HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160299_R2536 Final CP 4B 4C Meeting Minutes 121615_20160107Project: Date: Location Time: Design Section 1B and 3A Concurrence Point 4C Meeting Minutes Design Section 1A and 3B Concurrence Point 4B Meeting Minutes R-2536 (Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector) December 16, 2015 NCDOT Century Center — Hydraulic Design Conference Room 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM Minutes Authored by: Jeff Meador, RK&K and Trent Cormier, ICA Attendees: Jason Dilday — NCDOT NES Michael Shumsky — NCDOT Design Build Dave Wanucha — NCDENR DWR Matt Lauffer — NCDOT Hydraulics Mark Staley — NCDOT REU John Partin — NCDOT Div 8 Reuben Blakley — NCDOT Div 8 John Olinger — NCDOT Div 8 Bill Elam — NCDOT Hydraulics Craig Lee — NCDOT Hydraulics Michael Prince — Wright Brothers Construction Jake Stone — Wright Brothers Construction � ' •� i� � , Bypass Const�ucto�s, LZ� � Andrew Williams - USACE Travis Wilson - NCWRC Jason Elliot— NCDOT NES Chris Rivenbark - NCDOT NES Jim Eisenhardt — RK&K Keith Skinner — RK&K Tina Swiezy — RK&K Jeff Meador — RK&K Brad Boggs — RK&K Trent Cormier — ICA Engineering Eric Leonhart — ICA Engineering Tom Tallman — ICA Engineering An interagency concurrence ineeting was held in order to reach agreement on concurrence points 4B/4C for the US 64 Asheboro Bypass in Randolph County. The 4C review was completed for design sections l B(Station 65+00 to 210+00) and 3A (Station 465+00 to 668+00). The 4B review was completed for design section lA (Station 9+00 to 65+00) and 3B (Station 668+00 to 770+00). The following iteins were discussed and conclusions reached: Matt Lauffer began the meeting with a brief overview of the project and introductions were made. Jeff Meador (Section lA/1B) and Trent Cormier (Section 3A/3B) provided a summary of the design at each jurisdictional feature on the plans. The following comments and decisions were reached. Design Section 1B (Concurrence Point 4C) Plan Sheets 12/13 (Streams SO-AB/SI-AA and SJ-AA, Wetlands WI'I'-AA and WZZ-AA): Stream SO-AB/SI-AA is perennial. Stream SJ-AA is intermittent. Stream SJ-AA will be picked up in a rip rap channel that runs along the right side of the interchange from 127+00 to 137+50 right. The channel will be excavated through wetland WYY-AA which will be permitted as a total take. Stream SO-AB/SI-AA will be carried in a 60" RCP that does not need to be buried. Wetland WZZ-AB will be picked up in a 48" pipe that will outlet to the rip rap channel. The rip rap ditch that outlets to wetland WZZ-AA will enter at non-erosive velocities (1.8 ft/s). Andy noted to make sure to state in the application that the pipe carrying SO-AB/SI-AA will not be buried because it outlets to a rip rap channel and has a long pipe length which will allow little change for movement of aquatic life. Jeff noted that the design team looked at providing a grass lining for a portion of the channel relocated channel length. However, because of the topography and expected discharge the channel is not stable without rip rap. TII� No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 .„oM�,�.n���:,:,.: " RROTHERS R� � .. . . . . �> A,gen�a � 2 Plan Sheet 13 (Streams SM-AB and SL-AB): Stream AM-AB is perennial and stream SL-AB is intermittent stream. SL-AB will be relocated into a rip rap lined channe] that flows to SM-AB. Stream SM-AB will utilize a 2@8'x8' RCBC. The culvert invert will be buried 1' below the stream bed. Normal stream flow will be confined to one of the two barrels. The low flow barrel will not have alternating baffles since the existing stream width of 8' matches the culvert width. Normal flow will be kept out of the high flow barrel with sills. The note shown on the plans concerning backfill of the culvert is to remain on the plans as is. Plan Sheet 14 (Pond PB-AB and Wetland WH-AB): Pond PB-AB is partially within the proposed right-of-way. The pond will be placed in temporary drainage easement so that it can be temporarily drained. The portion of the pond that is within the right-of-way will be iilled with rock. Plan Sheet 15 (Streams SK-AB and SI-AB): Streams SK-AB and SI-AB are both Perennial. Stream SI-AB will be relocated in a rip rap channel on the left side of the project to the pipe inlet at 178+SO left. Jeff Meador noted to maintain stability the Rip Rap is needed. Stream SK-AB will be relocated in a channel without rip rap. The streams will be carried under the roadway in a 60" RCP that will not be buried. The pipe will outlet to a rip rap outlet channel that will tie back to stream SK-AB. Jeff Meador noted that the rip rap was needed for channel stability. Travis Wilson noted that the long pipe length willlikely prohibit aquatic passage. Plan Sheets 15/16 (Stream SJ-AB): Stream SJ-AB is intennittent. A 24" RCP that is not buried will be used for streain SJ-AB. Plan Sheet 17 (Streams SF-AB and SH-AB, Wetland WG-AB): Stream SF-AB is perennial. Stream SH-AB is intermittent. Stream SH-AB and WG-AB are located entirely under the proposed roadway fill and will be total takes. Stream SF-AB will