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WQ0004268_GW Monitoring_20160826
GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # WQ0004268 (Submit one each monitoring period with GfR59 forms.) I Enter date monitoring results were due.( August31,201a) Will this monitoring report (GIN-59 and GIN-59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due date? 2 Was aoy required information missing on the GW-59 report farms? YES I NO I IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? Ifthe answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Ofcefor guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NO If the answer to question 4 is 'NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below., 1) pH <6.5 at all monitoring wells; 2) Total Dissolved Solids at MW-1 = 590 mg/L; 3) Total Dissolved Solids at MW-3 = 600 mg/L; 4) Ammonia-N at MW-R6= 4.0 mg/L; and Nitrate-N at MW-R8 = 24 mg/L. 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the rVW I NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is 'NO" skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES" list in the space provided below, ea well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each c trance (forte last two years). Please refer to the data in the attached spreadsheet. _ a e nC5n C,6 Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond a rev le�* -_7. ary? E NO C If the answeris "YES" a groundwater quality problem maybe sTcurring. COEA CT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO" monitoring we s maybe improperly located; contact the Regional Office. Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is'NO ; contact the Regional Office within 90 days; an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal s stem is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subject the oermRE Re M MR f violation, / fines. andMrpenalties. DEQ/DWR, SEP 0 6 2016 \ 8 The person completing this portion (GW--59A) of the monitoring report should ��fqfd� s, �jp is form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provideo�ai�il�eTt�p�k RC�Fi t`G`tAr`5ffi� 1 herebyacknowledgethot the above information was evaluated and the information submitted in this report (Gompliana0e Report GW-59A) is true and complete to the bestof'my knowledge. Signature of Pennittee (or Authorize Agent) Date GW-59A 1218/2003 I Sample DTW Field Temp. Field pH EC Fecal Coliform COD NO3-N NH3-N Total-P TDS SQL TOC Dale k. °C Std.Units umhos/cm MPN/IGOMI -mg/L- Mar-15 21.40 17.0 6.5 581 NT <10 0.37 NT NT 222 10.0 8.50 Jul-15 23.10 20.0 4.8 91 NT <10 0.63 NT NT 272 10.0 4.98 Nov-15 20.80 19.0 _ 5.0 _ 241 NT <10 0.75 FAT NT 280 12.0 9.59 Mar-16 20.40 19.0 6.5 283 NT <10 0.23 NT NT 180 7.7 7.94 Jul-16 7.50 20.1 4.6 NT <1 16.0 0.18 0.38 <0.025 170 9.7 3.40 Mean 18.64 19.0 5.5 299 <1 1 16 0.43 0.38 <0.025 225 9.9 6.88 Min 7.50 17.0 4.6 91 <1 <10 0.18 0.38 <O.025 170 7.7 3.40 Max 23.10 20.1 6.5 581 <1 I 16 0.75 0.38 <0.025 2110 12.0 9.59 GW Stds. 6.5 - 8.5 10 1.5 500 250 Sample DTW Field Temp. FieldpH EC Fecal Coliform I COD NO3-N NH3-N Total-P TDS SOa TOC Date k. °C Std: Units umhos/cm MPN/100 ml I -mg/L- Mar-15 3.00 14.0 6.8 723 NT I <10 5.20 NT NT 128 22.0 1 3.33 Jul-15 4.40 22.0 6.1 SID NT I <10 7.12 NT NT 76 4.7 0.98 Nov-15 3.70 19.0 6.0 870 NT <10 8.22 NT NT 62 5.5 2.38 Mar-16 4.40 19.0 6.3 826 NT ,I <10 7.40 NT NT 94 7.9 1.79 Jul-16 4.00 18.9 6.1 NT <1 10 950 <0.045 <0.025 78 4.1 050 Mean 3.90 18.6 6.3 807 <3 10 7.49 <0.045 <O.025 88 8.8 1.80 Min 3.00 14.0 6.0, 723 <1 <10 5.20 <0.045 <O.025 fit 4.1 0.50 Max 4.40 22.0 6.8 870 <1 i 10 9.50 <0.045 <0.025 128 22.0 3.33 GWStds. 1 6.5-8.5 1 1 10 1.5 Soo 250 Sample DTW Field Temp. FieldpH EC Feral Coliform I COD NO3-N NH3-N Total-P TDS SOa TOC Date ft. °C Std. Units umhos/cm MPN/100 mI I -mg/L--- Mar-15 5.30 16.0 '6.9 264 NT 25.9 0.54 NT NT 122 21.0 11.30 Jul-15 6.00 26.0 4.7 397 NT . I <10 1.47 NT NT 202 9.7 1.59 Nov-15 5.60 18.0 4.8 177 NT <10 0.38 NT NT 138 7.9 3.94 Mar-16 5.70 17.0 6.9 123 NT <10 0.80 NT NT 76 9.9 3.31 Jul-16 6.50 21.2 5.5 _ NT <1 I <10 0.60 <0.045 0.04 100 5.7 0.92 Mean 5.82 19.6 '5.8 240 <1 I 25.9 0.76 <0.945 0.G4 127.6 10.8 4.21 Min 5.30 16.0 4.7 123 <1 <30 0.38 <0.045 0.04 76 5.7 0.92 Max 6.50 26.0 6.9' 397 <1 25.9 1.47 <0.045 0.04 202 21.0 11.30 li GWStds. 1 1 6.5-8.5 1 1 1 I 1 10 1.5 5G0 1 250 I Sample DTW Field Temp. Field pH EC Fecal Coliform I COD NO3-N NH3-N Total-P TDS SOa TOC Date ft. °C Std. Units umhos/cm MPN/100m1 L -mg/L- Mar-15 6.60 17.0 6.8 634 NT 23.0 0.41 NT NT 316 26.0 8.63 Jul -IS 6.90 23.0 4.9 495 NT 17.3 Om62 NT NT 116 23.0 3.25 Nov-15 6.30 20.0 4.9 502 NT j12.1 0.38 NT NT 320 4.5 9.41 Mar-16 6.20 18.0 6.7 588 NT 35.9 0.20 NT NT 286 11.0 8.53 Jul-16 6.00 24.1 4.4 NT <3 I 59.0 0.06 0.07 1.80 140 12.0 9.80 Mean 6.40 20.4 5.5 555 <1 I 29.5 0.33 0.07 1.80 236 15.3 7.92 Min 6.00 17.0 4.4 495 <1 I 12.1 0.06 0.07 1.80 116 4.5 3.25 Max 6.90 24.1 6.8 634 <1 1 59.0 0.62 0.07 1.80 320 26.0 9.80 GWStds. 1 1 1 6.5-8.5 1 1 1 I 1 30 1.5 I 500 250 SG Foods, Inc., Turkey, NC 1 of 2 Sample DTW Field Temp. Field pH EC Fecal Coliform COD NO3-N NH3 N Total-P TDS S TOC Date ft. °C Sid. Units . umhos/cm MPN/300 mi -mg/L-- Mar-15 4.90 15.0 6.6 202 NT 52.7 0.35 1 NT I NT 264 25.0 23.90 Jul-15 5.80 27.0 4:3 164 NT 80.3 0.61 NT NT 210 11.0 36.10 Nov-15 5.30 20.0 4.6 _ 200 NT 49.8 0.59 NT NT 354 11.0 25.00 Mar-16 8.70 17.0 6.8 155 NT 19.4 0.25 NT NT 326 20.0 11.60 Jul-16 '7.00 24.7 4.2 NT 310 54.0 0.06 _ 4.0 __ 0.08 310 19.0 16.00 Mean 6.34 .20.7 5.3 180 310 51.2 0.37 4.00 0.08 293 17.2 22.52 Min 4.90 15.0 4.2 155 310 19.4 0.06 4.00 0.08 210 11.0 11.60 Max .8.70 - 27.0 6.8 202 310 80.3 0.61 4.00 0.08 354 25.0 36.10 GWStds. 65-8.5 10 1.5 500 250 Sample DTW .Field Temp. Field pH EC Fecal Coliform Date ft. •C Std. Units umhos/cm MP.N/100 ml Mar-15 5.20 15.0 - -6.2 498 NT Jul-15 . 6:50 25.0 - 4.3 450 'NT Nov-15 5.40 20.0 4.7 454 NT 'Mar-16 5.50 17.0 _ 6.3__. 374 NT Jul-16 7.50 20.4 _ :621. NT <1 Mean 6.02 19.5 5.5 444 <1 Min 5.20 15.0 •4.3 374 <1 Max 7.50 25.0 6.3 498 <3 GWStds. 1, 1 1 6.5-8.5 1 COD I NO3 N NH3-N I Total-P TDS I SO4 TOC -mg/L- <10 - 16.10 NT NT 236 34.0 2.18 1 <10 21.60 NT NT 106 15.6 2.06 <10 _ 21.46 NT NT 288 12.0 3.05 I <10 SB.50;-.' NT NT 180 19.0 1.45 29 _ 24.00 <0.045 <0.036 170 12.0 1.10 29 20.32 <0.045 <0.036 196 18.4 1.97 <10 16.10 <0.045 <0.036 106 12.0 1.10 29 24.00 <0.045 <0.036 288 34.0 3.05 Sample DTW Field Temp. FIeIdpH EC Fecal Coliform Date ft.°C Std. Units umhos/cm MPN/100 ml Mar-15 7.80 18.0 6.2 369 NT Jul-15 7.80 27.0 4.6 280 NIT 7.50 21.0 4.3 235 Fri - NT Mean 7:56 21.8 4.9 314 <30 Min 5.70 18.0 4.1 235 <10 - Max 9.00 - 27.0 6.2 373 <10- ft=feet °C = Degrees Celsius - Std. Units = Standard 'Units umhos/cm = micromhos per centimeter mg/L = parts per million NT.- Not Tested DTW = depth to groundwater; Field Temp. m field temperature; EC= elects ' Samples collected and analyzed by Microbac, Fayetteville,. NC and ENCO total organic carbon SG Foods, Inc., Turkey, NC 2 of :R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): 5900 act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name: County Sampson Teleph one#: 919-210-2500 No. of wells to be sample( :RMIT Number: Expiration Date: 013.1 r,suz i ,n-Discharge W00004268 UIC - - )DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 1 Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: PILING INFORMATION If WELL L ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-1 Date sample collected: 7/14116 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Depth: 30.0ft, Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 4.56 units Temp. 20.1 eC DRY at h to Water Level: 7.5ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: _ft. to _ft. Spec. Cond. µMhos time of sar lira luring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor check ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 11.0 gallons Appearance here: F ite.sample analyzed: 7/14 - 7122 Laboratory Name: ENCO fRAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 31 moll Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 moll Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 8.5 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P <0.025 moll (Note: use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate moll Dissolved Solids: Total 590 moll AI - Aluminum moll pH.(when analyzed) _ units Be -Barium mg/I ' TOC 4.1 mg/I Ca - Calcium moll Chloride 160 mg/I. Cd - Cadmium moll Arsenic mo/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils moll Cu - Copper _moll Phenol moll Fe - Iron moll Sulfate. 220mg/I Hg -Mercury mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos K- Potassium moll Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn- Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel moll Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead moll Zn-Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC ; method # method # method # . method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Permi a (or Authorized Age t) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 JUbjVII I FUKIA UN � rqr CK UIVLr QUALITY MONITORING: PORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (Slraet) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Location/Site Randall Jarrell Telephone#: 919-210-2500 No. of wells to be. sampled: 13 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: ofavZucl Non -Discharge WQ0004268 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery I] Spray field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-2 Date sample collected: 7114/16 FIELD ANALYSES: Depth: 19.75ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 6.13 units Temp. 18.4 °C h to Water Level: 9.0 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: _ft: to _ft. Spec. Cord. µMhos luring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 10.0 gallons Appearance sample analyzed: 7/14 - 12z �AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolve COD 16 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /100ml Coliform: MFTotal /100m1 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 170 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOG 3.4mg/I Chloride 82 mg/l Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 9.7 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia 0.38 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I Laboratory Name: ENCO colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.18 mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P <0.025 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I Be - Barium. ni Ca— Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Fig - Mercury mg/l K- Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese ri Ni - Nickel mg/I Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mg/I Zh - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC , method # _ method # method # method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Rer l°/a C, Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager ') y�X. Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title- Please print or type SIP nature of Per ee(or Authorized Aqe ) (Dale) GW-59 Rev. 112007 at of UNLI 11 -R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (sVea) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Telephone#:919-210-2500 Location/Site Name: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 L ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-3 Date sample collected: 7/14/16 Depth: 17.0 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. h to Water Level: 4.Oft. below measuring point Screened Interval: _ft. to curing Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 10.0 gallons oles for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES El N, sample anaryzea: it 14 - rfc< .AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissoly COD 190 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note; Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 600 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC 5.8 mg/I 'Chloride 190 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 61 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia 0.26 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen;NHsas N: Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I ft. IRMIT Number: Expiration Date: b/svzuzl n-Discharge WQ0004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery I] Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 6_14 units Spec. Cond. Odor Appearance Temp. 18.9 oC DRY at µMhos time of Laboratory Name: ENCO Certification No. 591 colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO,) as N <0.017 mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.074 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P 1.5 mg/I Orthophosphate mgll Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): AI - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I ' Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) K- Potassium mg/I. VOC , method # Mg - Magnesium mg/I , method # Mn - Manganese mg/I method # Ni - Nickel mg/I , method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and The- Please print or type Signature of Permittee r Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 N », CutLVnl ruruvi VIV r v rmr�n TER QUALITY MONITORING: E REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: 010 ircucl Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Non-DischargeW00004268 NPDES UIC Other Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: 6900 Turkey Highway TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION ❑ Lagoon BEING MONITORED ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Turkey (s`fCet) NC 28393 County Sampson (city) (state) (zip) ❑X Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Randall Jarrell Tele hone#:919-210-2500 P ElRotary Distributor ElLand Application of Sludge Contact Person: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: Well Location/Site Name: _ rmm Permit If WELL SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-4 Date sample collected: 7121116 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 30.Oft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 4.23 units Temp. 18.8 °C DRY at time of Depth to Water Level: 7.Oft. below measuring point Screened Interval: _ft: to _fit. Spec. Cond. µ Mhos sampling, Measuring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor check olume of water pumped bailed before sampling: gallons 15.rl0 Appearance here: ❑ .,___,__ I—lvFc Nr1 and field acidified: ❑YES ❑ NO _ :sample analyzed: 7/21 - 7/28 :AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflectdissolVE COD 10 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal 28 /100ml Coliform: MF Total /loom[ (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 78 rri pH (when analyzed) units TOC 0.50 mg/I Chloride 26 mg/I Arsenic mg/l Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol - mg/I Sulfate 4.1. mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia <0.045.mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; NHsas N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I Laboratory Name: ENCO Certification No. 591 colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 9.5 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P <0.025 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): AI - Aluminum mg/I Be - Barium ri l Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Fe - Iron mg/[ (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) K - Potassium mgA VOC , method# Mg - Magnesium mg/l , method # Mn - Manganese mg/l , method # Ni- Nickel mg/I ,method# For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent total VUcs: rnyrL Cumem LUtai VU�b. „,e .--••——-•- Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager tirvµx Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Permit a (or Authorized Agent). (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 oublVll I rumna ury v rnr on vry t QUALITY MONITORING: LIANCE Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway ,y (Stfeet) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Telephone#:919-210-2500 Location/SiteName: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-RI Date sample collected: 7/28116 epth: 15.Og, Well Diameter: 2'in. to Water Level: 6.5ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: —ft. to. —ft. ring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft.; a of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 8.O gallons sample analyzed: 7/28 - 819 AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissoly COD 95 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1.0 /100ml Coliform: MF Total 1100m1 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 60 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC 8.5mg/I Chloride 16.0 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 18 mg/I 'Specific Conductance µMhbE Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; NHsas N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I Laboratory Name: ENCO colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/1 Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.30 mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P 1.1 mg/I Orthophosphate nigh AI -Aluminum mg/I Be - Barium. mg/1 Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/1 Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg- Mercury mg/I K- Potassium _ mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese m9f Ni - Nickel mg/I (MAIL SERVICE', CENTER; RALEIGH NC1276995164T Phope:,(919)r7UW2 RMIT Number: Expiration Date: 6/31/2021 n-Discharge W00004268 UIC DES Other PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation:Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES pH 5_53 units. Temp. 21.2 eC Spec. Cord. µMhos Odor Appearance Certification No. 591 Pb -.Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC ; method # method # method # method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L trluent I otal VUL;s: mg/L vvt. nemovalio Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager J n�, f� (7. �� Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Pennitte or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 112007 at Of N ., ouorvui runrv, =R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (strEat) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name: LID NUMBER (from Permit): MWi Depth: 15.0 ft. In to Water Level: 6.011. below measuring point ;wring Point is 3 ft. above land surface ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 10.0 Telephone#:919-210-2500 No. of wells to be sampled: 13 Date sample collected: 7/28/16 Well Diameter: 2 in. Screened Interval: _ft. to _ft. Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Phone:t 1919)1733.3221' IRMIT Number: Expiration Date: b/J1/ZU21 n-Discharge W00004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery fc❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 4_45 units Spec. Cond. _ Odor Appearance Temp. 24.8 eC DRY at µMhos time of sample analyzed: 7/28 - 819 Laboratory Name: ENCO Certification No. 591 AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD <10 mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 Mooml Nitrate (NO,) as N 0.60 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total 1100ml Phosphorus: Total as P 0.044 mg/I (Note; Use MPN method for Highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total 100 mg/I Al -Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/I TOC 0.92 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride 68 mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 5.7 mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Report. Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑. No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mg/I VOC , method # Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I , method # (Ammonia Nitrogen: N%as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I _ method # TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I , method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal°/, Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager ►wA� (7, ('t^+/ Pennittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title- Please print or type Signature of Permit a(or Authorized AgenO (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 u ouarva i runrvi uiv � ,rcn —, °R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (str`o) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name: L ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R3 Depth: 18.Oft. h to Water Level: 6.Oft. below measuring point :wring Point is 3 ft. above land surface ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: sample analyzed: 7/28 - COD <10 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 250 mg/I pH (when analyzed) _ units TOC 2.6 mg/I Chloride 120 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 32 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen, NH3as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I Telephone#.919-210-2500 No. of wells to be sampled: 13 e) Ta3a221 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: b/3112U21 Non-DischargeW00004268 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery fc❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: Date sample collected: 7/28/16 Well Diameter: 2 in. Screened Interval: —ft. to —ft. Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. _ Laboratory Name: ENCO and colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 4.9 mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P 0.080 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I AI -Aluminum mg/1 Be - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg- Mercury mg/I K- Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I. Mn - Manganese mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I FIELD ANALYSES: pH 4.42 units Spec. Cord. Odor Appearance _ Temp. 24.1 eC DRY at µMhos time of sampling, check here: ❑ Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mg/I Zn- Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC , method # method # method # method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager 'i I -,A, 1 C f Fl�2Lt Permillee(or Authorized Agent)Name and'Title- Please print or type Signature. of Permitt (or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY -R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): ty Address: 5900 Turkey Highway cey (S1fEB1) NC 28393 County Sampson (city) (Stele) (zip) act Person: Randall Jarrell Telephone*919-210-2500 Location/Site Name: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 ffrom Permit) L ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R4 Date sample collected: 7/21/16 Depth: 15.0ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. h to Water Level: 6.5ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: _ft. to — ft. luring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 8.0 gallons Iles for metals were collected unfiltered: DYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO sample analyzed: 7/21 -7/28 Laboratory Name: ENCO AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 59 mgll Nitrite (NO,) as N <0.017 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <10 /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.056 mgA Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P 1.8 mg/I (Note: Use APN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 140 mg/I At - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Be - Barium mg/I TOC 9.8 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride 65 mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate 12 mg/l Hg - Mercury mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mg/I TotalAmmonia 0.067mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; N113as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn- Manganese mg/l TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/l 7 MAIL. SERVICE CENTER„RALEIGH,.14C. 27699-1617, Phone: ,(919) 733.322� !RMIT Number: Expiration Date: 5/31/2021 n-Discharge WQ0004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 91 Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 4_28 units Spec. Cord. Odor Appearance Temp. 24.8 eC DRY at µMhos time of sampling, check here: ❑ Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No VOC , method # method # method # method # GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 M� RRR1'1' SOJLLWII ATER QUALITY MONITORING: CE REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway Y (Sheol) NC 28393 - County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Telephone#:919-210-2500 Location/Site Name: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R5A Date sample collected: 7/21116 Depth: 17.Oft. Well Diameter: 2 in. n to Water Level: 7.0ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. luring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 9.0 gallons i sample analyzed: 7/21 - 7/28 :AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissoly COD 80 mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal 310 /100m1 Coliform: MF Total 1100m1 (Note; Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 96 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC 4.1 mg/I Chloride 33 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 20 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos TotalAmmonia <0.045 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N ma/i _ Laboratory Name: ENCO and colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 3.4 mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P 2.4 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I AI -Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu- Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K- Potassium mg/l Mg - Magnesium. mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/l Ni- Nickel ma/i !RMIT Number: Expiration Date: 5/31/2021 n-Discharge WQ0004268 UIC 'DES Other PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑X Spray Field ❑ Remediation: 0 Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: _ FIELD ANALYSES: pH 4.23 units Spec. Cond. Odor Appearance Temp. 24.7 etc DRY at µMhos time of sampling, check here:❑ Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method M ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC ,method# method # method # method # - -- -- - -- -- -.. _,-.-...- -'.." t�•.��.. -�� ,.=r.., wt• II111OC1 It I unit wus: mg/l- totiluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager Peamttee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Permit (or Authorized Agent) (pa GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 till-1. ua.rwl,j"K,Q lgprlV11l9Y NDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: LIANCE REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): _ Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (a'rso1) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Telephone#:919-210-2500 Location/Site Name: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R6 Date sample collected: 7/21/16 Depth: 18.0ft. Well Diameter: 2. in. to Water Level: 7.Oft. below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. wring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 9.O gallons ) sample analyzed: 7121 - 7/28 Laboratory Name: ENCO cAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 54 mg/I Nitrite (NO.) as N <0.017 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /loom[ Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.062 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /loom[ Phosphorus: Total as P 0.084 ni (Note: Use APN method for Nghly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 310 mg/I Al -Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/I TOC 16 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride 140 mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate 19.0 mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Specific Conductance_ µMhos K- Potassium mg/I TotalAmmonia 4.0mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I (Ammonle Nitrogen; NH, as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn- Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I :RMIT Number:. Expiration Date: b/31/ZU21 in -Discharge WQ0004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remed[ation: Infiltration Gallery X1 Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 5_59 units Spec. Cond. Odor Appearance Temp. 21.3 eC DRY at µMhos time of sampling, check here: ❑ Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mgA Zn - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC , method # method # method # method # For Remeciatlon systems Only (Attach Lab Reports):. Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L. VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager RAJ Valchc Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Permi tee (or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY UNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: PLIANCE REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (Street) NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name:_ LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R7 Depth: 15.0 ft. h to Water Level: 7.5ft. below measuring point ;wring Point is 3 ft. above land surface me of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 09 Telephone#:919-210-2500 No. of wells to be sampled: 1 Date sample collected: 7114116 Well Diameter: 2 in. Screened Interval: _ft. to _ft. Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ,. sample analyzed: 7114 - 7/22 Laboratory Name: ENCO '.AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 46 mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /loom] Nitrate (NO3) as N 0.076 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /loom) Phosphorus: Total as P 0.64 mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 220 mg/I Al -Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Be - Barium mg/I TOC 4.1 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride 130 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 7.2 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia 0.34 mg/I (Ammonla Nitrogen; NHaas N; Ammonia Nitrogen. Total) TKN as N mg/I Cd -Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I NI - Nickel mg/I uG UNIT Phone: (919) 733�3221 :RMIT Number: Expiration Date: b1:51 /LUZ1 ,n-Discharge W00004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑X Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: WAS pH 6.19 units Temp. 20.4 °C DRY at Spec. Cond. pMhos time of sampling, Odor check Appearance here:❑ Certification No. 591 Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC , method # method # method # method #' For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs _mg/L VOC Removal%_ Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager ~^'�..Cl�, G I-lit"y Permittee (or Authorized Anent) Name and Title- Please print or type Sinnature of Permittee or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 . 1 ... I_rrtrMM UNLY ER QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y (sifbn NC 28393 county Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name: Telephone#:gl9-210-2500 No, of wells to be sampled: LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R8 Date sample collected: 7/14/16 Depth: 18.0{t. Well Diameter: 2 in. 1 to Water Level: 7.25ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ;uring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 10.0gallons sample analyzed: 7114 - 7/22 %METERS NOTE: Values should COD 29 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <1 /100ml Coliform: MF Total /loom[ (Note;. Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total _ 170 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC 1.1 mg/I Chloride 11 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/l Phenol mg/I Sulfate 12 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen; N113as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N ni 1(elh1�0VIce'GtN ILK, RALEIGH„NC 37609-1617' Ph one:�(919)133322' -RMIT Number: Expiration Date: 5/31/2021 )n-Discharge WQ0004268 UIC 'DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery' © Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑. Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 6_11 units Spec. Cord. Odor Appearance Temp. 20.1 eC DRY at "ilk— time of Laboratory Name: ENCO Certification No. 591 colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg/I Pb - Lead mgA Nitrate (NO,) as N 24 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P <0.036 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): AI -Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I _ Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) K- Potassium mg/I VOID , method # Mg - Magnesium mg/I , method # Mn - Manganese mg/I , method # Ni - Nickel mg/I , method # ,,,,,uc„( , VIOI V Vl..l. trnuent I otal vacs: mg/L VOC Removal% Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager Permiftee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Tile- Please print or type Signature of Permdfee (or Authonzetl Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 112007 n JUI]IVII I rUKIVI UIV ry_I (JVVrAr=K UNLI -R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Name (if different): Address: 5900 Turkey Highway y s"Ee9 NC 28393 County Sampson act Person: Randall Jarrell Location/Site Name: Telephone#:919-210-2500 No. of wells to be sair lec LID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-R9 Date sample collected: 7/28/16 Depth: 17.Oft. Well Diameter: 2 in. 1 to Water Level: 9.Oft. below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. wring Point is 3 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft, no of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 8.0 gallons ties for metals were collected unfiltered: DYES ❑ NO and field acidified: DYES ❑ NO sample COD <10 mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal <10 /100m1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turtle samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 60 ni pH (when analyzed) units TOC 3.9 ri Chloride 8.0 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate 35 mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia <0.045 mg/I (Ammonia Nitrogen: NHsas N; Ammonia Nitrogen. Total) TKN as N Laboratory Name: ENCO colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as N <0.017 mg1I Nitrate (NOa) as N 0.66 mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P 0.59 mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I AI -Aluminum mg/I Be- Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mo/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn-Manganese mg/l Ni - Nickel mg/I UNM IRMIT Number: Expiration Date: 5/3l/2021 n-Discharge WQ0004268 UIC IDES Other PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑X Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: _ FIELD ANALYSES pH 4.07 units Temp. 23.9 eC Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor Appearance Pb - Lead Zn -Zinc Certification No. 591 mgA mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC ; method # method # method # method # t-or memeatation systems unry (Attacn LaD Keports): mtluent I otal VOGs: ri Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal%. Timothy P. Ruby, Environmental Water Manager Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev. 112007 at of N ENCO La' ,bor'atones Accurate. " Timely. Responsive. - Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court_ Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, July 25, 2016 WAST-EWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALLJARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -MWs ENCO Workorder(s): CZ10339 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, I Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received'by our laboratory.on Thursday, July 14, 2016. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Chuck Smith For Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to ne sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproducal in fur. Page 1 of 16 4 W .encolabs.corn SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: MW-1 lab ID: CZ10339-01 Sampled: 07/14/16 12:15 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Preo Date/Time(sl Analvsis Date/Time(sl Coflert 18 07/14/16 20:10 07/15/16 15: 14 07/14/16 17:10 07/15/16 11:55 EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/20/16 09:16 07/20/16 09:16 EPA 350.1 08/11/16 07/20/16 08:11 07/20/16 10:29 EPA 353.2 07/16/16- 12:15 07/15/16 13:46 07/15/16 15:53 EPA 353.2 04/09/19 07/18/16 10:14 07/18/1610:35 EPA 365.4 08/11/16 07/20/16 10:30 07/22/16 09:22 SM 2540C-1997 07/21/16 07/18/16 14:05 07/18/16 14:05 SM 5220D-1997 08/11/16 07/18/16 15:08 07/19/16 09:20 SM 5310B-2000 08/11/16 07/20/16 13:34 07/22/16 09:36 Client ID: MW-1 Lab ID: CZ10339-OIRE1 Sampled: 07/14/16 12:15 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Mold Date/Time(sl Prep Date/Time(sl Analvsis Date/Time(s) EPA 353.2 08/11/16 07/15/16 11:16 07/15/16 14:59 Client M: MW-2 Lab ID: CZ10339.02 Sampled: 07/14/16 12:45 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Mold Date/rime(s) Prep Date/Timefsl Analvsis Date/Time(s) Calilert 18 07/14/16 20:40 07/15/16 15:14 07/14/16 17:10 07/15/16 11:55 EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/19/16 21:08 07/19/16 21:08 EPA 350.1 08/11/16 07/20/16 08:11 0720/16 10:31 EPA 353.2 07/16/16 12:45 07/15/16 13:46 07/15/16 15:54 EPA 353.2 08/11/16 07/15/16 11:16 07/15/16 14:24 EPA 353.2 (14/09/19 07/18/16 10:14 07/18/16 10:35 EPA 365.4 08/11/16 07/15/16 10:04 07/1811612:15 SM 2SMC-1997 07/21/16 07/18/16 14:05 07/18/16 14:05 SM 5220D-1997 08/11/16 07/18/16 15:08 07/19/16 09:20 SM 5310B-2000 08/11/16 07/20/16 13:34 07/22/16 09:36 Client ID: MW-3 Lab ID: CZ10339.03 Sampled: 07/14/16 13:20 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) Corilert 18 07/14/16 21:15 07/15/16 15:14 07/14/16 17:10 07/15/16 11:55 EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/19/16 21:49 07/19/16 21:49 EPA 350.1 08/11/16 07/19/16 13:22 07/19/16 16:19 EPA 353.2 07/16/16 13:20 07/15/16 13:46 07/15/16 15:55 EPA 353.2 08/11/16 07/15/16 11:16 07/15/16 14:25 EPA 353.2 04/09/19 07/18/16 10:14 07/18/16 10:35 EPA 365.4 08/11/16 07/15/16 10:04 07/18/16 12:16 SM 25MC-1997 0721/16 07/18/16 14:05 07/18/16 14:05 SM 522OD-1997 08/11/16 07/18/16 15:08 07/19/16 C9:20 SM 5310&2000 08/11/16 07/20/16 13:34 07/22/16 09:36 Client ID: MW-3 Lab ID: CZ10339-03RE1 Sampled: 07/14/16 13:20 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Hold Date/Trme(s) Prey Date/Time(s) Analvsis DateMmefsl EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/20/16 09:30 07/20/16 09:30 Client ID: R-7 lab ID: CZ10339-04 Sampled: 07/14/16 14:10 Received: 07/14/16 16.27 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Preo Date/Timefsl Analysis Date/Time(sl Coldert 18 07/14/16 22:05 07/15/16 15:14 07/14/16 17:10 07/15/16 11:55 EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/19/16 22:03 07/19/16 22:03 EPA 350.1 08/11/16 07/19/16 13:22 07/19/16 16:21 EPA 353.2 07/16/16 14:10 07/15/16 13:46 07/15/16 15:57 EPA 353.2 08/11/16 07/15/16 11:16 07/15/16 14:26 EPA 353.2 04/09/19 07/18/16 10:14 07/18/16 10:35 EPA 365.4 08/11/16 07/15/16 10:04 07/1811612:17 SM 2540C-1997 07/21/16 07/18/16 14:05 07/18/16 14:05 SM 5220D-1997 08/11/16 07/18/16 15:08 07/19/16 09:20 SM 5310E-2000 08/11/16 07/20/16 13:34 07/22/16 09:36 FINAL This report relates only to Ne sample as received by die laboratory, and may onty be reproduced 1n fuff. Page 2 of 16 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE I Client ID: R-7 ,lab ID: CZ10339-04RE1 Sampled: 07/14/1614:10 Received: �07/14/1616:27 1 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Timefsl Analvsls Date/Time(s) EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/20/16 09:43 07/20/16 09:43 Client ID: R-8 lab ID: CZ10339.05 Sampled: 07/14/16 14:45 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Timefsl Analysis Datemmefsl Colilert 18 07/14/16 22:40 07/15/16 15:14 07/14/16 17:10 07/15/16 11:55 EPA 300.0 08/11/16 07/19/16 22:17 07/19/16 22:17 EPA 350.1 O8111/16 - 07/19/16 13:22 07/1911616:22 EPA 353.2 07/16/16 14:45 07/15/16 13:46- 07/15/16 15:58 EPA 353.2 04/09/19 07/18/16 10:14 - 07/18/16 10:35 - EPA 365.4 08/11/16 07/15/16 30:04 07/18/16 13:54 SM 2540C-1997 07/21/16 07/18/16 14:05 07/18/16 14:05 SM 5220D-1997 08/11/16 07/18/16 15:08 07/19/16 09:20 SM 5310B-2000 08/11/16 07/20/16 13:34 07/22/16 09:36 Client ID: R-8 lab ID: CZ10339-05RE1 Sampled: 07/14/16. 14:45 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep DateTime(sl _ Analysis Date/Timefsl EPA 353.2 08/11/16 07/15/16 11:16 07/15/16 15:00 FINAL This report relates ordy to the sample as received by die laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 3 of 16 J�is W W W.encolabs.conn SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: MINA Lab ID: CZ10339-01 Analyt Results Flag f�DS POL Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 31 10 10 mg/L SM 5220D-1997 Chloride 160 D 6.5 15 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as N 8.5 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Sulfate as SO4 220 D 8.6 IS mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 590 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 4.1 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 53108-2000 Client ID: MIN-1 Lab ID: CZ10339-01RE1 Client ID: MW-2 Lab ID: CZ10339-02 A"alyte Results Flag MDL POL Units Method Notes Ammonia as N 0.38 0.045 0.10 mg/L EPA 350.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand 16 10 10 mg/L SM 522OD-1997 Chloride 82 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as N 0.18 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.18 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Sulfate as SO4 9.7 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 170 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 3.4 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 53108-2000 Client ID: MW-3 Lab ID: CZ10339-03 AnaMe Results Flag MDL POL Units Method Notes Ammonia as N 0.26 0.045 0.10 mg/L EPA 350.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand 190 10 10 mg/L SM 522OD-1997 Nitrate as N 0.074 3 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.074 3 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 1.5 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 61 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 600 50 5o mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carton 5.8 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5310E-2000 Client ID: MW-3 Lab ID: CZ10339-03RE1 Analyte Results fiag •LDS E% Units Method Notes Chloride 190 D 4.4 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 Client ID: R-7 Lab ID: CZ10339-04 Analyte Results E3 MIDS POL Unit. Method Notes Ammonia as N 0.34 0.045 0.10 mg/L EPA 350.