HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0083038_Wasteload Allocation_19930426NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NCO083038 PERMITTEE NAME: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corporation FACILITY NAME: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: New Major Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: _ Minor �1 0.24 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: 0 % 1 ' UT I/'1 RECEIVING STREAM:M� Cr�k lNT To 'Vo-TWl CPI Class: WS-III NSW Sub -Basin: )3 :4 01 03-o3-oz Reference USGS Quad: B25SW (please attach) County: Vance Regional Office: Raleigh Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 00/00/00 Treatment Plant Class: unknown Classification changes within three miles: No change within three miles PLOTTED Requested by: Randy E{ 1er (w, Date: 1/6/93 Prepared by: wo�q• Date: .4-4ZA3 Reviewed by: a -L a/I t! Date: &D, 19A c� 7 o/Q•5 Modeler Date Rec. # SAVJ 1 �7-47 Drainage Area (mil ) ^ 0.1 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): - U. 09 7Q10 (cfs) O Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 0 30Q2 (cfs) 0 Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic ddaNCrGKtnf4 EPtSo�tC Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Location Downstream Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) NH3-N (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) F. Col. (/100 ml) PH (SU) ott L# 3t.y i .(o /pty 15.6 t 5 �D Nl'k MAa T txiRA aG 1-t16 Di5aAe4e wAit.Nat' (pose -tub F"-QVtntc, wR'fi3Rs Z-Ffc Amve EA 6uF"A-fkaC- To i"Np mj> w tic IT- 'fb wzerop W *c,. �4 CCED 15F CAusc Comments:-fPcirf iFflftNy %wutD Bs rea*be tcb bu24NG 79E fig-5T PISC9AE46 6fgNTS CT1115 MAY Wr oCsufL. G T1nnL-S PuetN4 iKe FIfzST yEAR) Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. 1509 South Macedonia Avenue. Muncie, IN 47302-3664 (317) 741-7000 ReoIV to: P.O. Box 4200. Muncie, IN 47307-4200 November 23, 1992 Mr. Don Safrit Supervisor Permits and Engineering Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626 Re: Permit #WQ 0000 221 Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. :>> Vance County Dear Mr. Safrit: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. owns and operates a glass container manufacturing facility located at U.S. Highway #1 Bypass in Henderson, NC. This plant is presently operating under a Recycle System Permit #WQ 000 221 which does not permit discharge of wastewater to surface water. Ball-InCon would like to amend,this permit to allow us to discharge Process Water to nearby Martin Creek during glass furnace drains. Attached is a completed Application For Permit to Discharge - Short Form C. Ball-InCon would like to provide a more detailed explanation of the information provided on this form. Item #9 requests information on the frequency of this discharge. The discharge that we are requesting to permit occurs only when the glass in the glass furnace is being drained or removed. During these furnace drains, a large amount of water is needed to cool the molten glass as it exits or is being drained from the furnace. The furnace is drained on a very intermittent basis and only for the following reasons and frequencies: 1) Furnace Rebuilds - The glass must be drained from the furnace prior to the furnace being torn down and rebuilt. On an industry average, this occurs approximately every seven (7) years. wwn va.. A subsidiary of Ball Corporation November 23, 1992 Page 2 2) Emergency Repairs - A hole may develop in the furnace or needed repairs may require a total or partial drain of the glass in the furnace. This is NOT a regular maintenance item and only occurs in an emergency situation. 3) Color Change - Customer demands may require that we produce both green glass and flint or clear glass at this plant. Since this plant presently operates one furnace, when a different color glass is needed, the glass color of all the glass in the furnace must be changed. When going from flint to green, a furnace drain is not usually required because the glass can be darkened to green by adding green cullet (i.e. recycled glass) and altering the raw material batch mix. However, when changing the color of the glass in the furnace from green to flint, the entire contents of the green glass in the furnace must be drained and replaced with flint cullet, as well as changing the raw material mix. When this color change occurs, in an attempt to remove all of the green glass from the furnace, it is actually drained once, partially refilled with cullet, and then drained again. This is all done within a two (2) day time frame. We anticipate having to change the color in the furnace from 0-3 times per year. This should help to clarify our response to Item #9 which is an intermittent discharge to occur only during furnace drains which may occur from zero to three times a year for 1 or 2 days intervals. Item #10 requests information on the type of wastewater to be discharged. Large amounts of water are used during a furnace drain to help cool the molten glass as it exits the furnace. The operating temperature of the glass in the furnace is approximately 28000 F. Chutes are set-up for the glass to drain from the furnace. Water is used to cool and "lubricate" the chutes and quench the glass as it exits the furnace. The cooling effects of the water also breaks up the glass and keeps it from forming