utilize a 66" RCP buried 1.0'. Bill Elam noted that all pipes that are to be buried should have an inlet sill to prevent head cuts. Plan Sheet 63A (Stream SO-AB/SI-AA): Stream SO-AB/SI-AA is perennial. Stream SO-AB/SI-AA crosses existing NC 49 in a 60" CMP. The pipe will be extended on both ends using junction boxes. The pipe extensions will not be buried since the existing 60" CMP is not buried. The condition of the existing pipe is questionable and alternatives are still being discussed for repair/replacement. A channel change will be required where -SR3- has parallel impacts to the channel. Bank stabilization will be shown the full length of the channel within the TDE. Plan Sheet 64 (Stream SM-AB): Stream SM-AB is perennial. Stream SM-AB crosses existing NC 49 in a 6'x5' RCBC. The culvert will be extended at its existing size on both sides of the road. The culvert extensions will not be buried since the existing culvert is not buried. -SR2- will also cross stream SM-AB. A 72" pipe that is not buried since the existing downstream culvert is not buried will be utilized at the crossing. A channel relocation will be required on both sides of the road to accommodate roadway fill. Design Section 3A (Concurrence Point 4C) Plan Sheet 35A (Stream SD-C and Ponds PA-C and PB-C): Stream SD-C is a perennial stream, therefore needs to accommodate aquatic passage. The site consists of a one barrel6'x7' RCBC carrying stream SD-C through the divided highway. The culvert invert will be buried 1' below the natural stream bed. Normal stream flow will be confined within this single barrel. The culvert will inlet and outlet in new channels carrying SD-C between unaffected PA-C and affected PB-C. The channel improvements will ensure SD-C is conveyed in a non-erosive manner. The channel varies in width between 1.5' and 6.' Sills are being incorporated within the 6'x7' RCBC at 20' spacing to accommodate the culvert slope of 3.4%. Native material will be used for backf"ill. Pond PB-C will be temporarily drained. When construction is completed, it will be allowed to fill back up naturally. The existing detail within the details sheet of the plans will need to —_ TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 =�M, - �� WRIGHT �]( � � BROiHERS 7�� A.genda I 3 be replaced with NCDOT Geotechnical's detail and any associated updates with the design need to be changed. A pond management plan will be completed to account for any construction sediment within the pond. Plan Sheet 36 (Pond PB-C): Pond PB-C is fully contained within proposed right-of-way and temporary drainage easements. The pond will be drained for construction. The portion of the pond that is within the right-of-way will be filled and a rock slope will be provided to abut the pond as shown and will be permitted a permanent pond impact. The portion of the pond outside of the proposed right-of-way but contained within temporary drainage easement will be permitted as a temporary impact and will fill back up with water after construction is completed in this area. The existing detail within the details sheet of the plans will need to be replaced with NCDOT Geotechnical's detail and any associated updates with the design need to be changed. The outfall of the pond is an elevated pipe with a degraded channel downstream. It was noted that the outlet is dry, potentially as a result of the evapotranspiration of water from the two inline ponds. The proposed rock embankment will be constructed at a height of 2' above the existing Normal Water Surface Elevation. A standard 3' base ditch will be constructed at STA. 471+50 -L- RT to convey water to the pond from the opposite side of the roadway via a 30" RCP-V. Plan Sheet 37 (Streams SG-C, SF-C and SE-C): Streams SG-C and SF-C are perennial. Streain SE-C is intermittent. Stream SG-C is Vestal Creek and has a small permanent impact resulting from a ditch tie and is shown on the downstream side of the dual bridges. This impact is offset 5' from the left bank of the jurisdictional stream. There are no stream impacts as a result of the proposed dual bridges and excavation to elevation 596.0'. Stream SF-C will be carried by a 66" RCP-III Overflow. This 66" RCP-III will be buried 1' in the channel section with a 0.13°/o slope. The existing channel at this location is an 11' wide channel, therefore, will require no channel improvements. Siream SE-C will be relocated into a rip-rap lined channel change and redirected into a 54" RCP-III Overflow to convey the flow once it exits the lined channel change. This 54" RCP-III runs perpendicular to the proposed US 64 Bypass at STA. 488+90 -L- with a 2.21 % slope The original design plans showed the ditch being lined as a PSRM lined ditch, but as discussed within the meeting, the PSRM lining will wash away if any water is able to get beneath it, so rip-rap is better in this location. The original design plans also called for a 60" RCP, but since SE-C is intermittent, aquatic passage will not be considered, so a smaller pipe is applicable. Minimal flow and water impounding should be considered. A"Not Buried" note will be added