HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023442-Historical-LV-2021-0035_20210215Roy ocarpR M CH.1U I WGIAN 5 D.\VIEL Sf.tla H ray.. i, ti�Yr.,. Environmental QJnLry Urtked Mail # 70172680000022195381 Return Rece1>t Requested February 15, 2021 Ora Kendall Adams Southern Veneer Specialty Products I.1_C PO Box 279 Fit7gCrald, GA 31750 SUBJ MY Ake of Violation and Assessment of CiviI Penalty for Violations of Noilh Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215. 1 (a)(6) and MIDIS WNV Permit No, ti00023442 Southern %veneer Specialty ProdUCtS I LC IN loncure HyNN Ood Case No. 1 N'-202 l -0035 Chatham County. Dear Pernlittec: "I'llis letter tiransmits a Notice of Violation and aSSCSS1llCnt of ciVil p. nalty in the alUOUnt of S493.95 (S450.00 ci\ it penalty -i S43.95 enforcement Cost,) against Southern \•Cneer Specialty Products 1.1_C. 'This assessment is basal Upon the following facts: a re\ iew Nis been cc�ncltiCtal of the DiSc11a1-4re %'Ionitorin_ Report (DNIR) submitted by Southern Veneer Specialty Products I,I.0 for the month of Septcniber 2020. 'phis review ha, Vhon n be su"c o Acillty to be in violation of the discharge llninaU= am! Or monitoring rcgUlrwnews 1 and in MIDI S TV"' PCJlllit Nm NC0023442. The Violations, %viRch occurred in September 2020, ai'C 5U111nlari%ell In Attachment A to tliis letter. Based Upon the above facts. I conclude as a matter of ww that Smahern Veneer Specialty PrOdUCta 1.1_C \ iOlated the ter ins, conditions or regWrernews of AZIMES NVW Permit No. NC0023442 and G.S. 1 431 It l (a)(6) in the mailner and extent shmvn in Attachment A. In accordance', with the maximunis established by G.S. A30116. WH21 a &A pcnahy in,i: - be assessed against any person who violates the ternl�, Conditions or re(lUirements of a paniii re(lUired by G.S. 1.43-21 5.1(a). Based upon the above firldilic(B OF fact and CO11C1llalO1B of law, and in accordance Lvith aLlthorlty provided by the Sccretary of the. Department oI Iinvlronnlental Quality and the Director of the Division of `Water RCSOL1rces, I, Vanessa 1".. Manuel, Assistant Regional Supervisor, Raleigh Regional Qtllce hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against SOLltheill Vencer Specialty Products I.I.C: S200.00 2 of 2 violations of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(6) and Permit No. NC0023442, by discharging waste water into the waters of the State in violation of the Permit Daily Maximum Cor Coliform, 1' ecal i1I1'_, i1IFC Broth, 44.5 C 2500.00 1 of' f violations of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(6) and Permit No. NC0023442, by discharging waste water into the waters of the State in violation oCthe Permit NIontlily Geometric Mcall for ColifornI, fecal 111E 1111-'C Broth 44.5 C S450.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY S43.95 I-nforce ment Costs S493.95 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount Of the penalty I have taken into aCCOLlnt the I7intlin�:'s of Ut 1111d conclusions of] -a%i and the factors set forth at G.S. 14311-282.1(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State. to the public health, or to private property resulting from Tile Violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violatioll: (3) The effect on ground or SUrfice water quantity of quality or oil all' quality; (4) The cost of rectifying tile; damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance, (6) Whether the violation was Committed xl illrully or intentioIlally: (7) The prior record of the violator ill complying or failing to comply with prograllis over which the Envirumllental Mallaucment Commission has regulatory autkmrity: and (S) The cost to the State of' tile enfcn-ccnlelit procedures. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. Vint nlll,t do One cif the f'011owin<<: (1) Submit payllwilt of the penally. OR (2) Subltilt a written request for renllaSlonl OR (3) Sublttit a wrilttm 1'Cgtlest for all admilllstratix c hearing OptioIl 1: Submit payment of the Penall-s: Payment should be made directly to the orcicr of the Dept+rtnlelit of l"llvirolimental Quality (110 11ol include liwrivel. .0,10. Payment of the penalty will not forecioie Iurther enforcerlellt aCtlOil fol- allV C011tiilLllllg or new violatlon(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Wastewater Branch Division ofWater Resources 1617 Mail Servicc Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Option 2: Submit a N4ritten request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Plca,-c