Table 1 WTP waste stream treatment Treatment Unit North/South Settling Basins Thickeners Number of units Waste stream treated Frequency of process influent Fate of supernatant Frequency of supernatant removal Fate of solids Frequency of solids removal Physical dimensions: 2 SFBW (incl. filter to waste); thickener supernatant intermittent - up to 22 times per day (enters via gravity) pumped to Raw Water Reservoirs (2 weeks/year to stream) continuous pumped to thickeners intermittent - once/hr 3 clarifier blowdown; filtrate overflow from sewer pump station (filter press/drying bed liquids) intermittent - once/hour (enters via gravity) via gravity flow to North/South Settling Basins continuous pumped to holding/blending tanks filter presses -► storage beds i hauled away as compost each thickener: 300 gpm pump, set to pump between 2 and 8 minutes/hour depending on the level of solids in the thickener Length (ft) 290.5 N/A Width (ft) 62.75 N/A Diameter (ft) N/A 50 Side water depth (ft) 14.5 12 Surface area (fe) 18,230 1,960 Volume (Mgal) 1.383 0.202 Median hydraulic loading rate (gpm/ft) 0.291 0.08t Max. hydraulic loading rate (gpm/fe) 0.36t 0.16t Type of chemical used calcium thiosulfate polymer Avg. dose of chemical (mg/L) 31 12.3 Frequency of chemical addition continuous continuous t This value calculated from WTP operations data Figure 5 shows a percentile plot of the distribution of instantaneous hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) to the North and South basins. Based on plant operations data from January 2006 through February 2007, the median and 901h percentile HLRs for each of these basins are 0.29 and 0.36 gpm/ft2, respectively (or 418 and 518 gal/day/f12, respectively). 10 100% 90% m 80% c ,C 70% U) N 4) 60% N C 50% cc u) 40% O 4- 0 30% c d s- 20% a) IL 10% 0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 HLR (gpm/fe) Figure 5 Cumulative distribution of calculated SFBW settling basin HLRs from March 2006 to April 2007 Currently, no equalization storage is provided to dampen peak flows during filter backwashes. As such, during long periods throughout the day the settling basins are underutilized as only minor flows (supernatant from the thickeners) are directed to the basins. Equalization would help to more evenly distribute backwash flow throughout the day, more effectively utilizing the settling basins. Furthermore, the instantaneous HLRs are higher than would normally be recommended for SFBW settling basins that do not use polymer. However, as shown in the separate report for the recycle system analysis (EE&T 2007) there is currently no observable impact on water quality from recycling the SFBW settling basin supernatant, which indicates that the SFBW settling basins are performing adequately. One possible explanation for this is that the configuration of the settling basins (relatively long and narrow) serves to dampen the surge of solids loading during backwash events, essentially providing equalization storage 11 inside of the basins. Regardless, the performance of the SFBW settling basins appears to be satisfactory, so equalization does not appear to be necessary. Solids are removed from the SFBW settling basins and directed to the gravity thickeners. When the SFBW settling basin blowdown procedure is first started, the blowoff is fairly thick, and then within about 20 seconds it largely clears up. For each basin, the blowdown valves are opened for 1 to 1.5 minutes every 60 to 70 minutes. The current blowdown regime appears adequate in removing solids from the settling basins. Thickener Operations Data for the operation of the three thickeners (and also the two SFBW settling basins) are provided in Table 1, including the dimensions, hydraulic loading rates, and normal chemical doses. A splitter box located immediately prior to the three gravity thickeners distributes flow to the thickeners from two sources: primary WTP sedimentation tank blowdown and SFBW clarifier sludge (from the North and South basins). Flow from the primary sedimentation tanks is recorded by a meter upstream of the splitter box; however, no flow meter is positioned to record flow from the SFBW clarifier blowdown to the thickeners. While it is always useful to maintain a record of all process flows, contribution from the SFBW clarifiers to the gravity thickeners is minor due to the frequency (-1.5 minutes every hour) and relatively low solids concentration of the SFBW clarifier blowdowns. For this reason, flow from the SFBW clarifiers has not been included in the thickener loading calculations. Thickener supernatant effluent is conveyed by gravity to the two SFBW settling