HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln_Well Abandonment_20240423 (2) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Far tmem:d v�oNt.l�: I . This foim can be used fir single or nrulliple)sells 1.Welt Contractor Information: WFLL ADANDONNiFNT UT:TAMA Brian Ewing 7a,Number of%%ells being abandau Ide 1 Well'Codtnclor Maine(or well o,crer pcaonalky abandonitt;,tvil on K9111er Prolxa)) Far rrridnpfe er fecarme to ry ra-,rctf r sirpo, wells ONLY utrb Ike smie runt<rrrrchrNi.i arcP ium�ar,lYlr ctur nilmim ogle fruan, 4240—B NC Well Contrtaort,nlfadioo Nnribea 7b.Approximate volume of stater rcmah%in}in n ell(%): (god, SAEDACCO FOR WATFR.SUPPLYWF:LIS ONLY: Con puny Name 7c Type of disinfectant used: 2.Welt Construcllor Pcrmft N:, LW RapiAruldenelllwjri7arj.4Cvarrh,Slide,i'arjame.br•JecHon,elc.)ifknocrrr 7d Amount 3—Welt use(check%vell usa): Water Supply Well: 7e.Scaling materials used(cheer,all that apply): DAericulturat gblluricip AJPtlblic M Ncat Ccmcot Grout ❑Bcmonitc Chips or Pcllets ❑("scothctm d(licatingl('ootino Supply) ❑Residential Watcr Supply(single} ❑Sand Cement Grout ❑Dry CL•ry 0htdust".0nmecreial ❑Residential Water Supply(slLaad) ❑ConcreleGrout ❑Drill Culling% ❑hti team ❑Specially Gruut ❑Gr�%el Non-Water Sul ph Well: ❑Bentouite Slum, ❑Other(esplainunder 7g) 49Monitorine ❑Recovery Injection Welt: 7f,For each material selected abofe,provide anwnrit of tuAterials ukd: ❑AquiterRecharge ❑GrtiuiuigrterRentediation Neat Cem.:941b ,Wtr•7gal. Sand Cem.•lb ,Wtr:gal. []Aquifer Storage atki Rr:cov'en, ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑S lortrnvater Orsiriaee ❑Cvperintettlal Tctibnology 17Subsidet><e Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment prr►cedute: ❑Geoiliennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer TREMI GROUT FROM.THE BOTTOM TO THE SURFACE ❑Gcothenual(Heacingr'Cooling Retnm) ❑Other(es lain under 7r) d.Date stell(s).:•iti andoncci: 3-25-24 5a.WA location: -APR 2 t' Warlick's Grocery fadlityiChvmrNarrc FarilOy iD9(fapplirablc) 2673 Plateau Rd. Vale, NC 28168 Brian_ Ewing 4/2/2024 PiLysical Addtc4,City,and gig Well Coutrr,tar r•r:.11 Oum-r Dirk Lincoln By signing this farm; I bereby cerdf)that the nre)lfs) Crux(u-eMl ahandoned in Comm, Parcel I&nlifi'61jnu No.(PIN) accorclrn ve will:I i.4 1C'lC 02C,010ra.vr 2C.0200 ff ell Cbn81neceivn Stawkirds avid lJrn1 a conroflbfs tecvrd krrs been provider!io 1Jre well onuer. . I atihtde and lunetudc in dcrrces(minuteskcconds or dechri al degrees: (tr.,cn r5etd,one LlUtnng l.:,alt;c ra) 4.Site diagram or,additionalnell deralls: You nta} use Ilse ba&-of this'page to provide:additional%still site details or vv6 lV abaudoiunent details..You tuay also allacb additional pages if mcessag- CONSTRUC-1'ION DETAILS OF WELL(S)RISING ABANDONED %URMriTAL iNSTRU(:TiOYS Ilrach lid)rorsrr ,cneort revurd ]j)'arvr 1d,1e. rev twlnple byectimr'ur ritn•uxucv su pit' melts ONLY rrddi rlxr svrn�rwrsrrurlroa+i�orrch.❑rr.rcnre,i�r ran svbnul are jbnrr_ ilia. For All Welly Submit this furor uftltin 30 days of eontplction of aril Ga.Well[D_. #: MW_8 abandonntcnl to Cite rollo%ving; Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, (ft.)Gb.Total well depth. 