HomeMy WebLinkAbout350056_Closure Plan_20230526Peachtree Creek SDAP This plan has been prepared for: Peachtree Creek Lamont Futtrell 4923-C Bloomery Rd Wilson, NC 27896 252-235-8642 5/26/2023 This plan has been developed by: Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District Quinton Cooper 101- B S. Bickett Blvd. Louisburg, NC 27549 919-4 -31 7* De toper Sig t re Type of Plan: Nutrient Management with Closure Cleanout Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste management that are included with this plan. Signature (owner) Signature (manager or producer) Date Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S.Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: Te nical Speci ignature Date Sources in Plan Peachtree Creek SDAP Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is included in this plan. U 1008 Peachtree Lagoon 3 Closure Source waste generated 2,367,066 gals/year by a 0 Swine Lagoon Sludge - Farrow -Finish operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of approximately 0 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Injected 17,128 Incorporated-4 wks or less following application 17,128 Incorporated-5 wks to 3 mos following application 14,273 Broadcast 14,273 Irrigated 14,273 Max. Available PAN (Ibs) Actual PAN Applied (Ibs) PAN Surplus / Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 14,273 20,012 (5,739) 3,318,857 (951,791) 4/16/2024 1:05:54 PM 1 / 1 Waste Storage Closure Source Description Peachtree Creek SDAP SOURCE: Peachtree Lagoon 3 Closure Source Date Measured: 11/01/2022 Lagoon Dimensions: TOP - 580 X 273; BOTTOM - 575 X 268; SIDE SLOPES - 2.5:1 Liquid Depth: 4.10 ft.; Liquid Volume: 4,319,970 gallons. Sludge Depth: 3.80 ft.; Liquid Depth: 4.50 ft.; Sludge Depth: 3.21 ft.; Liquid Depth: 2.95 ft.; Sludge Depth: 2.90 ft.; Sludge Volume: 3,559,604 gallons Liquid Volume: 2,336,757 gallons. Sludge Volume: 1,431,132 gallons Liquid Volume: 1,400,177 gallons. Sludge Volume: 966,889 gallons Waste Sample #: FY23- W 002391 Waste Sample #: FY23- W002375 Waste Sample #: LAG2LQ Waste Sample #: FY23- W 002374 Waste Sample #: FY23- W002391 Waste Sample #: FY23- W002374 U 1008 Peachtree Lagoon 3 Closure Source is an animal waste storage structure that is no longer in operation and is being closed as part of a closure plan. There are an estimated 2,367,066 gals in this structure prior to closure. Estimated Plant Available Nitrogen Application Method (Ibs N/1000 gals) Source Total (Ibs) Injected 7.24 17,128 Incorporated-4 wks or less following application 7.24 17,128 Incorporated-5 wks to 3 mos following application 6.04 14,273 Broadcast 6.04 14,273 Irrigated 6.04 14,273 Max. Available PAN (Ibs) * Actual PAN Applied (Ibs) PAN Surplus / Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) 14,273 20,012 (5,739) 3,318,857 (951,791) Note: In Source ID, S means standard source, U means user defined source. * Maximum PAN Available is calculated on the basis of the actual application method(s) identified in the plan for this source. 