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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSennebogen Service Center Geotech Report 202308338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C August 21, 2023 Mr. Mark Murray S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. 3309 Washburn Avenue CharloƩe, North Carolina 28205 Reference: Geotechnical ConsulƟng Services Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Dear Mr. Murray: SubmiƩed herewith is the report of our geotechnical exploraƟon for the referenced project. This study was conducted in accordance with Aardvark Proposal No.: 1396 dated July 18, 2023. This report contains the generalized results of our findings and an engineering interpretaƟon of these with respect to the available project characterisƟcs. Also included are recommendaƟons to aid in evaluaƟng the suitability of the site and idenƟfying possible construcƟon difficulƟes on earth-related phases of this project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If we can be of further assistance, or if you have any quesƟons regarding this report, please contact our office. Regards, Kevin C. McTier, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer NC RegistraƟon 029409 NC COA C-3319 8/21/2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Aardvark Engineers, Inc. has completed the authorized geotechnical exploraƟon of the proposed Sennebogen Service Center building and demonstraƟon pad area located in Stanley, North Carolina. The following summarizes the findings of our geotechnical exploraƟon. Please refer to the body of this report for more specific conclusions and recommendaƟons of this report. The proposed site is located at 1957 Sennebogen Trail in Stanley, North Carolina. The site is approximately 32-1/2 acres in size. There is an exisƟng building located to the east of the proposed new building and demonstraƟon pad. The area is parƟally wooded and currently undergoing clearing and grading processes near the middle of the proposed building structure. The proposed site slopes downward from the east to the west with an approximate elevaƟon difference of 20 feet. There is a detenƟon basin with an outlet structure along the eastern property boundary of the proposed development. We understand that the project will consist of a single-story facility with a proposed footprint of approximately 48,000 square feet. A gravel demonstraƟon area on the order of approximately 48,000 square feet is to be constructed to the west of the proposed building. A retaining wall is anƟcipated for the transiƟon from the new building to the demonstraƟon area. New parking lots will be constructed to the south of the proposed building. We anƟcipate the structure will be metal framed with concrete Ɵlt-up walls. The proposed building will have a concrete floor system. Less than 10 feet of cut (excavaƟon) and fill will be required during grading to establish finished site grades. A total of twenty (20) hand auger borings were completed within the proposed project site. The conclusions and recommendaƟons presented in this report have been based on our sampling and are somewhat general in nature. The sampling revealed the following generalized and limited subsurface profile. Please refer to secƟon Subsurface CondiƟons for more specific informaƟon regarding the subsurface profile. Approximately 3 to 6 inches of topsoil were encountered at each test locaƟon. Greater topsoil depths should be anƟcipated in areas consisƟng of dense trees and brush. It is likely that areas of large root systems and areas of deeper organic deposits will be encountered during stripping operaƟons. Below the surface materials, old fill was encountered at thirteen (13) boring locaƟons. The old fill was encountered to depths ranging from approximately 2 to greater than 10 feet below the exisƟng surface elevaƟon. The old fill typically consisted of moist soŌ to firm red and tan sandy silt and/or clayey silt. Deleterious material consisƟng of organics and construcƟon debris were encountered at various depths within the old fill. Boring locaƟon HA-7 was terminated within the old fill soils at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. Our limited exploraƟon data indicate the old fill received a liƩle to marginal compacƟve effort. Below the old fill and surface materials, residual soils were encountered at the remaining boring locaƟons. The residual soils typically consist of moist sƟff to very sƟff red and tan sandy and/or clayey micaceous silt transiƟoning with depth to moist very sƟff gray and tan sandy silt intermixed with fragmented rock. Almost half of our test locaƟons encountered auger refusal on very dense residual soil at depths ranging from approximately 6 to 8 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. The remaining boring locaƟons were terminated at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng surface elevaƟon. Groundwater was encountered within boring locaƟon HA-14 at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. It should be recognized that fluctuaƟons in the groundwater level should be expected to occur due to variaƟons in rainfall and other environmental or physical factors at the Ɵme measurements are made. Old fill was encountered in more than half of our boring locaƟons. Our limited exploraƟon data indicates the fill is not well compacted. Deleterious materials consisƟng of organics and construcƟon were encountered at various depths within the old fill. These materials could be present in other areas of the site. If our data are representaƟve of the fill mass, there is risk of structurally significant seƩlement and cracking of fill supported foundaƟons and floors. We recommend that backhoe pits be excavated prior to awarding the construcƟon contract to beƩer assess the extent, thickness, and quality of old fill. A representaƟve of our firm should be present during the excavaƟons to evaluate the materials. RecommendaƟons for foundaƟon and floor slab support are presented in the following secƟons. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Perched groundwater may be encountered during site development especially in areas near the exisƟng drainage feature. Drainage trenches and/or pumping from shallow sumps may be required for temporary dewatering during construcƟon. Auger refusal was encountered within almost half of our test locaƟons. Auger refusal indicates the potenƟal for difficult excavaƟon. Loosening of weathered rock will likely require use of a large construcƟon equipment. During the design phase of this project, the finished elevaƟons for foundaƟons and uƟliƟes should be compared by the designer to our auger refusal elevaƟons. We recommend that backhoe pits be excavated prior to awarding the construcƟon contract to beƩer assess the extent, thickness, and quality of the potenƟal weathered rock. A representaƟve of our firm should be present during the excavaƟons to evaluate the materials. Soil moisture contents of the on site soil could vary considerably with weather condiƟons during construcƟon. Drying or weƫng of the soils may be necessary to achieve the recommended compacƟon criterion. If grading occurs during wet weather, these materials likely cannot be dried sufficiently to obtain the recommended degree of compacƟon. As a pracƟcal consideraƟon, they may have to be wasted in non-structural areas of the site. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. The onsite, low plasƟcity, silty and sandy soils can be used for structural fill. Moisture adjustment primarily consisƟng of drying the soils will be required to achieve a saƟsfactory degree of compacƟon. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. Provided our recommendaƟons are implemented during the design and construcƟon, the proposed structure may be supported on shallow foundaƟons bearing on low plasƟcity residual soil or properly compacted structural fill. If unsaƟsfactory soil is encountered within the building area (such soil disturbed during excavaƟon or soils with high concentraƟons of clay or silt), selecƟve undercuƫng of this material will be required. The structure’s floor slab may be convenƟonally soil supported on residual soil or new structural fill, provided that the subsequently discussed site preparaƟon and fill placement recommendaƟons are followed. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Table of Contents IntroducƟon Site InformaƟon Field ExploraƟon Subsurface CondiƟons Conclusions RecommendaƟons Appendices 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C IntroducƟon Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C INTRODUCTION G›Ä›Ùƒ½ S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. is planning for the construcƟon of a proposed building and demonstraƟon pad area located on the exisƟng Sennebogen facility. The proposed site is located at 1957 Sennebogen Trail in Stanley, North Carolina. The results of the geotechnical exploraƟon for this project are presented in this report. This study was conducted in accordance with Aardvark Proposal No.: 1396 dated July 18, 2023. PçÙÖÊݛ ƒÄ— S‘Ê֛ The purpose of this study was to evaluate the general subsurface condiƟons for the site development. Subsurface condiƟons at this project site were evaluated by compleƟng a total of twenty (20) hand auger borings at equally spaced locaƟons across the project site. Also included is an evaluaƟon of the site with respect to general recommendaƟons regarding foundaƟon construcƟon, general earthwork procedures and potenƟal construcƟon difficulty due to rock and/or groundwater. L®Ã®ãƒã®ÊÄÝ Ê¥ Sãç—ù The recommendaƟons provided herein were developed from the informaƟon obtained in our sampling, which depicts general subsurface condiƟons only at specific locaƟons. Subsurface condiƟons at other locaƟons may differ from those occurring at the specific excavaƟon sites. The nature and extent of variaƟons between sampling locaƟons may not become evident unƟl the course of construcƟon. If variaƟons then become evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendaƟons of this report aŌer performing on-site observaƟons during the excavaƟon and noƟng the characterisƟcs of any variaƟon. Our professional services have been performed, findings obtained, and recommendaƟons prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and pracƟces. No warranƟes are either expressed or implied. Field observaƟons, monitoring, and quality assurance tesƟng during earthwork and foundaƟon installaƟon are an extension of the geotechnical design. We recommend that the owner retain these services and that we be allowed to conƟnue our involvement in the project through these phases of construcƟon. Our firm is not responsible for interpretaƟon of the data contained in this report by others, nor do we accept any responsibility for job site safety which is the sole responsibility of the contractor. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site InformaƟon Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C SITE INFORMATION Eø®Ýã®Ä¦ CÊė®ã®ÊÄÝ The proposed site is located at 1957 Sennebogen Trail in Stanley, North Carolina. The site is approximately 32-1/2 acres in size. There is an exisƟng building located to the east of the proposed new building and demonstraƟon pad. The area is parƟally wooded and currently undergoing clearing and grading processes near the middle of the proposed building structure. The proposed site slopes downward from the east to the west with an approximate elevaƟon difference of 20 feet. There is a detenƟon basin with an outlet structure along the eastern property boundary of the proposed development. PÙÊÖÊݛ— ConstrucƟon We understand that the project will consist of a single-story facility with a proposed footprint of approximately 48,000 square feet. A gravel demonstraƟon area on the order of approximately 48,000 square feet is to be constructed to the west of the proposed building. A retaining wall is anƟcipated for the transiƟon from the new building to the demonstraƟon area. New parking lots will be constructed to the south of the proposed building. We anƟcipate the structure will be metal framed with concrete Ɵlt-up walls. The proposed building will have a concrete floor system. Less than 10 feet of cut (excavaƟon) and fill will be required during grading to establish finished site grades. S®ã› G›Ê½Ê¦ù The project site is in the CharloƩe Belt of North Carolina’s Piedmont physiographic province. The soil overburden of this area consists of mostly igneous rock of the Piedmont. They include granite, diorite, and gabbro. A typical upland soil profile consists of thin topsoil underlain by a few feet of clayey and/or silty soils that transiƟon with increasing depth into less clayey, coarser grained silts and sands with varying mica content. SeparaƟng the completely weathered soil overburden from the unaltered parent rock is a transiƟon zone of very high consistency materials locally referred to as soŌ weathered rock. SoŌ weathered rock retains much of the appearance and striaƟons of the parent bedrock formaƟons, and may consist of alternaƟng layers of high consistency soil and rock. SoŌ weathered rock exhibits standard penetraƟon resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot (bpf) and less than 50 blows per inch. The soŌ weathered rock represents the transiƟon between residual soil and hard weathered rock (SPT N-values > 50 blows per inch) and/or bedrock. The weathering processes that formed the overburden soils and soŌ weathered rock were extremely variable, depending on such factors as rock mineralogy, past groundwater condiƟons, and the tectonic history (joints, faults, igneous intrusions, etc.) of the specific area. DifferenƟal weathering of the rock mass has resulted in erraƟcally varying subsurface condiƟons, evidenced by abrupt changes in soil type and consistency in relaƟvely short horizontal and verƟcal distances. Furthermore, depths to rock can be irregular and isolated boulders, disconƟnuous rock layers, or rock pinnacles can be present within the overburden and transiƟon zones. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C SITE INFORMATION NRCS SÊ®½ SçÙò›ù Soils maps from the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Recourses ConservaƟon Service, indicate the following soils are present within the project site. A NRCS Soil Survey Map is included in Appendix A displaying the approximate soil type locaƟons. Map Unit: CeB2—Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cecil, moderately eroded (88%) The Cecil, moderately eroded component makes up 88 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 2 to 8 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potenƟal is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY820GA Acidic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: PeC2—Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Pacolet, moderately eroded (85%) The Pacolet, moderately eroded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potenƟal is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY820GA Acidic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: WyC—WynoƩ-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Component: WynoƩ (35%) The WynoƩ component makes up 35 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer, bedrock, paralithic, is 20 to 40 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is low. Shrink-swell potenƟal is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY730SC Basic upland forest, dry ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Winnsboro (30%) The Winnsboro component makes up 30 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is high. Shrink-swell potenƟal is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C SITE INFORMATION Component: Rowan (25%) The Rowan component makes up 25 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potenƟal is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: WyD—WynoƩ-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes Component: WynoƩ (35%) The WynoƩ component makes up 35 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer, bedrock, paralithic, is 20 to 40 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is low. Shrink-swell potenƟal is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY730SC Basic upland forest, dry ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Winnsboro (30%) The Winnsboro component makes up 30 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is high. Shrink-swell potenƟal is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Rowan (25%) The Rowan component makes up 25 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restricƟve layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restricƟve layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potenƟal is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturaƟon within a depth of 72 inches. Organic maƩer content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classificaƟon is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Soil at the site reportedly does not exhibit characterisƟcs of hydric soils according to records maintained by the NRCS (i.e., those soils associated with wetland areas). These soils are generally found on flood plains and are formed in loamy alluvial deposits. Wetlands are surface areas that are inundated or saturated with water under normal circumstances. Wetlands support a prevalence of hydrophilic vegetaƟon that are adapted for life in saturated soil condiƟons. Wetlands will generally be found in floodplains along drainage ways, areas of topographic depression, or around the periphery of lakes. There is an inherent margin of error with this type of wetlands determinaƟon. Therefore, we recommend contacƟng a local wetlands environmental consultant to assist in the determinaƟon and delineaƟon of the wetlands site. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Field ExploraƟon Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C FIELD EXPLORATION The soil condiƟons at this project site were evaluated by compleƟng a total of twenty (20) hand auger borings at widely spaced intervals across the project site. Our field services were completed on the period from July 24, 2023 to July 28, 2023. The approximate test locaƟons are illustrated on the Boring LocaƟon Plan in the Appendix. Due to methods used, the locaƟon and elevaƟons of the borings should be considered approximate. The borings were made by twisƟng a post-hole auger into the soil. The auger consisted of either a two curved blades and a bucket which retains the soil as the auger is advanced or a towable power auger. At regular intervals, the auger was removed from the boring and dynamic penetraƟon tests were performed. PenetraƟon resistance, when properly evaluated, is an approximate index to the soil’s strength, compressibility, and density. Water levels were measured upon compleƟon and the boreholes were backfilled with the auger cuƫngs. Our staff engineer coordinated our field acƟviƟes, conducted the reconnaissance of the site, and prepared the report of the subsurface condiƟons encountered. Our visual classificaƟons and the results from our field tesƟng program were used to develop the Soil Test Borings included in the Appendices. Logs of each boring have been prepared based upon the field log and visual classificaƟon. The test logs are included in the Appendix of this report for your review. Indicated on each log are the primary strata encountered, the depth of each stratum change, depth of sample, standard penetraƟon test results, and groundwater condiƟons. The logs were prepared for each locaƟon giving the appropriate sample data and the textural descripƟon and classificaƟon. When reviewing these records, the indicated boundaries between soil strata are approximate and the transiƟons between strata are generally gradual. Also, variaƟons in subsurface condiƟons from those encountered may exist between sample locaƟons. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Subsurface CondiƟons Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Our interpretaƟon of the subsurface condiƟons is based upon a review of available published literature and the widely spaced hand auger borings at the approximate locaƟons shown on the Boring LocaƟon Plan in the Appendix. The following is a generalized discussion of our findings. For more specific informaƟon, please refer to the Boring Logs presented in the Appendix. SçÝçÙ¥ƒ‘› SÊ®½ CÊė®ã®ÊÄÝ Approximately 3 to 6 inches of topsoil were encountered at each test locaƟon. Greater topsoil depths should be anƟcipated in areas consisƟng of dense trees and brush. It is likely that areas of large root systems and areas of deeper organic deposits will be encountered during stripping operaƟons. Below the surface materials, old fill was encountered at thirteen (13) boring locaƟons. The old fill was encountered to depths ranging from approximately 2 to greater than 10 feet below the exisƟng surface elevaƟon. The old fill typically consisted of moist soŌ to firm red and tan sandy silt and/or clayey silt. Deleterious material consisƟng of organics and construcƟon debris were encountered at various depths within the old fill. Boring locaƟon HA-7 was terminated within the old fill soils at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. Our limited exploraƟon data indicate the old fill received a liƩle to marginal compacƟve effort. Below the old fill and surface materials, residual soils were encountered at the remaining boring locaƟons. The residual soils typically consist of moist sƟff to very sƟff red and tan sandy and/or clayey micaceous silt transiƟoning with depth to moist very sƟff gray and tan sandy silt intermixed with fragmented rock. Almost half of our test loca Ɵons encountered auger refusal on very dense residual soil at depths ranging from approximately 6 to 8 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. The remaining boring locaƟons were terminated at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng surface elevaƟon. GÙÊçėóƒã›Ù CÊė®ã®ÊÄÝ The term groundwater, for the purpose of this report, pertains to any water that percolates through the naturally occurring materials found on site. This includes any overland flow that permeates through a given depth of soil, perched water, and water that occurs below the water table, a zone that remains saturated and water bearing year round. Groundwater was encountered within boring locaƟon HA-14 at a depth of approximately 10 feet below the exisƟng ground surface. It should be recognized that fluctuaƟons in the groundwater level should be expected to occur due to variaƟons in rainfall and other environmental or physical factors at the Ɵme measurements are made. It should be recognized that fluctuaƟons in the groundwater level should be expected to occur due to variaƟons in rainfall and other environmental or physical factors at the Ɵme measurements are made. The true staƟc groundwater level can only be determined through observaƟons made in cased holes over a long period of Ɵme. Slightly elevated groundwater condiƟons should be expected during weƩer periods of the year. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Conclusions Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C CONCLUSIONS The following summarizes the conclusions of our geotechnical exploraƟon: Old fill was encountered in more than half of our boring locaƟons. Our limited exploraƟon data indicates the fill is not well compacted. Deleterious materials consisƟng of organics and construcƟon were encountered at various depths within the old fill. These materials could be present in other areas of the site. If our data are representaƟve of the fill mass, there is risk of structurally significant seƩlement and cracking of fill supported foundaƟons and floors. We recommend that backhoe pits be excavated prior to awarding the construcƟon contract to beƩer assess the extent, thickness, and quality of old fill. A representaƟve of our firm should be present during the excavaƟons to evaluate the materials. RecommendaƟons for foundaƟon and floor slab support are presented in the following secƟons. Perched groundwater may be encountered during site development especially in areas near the exisƟng drainage feature. Drainage trenches and/or pumping from shallow sumps may be required for temporary dewatering during construcƟon. Auger refusal was encountered within almost half of our test locaƟons. Auger refusal indicates the potenƟal for difficult excavaƟon. Loosening of weathered rock will likely require use of a large construcƟon equipment. During the design phase of this project, the finished elevaƟons for foundaƟons and uƟliƟes should be compared by the designer to our auger refusal elevaƟons. We recommend that backhoe pits be excavated prior to awarding the construcƟon contract to beƩer assess the extent, thickness, and quality of the potenƟal weathered rock. A representaƟve of our firm should be present during the excavaƟons to evaluate the materials. The onsite, low plasƟcity, silty and sandy soils can be used for structural fill. Moisture adjustment primarily consisƟng of drying the soils will be required to achieve a saƟsfactory degree of compacƟon. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. The exposed subgrade soils will likely be very sensiƟve to construcƟon traffic in the presence of excess moisture and will rapidly soŌen, rut, and require undercuƫng and replacement. The volume of undercut materials will be a funcƟon of the Ɵme of the year in which the grading occurs. Greater undercuƫng would be expected if grading occurs during wet winter and spring months. Soil moisture contents could vary considerably with weather condiƟons during construcƟon. Drying or weƫng of the soils may be necessary to achieve the recommended compacƟon criterion. If grading occurs during wet weather, these materials likely cannot be dried sufficiently to obtain the recommended degree of compacƟon. As a pracƟcal consideraƟon, they may have to be wasted in non-structural areas of the site. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. Provided our recommendaƟons are implemented during the design and construcƟon, the proposed structures may be supported on shallow foundaƟons bearing on low plasƟcity residual soil or properly compacted structural fill. If unsaƟsfactory soil is encountered within the building area (such soil disturbed during excavaƟon or soils with high concentraƟons of clay or silt), selecƟve undercuƫng of this material will be required. The structure’s floor slab may be convenƟonally soil supported on residual soil or new structural fill, provided that the subsequently discussed site preparaƟon and fill placement recommendaƟons are followed. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RecommendaƟons Geotechnical ExploraƟon Sennebogen Service Center 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, North Carolina Prepared for: S.C. Hondros & Associates, Inc. August 21, 2023 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS BƒÝ®Ý Subsurface variaƟons that may not be indicated by our dispersed exploratory sampling program can exist on any site. If such variaƟons or unexpected condiƟons are encountered during construcƟon, or if the project informaƟon is incorrect or changed, we should be informed immediately since the validity of our recommendaƟons may be affected. Refer to the Appendix for addiƟonal qualificaƟons of this geotechnical exploraƟon and construcƟon contract consideraƟons. S®ã› Pٛփكã®ÊÄ All areas that will support foundaƟons, floors, or newly placed structural fill must be properly prepared. All loose surface soil, construcƟon debris, topsoil and other unsuitable materials must be removed. Unsuitable materials include: frozen soil, relaƟvely soŌ material, relaƟvely wet soils or soils near the surface that exhibit a high organic content. In all cases, the earthwork operaƟons should be performed in a manner consistent with good erosion and sedimentaƟon control pracƟces. The onsite shallow residual soils encountered at the site are generally considered to be moisture sensiƟve and have the potenƟal to become unstable and lose some of their strength when simultaneously exposed to wet weather and construcƟon traffic. Moisture adjustment primarily consisƟng of drying the soils will be required to achieve a saƟsfactory degree of compacƟon. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. SãÙ®Ö֮Ħ Approximately 3 to 6 inches of topsoil was encountered within the proposed site. Greater topsoil depths should be anƟcipated in areas of dense trees and brush due to areas of large root systems and areas of deeper organic deposits. If grading is begun during or shortly aŌer a period of wet weather, addiƟonal amounts of stripping or undercuƫng may be required to remove water soŌened soils. The stripped unsuitable material may be stockpiled and used later for landscaping or other non-structural areas on the site. PÙÊÊ¥Ùʽ½®Ä¦ Upon the compleƟon of stripping, the at-grade areas or areas that are to receive new structural fill, should be evaluated by an Aardvark Project Engineer or their representaƟve. The evaluaƟon should include proofrolling of the subgrade and test pit excavaƟons. If unsuitable materials are encountered, an appropriate remedial measure would be removal of the unsuitable materials, and replacement in accordance with this sec Ɵon. Proofrolling should consist of repeated passes of a loaded, pneumaƟc-Ɵred vehicle such as a tandem-axle dump truck or scraper. An Aardvark Project Engineer or approved representaƟve should observe the proofrolling operaƟons, and the proofrolling vehicle should be loaded as directed by the engineer or approved representaƟve. Any area judged by the engineer to rut, pump, or deflect excessively should be compacted in-place or, if necessary, undercut and replaced with structural fill, compacted as specified below. Care must be exercised during grading and fill placement operaƟons. The combinaƟon of heavy construcƟon equipment traffic and excess surface moisture can cause pumping and deterioraƟon of the near surface soils. The severity of this potenƟal problem depends to a great extent on the weather condiƟons prevailing during construcƟon. The contractor must exercise discreƟon when selecƟng equipment sizes and also make a concerted effort to control construcƟon traffic and surface water while the subgrade soils are exposed. It would be prudent to develop conƟngency plans for subgrade stabilizaƟon or undercuƫng where it is determined by field observaƟon to be necessary. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS O½— F®½½ Old fill was encountered in almost half of our boring locaƟons. Our limited exploraƟon data indicates the fill is not well compacted. Deleterious materials consisƟng of organics and construcƟon were encountered at various depths within the old fill. These materials could be present in other areas of the site. If our data are representaƟve of the fill mass, there is risk of structurally significant seƩlement and cracking of fill supported foundaƟons and floors. We recommend that backhoe pits be excavated prior to awarding the construcƟon contract to beƩer assess the extent, thickness, and quality of old fill. A representaƟve of our firm should be present during the excavaƟons to evaluate the materials. The least risk opƟon is complete removal of all old fill and its replacement with new fill compacted to a specified degree. Qualified personnel must be present to observe that all old fill is removed, and density tesƟng must be preformed as a check that specified compacƟon is achieved. PorƟons of the excavated old fill may be reused for structural fill whereas the materials meet the requirements of the subsequent secƟons of this report related to fill placement. Eø‘ƒòƒã®ÊÄ CÊė®ã®ÊÄÝ Mass grading with a Caterpillar Model D8K bulldozer/ripper or limited excavaƟon with a Caterpillar Model 977 front-end loader will typically extend to the auger refusal depths shown on the test pits of the previous geotechnical report. Trench excavaƟon with a Caterpillar Model 225 backhoe can generally extend to within several feet of the refusal depth. Deeper excavaƟon typically requires blasƟng or the use of pneumaƟc tools. Because of the geologic condiƟons in this area, it is possible to encounter large boulders, extensive rock lenses and rock pinnacles between of our borings. These materials may be too large or competent to be excavated by the previously cited equipment and also may require excavaƟon by blasƟng or pneumaƟc tools. During the design phase of this project, the finished elevaƟons for foundaƟons and uƟliƟes should be compared by the designer to our refusal elevaƟons. If blasƟng is required, we recommend the blast depth extend a minimum of 1 foot below the boƩom elevaƟons for the slab, foundaƟons, and uƟliƟes to facilitate their excavaƟon. Rock excavaƟon can be defined in many ways. In our opinion, rock excavaƟon should be defined in a method specificaƟon based on the grading equipment commonly used in the project's area. The Appendix contains a guideline rock excavaƟon specificaƟon for your review. S琦ك—› Sバ®½®þƒã®ÊÄ OÖã®ÊÄÝ The exposed subgrade soil may exhibit instability due to the perched groundwater near the exisƟng detenƟon pond and drainage feature area. A stone stabilizaƟon blanket placed over a geotexƟle fabric may be necessary to provide a stable base for placing compacted soil. We suggest the use of washed No. 57 stone or aggregate base course (ABC stone). The necessary thickness of the crushed-stone blanket must be determined in the field at the Ɵme of construcƟon. The stone should be dumped in a stable area and then pushed out over the geotexƟle fabric with a light bulldozer. Because saƟsfactory subgrade performance depends on effecƟve stabilizaƟon, placement of the stone blanket and geotexƟle must be monitored on a full-Ɵme basis by a representaƟve of our firm. Depending on the degree of soŌ soils encountered and Ɵme of year for construcƟon, the subgrade soils might be stabilized with an iniƟal thick, uncompacted soil layer called a “bridging liŌ.” The soils used for the “bridging liŌ” should be near their opƟmum moisture content. They should be off-loaded in a stable area and then pushed out in a single layer over the unstable materials with a light bulldozer. The necessary thickness of the “bridging li Ō” should be determined in the field by a representaƟve of our firm. AŌer a relaƟvely stable mass has been created, the surface of the bridging layer may be compacted by a light sheep's foot roller. AŌer compacƟng this surface to the highest pracƟcal density, placement and compacƟon of succeeding thin fill liŌs may begin. Typically, several feet of compacted fill should be placed with light equipment before allowing dump truck or scraper traffic on the area. Placement of the bridging liŌ and compacƟon of the fill above it must be monitored on a full-Ɵme basis by a representaƟve of our firm. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS F®½½ P½ƒ‘›Ã›Äã AŌer the site is stripped and evaluated, as previously discussed, structural fill should be placed to bring the building pads and pavement areas to desired grade. Structural fill is defined as soil which is free of organics and deleterious material, exhibits a plasƟcity index less than 25, has a maximum parƟcle size less than 6 inches, and is compacted to at least 95 percent of the soil’s maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor compacƟon test (ASTM D 698). Structural fill should be placed and compacted in relaƟvely thin (six to eight inch maximum, loose) layers. We recommend compacƟng the final foot of the building and pavement subgrade to 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. The on-site soils with high concentraƟons of deleterious materials and construcƟon debris will not be suitable for use as structural fill nor for foundaƟon, floor slab or pavement support. These soils should be excavated and hauled o ffsite or placed in nonstructural areas. We recommend that clean structural fill be placed within the proposed building and pavement areas. The onsite low plasƟcity silty and/or sandy soils can be used for structural fill. Moisture adjustment primarily consisƟng of drying the soils will be required to achieve a saƟsfactory degree of compacƟon. The potenƟals for construcƟon difficulƟes for a project of this type are anƟcipated to be less if construcƟon is carried out during the dryer months of the year. Fill operaƟons should not begin unƟl representaƟve samples are collected and tested. The test results will be used to determine whether the proposed fill material meets the criteria above and for quality control during grading. In-place density tesƟng should be performed by qualified geotechnical personnel from our firm to check that the recommended compacƟon criterion has been achieved. TesƟng should be performed on a full-Ɵme basis in the building and pavement areas. For trench fill, a suggested will-call tesƟng frequency is one test for every 100 feet of uƟlity line backfill. Tests should be performed on at least one foot verƟcal increments. Excavated weathered rock fragments typically range from fine parƟcles through cobble and boulder size. The degree of breakdown of the larger fragments during excavaƟon, placement, and compacƟon depends on rock type, degree of weathering, and joint spacing. Weathered rock should be compacted with a heavy self-propelled sheepsfoot roller such as a Caterpillar Model 815. This device usually can break down weathered rock to a gradaƟon compaƟble with both the maximum parƟcle size criterion for structural fill and in-place density tesƟng. Weathered rock should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density. Weathered rock that breaks into fragments less than about 6 inches in diameter can be used in compacted fill at depths more than 3 and 5 feet, respecƟvely, beneath floor/pavement subgrades and boƩoms of building foundaƟons. Structural fill should be placed between the coarse weathered rock and pavement or foundaƟon subgrades. We recommend that any coarse graded weathered rock be thoroughly choked with graded aggregate before the area is brought to desired grade with structural fill compacted to the recommended criterion. Weathered rock that does not break down to 6 inches or less maximum parƟcle size can be used as fill in deeper parts of pavement area fills or in non-structural areas. A maximum liŌ thickness of 1 foot is recommended for weathered rock with parƟcles larger than 6 inches. If the weathered rock does not break down to a gradaƟon compaƟble with in-place density tesƟng, then compacƟve effort should be applied unƟl there is no percepƟble increase in fragmentaƟon of the parƟcles or observable consolidaƟon of the fill during repeated passes of the compacƟon equipment. Qualified geotechnical personnel should be present to assess when this condiƟon has been achieved. We recommend that qualified geotechnical personnel be present during grading to provide guidance for material placement and to monitor the gradaƟon of weathered rock placed as fill. In some cases, our maximum parƟcle size guidelines can be relaxed if the material can be compacted into a dense mass free of significant voids. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS FÊçėƒã®ÊÄÝ Our exploraƟon data indicates the proposed structures can be supported on convenƟonal shallow spread fooƟngs bearing in undisturbed low plasƟcity residual soils or compacted structural fill overlaying suitable residual subgrade provided our recommendaƟons presented in this report are implemented. The fat clay soils are not suitable for support of the proposed structure. Please refer to the secƟon on expansive soils for further recommendaƟons. A maximum allowable net soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf may be used for sizing fooƟngs bearing in uniform foundaƟon subgrade condiƟons. To provide suitable support for the foundaƟon, the soils at all foundaƟon locaƟons should be undercut to allow the foundaƟons to bear on the undisturbed low plasƟcity residual soils or compacted structural fill over suitable residual soils. Weathered rock pinnacles encountered within the foundaƟon excavaƟon should be over excavated a minimum of 12 inches and backfilled back to the foundaƟon elevaƟon with masonry sand to help reduce the potenƟal for differenƟal seƩlement. Regardless, the fooƟngs should bear at least 18 inches below exterior grade to extend below the frost depth of roughly 1½ feet. If necessary, any over-excavaƟon can be backfilled to design bearing elevaƟon using addiƟonal concrete. The foundaƟons should be designed and constructed to maintain or promote constant moisture in the foundaƟon soils. Drainage should be provided by surface grading and subsurface drains. Slopes should be adequate to promote rapid runoff and to avoid collecƟng, near the structure, ponded water, which could migrate down the foundaƟon/soil interface. Based on the exploraƟon data and our experience, we esƟmate that the total and differenƟal foundaƟon seƩlement under similarly loaded foundaƟons should not exceed approximately 1 inch and 1/2 inch, respecƟvely. The majority of the seƩlement will occur during and shortly aŌer the applicaƟon of the dead load. Careful field control during construcƟon should reduce the actual seƩlement that occurs. Even though computed fooƟng dimensions may be less, strip fooƟngs should be at least 18 inches wide and column fooƟngs should be at least 24 inches wide. These dimensions will facilitate hand cleaning of the fooƟng subgrade and placement of reinforcing steel. These dimensions also reduce the potenƟal for localized “punching” or shear failure condiƟons from developing. We recommend selecƟvely removing any disturbed or water-soŌened soils from the fooƟng excavaƟons before placing reinforcing steel. All fooƟng excavaƟons must be evaluated by an Aardvark representaƟves prior to concrete placement to observe that the exposed soils are consistent with the test results and the recommendaƟons already provided. The fooƟng excavaƟon evaluaƟons are parƟcularly important due to the presence of the potenƟally expansive clay and weathered rock. Hand auger borings with dynamic cone penetrometer tests should be performed in the fooƟng excavaƟons. If unsaƟsfactory soils are encountered during the fooƟng evaluaƟons, undercuƫng of this material will be required. We may recommend that the undercut volumes are backfilled with addiƟonal concrete as indicated above. FooƟng subgrade soils will soŌen if exposed to weather extremes. If fooƟng concrete cannot be placed the same day as the excavaƟons are completed and evaluated, the excavaƟons should be covered with polyethylene sheeƟng or a thin concrete “mud mat” aŌer they have