be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the fi\e factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of tllc amount. of the ci\ Il penalty assessed. Requesting remission is riot the proper procedure for contesting \Vhetllcr the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained Ill the civil penalty assessment Clocumetit. Because a rcmiSNloll request lOreCloses the option of an administrative hl;aring. �ucll a r':gLICSt must be acconipairled by a \Cal\'er Of y'OLlr r-ight to an administrative hearing alld a Stipulation and «�Ylctllent that no fac(l.lal or legal issues are ill disl)Llte. ['lease prepare a deiailcd statennent that establishes why you helieve the civil Penalty should be remitted, and SLlbmit It to the Divisioll 01'Watcl• Re,OLlreCS at the address listed below. lit determining -whether a remission request will be approved, the following factor_; shall be considered: (I) wllctller one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 143f3-282.1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the Violator promptly abated colltinuin�_ environmental dalllaUC I•C-SLihlllly front the \ iolation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accidellt; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any preyiOLls Violation;; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented ill SLlpl)O11 Of \'OUl- I-CgllCSt IOr rC1111SsiOrl 111LIst be submitted ill writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your e\ idcnce and ill form you of his decision in the platter of' your remission request. The response Will provide detail, regarding tilt cave StatuS, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of llle penalty to the Environmental Nlalla-etlielit Colllmi�,tiloll'S Committee Oil Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the orig;nal remission request considered by the Director. 'I herefore. it is \ery important that you prepare a complete and thorou4_>ll St IMUCllt Ill Support of your request for remission. Ill 0:-der to request renlissiotl. Vou_nlu5t_Complete and submit. the enclosed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties. Waiver of, RiLflht to all Administrative I lcarina. alld Stilxllation of Facts" form \within thirty (30) dates of receipt _of' this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that \ou COMI)ICLC and stlbnlit the enclosed "JLB(ifieatiorfor Remission Rcq°.le;t,__ T Both forms should be submitted to the followill Eiddress: \Vastewatcr Branch Division i,f 1�'ater RC' .line, 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 2 7699.1617 Option 3: File a petition for an administrate\ a hearing iNith the Office of Administrative Bearings: II you wish to Coiitcsl any statement in the attached assessincrit dOCLttllent yOL1 Il1LISt file a petition for an admitii$trativc liearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Off ice of AdmimstratiVe I €earillUS. YOU nnlst file the petitiot \\ ith the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) clays of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed lien it is received in the Officc of Administrati\ e I learin-s during normal office ]Lours. The Office of Administrati\ c 1 learings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (far) or electronic mail by an attached file (\\ ith restriction) - pro\ ided the Signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (ifa filing fee is required by NNCGS §15011-23.2) is reeclved in the Office ol'Administrative Hearings within seven (7) bu>iness clays following the Iaxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative I learings with all questions regarding the filing lee and 'or the detail, oNlic_ Eifinwu hroccs. The illallim, address and telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative I learings are as Follows: 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 6714 Tel: (919) 431-3000 Fax: (919) 431-3100 011e (I ) copy Of the petition must also be served on D1=Q as follows: NIr. Wilhani F. bane. General Couiiscl Department of I'tivironmental QLlallty 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please Indicate the cast'. Illmlber (as Eonnd Oil INILIC olle of th1S letter) oil the: petition. Failure to CXCI-CISC 0I1C Of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as e\ Idenced b} an internal date-Itlllle reccived stalllp (not a postmark), will result in lhls matter being, relert'Cd to the Atorlley Generals Office for collection of -die penalty through it civil action. flea; be ad\ ked that additional penalties 111a\ he a»essed fir \ iolations that occur after the review period of this asscs-sment. II'vou have any questions, please contact Chet- /11a11r" \\ itll the' Divi;inn of %\'ater Resource, maffOf the R1I]Cioll Re-iollal Office ice at (919) 791-4200 or via Crimil at chcm_,.ihan - a ricdcnr.