one solid glass block. Since the water does come in contact with the molten glass, it must be considered by definition "process water", with quenching being its primary purpose. This water and the glass during a furnace drain does not come in contact with oils or any other substances at the plant. ,J�;.. November 23, 1992 Page 3 Analytical results to sampling that was conducted during a recent furnace drain that was discharged to the treatment works at the City of Henderson are attached for your review. We performed a grab sample after 2 hours into the first furnace drain and had this analyzed for Oil and Grease, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, and Total Suspended Solids. We also took an hourly temperature and pH reading during both of the furnace drains. We also monitored a total flow for both of these furnace drains. This information is also attached. The "process water, daily average" number in column (5) is an average of both flows, while the "Maximum per operating day for total discharge" in column (5) is the flow of the first furnace drain. The temperature reading for these furnace drains were taken at a sump near the furnace building prior to this material being pumped into a manhole for discharge to the city. However, the flow of this wastewater to Martin Creek would actually follow a very different route. The attached map shows the route the furnace drain wastewater would take to reach Martin Creek. Significant cooling of this wastewater would occur in the small holding pond and in the 2500 feet of drainage ditch and branch leading to Martins Creek. It is unknown what the actual temperature of this water would be by the time it were to reach Martin Creek. It should also be noted that the City of Henderson requested that we not discharge this waste water to them again. Typically, these furnace drains are done over a weekend and with such a large volume of water, we could overflow their plant. They also see no reason why we should have to treat this one pass cooling water. We have enclosed a significant amount of information on this permit change application. If you have any questions on the contents of this letter or the attachments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 317/741-7117. Respectfully, Robert J. Cappiello Environmental Project Engineer jw November 23, 1992 Page 2 Attach. Short Form C Application Furnace Drain Analytical Data Furnace Drain Flow, Temperature and pH Map - Discharge Route Permit Processing Fee - $400 Four Complete Copies cc: Tom Spain, City of Henderson NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX 276870 RALEIGH, NC 27611 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION NUMBER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM C FOR AGENCY p 0 3 8' USE DATE RECEIVED To be filed only by persons engaged in manufacturing and mining F �—IV YEAR MO. DAY 415 CO- 44w oo. � 00 not attempt to complete this form before reading accompanying instructions Please print or type V U I. Name, address, location, and telephone number of facility producing discharge A. Name Ball -InCnn _Gl ass Packaging Corp. B. Mailing address 1. Street address U.S. Highway #1 Bypass 2. City -- NAnrlArcnn 3. State NC 4. County Vance S. ZIP 27536 C. Location: 1. Street Same 2. City 4. State _ D. Telephone No. 919 492-1131 Area Code 2. SIC (Leave blank) 3. Number of employees 300 3. County If all your waste is discharged into a publicly owned waste treatment facility and to the best of your knowledge you are not required to obtain a discharge permit, proceed to item 4. Otherwise proceed directly to item 5. 4. if you meet the condition stated above, check here O and supply the information asked for below. After completing these items, please complete the date, title, and signature blocks below and return this form to the proper reviewing office without completing the remainder of the form. A. Name of organization responsible for receiving waste B. facility receiving waste: 1. Name 2. Street address 3. City 4. County S. State 6. ZIP �. )(Principal product, Draw material (Check one) '�. Principal process Gas fired industrial furnace Y. Maximum amount of principal product produced or raw material consumed nor fthoek heal Basis Amount 1-99 (1) 100-199 (2) 200-499 (3) 500-999 (4) 1000- 4999 (5) 5000-109000- 509000 9999 49.999 or more (6) (7) (B) A. Uay 260 1 B. Month C. Year 4 P"ZVIOUS EDITION MAY 69 USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS CKMAUSTED ft, Mix In. im A1111111rt1 of print, Lila 1 pr•tlfi111 1 ilrtxile( 1-11 I)r in t ten; / , aaovr . Is xwesurv(l In ( f-het k one): A.0 pounds B.)(tons C.0 barrels raw 11IA 11•► 1.11 1 /N I'. elrtll•41, 1•1•i if It 11.11 0.0 bushels f . O square feet f .O gallons G.O p1eces or units H. O other, specify 9. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year O , or Occasional discharge during furnace drains, ;b) check the rnonth(s) discharge occurs: 0-3 times a year for 1-2 days duration for each furnac 1.0 January 2.0 February 3.0 March 4.0 Apri 1 5.0 May 6.0 June drain. ` 7.0 Ju I 8.0 August 9.0 Septemher 10.0 October 11.0 November 12.0 Decemner (c) Check how marry days per week: 1.01 2.X2-3 3.04-5 4.06-7 1-2 days per furnace drain 10. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) F low, gallons per operating day Volume treated beforedischarging (percent) Discharge per operating day 0.1-999 1000-4999 5000-9999 10,000- 50,000- done 0.1- 30- 65- 95- 49,999 or more 29.9 64.9 94.