been checked by our personnel. If these protecƟve measures are not implemented, over- excavaƟon of disturbed soil may be necessary. S›®Ýî‘ S®ã› C½ƒÝÝ®¥®‘ƒã®ÊÄ We have reviewed the procedures outlined in Chapter 16 of the 2018 North Carolina Building Code. Based on the subsurface data obtained by our exploraƟon and our site specific knowledge of the exisƟng geologic condiƟons, the soil types at this site form a “sƟff” soil profile with an average N of less than 50 blow per foot and a site classificaƟon of “D” can be assigned to the site for seismic design purposes pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS R›ãƒ®Ä®Ä¦ ƒÄ— B›½Êó Gك—› Wƒ½½ PƒÙƒÃ›ã›ÙÝ We understand that below grade walls and retaining values may be installed and must be capable of resisƟng lateral earth pressures imposed on them. Lateral earth pressures to be resisted by the wall will be parƟally dependent upon the method of construcƟon. Where the walls are laterally restrained at the top, we recommend designing them using the at- rest earth pressure condiƟon. Passive earth pressure of soil adjacent to the fooƟng, as well as soil fricƟon at the fooƟng base, may be used to resist sliding. The soil behind the walls is assumed to exert a triangular stress distribuƟon which can be modeled in terms of an “equivalent fluid” for these earth pressure condiƟons. If a uniform area surcharge acts behind the wall, a porƟon of the surcharge is transferred to the wall in the form of a uniform or rectangular stress distribu Ɵon. The magnitude of the surcharge load transferred to the wall is a funcƟon of the soil’s strength and the degree of deflecƟon or rotaƟon permissible and is computed by mulƟplying the soil’s “earth pressure coefficient” by the magnitude of the surcharge. The residual soil encountered in the borings (minus organics) appears saƟsfactory for use as wall backfill, although some moisture adjustment (weƫng or drying) will be required to achieve a saƟsfactory degree of compacƟon. We recommend that any addiƟonal imported fill to consist of silty sand or sandy silt with a bulk unit weight of approximately 115 pounds per cubic foot and an angle of internal fricƟon (phi) of at least 26 degrees. Laboratory tesƟng should be performed on the selected backfill materials to confirm these parameters prior to use. We have esƟmated earth pressure coefficients (k) and equivalent fluid unit weights of the on site residual soil based on the results of the soil test borings and the above assumpƟons, and the esƟmated values are contained in the following table. These recommended design parameters assume that fill behind the walls is horizontal, and that the fill is well drained (to prevent hydrostaƟc pressures from imposing addiƟonal stress to the wall). These parameters also assume that fill placed behind the walls is compacted as structural fill (as defined in the above secƟon “Fill Placement”). Lateral Earth Pressure Parameters If the wall backfill is not properly placed and compacted as recommended, higher pressures than the recommended soil pressures might be imposed on the walls. Light, hand-operated compacƟon equipment should be used within 6 feet of the walls to reduce the risk of overstressing the walls, or the walls must be designed to resist the stresses imposed by large compacƟon equipment. An ulƟmate fricƟon coefficient of 0.40 can be assumed between the concrete fooƟng and the underlying residual soils. For compuƟng soil fricƟon at the fooƟng base, the residual soil placed above the fooƟng as fill can be assumed to have a unit weight of 115 pcf. We suggest that factor of at least 2 be used to assess wall stability and to calculate restraining forces. f = 26 EsƟmated Angle of Internal FricƟon Ko = 0.56 At Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient (Non-yielding Walls) Ka = 0.39 AcƟve Earth Pressure Coefficient (Yielding Walls) Kp = 2.56 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient Tan d = 0.40 FricƟon Factor for Sliding Resistance g = 115 Moist Soil Unit Weight geff = 65 EffecƟve Fluid Unit Weight (At Rest) geff = 45 EffecƟve Fluid Unit Weight (AcƟve) geff = 295 EffecƟve Fluid Unit Weight (Passive) C = 100 EsƟmate of Cohesion (psf) 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS S½ƒÝ-ÊÄ-Gك—› The floor slab subgrades for the proposed building should be excavated to firm low plasƟcity residual soil or placed on suitable structural fill. Drainage should be provided by surface grading and subsurface drains. Slopes should be adequate to promote rapid runoff and to avoid collecƟng, near the structure, ponded water, which could migrate down the foundaƟon/ soil interface. As previously discussed, no extraordinary performance criteria have been specified for the floor slab. The floor slabs should be structurally separate from the foundaƟons to reduce the possibility of slab cracking due to minor differenƟal seƩlement. It is recommended that all floor slabs be designed as "floaƟng," that is, fully ground supported and not structurally connected to walls or foundaƟons. This is to minimize the possibility of cracking and displacement of the floor slab because of differenƟal movements between the slab and the foundaƟon. Although the movements are esƟmated to be within the tolerable limits for structural safety, such movements could be detrimental to the slabs if they were rigidly connected to the foundaƟons. Both a granular drainage layer and a vapor barrier are opƟonal; however, there are benefits to this construcƟon pracƟce. An under slab granular drainage layer may reduce the tendency for disturbance of the subgrade under traffic during slab construcƟon, and an effecƟve vapor barrier (such as Moistop) will reduce moisture transmission through the slab due to the natural moisture content of the soil. Also, both ACI and PCA recommend installing a 3 to 4 inch aggregate layer (compacted graded aggregate base) on top of the vapor barrier to reduce the potenƟal for slab curling. Pƒò›Ã›ÄãÝ A detailed design of pavement thicknesses was beyond our authorized scope of services for this project. We would be pleased to perform addiƟonal tesƟng and analysis to provide pavement thickness recommendaƟons if desired. We recommend thickness and density tesƟng on the stone base and asphalt pavement during placement to assess whether the paving secƟons meet specificaƟons. The pavement subgrades should be excavated to firm low plasƟcity residual soil or suitable structural fill. Drainage should be provided by surface grading and subsurface drains. Slopes should be adequate to promote rapid runoff and to avoid collecƟng on the pavements ponded water, which could migrate through the pavements to the soil. The pavements may be convenƟonally soil supported on low plasƟcity residual soil and/or new structural fill provided that the recommendaƟons regarding site preparaƟon and fill placement have been followed. The contractor will need to exercise extreme care during the grading and fill placement acƟviƟes in order to achieve the necessary subgrade soil support for the pavement system. Experience has shown that most asphalt or crushed stone pavement failures are caused by localized soŌ spots in the subgrade or inadequate drainage. Proofrolling by the geotechnical engineer will greatly reduce the incidence of weak spots in the subgrade as discussed earlier. However, the civil design must include proper drainage to reduce so Ōening of the subgrade, soil migraƟon, and pumping failures. The pavement surface and subgrade should have a minimum slope of 1½ percent. Any isolated areas that experience premature failure should be promptly repaired to prevent widespread problems from occurring due to loading and water infiltraƟon. The pavement surfaces should be finished and sloped for posiƟve drainage. Good perimeter drainage around the pavements is also recommended. Any fill placed in pavement areas should be compacted to the recommended criteria. We recommend that the pavement subgrades be proofrolled just before pavement construcƟon to help detect any soils disturbed due to weather extremes or construcƟon acƟviƟes. We also recommend that qualified geotechnical personnel from our firm perform in-place density tests and check the installed thickness of the aggregate materials. The technician can also monitor the placement and compacƟon of the asphalƟc concrete and obtain periodic specimens for determinaƟon of the asphalƟc cement content, aggregate gradaƟon, Marshall Stability and density. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C RECOMMENDATIONS S½Ê֛ R›‘ÊÃÛėƒã®ÊÄÝ Permanent cut and fill slopes should be inclined no steeper than 3H:1V and temporary slopes no steeper than 2H:1V. These recommendaƟons are based on our experience with similar condiƟons since a detailed stability analysis was not performed to jusƟfy steeper slopes. FooƟngs on or adjacent to slope surfaces should be founded in material with an embedment and setback from the slope surface sufficient to provide verƟcal and lateral support for the fooƟng without detrimental seƩlement in accordance with the North Carolina Building Code. At a minimum, we recommend a building setback of at least 15 feet from the tops of all slopes or the verƟcal height of the slope, whichever provides the greatest distance from the top of the slope. We also cauƟon against installing drop inlets, storm sewer lines, roof drains, etc. at the crest of the slopes, where possible leakage may create maintenance problems or possible slope failure. The crest area should be sloped to prevent surface water run-off from flowing over the slope face. It is difficult to construct soil fill slopes to the specified inclinaƟon without creaƟng a loose poorly compacted zone near the slope face. For this reason, we recommend that the fill slopes be slightly over-built, then cut back to firm, well compacted soils prior to applying a vegetaƟve cover. If the slopes cannot be slightly over-built and cut back, we recommend that the finished soil slope be tracked by an end loader parallel to the slope face to reduce, as much as pracƟcal, this soŌ surficial veneer. Fill placed in embankments should be placed and compacted in similar manner as that recommended in the secƟon above Ɵtled “Fill Placement”. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Appendices Site Photographs Field ExploraƟon Reference InformaƟon 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-1 View of boring locaƟon HA-3 View of boring locaƟon HA-2 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-4 View of boring locaƟon HA-6 View of boring locaƟon HA-5 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-7 View of boring locaƟon HA-9 View of boring locaƟon HA-8 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-10 View of boring locaƟon HA-12 View of boring locaƟon HA-11 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-13 View of boring locaƟon HA-15 View of boring locaƟon HA-14 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-16 View of boring locaƟon HA-18 View of boring locaƟon HA-17 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of boring locaƟon HA-19 View detenƟon basin located between boring locaƟons HA-12 and HA-15 View of boring locaƟon HA-20 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 Phone 704.313.0644 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Site Photographs View of exisƟng concrete pad near boring locaƟons HA-7 and HA-10 Overall view of the area for the proposed building and demonstraƟon pad View of exisƟng drainage feature from the detenƟon basin located near the proposed demonstraƟon pad 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Field ExploraƟon Boring LocaƟon Plan PotenƟal Old Fill Auger Refusal LocaƟons Boring Logs NRCS Soil Survey Report ENGINEERS, IN C 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 DATE: SHEET: SCALE: DRAWN BY: BORING LOCATION PLAN SENNEBOGEN SERVICE CENTER 1957 SENNEBOGEN TRAIL STANLEY, NORTH CAROLINA 7/27/2023 WJS N.T.S. G-1 Approximate Hand Auger Boring LocaƟon REFERENCE: This plan was prepared using the architectural site layout provided by S.C. Hondros & Associates dated 5/22/2023. LEGEND N HA-2 HA-1 HA-3 HA-5 HA-4 HA-12 HA-20 HA-11 HA-6 HA-7 HA-10 HA-13 HA-8 HA-9 HA-17 HA-16 HA-15 HA-14 HA-19 HA-18 ENGINEERS, IN C 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 DATE: SHEET: SCALE: DRAWN BY: POTENTIAL OLD FILL SENNEBOGEN SERVICE CENTER 1957 SENNEBOGEN TRAIL STANLEY, NORTH CAROLINA 8/14/2023 KCM N.T.S. G-2 Approximate Hand Auger Boring LocaƟon REFERENCE: This plan was prepared using the architectural site layout provided by S.C. Hondros & Associates dated 5/22/2023. LEGEND N HA-2 HA-1 HA-3 HA-5 HA-4 HA-12 HA-20 HA-11 HA-6 HA-7 HA-10 HA-13 HA-8 HA-9 HA-17 HA-16 HA-15 HA-14 HA-19 HA-18 Approximate Old Fill LocaƟon ENGINEERS, IN C 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 DATE: SHEET: SCALE: DRAWN BY: AUGER REFUSAL LOCATIONS SENNEBOGEN SERVICE CENTER 1957 SENNEBOGEN TRAIL STANLEY, NORTH CAROLINA 8/14/2023 KCM N.T.S. G-3 Approximate Hand Auger Boring LocaƟon REFERENCE: This plan was prepared using the architectural site layout provided by S.C. Hondros & Associates dated 5/22/2023. LEGEND N HA-2 HA-1 HA-3 HA-5 HA-4 HA-12 HA-20 HA-11 HA-6 HA-7 HA-10 HA-13 HA-8 HA-9 HA-17 HA-16 HA-15 HA-14 HA-19 HA-18 Approximate Auger Refusal LocaƟons Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 3 - 2 - 2 2 2 100 4 - 4 - 4 4 3 100 4 - 5 - 8 6 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) 5-5 OLD FILL - Moist very loose tan and gray silty coarse to fine SAND OLD FILL - Moist very loose gray and tan silty coarse to fine SAND with rock fragments OLD FILL - Wet firm tan and gray sandy SILT SM ML SM 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 HAND AUGER HA-1 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 15 -15 10 -10 RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff gray and tan sandy SILT with fragmented rock ML AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL Bottom of borehole at 8 feet ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 5 - 9 - 13 11 2 100 20 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e 5-5 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 6 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist stiff to very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT with fragmented rock Moist very stiff gray and tan sandy SILT with fragmented rock ML 10 -10 15 -15 HAND AUGER HA-2 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 9 - 8 - 8 8 2 100 3 - 2 - 4 3 3 100 5 - 6 - 7 6 4 100 20 - 21 - 23 22 5 100 21 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-3 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 OLD FILL - Moist firm to soft tan and red sandy SILT 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 OLD FILL - Moist firm tan and red sandy SILT with organics ML BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 5 10 -10 ML 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) -5 ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff tan and red sandy SILT ML Moist very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTION Sample Type De p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 1 100 16 - 16 - 17 16 2 100 7 - 6 - 8 7 3 100 11 - 14 - 13 13 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e HAND AUGER HA-4 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 00 OLD FILL - Moist very stiff red and gray sandy SILT with organics ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan sandy micaceous SILT with fragmented rock OLD FILL - Moist firm to stiff red and tan clayey SILT with trace construction debris ML ML P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 5-5 10 -10 BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 16 - 14 - 17 15 2 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-5 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 ML RESIDUAL - Moist stiff red and tan sandy SILT Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 10 -10 15 -15 5-5 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL Moist very stiff gray and tan sandy SILT with fragmented rock ML 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTION Sample Type De p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 5 - 5 - 6 5 2 100 4 - 3 - 4 3 3 100 3 - 2 - 4 3 4 100 4 - 3 - 3 3 5 100 16 - 17 - 18 17 6 100 14 - 15 - 14 14 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 3 inches) ML OLD FILL - Moist firm brown and red sandy SILT Bottom of borehole at 10 feet ML OLD FILL - Moist soft red and tan clayey SILT ML OLD FILL - Very moist soft gray and tan sandy SILT with organics 5-5 10 -10 BORING TERMINATED OLD FILL - Moist very stiff red and gray clayey SILT with organics RESIDUAL - Moist stiff red and tan clayey SILT ML ML 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 HAND AUGER HA-6 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 3 - 2 - 3 2 2 100 2 - 1 - 2 1 3 100 1 - 1 - 2 1 4 100 4 - 2 - 5 3 5 100 4 - 5 - 4 4 6 100 3 - 3 - 5 4 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered De p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTION Sample Type 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 7 inches) Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r HAND AUGER HA-7 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 5-5 10 -10 BORING TERMINATED OLD FILL - Very moist soft tan and red clayey SILT with trace organics Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 ML OLD FILL - Very moist soft red and tan clayey SILT ML OLD FILL - Very moist soft to very soft red and tan clayey SILT with rock fragments and trace organics ML ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 21 - 23 - 25 24 2 100 20 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 2 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan sandy SILT ML Moist very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT with fragmented rock 5-5 10 -10 15 -15 HAND AUGER HA-8 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 19 - 25 - 25 25 2 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-9 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 10 -10 15 -15 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff tan and red sandy SILT ML Moist very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT with fragmented rock 5-5 Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 7 - 8 - 10 9 2 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e ML 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 1 inch) ML OLD FILL - Moist stiff gray and red sandy SILT with rock fragments HAND AUGER HA-10 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff gray and tan sandy SILT with fragmented rock 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 5-5 10 -10 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 2 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-11 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 6 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 10 -10 15 -15 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff tan and red sandy SILT with fragmented rock ML Moist very stiff gray and tan sandy SILT with fragmented rock 5-5 Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 2 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-12 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 10 -10 15 -15 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 4 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff tan and red sandy SILT with fragmented rock ML Moist very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT 5-5 Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 2 100 20 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 20 - 19 - 21 20 (Page 1 of 1) Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 6 inches) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff tan and red sandy SILT ML Moist very stiff tan and gray sandy SILT with fragmented rock 5-5 10 -10 15 -15 HAND AUGER HA-13 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 8 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 14 - 8 - 5 6 2 100 4 - 4 - 4 4 3 100 6 - 5 - 4 4 4 100 10 - 11 - 11 11 5 100 10 - 11 - 11 11 6 100 10 - 10 - 12 11 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-14 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 ML RESIDUAL - Very moist stiff red and tan sandy micaceous SILT BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 5-5 10 -10 ML OLD FILL - Wet soft gray and tan sandy SILT ML OLD FILL - Very moist soft red and tan clayey SILT with rock fragments 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 2 inches) ML OLD FILL - Moist firm red and tan sandy SILT with trace organics Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : 10 feet At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 13 - 14 - 15 14 2 100 9 - 12 - 12 12 3 100 14 - 15 - 14 14 4 100 15 - 14 - 13 13 5 100 12 - 11 - 13 12 6 100 11 - 11 - 12 11 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-15 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 OLD FILL - Moist stiff red and tan sandy SILT with rock fragments and trace organics RESIDUAL - Moist stiff red and tan sandy micaceous SILT BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 5-5 ML Moist stiff tan and red sandy micaceous SILT 10 -10 ML ML 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 2 inches) Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 13 - 11 - 14 12 2 100 17 - 19 - 10 14 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-16 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 OLD FILL - Moist stiff tan and red sandy SILT RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan sandy SILT Bottom of borehole at 6 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 10 -10 15 -15 5-5 AUGER REFUSAL ON DENSE RESIDUAL SOIL ML ML 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 3 inches) ML OLD FILL - Moist stiff red and tan sandy SILT with rock fragments and trace organics Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 1 100 6 - 4 - 5 4 2 100 11 - 11 - 13 12 3 100 15 - 16 - 18 17 4 100 15 - 16 - 17 16 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan sandy micaceous SILT with fragmented rock ML HAND AUGER HA-17 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 OLD FILL - Wet stiff red and tan clayey micaceous SILT with organics BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 5-5 10 -10 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 00 ML OLD FILL - Very moist soft gray and red sandy SILT with organics Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 1 100 6 - 8 - 12 10 2 100 15 - 25 - 25 25 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 5 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 HAND AUGER HA-18 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 5-5 10 -10 BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet ML RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan clayey SILT ML Moist very stiff red and black clayey SILT 00 ML OLD FILL - Moist soft gray and tan sandy SILT with organics Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 1 100 16 - 16 - 16 16 2 100 16 - 18 - 19 18 3 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 4 100 18 - 20 - 25 22 5 100 21 - 25 - 25 25 6 100 25 - 25 - 25 25 (Page 1 of 1) 15 -15 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 HAND AUGER HA-19 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 Bottom of borehole at 10 feet RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan clayey SILT ML 00 ML OLD FILL - Moist very stiff red and tan sandy SILT with organics 5-5 10 -10 BORING TERMINATED Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C Split Spoon Auger Probe Undisturbed Rock Core 0 10 20 30 OL 1 100 13 - 13 - 15 14 2 100 18 - 20 - 20 20 3 100 16 - 18 - 17 17 4 100 18 - 16 - 18 17 5 100 15 - 16 - 17 16 6 100 15 - 16 - 17 16 (Page 1 of 1) HAND AUGER HA-20 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 P: (704) 313-0644 F: (704) 644-8636 BORING TERMINATED Bottom of borehole at 10 feet 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 5-5 ML Moist very stiff red and black clayey SILT 10 -10 RESIDUAL - Moist very stiff red and tan clayey SILT ML 15 -15 00 TOPSOIL (Approximately 3 inches) ML OLD FILL - Moist stiff tan and red sandy SILT Blow Count Graph At Time of Drilling At End of Drilling Water Levels Sa m p l e N u m b e r Sa m p l e T y p e Sa m p l e R e c o v e r y ( % ) Blow Counts N V a l u e After Drilling DESCRIPTIONDe p t h i n F e e t Su r f a c e E l e v a t i o n Wa t e r L e v e l US C S GR A P H I C Sample Type Logged By J. Sipe After Drilling : Not Encountered Checked By K. McTier Caved Depth : Not Encountered Drilling Method Hand Auger At Time of Drilling : Not Encountered At End of Drilling : Not Encountered Drilling Contractor Aardvark Engineers Drilling Rig Hand Auger Ground Water Levels Depth Below Surface Client S.C. Hondros & Associates Date Started 7/24/2023 Project Name Sennebogen Service Date Completed 7/28/2023 Project Location Stanley, North Carolina Auger Diameter 3" Notes Elev. are approximate ENGINEERS, IN C United States Department of Agriculture A product of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants Custom Soil Resource Report for Lincoln County, North Carolina 1957 Stennebogen Trail Natural Resources Conservation Service July 17, 2023 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments ( portal/nrcs/main/soils/health/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center ( or your NRCS State Soil Scientist ( cid=nrcs142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require 2 alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface....................................................................................................................2 How Soil Surveys Are Made..................................................................................5 Soil Map..................................................................................................................8 Soil Map................................................................................................................9 Legend................................................................................................................10 Map Unit Legend................................................................................................11 Map Unit Descriptions.........................................................................................11 Lincoln County, North Carolina.......................................................................13 CeB2—Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded..13 PeC2—Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded...................................................................................................14 WyC—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes...........15 WyD—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes.........17 Soil Information for All Uses...............................................................................20 Soil Reports........................................................................................................20 AOI Inventory..................................................................................................20 Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated).....................................................20 Land Classifications........................................................................................23 Taxonomic Classification of the Soils..........................................................23 Soil Physical Properties..................................................................................25 Engineering Properties................................................................................25 References............................................................................................................34 4 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil 5 scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil-landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and Custom Soil Resource Report 6 identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. Custom Soil Resource Report 7 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 8 9 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 39 1 9 5 6 0 39 1 9 6 2 0 39 1 9 6 8 0 39 1 9 7 4 0 39 1 9 8 0 0 39 1 9 8 6 0 39 1 9 9 2 0 39 1 9 5 6 0 39 1 9 6 2 0 39 1 9 6 8 0 39 1 9 7 4 0 39 1 9 8 0 0 39 1 9 8 6 0 39 1 9 9 2 0 498080 498140 498200 498260 498320 498380 498440 498500 498560 498620 498680 498080 498140 498200 498260 498320 498380 498440 498500 498560 498620 498680 35° 25' 22'' N 81 ° 1 ' 1 7 ' ' W 35° 25' 22'' N 81 ° 0 ' 5 1 ' ' W 35° 25' 9'' N 81 ° 1 ' 1 7 ' ' W 35° 25' 9'' N 81 ° 0 ' 5 1 ' ' W N Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 40 80 160 240 Meters Map Scale: 1:2,950 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Lincoln County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 27, Sep 12, 2022 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 22, 2022—May 10, 2022 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Custom Soil Resource Report 10 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CeB2 Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 16.0 50.2% PeC2 Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 7.3 23.0% WyC Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes 6.1 19.0% WyD Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes 2.5 7.8% Totals for Area of Interest 31.9 100.0% Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it Custom Soil Resource Report 11 was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. Custom Soil Resource Report 12 Lincoln County, North Carolina CeB2—Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2mw6d Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Cecil, moderately eroded, and similar soils:88 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Cecil, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform:Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional):Summit Landform position (three-dimensional):Interfluve Down-slope shape:Convex Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap - 0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt - 6 to 40 inches: clay BC - 40 to 48 inches: clay loam C - 48 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope:2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Moderate (about 7.