4/16/2024 1:09:17 PM 1 / 1 Planned Crops Summary Peachtree Creek SDAP The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in the plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates and Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) recommendations are also provided for each crop as well as the crop's P205 Removal Rate. The Leaching Index (LI) and the Phosphorous Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) Rating are also provided for each field, where available. If a filed's PLAT Rating is High, any planned manure application is limited to the phosphorous removal rate of the harvested plant biomass for the crop rotation or multiple years in the crop sequence. Fields with a Very High PLAT Rating should receive no additional applications of manure. Regardless of the PLAT rating starter fertilizers may be recommended in accordance with North Carolina State University guidelines or recommendations. The quantity of P205 applied to each crop is shown in the following table if the field's PLAT rating is High or Very High. Tract Field Total Wettable SMU LI Crop Name RYE Recom- PLAT P205 (lbs/acre) Acres Acres j mended Rating Crop !E PAN Removal Applied 605 — 1 53.4 53.4 W e6 12 Soybeans, Manured, Full Season 39 Bushels 152 Medium 31 i 1 NA 605 — 2 26 26 W eC 12 Soybeans, Manured, Full Season 37 Bushels 144 Medium 77 0 NA 605 — 9 37.1 37.1 W eC 12 Soybeans, Manured, Full Season 37 Bushels 152 Medium 30 NA 7442 1 13.7 13.7 W eC 12 Common Bermudagrass Pasture 3.5 Tons 116 Medium 1 4 NA 7442 2 15.5 15.5 Ap6 12 Common Bermudagrass Pasture 3.9 Tons 129 Medium 1 5 NA 7442 3 7.7 7.7 W e6 1 12 Common Bermudagrass Pasture 3.7 Tons 122 Medium 4 NA Totals: 153.40 153.40 Notes: 1. In the tract column, — symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 4/16024 1:09:37 PM 1 / 2 >=2&<=10 i >10 Planned Crops Summary Potential Leaching Peachtree Creek SDAP Technical Guidance Low potential to contribute to soluble nutrient I None leaching below the root zone. Moderate potential to contribute to soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. High potential to contribute to soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that improve available water holding capacity of soil and improve nutrient use efficiency should be considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (328), Long -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips(393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). P Loss Index Rating P Management Recommendation 0 - 25 Low No adjustment needed; N based application 26 - 50 Medium No adjustment needed; N based application 51 - 100 High Application limited to crop P removal > 100 Very High Starter P application only 4/16/2024 1:09:37 PM 2 / 2 a) 7 � U O C CD a) E C j >+ O C c0 .0-0 f6 � r. Oc -04% E a)a Ec aM 0 C O vwi)a) C _ c c Q . M O � c y :r a) 0 o-tea NOOK Ea) cn O c QL O _O .• C: U) C M cn p 0 Q C.0 O 'O a�U 0cE� a) > O y c0 a) r a0 O-0a) 0�mrn M �ow� .TE ?'0 c w -, a)m .0 U O c U E c C w+ W c U Q L L C Q c a OL o'+- o O o �'c o Q cn O L O B N G s c O 0) - -E C 3 O �c o `L° a) a) O a) c w .� d A� C� Q L O UW aoY C ovUia uj. cn U a 0 a) 'N d s�O-g >p r N .� >, U) o N c O a a) > ai d L •..• cn c L cO CU O QO � Vi a 3�°N' E �o0- Ri L E c ° '" -o CCU N E O O O a ` U 0 c0 O N ._ n � a) C a) E ° OL C L C Q c CCU O cA O w U Oa) L C O•N j Q Q a)* QN C � w � c a) O 6 O O to c E N c-a E L cA m �Ecu CL sm O U C N �L c•� �CL Lacn c a CU -O Q U j O N � o .-� N� > O 0 3 D a) cn OL d L U a) c a� c o a a) � m�-0•- -0 E - L O _ 0 >cu N cu L C o a r U) o F- U N" Lr--. c0 G C O O O O O O 00 m 'C N .a 7 .