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) A. Sanit3ry, daily average B. Cooling water, etc. ' -- daily average C. Process water, daily averaoe 240,000 X 1. Maximurr per ooprat- ing day for total 360,000 discharge (ail types► 11, If an% c•f trip three types of waste iden t i f ied in Item 10. either treated or untreated. are di scraroed to places other than surface water., rfieck below as applicable. waste water is dischar"d to: Average flow, gallons per operating day 0.1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) 5000-9999 109000-499999 (3) (4) 50,000 or more (5} A. Municipal sewer system 4500 B. Underground well C. Septic tang D. Evaporation lacio n or pond E. Other, specify - 12. Number of separate di scharae points: A.)(1 8.0 2-3 C.a 4-5 D.0 6 or more 13. Name of receiving water or waters Martin Creek 14. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain one or more of the following substances added as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, Zinc. phenols, oil and .grease, and chlorine (residual). A.0 yes 8.X3 no i certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, compietP, and accurate. Robert J. Cappiello Environmental Project Engineer Printed Ka of P rson Signing Title Date App icat on Signed _ Signature of Applit nt " North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commissif: implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pumishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001.provic a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) `+ 11 SEC DONOHUE Environment & Infrastructure October 13, 1992 Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. P. O. Box 4200 Muncie, Indiana 47307-4200 Attention: Mr. Robert Cappiello Reference: Furnace Water Analytical Results SEC Donohue Project No. RE411.30 Dear Mr. Cappiello, Enclosed are the analytical test results of the water discharged from the glass furnace at Ball-InCon's Henderson, North Carolina Facility. If you have any questions concerning the results, please let me know. Sincerely, SEC DONOHUE 1 John G. Funk Project Manager 3500-B Regency Parkway - P.Q. Box 1308 - Cary, NC 27511 - (919) 481-0397 • Fax: (919) 481-0809 #0 • 1EA An Aquarlon Companv October 13, 1992 John Funk Sirrine 3500 B Regency Park Cary, NC 27512 An Environmental Testing Companv Phone 919.677-0090 Post Office Box 12846 Fax 919.677.0427 Fiesearcn Triangle Bark. NC 27709 IEA Project No.: 115917 TEA Reference No.: W9209014 Client Project I.D.: RE411.30 Ball-Incon Dear Mr. Funk, Transmitted herewith are the results of analyses on one sample submitted to our laboratory. The sample(s) were received intact. Analyses were performed according to approved methodologies and meet the requirements of the IEA Quality Assurance Program except where noted. Please see the enclosed reports for your results and a copy of the Chain of Custody documentation. Please do not hesitate to call your Client Account Representative should you have any questions regarding this report. Very truly yours, IEA, Inc. d'T?a 4 & X 4 (-Ile. 1r4 4 2w Linda Amitchell Director, Technical Support Services State Certification: Georgia - #816 New Jersey - #67719 California - #1768 Massachusetts - NC039 Tennessee - #00296 Alabama - #40210 Virginia - #00179 South Carolina - #99021 West Virginia - #50 North Carolina - #37720/#84 Kentucky - #90049 Kansas - E-158/E-1189 Monroe, Sunrise. Schaumburg, N. Billerica, Whippany, Essex Junction, Connecticut Florida Illinois Massachusetts New Jersey Vermont 203.261.4458 305.846.1730 708.705-0740 617-272.5212 201.428.8181 802.878.5138 An Aquanoany n Coma IEA LABORATORY RESULTS IEA Project #: 115-917 Client Name: Sirrine Date Sample # Client ID Parameter Results Analyzed 1 S-1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2.0 mg/L 09/04/92 1 S-1 Total Suspended Solids <4 mg/L 09/10/92 IEA An Aouanon Company IEA LABORATORY RESULTS IEA Project #: 115-917 Client Name: Sirrine Date Client ID Parameter Results Analyzed QC Blank Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2.0 mg/L 09/04/92 QC Blank Total Suspended Solids <4 mg/L 09/10/92 IEA An Acmanon Comoany IEA Sample #: 115-917-1 Client Name: Sirrine Client Project I.D.:RE411.30 Ball-Incon Sample I.D.: S-1 Matrix: Water Date Received: 09/04/92 Date Sampled: 09/04/92 Date Prepared: 09/10/92 Detection Date Parameter Method Limits Results Analyzed Analyst Oil & Grease(Gray.) SW-846 9070 5 mg/L BQL 09/11/92 LG Comments: BQL= Below Quantitation Limit FORM RES-P Rev. 071991 IEA An Aquanon ComDany IEA Sample #: 115-917 Client Name: Sirrine Client Project I.D.:RE411.30 Ball-Incon Sample I.D.: QC Blank Matrix: Water Date Received: N/A Date Sampled: N/A Date Prepared: 09/10/92 Detection Date Parameter Method Limits Results Analyzed Analyst ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Grease(Gray.) SW-846 9070 5 mg/L SQL 09/11/92 LG Comments: N/A = Not Applicable BQL= Below Quantitation Limit Corresponding Samples: 115-917-1 FORM RES-P Rev. 071991 INFORMATION ON TANK DRAINS TANFr DATE TIME GLASS TIME DRAINED STARTED PLUGED c 9 -4 -92 8 : 3()AM $ : (15PM WATER USED NO. OF GALLON TOTAL PER HOSES PER MEN. MINUTE 7 HOSES 44.4 310.8 K I CKER 130.4 130.4 HEADER 235.2 235.2 TOTAL PER__________ MINUTE 626.4 TOTAL PER__________ HOUR 37584 TOTAL FOR DRAIN 