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Ecological site: F136XY820GA - Acidic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No Custom Soil Resource Report 13 PeC2—Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2mw6n Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Pacolet, moderately eroded, and similar soils:85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Pacolet, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform:Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional):Side slope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap - 0 to 7 inches: sandy clay loam Bt - 7 to 24 inches: clay B - 24 to 33 inches: sandy clay loam C - 33 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope:8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Moderate (about 7.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Ecological site: F136XY820GA - Acidic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No Custom Soil Resource Report 14 WyC—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2mdlb Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Wynott and similar soils:35 percent Winnsboro and similar soils:30 percent Rowan and similar soils:25 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Wynott Setting Landform:Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional):Summit Landform position (three-dimensional):Interfluve Down-slope shape:Convex Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A - 0 to 4 inches: sandy loam E - 4 to 14 inches: sandy loam Bt - 14 to 24 inches: clay BC - 24 to 28 inches: sandy clay loam Cr - 28 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope:8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature:20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Very low to moderately high (0.00 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Low (about 4.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: D Ecological site: F136XY730SC - Basic upland forest, dry Custom Soil Resource Report 15 Hydric soil rating: No Description of Winnsboro Setting Landform:Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional):Side slope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile Ap - 0 to 8 inches: fine sandy loam BA - 8 to 11 inches: clay loam Bt - 11 to 32 inches: clay C/Bt - 32 to 37 inches: clay loam C - 37 to 60 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope:8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: High (about 10.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: F136XY720NC - Basic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No Description of Rowan Setting Landform:Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional):Side slope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A - 0 to 6 inches: sandy loam Bt - 6 to 20 inches: clay loam BC - 20 to 25 inches: sandy loam C - 25 to 80 inches: loamy sand Properties and qualities Slope:8 to 15 percent Custom Soil Resource Report 16 Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Moderate (about 7.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Ecological site: F136XY720NC - Basic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No WyD—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2mdlc Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Wynott and similar soils:35 percent Winnsboro and similar soils:30 percent Rowan and similar soils:25 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Wynott Setting Landform:Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional):Summit Landform position (three-dimensional):Interfluve Down-slope shape:Convex Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A - 0 to 4 inches: sandy loam E - 4 to 14 inches: sandy loam Bt - 14 to 24 inches: clay BC - 24 to 28 inches: sandy clay loam Custom Soil Resource Report 17 Cr - 28 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope:15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature:20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Very low to moderately high (0.00 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Low (about 4.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: D Ecological site: F136XY730SC - Basic upland forest, dry Hydric soil rating: No Description of Winnsboro Setting Landform:Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional):Side slope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile Ap - 0 to 8 inches: fine sandy loam BA - 8 to 11 inches: clay loam Bt - 11 to 32 inches: clay C/Bt - 32 to 37 inches: clay loam C - 37 to 60 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope:15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: High (about 10.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: F136XY720NC - Basic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No Custom Soil Resource Report 18 Description of Rowan Setting Landform:Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional):Side slope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Convex Parent material:Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A - 0 to 6 inches: sandy loam Bt - 6 to 20 inches: clay loam BC - 20 to 25 inches: sandy loam C - 25 to 80 inches: loamy sand Properties and qualities Slope:15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Moderate (about 7.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Ecological site: F136XY720NC - Basic upland forest, moist Hydric soil rating: No Custom Soil Resource Report 19 Soil Information for All Uses Soil Reports The Soil Reports section includes various formatted tabular and narrative reports (tables) containing data for each selected soil map unit and each component of each unit. No aggregation of data has occurred as is done in reports in the Soil Properties and Qualities and Suitabilities and Limitations sections. The reports contain soil interpretive information as well as basic soil properties and qualities. A description of each report (table) is included. AOI Inventory This folder contains a collection of tabular reports that present a variety of soil information. Included are various map unit description reports, special soil interpretation reports, and data summary reports. Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated) The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions in this report, along with the maps, provide information on the composition of map units and properties of their components. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. The Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated) report displays a generated description of the major soils that occur in a map unit. Descriptions of non-soil (miscellaneous areas) and minor map unit components are not included. This description is generated from the underlying soil attribute data. 20 Additional information about the map units described in this report is available in other Soil Data Mart reports, which give properties of the soils and the limitations, capabilities, and potentials for many uses. Also, the narratives that accompany the Soil Data Mart reports define some of the properties included in the map unit descriptions. Report—Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated) Lincoln County, North Carolina Map Unit: CeB2—Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cecil, moderately eroded (88%) The Cecil, moderately eroded component makes up 88 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 2 to 8 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY820GA Acidic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: PeC2—Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Pacolet, moderately eroded (85%) The Pacolet, moderately eroded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink- swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY820GA Acidic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: WyC—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Component: Wynott (35%) The Wynott component makes up 35 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of Custom Soil Resource Report 21 saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer, bedrock, paralithic, is 20 to 40 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is low. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY730SC Basic upland forest, dry ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Winnsboro (30%) The Winnsboro component makes up 30 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Rowan (25%) The Rowan component makes up 25 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 8 to 15 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Map Unit: WyD—Wynott-Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes Component: Wynott (35%) The Wynott component makes up 35 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on interfluves, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer, bedrock, paralithic, is 20 to 40 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is low. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY730SC Basic upland Custom Soil Resource Report 22 forest, dry ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Winnsboro (30%) The Winnsboro component makes up 30 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Rowan (25%) The Rowan component makes up 25 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 15 to 25 percent. This component is on hillslopes on ridges, uplands. The parent material consists of saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. This component is in the F136XY720NC Basic upland forest, moist ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Land Classifications This folder contains a collection of tabular reports that present a variety of soil groupings. The reports (tables) include all selected map units and components for each map unit. Land classifications are specified land use and management groupings that are assigned to soil areas because combinations of soil have similar behavior for specified practices. Most are based on soil properties and other factors that directly influence the specific use of the soil. Example classifications include ecological site classification, farmland classification, irrigated and nonirrigated land capability classification, and hydric rating. Taxonomic Classification of the Soils The system of soil classification used by the National Cooperative Soil Survey has six categories (Soil Survey Staff, 1999 and 2003). Beginning with the broadest, these categories are the order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, and series. Classification is based on soil properties observed in the field or inferred from those observations or from laboratory measurements. This table shows the classification Custom Soil Resource Report 23 of the soils in the survey area. The categories are defined in the following paragraphs. ORDER. Twelve soil orders are recognized. The differences among orders reflect the dominant soil-forming processes and the degree of soil formation. Each order is identified by a word ending in sol. An example is Alfisols. SUBORDER. Each order is divided into suborders primarily on the basis of properties that influence soil genesis and are important to plant growth or properties that reflect the most important variables within the orders. The last syllable in the name of a suborder indicates the order. An example is Udalfs (Ud, meaning humid, plus alfs, from Alfisols). GREAT GROUP. Each suborder is divided into great groups on the basis of close similarities in kind, arrangement, and degree of development of pedogenic horizons; soil moisture and temperature regimes; type of saturation; and base status. Each great group is identified by the name of a suborder and by a prefix that indicates a property of the soil. An example is Hapludalfs (Hapl, meaning minimal horizonation, plus udalfs, the suborder of the Alfisols that has a udic moisture regime). SUBGROUP. Each great group has a typic subgroup. Other subgroups are intergrades or extragrades. The typic subgroup is the central concept of the great group; it is not necessarily the most extensive. Intergrades are transitions to other orders, suborders, or great groups. Extragrades have some properties that are not representative of the great group but do not indicate transitions to any other taxonomic class. Each subgroup is