to this pipe at this location. A special lateral `V' ditch will tie into ihis channel change and include a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad. The outlet channel is 9' wide and requires no channel improvements, but will be lined for approximately 22' with Class I rip-rap resulting in both temporary and permanent impacts. The stream at station 498+00 RT that was shown as a single JS line on the plans has been confirmed to not be JS by the current wetland file. Stream names are to be shown clearly within detail sections of the plans. Additional design details of the excavation for Vestal Creek will be supplemented upon approval from NCDOT Hydraulics. There with contractors to gather information about possible haul roads crossing Vestal Creek. Once confirmed, impacts will be shown in appropriate locations. The "No Deck Drains" note will be moved for clarity around the bridge spanning Vestal Creek in the detail sheet. The stream feaiure to the west of the Preformed Scour hole was incorrectly shown on previous plans as a jurisdictional stream, but after further investigations, this flow line is not a jurisdictional feature. Plan Sheet 38 (Stream SH-C): Stream SH-C is perennial. Stream SH-C is conveyed through the site via a 2@ 9'x6' RCBC at 1.14% grade. The western barrel is buried 1.0' and will be the low flow barrel. The eastern barrel is reserved for high flows and will have a 2.0' sill at both ends of the culvert. Native material will be utilized for backfill with priority given to the low flow barrel. Channel transitions of up to 40' will be provided at the inlet and outlet of the proposed culvert. The existing channel has a 6' base. In the original design, a standard grass swale tied in with Stream SH-C, resulting in easement being necessary. In the meeting, it was decided the 30" RCP should still remain tied into stream SH- C via a standard grass swale, but the ditch should be tied in and the bend just upstream of the previous design in order to eliminate the easement. There will still be permanent and temporary impacts associated with this ditch due to a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad being incorporated. WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 �� � " aRoniERs �� � Agen�� ' 4 Plan Sheet 39 (Stream SI-C, Stream SYY-C and Wetland WBA-C): Streams SI-C and SYY-C are intermittent In the existing condition stream SI-C flows north to south into wetland WBA-C while stream SYY-C exits the Wetland WBA-C and leaves the right of way. The proposed condition conveys stream SI-C under the fill via a 54" RCP-IV, at 1.25% grade, to connect to stream SYY-C on the other side of the proposed roadway. The 54" RCP-IV outlets into an existing channel. The channel requires no channel improvements, but will be lined with CL II rip-rap for approximately 20' which will result in a permanent stream impact. In our previous design, the pipe was designed as a 60" RCP and buried at 1', but it was decided at the meeting that due to both SI-C and SYY-C being intermittent, the pipe was not required to be buried and we could use a 54" pipe. Ensure the 54" pipe will convey minima] flow and not impound any water. A"Not Buried" note will be added to the pipe at this location. Wetland WBA-CA is located under the roadway fill and will be permitted as a total take. Plan Sheet 40 (Stream SJ-C): Stream SJ-C is perennial. Stream SJ-C will be conveyed beneath the proposed US 64 Bypass via a 6'xT RCBC at 1.18% grade. The proposed culvert will be aligned with the stream and have 40' of channel transition at both the inlet and outlet of the culvert. The culvert will be buried 1.0' and the will include a 1' sill that will be inset 1' from both the inlet and outlet of the culvert. During the meeting we discussed combining the two latera] conveyances shown on the downstream side of the stream into one conveyance to reduce the potential for instability resulting from the multiple ties. The two conveyances have been combined for the final design and will be outlet into Stream SJ-C immediately downstream of the culvert in the channel improvement area. All TB line styles should be turned off in permits for clarity reasons. Plan Sheet 41 (Stream SK-C): Stream SK-C is perennial. Stream SK-C parallels the east side of NC 42. There are several pipe outlets that discharge into stream SK-C. Each oi these conveyances will tie to stream SK-C via siandard grass swales with non-erosive velocities. Rip Rap transition pads will also be shown at each of the ditch connections to stream SK-C and each will be permitted as a permanent impact. Stream SK-C is conveyed under the proposed facility with a 66" RCP-III buried 1' at the inlet and outlet. The slope of the 66" RCP will be 1.18°/o. On the downstream side of the 66" RCP, the channel geometry will remain the same, but the banks will be lined with CL II rip-rap far approximately 22', resulting in permanent stream impacts. TDE's are to be turned on within the detail sheets. A headwall with sill will be considered n order to protect sediment from within pipe from being washed away as well as