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand 46 10 10 mg/L SM 5220D-1997 Nitrate as N 0.076 3 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 NitraWNitme as N 0.076 3 0.D41 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 0.64 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365A Sulfate as SO4 7.2 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 220 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC--1997 Total Organic Carbon 4.1 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 531OB-2000 Client ID: R-7 Lab ID: CZ10339-04REI Analyte Etg MDL M Units Method Notes Chloride 130 D 4.4 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 Client ID: R-8 Lab ID: CZ10339-05 A.aMe Re u is Flag PLDL POL Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 29 10 10 mg/L SM 522OD-1997 Chloride 11 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as N 24 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 0.036 3 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 12 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 170 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carton 1.1 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 531OB-2000 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by Me laboratory, and may only te repmlu in full. Page 4 of 16 e WWw.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS . Description: MW-1 Matrix- Ground Water Project: Sager Foods-MWs - Lab Sample ID:CZ30339-01 Received: 07/14/1616:27 Sampled:07/14/16 12:15 Work Order: CZ10339 Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical ChemistryParameters ^ -EN[O Caryraofimaiuryte[/x' S917 Analyte rCAS Numberl .Results Flan Units DF MDL POI, Batch Method Analwed @y Notes Ammonia as N[766441-7]A <0.045 'mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G20008 EPA350.1 07/20/1610:29 lU Chemical Oxygen DemandA 31 mg/L 1 10 10 6GI8036 SM 522OD-1997 ' 07/19/1609:20 ]OC Chloride[16887.00-6]A 160 D mg/L 3 6.5 15 , 6G19027 EPA300.0 07/2011609:16 MKS Nitrate as N[14797-55-e]A 8.5 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6GI8016 EPA 353.2 07/18/1610:35 JU Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 8.5 D mg/L 19.5 0.80 2.0 6GI5023 EPA 353.2 07/15/1614:59 JU Nitrite as N[14797-65-0]A <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6GI5030 EPA 353.2 07/15/1615:53 JU Phosphorus [7723-14-0]A - < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G20003 EPA 365.4 07/22/16 09:22 JU' Sulfate as SO4 [14808-79-8]- 220 D mg/L 3 8.6 35 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/20/16 09:16 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- _ S90 mg/L 1 . 50 50 6GIB006 SM 254OC-1997 07/18/1614:05 MMR Microbiological Parameters Analvte rCpS Numberl Results Flaq Units PE P44 Batch Method nA alwed By Notes Gdifomn, FeolA <1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G16008 Cohlert 18 0711511611:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ -,a COOrlartlorerdWarayr 1W 424] - ' Analyte fCAS Numberl Results F[d9 Units pF Mot. E91 Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Total Organic Carbon- 4.1 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G20032 SM 5330B-2000 07/22/1609:36 SIR Description: MW-2 Lab Sample ID:CZ30339-02 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/14/1612AS Work Order: C230339 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By-RANDALL JARRELL Classical Chemistry Parameters ^-EAC064'o'inAefaruyre /A'C 5911 - - Anahrte rCAS Numberl Resufts Flag Units ," PE MU E" Batch Method Analyzed py Notes Ammonia as N [7664.41-7]A 0.38 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G20008 EPA 350.1 07/20/16 10:31 lU Chemical Oxygen Demand^ 16 mg/L 1 10 10 6GIB036 SM 522OD-1997 07/19/16 09:20 10C Chloride[16887.00.6]A 82 mg/L 1 2.2 5.0 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/19/1621:08 MKS ` Nitrate as N 114797-55-BIA 0.18 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6GI8016 EPA353.2 07118/1610:35 JU Nitrate/Nitrite as N- 0.18 mg1L ,1 0.041 0.10 6G35023 EPA353.2 07/15/1614:24 JU Nitrite as N'[14797-65-0]A < 0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G15030 EPA 353.2 07115/1615:54 JU Phosphorus [7723-140]A < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6GIS005 EPA 365.4 07/18/16 12:15 JLJ Sulfate as SO4 [14808.79-8]- 9.7 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/19/16 21:08 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 170 mg/L 1 50 50 6G18D06 SM 2S K-1997 07/18/16 14:05 MMR M[crob[ologicel Parameters ^-EAKO6rympfrefaiaMe[>'S917 ' Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flay .Units lF E91. Batch Method Analwed Ay Notes Cotton, Feral- <1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6GI6008 Golilert l8 07/1511611:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters A-ENCOOrlando re2AMaiaA'�JAC 4247 Analyte rCAS Numberl Resul Sao Units PE Ma P91 .Batch Method Analwed N Notes Total Organic CarbonA 3.4 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G20032 SM 5330B-2000 07/2211609:36 SIR FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in U. Page 6 of 16 vmnv.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: MW-3 'Lab Sample ID: C210339-03 Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/14/16 13:20 Work Order: CZ10339 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL' Classical AheWjsty Parameters ^-ENCO r3N mofie>aiu4'�/MC 591] Anahrte rCAS Numberl - Results Fan Units DF MDL POL ' Batch Method Analyzed AM Notes Ammonia as N[7664-41-77A - 0.26 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G19031 EPA 350.1 07/19/1616:19 ]U Chemical Oxygen Demand^ 190 mg/L 1 30 10 6G18036 SM 522OD-1997 07/19/16'09:20 30C Chloride[36887.00-6]A - 190 D mg/L 2 4.4 10 -6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/20/1609:30 MKS ' Nitrate as N 114797-55-BIA 0.074 ] mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G18016 6A 353.2 07/18/1610:35 3U Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ 0.074 3 mg/L 1 0.041 0.10 6G35023 EPA 353.2 07/15/1614:25 3U Nitriteas N[14797-65-0]A <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6GI5030 EPA 353.2' 07/15/1615:55 3U Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A 1.5 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G35005 EPA 365.4 07/18/1612:16 3U Sulfate as SO4 [34808-79-8]A 61 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6GI9027 EPA 300.0 07/19/16 21:49 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 600' mg/L I 50 50 - 6G38006 SM 25MC-1997 07/1811614:05 MMR Analyte rCAS Numberl Colifonn, Foal. Chemistry Parameters Results llo Units DE P.4S patch Method Analyzed By Notes < 1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G16008 Cn61ert 18 07/15/16 11:55 RAY Analyte rCAS Numberl - Results Pli10 Units Z)-F, Mot, POL Bach Method Analyzed ft ' Notes Total Organic CarbonA 5.8 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G20032 SM 53108-2000 07/22/1609:36 SIR Description: R-7 Lab Sample ID: CZ10339-04 Received: 07114/1616:27 Matrix: Ground Water - Sampled:07/14/16 14:10 Work Order. CZ10339 Project: Sager .Foods -MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL - Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Resul flag Units PF MOL POL Batch Method Anatwed @y Notes Ammonia as.N[7664-41-7]A 0.34 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G19031 EPA350.1 07/1911616:21 1U Chemical Oxygen DemandA 46 mg/L 1 10 10 6G18036 SM 522OD-1997 07/19/1609:20 30C Chloride[56887-00-6]A 130 D MIA- 2 4A 10 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/20/1609:43 MKS Nitrate as N[34797.55.8]A 0.076 3, mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G18016 EPA 353.2 07/18/1610:35 3U Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 0.076 3 mg/L 1 0.041 0.10 6G15023 EPA 353.2 07/15/1614:26 3U Nitrite as N[347974i5-0]A <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G15030 EPA 353.2 07/15/1615:57 3U Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A 0.64 mg/L 1 0.025 -0.10. 6G15005 EPA 365.4 07/18/1612:17 3U Sulfate as SO4[14808-79-8]A 7.2 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6G39027 EPA 300.0 07/19/1622:03 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 220 mg/L 1 5o 50 6GI8006 SM 2S40C-1997 07/18/1614:05 MMR Microbiological Parameters ^-EAYD Csy ti&daa*laJiiW 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl Results H@9 Units PE POL Batch Method Analwed fy motes Conform, Feel- 41.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G36008 Covert 18 07/15/16 11:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Total Organic CarbonA Results Flan Units Pi MOIL POL ' Ratch Method aE31lwed @Y Notes, 4.1 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0. 6GZOD32 SM 5330B-2000 07/22/16 09:36 , SIR - FINAL This m cart relates ody to the sample as reoei by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 7 of 16 ANALYTICAL RESULTS xiption: R-8 Lab Sample ID: CZ10339-05 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/14/16 14:45 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL lssical Chemistry Parameters Analvte ICAS Number] Ammonia as N{7664-01-7]A Chemical Oxygen DemandA Chloride[16887-00-6]- Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]- Nitrate/Nitrite as NA Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A Sulfate as SO4114808-79-8]A Total Dissolved Solids- - Microbialwical Parameters v7ww.encolabs.com Received: 07/14/16 16:27 Work Order: CZ10339 Resu is F aq Units OF MDL POL Batch Method Analwed fiy Notes <0.045 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G39031 EPA 350.1 07/19/16.16:22 ]U 29 mg/L 1 10 10 6G18036 SM 522OD-1997 07/19/16 09:20 RIC 11 mg/L 1 2.2 . 5.0 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/19/1622:17 MKS 24 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G38016 EPA 353.2 07/18/1610:35 ]U 24 D mg/L 48.75 10 4.9 6G15023 EPA 353.2 07/15/16 15:00 31-1 <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G35030 EPA 353.2 07/15/1615:58 ]Ll 0.036 1 mg/L 1 o.M 0.10 6G15005 EPA 365.4 07118/1613:54 ]U 12 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6G19027 EPA 300.0 07/1911622:17 MKS 170 mg/L 1 50 50 6G18006 SM 254OC-1997 07118/1614:05 MMR Anaivte ICAS Numberl Results Flay Units PE POL Batch Method Analwed fay Notes Coliform, Fecal- < 1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G16008 Coldert 18 07/15/16 11:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters --FAL"OOrurd,,, 2'AsianaW[AY 424] Analvte rCAS Numberl ResulCs ]]ay Units DE MD POOL Batch Method Analyzed @y Notes Total Organic Carton- 1.1 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G20032 SM 531OB-2000 07/22/1609:36 SIR RNP1 This report relates a* W the sample as rerelvel by the taboratay, and may only be mpmduced in rug. Page 8 of 16 vvv lv.encolahs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Contra[ Batch 6G15005-Same Blank(6G15005-BLK3) _ Prepared: 07/15/2016 10:04 Analyzed: 07/18/201611:34 Spike Source -/oREC RPD AnahDe Result Elam POL Units Level ' Resul[ -/oREC Limits - RPD imi Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G15005-BS1) Prepared: 07/15/201610:04 Analyzed: 07/18/201611:56 Spike Source a/oREC RPD AnalYtO Result Hari PQL Units Level Result' ^/oREC • Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 101 80-120 ' Matrix Spike (GG35005-MSI) Prepared: 07/15/2016 30:04 Analyzed: 07/18/2016 11:58 Source: C707771-01 Spike Source -/ REC RPD Anal v[e Result- flag 'POL .Units :Level Resul -/'REC Limits s RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.69 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.025 U 108 ` 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup(6G35005-MSD1) - Prepared: 07/15/2016 10:04 Analyzed: 07/18/201611:59 Source: CZ07771-01 _ Spike Source -/oREC RPD Analxte Result .Elam -TGL Units Level Result ?/aREC- Limits, RPD Limit Noe -Phosphorus 0.70 0.10 mg/L - 0.640 0.025U - 109 80-120 0.4 25 Batch 6GIS023 - NO PREP - - - Blank(6GIS023-BLK1) Prepared: 07/15/2016 11:16 Analyzed: 07/15/201613:44 - Spike Source -/oREC RPD Analyte Result gag PQL Units Level Result -/ REC Lim! RPD Lint Notes, Nitrate/Nitriteas N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G1S023-BSI) Prepared: 07/15/201611:16 Analyzed: 07/15/201613:37 ' Spike Source -/oREC RPD Ana hR0 - Result Hilo POL Units Level Result -/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.25 96 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G15023-MS3) Prepared: 07/15/2016 11:16 Analyzed: 07/15/201613:46 Source: CZ08533.01 Spike Source -/oREC RPD Anal vte Result Hag ED1 Units level Result -/oREC Limits RPD LEDA Notes Nitrate)Nibite as N 0.63 0.10 mg/L 0.513 .0.088 105 90-110 . Matrix Spike (6G15023-MS2) Prepared: 07/151201611:16 Analyzed: 07/15/201614:58 Source:CZ0945S-01 Spike Source -/-REC; RPD Analyze Resu(t clap POE. - Units Level Result -/oREC Limits RPD LIMA Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 53 5.0 . mg/L 25.0 33 83 90-110. QM-07 Matrix Spike' Dup(6G35023-MSDI) - Prepared: 07/15/2016 11:16 Analyzed: 07/15/2016'13:50 ' Source: CZ08533-01 Spike Source' -/oREC - RPD Anal tde Result Hag POL U01ts level Result -/oREC Limits RPD LIMA Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.60 0.10 mg/L 0.513 0.088 100 90-110 4 10 , Batch 6G15030 - NO PREP FINAL This report rearm only the sample as received by the laboratory, aM may only tie reproduced M mu. Pages or Is 1vww.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 5G15030 - NO PREP - Continued Blank (6G15030-BLK1) I Prepared: 07/15/2016 13:46 Analyzed: 07/15/2016 15:46 Spike Source °/aREC RPD Analvte Result Flan P91 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Lima Notes Nitrite as N 0.017 . U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G35030-BS1) Prepared: 07/15/2016 13:46 Analyzed: 07/15/201615:34 Spike Source %REC RPD Anallde Result Han P9L Units Level Result ^/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.98 0.10 mg/L 1.00 98 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G15030-MS3) Prepared: 07/1512016'13:46 Analyzed: 07/15/2016 15:47 Source: CZ10317.01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Elio P4S Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD LIMAS Notes Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L I.DO 0.017 U 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G15030-MS2) Prepared: 07/151201613:46 Analyzed: 07/151201619:40 Source: CZ10509-08 Spike Source %.REC RPD Anal v[e Result Hal P-QL mum Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit No" Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10. mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 104 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6G35030-MSDI) Prepared: 07/15/2016 13:46 Analyzed: 07/15/2016 15:52 Source: CZ10317.01 ' Spike Source %REC RPD Analvre Result Han EQL units Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 103 90-110 2 10 Batch 64718006 - NO PREP Blank (6G18006-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/18/2016 14:05 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana tv[e Result Han PGL Units Level Result %.REC limits RPD Lima Notes Total Dissolved Solids 50 U 50 mg/L , LCS (6G18006-BS1) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/I8/201614:05 Spike Source 0/.REC RPD AnaBRe RSSUIt Han J!" units Level Result ^/.REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 980 50 mg/L 1000 98 9D-110 I Duplicate (61338006-01.11FS) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/18/2016 14.05 ' Source: CZ0945S-01 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analvte Result. Elan PILL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 420 50 mg/L 440 6 20 Batch 6G18036 - Same - Blank(6G18036-BLKS) Prepared: 07/18/2016 15:08 Analyzed: 07/19/201609:20 ' Spike Source %REC RPD AOalvt Resul Han PQL Units Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 U 10 mg/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laborauxy, and mayonly, be mpmoduce0ln full. Page 10 of 16 t- f eN - - vfnvvf.encdlabs.com I.•, QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Contra[ - Batch 6G18036 - Same - ConNnaed LCS (6618036-BS1) I I q Prepared: 07/18/2016 15:08 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 09:20 Spike Source -AREC RPD - .Anal1RE Result Dail E(B, units Level esul %RECLimits RPD Limit dotes Chemical Oxygen Demand 500 10 mg/L 500 • 100 9D-130 Matrix Spike (6918036-MS3) Prepared: 07/18/201615:08 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 09:20 Source: CZ04609-01 .' ' Spike Source -AREC RPD Anallrte Result flag P111 units' Level Result ^/aREC Lim RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 830 10 mg/L 526 290 103 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (64318036-141501) ' Prepared:. 07/18/2016 15:08 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 09:20 - Source: CZ04609-01. - Spike Source 0/.REC - RPD Ana hrte - Result, flag POL - MMU Level Result %REC Limits RPD Ll6ft Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 780 10 mg/L 526 290 94 90-110 6 10 Batch 6G19027-NO PREP Blank (6G39027-BLK3) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/19/201616:04 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana llge - Result Hag P0L units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chloride 2.2 U 5.0 ", -, mg/L Sulfate as SO4 2.9 U 5.0 , mg/L LCS (6G39027-BSI) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/19/20161fi:18 • Spike 'Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Hag POL units Level Result ^/.REC Limits RPD Malik Notes Chloride 53 5.0 mg/L 50.0 . 107 , 90.110 _ Sulfate as SCA 51 5.0 mg/L - 50.0 im- 90-110 Matrix Spike(6G39017-MS7) - Prepared& Analyzed: 071191201616:31 ' Source: CZ04054-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD -Analy[2 Rea& 'FLa9 POL unlit Level � esu %REC Limits RPDLimit Notes Chloride 35 5.0 mg/L 20.0 14 .106 9D-110 Sulfate as SO4 29 - 5.0 . mg/L 20.0. 9.8 98 90-110 Source: CZ07771-01 Spike Source °/.REC RPD An -al vte Result Hag 'P91 units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit ' Notes Chloride 40 5.0 mg/L _ 20.0 18 111 9D-110. QM-07 Sulfate as SO4 - 58 5.0 mg/L 20.0 36 110 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup(6G39027-MSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/19/201616:45 Source: CZ04054-01 Anal de Chloride - Sulfate as SO4 Batch 6G19031 - NO PREP Spike Source -AREC RPD Result Elan POL unit£ level Result" %REC Limits RPD Qrnit Notes - 36 5.0 mg/L 20.0 14 111 90-I10 3 10 QM-07 30 5.0 mg/L 20.0 9.8 102 90-110 2 30 HIM This report relates only t. the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be iepmd..ad in fug. Page 11 of 16 CS ���� t . V r � w .encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G19031- NO PREP - Continued Blank (6G19031-BLKS) Prepared: 07/19/2016 13:22 Analyzed; 07/19/2016 15:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte ResulS Dag Rol. Units Level Result %REC • Limits RPD Limit [Late£ Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LC5(6G39031-851) Prepared: 07/19/2016 13:22 Analyzed: 07/19/201615:32 Spike Source -/oREC RPD Analvte - Result Dag CQL Units Level Result %REC it mils RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G19031-MS3) Prepared: 07/19/2016 13:22 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 15:34 Source: CZ07825-01 -. Spike Source ^/oREC RPD Analid Result, Has PM UBR4 Level Result °/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as 0.79 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.42 94 90-130 Matrix Spike (6G39031-MS2) Prepared: 07/19/2016 13:22 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 15:42 Source: CZ09792.01 - Spike Source %REC RPD Anal tde Result flan EM .units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Lima Notes Ammonia as N 0.37 0.10 mg/L 0.3a5 0.045 U 97 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6G39031-MSD3) Prepared: 07/19/2016 13:22 Analyzed: 07/19/2016 15:38 Source: CZ07825-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte - .Besult Flag EQL, Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit• Notes Ammonia as N 0.78 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.42 91 90�110 1 10 Batch 6G20003- Santo - Blank (6G20003-BLK1) Prepared: 07/20/2016 30:30 Analyzed: 07/2Z/2016 08:57 _ Spike Source - %REC RPD ' Analvte Result Hag P9L Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 , mg/L ' LCS (6G20003-851) Prepared: 07/201201610:30 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 08:59 ' Spoke Source %.REC RPD Ana11d?s Result Hag P9L Units level Result %.REC Limits ;, RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 '0.10 mg/L 1.60 1 101 80-120 Matrix Spike (6G20003-MS1) Prepared: 07/20/2016 10:30 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:01 Source: CZ09936411 Spike Source 0/.REC RPD AnalYte Result Han PDL Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD - Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.64 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.025 U 100 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (6G20003-MSDI) Prepared: 07/20/201610:30 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:02 Source: CZ09936.01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Hag P9L maim Level Result 0/.REC Limit& RPD Limit -Notes Phosphorus 0.65 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.025 U 101 80-120 1 25 Batch 6G20008 - NO PREP - FINAL This report relates only W the sample as receive "a and may only be mrodumd in fur. Page 12 of 16 w .encolabs.com CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G20008 - NO PREP - Continued " Blank (64320008-BLKl) Prepared: 07/20/2016 08:11 Analyzed: 07/20/2016 09:50 Spike Source %REC RPD .Analvte Result Dail P9t Units Level Result °/aREC - Limits RPD Limit; Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G20008-BS3) Prepared: 07/20/2016 08:11 Analyzed: 07/20/2016 09:52 ' Spike Source ^/DREG RPD Ana1vt Result Rao POL units Level Result' %REC Limits RPD U111ft Notes Ammonia as 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 - 101 90-110 Matrix Spike(6G20008-MS3) Prepared; 07/29/201608:11 Analyzed: 07/20/201612:30 ' Source: - Spike Source ^/oREC RPD Anal vte Result Dail P-QL units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Ling Notes Ammonia as N 3.5 0.20 mg/L 0.792 2.6 111 - 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (6G20008-MS2) Prepared: 07/20/2016 08:11 Analyzed: 07/20/2016 10:02 Source: CZ09936-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal xte Result 17au PQL Units Level Result 0/ REC Limits RPD Limit Rotes Ammonia as N 0.39 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 101 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6G20008-MSD1) Prepared: 07/20/2016 08:11 Analyzed: 07/20/2016 12:34 Source: CZ09792-10RE1 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Da4 11" units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Malit Notes Ammonia as N 3.4 0.20 mg/L 0.792 2.6 92 90-110 4 10 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control ' "71717•YcfGSrld•'M.7c]l:/x7 Duplicate (6Gl6008-DUPl) Prepared: 07114/201615:05 Analyzed: 07/15/201611:55 Source: CZ07875-03 Spike Source %REC RPD ' Analyte Result Dag POI, units Level Result . %REC Limits RPD Unlit es Coliform, Feral 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 1.0 U - 25 mL Duplicate (6G16008-DUP2) Prepared: 07/14/2016 17:10 Analyzed: 07/15/2016 11:55 Source: CZ10339.03 Spike Source 0/ REC RPD Anabde Result Dail PM 1181ts Level Result %REC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Colifonn, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 1.0 U 25 ml Classical Chemistry Parameters- Quality Control Batch 6G20032 - NO PREP Blank (6G20032-BLK3) Prepared: 07/20/2016 13:34 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:36 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal v[e Result Dag PQL .Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limi Notes Total Organic Carbon 0.34 U 1.0 mg/L FINAL This report relates only m the sample as rer=w + by ore laboraray, and may only 6e repmd,xed in full. Page 13 of 16 t OEM www.encolabsxom CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G20032 -'NO PREP - Continued LCS CGG20032-1351) Prepared: 07/20/2016 13:34 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:36 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Yte Result Ran FM unit Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Organic Carbon 41 1.0 mg/L 40.0 101 85-115 " Matrix Spike (6G20032-MS3) Prepared: 07/20/2016 13:34 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:36 Source: AZ04908-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result ;flag EOL units Level Result 0/ REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Organic Carbon 44 1.0 mg/L 40.0 0.49 110 85-115 Matrix Spike Dup (GG20032-MSD3) Prepared: 07/20/2016 13:34 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 09:36 Source: AZ04908-01 Spike Source 0/aREC RPD .Anal Result Ban PO6 Onits Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD imiNotes Total Organic Carbon 43 '1.0 mg/L „ 40.0 0.49 108 85-115 2 21 FINAL This report relates only W the sample as received by the labmtoty, and may only be reproduced in fug. Page 14 of 16 �V000 w .encolabs.cum FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS \ - B, The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. - ] The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratorymethod reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was. analyzed for but not detected to. the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument This value is considered an estimate. , MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitabon limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. - N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there Is presumptive evidence (85%.or greater confidence) to make a `tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondaryGC column: The lower concentration is reported. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. ' FINAL This report relates a* to the sample as recenred "a laboratory, and may only be reproduced In fug. Page 15 at 16 11 t I! AccEllt ,V*013' Prelog M CZ10339 Client .WASTEWATER LIANAGeMENT, LL( Pro!eci#lRefererice: Sager Foods-hTNs • ContFd: RANDALUARRELL Required TAT: 10 Ship To: P.O. Box 576 [NCO Gantact: Stephanie Franz P@lsboro, NC,27312 102 A Woodwinds Industrial Court ca'ry, NC 27511, Pittsboro, NG-27312 Report To: 'P.O. Box 57B Pittstioro,'NO 27312' Eat�fumbac�'' Y.Daletiiirii�amtit d�� e: tY.>µ=�_�.y""�r`�"`<�:-> poses! .4 s��•r- "��� i;g� ' � *1 : �� .�- _ CZ10339=01 11 L`1. (:215 Nfiy-1 Araly. ew A nmonia 350A , Chloride 3D0 ,.GOD`SM5220D , FCoti , N65te as N 3532., Nitratee Calc 3532. Nitrite as N -, 353.2 , NOX a532 , P ; $uuats aw, , TDS.SM2540C , TOC:SM53106 ContalherT 1 - 250mLP+H2SO4 , 2.40rn{ AWH31304, I • 500mLP C;Z10339-02 1 I t 1 7 BLS- IOW-2 Analyscm.'Ammonis 350.1 , Chloride 300 , COt) S;w15220D ,'rbali , ' Nitrate as N 953.2, Nilrate Caic 353.2- Nitrite as N 353.2-, NOX 353.2. P , Sulfate 300 , TDS SI M2540C , TOC SM5310B Contein6w 1 - 250mL134112SO4 ,.2- 40MLAV+H3PO4:,1 - 500rnLP CZ10339-03 11-1 132-0 MW-3 U1,0339:04 MW-4 CZ1G339.08 - R•Zo --- Analyses: Ammonia 350.1 ;_Chloridr 300 , COD S105226b , FColi , Nitrate as N 353.2, W61a Calc 3532, Nitrite-as_N 353.2 ,. NOX 353.2 , P . Sulfati; 300 , TDSSM2540C., TOC SM53109 `Caniainari: 1 - 250mLP+H2SO4, 2. 40mLAV+H3PO4 ,'A - 500,mLP Analyses:' Nitrate as N3531. Nilratp'Calc 3532 Nitrite as N ,353.2,.NOX 353 2 Ammonia 350.1 , Chlorirla 300, QOD:SM5220D , F,Coli;, P , Sulfate 3D6 i O +Stw 2540C TOC SM53100 Containers:1•250in1P+H2603.,'2-40n;LAV+H,3PQ4, ! 5i1On:LP Analyses; rlmmone 350.1, Chloride 300 ,.COD SM52200., rCofi , P, Sulfate'300 TDS SM2540C , TOC SMa3105 . Nitrate as N 353 2 , Nitiate'C6_6363.2- Nitr.te as N 3532`, NOX 353.2 Conainers:4 250mLP+112SO4.,`2.•.406AL'AV-WJP04,1'-500ipL:P Anaiyseu: Nitrole WN 353.2-, Nitrate Qa1c 353.2 !utrite'as N: 35.3CFZ , NOX353:2 , Ammonia 350.1 , Chloride 5pQ. COD SM5220D., FCoti, P., Sul!ato 300TDS 50025400 TOC SM53i06 Containers: 'L-,250mLP+H2$t74 , 2 ••40rr.LAV+H3i'04 ..i =03mLr^ o Chain of Custody Form - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CZ1 0339-08 OZ103S9-11 114- CZ10339-13C Analyses:'ATmopiia *4, C'Morid"67 3-60:. GO ff S-M5i2W .,,fColi, R *Sulfate as N.353 2 Nitrale,Calc '3532, NOX-353,2 d6lain- P-4-Hi2S6"4, Z,-,.,40m V.+-.3-LA A 06�,660. .,, ) � Analyses: NItral6 66 N 353.2, Nitrate.Colc.35a2,14itrile as.N :C . OD.SM5226D " koll;.-P ;Sulfa[6;300, TD8 Sm2540C JO C - S M53108 Containers: 260niLP.+H2SO4:;-2 - 40mIAVtH3PO4 ot- 500mLO. -.'GKidrid6200, COD,SM52200, FC'61i. --- �P, SUIWis'300, TDSSM'i540C- JOG SM53106".' - :Nitrate as: 353.2i�kil�6teCblcl53.2,Nit(ite.as.N N Atialyi. NitiNit-d a1� N. - 3632.,:Nitiit6 C616 353.2 Nitrite 6i IN .353.2 NOX 353.2. AM'm'on435(3.-I',-CW6ri8e 360, .COD SPAmob; Fc6tiI',,P,, Sulfaie-360, TDSSM2640d ,%TOG'SM53t0B cgr4a!nets:.I=2SOmLP+H2SO4:,2+:4OTnLA%.I+H3pb4,at -'Mrfill-p Cd 300-COD SM522 QD,,FrDlI. !P:,'SOate Nb,. hfcih 'a TDS SM254GG, TOG SM153106,'- Nifiate'is N 3512 j4lfrate tafo . 353.2, Niitife-jis'N '3512 -'NOX 353.'2- Containers :74 50jnLP+H2SO4 i 2-= 40inLAV+H3PO4 , 1 -,porf.L? Analyses 353.12 1 1 NOX 353.2 1 .Am . monii 3501 , Chlo6cle.30 , bdb"SN%2�20b , Fboli P Suifaie 306. TDS'SM2540c' TOCSM53109 z 40mLAV+H3PP4'.j - 500tap ---'r J. Analyses; A mmonia 350.1 Ch1ohdo 306, 66D SIVI52260, FColi. ' P,-,t6Ifate300,; TDS`SM25400, TOG SMSW05, Nitratd as N 153.2 Nltretdtalc 353.2-. Nitrite'as N !353' ----NOX 353,2 Iddhiiiindni" I 4pf'ILPtH2SO4'. 2:t 49m!AV+ PO4 A -500ML' A,'ax -Sample. Chain of Cu'stOdY FOO —Unp.=plabI& Receivzp By., ;T.ple kit Tjy c%^jjjn paimitiez as rijuhadlivin EPApcimaw§s V.Yr.,, t' a ivi& WWW. IWO lmali,.Pmt 01]t lay w leacQil."n tr.d "mee aw tla v "Owl Ino we PRECAUIZONAM. 1374MMENT504LYI All PDU152!�' F. 4 c, ed NCO Lobos a es Accurate. Timely. Responsive. - .Inno-vats-re. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, August 1, 2016 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -MWs ENCO Workorder(s): CZ10778 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, July 21, 2016. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) KW This report relates mayca tie sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 1 Of 15 WWw.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: MW-4 Lab ID: CZ10778-01 .Sampled: 07/21/16 11:20 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Timefsl Colilert 18 07/21/16 19:15 07/22/16 14:29 07/21/16 16:25 07/22/16 10:40 EPA 300.0 08/18/16 0726/16 23:26 07/26/16 23:26 EPA 350.1 08/18/16 07/26/16 07:10 07/26/16 09:31 EPA 353.2 07/23/16 11:20 07/22/16 13:52 07/22/16 15:54 EPA 353.2 04/16/19 07/27/16 13:54 07/27/16 14:13 EPA 365.4 08/18/16 07/22/16 08:25 07/25/16 14:07 SM 2540C-1997 07/28/16 07/26/16 10:34 07/26/16 10:34 SM 5220D-1997 08/18/16 07/25/16 15:10 07/25/16 17:52 SM 5310B-2000 08/18/16 07/28/16 12:00 07/28/16 13:00 Client ID: MW-4 Lab ID: CZ10778.O1RE3 Sampled: 07/21/16 11:20 Received: 07/21/16 16.00 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Prep Date/Tlme(sl Analysis DateTme(sl EPA 353.2 08/18/16 07/27/16 07:40 07/27/16 11:30 Client ID: R-6 lab ID: CZ10778.02 Sampled: 07/21/16 12:10 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prey Date/Time(s) Analysis DateRme(s) Cnlilert 18 07/21/16 20:05 07/22/16 14:29 07/21/16 16:25 07/22/16 10:40 EPA 300.0 08/18/16 07/26/16 23:40 07/26/16 23:40 EPA 353.2 07/23/16 12:10 07/22/16 13:52 07/22J1615:56 EPA 353.2 08/18/16 07/27/16 07:40 07/27/16 10:39 EPA 353.2 04/16/19 07/27/16 13:54 07127/1614:13 EPA 365.4 08/18/16 07/22/16 08:25 07/25/16 14:08 SM 2540C-1997 07/28/16 07/26/16 10:34 07/26/16 10:34 SM 5220D-1997 08/18/16 07/25/16 15:10 07/25/16 17:52 SM 5310B-2000 08/18/16 07/28/I6 12:00 07/28/16 13:00 Client ID: R-6 lab ID: CZ10778.02RE1 Sampled: 07/21/16 12:10 Received: 07/71/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Timefsl EPA 300.0 08/18/16 07/27/16 09:41 07/27/16 09:41 EPA 350.1 08/18/16 07/26/16 07:10 07/26/16 10:43 Client ID: R-SA Lab ID: CZ10778-03 Sampled: 07/21/16 12:40 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Prep Date/Timefsl Analysis DateTme(s) Colilert 18 07/21/16 20:35 07/22/16 14:29 07/21/16 16:25 07/22/16 10:40 EPA 300.0 08/18/16 07/26/16 23:54 07/26/16 23:54 EPA 350.1 08/18/16 07/26/16 07:10 07/26/16 09:35 EPA 353.2 07/23/16 12:40 07/22/16 13:52 07/22/16 15:58 EPA 353.2 04/16/19 07/27/16 13:54 07/27/16 14:13 EPA 365.4 08/18/16 07/22/16 08:25 07/25/1614:10 SM 2540C-1997 07/28/16 07/26/16 10:34 07126/16 10:34 SM 5220D-1997 08/18/16 07/26/16 15:39 07/26/16 18:00 SM 5310B-2000 08/18/16 07/28/16 12:00 07/28/16 13:00 Client ID: R-SA Lab ID: CZ10778-03REI Sampled: 07/21/16 12:40 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/rime(s) EPA 353.2 O6/18/16 07/27/16 07:40 07/27/16 11:32 DNAL Tnis report relates only to me sample as received by me laboratory, and may only be reproduced In fun. PagE! 2 Of 5 w .encalabsxom SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE " client ID: R-4 Lab IDI CZ10778-04 Sampled: 07/21/16 13:25 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Parameter Hold Date/Timetsl Prep Date/Timetsl Analvsis Date/Timefsl Colilert IS 0721116 21:20 07/22/16 14:29 07/21/16 16:25 0722/16 10:40 EPA 300.0 08/18/16 07/27/16 00:08 07/27/16 00:08 EPA 350.1 08/18/16 0726/16 07:10 0726116 09:37 EPA 353.2 0723/16 13:25 07/22/16 13:52 0722/1616:00 EPA 353.2 08/18/16 07/27/16 07:40 07/27/16 10:41 EPA 353.2 04/16/19 07/27/16 13:54 07/27/16 14:13 EPA 365.4 08/18/16 07/22/16 08:25 07/25/16 14:11 SM 2540C-1997 0728116 07/26/16 10:34 07/26/16 10:34 ' SM 5220D-1997 08/18/16 07/26/16 15:39 0726/16 18:00 SM 53108-2000 08/18/16 07/28/16 12:00 07/28/16 13:00 HNA This report relates only the sample as received by 0u: labocatuy, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 3 Of 15 Wilk �� W W W.encolabs.conn SAMPLE DETECRON SUMMARY Client ID: MW-4 Lab ID: CZ10778-01 Analyte Resu is Flag MDL POL Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 10 10 mg/L SM 522OD-1997 Chloride 26 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Cofform, Fecal 28 1.0 1.0 MPN/100 mL Colilert 18 Nitrate as N 9.5 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Sulfate as SO4 4.1 3 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 78 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carton 0.50 3 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5330B-2000 Client ID: 14W-4 Lab ID: CZ10778-01RE1 Anal Results Flaa LLS POLUnits Method Notes itraN Nitrate/Nitrite as 9.5 D 0.80 2.0 mg/L EPA 353.2 Client ID: R-6 Lab ID: CZ10778.02 Anatvte Resul Flag MDL C4S Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 54 10 10 mg/L SM 5220D-1997 Nitrate as N 0.062 1 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.062 3 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphonss 0.084 1 0.025 0.10 M91L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 19 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 310 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 16 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5330B-2000 Client ID: R-6 Lab ID: CZ10778-02RE1 Analyte Results Elm MDL POLUnits Method Notes Ammonia as N 4.0 D 0.22 0.50 mg/L EPA 350.1 Chloride 140 D 4.4 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 Client ID: R-SA Lab ID: CZ10778-03 Analyte Results Iraq MDL POL Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 80 10 30 mg/L SM 5220D-1997 Chloride 33 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Colifonn, Fecal 310 10 10 MPN/100 mL Colilert 18 Nitrate as N 3.4 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 2.4 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 20 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 96 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 4.1 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5310E-2000 Client ID: R-SA Lab ID: CZ10778-03RE1 Anal Res 1 Flact f1O, POL Units Method Notes Nltate/Nltrlte as N 3.4 D 0.20 0.50 mg/L EPA 353.2 Client ID: R-4 Lab ID: CZ10778-04 Amalyte Results FLaq MDL POL Units Method Notes Ammonia as N 0.067 1 0.045 0.10 mg/L EPA 350.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand 59 10 10 mg/L SM 522OD-1997 Chloride 65 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as N 0.056 1 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitinte as N 0.056 1 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 1.8 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 12 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 140 50 50 mg/L SM 2S40C-1997 Total Organic Carbon 9.8 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 531OB-2000 FIN& This report relates only W the sample as received by the laboratory and may only be reomduam! In full. Page4Of15 D wr .encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: MW-4 Lab Sample ID: CZ10778-01 Received: 07/21/1616:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 07/21/16 11:20 Work Order: CZ30778 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Chemistry Parameters Analvte ICAS Numberl Results Rao- Units DF MDL POL Batch Method Analwed 9y Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]1 < 0.045 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6G26001 EPA 350.1 07/26/16 09:31 JU Chemical Oxygen Demand- 10 mg/L 1 10 10 6G25031 SM 522OD-1997 07/25/16 17:52 30G Chloride[16887.00.6]- 26 mg/L 1 2.2 5.0 6G26019 EPA300.0 07126/1623:26 MKS Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A 9.5 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G27037 EPA 353.2 07/27/16 14:13 JU Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 9.5 'D mg/L 19.5 0.80 2.0 6G27004 EPA 353.2 07/27/1611:30 ILI Nitrite as N[34797-65-0]A <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G22036 EPA 353.2 07/22/1615:54 ILI Phosphorus [7723-14-0]A < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G22002 EPA 365.4 07/2511614:07 ILI Sulfate as 504 134808-79-81- 4.1 1 mg/L 1 2.9 - 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/26/16 23:26 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 78 mg/1- 1 50 50 6G26009 SM 2546C-1997 07126/1610:34 MMR Analvte rCAS Numberl Resul Flag Units pF M Batch Method Analwed N Note Celiforrn, Fecal- 28 MPNI100 1 1.0 6G22027 Corilert 18 07/22/16 30:40 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analvte ICAS Numberl Results Flan Units PE 1MDD , PPOL Batch Method Analyzed AM Notes Total Organic Carbon- 0.50 J mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G28008 SM 531OB-2000 07/28/1613:00 SIR Description: R-6 Lab Sample ID:CZ10778-02 Received: 07/2.1/16 16:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/21/16 12:10 Work Order: CZ10778 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL lClassical Chemistry Parameters ^-EAYV Cary rer6'fiadaw4ta/AC 5911 Analvte rCAS Numberl Resul[s Fig Units DF MDL POL Batch Method Analwed AV Notes Ammonia as N 17664-41-71A 4.0 D mg/L 5 6.22 0.50 6G26001 EPA 350.1 07/26/1610:43 ILI Chemical Oxygen Demand- 54 mg/L 1 10 10 6G25031 SM 522OD-1997 07/25/16 17:52 10C Chloride[16887-00-6]- 140 D mg/L 2 4.4 10 6G26019 EPA 300.0 0712711609:41 MKS Nitrate as N[34797-55-8]- 0.062 1 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G27037 EPA 353.2 07/27/1614:13 ILI Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 0.062 3 mg/L 1 0.G41 0.10 6G27004 EPA 353.2 07/27/1610:39 ILI Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A < 0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G22036 EPA 353.2 07/22/16 15:56 ILI Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A 0.084 3 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6G22002 EPA 365.4 07/25/1614:08 JL] Sulfate as 504 [34808-79-8]A 19 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/26/16 23:40 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 310 mg/L 1 50 50 6G26009 SM 25MC-1997 07/2611610:34 MMR Microbiological Parameters Analvte rCAS Numberl Results F aa' Units DF POL PatchMethod BDalwed Am Notes Coliform, Fecal- - < 1.0 MPN/100 1 1.6 6G22027 Colilert 18 07122/1610:40 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters . A -E Co dyaMore red aMW[AC 4241 Analvte ICAS Numberl Results FFlaa Units IDE 'MDL PPOL "atch Method Analyzed @y Notes Total Organic CarbonA 16 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G28008 SM 5310B-2000 07/2811613:00 SIR FlIUL This report relates o* to the ample as received by the labma y, and may only be reproduced W U. r Page 5 of 15 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: R-5A Lab Sample ID:CZ10778-03 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 07/21/16 12:40 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte [CAS Numberl Ammonia as N [7664-41-71A Chemical Oxygen DemandA Chloride[16887-00-6]A Nitrate as N [14797-SS-B]A Nitrate/Nitrite as NA Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A Sulfate as SO4 [14808.79-8]A Total Dissolved Solids - Parameters Analyte rCASNumberl Coliform, FeralA Llassical Chemistry Parameters ^ - F Odandor fxrdavy[JW 424) AnaMe rCAS Numberl Total Organic CarbonA Description: R4 Matrix: Ground Water Project: Sager Foods-MWs Classical Chemistry Parameters Anahite rCAS Numberl Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A Chemical Oxygen Demand^ Chloride [16887-00-6]A Nitrate as N [14797-55-11 Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ Nitrite as N [34797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723.14-0]A Sulfate as SO4 [14808.79-8]A Total Dissolved Solids - Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Colifonn, Fecal^ Results Flac Units < 0.045 mg/L 80 mg/L 33 mg/L 3.4 mg/L 3.4 D mg/L <0.017 mg/L 2.4 mg/L 20 mg/L 96 mg/L SNS www.encolabs.com Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Work Order: CZ10778 DF MDL ]Q Batch Method Analyzed BII Notes 1 0.045 0.10 6326001 EPA 350.1 07126/1609:35 JU 1 10 30 6G26037 SM 522OD-1997 07/26/16 18:00 JOC 1 2.2 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/26/16 23:54 MKS 1 0.025 0.10 6G27037 EPA 353.2 07/2711614:13 JU 5 0.20 0.50 6G27004 EPA 353.2 07/27/1611:32 JU 1 0.017 0.10 6G22036 EPA 353.2 07/22/1615:58 JU 1 0.025 0.10 6G22002 EPA 365.4 07125/1614:10 JU 1 2.9 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/26/1623:54 MKS 1 50 50 6G26009 SM 254OC-1997 07/26/16 10:34 MMR Results Flan Units DF