HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072016 Ver 1_401 Application_20071207 The following is an abbreviated application form for those apptying fora 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated: take shore or bottom under tt~e U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. Tt~ Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (~ copies of this application and supporting information as i~rel3 ;~ non-refundable application fffee to the IBivision e~of Water Quality of ~2110.(DQ tczr dom. '~r_~, ~ i! i ui B r. ~~ Z .~R~ ! r ~ i - =~-- :-> :~f ...:u=_: &;~~?}~a~ ;> ~.~.. th o ~ .r~ ~~~~I ,,=a,. _i10 f s rnl;:~ is r~ IaI{.e ,~ttnn~ orb by 4KYO~11 YI- ~liYl i\l Y a~l l-re. rai~r~rli~is~iii.i3 ii~CElf~` lt~ i{Zi ~i~i: --. __~~__ vi •+e'si~.i ~.iW3~illiiiY~~ •.'. ~ir'iivi 'v u'L~ T* gam. x. ~h~,r >+•+,ent- a c -n i. • ~ P ~~ti~" Telephone Number. E-mail Address: /~'~ ~~.J~~ 6~ ~. ~ ~!"v ~ :, 200 \\ ~ A~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~Q~~ .. Number. -/ 11 ~ ` ,. 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/appl~nt.) Company Mailing A Number: Fax Number: Address: II. Project Information "**~~~; ;, Yicissity snap clearly showing the location of the property with respect to ~;;cui landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site i iiii~iili'sluli3t, k7iv~3~:TicS. ~,[i il;ial' :.°>c .:s: :,,.iL .~, ._ _. _.._ _ __.-- '---._ . . your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Location County: V Q-G~LS ~ rl Nearest Town: (mil' .Sh t ~ r S Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): ~ I i !~.(Ct~st~ a~~- Directions to site please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary lean adequate vicinity_ map is included): ~IPD S V2 I Q ? c~ ~~~~ La 2. Desc the existing land or tee. ~. of the site aX the time of thi 3. Property size (acres): ~ • ~ ~ Q L'~-1~. S 4. Nearest body of water 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed 6. List~he tyke of equZpment to be used to construct the 7. A ount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retainin w ls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level in square feet or acres: 8. a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres: _ /~/r b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool la lev 50 feet land- ward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): /~ - Applicant/. (Agent's si ~ ~ ( Za~~ afore Date valid only if an authorisation letter from the applicant is provided.) fake ~Fui! Bondy ~' ~~--~( ~~ ~~~~ ~-,~ ~---___~~-1 ~c ~©~ Q 2~{, ~~"~ r._ ~~ pHease aroximate#y sketch the f~-llowing informat~an vn this pla~rr ;please prQrr~le pensions I'v~r each item, such as 1 a ft. x 1 ~g fit) 1) All Proposed vegetation gearing provide dnnensions~ ~~ Lacatian of rip rap orfiN to be placed above the full Pond elevation 3~ Location of rip rap or FBI to be placed below the Fug Pond elevation ~~ Tl~e location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walled docks, etc, 5~ The tcrcation of arty excavation ar wedging below the pull Pond elevation. I`i~ Location of construction access corridors. dull Pond DUKE ENERGY LAKE SERVICES EC12-Q ~ 7- 2 ~ ~ 6 P O BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 704-382-1567 or TOLL FREE 1-800-443-5193 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA Please type or print and fill in all blanks. ff information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE DUKE Ei~TERGY FILING FEE, PAYABLE TO DUKE ENERGY, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. L Applicant In A. Name B. Mailing C. Telegho ;~.~. C°'-tb' ~'r. r. IL Location of Proposed Project A. Lake ,~"~-~ ~~~--~/r re~'~ a~~-~ B. Street Address ~ ` ~ r-! / / ~ ~ G County ~,~'d~ r''-~~.~ ~~ ~' D. City, town, community or lands E. Section Lot # _ F. Directions to property by. road _ Subdivision ,~ ~~ FP ~c e~~,%" a ~_ '- ~,`= ~~J ~, s ; G. Latitude and longitude for the project site ~ ~ : '-] LQ D 5 l0 ~ y : s ,~ 7~ `I (~ H. Please submit a map showing the coordinates or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude/ longitude coordinates can be found on intemet site, www.mansonus.com. Directions: Don't register; click "Maps", enter address, draw map, select "Map Clicking Will...", select "Lat/L.ong", click map) IIL Description of Project A. Length of wall ~~ -~.. ~... ~~' ~ ,/~ ®. , B. Material ~~'~ ~DlJ.2 , ~~ r ~ -l--r-f-! L~t' -f~c-~i ~ r C._ , C. Distance from pr ine/shoreline Date ~a~~' t~.`?~'~'' ~ ~v°' r fi i ~ A COPY OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION WITH A ROAD MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1 Sl PATTONAVE. -ROOM 208, ASHEYILLE, NC 28801-5006 • 2 COPIES OF THE "DUKE ENERGY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA", PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SHORELINE TO BE STABILIZED, AND FIVE (5) COPIES OF THE COMPLETED "NC DMSION OF WATER QUALITY P:RE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION" MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE TO: NC DIi~ISlON OF WATER QUALITY ATTENTION: CYNDI %AROLY PAR%VIEWBLDG., 2321 CRABTREEBLVD. RALEIGH, NC 27604 p ~ ~ ~ ~~ 9l9 733-1786 G:\L.AKEMGM'I1Package InfonnationlNC Shoreline Stabilization Application.doc ~~~ 3 ~~ 2007 i7t~hJl<.. WaT~R cbll~l.l7"Y' !NETIAAID3.