to safeguard against headcutting. As discussed, the temporary diversion will be on the east side of the 66" RCP because the contractar will be approaching the site from NC42 and need that area on the west side of the pipe to work. Plan Sheet 42 (Stream SL-C): Stream SL-C is both perennial and intermittent within the project limits. Stream SL-C is conveyed under the proposed roadway with a 42" RCP-V. The grade of this pipe will be 3.92%. The original design called for a 48" RCP, but since the pipe will not be buried due to the stream being intermittent, a smaller pipe can be used. There is a junction box near the outlet that turns the outlet inline with the downstream channel via a 42" RCP-IIL This is not a drop structure. The outlet geometry with a 2' base will remain unchanged, but the banks will be lined with CL II rip-rap for approximately 14', resulting in permanent impacts. The pond to the north of the 48" RCP is not a jurisdictional feature, therefore there are no impacts required at this location. Plan Sheet 44 (Stream SM-C, SN-C, and Wetland WB-C): Stream SM-C is perennial. Stream SM-C is conveyed through the project by a 60" RCP-IV at 4.27% grade. The original design called for the pipe to be a 66" RCP and be buried 1', but the slope is too steep to accommodate these plans. In the meeting, it was requested that the profile sheet for the 60" RCP be moved to after sheet 44A. The proposed crossing is in line with the incoming and receiving channels, therefore no channel changes are required. The banks of the outlet of the 60" RCP- will be lined with CL II rip-rap for approximately 28', resulting in permanent stream iinpacts. The rip-rap bank siabilization will be shown wrapped around the 90 degree bend just downstream of the outlet. Rip-rap was requested to be placed in the bed to help with energy dissipation from the pipe. This will be stretched to the same endpoint as the bank stabilization. Bed material will be analyzed at this location to determine is a concrete sill is necessary at the outlet. Wetland WB-C is located underneath the proposed roadway and will - WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 ��Mr " aRoniERs �� � A,gen�a � 5 be permitted as a total take. Stream SN-C is perennial. Upstream of the conveyance of SN-C through the project site, a lateral `V' ditch will dissipate into the stream with a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad, resulting in permanent impacis. Stream SN-C is conveyed through the site with a 54" RCP-III at 3.11 % grade. Previous design showed this pipe as a 60" RCP buried 1', but after discussion in the meeting, the pipe size was adjusted to a 54" RCP and the pipe will not be buried because it will not act as a stream. A junction box is used at the outlet to redirect the flow into a lateral base ditch. Aquatic life passage will not be applicable in this location. Minimum flow and water impounding will be analyzed. Rip-rap has been requested to extend through the lateral base ditch and tie in with the jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad. Plan Sheet 45 (Stream SN-C, SO-C and SP-C): Stream SN-C is perennial. Streain SN-C is located under fill and has been relocated to the east side of the roadway where it ties to stream SO-C. Stream SO-C is conveyed through the site with a 48" RCP-IIP at a 2.78% grade. In our previous design, the pipe was a 54" and buried 1', but it was decided in the meeting to go with a sinaller pipe due to aquatic passage not being feasible at this location. The proposed pipe is aligned with the incoming and eXiting channels to limit stream erosion. There will be no channel change required with this pipe alignment, but the bed and banks on the outlet end will be lined with CL II rip-rap for approximately 18', resulting in permanent impacts. Stream SP-C is located outside the project right of way and no impacts are anticipated. Plan Sheet 46 (Stream SQ-C, SS-C and Wetland WD-C): Stream SQ-C is Squirrel Creek and crosses the site in a 3@ 10' X 7' RCBC at a 0.42% grade. The center barrel is low flow and is buried 1' with sills at each end. The outside barrels will have 2' sills at the inlet and outlet and will serve as high flow conveyance. Channel transitions are located at the inlet and outlet of the culvert and are armored to maintain channel stabiliry. A preformed scour hole has been utilized to the south of the outlet of the RCBC. Downstream of the RCBC, a standard grass swale conveys drainage into SQ-C through a jurisdictional rip-rap iransiiion pad, resulting in a permanent impact. Stream SS-C runs north to south and dips underneath the proposed roadway fill. As a result, a portion of the channel will be realigned and conveyed with non-erosive velocities to its existing connection with stream SQ-C on ihe upstream side of the culvert. As discussed in the meeting, this entire portion of SS-C will be taken and the channel location will be moved to a more suitable tie in location with SQ-C. The channel change will be lined with rip-rap in this location, allowing the toe protection to be removed. Wetland WD-C is located outside