451008 LESS EST. VOLUME LOSS DUE TO REDUCED PRESSURE EST. 20% LOSS 90201.6 ESTMATED TOTAL TEMPERTURE OF WATER AND PH TIME TEMP. PH 8 : 20 77.00 9:20 150.40 8.69 10:20 153.60 8.51 1 1 :20 155.00 8.81 12 : 26 155. C)�) 8.78 1:20 152.60 9.79 2:26 156.40 8.99 3:22 155.40 9.34 4:20 145.40 9.14 5:20 137.80 8.94 . c P VERASE -_2 t-.,- - TANf,.: DATE TIME GLASS TIME DRAINED STARTED PLUGE #2 9-5-92- 7: 51 All WATER USED NO. OF GALLON TOTAL PER HOSES PER MIN. MINUTE 7 HOSES 44.4 310.8 K I Ci� ER 80.4 80.4 HEADER 235.2 235.2 TOTAL PER MINUTE 626.4 TOTAL PER__________ HOUR 37584 TOTAL FOR - DRA I N 150336 LESS EST. VOLUME LOSS DUE TO REDUCED PRESSURE EST. 20% LOSS 30067.2 ES TMA TE D TOTAL 120268.8 TEMPERTURE OF WATER AND PH TIME TEMP. PH 7:45 76 7.06 8:45 160.4 9.47 9:44 151.4 9.29 10:41 129.8 8.96 AVERAGE 147. `Q* --------- 9.24 November 22, 1994 TO: Permits & Engineering Unit Raleigh Regional Office Environmental Sciences Branch Central Files FROM: Marcia Toler-McCullen 'N'4�� SUBJECT: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corporation NC0083038 Vance County In plotting this facility, I have discovered the subbasin for this WLA was indicated incorrectly on the NPDES Wasteload Allocation Form. The receiving stream is UT Martin Creek which is not in subbasin 03-03-01, but it is located in subbasin 03-03-02. The staff report had the location correct; however, when the WLA was completed everything was indicated as W-03-01. Please make all the necessary changes which are needed in correcting the subbasin to 03-03-02. If there are any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Thanks. Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Ball InCon Glass Pkg. Corp. NCO083038 Industrial - 100% Existing New UT Martins Creek WS-III, NSW 030301 o3d30Z Vance RRO R. Kepler 1/6/93 B25SW Request # 7297 qg APR 0 1 19S DEHNR-RAL RO Stream Characteristic: USGS # estimated Date: Drainage Area (mi2) = 0.1 Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 0.0 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 0.0 Average Flow (cfs): =0.09 30Q2 (cfs): 0.0 IWC (%): 100.0 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Ball InCon currently recycles wastewater. The facility is seeking a permit to discharge large amounts of contact cooling water during 1) furnace rebuilds 2) emergency repairs 3) color change (when changing from green to clear glass). These events are expected to occur 0-3 times per year at 1 to 2 day intervals. The City of Henderson will not take this water. Since this is considered "process" water, effluent guidelines 426.82 BPT are applicable. High temperature from this discharge will be a problem, so the standard temperature language for cooling water discharges will be recommended. TSB recommends that a clause be placed in the permit stating that the facility must make efforts to release the flow slowly in order to decrease the chance for excessive channelization of Martins Creek due to the high velocity of the discharge slug. P&E should review staff report comments. Although this is a new permit to NSW class stream, TP and TN will not be limited - not expected to be in the discharge. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: _ Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 3 k- APR 2 8 1993 3 TOMCS/CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Type of Toxicity Test: Acute Full range episodic Existing Limit: Recommended Limit: Monitoring only Monitoring Schedule: first five events, then annually Recommended Limits Monthly Average Daily Max. Mon. Freq. WQ or EL Flow monitor pH (Si): 6-9 Oil & Grease (#/day): 15.6 31.2 el TSS (#/day): 36.4 72.8 el Turbidity (NTU): 50 Temperature The discharge shall not cause the receiving water's temp. to exceed 2.8°C above background and in no case cause it to exceed 3rC. (See page three for special monitoring requirements.) Limits Changes Due To: Parameteds) Affected Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Failing toxicity test Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures 426.82 subpart H Parameter(s) are water quality limited For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. AA X No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. l MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS AdQuacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) N (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? N (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. FacilityName Eft t, INCOYJ Permit # 1_0083030 Pipe # ACUTE TOXICITY MONITORING (EPISODIC) The permittee shall conduct FIVE acute toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this permit. After monitoring of the first five toxicity tests, the permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test is TAE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all doselresponse data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 0 cfs Permitted Flow Vk2, MGD lWC l00 % Basin & Sub -basin o3o -r Receiving Stream u T An AR i n15 (REEI- County VANCt Recommended by: Date 3 2 3 aAl i N Con) s �tsc�laluc Ev NTs mAy oNLy occu(Z 0--3 TtmeS Peg YC-A& . 1�15 (S N07- A D15C4A(�-t1 In) Ve(.A77ahl To 5T-o/ut &VENTS, EAM Fathead 24 Version 10191 7Z77 NCOO83o /93 ------ -- - :---- --- UT 030Lo Ali i {J -- - - N�E�p--------- .�.� __--_.V_�__�rFJ YtiKlIZLN_<_ __ Gk2NACE_.1�✓.1/L6D5 , i�NtE_.