HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120240 All Versions_USACE Correspondence_20151215� - r/'t��� ;!�i���i(!I/���,� � #,�;��� �; � t•i , ,�� ��+°�i ��i��%: �!� FtEPLY 1'4 .#T1 EiSiI07d OF: l.J�rfi� � lV��t•� 1.�i- i I 1� fi�lill,� r,5�i�r��€��rorv �is�r��cr, ca��s a�= ����NE�Rs 89 DARLfNGi0�3 /a�/E#�11E ' �JUlL[VifNGTON, NOR1"H CF1f�QLfNA 28�43-i3@3 Dec�inber 15, 20I5 Reguiator,r Di��ision Action ID No. SA��=1992-03237 i�;Tr. Richard �V. Ha�lcock, P.E., iV1���er P�•oject Development and En�Jirontne�tal Analysis B�-�nch N.C. Department of Txanspoi•tatic�n . Division of I-�ighti��ays � Ia9� N�aii Service Center Rateigh, �orth Carolina 2�699-1598 N1i•. Eben l�ille�� " Fred Smith Cornpany 6105 Cl3apei HiII Rd � Raleigh, iVo�-th Carolina 2if�47 Dear i�r. HancocklMr. �1iller: . Please referei�ce the Deceinber 12; 2012 Depa�-kn�ent of the Az�zn}� {DA) permit for the ��ertnat�ent discha�•ge of fiIl materia� into ��retlands a�1d stt•eam for tl�e construction of t�•anspartatio�i impro�Jemerzt project R-2�03 located fro�n �ted�7�an iri C�unberland County te�-minatiilg in Clinto�� i�� San�psc�n Cat�nry, Nortl� Carolina. Subsequent phases have been issued to complete coxlst�•uctzan af the pro�ec�. As state�i in t�e initiai aiathorization a��d c�iscussed in each subsec��ent atrthorizatiox� tlie ciriginal co�iditions are enforceable for eacl� �hase of the rt�ad project. � co�y c�f tl�e perrnit �vitl� permit cc�nditiot�s tl�at �rere applicable foz� each �hase a��e attached for }jout� re�riew. On No�,je�nbe�� 24, 201 �, IvI�•. Braci Shar7er of the U:S. ArmS� �Corps of Er��inee�•s, - Wilmington Regz�latoz�y Field Of�ce (Corps) participated in � reguiarly.schedi�led compliar�c� �c�isit of the praject. A1so in attendance this day t�ras ihe NCD4T Di��ision 3 Resident En�ineer ' Of%ce, Division 3 Environmental Offieer, and tlle Division of ���atez• Resources. At approximately station 1278T6$, b1r. Shave�• z�e�ozted tl�at sediment h�c� urashed �lo���� a�� l�n- ��egetated fill siope into a recently instailed cirainage pi�3e t��hich einptiec� into a jurisciictional tributary�. According ta a reuie��J o�'the erc�sion coiai�•ol plan, there r�las Best �Ianagement Practice (I31��P) ��ot installed by the Contractax� near #he entrance to fl�e aforen�e�ltioF�ed d�•ainage �i��e. Ti�e Corps deiernlines thai t�ie �CDQT is x�oz�-co����lianfi ;��ith t11e te��ms and cor�ditions of the subjeet DA �i�thot-ization aitd i�� �jiolatia�� of Secti�n 4Q4 of #he Clea�� tVate�• Act (33 L1SC 134�). Speci�cally, tlle NCDOT (via its ContracTar} failed to i��stall a BMP alo��g t�ie fall slope � _�_ ti�;:hich ca��sed a release of sedin�e��t into juxisdictianal �Jaters. This is clit•ectl}� cot�t�•ary to '_ _ _conc�ition �(Dj of tl�e is�ued pennit, attacllezi: T'l�is i�elease of seciiment ��as z�esti��ted in the fillin� _ crf a jurisdictional tribi�#a�y for approxi�zat�ly 100 lz`nea�- feet at a ciepth on average of 4 inches deep. In an effot•t to resolve this matter, the Carps requests you complete i�te �'ollo��ing meast�res in response to this eorresponde��ce: 1. Reinove the sedin�ent in tl�e 1001itiear faot skretch of t�ibutary to the o�•iginal grade. The excavatecl tnatei�ial i�iz�st be ext��acted tlu•ough 1�a�id labo�� and stabilzzetl on �11��1�COl1Tlt�. 2. Ca�nplete the installatioi� of �he absent BiUIP at the c��ivex�t at�let to contr�l �rz� fuiure r�Tashes along tlze slope. The slape slaould be stabilized �ritl� grout�d caver as soon as active haulirzg has ceased to t-educe the opparti�nity �f erosive ri1Is. 3. Pravide steps to be im�ler��ez�ted to a��oid similar situations movinb for�tard as constructzon pr�gresses: Yo�i�• co�n�lia��ce with tl�is diz•ective does nQt foreclose tl�e Department af the �1t�n}j's option to irzitiate additional appr•apriaie legai actian including pursuin� a Class I Aci�ninistrative Pe3ialty uirder tl�e authoi•it5� of 33 U.S.C. � 1319(g) az�d 33 C�R Part 326.6 ar refer�•al to tl�e United States Atto�•ne}r or the United States Environn�ental Protectio�� Agency v�7itlz a z�ecomn�endation for ci��il actian. Failu�-e to con�piy v��i#h this directive may resuit in p�rmit suspeY�sio�� or revocation as ciescribed in 33 CFR part 325.7 (c) and {d), r•especti�ely. If yoi� have ax��� c�t�estions regarding thzs corres�andence, please contacf ivSr. Brad Shave7• ai 9I 0-251-461 l . Sir�cezely, r � � l � ' . ' � � � f�/f . 1 ,�y�';� c-��- � � . � ��' ..; .... /;�t Kevin P. Landei�s Sr. � Colonel, U. S. A�•my ' Districi Comma�ider Enclosiire: Permii and Ca��ditians - 1� pages �� _ _Copies Fl�r��isl7ed (�vla eiiclosuxe); _ Nor#I� Caroiiila Depart;��ent of Trans��ot•tation �ttt�.: Karei� Collette, PE SS�1 Ba�•bados Boule�7ard Castle Hayner I��o��th Caro�in� 2$�29 Nortii Ca��nlina Depai�tinent of Tra��sportatio►� Att��: Sto�aewall ��Iatl�is. PE S�O1 Barbados l�oulevard Castle Hayne, Nor#i� Carolina 28429 North Carolina Depaz•t�nent nf Tr�nspo��tation A.ttz�: Ken Batchelor, PE 228 \sorth Bo��levai•d Cli�ito�i, North Caroli��a 28328 L1t�ite�i Staies Atto�•neS- E�stern Disti'ict of Nai•th Carolil�a 3141\�ew Bern A�feriue Suiie 800, Fede��al Buiidin� Raleigh, Narth Ca��olina 27&11 Ms. �Tally Da��is, Cl;ief, Wetlands Ei�fo�•cen�ent Sectio�l �ate�• Protection Division, Clean ��ater E�zfarce�nent Branel� US E�Zvi��onme�ltal Pratectioia A�ency, 6I Forsyth St�-eet, 5t� Atlanta, Georgia 30�03 Mr. Mason He�•ndai� i�torili Caroliraa Depart���e3�t of Environn�ental Quality� Division of 1��ater Qt�aiity 22a G�•ee�� Street, �ui�e 71=� Fay�etieville, Noz•th Caroliz�a 28301