of the anticipated work area no impacts are anticipated. The standard grass swale downstream of the culvert is to be realigned and kept within existing right-of-way, specifically kept along the toe of the fill slope at this location. Associated impacts will also be moved to adjust to the new drainage plan. Plan SheeY 47 (Stream SS-C, SU-C and ST-C): Streams SS-C, SU-C and ST-C are located outside of the anticipated work area and no iinpacts are anticipated to be shown on this sheet. Plan Sheet 48 (Stream SW-C and SV-C, Ponds PD-C and PE-C, and Wetland WJ-C): Stream SW-C begins its jurisdiction downstream of the project, so no impacts are anticipated. Ponds PE-C and PD-C will be permanently drained and contained in easement for future maintenance. The decision to allow the stream to either reform naturally within the ponds or if they were to be constructed through fill sections was discussed. If the channel was to be constructed, it would need to be constructed in itll and stabilize. Both of these options could also produce a natural wetland in this area. The ditches between the ponds create a natural riser, therefore these areas could be used as stormwater BMP's within the right- of-way. The ditches currently shown on the plans through the pond embankments will be lined with rip-rap and connected to limit erosion. Previous designs showed the ditches to be lined with PSRM, but rip-rap is more reasonable in this area. The ponds will be graded to facilitate positive drainage. The ponds will be permitted as total takes. Wetland WJ-C will have permanent impacts resulting from the 30" RCP outlet into the wetland and the loss of its hydrology due to the rip-rap lined ditches. Stream SV-C is intermittent. Stream SV-C will be a permanent impact resulting from the loss of hydrology associated with breaching the ponds. Plan Sheet 49 (Stream SV-C, Pond PE-C, and Wetlands WE-C, WI-C, WF-C, WG-C, WH-C): Stream SV-C begins jurisdiction within wetland WF-C and continues through the 48" RCP-III draining into Pond PE-C. Stream SV-C will have - WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 ��Mr " aRoniERs �� � Agen�a I 6 both permanent and temporary impacts resulting from the construction of the 48" RCP. An existing ditch will convey discharge from the outlet of the 48" RCP and carry it through to pond PE-C to limit erosion of historical ponded sediment. Previous plans showed a 54" RCP in this area that was buried 1', but as discussed in the meet, this is an intermittent stream, therefore aquatic passage is not required. Add "Not Buried" note to pipe. There will be permanent and temporary drainage in and adjacent to wetlands WE-C, WI-C, WF-C, WG-C, WH-C which will result in permanent and temporary impacts. These impacts cannot be avoided. Wetland WE-C, WG-C, WH-C and WI-C will be permitted as total takes as they are located almost entirely underneath roadway fill or ditch excavation or lose their hydrology due to proposed conditions. Stream label for SV-C will be added on plan sheet 49 for clariry. Plan Sheet 97 (Stream SK-C): Stream SK-C is located outside of the right of way and no impacts are anticipated. Plan Sheet 98 (Wetland WE-C): Wetland WE-C will be permitted as a total take. It is located almost entirely under the proposed roadway fill slope. Plan Sheet 99: No jurisdictional features. Design Section lA (Concurrence Point 4B) Plan Sheet 4(Stream SB-AA): Streain SB-AA is interinittent. This site is to tie a lateral ditch into Streain SB-AA and stabilize the tie in. Plan Sheet 6(Stream SD-AA, Wetlands WYZ-AA, WXX-AA, Pond PA-AA): Stream SD-AA is intermittent. The 54" RCP shown on the plans will not be buried, and therefore will be downsized to a 48" RCP. The outlets of the 30" RCP and the 18" RCP will be spread apart to aid in constructability. Wetlands WYZ-AA and WXX-AA are under the proposed roadway fill and will both be total takes. Pond PA-AA will also be a total take. Plan Sheet 7(Stream SAA-AA, Wetland WB-AA): Stream SAA-AA is intermittent. Stream SAA-AA begins under the proposed roadway fill. A 36" pipe which will not be buried ties into Stream SAA-AA and bank stabilization is utilized at the pipe outlet. The bank stabilization will be constructed within 10' of wetland WB-AA and mechanized clearing is shown to allow construction of the bank stabilization. Plan Sheet 7(Stream SE-AA): Stream SE-AA is intermittent/perennial. The location of the transition to perennial is unknown. An existing 36" RCP under existing US 64 will be extended on the upstream end utilizing a junction box. The downstream end utilizes a collar and extend. The section of stream inside the proposed loop will be permitted as bank stabilization. The 60" RCP shown on the plans will not be buried, and therefore will be downsized to a 54" RCP. There will be an impact at -L- 63+00 right to tie in the 18" pipe outlet to the stream and stabilize the tie in. At -L- Sta. 65+00 right stream SE-AA flows under the proposed roadway will. A channel relocation will be constructed that carries stream SE-AA to the tie in with Stream SG-AA shown on plan sheet 8. Plan Sheet 7(Stream