35 1617 Mail Senice('enter,Raleigh,XC 27699-1617 lob.For Iiiteolon Wells'. In addition to sending the fom to the address to 10a fe.Borehole diameter:2 (in.) above.also submil orte Copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well ab:andountcm to tits folloWirtg: Gd.Water level boast ground strrfacc: (ft.) Division of Water Rssounces;Underground Iujectfon Control Program, 163E Mail Scnicc(enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6c.Outer casing lcn h(itlmp%%n): (ft) lne,for Waggr.5u tnh•.0 infection 3�11s: Io addition to seriding the font to the address(es) Iboye. also submit one copy of this fora within 30 dais of completion of%cell abandomnent to the county beatlb deparmrtmii of the county Gf.Inner casingliabing tength(if lmunn): (f1.) %nccrc abandoncd, Gr,Screen length(if knostn): (ft.) I Form G W,30 North Carolina Departmcni of Pnviroonmi:and Narumt Rcsomccs—Dlvisfon of Water Resomm J Revised Augusa 2013 I WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD_ For lmmralUscONLY. Tidsloim can be used for single or multiple wdis !. 1 1,Wdl Contr,amr information:' )YELL ABANDONMENT-DETAiLg I Brian.Ewing 7t i`i berofircllsbeingabandonld:li l 1YcltC.pmadmrNanie(of natn%re.!1pclsanallyaw.sdalt l,%ctl.anI&ILrrpiulicrty).. fa• mufople fiver ar .or noimitifir 1 sirp'ph, wells-, -ONLY with mce 71.ti7 si ' - Cy}71YfrrrCfkYl/RbNP[frlJlNlt'r1�)ClN42UP57iZV)17f'tNl+.ejftnri, 4240-B: 11C Wc17 CbnlfacturCettiflcatioti Nnnr6er '71t.Apprnt imltte~dome of etater riernaininr;in n'ell(s};. (lGat) SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY iI FLLS.ONI:Y: Conrpatr}Name lc.Typeof dhinlectaut used- 2.Well Construction Permit H:, LL.7 rrfl rrpf�lk�vbtc a elf}armfl+(i.! S;,ae•J'arin x c:Ly'Nco'or,rl�)tJ Frrown. 7d..11riotmt of illsinfectdnt tLXd: 3.�YeII use(elredr n•cll u.�c}: Water Supply Welk ?e.Scaling materials used(checkall shut npoly):.. pAgritulttitat ljNhjnjdjrXjl&kjbIicL d1 NptCcmeni Grout ❑Hcrrtogitc Chips or Pcllm( " C]Cmotknimt(146tinglCooling Supply) ❑itcsidcntial Water Supply(single) 13.Sand;Cenlrnl Gmut i ❑Dry CL•1y " ❑huidsUialfCorirntcrcial Mcsidcntisl Water Suppl}y(sW,red). ConereteGrout L1 Drill Cuttings ❑irri ution ❑Specialty'Grout p Gr1�el Non:WaterSupplyNyvil: dBentotuteSium j ❑'Other(e�-plain under 7g). Monitoring. ❑itecaverv.. injection Well; 7f.For each tn'ateri;41 scletted'aboce,pi*idc amount af.tuaterials weed; ❑Agt!kerllcdtarge. Renlediiition Neat Cem. 941b ,Wtr•7gal.. Sand Cem.•lb ,Wtr:gal. OAqud r Storege and ltecovety 6Saliriitg Darner ; 13Aguifei Test' ❑Slouinvatct Drainage ❑Eyrerintenlal Tctihuologv I]Snbsideme Conttnl 71P Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: DGeothermal(Closed Loop) - L" bcet TREMI GROUT FROM:THE BOTTOM .TO THE SURFACE Meothemral(Heatipg Conlin Retum) ®Other( lain under 7stl . 4.Dateweli(s).abaudoncd_ 3-25-24 1 APR 2 ,. /0 24 ;a Well location: Warlick's Grocery radht),hvmr Name racilrt,.