POL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 310 MPN/100 10 10 6G22027 Colilert 18 07/22/16 10:40 RAY mL Resul Hart Units DF MDI, POL Batch Method Analwed By Notes 4.1 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G28008 SM 531OB-2000 07/28/16 13:00 SIR Lab Sample ID:CZ10778-04 Received: 07/21/16 16:00 Sampled: 07/21/16 13:25 Work Order: CZ10778 Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Resul ,Raq Units 0.067 J mg/L 59 mg/L 65 mg/L 0.056 J mg/L 0.056 J mg/L < 0.017 mg/L 1.8 mg/L 12 mg/L 140 mg/L Resul FFaq Units < 30 MPN/100 mL DIP Mal. PPS Batch Method Analwed By Notes 1 0.045 0.10 5G26001 EPA 350.1 07/26/16 09:37 JU 1 10 10 6G26037 SM 522OD-1997 07/26/16 18:00 JOC 1 2.2 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/27/1600:08 MKS 1 0.025 0.10 6G27037 EPA 353.2 07127/1614:13 JU 1 0.041 0.10 61327004 EPA 353.2 07127/1610:41 JU 1 0.017 0.10 6G22036 EPA 353.2 07/2211616:00 JU 1 0.025 0.10 6G22002 EPA 365.4 07/25/16 14:11 JU 1 2.9 5.0 6G26019 EPA 300.0 07/27/16 00:08 MKS 1 50 50 6G26009 SM 254OC-1997 07/26/16 10:34 MMR DF EQS Batch Method Analyzed AM Note 30 _ 10 6G22027 Coldert 18 07/22/16 10:40 RAY (Classical Chemistry Parameters ' ^-E L41a,Moe fi9dan WirC 4241 Analyte MAS Numberl Results1j_aq Units DF MDDL POI, Batch ethod Analwed ft Nates Total Organic CarbonA 9.8 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6G28008 SM 53103-2000 07/28/1613:00 SIR FINAL 7nisreportrelatesonlywthesampleasreceivedbymelaboatwy,andmayonlybereproducedinfull. Page6Of15 EIiL V 1iwlv.encolabs,com - QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G22002 - Same - Blank (6G22002-BLK3) Prepared: 07/22/2016 08:25 Analyzed: 07125/201613:41 Spike Source ^/oREC RPD :Anal 1d¢ Result Elm EM Units Level Result %REC i n RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10, mg/L ' LCS (6G22002-851) Prepared: 07/22/2016 08:25 Analyzed: 07/25/201613:43 - .t Spike Source %REC . RPD :Ana 02e Result flag PGL' Units -Level Result -/oREC Limits RPD I)=m(t Notes Phosphorus 1.6 '0.10 mg/I. 1.60 98 8D-120 Matrix Spike (6G22002-MS3) Prepared: 07/22/2016 08:25 Analyzed: 07/25/203fi 13:44' " Source: CZ10034.01 ' -_ - - Spike Source - %REC RPD .Anaivte Resul Dag POL Units Level Result -1 REC Limits RPD Lftili Notes Phoslahoms 15 D 4.0 ,mg/L 0.640 15 69 80-120 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (6G22002-MSD1) '• - Prepared: 07/22/2016 08:25 Analyzed: 07/25/2016 13:46' Source: CZ10(l , - Spike - Source %REC 'RPD ' Anaivte Result Flan "PGL Units Level Result %REC " j iL mils RPD Lill( Note5- Phcspharas "' 15 D 4.0 mg/L 0.640 15 72- 80-120 0.1 25 QM-07 Batch 69722036 - NO PREP Blank (6G22036-BLKl) Prepared: 07/22/201613:52 Analyzed: 07/22/201615:52 _ Spike Source %REC RPD, Anal vte Result Dag EQL Units 4Level Result °/oREC'• Limits RPD Limit Note Nitrite_ as N 0,017 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (61322036-851) Prepared: 07/22/2016 13:52 Analyzed: 07/22/2016 15:32 Spike Source '^/oREC RPD .Ana DRE - ResuR Elam - EQL units. Level Result, ' %REC Limits RPD Lifflit lyotes Nitrite as N - 0.99 0.10 mg/L 1.00 99 , 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G22036-MS3) Prepared: 07/22/2016 13:52 Analyzed: 07/22/201615:53 ' Spike ,Source ^/oREC RPD Analvte Result Dag E46 Units 'Level ..Resin[ °/oREC" units' RPD lilitift Notes - Nitrite asN 1.0 . 0.10 m9/L 1.00_ ' 0.017U 100 90-110 Matrix Spike(6G22036-MS2)' '• Prepared: 07/22/2016 13:52 Analyzed; 07122/201615:57 - Source: CZ10778.02 _ - ' � Spike Source %REC RPD ,ADaBdc Result Eau TRL Units Level Result' %REC Limits RPD tLlt Note_ Nitrite as N -0.94 0.10 mg/L 1.00 • 0.017 U 94 90-130 - Matrix Spike Drop (6G22036-MSDI) Prepared: 07/22/2016 13:52 Analyzed: 07/22/201615:55• Source: CZ10778-01 ` Anal Re Nitrite as N Batch 6G25031- Same RNAL Spike Source %REC RPD Resul . Dap PQL Units , Level Result a/ REC Limits RPD Lima Notes - 1.0 - 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.017U 102 9D-110-- 1 10 ., This report relates.1y to Ne sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. P89E!7.Of CJ FlililiJV tuhuw.emnlabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters- Quality Control ' Batch 6G25031 -Same-Continued Blank (6G25031-BLKi) Prepared:. 07/25/201615:10 Analyzed: 07/25/2016 17:52 1. Spike Source -%REC RPD .Anal dda Result Elan NQL Units Level Resul %REC Limits -RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 U 10 mg/L LCS (6G25031-BS3) Prepared: 07/25/2016 15:10 Analyzed: 07/25/2016 17:52 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Besult flag, P.OL „ uDILs Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 490 10 mg/L 5110 98 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G25031-MSI) . • Prepared: 07/25/201615:10 Analyzed: 071251201617:52 Source: CZ05792-01 ' Spike Source %REC RPD Anaivte Resell Fag PQL Units Level Result %REC. Limits , RPD LIp111 lids Chemical Oxygen Demand 2900 40 mg/L 20M 960 97 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6G25031-MSD1) - Prepared: 07/25/2016 15:30 Analyzed: 07/25/2016 17:52 Source: CZGS792-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD Ana lxte Result Ebgi EOL Units. Level Result .. %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 2900 40 mg/L 2000 960 96 _ 9D-110 ' 0.9. 10 Balch 6G26001- NO PREP , Blank (6G26001-BLKi) Prepared: 07/26/2016 07:10 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 08:19 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result_ ila_4 P41. .Llaim Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as - 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G26001-BSI) Prepared: 07/26/2016 07:10 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 08:21 ' - Spike Source %REC RPD .Ana hOe Result 9a9 PD1 units Level Result - %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.98 0.10 mg/L 0.989 100 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G26001-MS1) Prepared: 07/26/2016 07:10 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 08:23 Source: CZ07874-02 - Spike Source %REC RPD Analv[e Result Elan. PUL U&M Level Result °/.REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.37 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 96 90-110 Matrix Spike(6GZ6001-MS2) Prepared: 07/261201607:10 Analyzed: 07/26/201608:31 - Source: CZ10203-01 Spike Source %REC RPD ..Anal f2g Resu1L Flag P.OL units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as 3.0 0.20 mg/L 0.792 2.4 86 90-110 QM-07 i Analvte Ammonia as N Batch 6G26009 - NO PREP Spike Source %REC RPD Resul EIaD ROL - Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD imi 0.36 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 94 90-110 2 30 Notes FltUL. This reNdrd esordylothemnpleasreceivedbythelx6wetory.andmayonlyberepmducedInPon. Page 8 of 15 0 ' www.encolabs.com . QUALrry CONTROL DATALD Classical Chemistry Parameters -Quality Control Batch 6G26009 - NO PREP -Continued Blank (6G26009-BLK1) - Prepared &Analyzed: 07/26/201610:34 -' Spike Source %REC RPD ' Anetvte - Resul Hag PQL _= Units Level Resul[ %REC Limits RPD Lima Notes Total Dissolved Solids 50 U 50 mg/L LCS (6G26009-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/26/2016 10:34 - - - Spike Source %REC RPD Ana lvte Result Hag POL units Level Result %REC Limits RPD 111 iiS Notes Taml Dissolved Solids 970 50 mg/L 3000 97 90.110 Source: CZ10458-01 Spike Source %REC RPD - Anaivte Result Had POL Unit% Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 260 100 mg/L 310 - 18 20 Batch 6G26019 - NO PREP . Blank (6G26019.0LK1) Prepared & Analyzed' 07/26/2016 20:13 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana hRe Result Hag POL Liam Level Result %REC Limits its RPD Lima Now Chloride - 2.2 U 5.0 mg/L - Sullate w 504 2.9 U 5.0 mg/L - LCS (6G26019-BSI) °- Prepared & Analyzed: 071261201619:03 Spike. Source %REC, RPD Anal vM Result Hag P.QL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD - Limi Notes Chloride 55 5.0 mg/L 50.0 110 90.110 - + Sulfate as SO4 53 5.0 mg/L 50.0 107 9D-110 Matrix Spike(6G26019-MS3) .. - Prepared& Analyzed: 07/261201619:17 Source: CZ10233-13 = Spike Source %REC - RPD - Analvte Resell Hag P41 Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD- Limit Notes Sulfate as SO4 24 5.0 mg/L 20.0 3=9 98 90-510 Matrix Spike(6G26019-MS2) - - -Prepared&Analyzed: 07/26/201619:45 -- Source: CZ10233-15 Spike Source %REC RPD .9nalyte Result Hag PQ1 units Level Result -/oREC Moil RPD Limit Notes Chloride - 30 5.0 mg/L 20.0 - 9.2 106 90-110 Sulfate as SO4 ' 34 5.0 mg/L 20.0 13 106 90-110 Matrix Spike(6G26019-MS3) Prepared& Analyzed: 07/26/201620:26 ' Source: CZ10233-13RE1 - . Spike Source %REC RPD Anaivte - Result flag PQL -Units Level Result %RECLim! . RPD Limit Notes Chloride - - - 170 10 ' mg/L 40.0 120 ..108 90-11.0, - Matrix Spike Dup (6G26019-MSD3) - Prepared &Analyzed:. 07/261201619:31 Source: CZ10233-13 ' Spike Source 0/oREC - RPD Anal 1R0 Result Ham PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits- RPD Limit Notes Sulfate as SO4 24 5.0- .mg/L 20.0 3.9 98 90-110 0.005 10 FINAL This report relates onlyto the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In run. Page 9. OT 5 r ' Be NS huww.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G26019 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike Dup(6G26019-MSD3) Prepared.& Analyzed:, 071261201620:40 , Source: CZ10233-13RE3 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Dag COL units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chloride 170 10 mg/L 40.0 120 109 90-110 0.2 10 Batch 6G26037-Same Blank (6G26037-BLKI) Prepared: 07/26/2016 15:39 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 18:00 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Hag POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD MEIJI Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 U 10 mg/L _ _ - LCS (6G26037-BS1) Prepared: 07/26/2016 15:39 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 18:00 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana lY[4 Result Hall P-Ol. units Level Result ^/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand Soo 30 mg/L 500 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G26037-M51) Prepared: 07/26/2016 15:39 Analyzed: 07/26/2016 18:00 Source: CZ10232-07 Spike Source %REC RPD ' Anal vM Result Hag P OL SWtS Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD 1_IVIa Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 540 10 mg/L 526 10 U 103 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6G26037-MSD3) Prepared: 07/261201615:39 Analyzed: 07/26/201618:00 Source: CZ10232-07 - Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analid; Result Hag PD1 units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Lima Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 540. - 30 mg/L 526 10 U 103 90-110 0.4 10 - Batch 6G27004 - NO PREP Blank(6G27004-BLKI) Prepared: 07/27/2016 07:40 Analyzed: 07/27/2 016 10:03 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal v[e Result Hag COL units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Link Notes Nitrate/Nilrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L , LCS (6627004-BSI) Prepared: 07/27/2016 07:40 Analyzed: 07/27/2016 09:56 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vM Result Hag PAL units Level Result %REC Llml[s RPD MITIM Notes Nitiate/Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.25 95 90-110 Matrix Spike (6G27004-MS1) Prepared: 07/27/2016 07:40 Analyzed: 07/27/201610:05 Source: CZ07799-01 - Spike Source 0/oREC . RPD Ana lvte Result Hag M units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Rotes_ Ni6ate/Nitrite as N 93 10 mg/L 50.0 49 89 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (6G270G4-MS2) Prepared: 07/27/2016 07:40 Anah/zed: 07/27/2016 10:14 Source: CZ07869-02 - Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Hag P.41 units Level Resut[ %REC Limits RPD MMA Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as 41 2.5 mg/L 12.5 27 109 9D-110 . FINAL Tins report relates only to the sample as rewe ed by latoatory, and my only be repmduced In fug. r Page 10 of 15 e 16 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G27004 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (6G27004-MSDI) Prepared: 07/27/2016 07:40 Analyzed: 07/27/2016111: is Source: CZ07799-01 Spike, Source 0/oREC RPD Anal v[e Result Elan EOL Units Level Result ^/REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 98 10 mg/L 50.0 49 98 90-110 5 10 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G22027- NO PREP Blank (6G22027-BLK3) Prepared: 07/21/201616:25 Analyzed: 07122/201610:40. Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result flag PQL Units level Result %REC ' Limits RPD ling Notes Colifonn, Fetal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 mL Duplicate(6G22027-DUPE) Prepared: 07/21/2016 14:30 Analyzed: 07/22/201610:40 Source: CZ07874-03 • Spike Source %REC RPD. Analvte Result Elan E01 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD -1 nit Notes Coliform, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 1.0 U 25 — mL Duplicate (6G22027-DUP2) Prepared: 07121/201616:25 Analyzed: 07/22/201610:40 Source: CZ10778-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Elan PM units Level Result ^/REC Limits RPD Lima Notes Coliform, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 28 25 mL Classical Chemistry Parameters- Quality Control _ Batch 6628008 - NO PREP Blank (6G28008-BLKI) Prepared: 07/28/2016 12:00 Analyzed: 07/28/2016 13:00 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Elm E01 units Level Result %.REC Limits RPD Flynt Notes Total Organic Carbon 0.34 U 1.0 mg/L LCS (6G28008-BSI) Prepared: 07/28/2016 12:00 Analyzed: 07/28/2016 13:00 " Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa EQL Ynits Level Result %.REC Limits RPD Muft Notes Total Organic Carbon 42 1.0 mg/L 40.0 105 85-115 Matrix Spike (6G28008-MS3) Prepared: 07/28/2016 12:00 Analyzed: 07/28/2016 13:00 Source: AZ05089-15 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal iRe Result Elan PKIL hilts Level Result %REC Limits RPD Unlit Notes Total Organic Carbon 42 1.0 mg/L 40.0 0.34U 104 85-115 _ Matrix Spike Dup (6G28008-MSDI) Prepared: 07/28/2016 12:00 Analyzed: 07/28/2016 13:00 Source: AZ05089-15 Spike Source °/oREC RPD Anal v[e Result flan E" Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD imat Notes Total Organic Carbon 42 1.0 mg/L 40.0 0.34 U 105 85-115 0.5 21 OII& mis report relates only to the sample as nxeNei by the labwatmy, and may only be reproduced In full. r Page 11 Of 15 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDQ and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the Instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQQ and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported.. . QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. RN& thIs reiaca relates; only W the sample as received by Me Laorawry, am! may only be naImoducm In full. Page 12 Of 15 st Sam le Chain -.Of,.Q-.,u - od'- 'Form p y 'Acct#. WA613 Preloa 4-',. 4lient �kASTEWATER fAAN6GEMffNTI LLC PeojeqqlR Contact: _,RAN]DALL JARRELL Requited TAT; 'SWP-Tq: :ERO--C6ntpq(:. Pitisbf)r(S.-NC 27312 P:O. Box 578� Pittslkrd, qQ27312, 6V OS39.' Sa]6r F66di 4AW9� i. stepll - ani6 Fran:, 102+A VJoodwm4Industrial Court Pitigboro, NC C�hi6ridi300,'C'OD',SM5220D.,�FCbI jct4��Wt-T— ft.IW - 351i. NOX �3631 1 P',�'Sdlfate--3DDjD8 SIV.2540C . Containevs: 11- 25OmLP*H2SO4,,-.2 =Aomt.AV+HVO4,1 - SGOmLP ;6210330--66 _--j(-Lj . 12 I - �- -4 � SA CZ10336-04 ,CZjO- :05 Analyses; Ammonia 3501 -Chloride 3bb, .66D S'522OD. FCbll. NOX353.2, P Sulfate 30D.jDS-SPl2540G-. TOC.-SM53106.' containeik T- 250rfi[-P*WS04,240rhLAV+H3PO4., I 500mLP Ahaty.ses. Ammonia ik.f, bil6ii'd6'3b6 ; C&S,,,15226D'C--'oli " 3$1,2.,Ndk�353.2. !-Sulfate TDSV124' P-06 TOC SM531 00 250r&R+O2504,.;2-1' -40rhLAV.+H3P041, I 500iiil-P Ana 363.2,. c 'W5220b: FC6F':,'.P ,Sulfate 3 0:� TM §M!2�40C ob' ate C) .0§*66r sI; f -?qOP+H .mL2S 4 ' ,rq�Ayt�3p�_Qj:. -I - K in.LP I 1 .11 Ir..- -�q An,t ses! Ammonia 366.i, chibrid630b,COD Ammonia �16S-,SM2546t. TOd,SK ' 463'10B Nit . rate as:N,3532 NitrateCatc3532 Nitrife;as'N, 353 2. -NOX1353.2 bonta-inirs,i'- 250ml:RiH'2&04v-tdOmLP P —77-1 age 13.of 15 Sample Chain, of Custody Form £cnifi!idn: •�:,;opla4r'o Unaccoprabi@ OC r 'fenyz '- ne+lq,lu�s' d +r.• ,Rucdive; 9,t Al Da[e!tste: Gui+'s•:Jr 14n•a mTelob 198'I eG1Cr�tCn •G RBbdrYn q44 d3 rngJ(Y. bl lilO EPA r qe= L,da mldmdmn[rren•n g711:n ntlora!:eT La ICilIJf [ble.a UU Y:TIT i•T 'UrSn'Nh Lh6f lu 4ac' �CnaT II,Feg pra:er.4d wersern. me eautan n:;Wmi�n nw•s lrr_Inn!•D4 ceee.J lrw=clx+.�maV�gn eefwnpc.nmlln«^n ev p-i aVBela: Caiinl unl::cf maui+a:Y�tlaul-tlz'a: trtaanuVre,r,a;aP'dba.:«esmaYnss.eos ua ome:ahrraa Si-+i;c-:uLc'riyt5r+--G+n¢n;rp:aenectlllrci <tmosema:unaia II ✓ :m a'ipels"a rasp=r:ab•Lly W er"sue CviI3 saTP+'3`v4 P4LkAtl irl5YL'1 a n:«nwnd pevun: fiieelapa aiid IMCbA/ il.Unra:SmDa,e'we c m2il+'aute'Stum;, tW_ J^ I v G' pt na t.!urpY'dIwH D'3lLgGtbe?•ril:CuC3]i^n]i351Le:Y9 sSY rit IGTOp•N'hc:•10'a WplH gxr::Ui<fIn�11+4!rJ'B!E]M nDlo!rvnooi l9EC�n!alh6Ke�l •rC+la4 bc: Pa IyJNi.•I �f.'1 -a�tven++u nV.d b'1rn4 iFe tu91a.6•n;a�39cnr.3cti val=r er"y � In«inlmmnta b2_n&epFECAItitOn(iR1'STFt E61Eyi1'SC tcYll'1.'Ip;(cnValnes••:a LnScp GIL'c.t•hc4.•re!a LJ rr,Rgn•, uia(s o Farp;gnlun-I-u,+�5bt..=r arie;iSoa3a r-kidw!nu! d-dYIC5te1{O saivi,Lrn!ersieMt - Gall ,m YlJrrl • IfGI iydcal e.-o6-S7RCy ACi['RreN Wn+na ryeau^U li cnr•n?J n.oen fw.h pHePatla a}, io�nW yu-:pwa•hi - IINU� N_ Int; le} SiRUR(.Y.CIO aSRI?M1G OgIG!2Ef T.J�n.,a .nn-r,.e:a•tp Irs rape la tr tl 1 ab blf tde of ae lRmaomislp x+enwJrc,•,. I ITPi:1 PY •ph.nc.V:•STROYOAC!D'Ave onfwayiec 'na 11 cnla[I I•nn:a.:AonW aUpaas lnnnrl dtcy iT ual• H"SO?::Sl w' /�,J-SLHOM1J:✓'ID'Frpltl V+13rq oar—�u II -nud lama furyfiae:.:Na lir n ma:cl/ka: ritil Ar.M:,C A•.ubuA.A eAYCIea/.Il dnd FyH W,da it cn:aa s818dtlf[u{I:CIJv.b}ffns};In.Ta la bA6L• 2 >.c'%PnuA pla R .`: fkm vx'oynwd;+t It ccinaZ i9n 11r..n 0.YGtladw nine ::cYnln i r gfitSUs dapn nbal.'rn t c:d+hmunenyc� set Irw 6'iFf?Cu,P lIIa1 C4ei. JS TYr y2t Iywln .Ci Page 14 of 15 .lndd"SndLmHt.jc. SSPO iG CAUSTIC A.d¢n and 0'&no a.l if ern tgratl4 fi 'I ol'pe.iiera mvn�eS: Qw•ff..r'e•: &'-Oh (hR�+OI-.AvnCS navl eye to(i! ZI Ncmlueos ma..p fuch cxaGoe ar �nad:y�y imwa!eI Work Oder., .CZ10778 Project: Sager Foods=MM Client MANAGEMENT; LLC (WADi3) P- "060k, [none1 Logged ^In: 27Ju1.16 16t25 Logged By;' AndreW S;Coons CZ10778=1H' Cool 7yp RQeuliertieph p H JusteA ReaBentl9sad/GommeMs-- nay Ju to A 250mLP+H2504 �2 Y N /; NA' -Y !. N NA '6Z10778-02 iqeVk.W-clat! s "t4f-�.'j1"i5�+`D8 IB'sZ+ JI'i'1. r`�{ .-..f—'.�wa aL Y' ..�L� 1F-'�'.f.�? YWrB,I�VIIi{ �.N}..yy{IIf.W.3.�i (_ Y.•�.�n•+. �r7A L'{Bdh'r+� � �v. ^�: -k1* vY3 { .� ti N . l.. A 2505jLP+H2SO4. Q Y'! N ! NA: Y`J N. NA iCZ1U778-03 'Coot Tie ��� �;. �`{`:��"_� � �+RBaulretne�° §Sf��t�l�_., .�r�.�r<s,;��1d'�ust®d._�^' _,���w_ ���-�z:��i�,��•r� .«f A 250mLP+H2SO4_; �2 Y N,.f,NA Y� N5'NA, CZ10778�04 A 26dm" L.P+H2SO4_ <2: Y N. ! NA- -Y kN `.NA, ENCO Labora'" ' nes Accurate.. ` Timely. Responsive. 'Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 , Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -MWs ENCO Workorder(s): CZ11137 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, July 28, 2016. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me: Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) KIM This report relates only to the sample as recened by the labsratowy, and may only be reproduced in fur. Page 1 Oi` 14 1 .encolabsxom SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client IO: MW-R9 lab ID: CZ11137-01 Sampled: 07/28/16 12:15 Received: 07/28/16 16:30 Parameter Hold Date/7mefsl Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) Cnlilert 18 07/28/16 20:10 07/29/16 14:39 07/28/16 16:35 07/29/16 10:55 EPA 300.0 08/25/16 OB/06/16 13:31 08/06/16 13:31 EPA 350.1 08/25/16 08/02/16 07:06 08/02/16 09:57 EPA 353.2 07/30/16 12:15 07/29/16 12:03 07/29/16 12:03 EPA 353.2 08/25/16 08/05/16 07:15 08/05/16 10:56 EPA 353.2 04/23/19 08/05/16 15:46 08/05/16 15:46 EPA 365.4 08/25/16 07/29/16 09:05 08/O1/16 12:58 SM 2540C-1997 08/04/16 08/01/16 14:30 08/01/16 14:30 SM 5220D-1997 08/25/16 08/01/16 17:48 08102J36 11:55 SM 5310B-2000 08/25/16 08/05/16 01:53 08/05/16 12:49 Client ID: MW-111 lab ID: CZ11137-02 Sampled: 07/28/16 12:55 Recelved: 07/28/16 16:30 Parameter Hold Date/7mefsl Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) Cpflert 18 07/28/16 20:50 07/29/16 14:39 07/28/16 16:35 07/29/16 10:55 EPA 300.0 08/25/16 08/D9/16 07:43 08/09/16 22:13 EPA 350.1 08/25/16 08/02/16 07:06 08/02/16 10:03 EPA 353.2 07/30/16 12:55 07/29/16 12:06 07/29/16 12:06 EPA 353.2 08/25/16 08/05/16 07:15 08/05/16 10:57 EPA 353.2 04/23/19 08/05/16 15:46 08/05/16 15:46 EPA 365.4 08/25/16 07/29/16 09:05 08/O1/16 12:59 SM 2540C-1997 O8/04116 08/01/16 14:30 08/01/16 14:30 SM 5220D-1997 08/25/16 08/01/16 17:48 08/0Z/16 11:55 SM 5310B-2000 08/25/16 08/05/16 01:53 08/05/16 12:49 Client ID: MW-2A Lab ID: CZ11137-03 Sampled: 07/28/16 13:25 Received: 07/28/16 16:30 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(sl GoElert 18 07/28/16 21:20 07/29/16 14:39 07/28/16 16:35 07/29/16 10:55 EPA 300.0 08/25/16 08/09/16 07:43 08/09/16 22:27 EPA 350.1 08/25/16 08/02/16 07:06 08/02/16 10:05 EPA 353.2 07/30/16 13:25 07/29/16 •12:08 07/29/16 12:08 EPA 353.2 08/25/16 08/05/16 07:15 08/05/16 1058 EPA 353.2 04/23/19 08/05/16 15:46 08/05/16 15:46 EPA 365.4 0825116 07/29/16 09:05 08/O1/16 12:36 SM 2540C-1997 08/04/16 08/01/16 14:30 08/01/16 14:30 SM 5220D-1997 08/25/16 08/01/16 17:48 08/02/16 11:55 SM 53103-2000 08/25/16 08/05/16 01:53 08/05/16 12:49 Client ID: R-3 Lab ID: CZ11137.04 Sampled: 07/28/16 14:05 Received: 07/28/16 16:30 Parameter Hold Date/Timefsl Prep Date/7mefsl Analysis DateTime(sl COEIert 18 07/28/16 22:00 07/29/16 14:39 07/28/16 16:35 07/29/16 10:55 EPA 300.0 0825/16 08/09/16 07:43 08/09/16 22:41 EPA 350.1 08/25/16 08/02/16 07:06 08/02/16 10:07 EPA 353.2 07/30/16 14:05 07/29/16 12:09 07/29/16 12:09 EPA 353.2 04/23/19 08/05/16 15:46 08/05/16 15:46 EPA 365.4 08/25/16 07/29/16 09:05 08/01/16 12:37 SM 2540C-1997 08/04/16 08/01/16 14:30 08/01/16 14:30 SM 5220D-1997 08/25/16 08/01/16 17:48 08/02/16 11:55 SM 5310B-2000 08/25/16 08/05/16 01:53 08/05/16 12:49 Parameter Hold Date/7mefsl Prep Date/rime(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 300.0 08/25/16 08/09/16 07:43 08/10/16 09:15 EPA 353.2 08/25/16 08/05/16 07:15 08/05/16 11:58 HNn . This report relates only to the sample as received by the bbomtory, and may only be reproduced in fug. P89O 2' Of 4 W .encolabs.conn SAMPLE.DETECTION SUMMARY ' Client ID: MW-R9 Lab ID: CZ11137-01 na Results Faq IMIPL POL Units Method Notes Chloride 8.0 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 , NibateasN 0.66 0.025 0.10 .m9/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitiita as N 0.66 0.091 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2y Phosphorus - 059 - B 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 _ QB,01 Sulfate as SO4 35 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 60 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 3.9 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5310&2000 Client ID: MW-Rl Lab ID: CZ11137-02 Analyte Results Man M' ' PPOL - Units Method Notes Chemical Oxygen Demand 95 10 30 mg/L SM 5220D-1997 Chloride 16 2.2 - 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as 0.30 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.30 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 1.1 B 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365A Q&01 Sulfate as SO4 18 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 60 50 50 - mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 8.5 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 531OB-2000 Client ID: MW-2A Lab ID: CZ11137-03 ' nal Results Fag MDL M Units Mallb9d No Chloride 68 2.2 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Nitrate as N 0.60 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitiite as N - 0.60 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Phosphorus 0.044 3 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO4 5.7 2.9 5.0 mg/L .EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids 100 50 50 mg/L SM 254OC--1997 Total Organic Carbon 0.92 3 0.34 1.0 mg/L SM 5310E-2000 . Client ID: R-3 Lab ID: CZ31137-04 Anal v[e Results Flint MAL PBL Units .Method Notes Nitrate as N 4.9 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 ' Phosphorus 0.080 1 0.025 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Sulfate as SO9 32 2.9 5.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 Total Dissolved Solids - 250 50 50 . mg/L SM 254OC-1997 Total Organic Carbon 16 0.34 1.0 mg/L - SM 53103-2000 Client ID: R-3 Lab ID: CZ11137-04RE1 Analvte Results lld9 MS EQS Units Method Notes Chloride 120 D 4.4 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 , Nitrate/Nitrite as N 4.9 D 0.20 �0.50 mg/L EPA 353.2 niry This report relates only to the sample as received by he laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. r Page 3 of 14 9 vrWtv.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: MW-R9 Lab Sample ID:CZI1137-01 Received: 07/2811616:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 07/28/16 12:15 Work Order: CZ11137 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Ammonia as N [766441-7]A Chemical Oxygen DemandA Chloride [16887-00-6]A Nitrate as N [14797-55-e]A Nitrate/Nitrite as NA Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A Sulfate as SO4 [34808-79-8]A Total Dissolved SalidsA Parameters Analvte ICAS Number] Colifonn, FecalA Chemistry Parameters Results Flaa Units < 0.045 mg/L < 10 mg/L 8.0 mg/L 0.66 mg/L 0.66 mg/L < 0.017 mg/L 0.59 B mg/L 35 mg/L 60 mg/L DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1 0.045 0.10 6HO2001 EPA 350.1 08/02/16 D9:57 MKS 1 10 10 6H03029 SM 522OD-1997 08/02/16 11:55 JOC 1 2.2 5.0 6HO5022 EPA 300.0 08/0611613:31 MKS 1 0.025 0.10 6HO5044 EPA 353.2 08105/1615:46 MKS 1 0.041 0.10 6HO5002 EPA 353.2 08/05/1610:56 MKS 1 0.017 0.10 6G29015 EPA 353.2 07129/1612:03 JL1 1 0.025 0.10 6G29005 EPA 365.4 08/01/16 12:58 MKS QB-01 1 2.9 5.0 6H05022 EPA 300.0 08/06/1613:31 MKS 1 50 50 6HO1003 SM 254OC-1997 08/01/1614:30 MMR Results Flaa Units ]1F POL Batch et nal a fy Note < 10 MPN/100 30 10 6G29019 Colilert 18 07/29/16 10:55 RAY mL Analvte fCAS Numberl Results fig Uni[s PE MOIL POL Batch Method Analyzed fY Notes Total Organic Carborl 3.9 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6H05003 SM 531OB-2000 08/05/1612:49 RSA Description: MW-RI Lab Sample ID:CZ11137-02 Received: 07/28/1616:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/28116 12:55 Work Order: CZ11137 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Ammonia as N 1766441-7]A Chemical Oxygen Demand - Chloride 116887-00-6]A Nitrate as N 114797-55-8]A Nitrate/Nitrite as NA Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A Sulfate as SO4 [14808-79-8]A Total Dissolved SolidsA Results Flag Units < 0.G45 mg/L 95 mg/L 16 mg/L 0.30 mg/L 030 mg/L < 0.017 mg/L 1.1 B mg/L 18 mg/L 60 mg/L PE MOL POL Batch Method Analwed 6y Notes 1 0.045 0.10 6HO2001 EPA 350.1 08/02/1610:03 MKS 1 10 10 6HO1029 SM 5220D-1997 08/02/1611:55 30C 1 2.2 5.0 61-109004 EPA 300.0 08/09/16 22:13 MKS 1 0.025 0.10 6H05044 EPA 353.2 08/05/1615:46 MKS 1 0.041 0.10 6H05002 EPA 353.2 08/05/16 10:57 MKS 1 0.017 0.10 5G29015 EPA 353.2 07/29/1612:05 JLJ 1 0.025 0.10 6G29005 EPA 365.4 08/01/16 12:59 MKS QB-01 1 2.9 5.0 6H090G4 EPA 300.0 08/09/1622:13 MKS 1 50 50 6HO1003 SM 254OC-1997 08/01/16 14:30 MMR. Microbiological Parameters ^- Sum c2ry oscrrrW .4're INC 5911 Analyte ICAS Numberl Results fig Unit. DF POL Batch Method Ana ed _By Noses Colifonn, FeMIA < 1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G29019 Golilert 18 07/29/16 10:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters ^- 5140 Odando orcUrkofavHta[A 424] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Part Units OF MDL POL Batch Method Analyzed @1t Notes Total Organic CarbonA 8.5 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 GH05003 SM 5310E-2000 08/05/16 12:49 RSA FIN& This report relates Dory to the sample as received try the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in fun. Page 4 Of � 4 ANALYTICAL RESULTS ' Description: MW-2A Lab Sample ID:CZ11137-03 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/28116 13:25 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled. By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical Chemistry Parameters Analyte rCAS Numberl Ammonia as N U664-01-7]A Chemical Oxygen DemandA Chloride116887.00.6]- Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A Nitrate/Nitrite as NA Nitrite as N 114797-65-0]A Phosphorus[7723-14-0]A Sulfate as SO4114808-79-e]A Total Dissolved Solids - Parameters ^-EACU6ryrere'Selana4 Analyte rCAS Numberl Colifonn, FeralA Chemistry Parameters Results F]a4 Units < 0.045 mg/L < 10 mg/L 68 mg/L 0.60 mg/L 0.60 mg/L <0.017 mg/L 0.044 J mg/L 5.7 mg/L 100 mg/L vrww.enculabs.com Received:. 07/28/16 16:30 Work Order: CZ11137 OF Mgt P2 Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1 0.045 0.10 6H02001 EPA 350.1 08/02/1610:05 MKS 1 10 10 6H01029 SM 5220D-1997 08/02/1611:55 JOC 1 2.2 5.0 6H09004 EPA 300.0 08/09/16 22:27 MKS 1 0.025 0.10 6H05044 EPA 353.2 08/05/16 15:46 MKS 1 0.041 0.10 6H05002 EPA 353.2 08105/1610:58 MKS 1 0.017 0.10 6G29015 EPA 353.2 07129/1612:08 JU 1 0.025 0.10 6G29003 EPA 365.4 08/01/1612:36 MKS 1 2.9 5.0 6H09004 EPA 300.0 68/09/1622:27 MKS 1 50 50 6H01003 SM 2540C-1997 08/01/16 14:30 MMR Results Flag Units DE P_OL- Batch Method Analwed @lt Notes < 1.0 MPN/100 1 1.0 6G29019 Corilert 18 07129/1610:55 RAY mL ^-tea Wo eertireanaWl C 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL M Batch Method Total Organic CarbonA 0.92 J mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6H05003 SM 5310B-2000 Description: R-3 Lab Sample ID: CZ11137-04 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:07/28116 14:05 Project: Sager Foods-MWs Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Classical Ahenlsty Parameters Analwed AM Notes 08/05/1612:49 RSA Received: 07/28/16 16:30 Work Order: CZ11137 ^- ENCO Oryc!,VWaw&*, 1/ 5911 Analyte [CAS Numberl Results Ran Units pF MDL POL Batch Method Analyzed Alf Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A < 0.045 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 6H02001 EPA 350.1 08/02/1610:07 MKS Chemical Oxygen DemandA < 10 mg/L 1 10 10 6H01029 SM 5220D-1997 08/02/1611:55 JOC Chloride[36887-00-6]- 120 D mg/L 2 4.4 10 6H09004 EPA 300.0 08/1011609:15 MKS Nitrate as N 114797-55-8]A 4.9 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 6H05044 EPA 353.2 08/05/16 15:46 MKS Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 4.9 D mg/L 5 0.20 0.50 6H05002 EPA 353.2 08/05/16 11:58 MKS Nitrite as N[34797-65-0]^ <0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 6G29015 EPA353.2 07/29/1612:09 JLJ Phosphorus[7723-14-0]- 0.080 J mg/L 1 .0.025 0.10 6G29B03 EPA 365.4 08/01/1612:37 MKS Sulfate as 504114808-79-8]- 32 mg/L 1 2.9 5.0 6H09004 EPA 300.0 08109/I6 22:41 MKS Total Dissolved Solids- 250 mg/L 1 50 50 6H01003 SM 2SQC-1997 08/01/1614:30 MMR Microbiological Parameters A-aw 6rycmri aoawl&C Oil Analyte rCASNumberl Results Flag YJAU PFF PP,L patch Method Analwed AM' Notes Coliform, Fecal- < 1.0 - MPN/100 1 1.0 6G29019 CoLlert 18 07/29116 10:55 RAY mL Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ -ENCO Orlando [,Afiedaru4,I, /AC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units IPF MOIL POL Batch Method nA alwed 9y Note Total Organic Carbon- 26 mg/L 1 0.34 1.0 6H05003 SM 5330B-2000 0810511612:49" RSA RN& This repon relates o* to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be repmduceo In full. I Page 5 OT 14 e i r 1vww.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6G29003 -Same Blank (6G29003-BLK3) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 11:52 Spike Source ^/DREG RPD Anal vice Result flan PQI. .Units Level Result %aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G29003-BSI) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 11:54 Spike Source %REC RPD Avallde Result flan EM units Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 99 80-120 Matrix Spike (6G29003-MS1) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 11:56 Source: CZ07869-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Anaivte Resul Elan Pot Units Level Resu %REC Limits RPD LIM-11 Notes Phosphorus 0.74 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.12 98 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (6G29003-MSD1) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 081011201611:59 Source: CZ07869-02 Spike Source 0/oREC RPD .Anal vte Result Dag PAL units Level Result 0/ REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphoms 0.74 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.12 98 80-120 0.2 25 Batch 6G2900S - Same Blank (6G29005-BLK3) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 12:39 Spike Source %REC RPD Anabd:e Result Elm PQL units Level Resul %aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.038 3 0.10 mg/L LCS (6G29005-BSI) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 12:41 Spike Source 0/aREC RPD Anal ]Qs Result flea POL units Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 B 0.10 mg/L 1.60 103 80-120 Matrix Spike (6G29005-MSI) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08101/201612:43 Source: CZ10629-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Dan C91 Units Level Resul -/aRECLim! RPD Limit Notes Phosphoms 0.66 B 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0,053 95 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (6G29005-MSD1) Prepared: 07/29/2016 09:05 Analyzed: 08/01/2016 12:46 Source: CZ10629-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anabde Result Dan P01 units Level Result -/'REC Limits RPD LIBIR Notes Phosphorus 0.68 B 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.053 98 80-120 3 25 Batch 6G29015 - NO PREP Blank (6G29015-BLK3) Prepared: 07/29/2016 12:01 Analyzed: 07/29/2016 12:01 Spike Source 0/nREC RPD Anande Result Ban PUl, Units Level Resul %aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.017 U 0.10 mg/L FlN 'mis report relates oily W the sample as recewed by Me laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. r Page 6Of 14 w .encolabs.com - QUALITY CONTROL DATA' Classical Chemistry Parameters- Quality Control Batch 6G29015 - NO PREP- Continued - ' Spike Source %REC RPD .. Analvte - Resul Elam ' E9L Units '.Level 'Result °/aREC' Limits RPD Limit - Notes Nitrite as N 0.98 0.10 mg/L 1.00 98 9D-110 Matrix Spike (6G2901S-MS1) Prepared: 07129/201612:02 Analyzed: 07/29/201612:02 Source: CZ11137-01 ' '�- Spike Source %REC .RPD • .AnalYta ResuRflag 'E41 Units Level. Result - %REC Limits RPD_ Notes t Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10 _ mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 100 90=110 Matrix Spike (6G29015-MS2) Prepared:.07/29/2016 12:07 Analyzed: 07/29/201612:07 ' ' Source: CZ11137-02 - - Spike "Source - ' ' %REC.. RPD-- Anal vte Resul El" M ni Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Qift _ Notes Nitrite as N _ 0.97 0.10 mg/L - 1.00 0.017 U - 97 90-110 .Matrix Spike Dup(6G29015-MSD3) - Prepared: 07/29/2016 12:04 Analyzed: 07129/201612:04 Source: CZ11137.01 ' - - - -.'':' - • Spike Source %REC ,'- = - 'RPD Anal vte Result Elam P91 1111M .Level Result %REC 'Limits RPD Liglit Notes .' Nitrite as 1.0 0:30 "mg/L ._ 1.00 0.017U 100 9D-110 0.02 10' Batch 6HO1003 - NO PREP- Blank(6H01003-BLKI) - - - Prepared &Analyzed: 08/011201614:30 i _ Spike Source %REC RPD j Analvte Result Elam P9L Units Level - Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes I Total Dissolved Solids 50 U 50 mg/L - LCS (6H01003-BS3) - Prepared &Analyzed: 08/01/201614:30 •- ' Spike 'Source %REC RPD Analvm Result Elam EQL lints Level Resuit °/ REC - Limits RPD LIID3 - Notes Total Dissolved Solids 970 - 50 mg/L 1000 97 90-110 Duplirate(6H01003-DUPl) - Prepared '&Analyzed: 08/01/201614:30 Source: CZ09245-01 ' Spike Source � °/ REC' RPD ' ADaDme - Result -. Ham• EOL .(!nits Level Resole � %REC Limits RPD Limit .Notes I Total Dissolved Solids 1600 ` 100. mg/L 1600 ._ 1 20 Batch 6HO1029 - Same - Blank (6HO1029-BLK1) - _ Prepared: 08/01/2016 17:48 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 11:55 ''Analvte .. Chemical oxygen Demand LCS(6H03029-BSI) Analvte Chemical Oxygen Demand Result Elam P4L Units - 10 U -10 mg/L Result .E)&a EM Units 460 10 . mg/L Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD LEWAt Prepared: 08/01/2016 17:48 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 11:55 Spike Source_ %REC Level Result %REC Limits RPD Soo 92 90-110 RPD Limit Notes Notes > FINAL This report relates only to the sample as receNei by the laboratory, and may only te reproduced in Poo. Page 7 of 14 1 ENS tNtvw.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6H01029 -Same - Continued Matrix Spike (6H01029-MS3) Prepared: 08/01/2016 17:48 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 11:55 Source: CZ02500-01 Spike Source °/REC RPD Analvte Result Dag PL)1 Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemial Oxygen Demand 820 . 10 mg/L 526 310 97 , 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (fiH01029-MSD1) Prepared: 08/01/201617:48 Analyzed: 08/02J2016 11:55 Source: CZ02500-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flag EM Unim Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chemial Oxygen Demand 790 10 mg/L 526 310 91 90-110 4 10 Batch 6HO2001- NO PREP - Blank (61102001-BLK3) Prepared: 08/02/2016 07:06 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 09:13 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal tdg Result Hag ESL. Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N - 0.045 U _ 0.10 mg/L LCS(6H02001-BS1) , Prepared: 08/0212016 07:06 Analyzed: 08/02/201609:15 ' Spike Source °/aREC RPD Analvte Result Flag EM . Unirs Level ' Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as 0.97 0.10 mg/L 0.989 98 90-110 Matrix Spike (6H02(101-MS3) Prepared: 08/02/2016 07:06 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 09:24 Source: CZ07876-02 Spike Source °/aREC RPD Ana hRe Result Hag E.DL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N .0.36 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 95 90-110 Matrix Spike (6H02001-MS2) Prepared: 08/02/2016 07:06 Analyzed: 08/02/2016 09:32 ' Source: CZ10590-01 " Spike. Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Hag M Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N - 0.44 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.080 93 90-110 Source: CZ07876-02 - Spike Source %REC RPD Anaivte Result Hag - PL)L 11n(ts Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.36 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 92 90-110 3 to Batch6HOS002 - NO PREP Blank(6H05002-BLKI) - Prepared:08/05/2016 WAS Analyzed: 08/05/201610:37 _ Spike Source %REC RPD .Anal xie Result Han EDL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Hate;_ Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (6H05002-B51) Prepared: 08/05/2016 07:15 Analyzed: 08/05/2016 10:35 _ Spike Source 0/0REC RPD Anal vtg Result Hag P91 . 11111IY4 Level Result: %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Niinate/Nit ite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L - 1.25 98 9D-110 FINAL This report relates only m the sample as rereived by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In 1u1. Pegg 8' 0f 14 s r. EN wtnnv.encolahs.com - QUALITY CONTROL DATA - , Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control " Batch 6HO5002 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike,(6H05002-MSI) Prepared: 08105/201607:15 Analyzed: 08/05/201610:39 Source: CZ09779-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD Ana M1Re Result Hag P91 units Level Result - %REC Limits RPD LIB Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 13 2.5 mg/L 12.5 1.0 U 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (6H05001-MS2) - - Prepared: 08/05/2016 WAS Analyzed: 08105/201610:48 Source: CZ09832-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal v[e Result . Bag PSB, Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N - 240 10 ' mg/L 50.0 210 74 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (6H05002-MSD1) - Prepared: 08/05/2016 07:15 Analyzed: 08/05/2016 30:43 Source: CZ09779-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Bag P.41 .units. _ Level Result 0/aREC LIMUS RPD kir_9i_t Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 12 2.5 - mg/L 125 1.0 U 97 90-110 5 10 Batch 6HOS022 - NO PREP Blank (6H05022-BLK1) Prepared &Analyzed: 08/06/201612:09 - Spike Source 0/aREC RPD Anal Yte Result Bag EQL .Units Level Result %REC Limits , RPD 1}�ii R Notes Chloride- 2.2 U 5.0 milli - Sulfate as SO4 2.9 U 5.0 mg/L - LCS (6H05022-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/O6/201612:22 Spike Source %REC - RPD AnaIvtS Result. Hag P91. Units Level Result %REC Limits : RPD Limit Notes Chloride 51 5.0 - mg/L 50.0 -102 90410 Sulfate -as 504 49 5.0- mg/L 50.0 98 90-110 Matrix Spike (6H05022-MSI) Prepared &Analyzed: 081061201612:36' - Source: CZ09245-02 ' Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte Result Ban PM Units Level R Result 0/ REC Limits RPD Lilift Notes. Chloride 670 50 mg/L - 200 460 105 90-110 ' Sulfate as SO4 ' 330 50 mg/L 200 140 97 90-110 Matrix Spike (6H05022-MS2) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/062016 13:04 Source: CZ11137-01 Spike Source %REC' RPD ' Analvte Result Bag P9L Units Level Result %REC Limits " RPD Limit Notes Chloride 28 5.0 mg/L 20.0 8.0 _ 100 96410 Sulfate as SO4 56 5.0 mg/L 20.0 35 103 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (6H05022-MSDI) Prepared &Analyzed: 08/06/201612:50' Source: CZ09245-02 Spike Source %REC -RPD Anal vte - ResuR Hag E91 Units - Level Result - 0/aREC Limits - RPD Limit Notes Chloride 660 50 mg/L 200 460 104 90-110 0.5 10 _ _ Sulfate as SO4 - 330 50 mg/L 200 140 97 90-310 0.3 10 Batch 6HO9004 - NO PREP ' FINAL This report relates only t0 the sample as received 6y the lxberatony, and may only Be repmduwd In rug. Page 9-Of 14 NS vimmv.