basins (North and South Basins) on a continuous basis. Thickener sludge is pumped to the sludge holding/blending tanks and then dewatered via the belt filter presses. Polymer (Praestol A3025L, Ashland Specialty Chemical, Greensboro, NC) is introduced at the splitter box to aid in thickener sludge blanket formation and maintenance. As reported in the 2006 Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR) Quarterly Reports, the polymer is added to achieve a concentration of approximately 12.3 mg/L. Data provided by plant staff indicated that the main process sedimentation basins blowdown solids every 76 to 80 minutes, with a blowdown duration of 27 to 34 minutes. Thus, 12 at any time during the day, blowdown may be coming from one to four sedimentation basins into the thickeners. Assuming the basin blowdowns are spread evenly during the day, the ratio between peak to average flow rates from the thickeners was calculated to be 1.9 to 1. A percentile plot of the daily peak HLRs to the thickeners is shown in Figure 6. Also shown is what the percentile plot would be if one thickener was out of service for maintenance. In general, with three thickeners in service, the thickener HLRs are within the range normally observed at other water treatment plants. With one of the thickeners out of service, occasionally the thickener HLRs may exceed the high end of the normally observed range. 100% 90% m 80% c t 70% N N d 60% N C 50% m 40% O 30% c as v (Dy 20% a 10% 0% —Three Thickeners in Service —Two Thickeners in Service "Typical" HLR 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Hydraulic Loading Rate (gpm/fe) Figure 6 Cumulative distribution of calculated thickener HLRs from March 2006 to April 2007 13 The inherent variability of the solids concentration in the sedimentation basin blowoff makes it difficult to definitively calculate the solids loading rate (SLR) of the thickeners. Information provided by plant staff indicated that the residuals coming into the splitter box are, on average, 0.48 percent solids. Note that this is an average value; when the basin blowdown procedure is first started the blowoff is fairly thick, and then shortly thereafter it largely clears up. Using this information, the daily peak SLR for the thickeners was calculated and is plotted in Figure 7. 100% 90% d 80% N C ,0 50% es U) 40% O w 0 30% C d c� 20% a 10% 0% 4- 0.0 —Three Thickeners in Service —Two Thickeners in Service 'Typical' SLR 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Solids Loading Rate (lb/hr-fe) Figure 7 Cumulative distribution of thickener SLRs from March 2006 to April 2007 14 In general, the calculated SLRs with three thickeners in service are within the normally observed range, although at the higher end of the range (typical range 0.1 to 0.4 lb/hr-ft). With one thickener out of service, the thickener SLRs exceed what would be considered normal operating range at other plants. Based on both the HLR and SLR results, it is recommended that a fourth thickener be added so that the plant can keep three thickeners in service at all times, even when one thickener is out of service for maintenance. Simple pilot studies could be used to confirm design values, although, plant operators' observations seem to confirm the need for a fourth thickener. Sludge Holding Tanks Sludge from the three gravity thickeners is conveyed to the four 25,000-gallon sludge holding tanks. Sludge from each thickener is pumped to the holding tanks for between two to eight minutes each hour, depending on the level of solids in the thickener. The sludge is mixed in each tank using an impeller mixer. The holding tank solids concentration ranges from 1.8 to 4.0 percent, but normally is around 2.5 percent. The four holding tanks are interconnected with piping, and thus the level of sludge is the same in each tank. The tanks currently do not have level gauges, and visual inspection is required to determine the sludge level. If the level gets too high, then a level control stops the pumps from the thickeners so that no further sludge is added to the tanks. If the tanks inadvertently overflow, an open overflow pipe directs the excess sludge to one of the outdoor drying beds. According to plant staff, sludge level indicators are planned to be installed in each tank, which should ease the labor burden on the operators, and provide improved control of the liquid storage levels. Based on data available for filter press operations for the period of March 2006 to April 2007, the median flow rate to the filter presses was 96,500 gpd. During that same period, the go, percentile flow rate reached 168,500 gpd. Given