~,~'0 STt7~M!u~;~R 9R,yyCH TV. Intended Use of Project Area (ATTACHMENT 8) D. Techniques Bio-engineering techniques normally include minor grading to allow for the installation of a rip rap floe, rock gabion, Bio-log®, crib wall or similar structure in high energy areas. The structures are then enhanced by the addition of naturaUliving material. For example. 1. live stakes -branches cut from living material and planted with stems and buds pointed upward. Initially they offer little to no soil reinforcement but do so after the first growing season once a root system becomes establishe~.d. Often used with other techniques and conducted during the dormant season. 2. live fasciae -branched bundled and secured together and placed in a very shallow trench along the toe of the eroded bank or in the bank face: They are usually installed in conjunction with geotextile fabrics above a rip rap or gabion toe. brush mattress -includes both live stakes and live fascines. Provides protection of the shoreline upon installation and can be used in layers beginning just above a rip rap or gabion toe. 4. plant plugs -plantings with intact root stock. Placed directly irrto the bank face with the soil compacted azound the root stock. E. Follow up activities Riparian Zone Management Information: Duke Energy will design and publish an informational piece that will provide property owners with a range of information about bio-engineering techniques, material sources, information sources and the value of riparian zone. This will be the final project in the Riparian Zone Management Initiative and will serve as a compilation of the on-going efforts through the year 2000. II. Mitigation A. General Guidance Mitigation proposals should provide realistic but substantial allowances for reducing and relieving the impact of the proposed shoreline stabilization technique proposed. In general, mitigation activities should enhance the wildlife habitat in the immediate area of the stabilization activity and may consist of but are not limited to; enhancing fish cover under an approved pier or similar structure, maintaining a natural vegetative buffer along the entire shoreline of the lot, placing or maintaining secured cover and perching; habitat (e.g. root wads, stumps, fallen trees, etc.) along portions of the shoreline. Gpa11LAKEMGM'I1Package Informadan~Bio-Enginea~g lnfannabon.doc August 1& 2006 Attachment L ' Duke Power Catawba-Wateree Project No. 2232 Keowee-Toxaway Project No. 2503 Shoreline Stabilization Technique Selection Process Environmental Stabilization not Bottomland Hardwood allowed Shoreline Stabilization Project area Application class cation Review/approval and potential mitigation. No stabiFzation allowed in tMZ's from March -June to limit impacts to fish spawning. . Requires state wildlife agency (e.g., NCWRC, SCDNR) Is the bank height less than ~ 2 feet? i Is the bank height less than 3 feet? i Is the bank height less than 3 feet? Applicant can use hardening structures. .,,-.. Applicant can only use bioengineering Seawalls not allowed, and enhanced rip rap. No seawalls or simple rip rap. Mitigation requirements determined by state wildlife agency. ' Applicant can use hardening structures. Mitigation requirements determined by state ~ wildlife agency. NOI BANK HEIGHT DETERMINATION FOR SHORELINE STABILITATION ACTIVITIES MAY, 1999 Duke Eneirgy® May 16, 2007 Regan White PO Box 3103 Duke Enrgy Lake Services 0 7- 2 0 1 6 fC120 / PO Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Cashiers, NC 28717 RE: Application for Q Private Facility ~ Excavation QX Shoreline Stabilization ~ Miscellaneous Reservoir Uses Glenville - - 411 Lakeshore Drive Dear Prospective Lake Use Permit Applicant: Enclosed you will find the current Duke Energy Lake Services Fee Schedule which became effective January t, 2002, the applicable Shoreline Management Program Permit Application(s), the Duke Energy Nantahala Area (DENA) Shoreline Management Guidelines (SMG) which became effective July 1, 2003, and the DENA Private Facilities Users Agreement. The purpose of the program is to comply with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) orders and requirements for authoriTang facilities constructed inside the project boundary of Duke's licensed lakes. The Application(s) will be reviewed after being completed and returned to Duke Energy Lake Services - EC12Q, PO Box 1006, Charlotte, NC 28201-1006. PLEASE USE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS ON THE APPLICATION(S) and type or print information for legibility. No activity is allowed inside the project boundary until you receive written authorization from our office, and no approval will be given to anyone other than the property owner. A check made payable to Duke EnerQV for the appropriate filing fee (see enclosed fee schedule) must accompany the following before the review process will be initiated. A completed DPNA Users Agreement must be signed by the adjacent property owner and included with each application. An application is not considered complete without the signed Users Agreement. PIER/DOCK/STABIL[ZATION: 1. The completed application(s) (for pier structures include both proposed and existing facilities). Include the Duke Energy permit number if one has been previously assigned to any existing structure on the property. 