�^�._?x29 _ _ . _ _�h_A4�LY._.. _ ---- -- - 3 .TiM.cS-PCY �_l. ?o_ Z . uaY .ln/rE ✓ALs� �_�;%.._�1LL�__�v.�---'U-or-CO_^'�•�.Lu _Tt�ITr'GT_ W�1�_oQ . AN� Oi/}�r� �.7.&��$ _:___.. C.O, �l�ntr�s!>oN ._r�?t« 1I:7elc�_ _�e.i �. T�r�., tJ b�Jrti_V.7c ri 54�,npl E� G/OiH iA iT 7ii5 (s/ARLc�. T'I—&+5rK _- - NFw _ Fac_LLr_zltg�l _ _ v,!1 r[a —DEROIL_6W_vd— '��-- ` C 4- FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Daily Maximum Comments 361 -72. $ 2(o 2 8 r'T TSS albs/day albs/da ./y 40CFR Oil 15.6lbs/da .o3 31.2 lbs/da o(, Same as above H 6.0-9.0 SU 6.0-9.0 SU Same as above The watewater is contact cooling water used to cool the lass when the furnace is beingchanged over therefore should be considered process waters. Randy Kepler ,.K 3-u - v Type of Product Produced s/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference Glass Containers 520,000 40 CFR 426 Glass Manufacturin Subpart H, Glass Container Manufacturing Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. 1509 South Macedonia Avenue, Muncie, IN 47302-3664 (317) 741-7000 Reply to: PO. Box 4200, Muncie, IN 47307-4200 March 10, 1993 Mr. Randy Kepler North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: NPDES Permit #NC 0083038 Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. Vance County Dear Mr. Kepler: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. would like to acknowledge receipt of your notice dated January 6, 1993 with the request for the Delegation of Authority and an Engineering Economics Alternatives Analysis. We would also like to reference our conversation on January 29, 1993, when Ball- InCon requested and was verbally granted a 30 day extension to supply the information requested in your notice. Attached to this letter is a copy of the original "Short Form C" application signed by the plant manager, who is authorized under state regulation to sign such documents. Also attached to this letter is the "Evaluation of Wastewater Disposal Alternatives" as prepared to Rust Environmental for the Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corp. Ball-InCon would also like to enclose additional information for your review. Since our original submittal, the plant's glass furnace has been drained and the cullet quench water was again discharged to the City of Henderson. Equipment problems at the pump station for the City and rainfall in the area nearly caused us to delay the draining of the furnace. These problems are discussed in the attached "Evaluation of Wastewater Disposal Alternatives". With this latest furnace drain, we were able to more accurately determine our flow. Taking into account the quench water used in the initial furnace drain and the followup flush and drain, we have estimated a total quench water usage of 600,000 gallons in a 24 hour period. However, during this furnace drain, we did alter our furnace drain procedure by using a 500,000 cmu Ra as A subsidiary of Ball Corporation March 9, 193 Page 2 gallon aboveground storage tank at the plant. The cullet quench water was first pumped into this aboveground tank and was then metered into the city sewer system. This allowed us to both better determine our flow and it gave the cullet quench water some time to cool down prior to discharge. Also, attached is information on the flow, temperature and pH readings of the water during the last furnace drain. We are proposing to discharge to Martin Creek by using this same method. We feel in this way we can better control our flow to the creek and we can reduce the temperature of some of the quench water prior to discharge. It should be noted that we estimate our furnace drain quench water discharge at 600,000 gallons, while the aboveground tank will hold only 500,000 gallons. This means that approximately 100,000 gallons will definitely need to be discharged over a 24 hour period with minimal residence time for cooling. Upon review of our previously submitted Short Form C submittal letter, application and attachments; and, review of this submittal letter, alternatives analysis and other attachments, if you have any questions, please call me at 317/741-71 17. Respectfully, rl- ewe Robert J. Cappiello Environmental Project Engineer jw Attach: Amended Short Form C Evaluation of Wastewater Disposal Alternatives Furnace Drain Quench Water Data 4 Complete Copies cc: W. A. Jones, Plant Manager Rust Environment NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX 27687, RALEIGH, NC 27611 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM C APPLICATION NUMBER ' FOR AGENCY USE DATE RECEIVED To be filed only by persons engaged in manufacturing and mining YEAR MD. DAY Oo not attempt to coapiete this form before reading accompanying instructions Please print or type 1. Name, addresso locationg and telephone number of facility producing discharge A. Name _ Ball-Tn .nn Glass Packaging Corp. B. Mailing address 1. Street address U.S. Highway #1 Bypass 2. City 14pndarcnn 3. State PVC 4. County Vance S. ZIP 27536 C. Location: 1. Street Same 2. City 3. County 4. State D. Telephone No. _ 919 492-1131 ,00-� • Area Code 2. SIC " I 'n (Leave blank) 3. Number of empioyees 300 If all your waste is discharged into a publicly owned waste treatment facility and to the best of your knowledge you are not required to obtain a discharge ptrai t, proceed to item 4. Otherwise proceed directly to item y. 4. If you meet the condition stated above, Check here p and supply the information asked for below. After completing these items, please complete the date,, title, and signature blocks below and return this fora to the proper reviewing office without completing the remainder of the form. A. Nape of organisation responsible for receiving waste B. Facility receiving waste: 1. Nam* 2. Street address 3. City 4. County S. State 6. 