HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160013 Ver 1_Updated Prelim JD Form_01112016_20160111,a rr�acx�r�n�r �a PR�LlMIh1ARY JURISDlCT1QNAL QETERMlNA7��C1 FORM BACKGRC7UN�7 INFORMATIDN A. REP�RT CQMPLETIQN DATE FC�R PRELI{VIII�AFtY JtJR15QiCTIONAL DETERM1NATi�I� �JD): B. NAME A�JD A[]DF�ESS C?F PERS(7�1 REC,�LJESTfNG PREL111I'�INARY JD: Jim Mason, NCDOT,1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 C. DiSTRIC7 C�FFIGE, F[�LE NAME, �4ND NllMBER; D. PR�JECT LC}CATIQN(Sj AND BACKGROUND INF[iRMAT1C3h�: B-5354, Replacement of Bridge No. 360 on SR 4771 (Eckerson Rd) over US 29 (USE THE ATTACHEa TABLE T� DQCUMENT MlJ�.71PLE WATE�'BDDIES AT DIFFERENT SI7ESy 5t�#e: NC CDllil�]II�3�fISi1I�34i��lff�F1: Guilford [',j��; Greensboro Center coordinafes c�f siie {lafllong in dec�ree decamal fvrmat}: Lat. 36.17597 °N; Long. -79.71186 �UII. cxx.xxxxx, c-xx.xxxxx> Universal Trar�sverse Mercator: Z� se�ect E: N: �c�iilE �� f18�iGS� Wc'3t$Ci3C3d]l: Reedy Fork (Hardys Mill Pond) lder�iify (estima�e} amaunt c�f wa#ers in the review area: Non-wefiar�d waters: sas linear #eet: 2o-so �so� w�dth (ft) andlor acres. GOWc'il'Cf111 G�aSS: Riverine S�iE�p'1 '�jQ1ih1: Perennial 1Netlands� a�s �Ci85. �{]+4V�fd'lFl [;�:a$g: Palustrine Name of any wa�e� bvdies c�n #he sit� that have been identified as 5ectic�n � a waters: Tidal: Non-Tidal: � E. REVI'EW PERF�4RME� FC}R SITE EVALUATft?N �CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]: � Qffice �Desk) �eterminati�an. Date: �✓ Field Determinatian. Da�e�s): �2i�5i2o�5 SUPPiDRTING DATA. Data re�riewed for prelirninary JD �check all tha� apqly - che�ked items shvuld be included in case file and, w e ehecked and requested, appropriately reference saurces �elow�: ✓ Maps, plans, plQts or p�at submit#ed by c,r an behalf vf the Li�]�JIfCa11�ICO�1Sli{t�l�f: Vicinity Map,Topo Map, Jurisdictional Resources Map �✓ ❑ata sheets preparedlsubmift�ed by or on k�e'�alf af the app ' ntfeans�ltant. (]ffice concurs wit�r data sheetsCdelinea#ian report. �ffic� does not c�ncur with data shee#sldelineation report. � Dafa she�ts pr�par�� by the Corps: ❑ Cvrps navigable waters` study: ❑ U.S. Geological Sunrey Hydrolagic A�las: � LJSGS NHD dafa � USGS 8 and 1� digit HUG m�ps ❑ U.S, Gevlvgica[ Survey map(s}. Ci#e scal'e R quad r�ame: ❑ IJSDA Natural Resources Canservat�ar� Senrice Soil Survey. Git�tion: ❑ Nativnal wetlands inverrtvry rnap(s}. Ci#e narne: ❑ StateJLoca! wefiland inventc�ry ma�{s): ❑ FEMAIFIRM maps: � 1+DC�-year Fl�adplair� Ele�ativn is: ([�ational Geodect�c Verti�al Da�tum af 1929} ❑ Pf�otograp�s: Aerial [Name & Date}: vr Qther (Name & Qate}: � Previous det+ermina#ivn�s}. 'Fi[e no. and dafe of respvnse letter: � Uther informat�vn �please specify): 2 1. The Carps of Engin��rs b�lieves #hat there may be ju�risdic#inr�al waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applican� ar other affected party who r�ques#ed fhis pr�liminar}r JO is hereby advised of his or her option ta request anc� obtair� an ap�ravec� jurisdic#ic�nal determinativn �JD} fvr that site. fVevertheless, th� permit app�icant or other persan wha requested this prelirr�inary JD has de�lined to exercise t�e op�ic�n to abtain an appraved J� in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permi# applicant cabtains an individual �ermit, or a�la#ionwid� Gen�ral Pcrmit �NWP� or other g�neral permit verification re�quiring "pre-�onstructian nofification" {PCIWa, or requests verification for a nor�-reparting NWP �r other general permit, and the permi# applican# has no# requeste�i an �pproved JQ f�ar the ac#ivity, tfae permrt