2. The form describing directions by road (including section and lot number if applicable), and the area of the planned construction/activity marked on the grid map (if enclosed). 3. Copy of a registered survey of the property, showing proposal's location from your property into the project boundary. 4. Copy of county building permit, if one is required by the county. (Applicable to pier structures only except for Burke County which requires abuilding/shoreline protection permit for stabilization.) 5. Other information, including mitigation plans or cultural resource consultation documentation, if applicable. FOR NORTH CAROLINA STABILIZATION: 1. A copy of your Duke Energy application form including latitude and longitude coordinates (can be found on Internet site, K~H~~+~.rnnpteclr.rum), or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the property site, must be sent to the Corp of Engineers at I51 Patton Avenue, Room 208, Asheville, NC 28801-5006. 2. SEVEN (7) COPIES of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Pre-Construction Notification Application (can be found on Internet site, http://hlo.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/lake.htm!) and the DWQ application fee must be provided to the NC Division of Water Qualify, Attention: John Dorney, Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604 Thank you for your cooperation in working with us through the Frivate Facilities Permitting Program. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please call the Lake Representative for the Nantahala Area (828- 369-4513), or you may call Toll Free 1-800-443-5193. Sincerely, Lake Services www. duke-enerev. rom - , ~VAe Duke Energy Lake Services E/tte/~y® EC12Q / PO Box 1006 Charlotte. NC 28201-100fi March 12, 2UU7 Mr. Regan White PO Box 31 U3 Cashiers, NC 28717 Subject: Preliminary Review of Lake Use Permitting Feasibility 411 Lakeshore Drive Lake Glenville Dear Mr. White: At your request, I have conducted a preliminary review of the subject property to determine the feasibility of obtaining lake use permits from Duke Energy Lake Services for: _ Individual Private Pier X Shoreline Stabilization _ Common Use Pier _ Private Marina _ Commercial Marina Other (Specify My review was brief, using the limited information available about the desired use and did include a site visit on March 6, 2007 with you in attendance. At this time, Duke Energy Lake Services will consider permit applications for the above identified lake uses on the subject property provided that all the requirements of Duke's Shoreline Management Guidelines are met. Please be advised that: • All uses of land and water within the subject lake require Duke's prior written approval and said approval cannot be granted until a formal lake use permit application has been properly completed and submitted. • This letter does not represent approval, in any fashion, of any lake use activity nor does it imply any intent on the part of Duke Energy to approve of any lake use activities. Please recognize that any reliance you place on this letter for decision- making purposes is done at your own risk. • Conditions may change such that future lake use permit applications for the subject tract may not be allowed by Duke Energy. Duke Energy is under no obligation to advise you of any changes which may occur. Thank you For your interest in Duke's lake use permitting programs. www, duke-enerltV• com ~~ ~~ ` -Lisa Leatherman Duke Energ}+ Lake Services Representative Metrostat Map Server Page 1 of 1 ~~ '~~~"~~;~~`~ ~#'~ ,'~.~~F!~"~.~~'?"' a ~ http://www.jacksonnc. Search for Tools ~ ~:.. AA ~r .2 #.. ~~ ~ ~ _ ~.,. s ~, ,_ ,;' °~ +~ ~, > ~ .. * ~ ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~. -`~- ~-`•~S' . _.~sz '--- ~ ,a ..~ ~ ~.z '~ ~~ 'a a, ~. ~ •--= o ~~~a~~~ ~ _ ~ . zoo? DCC ~ENR - WATER CiUALI'C`C y,~ANDS AND STORNI~`!ATER 9RANCN http://gis.metrostat.net/mapper/map.phtml?zoomLayer=Parcels&zoomQuery=PIN(a~ 1 ~a,7... 11 /05/2007 Page 1 of 1 Jackson County Real Estate Data Parcel Summary PIN # 7563-07-4494 Owner Account ID 137487 Location Address SR 1145 Summary Building Property Description SR 1145 Land Deeds Tax Cards Property Owner VIZZINI, JOSEPH VIZZINI, SANDRA Owner's Mailing Address 401 BORDEAUX COURT MADISONVILLE LA,70447 Property Description SR 1145 Administratve Data Transfer Information See Tax Card for Assessed Value Acreage 0.07 Per Deed Map Sheet 7563.01 Book/Page 1671/OQ75 Plat Reference Deed Date 2007-05-01 Census Tract 9508 Instrument Type City Boundary * Revenue Stamp Township Hamburg Sale Price 1,250,000 Fire District * Additional Ref. History ID 1 History ID 2 'Information Not Available Online at This Time DISCLAIMER This information is for the purpose of inventory of real property in Jackson County. It is complied from recorded deeds, plats, and public data records. Users of this information are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for verification. Jackson County or any employee, representative, or contractor employed by the County assumes no legal responsibility for the content of this information or this website. http://landroll jacksonnc.org/?name=mstLandRo11&realm=search&action=parcel_summa... 11/05/2007 ~., x~~~ ,,~ ~~~ ~ Z ~`x ~ ~