identified by one or more adjectives preceding the name of the great group. The adjective Typic identifies the subgroup that typifies the great group. An example is Typic Hapludalfs. FAMILY. Families are established within a subgroup on the basis of physical and chemical properties and other characteristics that affect management. Generally, the properties are those of horizons below plow depth where there is much biological activity. Among the properties and characteristics considered are particle- size class, mineralogy class, cation-exchange activity class, soil temperature regime, soil depth, and reaction class. A family name consists of the name of a subgroup preceded by terms that indicate soil properties. An example is fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Hapludalfs. SERIES. The series consists of soils within a family that have horizons similar in color, texture, structure, reaction, consistence, mineral and chemical composition, and arrangement in the profile. References: Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. (The soils in a given survey area may have been classified according to earlier editions of this publication.) Report—Taxonomic Classification of the Soils [An asterisk by the soil name indicates a taxadjunct to the series] Custom Soil Resource Report 24 Taxonomic Classification of the Soils–Lincoln County, North Carolina Soil name Family or higher taxonomic classification Cecil Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults Pacolet Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults Rowan Fine-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Typic Hapludalfs Winnsboro*Fine, mixed, active, thermic Typic Hapludalfs Wynott Fine, mixed, active, thermic Typic Hapludalfs Soil Physical Properties This folder contains a collection of tabular reports that present soil physical properties. The reports (tables) include all selected map units and components for each map unit. Soil physical properties are measured or inferred from direct observations in the field or laboratory. Examples of soil physical properties include percent clay, organic matter, saturated hydraulic conductivity, available water capacity, and bulk density. Engineering Properties This table gives the engineering classifications and the range of engineering properties for the layers of each soil in the survey area. Hydrologic soil group is a group of soils having similar runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. The criteria for determining Hydrologic soil group is found in the National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 7 issued May 2007(http:// Listing HSGs by soil map unit component and not by soil series is a new concept for the engineers. Past engineering references contained lists of HSGs by soil series. Soil series are continually being defined and redefined, and the list of soil series names changes so frequently as to make the task of maintaining a single national list virtually impossible. Therefore, the criteria is now used to calculate the HSG using the component soil properties and no such national series lists will be maintained. All such references are obsolete and their use should be discontinued. Soil properties that influence runoff potential are those that influence the minimum rate of infiltration for a bare soil after prolonged wetting and when not frozen. These properties are depth to a seasonal high water table, saturated hydraulic conductivity after prolonged wetting, and depth to a layer with a very slow water transmission rate. Changes in soil properties caused by land management or climate changes also cause the hydrologic soil group to change. The influence of ground cover is treated independently. There are four hydrologic soil groups, A, B, C, and D, and three dual groups, A/D, B/D, and C/D. In the dual groups, the first letter is for drained areas and the second letter is for undrained areas. The four hydrologic soil groups are described in the following paragraphs: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Custom Soil Resource Report 25 Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Depth to the upper and lower boundaries of each layer is indicated. Texture is given in the standard terms used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These terms are defined according to percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the fraction of the soil that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. "Loam," for example, is soil that is 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand. If the content of particles coarser than sand is 15 percent or more, an appropriate modifier is added, for example, "gravelly." Classification of the soils is determined according to the Unified soil classification system (ASTM, 2005) and the system adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 2004). The Unified system classifies soils according to properties that affect their use as construction material. Soils are classified according to particle-size distribution of the fraction less than 3 inches in diameter and according to plasticity index, liquid limit, and organic matter content. Sandy and gravelly soils are identified as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, and SC; silty and clayey soils as ML, CL, OL, MH, CH, and OH; and highly organic soils as PT. Soils exhibiting engineering properties of two groups can have a dual classification, for example, CL-ML. The AASHTO system classifies soils according to those properties that affect roadway construction and maintenance. In this system, the fraction of a mineral soil that is less than 3 inches in diameter is classified in one of seven groups from A-1 through A-7 on the basis of particle-size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index. Soils in group A-1 are coarse grained and low in content of fines (silt and clay). At the other extreme, soils in group A-7 are fine grained. Highly organic soils are classified in group A-8 on the basis of visual inspection. If laboratory data are available, the A-1, A-2, and A-7 groups are further classified as A-1-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, A-2-6, A-2-7, A-7-5, or A-7-6. As an additional refinement, the suitability of a soil as subgrade material can be indicated by a group index number. Group index numbers range from 0 for the best subgrade material to 20 or higher for the poorest. Percentage of rock fragments larger than 10 inches in diameter and 3 to 10 inches in diameter are indicated as a percentage of the total soil on a dry-weight basis. The percentages are estimates determined mainly by converting volume percentage in the field to weight percentage. Three values are provided to identify the expected Low (L), Representative Value (R), and High (H). Percentage (of soil particles) passing designated sieves is the percentage of the soil fraction less than 3 inches in diameter based on an ovendry weight. The sieves, Custom Soil Resource Report 26 numbers 4, 10, 40, and 200 (USA Standard Series), have openings of 4.76, 2.00, 0.420, and 0.074 millimeters, respectively. Estimates are based on laboratory tests of soils sampled in the survey area and in nearby areas and on estimates made in the field. Three values are provided to identify the expected Low (L), Representative Value (R), and High (H). Liquid limit and plasticity index (Atterberg limits) indicate the plasticity characteristics of a soil. The estimates are based on test data from the survey area or from nearby areas and on field examination. Three values are provided to identify the expected Low (L), Representative Value (R), and High (H). References: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Custom Soil Resource Report 27 Absence of an entry indicates that the data were not estimated. The asterisk '*' denotes the representative texture; other possible textures follow the dash. The criteria for determining the hydrologic soil group for individual soil components is found in the National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 7 issued May 2007( OpenNonWebContent.aspx?content=17757.wba). Three values are provided to identify the expected Low (L), Representative Value (R), and High (H). Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H CeB2—Cecil sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Cecil, moderately eroded 88 B 0-6 Sandy clay loam, clay loam, sandy loam CL, ML, SC, SM A-4, A-6 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 95-97-1 00 73-85-1 00 57-74-1 00 30-43- 64 21-30 -40 3-10-17 6-40 Sandy clay, clay, clay loam MH, ML A-5, A-7-5 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 5 96-98-1 00 89-94-1 00 65-85-1 00 46-65- 87 38-60 -80 9-23-37 40-48 Clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam CL, ML, SC, SM A-4, A-6 0- 0- 0 0- 0- 1 93-96-1 00 82-91-1 00 65-81- 94 44-58- 68 20-28 -40 3-10-17 48-80 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, gravelly sandy loam CL-ML, CL A-4 0- 1- 1 0- 1- 1 89-95-1 00 73-86-1 00 57-74- 93 36-49- 64 14-20 -29 2-6 -12 Custom Soil Resource Report 28 Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H PeC2—Pacolet sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Pacolet, moderately eroded 85 B 0-7 Sandy clay loam, clay loam, sandy loam SC-SM, SC A-4, A-6 0- 0- 1 0- 0- 1 95-96-1 00 84-91-1 00 65-79- 94 35-46- 59 20-30 -40 4-11-17 7-24 Clay, clay loam, sandy clay CL, MH, ML A-6, A-7-5, A-7-6 0- 0- 1 0- 0- 1 83-95-1 00 67-87-1 00 52-81-1 00 44-71- 96 38-52 -65 11-22-3 3 24-33 Sandy clay loam, clay loam, sandy loam, loam CL-ML, SC-SM, CL, SC A-1-b, A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 1 0- 1- 1 83-93-1 00 56-83-1 00 41-73- 94 21-43- 59 20-28 -35 5-10-15 33-80 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam SC-SM, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 1- 1 0- 1- 1 87-93-1 00 61-78-1 00 48-67- 94 31-45- 65 10-14 -28 NP-3 -6 Custom Soil Resource Report 29 Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H WyC—Wynott- Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Wynott 35 D 0-4 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam SC-SM, SC, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 86-92-1 00 71-83-1 00 49-64- 84 22-32- 46 15-23 -30 NP-5 -10 4-14 Loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam SC-SM, SC, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 86-92-1 00 71-83-1 00 49-64- 84 22-32- 46 15-23 -30 NP-5 -10 14-24 Clay, clay loam, silty clay CH, CL A-7-6 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 5 85-91-1 00 69-82-1 00 54-76-1 00 46-66- 96 40-65 -90 25-45-6 5 24-28 Sandy clay, sandy clay loam, clay loam CL, SC A-6 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 85-91-1 00 70-82-1 00 51-71- 99 28-43- 65 25-38 -50 7-16-25 28-80 Weathered bedrock —————————— Winnsboro 30 C 0-8 Fine sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 90-95-1 00 77-88-1 00 66-80- 96 30-39- 49 10-23 -35 NP-4 -8 8-11 Clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 44-73- 95 31-55- 73 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 11-32 Clay, clay loam CH A-7-5, A-7-6 0- 3- 5 0- 1- 3 89-94-1 00 74-87-1 00 59-80-1 00 50-69-1 00 51-72 -92 25-40-5 5 32-37 Loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, clay loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 44-73- 95 31-55- 73 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 37-60 Loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 47-73-1 00 34-55- 78 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 Custom Soil Resource Report 30 Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H Rowan 25 B 0-6 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam CL-ML, SC-SM, ML, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 76-88-1 00 54-67- 83 25-34- 45 15-20 -25 NP-4 -7 6-20 Loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam CL, SC A-6, A-7-6 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 76-88-1 00 60-79- 95 43-60- 73 29-37 -45 11-16-2 0 20-25 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam SC-SM, CL, ML, SC A-2-4, A-2-6, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 77-88-1 00 58-68- 85 30-36- 49 20-28 -35 NP-6 -12 25-80 Loamy sand, sandy loam, loam SC-SM, CL, ML, SM A-2-4, A-2-6, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 87-93-1 00 70-83-1 00 51-68- 90 9-18- 30 15-22 -30 NP-5 -11 Custom Soil Resource Report 31 Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H WyD—Wynott- Winnsboro-Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes Wynott 35 D 0-4 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam SC-SM, SC, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 86-92-1 00 71-83-1 00 49-64- 84 22-32- 46 15-23 -30 NP-5 -10 4-14 Loam, sandy loam, fine sandy loam SC-SM, SC, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 86-92-1 00 71-83-1 00 49-64- 84 22-32- 46 15-23 -30 NP-5 -10 14-24 Clay, clay loam, silty clay CH, CL A-7-6 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 5 85-91-1 00 69-82-1 00 54-76-1 00 46-66- 96 40-65 -90 25-45-6 5 24-28 Sandy clay, sandy clay loam, clay loam CL, SC A-6 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 85-91-1 00 70-82-1 00 51-71- 99 28-43- 65 25-38 -50 7-16-25 28-80 Weathered bedrock —————————— Winnsboro 30 C 0-8 Fine sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 90-95-1 00 77-88-1 00 66-80- 96 30-39- 49 10-23 -35 NP-4 -8 8-11 Clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 44-73- 95 31-55- 73 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 11-32 Clay, clay loam CH A-7-5, A-7-6 0- 3- 5 0- 1- 3 89-94-1 00 74-87-1 00 59-80-1 00 50-69-1 00 51-72 -92 25-40-5 5 32-37 Loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, clay loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 44-73- 95 31-55- 73 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 37-60 Loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam ML, SM A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5 0- 3- 4 0- 1- 2 90-91-1 00 59-81-1 00 47-73-1 00 34-55- 78 25-37 -48 3-9 -15 Custom Soil Resource Report 32 Engineering Properties–Lincoln County, North Carolina Map unit symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Hydrolo gic group Depth USDA texture Classification Pct Fragments Percentage passing sieve number—Liquid limit Plasticit y index Unified AASHTO >10 inches 3-10 inches 4 10 40 200 In L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H L-R-H Rowan 25 B 0-6 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam CL-ML, SC-SM, ML, SM A-2-4, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 76-88-1 00 54-67- 83 25-34- 45 15-20 -25 NP-4 -7 6-20 Loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam CL, SC A-6, A-7-6 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 76-88-1 00 60-79- 95 43-60- 73 29-37 -45 11-16-2 0 20-25 Sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam SC-SM, CL, ML, SC A-2-4, A-2-6, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 1- 3 90-95-1 00 77-88-1 00 58-68- 85 30-36- 49 20-28 -35 NP-6 -12 25-80 Loamy sand, sandy loam, loam SC-SM, CL, ML, SM A-2-4, A-2-6, A-4 0- 0- 0 0- 3- 4 87-93-1 00 70-83-1 00 51-68- 90 9-18- 30 15-22 -30 NP-5 -11 Custom Soil Resource Report 33 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_054262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. home/?cid=nrcs142p2_053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. detail/national/landuse/rangepasture/?cid=stelprdb1043084 34 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. nrcs/detail/soils/scientists/?cid=nrcs142p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. cid=nrcs142p2_053624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:// Custom Soil Resource Report 35 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Reference InformaƟon Soil Boring Log Notes Soil ClassificaƟon Fact Sheet General Test Procedures Rock ExcavaƟon ClassificaƟon General QualificaƟons and LimitaƟons 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C Typical Order of Soil DescripƟons: Origin, Moisture, Soil Density/Consistency, Color, Secondary Soil Type, PRIMARY SOIL TYPE, DescripƟve Terms Non-Cohesive Soils: (Silt, Sand, Gravel and CombinaƟons) SYMBOLS Drilling and Sampling Term RelaƟve Density “N” Value Very Loose ..................... .0 to 4 blows/Ō Loose ............................ 