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Alexander_Well Abandonment_20240423
WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Forintamal Use ONLY: 1.wet Coubuctur Informatimc WELL ABAND®NNIEW MARS t , Tammy Marlowe =- WonComiacturt�lame(orvodl'owncrpam�mlfyafiaodbaiagwsnantfslbcrpropcny). w�tl�fdep�l�ontSri���S Indi+�ta��1�AfE�iii�E�eF w�abandoned: I ! � i RCWdIOV&MtQrCMd&MfiDnNmnbcr 76�pprnamAber noreofti*ateer iamgin�ell(s): i¢al,) CompanyNffie 7� oitr feec�nt Clorox Pool&Spa Shock 2.Wen Construction Permh WATT 9d:Amouuiofdisiat'eetan�tued`� 3.Wc]l nse(c6eclr�cu use}: WaterSbpply We1L• 7e.Stngmattrisisnsed(c6a9lttrstappty): i3trgtintl[tt 13iNuuiclt/?dlilic :L3 Y'�eatGelfieattCuoltr { L3seritolmteCOP{isnrf'ei[eit: ❑Geo*eund(HeadndCoormg Supply) OResidmiW 9lWa Supply(single) . .13 Sand Cement Gmut-- �, I O Dry Clay 131ndushial/CommcmW ORarflcnoalWata Supply(dnmd) 13ConctctcGrout QDMCMtbE's t7 lieu D;Speeiatty:Gitiuf i laamt- Noa-Water Simply We1L i7 Bentonite Slang i ❑(ftlier(exp[ain under?g) injection Well: 7E For each material sslcted'above;piraicleamoust of noeted2is used: t7i47(tuft i KetTi3rge- Mhumuhrmer Omen OAquiferStorageandltemei} OSalinhyBaaier i' I OAqu'iferlest l7StomiwaWDrjingp aS perirnental Teid oto - IjSiftidence CbiitrbI- 7g DGewhemml(Closed Loop) Emmeer`t]t�eotherma (Ileatingl- - I2etum} DOi$ert Iain:u�7 y ' level and poured 6 in",_,Iyg APR 2 s sa.well I�atian 2 024 Tammmm : Tr+.'k'`.8ii' Facirdy/OW=Naae RWIRy ID11(damlaable) &Certification: 2646:-O,1d,-Wilkeshom..Rd.-Taylorsvilie-28691-_ 411124 PhysiadAddcess C►y-dZip STm=afCe*&WeUCarA& orWeBOwer nm Alexander ins t he>min 1oertry�har:tl►e,crff(s}Imsome ironed in �' !m aat3" Pan=14daitirmstiuie.No.-O.JM drzomria*e M•r hCAC®2C OlMor2C:v�rdFelf }birsrai�dards - = .>uetrii�a.�Fy�t�u>�v,:i�S�enpmv�C�'mrhe,�r7ton�r Sit.Latitude_attd.ftt�itaditi_ ; ordet�t:degmes:.. .•+ (ifwdlfm&I,we latrloag asolG�t) 9:�e dtagrameraddilicwaldetm'L� 35-degrees:57'2P' N.81-Aecgrees l ' -37" :p _a mat:Will d il�,o_��,- af udonmemddailk Youmayarsoanaefiaddittonai'pagesifiteoessary. C MNTK1'R� trr1ia5AI+'RM':7:isTUM' G lkisAN13QNT3r SU13iNUAL ITIMMUMONS. Atmdrwellmris4vitiunrrcnrilrs)ijmm7uhte_.Forniultipreiajecaieu�w+fuu-mtersr�plY�'�-'- _ -. -- - - - - - O:V Y riiti semepmest�r alatimaio pw+cansuhmirarejmax i0n..Eor stt t Submit this fttm v►ithin 30 dqs of compWas of well 6a.WeII tDf): - abandonment to the following: -Dividon of W2terRtm"V&;;inlo=mation'1' ;fTilit,, 6b:Total welidepth:2T OL) 1617 Mail Service Cent,Raleigh,NC 276994617 10b.For Injection Wets In addition to sendigg We.fora to the addms in 10a 6e.11orc�oletlimmeler:��' (Iitj - iiboz�-adsasu6aii)oae"�sgo�t6isfat:s� 3tt-ciay�sficflt�sias�a�-�clt4, ubandonmeotmthefollfl�vi� 6&WaterTeVdb&w jllnlsmat s l - .- l c s ground ) 1636 Man Service Omter,Italtigte,NC 27699-1636 � F _ 10FaF.l3raEcsis �io1�' ?atuseuilaigiEistfiaiitrlirtTie g�Oriresu;i;greflt( linaurn (ILT addresses)aboee also stilsmitaneeW oftbs fotm witl>m 30 daysofcampldion 'ad,we0_aboadGntrttea`*the iaa ttity.'hea[th-:d4wtm=tof the.a umtx.where_ 6f.lowercasingltnbingtengthQf mow* (k) abandoned 6g,Screen leugtb Cif lm(wrn):m Form Gw-M NorthCuorma nepanmeatoftncvimemenml Quality-OWiCmnof&amrResomm Revised 2-22-2016 �cu.;n z--- - - - -- 70 dS clay