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters -Quality Control Batch 6HO9004 - NO PREP- Continued Blank (6H09004-BLKI) Prepared: 08/09/2016 07:43 Analysed: 08/09/2016 20:37 Spike Source %REC RPD .Anal]2i Result Hag Pot Units Level Result %REC Limits RPO Limit Notes Chloride 2.2 U 5.0 ni Sulfate as SO4 2.9 U 5.0 mg/L LCS (6H09004-BS1) Prepared: 08/09/2016 07:43 Analyzed: 08/09/2016 19:27 ' Spike Source a/aREC RPD Ana hrte Result Hag PSIL units Level Result %aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chloride 53 5.0 mg/L 50.0 105 90-110 Sulfate as SO4 52 5.0 mg/L 50.0 103 90-110. Matrix Spike (6HD9004-MS1) Prepared: 08/09/2016 07:43 Analyzed: 08/09/2016 19:41 Source: (Z10879-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result flag E" units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chloride 81 5.0 mg/L 20.0 56 129 9D-110 QM-07 Sulfate as SO4 61 5.0 mg/L 20.0 58 118 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (6H09004-MSD1) Prepared: 08/09/2016 07:43 Analyzed: 08/09/2016 19:55 Source: CZ10879-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Resul Hag MI. units Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chloride 80 5.0 mg/L 20.0 56 124 90-110 1 10 QM-07 Sulfate as SO4 81 5.0 mg/L 20.0 58 115 90-110 0.8 10 QM-07 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control ' Batch 6G29019 - NO PREP Blank (6G29019-BLK1) Prepared: 07/28/2016 16:35 Analyzed: 07/29/2016 10:55 - Spike Source %aREC RPD A_nalyte Result Hag PM units Level Result %REC Limits. .RPD Limit Notes Cofdorm, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 mL Duplicate.(6G29019-DUPl) Prepared: 07/28/201616:35 Analyzed: 07/29/201610:55 Source: CZ07876-03 Spike Source ^/aREC ; RPD Analift Result Hag POL Units Level Result %aREC Limits RPD Limit .Notes Coition, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 1.0 U 25 mL Duplicate (6G29019-DUP2) Prepared: 07/28/201614:05 Analyzed: 07/29/201610:55 Source: CZ11137-04 Spike Source %REC RPD .Analvte Result Hag PSIL Sluts revel Result a/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Colifonn, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 1.0 U 25 mL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6HOS003 - NO PREP FINAL This report relates only W the sample as received by me laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 10 O( 14 xnvw.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 6HOS003 - NO PREP - Continued Blank (61-105003-BLRl) Prepared; 08/05/2016 01:53 Analyzed: 08105/201612:49 Spike Source %REC RPD Anallde Result Hatt POL Units Level Result ;-%REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Organic Carbon 0.34 U 1.0 mg/L LCS (6H05003-BS1) Prepared: 08/05/2016 01:53 Analyzed: 08105/201612:49 Spike Source -AREC RPD Anal Yte Result Hatt P-OL Units Level Result --AREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Organic Carbon 40 1.0 mg/L 40.0 99 85-115 Matrix Spike(6H05003-MSI) Prepared: 08/05/2016 01:53 Analyzed: 08/051201612:49 - Source: AZO5336-M _ - Spike Source %REC RPD Ana lYt4 R4sul Hag P_O). units Level Result %REC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Organic Carbon 35 1.0 mg/L 40.0 0.34U 89 85-115 Matrix Spike Dup (6H05003-MSD3) Prepared: 08/OS/2016 01:53 Araryzed: 08J05/2016 12:49 Source: AZO5336-01 Spike Source -AREC RPD Anal 1dC Result Hag COL Units Level Rgiui [ %REC Limits RPD Limit Clots Total Organic Carbon 34 1.0 mg/L 40.0 0.34U 84 85-115 5 21 QM-07 HNN This report relates only to the sample as tacaWd by me laboratory, and may only be repradmed in full. Page1 Of 14 S NS www.encotabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. ] The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quandtation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. QB-01 The method blank had a positive result for the analyte; however, the concentration in the method blank is less than 10% of the sample result. There is minimal impact to the data. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. RNAL nis report relates only to Une sample as waived! by tine tabonatM, and may on" nepnoduced In full. Page 12 Of i4 Sample .Chain , of -Co-stody Form �: - ' 0'3 - . .. . I— I . - - .-- . .A666*. crieni � A61E�14TE�� MANAGEMENT; LL'C' Contact PALLJARR,ELLI I- sNp to- "P 0 Box 578' �044boro'- NC-27311" R Report To (Nk46*�e Ober F p ds -MVVS-; gool6ired TAM 7" 112AIVobdwhidflifdustrlaI Court, CZ10339-Oi -Mtr MW . -1 . na lys . es: Aiiimoqii35l),I . CMfibd06300.'COP SM522013.,.FCQ!i 3612,.INOX,3532; R--i ;Sulfiie7300-,!TDS SM2540C. 'TOG SIV!53110B'` Q igi6er3:,l'>250inLP+l12SO4.,2,=,4DmLAV+-q3pO4-,-,i =500MLP CZ103 2 1 m r W-0 IC An 4S 6 5: Ammonia 3501 01), 'C- h'i or'ld i'3-06 0 ShA52200-,-PCOrr - Nitrite' �N, •.Niit'rate is N 353.2,.Nitiatei,Cblc 353-2. p�_ 30.2 , NOX3512 � P,,t6lfet6-300'. TOS SM2540C TOC,SM5310EI ,b.601.ulfi6iii'i�- 2POni.L.PtIH.2SO-4.,;2,-=:4,Onlw+H3PO4, I ;-400inLP 'Analyses: Xmmcriia 3id.i Chloridt 300 COO SM52200;;.F , oli tre'e as 353.2, Nitiall6'CaI053.2 kitiiWpsN 353.2.NOX353.2. P.ISulfate P0q,-'TDSSM*QC-. TOC,SM5310B 1- 3 Ok. 11-- 5ODmLP 2- P., &- RV 3 AhalysesAitraW as N 353 2 Mirete. 66fr 363.2. WkM3.2 -, Mirnonia4350A , Chlorido,306.. bdo 8M5220b FC61i., P Sulfgt6,360, TDS SIV12!?4OC �TOCSM53106- tj- '-, " 1- , - on lm�rp. �I'j 250r&P#H2SO4 2:--40inAV+H3PO4,.1-,500mLP .R-8 P :Sul ate Mt66'as N'353.i, Nit4l& q'alq53;2., Nitnt , a a a s N 353.2 . NO X 3532 6onWiheiA:,' -250-nLP+WSO 4,2, a- 40mLA54;.'t -.'500niLP V:tH3P(. A I Page 13 of 14 Sample Chain of Custody Form Sampled 9y: - � 'Temp: •'Relirpu h - Date/imve: . �� Condtlion. AAcceplabla _Uaocceptablo ece' y Dafe7m�: _ C Min" Ai "A S&P4 ka nPay mmalnchunkal PfEf Jt"-'U Ps raaNrad by the EPA PrnadUes I:lcll:ldt4ll'm�arfo'nOIIIO Ou;en8lf Glf b0lPi titl be ry DO=Tur4pe —s of p" tJ E'fien 0liinp �In�d1 prasaNcar 7n63.IIfa uNi6n a:Jl lb iii ale f➢par'f lhdt Puf Ce C.UsOd in L'm CIK.nIWI NLCIiar% nhs tM1 ma simpla W. 1F. pEmNJl,,Os CWett fav{AJs rtsawall-ve�tCf68 mWiie Bp'r.'JF+N'A praraax>If SP e'.�'tlexpaf.CPW:hCse(WJf.•'daC NWJa10sWeV�s:n�rYf Wlne hviidlfg' IlhrJr R3Wri0:4 II �5 Ve Sh PPaiE IELLanfiE]ty lC fnfd'Jlnnl NO f mp'9ase pb:[FA YI64�'sogenre!ICLrtrn�t b!aOfe[9 anAVW. furyre tsimd Wmlxr: IWO, IfnsCr hC6C)tirvl Canwl KGi rIKa!PI,dI VNd 'A Iai.Pt.alurU[iant'U9EEtin V.clJdad(cR%aStlO Va aarl:rvrGnituipc.yrldtac.der=C�: rCECIpI->,l lAe lch, PlCa dO mlfroTe�J INf CinWiAf:r;m N9 WW0'. b-: GCA d'Gy'.'rilh�2, SJnVtlY v+D silNilr mCh`.Jf TYG ba:llC dnnlapr. dcim�iil M'dWr Oafs' .Trb u+fermst�^n balavme PAECAUTIQPI NRi TATE41ENM ONIUM All LIasa nxxiile:avc nct twanaaressEw. For a0l,t�l lM�almn nasrsWn:e, pleau cc::tan ydaa�ar:;,fsia sVelyHafssswns!' - - - t4a1e:. Page 14 of 14 April 22, 2016 Dept. of Environmental & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality— Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-3221 RE: Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report Sager Creek Vegetable Company Permit # W00004268 Enclosed are the original and one copy of the Groundwater Monitoring Report on forms GW-59 and'GW-59A, for Sager Creek Vegetable Company located in Turkey, NC, for samples collected in March, 2016. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me by phone at (910) 596-0028. Sincerely, Reid Wells ti Sr. Wastewater Tech Sager Creek Vegetable Company RECEIVED DEQ/DWR -- MAY 0 2 2016 C WQROS FAYETTEVIL EREGIONAL OFFICE -1 ,Name Sager Creek Vegetable`Co. Non Discharge W_00004268 UIC Name (if dlfferent) ,. '• - NPDES Other Curkey sv"`) NC _.. 28393-9703 County Sampson El Lagoon ❑ Remed ation: lnfiitration'Ge .., - (city).. � ' . .- (Stnld) (ZOO - _ f ©, Spray Field ❑'Remediation: ontactlPerson: Reid Wells Telephone#: 910-596-00280' Rotary: Distributor ❑ Land�Application.'of'Sludge lell,Location/Site Namei' No. of wells to be sampled: 13 ID Water Source. Heat Pump ❑ Other: JD.NLI BER'(fromrPermit): MW-1. l Datesample collected: 3/17/16'. FIELD ANALYSES:. )epth:- .ft. Well Diameter:... in. pH 6:5!,units Temp. 19 jeC to Water Level_:- 20.4 ft. below measuring point Screened interval: _ft. to _ft. Spec. Cond. . µMhos wring Poinl'iis - .. ft. above land "surface RelativeM:P. Elevation: ;ft. Odor . _ .. to of water pumped/balled before sampling: 10+'gallons Appearance COD,` _ <10,.mgA '-"Coliform:-MF Fecal - /100m1: 'Coliform: MF Total'- /100m1' .c (Nole:;Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) pis solveci-lids' Total - 1'64 mgA _ . pH'(when analyzed) _ -units . rj,TOC ... _ - 6.15 mgA Chloride mgA' '.Arsenic, mgA - Grease and Oils mgA •Phenol mg/I Tn` I Sulfate - 53 mgA. Specific,Conductance. 283 pMhos. .V .` TotaliAmmonia ". mg/I. • ^(Ananonia Nitrogen( NHsas N; AmmbMa.Nitrogen, Total) TKN as IN mg/I LatioratoryName: Microbac,Laboratories _. Certification No. _.NC#11 NC#37714' and colloidal concentrations. Nitrite (N021as N _ ni , Pb- Lead. mgfl ` Nitrate(NO3)1;as N 4,1!-mg/I " Zn'-Zinc - mg/I ' Phosphorus: Total as P mgA _ Orthophosphate mg/I Other'(Specify.Compounds and Concentration Units): • At - Aluminum _ _ mg(I _.. - . Be -,Barium .. ,mg/l Ca -Calcium _ mg/I - -. - Cd -Cadmium - mgA - Chromium: Total mgA Cu - Copper mgA' ORGANICS:`(by GC,GC/MS','HPLC) Fe- Iron. mg/I (Specify test and method ATTACH LAB REPORT:)' Hg- Mercury _ mg/I Report�Attached? 0 Yes(1)' El Noi.(0)-: _ K-.Potassium _ mgA VOC , method # _ Mg - Magnesium _ �. mg/I __ _ ;.method#- Mn - Manganese .. _ . mg/l .. , method,* ' NI - -Nickel _.mg/I' _ ,.method;# Reid Wells, Sr. Wastewater Tech Permiftee(or Authorized Apent)Name and Title - Pleaselprint or. type - GW-59 Rev..1/2007 ' at SUBMIT.FORM ON YELLOW PAPERCONLY . . EPARTMENT OF EN OURCPS l NC i COMPLANCE REPORT ORMNITORING .. Bit MAIL BERME•GEC N RY+ RALEtG_ 278991817gINPhoneT Y9 733• i ._. _ - �l 3221 C Y FACILITY INFORMATION" -; Please PrintClearlyor Type -- --- - pERM1T'Number: Expnation.Date 3U1y 37 2015 ` Sa er Creek;Ve stable Co Facdlty Name -+._g g _. - Non -Discharge WQ0004268_ rPermit ,UIC - NPDES -.. 'Other Name (if different) - - - "-- - U Facility Aiddress 5900 TUrkey HlghWey - - - -. TYPE'.OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED fi ❑Lagoon - '❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery Turks' (sues') , NC 2839M703 County Sampson r (City) -... (stain) RIv) 91 Sp ray Contact Person Wells _ Tele hone# Rola DisGitiutor ❑Land A hcation of 51 -,_. ,--- Well Location/Site Name:' No of wells1ol be samp10ed8 13 ❑Wafer Source 'HeatPump ❑ Other: �m Psi , - ' - - SAMPLING INFORMATION - ' - - -- - -r- - _-' - -' '- "' --- --- -- - - --IfWELC •° ,- EL61D'NUMBER from;Perrnit:. MW-2�-' . (. ) - '• Date sarnple�:collected: 3/_17/16- - -. -FIELD ANALYSES:, :. - _ Wepll Depth - $. Well Diameter: _=m., 7:2'units Temp} 16 °C' DRY a4. Y toWater IfL below measuring gpo(nt ft. to. ,fit. Spec.H µMhos hmeo _ sampling rig Point ii�, urface. " MiP:�Elevation: _ -h` Odor - Volume of water pumped/bailed before samplin 1.0+gallonRelative Appea once' s Sampies for metals,were collected.unfiltered ❑YES . ❑ NO and.field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO: 1, LABORATORYINFORMATION.,_ Date sample analyzed: - Laboratory,Name: Microbac Laboratories - _ Ce tification No.: CJC#11 NC#37714 } PARAMETERS °NOTE Valuesshould reflect dissolvedfand colloidal coneenfrations. _. , :COD <10 m ll , „ .. 9 Nitrite(NO2)s N t z )� - _ mg/f . Pb -Lead,. ' mg/l ' r { r- ., _ -Cotiform;'MF'Fecal -' '' 1100ml Nitrate.(NOAasN 0.231 '1`116/1 ZnZlho - - mg/I I Cohform MFTotal /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I (riots use MPN nreNod for Highly turbid samoles)>. orthophosphate •..mg/I: Other (Specify 'Compounds , and Concentration•Units): s -. Dissolved Solids:' Total 180-•mg/I - - AI - Aluminum 'mgi, pH (wheri;ahalyzed) -- ... units, Be -Barium. .: ...TOC '._ . 7:'94 mgA. - • Ca - Calcium - 'mgA' - - r�' i r Chloride, 77,6 Cd- Catlrnium mgA •„. .-. Arsenic m Q Chromium: Total m A _ _ - - ,. y Grease aPheOniol • Cu mi (y ' M$ HPLC), mg/I. Feopper - Iron mg/I SRp ciNl test and metho/ # ATTACH LAB REPORT) ' (S S A (fate 7.7 mgA `' - 9 -'•- • H ercu +: , 9 - Mercury rho 9 .� ).- ❑ No (0); o Attached? ''Eld ecI c Conductance - µMhos K�-Potassium ' -- - m A g VOC method Total •�rnm orna r __ m Ar Mg -Magnesium. m 1 ; ethod #1.- s� y .. .(PmnonaMtr en;''NH asN AmnonlaNit i°gan ,T0385 . ,. Mn .Manganese.._ _ _. _ ..iril _ _ ,.method•#:. TKNes N'_ - _ Img/l - - Ni-Nickel . _ .. .. `.._ mg ,_ _ ; method# • o . , o e I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the, information submitted in this report is true, accurate, and complete, and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by DVVQ-cerfificdlabomtory. I am awarethat thereare significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations, rr N MONITORING: Name: Sager Creek 'Ve Vegetable Co. _.,..9 � Non -Discharge W00004268 111C Name(ifdidereni. -.. -1 _ NPDES Other _ 'Address. 5900 Turkey, Highway .. TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED y - svaen ,NC28393-97,0Z, County Sampson_ _." ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation:Infiltration,Gallery - , (city) - - - (saa) (zip). X] Spray Field ❑ Remediation: tPersom Reid Wells 'Telephone#: 910-596-0028 El Rotary Distributor ElLand Applicationof'Sludge IcationlSite Name: No. of wells to,besampled:. 13 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: L1DINUMBER (from Permit): MW-3 - Depth:.'.ft. rto Water Level: 4 4 ft. below measuring point ;uring Point is R.'above land surface The of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 10+t " '• COD <10 mgA' -.,Coldormi MF Fecal /100m1• ,;.Coliform:-MFTotal ".-.: /100mt (Note. Use MPN instead for highly turbid samples). 'Dissolved Solids: Total'.... _ 604 mgA pH (whemanalyzed) units. • . ''TOC 4.77'_mgp Chloride 193 mgA Arsenic mgA Grease and.011s . mgA ` Phenol, mgA Sulfate' 57 mg/I' Speafic Conductance 826 µMhos. Total Ammonia .mg/I . �(Anrnania Nitrogen; NH,,as N. Ammonla N trogen, Total) TKN as N -_ mg/I For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports):. .Reid Wells, Sr. Wastewater Tech Penalties (or Authorized Agent) Nameand Tithe = Please lPrint ortype - GW-59 Rev. 112007 Date sample.collected. 3/17/16 FIELD ANALYSES: Well Diameter: _in. pH 6.3 units Temp. 19_.°C. Screened Interval'-ft. to ft. Spec. Cord. µMhos Relative`W13. Elevation: ft. Odor Is Appearance Laboratory Name: Microbac Laboratories Certification No. 'NC#11 NC#37714 )dal concentrations. - . . - 'Nitrite (NOi as N mi Nitrate (NO3)as,N 0.054,mg/i Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I AI, - Aluminum mg/I Be -Barium mg/I Ca- Calcium _ mg/I 4Cd -Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total mgA Cu - Copper _ mgll Fe - Iron mg/I' - - Hg-Mercury _mg/I K- Potassium mg/I Mg -Magnesium mgA Mn- Manganese mgA NI - Nickel mgA Pb -Lead mg/I Zn-Zinc mg/I, Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS:,(by GC,.GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH'. LAB, REPORT.)' Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ Nw(0) VOC ,.method # ,.method# _ .method,#', _. method # _. at of ling; k X GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONI COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM" _,• ++ FACILITY INFORMATION „ - RING: 'Please Print Clearlyar Typ -acility Name:`'= 0ayeri.1eelc;veyeiao1es.o.. _ - NI lbrmit''Name'.(ifdifferent).. - - - - - NI -a41ti..Address:� 5900 Turkey Highway - _ - _ - T Turkey. 50-eeq NC 28393-9703 County Sampson �. (Ulbl. (Suite) (zip) ontact.Person, Reid Wells Telephone#: 910-596=0028 Vell Locallon/Slle'Nar No. of wells, to be sampled: 13 iAMPLING'INFORMATION NELL,IUNUMBER{from Permit): MW-4 Date' sample' collected: 3/17/16 Veil Depth ft. Well Diameter:. in. )epth to Water Level: - 6 ft. below' measuring point Screened Interval: _ft. to ft. Aeasuring Point is ., ft. above land surface Relative. M:P. Elevation: ff., /nlnmw.Mwafae.numnad/ha'IoA.. hdfNro.mmnlinn•. 10+on11noa '.•,, COD' • '<10 mg/I'-, Coliform: MF Fecal .Conform /100ml } MF Total -- /100ml (Note Use MPN method for highly Wield umples) Dissolved Solids: TotaL 94 mgA, (pH (when:analyzad). units _ .dhloride 23'.1. mgA _ •-Arsenic mgA Gr6ase,and Oils - mgA. _ Phenol'' mg/I. L ' . Sulfate -'` 7.91 mi Specific Conductance'' . • _--208,pMhos Total`Ammonla - mgA (A nla Nitrogen; NH3as N Ammonla Nitrogen; Total) -.. 'T,KN,asN .-, -. - _mg/l. )n-Discharge W00004268 UIC' _ ?DES - Other !PE:OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑'Lagoon ❑'Remediation:'Irifiltration Gallery K Spray Field. ❑'Remediation: El Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Applicatiemof Sludge ❑' Water Source. Heat Pump ❑ Other:. _ FIELD -ANALYSES:, pH '5.9�units Spec. Cond. Odor Appearance Temp. 20' eC: DRY at µMhos timeof J,Nl7 anU Tlelo, acialile0: LJITtS LLNU' _ -U �— _ Laboratory Name: Microbac Laboratories Certification No. NC#11 NC#3771'4 'rdtcolloidal concentrations. Nitrite (NO2) as'N • mg/I Pb-Lead -mgA ' 'Nitrate (NO3:)',as, N 7.47911 Zri Zinc - - mg/I . Phosphorus: Total as P mgA Orthophosphate _ ri Other (SpecifyCompoundsand: Concentration Units)' ' AI -Aluminum mgA -_- Ba-:Barium _ mg/I- Ca-Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmiuni mgA _ Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mgA ORGANICS: (by GC, 'GC/MS,.HPLC) Fe - Iron . _ mg/I (Specify test and method'#. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) •' Hg- Mercury . mg/I Report Attached? ElYes (1) ❑ No,(0) ' K.- Potassium, mg/I VOC _ ; method# Mg - Magnesium mg/I _ _ _ - ,..method # Mn - Manganese mg/I - .method* NI - Nickel. mg/l -. ,.methods# port false it 0 VOCs: .GW-59 Rev.'112007 GROLINDWATERrQUA COMPLIANCE REP.OR FACILITY INFORMATION`. ''• Facility'Address: -5900° Turkey` Coritact'Person- Reid�l UIC .. ❑'Lagoon , 11'1 Remediation: infiltration Gallery X❑6'Spray-Field - ❑ Remediation: ' El RotarylDistributor ❑ Land Applioaticn'ofSludge . WatenSourceHeat Pump El Other: r ,,._. uwrrcurvv mr�mm� n�ry '• _ .... -. ELLiID NUMBER'(from Permit): R-1 - _ Date sampte!collected: 3/17/16 _ •. FIELD ANALYSES: , Well.'Depth;. .' .ft. Welt Diameter. in. pH 6t9.units Temp: 17_ °C Depth to Water Level: "5.7 ft. below measuringpoint Screened Interval: ft. to ft. Spec. Cord. µMhos r t ." Measuring. Point' Is '; . 8: above!land,surface Relative M.P.::Elevation; ft. Odor Volume ofwaterpumped/bailed rbefore 10+'gallons .sampling: _ ,Appearance ' ,'.; LABORATORY INFORMATION_ . • Date -sample analyzed - _ - PARAMETERS' -NOTE. Valuesshould.reflect dissolve< + COD <10 mglt "-Coliform;MF,Fecal /100mi ,_,,Coliform MFTotal '' - - /100ml +,; (Nola ,Use MPN method for highly.hirbid simples) Dissolved Solids:: Total _ 66' mg/I ' pH (when am-' '111�y.a I. _ Fr C�.t v *+ Greases x ..units 2!01 _mgA 16.3-mg/I mg/1 mg/I mg/I, 'v Specific Cliriductance' ' 12a AMhos k .'-Total Ammonia mgll + (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH6esNAmnwnia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N • - mgll. `'For Remedlation:Systems Only.(Attach Lab Reports): Reid_Wells Sr, Wastewater' Tech . Permittee (or Authorized'Apenb Name and Title Please print or type ' GW-56 Rev. 1/2007 - NltriW(NOjasiN. mgirl Nitrate (NO3) as N _ - 0.0500' MV Phosphorus: Total at P mg/I Orthophosphate. ._ ,_mgA AI -Aluminum mg@ Ba-Barium _.. mgA Ca -Calcium mg/I Cd- Cadmium _ .mgA Chromium: Total _ mgll' Cu'- Copper '. - mgA Fe -Iron _ .mgA Hg - Mercury _ __ mgA. -' K- Potassium _. Mgt[ -Mg - Magnesium mgA Mn- Manganese mgA, Ni- Nickel mgA at Certification !No. NC#11 NC-#37714; Pb - Lead rngh Zn=Zinc - .. mg/I, Olher,(Specify.Compounds and Concentration,Units):. ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS!HPLC) . ,(Specify testand method#, ATTACH,LA&REPORTi). Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (p)' VOC - . ,method:#. ,method # ... ., method`# MONITORING: 1. FACILITY INFORMATION .:' Facility,Name:•. Sager Creek.Vegetable Co = Turkey - - s°eeD' NC 28393-9703 County Sampson .(City) - - - (state) (zip): - Contact Perso I ri Reid' Wells Telephone#; 91,0-596=0028 Well Location/Site Name: No. of wells to be sampled: 13 , -- : fmrn Oemtlt SAMPLING INFORMATION.-- ELLIDNUMBER .(fromPermit): R-2a Date sample: collected: 3/17/16 _ Well Depth: ' . '.ff. Well Diameter:... 'In. Depth to Water Level: '5:2:ft. below. measuring point .Screened. Interval: _tt. to ft. Measuring'Pointis , - ft. above land surface Relative M.P; Elevation: ft. olume of water -pumped/bailed:before sampling: 10+ gallons WQ0004268 :0 ,Lagoon; '©, Spray.Field El Rotary Distributor ❑ Water Source Heat Pump FIELDANALYSES 11 Remediatlonanfiltration Gallery ❑flemediation:.. Land'. Application of Sludge Other: pH 61 units Temp. 17 °C Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor Appearance ^, L46VR_IVRi IryrV RMgIIVR -: • PARAMETERS_ NOTE: Value''s'sho_uld reFlect,dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Name. MicrobaC_LaboratOnes.. _ Datelsam le anal ed; colloidal concentrations:. _ -- ,;COD <10-mgA Nitrite NO as:N ( i)• mg/I Pb -Lead Coliform:'MFFecal. " /7ooml Nitrate ,(NO3)as N 0.813 mgll Zn -ZinoRAff - -...(Nate'use MPNmphmfor;Ighlyturbiasamples) Dissolved Solids: Total 76_mg/I -' pH (wheri'analyzed) ... _ .units TOC '_ ; . 3:..31' mgA, ^ Chloride :I .28•8,mgA _ ^ •' Arsenic:' mgA Grease an&011s mgA `:Phenol. mg/I' Sulfate 9.9:mg/l �Specific.¢onductance 144:µMhos. 'Total Ammonia, mgil y(Ammonia Ntrogen; Miss N; Amnonia Nitrogen; Total) TKN as:N mg/I rul nUMUM lwn. 0ySle1115 Vnry intlacncao at Certification No., NC#11: NC#37714` .. mg/f mg/I Orthophosphate - mg/I Other.(Specify,Compounds and ConcentrationUnits):', AI - Aluminum _ mgA • - Be - Barium _ . mgA Ca --Calcium - _mg/I Cd -'Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total ... mgA _ .. Cu.