•MR(Fuppikabic) 2673 Plateau Rd. Vale, NC 28168 Brian.EwI n 4/2/2024 I, Physical'Addrem.City,°acid Zip sqrojjarC it r ctitaw IveitGuar;aur rr'all'givmr D;mc Lincoln By sig11t1{g this fartui J hereby certify 1/?at llle ii ell(s)wrrs(�verw)mhwrdoned in Clouuip PamelldaWficatim No.(PIN)' 00clinlniimivrdlili:1.1C:iC.02C.0100.or2C.02611 tcell:Cunsh77cfion"Slrinfkliils "aid IN it a copy pfllds record liar be ir Provided to-dre hell oivnrrr' Sb.I ititudeandNugitudeindegmes/minumslseconds'erdecint7l'degreck (ir,ccll r'r�;lit,0t7 Wong is514 O011.0 9.,Site.diagram or additional well details: You ma};use.tlie bad•.of this page to'priivide additional bell site'dztails;or sell N W .abandonnieurdetails..You tuay aLso aitacll additional pages if aezessan'_. CONI;TRli(-rioO Y-DrTAIt-,;OF WELLdSI BEINC.ABANDONED' SURNIMAL iNSTRUCTfON+ :tttadt 11Cll.rrirvlrrlC'1irrt1 remrd;s)ifavnlldk .ror multiple byeCrimr*Er ram•vwli7 sufplp uvfk ONLY u1thrJk+avinriacstrrrfiorc'abmr�hrlrivr�u��,rl nrd+lriitwrennii 10a:For All Wctls: Suhmil"this fotnt within 30 dap;of;toni(tletion of itrll 4 Wc11 ID .MW-10 aliandonm itt to the Following: Diy'ieion of AYatcr Resources,Lofonnatioo Pruct:Wng,Unit, 6b.Totalst'ell depth:45 (110 1617 Mail Seriiec Cedtcri Rj1dgti,NC 27699-1617 10b.Tnr•inlectlott Wells: In addiGoa.to sending dte font"to the addiesi in 10n 6c.13otCtiole dianutcr:2 pu, abut-c:, tilso subudi one copy of this fonu ttithm 30 da}• of completion of well y abandonment to the follottill"' f1d.WaterIcrcl.bclaw grauntl curl rcc: (ft. Dhislouof*i IerResouries;Uuditiound injection Cout6ol-Pr6gram, 1636 lltail Senicc Center,Ralcigh,NC 27610 1636 Ge Outer casing len,Tth(itlmo`r ts) ( .) 10c. 'nr•Water S ijnl•.F Tnieerlon��ells; io addition"to moding the font to the address(es) above. also atibudt'Otte copy of this form wlibin 30 dj's of compicdoti-of m-ell ob:mrdomnem to the county health deparimcni of the county 6f.inner casin■tnhiti■length if lcnou•n• �rhetc alrtrrdortcd, I 6g Screen length(if known): (ft.) . Foun Mr.30, North CaroWn 93cpgnlu m of Entlromncnt and N:uuml Rtsouiccs-Dlvis[on or Watcrltesonrms. i Revised Aqua 2013 ! I i I c i WELL ABAM®NMENT RECORD rarltncnialt1wMY; I This form can be used for single or multiple ivells I.Well Contractor hirortnation: WELL ABANDONNIFNT DETAILS i Brian Ewing lit.Number of eerlls be,ittg alninduned:1 te%VellContnaorNaim(or well oe�petsa,t.�l1}aWrlimibi;aellon]dstltrrpralxny) fw• r,17ripir. U,eea.,Wr or roan-warer'supply 4dLc ONLY with Nt swna e'�NiSfrifChi81i711`irliYjiNI1Ne9lf,Tarr our,�artxn!(iuirfe,rut, 4240-B NCWctl Contraaor Cori lfiattion Niutbci Al.Approximate volume of water remaining in vvcll(s):' (gal) SAEDACCO FOR NVATF;R.SUPPLYWFLLSONLY: Compaq Name 7c.Type of dimiliketant used: 2.Well Construction Permit d:, LWaliriijith able wellpe mmy(i.e Cw, Siae,J'urin_ce.brfediriq e1c.1 tfliwwrJ jd•Amount of dLiinfetitslllt used 3.Well use(chcdievetl use): Stater Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(clicck all iliac apply): ❑Aaricultiltal ❑Ntur icipali ttblic N Ncat Ccmcut Grout ❑Bcnionitc Chips or Pcllcls ❑Geolllenntl(HrminglC'noling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ❑Stave Centenl Giant ❑Dry Cloy 0Iruttistrial1Coinmic''mial ❑Rcsidmbd Water