2IP �. )(Principal product. Oraw material Check one)- Glass rnntainers t. Principal process Gas fired industrial furnace 7. Maxim= amount of principal product produced or raw material enns�A nor irk&&& .�.► Basis Amount 1-99 (tj 1004 99 (2) 200-499 (3) 500-999 1000• 4999 5000-10.000- 50.000 9999 49.999 or more (6) (7) (8) A. uay 260 B. Month C. Year Pwty+OYs EDITION "AV 89 USED UNTIL SUPPLY 18 txwausstp MAE rn. frr+ Ar11f111h1 11t ortnt 1118 1 got 111im t for foam 0-11 11♦ tf1 1 (.M. J , 4,)ove , IS waeasureu Ir. (Liset p. (11 e ! : A.a pounds B.kftons C.p barreis rAw QIAt t•r I., 1 f IHI•.rolowoi , t t•1111r i /•/1 u.0 bushel s :. 0 square feet F.0 ga i ions G.O pieces or units H.0 other, specs fy _ y. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year p , or Occasionai ,b) Check the month(s) di scharae occurs - 0-3 times a vear 1.0 January 7.0 July discharge during furnace drains,, for 1-2 days duration for each fdrn `-.O MaY 6.0 June drain. 11. 0 November 12.0 v, c emoe r (c) Check how many days per week: 1.01 -.x2-3 3.04-5 4.06.7 1-2 days ,2r `urnace drai 10. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) 2.0 February ;, 0 March 4.0 Apr i 8.0 August 9.0 Septem er 10.0 Octoher F low. gallons per operating day > Yolume 7 _ated before dischar:,ng 1percent) Discharqe per operating day 0.1-999 1000-4999 5000-9999 10,000- 50,000- None 0.1. 30- 65- 95- 49,999 or more 29.9 64,9 94.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) A. Santt3ry, daily average B. Cooling water, etc. daily average C. ProCP.SS water, daily averaae 2409000 X ). Maxtmutr per oot►rat- ing day for total 3609000 discharge (a)1 t yes l ll. If any 0 tt,O three types of waste identified in rtet" 10.e1ther treated or untreated. are discrar?ed to v'.aces other than surface water., oteck below as applicable. Waste water is diSchorgrfd to: Average flow, gallons per operating day 0.1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) SOCO-9999 (3) 101,000-49,999 (4) 509000 or more (S) A. Municipal sewer system 4500 B. Underground ►c-o l C. Septic tan, . D. Evaporation l aonfon or pond E. Other, spectt) 12. Number of separate di scharae points: A.)(1 8.0 2-3 C.O 4-5 D.O 6 or more 13. Name of receiving water or waters Martin Creek 14. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain one or more of the following substances -added as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, phenols, oil and .grease, and chlorine (residual). A.a yes B X no 1 certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, compietP, and accurate. I .W_: A. Jones .. Plant Manager Printed Natee of, Person Sionino Title ebruary 1, 1993 v4 ' ► ,'y Date Application Signed _ Signature of Appl tint North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides t: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report; plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of -the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental management Commiss implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pumishable by a fine not'to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001.proN a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment n:ot more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) EVALUATION OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES BALL-INCON GLASS PACKAGING CORPORATION HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA prepared for: Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corporation P.Q. Box 4200 Muncie, Indiana 47307-4200 John G. Funk, P.E. Date: Prepared by: Rust Environment & Infrastructure P.O. Box 1308 Cary, North Carolina 27511 (919) 481-0397 3�319� CA A, Sa w�b 0,Yoo 101 ea • u SEAL s O 14799 .9 R�Jf ��IN 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 DESCRIPTION Ball-InCon Glass Packaging. Corporation operates a glass bottle manufacturing facility in Henderson, North Carolina. Periodically, the Facility changes the color of the glass in the furnace, and water is used to cool the glass when it drains from the furnace. This operation results in a discharge of approximately 600,000 gallons of furnace drain quench water over a 24-hour period. Ball InCon has submitted an application for a NPDES permit (NPDES Permit No. NC0083038) to discharge the 600,000 gallons per day to a tributary of Martin Creek. The location of the Facility is shown on Figure 1 which was prepared from the U.S. Geological Survey Henderson Quadrangle. A site map of the Ball-InCon Facility is provided in Figure 2. This report describes and evaluates three disposal alternatives to discharge to surface waters via a NPDES permit. The alternatives consist of: Connection to Sewerage System, Subsurface Disposal System, and Spray Irrigation System. 1.2 REFERENCES 1. Soil Survey of Vance County. North Carolina, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1977. 2. Salvato, Joseph A. Jr., Environmental Eneineering and Sanita_tiQn. Wiley- Interscience, 2 ed.91972. 