-Copper mg/I ORGANICS-,(by GC,:GC/MS, HPLC) Fe- Iron _ mgA (Specify, test+and method #. ATTACH,LAB,REP-ORT.)' Hg - Mercury img/I Report Attached? 11 Yes (1) ❑ No'(0) K- Potassium 'mgA VOC_... , method # 'Mg - Magnesium mgA. - , method.# Mn- Manganese _ mgA, _ -_. ,.method ,# Ni- Nickel :mgA method# cenoy mar, to n:e uese or my enowiepge one ceuel, memrormauon suomntea in mis report Is true, accu DWO-certified aboratogj. I am aware that there are si nificant enalties for submitligii false Information, Reid Wells', Sr..WastewaterTechL 11 �SUBMITFORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY 4 NITORING GRbU3 RTME EF NTC?FENVIROR,,MME�ENV,&'NN,,ATURALRESCURCE s�o�Ni o PR m COMPLIANCE REPORT'FORM -.. -. - - ersv cEc N1ER9RALEIGHATICI *ww+ NC2 69eie 7S1N ho e; 19791p33 3_22I r _- - - Please Print Clearly or Type _' " FACILITY INFORMATION .._ - . _ _:- _. - _ PERMIT Number, , Expiration Dale: JUIy_31, 2015 Facuiry Name 'L' Sager CreekVe etable Co:. _- 9 Non Dischar a WQ00042Q8 UIC g ^' NPDES - Other PermitName (if difTerent) �` urkeyiHl wa FaCilit�Address 5900.Th 9 y .. _ - TM ON BEING MONITORED , Oe PERMITTED OPERATION - II`G{''� „r Tufke - '- t5Vee1I NC 28393-9709 • Coun Sampson _ ❑L g oo_n❑ Remediation: Infiltration,Gallery Spray Field' ❑ Remed'iation: Contact Berson Reid Wells Telephone#: 910-596-0028 ❑ Rotary Distributor Ell-and`Apphcationfof!Sludge Well Location/Site Name No. of wellsSo be sampled: 13 ❑Water Source Heat Pump '❑ Other: { L :. SAMPLING INFORMATION .,, ,� � `'-, - - - -� --�- -- - • - - -- - ---- - -. .. :::- If WELL_-- ELCID'NUMBER from PermiQ; R-3• (' - 'Date sample collected.-3/17/16 FIELD ANALYSES::' WAS ( Well Depth ft. Well Diameter m,time pH 6:7 units Temp: _ 18,06 DRY f p '.ft. below measurin point Screened Interval: ft. to._ft:' SpecCond. _ pMho§ of - e Elevation: ft. Odor checksampling, ` ,.r Volnm_eofwaerpumpedlbailedbeforesamplingurfce10+gaIldnRelahveM.P:E _ - _ Appearance here:• . Sam les:formetals.were:collected:unfil' red:_QYES ❑NO' "'and�fieldacidified ❑YES ❑'NO �___ `,t:z LABORATORY INFORMATION sample analyzed ' ' LaboratoryName: Microbac Laboratories No. C 'N #11 NC_ #37714 • ' -. ,Date „ PARAMETERS. _ NOTE. ValUesgho6idyeflectidissolved'and colloidal concentrations. - ,Certification -,:COD .. '`;<10,mg/l _ 'Nitrite (NO2) as N-- - mgll' Pb-:Lead _ mgA, . ?- q,Coldomn MF,Fec5I '- '• /100mr Nitrater(NO3).asN 7.53;:mg/I' Zn- 'Zinc. mail, ` -Colrform: MF�Total �- /100ml Phosphorus: Total .as,P _ mgll .(Nole use NPN method Por night yn.�em sarreiesp"�- Orthophosphate .mg/l_ Other(Specify Compounds :and'Concentration Units): , Dissolved Sohds3Total �-' 298 mg/I • - ,. ' At Aluminum mg/6 f pH (when analyzed) units - .- Ba - Barium - _ mgA z TO C .5.88 mg/I, - Ca -Calcium :mgll /Chloride . '._. 124.mg/1 •Cd.- Cadmium - mg/I _ C �,:�: •` ;� t r,,'Arsemc:'- - '- - mg/I. Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils .. mg/1 Cu - Copper .. mg/I ORGANICS:,(by GC, GC/MS,'HPLC) • Phenol mgA Y "„ ' Fe - Iron mg/I (Specifytestand method:6. ATTACKLA&REPORT)', - = SUlfate 22 m Hg - Mercury _ ,mgll Report_ Attached? 0 Yes (1). ❑ No•(()) t, > ". -- ; ;Specific Cor CLietance • 588� µMhos- ° - K - Potassium ', =mgll - 'VOC ;:method # -.. ,h a Ammonia _ mgil _ Mg -,Magnesium• mg![ _ _.method # ;:Min NH N zsnrtvrioola Ntlro9en Total),. - -Manganese r4o, _ method#.� rl. •`'TKN,as;"N ' mg_ /I N- Nickel. mg/I' _ , method # - 'GW-59Rev. 1/2007 - _ SUBMIT'FI GROUNDWATER QUALITY -MONITORING:• COMPLIANCE °REPORT ,FORM , r �, -,+ FACILITY INFORMATION -:, `-, Please Print Clearly Type , Facility Name ` Sager Creek:Veggtable'Co Permit Name (if different) i o i.6,=AwA.e�.. 9000 TurkovHinhwav -�> YELLOW PAPER ONLY' i, C1, Phone: (a19)r733,3Ylf ^ Expiration Date: July-,31;, 2015 UIC _ Other ION BEING"MONITORED' ' t }� Turkey, ($Veef) '' ". 'NC 28393 9703' ` _ County !Sampson El Lagoon El Rm Y eediation: Inflitration'Gallery `- h i GI ' ( h).. (state) , (ZIP) , -' , __ ©Spray Field � ElRemediation: ' r(, r Itt - r Contact Person Reid Wells', Telephone#:-' 910-596-0028 ❑Rotary, Distributor 'O Land Application oYSludge - t ( 1 Well LocatioNSite Name • . - . _ _ No. of wells to besampled: -- 13 Water SourceHeat Rump, Other... .. - t .?:. ,� . .. Y..♦ -. _ fmm Permit; - -- _ -'' - _ - - '- -- -- _-- '" _ _ - ' TFIELD ( SAMPLING INFORMATION - . If WELL ELLSD`NUMBER,(from Perm`); R-4 Date sample collected. 3/17/16' _ - _ ANALYSES: " . WAS , ell Depth ft, Well Diameter. in. pH 6.2units Temp 18 °C DRY at, I Depth to.Water Level: 7 ft. below mpeasgunn pint P 9P ScreenedInterval`. ft. ' to ft. Spec. Cond.- 'µ Mfios time)of Measurin Poinfis ft. above land surface' g 'Relative KID. Elevation:. - ft.. Odor _ -- sampling,. check Volume of waterpumpedlbaih:d=beforesam tin 1''0+ allons g _ Appearance ' _ here:❑ 'rr�r -�•. Sain Ies for metals:werecollected unfiltered::❑YES - ENO .and',fieldzcidified: DYES ❑iNO N LABORATORY INFORMATION = Date -sample analyzed: r __ Latiorato Name Microbac Laboratories - ry C Certification No._N #11 NC#37714„ ° . PARAMETERS— NOTE Values•should reflect dissolid-d';and colloidabconeentrations: - c 'COD 35:9 mgA Nitrite (NOz) as N mg/I Pb -=Lead mg/I' Coldorm MF.Fecal /100.m1 Nitrate (NO3 'as N Zn - Zino - -mgll'- 1 - <'- Coliform: MFTotal; �,' _ /100m1 .Phosphorus: -0.183m9/l Total as P. mg/I, - '- =(Note Use MPNmetliod fcrh101ylurbld samples) . - - - - .Orthophosphate _ _ _ _mgA Other(SpeciyCompourids�andConcentration Units);- i _z , Dissolved Solids: Total• __ _ _. : 286rmg/I • At -Aluminum .. mgA. _ - a ,n pH (when analyzed) ..: - '-. `units' • ' ' - ,' Be - Barium _ mgA. - ` TOC._. _ s 8£53 rng/I _ Ca -:Calcium _ _� mgA _ u:- •: s Non a, 1.52 mg/I, , Cd -Cadmium mg/t Arsenic m9ll' Chromium: TotalI mgA Grease and Oils m 11 , Cu - Copper m 4 ORGANICS: b GC; GC/MS, HPLC' ' F � r �. Phenol m A ,- Fe - Iron m /I (Specify (Spec: tS:(by method S, TTACH'LAB REPORT) t! Sulfate 11 mgA _ Hg - Mercury mgA ReportAttached? _) ❑ Yes (.1) - ❑ No(q)' Specific Conductance r. -5t36 µMhos , K otassium VOC # i a .mgA ,method _ Total Ammonla- . `. 'mgA -�(Amm�nia ;,' Mg -Magnesium mg/I - ;.method # r , Ndmgen; as mmn NH N Adiamg N ldn Total) - _ - Mn- Manganese =_ :mg/I - - , ,method'#`'. _ - TKNas - mgA, - Ni- Nickel _mg/I -_ - ,lmethod# ' For Remediation Systems Only'(Attach=Lab: Reports)' Influent Total VOCs:.. - mg/L Effluent Total'VOCs: .'. - mg/L • 'VOC Removal%0VVQ- �'l certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted in this report Is true� accurate, and complete, and that the I aboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a jCC certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infoi-mationjincluding the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations, 1' Reid,Wells Sr Wastewater Tech l T L/ Permidee(or Authorized Agenl) Name and Title- Please' print or type Sin_riatune of Permittee(or Authorlietl Agent)' (Date) I! GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 , V, GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONI COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Mail on and 1 cop -.W00004268 uic ts128393�9703. y, NC County:Sampson 11 - Lagoon ORemedlatiominfiltratiom Gallery (City), (st.ae) El. Spray Field RernedWion: t'Person '—Reid Wells. ",' Telephone#:910-596-0028 0 Rotary iDistributor' Land Applicatio n of Sludge xatf6n)Siie Name:. 7 No. of wells to besampl 13 11'Wster Source -Heat Pump ElOther: (foam Part ) JNG*IN0ORMAT(ON If WE 1D.-NUMBER (fir , om Permit): R-5a, Date sample Collected: 3/17/16 FIELD ANALYSES:'-, - WAS Rpth: Well Diameter:_in. PH 6:8•units Temp; V 9C DRY o Water Level: 8.7 ft. below measuring point Screened Intervak ft: to ft. Spec. Cond. ltMhos time", ,ing Point is fL above land surface I Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. :Odor samp checl , of water pumped[bailed.before sampling: 10+. gallons Appearance here: COD Cblikmi: MF�F 6Caj r�- /100in 6olif6r'm MF-Total 11001711 0 (Nota- Use MPNmeil.afor highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solldsi Total 1,02 mgA ;,'.':,.pH'(wheWanaly;zed), units -T OC 3.27 mg/l .-dhlorid�e, - 17.8 mgll V, Arsenic mg/l % Grease and,011sr, - mgA hen ol mg/l Uwe 24 Trigii Specific Conductance.f 155 AMhos Ammonia , mg/l (Ammonia I age.; NH as N;Amamanla Nitrollen. Total) TKN as N mg/l 06r Rem6ldlition Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Reid Wells Sr.Vastevvater Tech? P,emaittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Titte, Plene mint of trie GVV59 Rev. 112007 Nitrite (NOZ) as = mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N 2.19. mg/I. Phosphorus: T6talas P mg/I Orthophosphate mg/l, • Al - Aluminum.mgA' Ba- Barium, mg/l Ca, -Calcium— rnigil Cd - Cadmium,mgA 'Chromium: Total mg/l Cu - Copper mg/l Fe m Iron mgA Hg,- Mercury K'- Potassium' mgA Mg - Magnesium . . s um, mgA Mh - Manganese _mg/I Certificatlori No:. Nq#1 1 NC#37714" Pb -Lead mgA Zn - Zinc mgA Other (Specify Compounds and 'Concentration Units): 'ORGANICS.. (by GC,'GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test. and method 9. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? Ll Y�es (1) Ej No:(O--) VOC, inethodrg method ,method # method L �Er y ; r d GROUNDWATER Q �ylJl ,COMPLIANCE REP: h771. Turke S Well Loi r � rrr=cc;w rvumo ', Well Depth: 6'e h:to.Water I . 'C1 ` Measuring Point :JV,olumeofwater 'FORM -� - "Please Piint Clearly.. or Type :ek Vegetable Co ' HI IUI_.'� - -I ' ' - from Permit) Rm6n 7.10'ft. below measuring point before sampling: .: COD..; 1914 mgA . ' Coliform'MF.Fecal-' ' it00m1` ,,Coliform:WFTotal. - /100ml (f r(Note: Use MP,N meNatl fachighlQ9ureltl samples)' Dissolved, Solids: Total, =. 326_.mgh „''PH (Wherf analyzo) •' • _ units i,- Chloride.' - 130:_mg/I - '-Arsenic - mgA' + •� Greaseand Oils. � , ... `.y ':Phenol rngA.. _ Sulfate A 20 mg '''s �-F$oecific Gdnductanre. - - - -^ 558 µMhos% al Ammonia r _ • ' `mg71: MUogan;NHsas Nj Ammonia Nitrogen ;Totag TKN as N mg/f !t ' ".For.Rei I Reid' Permittee Tor Authorized Aqent) Name'and,Title'= Please print or tvpa GW-59. -' Rev. 1/2607 - SI ICCKMI.I 1NUMDer txpiratlon Non Discharge W00004268 UIC NPDES'Other' ING'UNI7 P,honn. R 9)j73�J221 ' July31, 20115' IpTPt'Ul-PtKMII ItO UP.ERATIONT3EING�MONITDRED County ,Sampson El Lagoon ❑ Remediagon: Infiltration, Gallery ' © Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Telephone#.:,910-596=0028 O'Rotary�Dlstrbutor '❑ Land _Application of'Sludge No. of wells 'to be sampled: 13 Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other,.- __ _ fmm IfvvE Date:sample collected: 3M 7/16 FIELD ANALYSES:i1W Well Diameter; in. pH 6.6,units Temp: _ 199C - DRY Screened Interval ft. to. _.ft,. Spec. Conti.. - ::Mhos lime Relative M.P. Elevation: __ ft. same Odor -_ _ _ _ _ _ checl Is ,Appearance - here: - LaborstoryName- Microbac•Laboratories _-_.. ' . ' . :_ • ' ' :Certification No...'_NC#11 NC#37714 d and colloidal concentrations..- - ----- --_- -'+` Nitrite (NO2) as N _ - - mg/I Pb -dLead 'mg/b Nitrate (NO3) as N' _ 01U mg& Zn =Zinc - mg/I. , ,Phosphorus: Total'as P - mg/I' -- -- - �- ` Orthophosphate mgA' Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration .Units):'" _ Al -Aluminum. mgA ' Be =Barium - _ ._ .-mgA .- . . Ca -Calcium.'.- Cd.-.Cadmium- mg/I Chromium: Total . mgA' - - Cu-Copper_ ,,in ORGANICS (byGC,'GG/MS,HPLC) ' •' Fe - Iron mg/l: ,(Specify'test;;and,melho6AATTACH. AWREPORT), _ Hg=Mercury _ mg%I Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) ❑' No;(0). ' - ' " K-- Potassium mgA VOC method #' - , �. _,.`' _ -' -r -, Mgr -Magnesium. _:mg/I ''•- _ method•# ' Mn - Manganese _ mgA ,' ,.method)# •' ' Ni- Nickel __., mg/I ,method#' -• Influent?otal VOCs;. mg/L *Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L. VOC-Removal°/,•_ r ' GROUNDWATER QUALITY' MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR_ M ,.xF-!• FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly. or Ty me: ,$6ger�Creekyqgbtable Co.Facility Na 7 Turkey NC 28393-! (st.te) (Z[,) C Contact Person : ,Reid Wellsi ell Locatlon/Slt;N6ine� SAMPLING INFORMATION-,'.-,- 0 �J WELL ID NUMBER,(from Permit): k-7 Well Depth - Depth to Waterl-evel: 5.5 ft. below measuring,point Measuring Point is ft; above land surface Viiidrqe of v I �ate'r,liuimpe'd'/balle'd,before sampling: 10+., Sam pids for metals were collectediumfiltere& EIYES 1:1 LABORATORY INFORMATION: - Pke'-sainiple ariah yzed PARAMETERS. NOTE'Values :should reflect diss6lV6dPiiid 'COD < 10 Colifoni-:, IVIF Fecal 11 00ml Conform,: MF'rotal, /1 00ml (Noie`. Use MPti method for higply turbid samples) 'bi;solvi;b,Solids. Totil- 190 mgjj pH (When analyzed) units' TOC 4.86 mg/I Chloride 86.6 mg1I Arsenic - mg/I �-'Greaseand;Oils mg/I Phenol mg/11. Sulfate 12'�m C t n uc ance 374,itIVIhos .Total Ammonla mg/1 an;1,111,.stl;�,,is 1 21Nitrogen. Total) 1 TKN as N _Mgt[ For Rern!lidlatlori Systems Only (Attach, LablRepons):' It —Now, Reid Wells, Sr.- Wastewater Tech Pemittee (or Authorized Aqent) Narne and Title Please Print or tivoe, :bw Rev. 112007 1703 Coutrity'Sampson El, Lagoon ElRemedlation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field, El Remediation: —Telephone#: 910-596408 0'Rotary Distributor 13 LandfAppication of - !Sludge No. of wells'to be sampled: 1.3 El Water Source Heat Pump 0 Other: If -WEE Date�sam,ple collected: 3/17/1`6 FIE ED ANALYSES: WAS Well Diameter: — in. �pH 6.3 units Temp. 1710b DRY'.a Screened Interval: to Spec. Cond. i:iiwlhos� time of —ft. Relative M.P. Elevation: —ft. ft. Odor sampli check jallons Appearance here: 4d •and field acidified: 173YEs El NO Laboratory Name:. MicrobaC Laboratories Certifficitlon No. NQ#1 1'NC#37714 colloidal concentrations. NifflW (NO,) as N mg/I Pb mg/l Nitrate (NO3)as N 0,332 mgA Zn - Zinc rngtl Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Orthophosphate. mlg/I Other r(Specify Compounds+and Concentration Units),: AI-Aiuminum mg/I B a -'Barlum mg/I Ca - Calcium MgA Cd - Cadmium ---mg/l Chromium: Total mg/I • CuzCopper —mg/I ORGANIC& (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Fe-- Iron mg/I (Specif y test #. ATTACH LABREPORT;), Hg-Mercury mg1l ReportAttached? El �Yes(l) 11 No(0) K - Potassium MgA sbb method # Mg - Magnesium Mg1l method #, Mn - Manganese hingli method # NI - Nickel MgA, method,# • • ' • SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER+ONLY' _ •"• EPA �q F GROUNDwATER NITORING:„ . • yY`yN: f' M s av E M_R r COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM _ W1t�LrE1GN,fNIC27,699187i0NPhoreUNIT(91 _ 9 +733 3221 - t + - - PERMITNumber: 'Expiration Date: Jtily3l' 2015 -- - PleasePrint Clearlya Type "- - FACILITY INFORMABTIe NCreekVe etable�♦ Facility _Name S g g Co .. _ Non -Discharge W00004268 Permit,Name,(if different). -. =. '' _ ;. r r f -.,� NPDES Other Facikty;Address 5900 Turkey'.HlghWay _ - TYPE,OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery NC 28393-9703 ` County• Sampson i ' , CiH) (State)' (Zlpl •' ( , •, ; ©Spray Field, ❑ Remediation: ContacEP-arson .'Reid Welts -:.. ' '; '. Telephone#: 1910-596-0028 _ - ❑Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge +. ell Location/Site"Name ` "• No. of wells to be sampled. 13 ❑Water Source Heat Pump, El Other: _ y Pe SAMPLING INFORMATION - - --- ' - - - -- --- - If WELL WELL NUMBER (from Permit): R 8 Date sample collected 3/17/16 FIELMANALYSES: WAS i s Well Depth - ft. Well, Diameter: in. pH 6.4,units Temp. 17 eC • DRY attime Depth to; Water Level 63 ft: belowmeasuring point. Screened'rinterval: ft. to ft. Spec Cond: pMh os of t .• sampling, [ Measuring Pomt is - ft. above land surface, Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor - check pedl Volume of wmetals-were gallons 1 Appearance' -- here:,❑ coilletltedfunfflterredn ❑YES Samples for c ❑ NO and fieltl,acidified: ❑,YES' Y ❑'.NO _ LABORATORY INFORMATION - -- '- - - Date sample analyzed; Laboratory Name Microbac Laboratories Certification No. NC#1 T NC#37714' K L' + PARAMETERS NOTE Valuesshoold rerflect'dissolved and colloidal concentrations. - 1z: ., ' r. ,COD; <10 mgA NI (NOz) as N mg/1 - Pb - Lead - mg/1 -•,.-• -• • - Collformi,MFFecal- ./100mI. 'Nitrate;(NO3)'as'.N 18:5Imgll "' Zn-zinc . _ _ _m_gll r' 'ColifoMn MF,Total . �- /100m1, -Phosphorus': Total 'as P mgA. Y .+` - (Note- Use MPN method for highly irbld samples) �,N Orthophosphate mgA Other(Specify(Compounds: and ConcentrahomUnits):. •- - r Dissolved Solids -'Total -1'80 mg/I _ AI - Aluminum m9/I '_, ,• a - ' 'pH (when.ahalyied) _`-' = _. units _ - Be -Barium .. _rngll " TO C <<..:'- 1'.45:mg/I ' Ca - Calcium _ - mg/t ... _. .:-.. Chloride ,` 11.3 Mg/l Cd - Cadmium mg/I _ ' c ',.Arsenic mgA Chromium: Total _ mg/I Oills mg/I'. Cu - Copper mgA ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS HPLC) - S _ n rng/I Fe. -.Iron mgA (Specify test,and method'.# 'ATTACH'!LAB REPORT) - �� t .i , {$ulfate '- 19 mg/I ,. Hg - Mercury -- mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1.)' ❑ No (0) 't •' '• -' _'287'-Mhos ecific Conductance - F,. •',-•„ K=Potassium _ m/I. g VOC rriethod# _ + / + Total Ammorna • Mgt' g" Mg - Magnesium '.mgA ' • method # r -- AnvnpnI Nitrogen; NHaas N Mmnos a N trogen, Total) Mn- Manganese - mg/I. .-_ ...,;method"# - t .,- •° , - .TKN,as N - mg/I. Ni,-Nickel mgA ;method# . _ ( For Reniec I Reid We Systems',Only(Attach'Lab Reports): Permittee'(or Authorized' Agent) Name and 'GW-59 Rev. 112007 - M QUALITY MONITORING: ty Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Co it Name (if different): tyAddress: 5900 Turkey'Highway . Cey (street) NG 28393=9703 '(City) (Stale) (zip) act Person: Reid Wells Location/Site Name: VIV County Sampson Telephone#:. 91.0-596-0028' No. of wells to be samoled:- 13 L ID NUMBER (from Permit): R-9 Date sample collected: 3/17/16 Depth: ft. Well Diameter: in, i to Water Level: 5.TA. below measuring, point Screened Interval: ft. to, ft. 'wring Point is ft. above land surface Relative,M.P. Elevation: ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before, sampling: 10+ gallons RMIT'Number: n-Discharge W00004268 Expiration' Date: JUIy'67, 2Ul5 _ UIC 'DES Other PE OF PERMITTED OP.ERATION'BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery © Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land. Application ofSludge El Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 5l5 units Spec.. Cond. Odor Appearance Temp. 19, oG DRY. at µMhos time, of ate sample analyzed: - Laboratory Name: MicrobacLaboratories; Certification No. NC#11 NC#37714 NRAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. - COD 22.9 mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I, Pb -'Lead mg/I ' Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 1.38, mg/I Zn -Zinc mg/I ' ' Coliform: MF Total _ - /100ml Phosphorus:' Total as P mg/I , (Note:' Use MPN mitred for highly turbitlsamples) Orthophosphate mg/l. Other(Specify'Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total. 200' mgA AI - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Be - Barium mgA' TOC 2.92 mg/I Ca - Calcium _ mg/I t Chloride 44.4,mg/I Cd- Cadmium mgA - .Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I ' ' Grease and Oils, mg/l Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) 'Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) . Sulfate 64: mg/l Hg,-Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1;) ❑. No,(0) ' 'Specific Conductance 373 µMhos - K - Potassium mg/l VOC ,. method # _ Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I method # (Ammonia Nitrcgon; NHyas N;.A .ia Nitrogen: rotes Mn -Manganese mg/I ,method TKN as N mg/I Ni- Nickel _ mg/I , method# For Remedlation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total V,OCs: mq/L VOC'Removal°/ Reid Wells; Sr. Wastewater Tech Permittee (or Authorized.AAent) Name and Title- Please print or type GW-59 Rev. 1/2007 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # W Q oc.) 4&? (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 joram) I Enter date monitoring results were due. — Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due da e? 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the, well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? Ijthe answer is 'Yes", contact the Regional Officejor guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? E NO If the answer to question 4 is "NO" skip to section 8. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentrations) exceeding standards in the space provided below., F{ g N, 4ra-F2 ),P,S m9/1- 9- 6 -ToG / 1. 6 fh5/4- 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section B. If the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). N 4qp_ .914 m0/1- //-Ito l5 R 6 Tom' '?S ng/L al.& m9/L 7.a9-)s Q_& 7vc 3&d lyoll- 3-l6 /lo,l "X 3-16 /S /i-(o -ri5c. 0,9 m9/L- Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES O If the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. I/the answeris "NO" monitoring wells maybe improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is 'YES; describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subiect the permittee to a Notice of Violation, finesand/or penalties. 8 The person completing this portion (GW-59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. hereby'acknowledge.thaY the+above information was evaluated and>ihe mformationaubmitted imthis- LI port (Complfance,Report,_GW-59A) fie true�and',complete+to the,_best of myknowledge�+„ Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Date GW-59A 12/8/2003