a 100,000 gallon sludge storage capacity, these flow rates correspond to storage times of 1.03 and 0.59 days, respectively. While these storage times are relatively short, they should be sufficient to maintain normal operation of the filter presses (23 hours of operation per day with 1 hour of down time for maintenance). If additional operational flexibility is desired, the addition of a fifth storage tank will provide an 15 additional 6 hours of sludge storage during median conditions, which may be helpful if the filter presses cannot be operated due to maintenance. Filter Press Operations Final dewatering of the thickened solids is performed using three 2-meter Ashbrook belt filter presses. Typically only one filter press is operated at a time for 23 hours a day (the other hour is used for cleaning and maintenance). However, a second filter press is simultaneously used as needed. Three filter presses can not be used simultaneously because that would generate more filtrate flow than can be handled by the pump and piping that directs it to the sewer system (i.e., the filtrate pump and piping only have enough capacity for the filtrate from two presses). There is an overflow weir wall in the sewer pump station that directs any filtrate overflow to the splitter box before the three thickeners, but it is an operational goal to not have any of the press filtrate recycled in that manner. Table 2 presents information about operation of the filter presses, including the amount of solids processed on a monthly basis from January 2006 through February 2007. Based on long term historical observations by treatment plant staff, the holding tank solids range from 1.8 to 4.0 percent but normally are around 2.5 percent; this waste stream is dewatered by the filter presses to achieve an average solids concentration in the filter cake of 21.5 percent (Table 2). Polymer is fed to the effluent from the holding tanks (entering the filter presses) to aid in dewatering at a rate of between 3.0 gpm and 3.8 gpm depending on the level of percent solids in the holding tanks at any particular time. The polymer used is the same (Praestol A3025L) as that used in the gravity thickeners. The amount of polymer used that is shown in Table 2 is that for both the filter presses and gravity thickeners combined; data for each separate use were not available other than for a few days. Belt filter press filtrate and spent spray wash water are pumped to the sanitary sewer through the sewer pump station. In addition, there is a spray stream used to clean the solids conveyor belt ("conveyor belt spray down"), and that stream is also pumped to the sanitary sewer through the sewer pump station. 16 Table 2 Filter press solids information 2006 2007 Item Jan '06 Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '07 Feb % solids in feed to presses * 1.96 2.16 2.05 2.15 2.39 2.48 3.49 3.41 2.41 2.29 2.21 2.43 2.66 2.70 mass of filter cake (i.e.,- dewatered 1,107 1,062 1,242 1,431 1,530 1,431 1,008 1,521 1,512 1,620 1,350 1,917 2,448 2,160 sludge) (tons) " % solids in filter cake * 21.0 20.6 21.6 21.4 21.7 22.7 21.0 23.6 22.9 21.8 21.8 20.6 19.7 21.2 polymer used (Ibs) - for both the 6,870 5,496 6,675 6,898 6,675 6,453 7,654 11,481 6,052 6,942 8,143 10,903 11,450 14,329 thickeners and belt presses *solids test performed on -site by WTP staff ^values for the mass of filter cake were provided by the hauler of the filter press cake solids January 2006 through February 2007 Item Min Max Avg % solids in feed to presses * 1.96 3.49 2.49 mass of filter cake (i.e., dewatered 1,008 2,448 1,524 sludge) (tons) ^ % solids in filter cake * 19.7 23.6 21.5 polymer used (Ibs) - for both the 5,496 14,329 8,287 thickeners and belt presses 17 Table 3 Filter press hydraulic and solids loading rates Maximum (90th percentile) Median conditions conditions Hydraulic loading rate (gpm/meter) 32 56 Solids loading rate ((lbs/hour)/meter) 321 521 Note: The average and maximum HLR and SLR presented were calculated based on. typical conditions of using only one filter press at a time. During maximum conditions two filter presses would be used simultaneously, and as such the maximum HLR and SLR reported in this table would be reduced by 50 percent. Based on the available data for filter press operations, median and maximum HLR and SLR were calculated, and are presented Table 3. These calculations are based on one filter press operating 23 hours per day. Also, the amount of solids in the filter press filtrate was considered negligible compared to the amount in the feed sludge and resulting cake. During maximum conditions two (or even three) filter presses