SM-AA): Stream SM-AA is intermittent. Stream SM-AA will be relocated into a rip rap channel to flow into a 36" CSP at -L- 16+00 LT. Plan Sheet 7(Stream SZZ-AA, Wetland WUU-AA): Stream SZ-AA is intermittent stream. SZ-AA begins within the interchange and is permitted as a surface water impact from its beginning. The 42" RCP under -FLY- will not be buried and therefare will be downsized to a 36" RCP. Fill from the proposed roadway -FLY- will be permitted as fill in wetlands in wetland WLILJ-AA. Mechanized clearing is also provided to construct the bank stabilization at the outlet of the pipe. A channel change is to be constructed at Stream SZZ-AA where the roadway fill from the -L- alignment covers the existing channel. —_ TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 =�M, - �� WRIGHT �]( � � BROiHERS 7�� Agenda I 7 Plan Sheet 8(Stream SGAA): Stream SG-AA is the named Perennial stream Cable Creek. 2@ 8'x8' RCBC will be constructed to carry the flow under the -L- alignment. The low flow barrel will have alternating baffles constructed in it. A stream relocation will be constructed at the outlet end of the culvert to tie in with Stream SG-AA at —L- 70+90 RT. Plan Sheet 58 (Stream SG-AA, SH-AA, SZZ-AA): Stream SG-AA is the upstream end of Cable Creek. Bank stabilization will be provided to direct the flow into the 2@ 8'x8' RCBC. Stream SZZ-AA is intermittent. Stream SZZ- AA will be relocated to enter a 54" pipe (not buried) that flows into the 2@8'x8' RCBC. Stream SH-AA is intermittent. A channel change will be constructed to direct Stream SH-AA into the same 54" pipe as SZZ-AA. Stream SH-AA flows under US 64 in an existing 30" RCP. This pipe will be extended on the upstream and downstream end utilizing junction boxes. Plan Sheet 59 (Stream SK-AA, Wetland WD-AA): Stream SK-AA is perennial. Stream SK-AA will be relocated in a channel change due to the roadway fill covering the existing stream. Banlc stabilization will be utilized at the stream tie ins. Wetland WD-AA is a total take due to the roadway fill covering it. Plan Sheet 60 (Wetland WE-AA): Wetland WE-AA is a total take due to the roadway �11 covering it. Stabilization will be provided adjacent to the wetland at the inlet end of the existing 36" CMP. The 36" CMP will be retained to hold grade. Design Section 3B (Concurrence Point 4B) Plan Sheet 50 (Streams SX-C and SY-C, and Wetlands WK-C and WL-C): Stream SX-C is perennial. Stream SX-C is conveyed through the project by a 60" RCP-TII, at a 3.28% grade, and will be buried 1'. The proposed crossing is in line with the incoming and receiving channels, therefore no channel changes are required. The banks of the outlet of the 60" RCP will be lined with CL I rip-rap for approximately 20', resulting in permanent stream impacts. The current design utilizes a junction box including a drop in order to reduce velocities into the natural stream channel. In the meeting, it was requested we analyze a possible redesign in order to remove the drop in the structure in order to accommodate aquatic passage. Stream impacts will be extended between the end of the rip-rap lined banks and the lateral base ditch downstream. Downstream of the 60" RCP, a lateral base ditch drains into SX-C and includes a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad, which requires perinanent impacts. Stream SY-C is intermittent. Stream SY-C is to the east project area and will have no impacts associated with it. Wetland WK-C is located underneath the proposed roadway and altered by a lateral base ditch and will be permitted as a total take. Wetland WL-C is beneath roadway fill and will have permanent and teinporary impacts associated with it. A lateral base ditch dissipates into WL-C and velocities will be non-erosive and less than 2.0 fps. Plan Sheet 51 (Streams SX-C): Downstream of the 60" RCP, a lateral base ditch drains into SX-C and includes a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad, which requires permanent impacts. Plan Sheet 52 (Stream SNN-C, SCGSEE-C and SDD-C, and Wetlands WP-C, WQ-C, WY-C and WZ-C): Stream SNN-C is Gabriels Creek and crosses this site in a 2@ 10'x8' RCBC at 0.78% grade. The east barrel is the low flow barrel and is buried 1' with 1' sills inset 1' from the inlet and outlet of the culvert and are to be constructed parallel to the culvert face. The high flow barrel with have 2' sills and are to be inset 1' from the inlet and outlet and constructed parallel to the culvert face. The incoming and receiving channels are approximately 11' at the base. The inlet requires 40' of channel improvements and the outlet requires 55' of improvements. Native material will be utilized for backfill with priority given to the low flow barrel. Stream SCC/SEE-C is conveyed through the site via a 6'xT RCBC at a 2.76% grade. 1' sills will be utilized within the culvert and inset ]' from the inlet and outlet face of the culvert. Native material will be utilized for backfill. 