applicant is hereby r�ade aware of the fc�llowing: (1) the permit applicant has elecfed ta see�C a permit authorizatian b�sed on a pr�liminary JD, which dves nvt make an official determination af jurisdictionaP waters; (2� ihat the ap�licant has the optivn tc� re�uest an approved J[3 befvre accepting the terms and evn�itions af the p�rmit auth�rization, and thad ba�ing a permit authorization c�n an approved JD couid possibly result in less compensatoryr mitigation heing required or dif�erent special cvnditians; (3} tha# the appficant has th� right to requ�s# an in�ividual �ermit rather than accepting #he terms and cond�tions of the N1NP or ofher general permit aufhc�rization; �4} that the applicant can accept a permit authoriza#ivn and #h�rehy agree fo �amply with a!I the terms and conc�itians of that permit, �ncluding vuhaiever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; �5} that undertaking any activity in refiance upvn the subj�ct permi# authorization withaut r�qu�sfing an appraved J[J constitutes the applican#'s acceptance af the use of the preliminary JQ, but that either form of JD will be process�ed as sovn as is practica�le; {G} �ccep#ing a permit au#horization (e.g., signing a prc�ffered individual perrnit} t�r �ndertaking any activity in reliance vr� any farm of Corps permit authoriza#ion based vn a prelimin�ry JD cans#itut�s agr��ment that all we#iands and a#h�r water bodies on the site affiected in any way by that aetivity are jurisdictiona! waters of #he �Jnited States, and precludes any challenge ta such juri�dictio� in �ny a�ministrative ar judicial cQmpliance or enf�rcement actifln, or in any administrative appeal or in �ny Federal courf; and (7} wheiher #he applicant elect� to use either an appra�+ed JD or a preliminary JD, that JD wili be pracessed as soon �s is practicat�le. Further, an approrred Ja, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions cvntained therein), or individual permi# der�ial can be �dministra#ively appealed p�rrsuant to 33 �C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrat�ve appeai9 jurisdictivn�al issues can h� raised �s�e 33 C.F.R. 331.5{a)(2}). If, during that administra#�v�e ap�eal, ut becomes necessary tv make an afficiad d+etermina#ion whe#�er CVIIA jurisdiction �xists vver � sit�, or to provide an offic�al delineation af jurisdic#�onal wa#ers on the site, the Corps wiff pravide an ap�rc�ved Ja #o �ccamplish that result, as saon as is p�actieable. ihis preliminary JD finds tha# there "may be" waters of t�e United �taies on the subj�ct project site, and identifies ali aquatic features nn th� site fha# could be affect�d by the proposed ackivity, based on the foifowing informati�n: IMPflRiANi Nt7T�: The infvrmation recorded on this fc�rm h�s not necessari�v been v��ifi�d bv #he �orps an�l shsauld no�t t�� relied upon tor later 'uri�dictiona[ det�rminatians. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (R�QUIR�D) ,� �IG nafure an�/�te of �rson reques�ing preNminary JD R�QUIR�D,,�nless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estimated Amount Site Cowardin of Aquatic Resource Class of Aquatic Number Latitude Longitude �XX.XXXXX> �-XX.XX,o�X> Class in the Review Area Resource (lin. ft.or ac.) Str�m 36.1 �369 -79.74108 Riv�ine 585 I�. ft. �on-Section 10 - SD Perennial o Wet�nd 36.1 �345 -79.74142 Palu�rine 0.0'6�ac. �on-Section 10 - WZ Wetland Wet�nd 36.1�374 -79.74017 Palu�rine 0.17oac. �on-Section 10 - WAA Wetland Wet�nd 36.1�368 -79.74040 Palu�rine 0.0'Ioac. �on-Section 10 - WBB Wetland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0