HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02455_Well Construction - GW1_20240423 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD'. Far Tt banal use 1 : • 17t6 faun can lx'used fir si ngfc or owltipk wells 11.%Vell-Cantrictor,Infarutatloti: • • ;,t1 WS'AiHRZONES' !. •.. . Tyler Brown- . • . . •.. , Fnit\L ' • TO. • DtttiCRIPITION' l tot Con lorivan4- . . R. . R., . ' I 1 . . 4625A R. _ ` ' -it• • 1 NC 14c11 Co)tlradorCcriifi®iionNttloitc `IS OUTER'CASPG'ifnr'aiafli:eliiid:wetlsYOR'LINER(iflu-tic2bte)': .: 611031 TO • DIAMETER THICKNESS- MATERIAL SAEDACCO 0 tt,. 74.5 fL' 6.25" ia.: SCH-40 . ' PVC - - Centit utl Hoote,, ' :",i6 INNER CASING OR-TUBING•Ootherafat cfi+icd.loiait o, _ . ' .. FltO!VI • TO - DIAMETER TIDCKNESS. MATERIAL 2.`VCII onstruCIi011'P@iTplti: 0 -ft. 98 it ' 2" ! Alt. SCH-40 • PVC . . . I4rrollo,ralioh1 wed peiwi r(ci::Counht.S.:u C,bt:runsr.lryatiarl'otr); ?ft.. (A is - • . 3.Well[ise(Chid:�•e11 it - •• . - -:11:rSCREEN - - .,��'tttLrSuplhW&IL• - b1 FRO • T �t O ' - - DrArn.t4 •storsrn: TIIICKN S • %IATRIIIAl. ' , _ DAgtr uIttltal. .. CIMutltcipaliPttb11C: - 98 ff. 108 -IL. 2" to O10 SCH-40 PVC • • . ®3eotliemIa (LieaiinE'Cnoliag Supply) ®Residential 1 incr.Supply(singlo) It is tJ1ndusvia1(Conlulcvcial .: :,DRcsidcnti412:WAter Supplg(sirit>:d) -tt<rGRoir1' pFR0M TO • MATERIAL' - -Ed[PUCE{fEVThIEitIQD:C',LifO[tiv'r . Dlrri-eation .' 0 ft. 90 ft' Portland Tremie ' NourWater Supply Well:: . . . . . -. Daivlonitonng. . .•.Dltccovciy it, It . • •. Injection Veelt: . ...- tG' tr,. " - I9FSAND1t:R;t'EL'P.ACK(i(.uittttiiabl) - .. ,= s,.,-. .— , - DAglltfcf Recharge I]Grouridtrntci ttcuudiation ' _ ' 'Bnom.• - AO • Narrow, t-KNPi.MI:mYNTMF,T000ti dAquifcr Stomgcandl Rt ovcty • CISalinity Partici,' • 95•••, ft. ••110 -ftr,' Filter Sand #2. • DA(0literTest uiw tc[-Dnitname - . r ' ❑ yredmcntllTnhnOlo [IStthsicicncc.Cr tglol - • 18 DRII:@.ING-:LOG7attacti''additioaitli;tiees ifitccessan•l' _ _ _. -_ . DGeoiltemsll(Closed Lgop'} r • DTrdier • , '.FROST TO"DESCRiBTIO 0413r.ttaNncsa.suiVowkRR&Oak rAHr.} ' DGeodtentlal tlleatiotbCooliugRetuin}:. DOtl r.(eeplaitt under#211.Retnniks) :[t: it • ft: f4 4.Date Wct1(s)Cantpletedr 1-30-24 ,wen l[fI NW-PO6-CH 1"' s ? ft.- it; t :lt...t 1p i�,.�4. Sal.•Wi11 Gru atfnmi r .L. . .f4 APR 2 Chemours . . . -Facd , hoer-Nance' Facilit•W#if !table}- ' , • ft. ft. J �t lr„�:;,:,<, v 4000 Chapra. Drive,.Wilmington, NC, 28412- . . ft.- -rt.