22' of channel improvements are required on the upstream side of the culvert while the downstream side requires 30' of channel improvements. Stream SDD-C merges with stream SCC/SEE-C before the right-of-way and requires no TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 �M, " WRIGHT �]( � � BROiHERS 7�� A.gen�a �, 8 impacts. Wetland WZ-C is located completely beneath roadway fill and will be permitted at a total take. Wetlands WP-C, WQ-C and WY-C are located outside of construction limits and will require no permitting impacts. Plan Sheet 53 (Streams SNN-C and SCC/SEE-C, and Wetlands WAA-C, WX-C, WW-C, WV-C, WU-C and WTA- C): Stream SNN-C is Gabriels Creek and has multiple impacts on this sheet. The single span bridge on -ESRS- is proposed to be removed, which will result in temporary iinpacts from excavating the existing roadway to natural ground at this location. It was mentioned during the meeting to be sure the "Remove Bridge" note is visible in all drawings. It was discussed whether bank stabilization should be added at this bridge removal location or if the banks can be laid back enough to ensure stability. The impacts under the existing bridge will be reflected as permanent bank stabilization impacts, but bank stabilization will not be shown on the plans and will only be used if field conditions warrant. Stream SCGSEE-C does not have any impacts within this plan sheet. At 41+00 -Y17- LT, SNN-C will be impacted by a standard 3' base grassed swale. A jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad will be used to dissipate velocities prior to it's outfall into SNN-C, resulting in both permanent and temporary impacts. SNN-C will be impacted by a standard 3' base ditch at approximately 44+50 —Y17- LT. Prior to it's outfall into SNN-C, the base ditch has a jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad, resulting in both temporary and permanent impacts at this location. SNN-C is conveyed under -Y] 7FLY- via a 2@ 12'x8' RCBC at 0.58% grade. The west barrel is the low flow barrel and is buried 1' with 1' sills inset 1' froin the inlet and outlet of the culvert and are to be constructed parallel to the culvert face. The east barrel will be designated as the high flow barrel and will have 2' sills which are to be inset 1' from the inlet and outlet of the culvert and to be constructed parallel to the culvert face. The inlet and outlet of the culvert require channel improvements of 40' on each respeciive side. Native material will be utilized for backfll with priority given to the low flow barrel. The existing channel is approximately 8' at its base. The 2:1 sideslopes of the inlet and outlet channels will be lined with CL II rip-rap and the proposed channel changes will be lined with coir fiber matting and geotextile. Immediately downstream of the culvert, a 4' lateral base ditch will be constructed and lined with CL B rip-rap flowing from the west side of the culvert, resulting in permanent stream impacts. Also immediately downstream of the culvert, a 5' lateral base ditch will be constructed on ihe east side of the culvert and will outlet water into SNN-C. A jurisdictional rip-rap transition pad will be installed to reduce velocities, resulting in permanent impacts. Wetland WAA-C will be impacted by roadway fill and excavation in the project area. Both temporary and permanent impacts have been accounted for on -Y17RPDA- and -ESRS-. Wetland WV-C will be permitted as a total take due to the majority of it being impacted by construction limits and roadway fill. Wetland WU-C will not be impacted based on the proposed plans. Wetland WW-C is impacted based on utility construction, 12" water line, and the outlet of a 15" CSP onto a rip-rap pad within the wetland boundary. The water lines will be turned on within the permit drawings and roadway plans. The installation will be shown as temporary fill within the wetlands as opposed to excavation in wetlands. Velocities entering the wetland will be non-erosive and less than 2.0 fps. Both temporary and permanent impacts have been implemented at this location. Furthermore, at approximately 44+50 -Y17- RT, wetland WW-C will be impacted by the construction of a 3' standard base ditch and berm, requiring both temporary and permanent impacts. Additionally, another 12" water line will be constructed at this same location. This construction will require both temporary and permanent wetland impacts. Wetland WTA-C will be impacted by the construction of a 3' standard base ditch within the wetland boundary at 44+50 -Y17- LT resulting in both temporary and permanent impacts. A bare hole will also require temporary permitting at this same location. Area will be allotted on both sides of the standard base ditch in order to place the bore and jack. A rip-rap pad is to be installed at 45+00 -Y17- LT within the wetland boundary, requiring both temporary and permanent impacts. The velocities entering the wetland will be non-erosive and less than 2.0 fps. In our current design, a rip-rap pad will be installed at 46+75 -Y17- LT and will encroach within the wetland boundaries. Velocities entering the wetland will be non-erosive and less than 2.0 fps. It was suggested during ihe meeting to remove the rip-rap pad and eliminate this impact site. Wetland