2.0 EVALUATION OF THE FEASIBILITY OF DISCHARGE ALTERNATIVES This section evaluates the environmental feasibility of the three non -discharge alternatives to NPDES discharge. Information contained in this report concerning the origin and nature of the wastewater discharge and the description of the Ball-InCon Henderson Facility was provided to Rust Environment & Infrastructure by Ball-InCon Glass Packaging Corporation for the preparation of this report. The alternatives evaluated in this report consist of Connection to Sewerage System, Subsurface Disposal System, and Spray Irrigation System 2.1 CONNECTION TO SEWERAGE SYSTEM The Henderson Facility currently discharges its sanitary wastewater stream to the City of Henderson sewer system through a sewer line located on the Facility. The City has expressed a willingness to also accept the furnace drain quench water but the flow rate is restricted to approximately 20 gallons per minute (gpm) and the City does not wish to take the water during a storm event when storm water evidently enters the sewer system. The Facility has available a 500,000 gallon above ground storage tank which could be used ... 1RB ILBOURDESALTAM during the furnace drain. Utilization of the tank as temporary storage would still require the discharge of 100,000 gallons during a 24-hour period. Due to the two discharge restrictions of flow rate and uncertain availability imposed by the sewer authority, the alternative of discharge to the sewer system cannot always be available to support the Facility operational requirements. Furnace drains are firmly scheduled weeks to months in advance and are critical to facility operation. Delays in draining glass from a furnace can result in financial loss of over $100,000/day in lost sales. For these reasons, Ball-InCon must have a more reliable means of discharge for its furnace drain quench water and has applied for an NPDES permit for that discharge. 2.2 SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM The Soil Survey of Vance County' for the location of the Ball-InCon Facility identifies the soils as Appling Sandy Loam. The Survey provides an evaluation of the degree and the kind of soil limitations that affect septic tank absorption fields. For Appling soils the evaluation for use as absorption field is listed in the Survey as "moderate" which indicates that the soil properties or site features are not favorable for the that use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations. The Survey also provides general physical and chemical properties of soils. For Appling soils, the Survey indicates the permeability of the soil to ranges from 0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour at a soil depth of 10 to 35 inches. Using the upper end of the permeability range of 2 inch per hour, or 1 inch in 30 minutes, results in a recommended application rate of 0.9 gallon per day per square feet. If the required volume of water to be discharged to the system is 100,000 gpd, the resultant application area is 1009000 gpd / 0.9gpd/ftZ = 111,111 ft If the trench for the system are 3 feet wide and the spacing between trench is 9 feet, the require application area is 1119111 ft / 3 ff = 37,037 linear feet of trench Assuming that the length of each trench is 500 feet results in 74 trenches. If the center to center spacing between trenches is 12 feet, the resultant area of the drain field is 500 ft x 12 ft x 73 = 438,000 ftz At 43,560 fe per acre, the required area is approximately 10 acres. As shown in Figure 2, two-thirds of the approximately 60 acre Facility are under roof or paved. Over half the remaining area is wooded, marshy or otherwise unsuitable. The northwest corner may appear suitable, but applying the required 50 foot property line buffer requirement to that section of the property results in a total area of approximately 8 acres which is less than the 10 acres required. The application rate of 0.9 gpd/ft used in the ...1 M11.B01 MESALT.002 above calculations was based upon the high end of the permeability range given for the Appling soils. Using a mid -point permeability of 1 inch per hour results in a recommended application rate of 0.6 gpd/ft. That application rate would result in a application area of 10 acres x 0.9/0.6 = 15 acres It is clear from the above analysis that subsurface disposal system is not a feasible alternative for disposal of the furnace drain quench water at the Ball-InCon Facility. The Ball-InCon Facility is bounded on the north and south by other industrial facilities and on the east by US Route 1 and its adjacent service road. Industrial plants also are located west of the Facility. Due to the uses of the adjoining properties, acquisition of adjoining property for use as a disposal system may not be feasible. 2.3 SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM Spray irrigation shares the same limitation as a subsurface disposal system. The low recommended application rate results in extensive land area being devoted to the disposal of the furnace drain quench water. Permit conditions for spray irrigation system require a 100 foot property line buffer area between the property line and the spray irrigation system. This buffer requirement further reduces the area available for spray irrigation and renders the alternative unfeasible. Permit conditions for spray irrigation systems also require 30 day storage capacity. This requirement is designed to provide storage of the wastewater during conditions where the ground is frozen on the application site. The limitation of discharge places an operating constraint on the Ball-InCon Facility which also could render the alternative as not being feasible. 