are operating, which would cut in half the maximum HLR and SLR reported in Table 3. In general, the calculated median HLRs and SLRs are within the range of values that are typically observed at comparable plants, however, the maximum values for SLR are above typical values. Filter Cake Handling The filter press solids are stored in one of the open outdoor mud cake storage pad/drying beds (other drying beds are currently unused), and underdrain liquid from all of the drying beds is pumped to the sanitary sewer through the sewer pump station. The current system for filter press cake handling requires the cake be handled twice — once to move it to the storage area, and once again to load it onto the 20 cubic yard trailers used by the hauler. Also, there is no cover over the outdoor filter press solids drying bed. Since the solids are hauled away as compost and this is paid for by the City on a weight basis, any rain water in the solids is also paid to be trucked away. Raleigh has in the past considered various alternatives for preventing precipitation from contacting the filter press solids, and at one time estimated the cost for constructing a roof over the drying bed. 18 Unfortunately, neither the calculated solids production nor the observed solids feed to the filter presses correlates well with the reported values that the cake hauler is charging the plant for transportation. Furthermore, there is no clear bias in the discrepancy; the calculated and observed values are neither consistently higher nor consistently lower than the reported values. For this reason, additional studies are recommended to assess the accuracy of the values that are reported by the cake hauler. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above assessment and discussions with WTP staff, the following structural and operational recommendations are provided: • Consider installation of a fifth sludge holding tank prior to the filter belt presses to provide additional capacity, including more storage time if the filter press operation is temporarily unavailable. • It would be appropriate to install sludge level gauges in each tank, as well as a means to automatically transmit that data to the dewatering system building to aid in operator evaluation Initiate a study to better determine discrepancies between calculated, plant measured, and hauler reported solids quantities. • Consider the feasibility using the existing presses or an additional press to process sludge from the on -site lagoons as an alternative to hiring a contractor to dredge and dewater the material. • Consider upgrades to the filtrate pumping system and/or piping to accommodate operation of three presses simultaneously. A cost study is also recommended to determine if a fourth filter press will enable the plant to dewater existing residuals currently stored in the lagoon. Compare operating data to see if two presses should be operated when the SLR exceeds about 300 lb/hr-m. The City should consider evaluating different options for keeping the filter press solids covered. Possibilities include (a) constructing a roof over the current drying bed, and (b) devising a system where several trailers are kept on site, 19 loaded one at a time directly from the filter press conveyor belt, and then covered with a tarp until a time when it is convenient for them to be hauled away. This latter method would require changes to the filter press building structure to accommodate the 20 cubic yard trailers used by the hauler, but would also eliminate the need to handle the cake twice. Either of these methods (`a' or `b') should save on shipping costs (due to a lower weight of the solids). The City could also explore the possibility of getting the filter cake classified as "Class A", and then perhaps the local wastewater plant would be able to take the WTP filter cake and mix it with theirs. • Consider installation of an on -site truck scale to weigh the amount of cake hauled away. REFERENCES Cornwell, David A. 2006. Water Treatment Residuals Engineering. AWWA Research Foundation. Denver, CO, 364 pp. Cornwell, David A., Michael J. MacPhee, and Rodney J. Mutter. Undated. Self Assessment of Recycle Practices. Prepared for the American Water Works Association, Government Affairs Office. EE&T, Inc., Newport News, VA, 121 pp. EE&T. 2007. Assessment of Raleigh's Recycle System (Draft). Environmental Engineering & Technology, Inc. (EE&T), Newport News, VA. September 7, 2007. US Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Implementation Guidelines for the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR). Office of Water. EPA 816-D-01-001. 20