WTA-C will also be impacted along -Y17FLY- at STA. 48+00 RT by roadway fill. Both temporary and permanent impacts are necessary in this location. Plan Sheet 54 (Streams SMM-C, SFF-C and SKK-C): Stream SFF/SKK-C is intermittent. Stream SFF-C is conveyed through the project via a storm drainage system and outlet into Stream SKK-C. The water enters the system through a 36" RCP-III and transitions through a junction box befare entering a 36" RCP-III before entering a 40TCB. From then the WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 �� ° " aRoniERs �� � A.gen�a � 9 water is conveyed into a 36" RCP-III, enters another junction box, then another before being outlet into SKK-C. Both the inlet and outlet sections have permanent and temporary impacts, but neither requires channel changes due to the base of each channel being approximately 3' wide. The banks at the outlet of the system are to be lined with approximately 12' of CL I rip-rap, resulting in permanent stream impacts. Stream SMM-C is intermittent. Stream SMM-C begins beneath the proposed roadway fill and requires a channel change. Drainage from roadway is conveyed into SMM-C via a standard base ditch, requiring permanent and temporary iinpacts. Plan Sheet 55 (Streams SGG-C and SHH-C, and Wetland WT-C): This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. Stream SGG-C requires a channel change due to roadway fill and eXcavation interfering with its normal flow pattern. SGG-C will be diverted into a 4' lateral base ditch and will be tied into the natural channel downstream. This channel change will result in both permanent and temporary impacts at this location. Streain SHH-C is outside the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. Wetland WT-C is partially encroached by roadway fill, therefore there is a small portion of the wetland that will be permitted as fill and another small portion permitted as mechanized clearing. Plan Sheet 56 (Stream SHH-C): This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. Stream SHH-C is located outside of the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. Plan Sheet 56A (Streams SJJ-C, SII-C and SZZ-C, and Wetlands WSA-C, WR-C and WS-C): This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. Streams SZZ-C and SII-C are located within the right-of-way, but no changes to the existing roadway are anticipated other than mill and filling in this project location. Stream SJJ-C is located outside of the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. Wetland WSA-C is located within the right-of-way, but no changes to the existing roadway are anticipated other than mill and filling in this project location. Wetlands WR-C and WS-C are located outside of the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. Plan Sheet 100 (Stream SAA-C): This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. Stream SAA-C is located outside of the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. Plan Sheet lOL• This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. No jurisdictional features. Plan Sheet 102 (Streams SAA-C, SBB-C and SNN-C, and Wetland WM-C): This sheet was not discussed at the meeting, but details are provided below to describe the team's intent. Stream SAA-C will be impacted due to the outlet of a standard 4' base ditch lined with rip-rap, resulting in both temporary and permanent impacts. SBB-C is conveyed through the project via a 30" RCP-IIL The 30" RCP is routed through a junction box before being outlet back into the natural channel for SBB-C. There will be no channel changes in this ]ocation due to the 2' channel being able to accommodate the proposed pipe. The banks at the outlet will be lined with CL I rip-rap, resulting in permanent impacts. Stream SNN-C will be impacted in this project location due to a 2' standard base ditch rying into the stream. A CL I rip-rap embankment will be used to tie the ditch to the stream, resulting in both permanent and temparary stream impacts. Wetland WM-C is outside of the right-of-way and no impacts are anticipated. WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 �� ° " aRoniERs �� � Agenda I 10 Other Discussion General Comments to be applied to all sites are as follows. The Top of Bank line shown as TB on the permit sheets is to be removed from the permit sheets. Pipe sills will be added to all pipes that are to be buried to prevent the buried pipe from causing a head cut. If a Jurisdictional Stream feature is noted as intermittent, pipes are not required to be buried and should be labeled with "Not Buried" on plan view and profile view sheets. If a Jurisdictional Stream feature is labeled as a perennial stream feature, the pipe will be buried to the depth shown on the plan view unless otherwise noted. Pond impacts should be shown as Surface Water Impacts S instead of Pond P on the permit sheets. N:\Projects\2014\R-2536_Asheboro_Bypass_DB\Admin\Meetings\12162015 Concurrence Point 46 Sec 1A and 38 Point 4C for Sec 16 and 3A\CP 4B 4C Meeting Minutes 121615.docx WRIGHT TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector 64 �� ° " aRoniERs �� �