3.0 NPDES DISCHARGE The conclusion of the above evaluation is that none of the three discharge alternatives are environmentally feasible considering the volume of the flow and the operational constraints present during a furnace drain. Ball-InCon has applied for a NPDES permit to discharge its furnace drain quench water to a tributary of Martin Creek. The tributary borders the Facility on the south side and the plant presently discharges storm water to this tributary and it is intended to discharge the furnace drain quench water through the same existing system. To BallInCon's knowledge, the tributary stream has not been gauged, and 7Q10 30Q2 flow information is not available at this time. BallIncon has available a 500,000 gallon above ground storage tank which could be used to temporarily store the furnace drain quench water, and permit discharge to the tributary at a lower rate after the initial discharge of 100,000 gallons in 24 hours. ...UM i.BOTME8ALTAM off 0 IT seem VA ce • �_wek�ONOt� • • • ••• • • - \J « p• 1 • • y 1 • ". \ •�, C- .` _ • • • • / • •• • 40 • / _ a- IN -'ram e. . • • e END row Goo :J - a • - _ ti 1101 ., ... •• , . ... • • . _ J _ ••� •- • •� • r� �' �� Net • •{ 16 lis if A� `" • � �,� •4t�.,�Y� .1./• t �` a .•: • , • �r r• _ • is.sm • �. •• i•r • • rya • '� �. (\\ .�� ; n 10 so VA - �.-TJhl _.`���-. - s+ ..�w ��ssnow AO we ` •• — � 1 ~ • � 4 CO _ � Me • `� :. � ..�. •�. �' • ? ram. i r ` `• M s — >< t � p 1 � oeNs � •tip, ,�'' ,� � bee It lot el • - -,.t. r • • � �j N y{ / • �• • n NI! 11 • •♦- - �� . h t! • v . _ ^ % .N- ice' • • Mosvvssf �• • e • � `.� a,/'.. • • /'-••� paw! l '• ` . ` `• �i SCALE 1'0000 0 11000' 2.000' 3.000' 4,000' 5,0000 VICINITY MAP 1C?ATBTtT1�,ft� Q' BALL--INCON PACKAGING CORP. ��sN VI Wd & HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA Bleb" UcTm SCAM. PROJaCT NUYBIR FICr1RS: 1" = 2000' R5347.00 Cary, North Carolina DATE: CADFIM. 1 10-2-93 x �c MW-1 FENCE x rK�RTM�E x k WAREHOUSES NO. 5 WAREHOUSES N0. 1, 2, 3 & 4 '^ k b ANUFACTURING .• , d •d + • k OFFICE L rtK TRACK" v WASTE WATER r` r , . • , . • ` BASIN �n a d d r • / ' R � x d + r • + � DERn' 1 x 1 ^ LINE x �~1xr FENCE 500,000 GALLON 1 J• FUEL OIL TANK (ABANDONED).WATER FILLED r PROPERTY UNE •�` j r' x_ NAMES DATE �T �y1l� �r DRAWN: HWV 2/26/93 E�y1Y 1�� RONMEd�Y 6 . DESIGN: SITE MAP MRAMU CHECKED: PE: Tcy F 12/26/93 APP'D: BALL-INCON PROJECT NUMBER R5347.00 APP'D: GLASS PACKAGING CORP. NO. REVISIONS MADE 'CHK DATE APP'D. I HENDERSON NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1" = 200' The drawings, specifications and other documents prepared by the Engineer for this project are instruments of the Engineer's service for use solely with respect to this project and, unless otherwise provided, the Engineer shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright. DATE 2/26/9 FIGURE 2 PLOT DATE: 3/26/9 TANK DAZE 1TME GAS; ITME REASON FOR DRAIN ti 44M MAMEG P'L%SGEEi CCL OR t'r M4GE #2 12-26-92 8:40AM 8:f GM CHANGE FROM GREEN TO FLfNT. NO. OF t3 UON TOTAL PER "OSES PER MRA. MMITE 7 ' HOSES 44A • 310.8 IKICKEfR M.4 ZOD.4 "EMER 226.2 20.B.2 TOTAL PER MNUTE 626.4 343PL PEP, HOUR 376M TOTAL FOR MIA%4 4?,22i 6 Vw_ k3sm A 4' "M. PIMP TO PkMp ` ilk TER NT 0 LARGE OIL TANK. ALSO UPMAEB M&M 0T Pu"K 11,14 Q S IER WHILE PLUMNO TnTr O OIL TANK. WE RAN MITER 1111434 m'iEP, AT V'lo OF ZR SEWER CAPACITY. AT COMPLETION OF {'� MN VIE "AD RQX. 2MOM 3O ,UM GAL.. IN TANK. PLUGEG TMK NT 3:i OPM. LESS E81. VCLUM ES7MATED AP"P'RO'A. I a,DM QMZ DRAINED EST . W�4 LOSS 1642-42.1 F-IMIA 'EMIDT& 267973.9 'LESr3 DMINVIr INTO ZEMER AA- MMT. HAD ASO UT 24010M GIAL.S . IN TAN. WM EMPERTURE OF WATEER AND FH VIE STARTED FLUE" NEXT f o"Ifft G. THE TEMP. PH 9:44AM 131.8 8.9 i 045r.M%h i 33.4 9.05 1 i :4W&A A44.9 9.04 1:15m 146 B 9AS 2-16F i 146.6 9.17 3: 15mf f 43.4 9.1 4:15MI 143 918 6:ti5 M 9.04 7153M iOi 897 CANE T'W E aA : i %sy E REASON FOR PiPAIN DRAINED. STARTED R! IJ(3EG Ca._Gl. GN.A.N.(a"'F xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�rxxxxxxx�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* 1 f .JVAkvf CLVSILT ACTLR LRR1WV &N { G-LV-9 E HAD APPROX. 20'OF GLASS WHEN V WATER �iSE IWESTAR D7naAIN. 4=t- 7tE1V Ct'vRiiCT a NO. OF C ALLON rO rAL PER FROM 8::30PM UNTf. 7:20AM. HOSES PER &ffiV. &fflVU i E 7 HOBS 44.4 310.B PLUCED .AhK AT 11:3aAM. . KI QT-R 80.4 SSA HEADER 2352 2352 SViUT OFF WATEfi AT i 1:35AM. TOTAL PEPI w"JTE 626 4 EST TED 2%jam GALS. to TAW TOT FIEFIER Vfrrm3v Fl-mli COMPI E i r �. "Gulp, '037594 TEUP. GE WATER, GaOtN. G tKTG SEWER rO TAL FOR +14 112752 'NAB 112 DEGFIEES. LESS EST . VOLUME LOSS DUE TO REDUCEZ7 PRESSURE ESA': 3996 LOSS 42845.76 ESTUArED TOTAL a i 24 TEMPERTL1RE OF 1r4t.ATEB .AND PH ThfE ?EAV. PH 900Ahl 1136 sob 0.-3" 111.4 BL.97 11:25AM 91.2 8.96 WA r &j.q re it 7-6 e .. Tr X E cat . 0% /r4 r 7'm e. rt= P, A rld w Wore -017- 9 Z. /i: 3d A.M. //0? ° �s - �g- 9A - 3 0 - 90? 3 : 3 4 4.1"0 y. S3 8:33NOW .`A r 3 - 93 S'uti��r �/� Qom_ � M d ' f 7— 93 1.37two 76' J • q� 9 3 fvrim d y ma 3 NO r� .� t. - ..._ �.� P g _ A,la ma Pitre 1- 13- 93 9!3q Am 5a, 6 0 47 /-1+- 8 " 318 Q m 50,0 44 /9- 93* 9: LJO. orl% 14 1 so 9 /7- 93