Supple•(sluircd) ❑Conetcte Grout ❑Drill Cuttings ❑Irti'•lion ❑Speciafty Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supliky Wall. C1 Bentonite Slumr' ❑Other(e.,plainunder 7g) 119Mmiilorine 1:311ecovery injection Wctl: - X For each material scicc(e'above ptntidc[rtitottnt of.nuiterials used: ❑Aqui(erRccliargc ❑GroundtiaterRentediatimr Neat Cem.:941b ,Wtr:7gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr•gal. ❑Aquifer Stonige aixi Recovery ❑Salhtilp Ramer ❑Aquifer Test ❑Slorinvater Drailmed ❑Eapttimeutal Ti chuotgLm ❑Subsidence Contral 7w provide a brief-docription df the abandonment procedure: 06eoihemlal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer TREMI GROUT FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE SURFACE ClGeothemtal(He<icinR:'Cvolins Return) ❑Odtcr(es lain under 7J;) d.Date wcll(s)abandoned: 3-25-24 ia.Well location: APR 2 :' 2G24 Warlick's Grocery S.Ce•elRcatlon: ? ilill -.r•ss-,a;; •r racroicrxr Nmns ra:ility It)A(ifapplicablc) 2673 Plateau Rd. Vale, NC 28168 Brian_ E i n 4/2/2024 Physical Address.City,and Zip S%ailnR cv ctliliod%Vell Caitimant r r.'t11(hvwr Dale Lincoln, By stgutng this form, I hereby certify i1xi the irell(sJ cues(icere)abrwdoned ru Cauuky I'arrel ldcnIjft 3tlou No.(PINj accm1ame irith IS-1 NC IC 02C.0100.ur 2C•0_00(yell Cinosimclion Efimrkirvls and(lrat a cop)r ofiltis record lxu been protaded io tire hell ou-ner. 5b,1»ltitudc and longitude in degmeslminuteslseconds ordccimaf egrecs: (Irwcll ra1d,61w boong Ic nfllOot) 9.Site diagram or additional well dctalLc: YOU map lue[lie bail:of this yoga to provide additional well site details or well N SY abandotunent details. You tuay also attach iidditiotml pages if ibucessaty_ CoNs,rRll(.'flON DETAI➢5 OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SURNTiTTAi.iNSTRUCTfONS :111ru1r trr1J crJrvtrrrclrzrrt mcnrdfa!Jj'oivilrarle fiv muihplr i�jrciica:rN•rr�n•u•utrr yrjFdp a~idv ONLY uirh rt s,nn�'rvrrsrrr�rrom'uha rekxrNeKet11 a cvu nrhmir curejunq_ 10a.For All Wdk: Submit Ihls forth within 30 days of completion of urll 63.Well ID#:MW-IA Oxmdounicut to the following; Diy'isiou of Water-Resuurcm,Information Prucessitiv Unit, 61).Total n'ell depth: 42 1617 Mail Service Center,ltalciRti,1V C 27699-1617 LOh.ror Tnleclian«'ells: in addition to sending the form to the address In [Oa 6c.Borelmlc dlaincter.2 (iu.} above.also subndi one cope of this form within 3O days of completion of well abandonment to the rollon•ing: Division of\VoterResources,Underground hijectiun Control Prdgratu, 641.Water level baton•ground surface: (ft.) 1636 Mail ScjAicc Center,Ralciih,NC 2769 9-1 63 6 Gc Outer casing length{if Imnyyn}: (ft:) Inc.Fnr Water Sunuly&Ti��ion 3Lvik: In addition(o seceding the form to the addresses) above. also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of completion of ivell ntimdonmrnt to ilia county healib dcparincul of the county 6L Inner casing1tubin„length(f known): (tY.) wilco abandoned, 6g,Screen length(if known): (ft.) I Form Gti11-30 Nonh Carolina Depinwm of Pnvlronmcnt atxi Noma(Rasoiures-Division of Watcrftmamcs I Revised Akm6 20 t3 I r