� '0 i C O y 0 CC IL +�° W 'C M COM n0 V V r0 OR co O O) m 6 Cl) 00 ") QC a m G M ((0 N Cl) Cl)) Cl :3 a v OC fh N O O O O O O N O O N O N O m` C (0RCC'.m « 0) 0) 0) -� tea"' C) 0 C) 0 0 o - a LQ N M 3 C O: N UA W O N N -p -p 3 L _Q @ l6 CC'.' y 0) N N N_ C. 7 (o I-O J a Q O f0 m C Q N CN C Q •2 a= N Z ~ O Bazar' ~ v O aL v o - om v o o 0 Q� co m` M oa as m O N N O O O ma z 0 o O N O O O E m ma Emco� z 0LLZQv m C LO a V O N N pQ m aiu z z z ci 9 LO U) LO LO �2 t2 C a •� rn rn rn T T o) a as v v v LO LOz Cl) Cl) Cl) LU -5 N '5 C c c m N m N m LO D) r- M M M `") M M > LL > LL LL V) N N N N 2 EO Z > c c a 2 2 2 t t t U ccli c c M m m �p O O O O N O O N N cn cn N cn Un cn Un U d M U LL U CL a 0 0 0o 0 co 0 Lrl O N M M �Q C) O O O O O C m Ln co N M F Q Co m m �O 0 0 0 w 0 w 0 0 M y N m N Cl) L. Ln LO Ln N "T N V N 'Tr I-r F v d Cl) LP O) C) v 0 N v N N ►] .1 V 7 Peachtree Creek SDAP 5/26/2023 Type of Plan: Nutrient Management with Closure Cleanout Only Narrative: Producer is applying lagoon waste through a agitate and haul method. Producer will be closing Lagoon 1 with EQIP and lagoon 3 with Swine/Dairy program. The addititonal 2ft +/- sludge on the bottom of both lagoon 1 and lagoon 3 will be scraped to clay layer and applied according to the plan that was wrote for that specific lagoon. The pipe that carries overflow from Lagoon 2 to Lagoon 3 will be capped and no other water will not be allowed to drain into Lagoon 3. Lagoon 2 will have a new start/stop marker installed by NRCS engineer following the closure of Lagoon 1. Lagoon 2 will need to be maintained to keep water levels within required water levels. Lagoon 3 will be converted with a engineer approved design to an agricuture use pond. All disturbed areas will be seeded and hayed with permenant grass. * The current fields on the map are in trees but the fields have been cleared and a mulitspecies cover crop has been planted. The fields will be planted in full season soybeans following the application of lagoon 3 material. 4/16/2024 1:10:08 PM 1 / 1 R C d V Q a o .c CO rn O r` 0 co co 0 r` 0 O rl- 0 I- 0 C L E cQ o aQv N y U U? N CM N = O V Q N N— N N Cr C Q.0 J�QO) G Q Q� Z LO N— N N caa a_ Z .a Q N N O O N a Q to Z cn Nt L N N V Q U U U U U U CL a1 Q m Co Co m m m C�? p .L in in in �LO to to �rn �rn �rn Mrn Mrn Mrn CL w N N c c c LU t t -C H H M j ce) U) M U) O 00 00 00 M Cei M C m C ca C a d o 2 0 2 c c`uv cn ccu co U o y N C o U N C O O C rn C rn C (0 C N w O cao O a)a) M a)a) O -p a) 0 Ems O 'O a) L=" O O a) E:� 0 7 0 7 0 7 O a) w O a) m O a) N rnLL rnLL rnLL Umo_ Umo_ Uma- im � 2 IL d y r cn QLO N M r� to Q M N co In NN mCL >m > >N >m 0 20 co co co co co co 7 O O O O O O O O O O O O p �— D N O N M IL L O O O 'T 'IT H O O (0 r r r E N Q Q O M N Co C'r) M l a) C •� a 'cv Q a) N E � a� o > > a) > U U j U O U O 4) U) X W ,It Q � m Q k k 0 E \ 0CU 2 �E / _� ff�k @ '2 E E \� �( % E § o @a« o £2o�r Co 0 § c Q a(n=7 � /co occ �QaS% �7bC= $ %R / 0 f §o2m > n=- m 9 cn E c:2Ti- $E E� 0\ cn % ® L- E 0 / % 7 % cn ° g z-r cn C'-.N ®� -0 E & E0§#2 §/C)0 £§C)®k °I\/f /�7k \ =f22U) 56�E �d2= § \qE/ 3 o @ o m = _ § o m 0 c = @- 0- o �k/C\ / Ee k m$kmd� §«=kk �-/�/ k\ E�§ c 2 J E E §a0- �§_ �/§ E / o b 2� mC) -m§\& c §n o 2 S.> 0 * _o Eao/o �S£Ng Qc==o 0 0 0 c o = o = _e x k 0) § o / c § E \ um \/a)-\ �a"0M 0 k k 0 Q � 2 0 m M k E LU N § E S E E E E -0 U) / \ / \ / It ■ _ k k \ S E E S \ UCDa R ¥ R CD $ � g $ 2 S U) n % n % CN c q CN co c N 2 q Q \ co / \ \ \ 2 2 2 g 4 \ 7 k - 6 rN 0 m � Q $ \ / \ � � 0 m a / 2 2 2 $ co CL CD k d kd\ 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 7 � r J ¥ $ \ / 2 � p / o a a a a a C� «£ c < c c o c S S S S S S 0 U) ƒ ƒ LL ) ) E2 ƒ ƒ ƒ / ¢ 0 0- c c o ' E E U ƒ / ƒ [ [ co co 00 kckckco»0G0a) = c c a)omo0)oe§e§e§ _cnmcn_cn 5,m 5,n 5,ca e« e% E« 0a)0m0W0e0m0co mmmmmm0CLU=OM ° \ \ \ \ \ \ k 2 2 2 O G \ § $ $ < 6 I $ 2 � . � z k \ \ \ \ \ o o = w w w M CN 0) coU- k k \ / / / Em � - y V