• - I • L•t C,7.,�`-' Pliy ral•itddn _ Gil}:and PP' ',,L REttIARt{S'-' New Hanover. Bentonite,seal 90'-95'I • . • Comity' Pareal l(kiitinea,itinN0,(PLN) . ' . . . Sb;•, 7tihide and k 0001de:in degicesiminutes*ondc or.decinfai dcgt s:' 2:• ii,►u: :_ . • . . - . . . (ituo retd,lure I it Ii tip;is udlkckail .. ' 1/30/2024 Signsti..a flcd:WcliCollimatar j... . . • . Date . - f • 6:Is(atti)'tlhe:aM•cll(s)t Sgierrm uncut or '-fTemporurg- . '' • By,A•egnritpr rhgley.rrrr...hereby eertif)•OgI i1 rireli(rp mt.rOst,'e)-t ostrne.ted iii'we.#rrlatnce welt 1&I.NCAC 112C,0100 Or.l 14 NCr4C,r12C,0201)this Coarstr*tloar Standards tint!riITS a , • 7:Is thf9 a repair to,an csi-Fting-well: D Vei or KIN°. . ' .realty b.,*•ril s it-CArnf lath beiri pmt ukv/to ilte rtOi mcirer, - . ifdres:isd ri alk jiWtmt.kiavnw1 n•ell caruyrircrtoti.b farrnrllon dad e..elda'iti toe eiti ire`r jtfir: ' . ieiairr.rtiter411irrnnrJlssruiara•atan'thebark.ojili.sform. ' ' - 23.Site dragrain'or atitliiionat%valldetsrtC: You.relay use.tlie bac6of lids page to provide additional well site.details:ot well $ r tttri6erofTells cottstrttctell: 1 cottsttuetion details You inay atsa`itt'tacli additional pages if necessary- . Fo'rntat(rle.fijeethuiornonitirrp,..s phlitll.ONYLY.ipk the saideculrstrite otr,voiteao i, s'atrnral.oat4Iurrn. 8[113hirr rAf INSTFTCTIONS' ' • 9:'llotal well de(itit'bettm land surface•.'• 110 • • •• (tr;) •2.ta,•rnr_Alt Weller Subnut-this:torilr.within 34 days at.comptetion of�i-elt • For nusWpla rii•lls'llit r711dirp,itrs ifili terear(erurup1c-..N ttl'and 20100)' co"nstiuctron to the folteroing 1, I. 1 In.Static Water level below top Of easing: • (fir.) Divisi to of Water Rescurees;Itit irmation Peneessinu Unit,. , . - .iftttrter te4iri is abovecr at%as -1—" -.t 161/.Mail Serf ice¶c tert_RrlcIIh,NG 27699-1617 : 1 .i. • . - Ill.Borehole dmroeter:10°/6.° (in.), • al).For liticcl nn'Wellls ONLY:'IR addition to.sending thefomt to the address-in. 2.1a abo e.also submit a•copy of tins fottei %sinus.•30'din s-of completion of well . ' 12,Wellicunstrttctloamethod:Roto-sonic - . • •• , . cotistnctfritltB-tltefo1Iowiug (Ls:nags,rotaic•,cable direct;xtstt etc:) D1v4loit ofW:l.ttcr Rcsoufeca,ITndergrouud rajection Coutrol-Prargaiit, • . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 4636 Mail ScrVirn Ceenter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1634 Q3:r,Yield(1'R!R) •'21e.For_Watcr Supple Bc lilt:ctiou Wells: Niel iotl'af test: Also submit one cops-of this•Iiinu a ittutt 30 daysof completion of li3lr.flirinfet u t,i pea trlmnunt: • - • well-constmctiun to t4_c county he th_ department of the county whew- . comstnictcd. . FensGW-t• - hnnheatalina as sent.ofEtnriintuts:tnandNaturalite.earces-Dtvrnlon-ofWater�eats ites.tsedAt{�tut`1013,-