5 to 10 blows/Ō Firm ............................ 11 to 20 blows/Ō Very Firm .................... 21 to 30 blows/Ō Dense .......................... 31 to 50 blows/Ō Very Dense.................. 51 to 99 blows/Ō ParƟcle Size IdenƟficaƟon Boulders ...................................... 8 inch diameter or more Cobles ......................................... 3 to 8 inch diameter Gravel .......................................... Coarse: 1 to 3 inch Medium: ½ to 1 inch Fine: ¼ to ½ inch Sand: .......................................... Coarse: 6mm to ¼ inch (dia. of pencil led) Fine: 0.05mm to 0.2mm (dia. of human hair) Fines ............................................ Silt: 0.06 to 0.002mm (cannot see parƟcle) AS BS C COA CS CW DC DM FA FT HA HSA NR PMT PT PTS RB RC REC RQD RS S SS 2ST 3ST VS WPT Auger sample Bag Sample Casing: Size 64 mm, NW; 100 mm, HW ConƟnuous Sampling Clear Water Driven Casing Drilling Mud Flight Auger Fish Tail Hand Auger Hollow Stem Auger Hollow Stem Auger No Recovery Borehole Pressure meter Test 75 mm OD Piston Tube Sample Peat Sample Rock Bit Rock Coring Recovery Rock Quality DesignaƟon Rock Sounding Soil Sounding 50 mm OD Split-Barrel Sample 50 mm OD Thin-Walled Tube Sample 75 mm OD Thin-Walled Tube Sample Vane Shear Test Water Pressure Test RelaƟve ProporƟons DescripƟve Term Permit Trace ........................................... 1-10 LiƩle .......................................... 11-20 Some ......................................... 21-35 And ........................................... 46-50 Cohesive Soils (Clay, Silt and CombinaƟons) ParƟcle Size less than 0.06 mm Consistency “ N” value Approx. Unconfined (blows/Ō) Compressive Strength (tons/sq.Ō.) Very soŌ ................. 0 to 1 Less than 0.25 SoŌ ......................... 2 to 4 Less than 0.5 Firm ........................ 5 to 8 0.5-1.0 SƟff ......................... 9 to 15 1.0-2.0 Very SƟff ................. 16 to 30 2.0-3.0 Hard ........................ 31 to 50 3.0-4.0 Very Hard ................ 51 to 99 Over 4.0 PlasƟcity RelaƟve PorƟons Term PlasƟc Index (PI) None to Slight ..... 0-4 Slight .................. 5-7 Medium ............ 8-25 High/Very High .. 25+ trace ............... 1-10% LiƩle ............. 11-20% Some ............ 21-35% And .............. 26-50% Qp Qu W LL PL PI SL LIO gd pH Laboratory Tests Penetrometer Reading Unconfined Strength Moisture Content, % Liquid Limit, % PlasƟc Limit, % PlasƟcity Index Shrinkage Limit, % Loss on IgniƟon, % Dry Unit Weight Measure of Soil Alkalinity/Acidity Other Notes ParƟally Weathered Rock – ParƟally weathered rock retains much of the appearance of the parent rock and is charac- terized by standard penetraƟon resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot (bpf). (SCDOT) SoŌ Weathered Rock – Broken and parƟally weathered rock with Standard PenetraƟon resistance (ASTM D 1586) between 50 blows per six inches and 50 blows per inch. (NC Building Code 2006) Hard Weathered Rock – Broken and parƟally weathered rock of sufficient hardness to refuse soil sampling tools; nor- mally has Standard PenetraƟon resistance (ASTM D 1586) in excess of 50 blows per inch. (NC Building Code 2006). ClassificaƟon – Boring log classificaƟon is made by visual inspecƟon. Standard PenetraƟon Test – Driving a 2.0” O.D., 1 3/8” I.D., sampler a distance of 1.0 foot into undisturbed soil with a 140 pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. It is customary for Aardvark’s drillers to drive the spoon a few inches to seat into undisturbed soil, then perform the test. Upon seaƟng the spoon, the number of hammer blows for each 6 inches of penetraƟon are recorded on the drill log (Example – 6/8/9). The Standard PenetraƟon Test results (N- value) can be obtained by adding the last two figures (i.e. 8+9 = 17 blows/Ō.) (Compliant with ASTM D 1586) Strata Changes – In the column “Soil DescripƟons” on the drill log the horizontal lines represent strata changes. A solid line (_____) represents an actually observed change, a dashed line ( - - - - - ) represents an esƟmated change. Ground Water – ObservaƟons were made at the Ɵmes indicated. Porosity of soil strata, weather condiƟons, site topog- raphy, etc., may cause changes in the water levels indicated on the logs. Groundwater Symbols: SOIL TEST BORING NOTES Observed groundwater elevaƟon, encountered during drilling Observed groundwater elevaƟon several hours upon compleƟon of boring 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C SOIL CLASSIFICATION FACT SHEET 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C GENERAL TEST PROCEDURES Aardvark Engineers performs tests in general accordance with the American Society for TesƟng and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Army Corps of Engineers procedures. These procedures are generally recognized as the basis for uniformity and consistency of test results in the geotechnical engineering profession. All work is iniƟated and supervised by qualified engineers. Our tests are performed by skilled technicians trained in either ASTM or Corps procedures. Subsequent porƟons of this Appendix present briefly describe of our tesƟng procedures. Where applicable, we have referenced these procedures to either ASTM or the Corps of Engineers standards which contain specific descripƟons of apparatus, procedures, reporƟng, etc. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, SecƟon 4, Volumes 4.08 and 4.09: Soil and Rock. American Society for TesƟng and Materials, Latest EdiƟon EM 1110-2-1803. Subsurface InvesƟgaƟons, Soils, Chapter 3. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972. EM 1110-1-1801, Geological InvesƟgaƟons. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978. EM 1110-2-1907, Soil Sampling. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972. EM 1110-1-1802, Geophysical ExploraƟon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1979. EM 1110-2-1906, Laboratory Soils TesƟng. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970. HƒÄ— A禛٠BÊÙ®Ä¦Ý ó®ã« PÊÙバ½› CÊě P›Ä›ãÙÊÛã›Ù T›ÝãÝ The borings were made by manually twisƟng a post-hole auger into the soil. The auger consists of a two curved blades and a bucket which retains the soil as the auger is advanced. At regular intervals, the hand auger was removed from the boring and cone penetrometer soundings were performed with a dynamic portable cone penetrometer. The device has a 1.5-inch diameter, 45-degree cone point with a surface area of 3.9 inches which is driven with a 15-pound steel weight on a guide rod. AŌer the cone point was completely embedded at the test depth it was driven an addiƟonal 13/4 inches by the steel weight falling 20 inches onto a steel anvil. The number of hammer blows required to drive the cone the 13/4-inch increment was recorded as the "penetraƟon resistance" in units of blows per increment. PenetraƟon resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to the soil's strength, compressibility, and density. 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C ROCK EXCAVATION CLASSIFICATION Rʑ» D›¥®Ä®ã®ÊÄ We suggest that Rock be defined as the following: General ExcavaƟon: Any material which cannot be excavated with a single-tooth ripper drawn by a crawler tractor having a draw bar pull rated at not less than 56,000 pounds (Caterpillar D8K or equivalent) or excavated by a front-end loader with a minimum bucket breakout force of 25,600 pounds (Caterpillar 977 or equivalent). Trench ExcavaƟon: Any material which cannot be excavated with a backhoe having a bucket curling force rated at not less than 33,000 pounds (Caterpillar 225B or equivalent). 338 South Sharon Amity Road #135 CharloƩe, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704.313.0644 Fax 704.644.8636 ENGINEERS, IN C GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS This report has been prepared at the request of our client for their use on this project. The work, including the field work, laboratory tesƟng, and engineering analysis, was performed in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundaƟon engineering pracƟces. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranƟes either expressed or implied. This report may not contain sufficient informaƟon for purposes of other parƟes or other uses. Should there be any sufficient differences in structural arrangement, loading or locaƟon of the structure, our analysis should be reviewed. The analysis, conclusions, and recommendaƟons contained in our report are based on site condiƟons as they existed at the Ɵme of our exploraƟon and further assume that the borings are representaƟve of the subsurface condiƟons throughout the site. If during construcƟon, different subsurface condiƟons from those encountered during our exploraƟons are observed or appear to be present beneath excavaƟons, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these condiƟons and reconsider our recommendaƟons where necessary. If there is a substanƟal lapse of Ɵme between the submission of our report and the start of work at the site, or if condiƟons have changed due to natural causes or construcƟon operaƟons at or adjacent to the site, we urge that our report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendaƟons considering the changed condiƟons and Ɵme lapse. We urge that we be retained to review those porƟons of the plans and specificaƟons that pertain to earthwork and foundaƟons to determine whether they are consistent with our recommendaƟons. In addiƟon, we are available to observe construcƟon, parƟcularly the compacƟon of structural backfill and preparaƟon of the foundaƟons, and such other field observaƟons as may be necessary. In order to fairly consider changed or unexpected condiƟons that might arise during construcƟon, we recommend the following verbiage (Standard Clause for UnanƟcipated Subsurface CondiƟons) be included in the project contract. STANDARD CLAUSE FOR UNANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS “The owner has had a subsurface exploraƟon performed by a soils consultant, the results of which are contained in the consultant’s report. The consultant’s report represents their conclusions on the subsurface condiƟons based on their interpretaƟons of the data obtained in the exploraƟon. The contractor acknowledges that they have reviewed the consultant's report and any addenda thereto, and that their bid for earthwork operaƟons is based on the subsurface condiƟons as described in that report. It is recognized that a subsurface exploraƟon may not disclose all condiƟons as they actually exist and further, condiƟons may change, parƟcularly groundwater condiƟons, between the Ɵme of a subsurface exploraƟon and the Ɵme of earthwork operaƟons. In recogniƟon of these facts, this clause is entered in the contract to provide a means of equitable addiƟonal compensaƟon for the contractor if adverse unanƟcipated condiƟons are encountered and to provide a means of rebate to the owner if the condiƟons are more favorable than anƟcipated. At anyƟme during construcƟon operaƟons that the contractor encounters condiƟons that are different than those anƟcipated by the soils consultant’s report, they shall immediately (within 24 hours) bring this fact to the owner’s aƩenƟon. If the owner’s representaƟve on the construcƟon site observes subsurface condiƟons which are different than those anƟcipated by the consultant’s report, they shall immediately (within 24 hours) bring this fact to the contractor’s aƩenƟon. Once a fact of unanƟcipated condiƟons has been brought to the aƩenƟon of either the owner or the contractor, and the consultant has concurred, immediate negoƟaƟons will be undertaken between the owner and the contractor, to arrive at a change in contract price for addiƟonal work or reducƟon in work because of the unanƟcipated condiƟons. The contractor agrees that the following unit prices would apply for addiƟonal or reduced work under the contract. For changed condiƟons for which unit prices are not provided, the addiƟonal work shall be paid for on a Ɵme and materials basis.” Another example of a changed condiƟons clause can be found in paper No. 4035 by Robert F. Borg, published in ASCE ConstrucƟon Division Journal, No. CO2, September 1964, page 37.