�uov. Silltierel\, Vanessa E. Manuel. Assistant Reuional SLlpervlsor Water Quallty Rc�(Tional Operations Section Ralei<tzh Regional Officc Di\ ision of Water RCtiOUrces, NC Dl;Q ATTACI NIL:NI'S Cc: WQS Raleigh Regional Office - I'nforcement file NI'DL:S C011lpllailce/I-llfol'ceillCtlt Unit - I'.Ilforeement File L.aserliche JUSTIFICATION FOR REAMISSION REQUEST Case Number: IN-2021-0035 CO1111ty: Chatl.am .Assessed Party: SOLltliCrit Veneer Specialty Products I -I C Pc]•111it No.. NCO0123-142 Amount (Assessed: S493.95 Please: use this form when regUCsting remission of' this civil penalty. You must also complete the "lzcgmst Foi- Remission, f!'iril'er of Kig{rl to an : dmiui.strcrtire Ifeariltu, and S'tilmkitiau of Faeis" form to request remission of this civil penalt; . You Sh—Alld attach any (IOCL111iCIl1S that )'OU believe support your recluest and arc necessary for the Director to consider in Cya1Llatin(7, )'OUI- request for remission. Please be i1warc that a I•egLICSt 1Or 1'ClllkS1On iS f lied to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the alilOL111t Of tl1C CiVil penalty assessed. RC(IUCStIIIIT remission is not the propel' proCedt1re for C011teStil)g %I•hethcr the t'iolation(S) occurred Or the accuracy of ally of the factual statements contained in the civit penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 14313-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may he granted only when one or more of tlic following five factors apply. Please cheek each factor that you believe applies to your Case and provide a detailed explanation, inCluding Copies Of SLIppOrtiM-1 d0CLn11CI11S. aS to NOW the factor Applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factor; in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment oft lie petiticnler (tire assessurc'r 1 factors crrc listed ill the civil penalty a.1'SCSSMLIlu docutu�lrl); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing, envil'onnlental dama�,e rCSL116n�11 from the \ iolation (i,e-. cx1ilain the steps that you took to corrc'Ct the violation caul hrel'errr Jrrlrrre' occru-rc uces); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a resLllt ofan accident (i.e., e-ilrlaiu 1i'hY the violation was uutr1'oidilhlc or sU1rrL'Min 1'Orr Could 1101 lWel'errt (d) the violator had not been assessed Civit penaltie, for any previous \ iolations; (C) paymclit o the Civil penalty will pre'vCnt payment f01' the renminin�, ncces,5ary remedial actions (i.r., exhkrru ITolrhal-mcni of the civillwnahv Irililu-c>I-elIt rort ji.oluher.fornrill the aeth.itn'A necc'ssal.r to uclricre corrrldiauce). E':1PLANATION: > f,=1TF 01: NORTJ I CAROI .INA 'OUNTY 017 CI IAT11.-1,.'v1 N TI II` INIATTI.R OF ASSESSM FXF ) ) C[N II., Pi"NA[.TIFS AGAINST } } iouthern Veneer Specialty Products LLC ) 1loncure Plywood ) DITARTM ENT O 1=N%'IRON--%II:NT1. QUALITY WAIVER OP RIGITT TO AN ADMI ISTRA'1-RT HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS 'EMMIT NO. NC0023442 1 CASK: NO. I V-2D21-003; lavim, becn assessed civil penalties totaling S }93.95 for violation(s) as set forth in the asscsslllcnt (loclilllCnt of the DIVisioll if Water ReSollrl:Cti elated Fcbrllai')' 15, 2021, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the ci% it penalty, doca hereby vaive the right to an administrative hearim, in the above -stated mattcr and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the I;Sesslllellt dOCUIMCllt. The Undersigned further undQrstands that all C),'iLIeilCC IVeSC111W in mipport of remission of this Civil )Cilally nlllst be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (30) dtiys of receipt of the notice if assessnlCnl. No new 111 Slif)p01't oha remission request will be allowed alier (30) days from the receipt of the lotice of assessment. 1'11is the daN of PERMIT: NCO023442 FACILITY: Moncure Plywood LIMIT VIOLATION(S) SAMPLE LOCATION: Outfall 001 - Effluent Violation Report Date MonthlYr Parameter 9/812020 9 2020 Coliform, fecal MF, MI: C Broth, 44.5 C 9/15/2020 9-2020 Coliform, Fecal NIF, MFC Broth, 44.5 C 9/30/2020 9-2020 Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC Broth, 44.5 C ATTACHMENT A Southern Veneer Specialty Products LLC CASE NUMBER: LV-2021-0035 REGION: Raleigh COUNTY: Chatham Unit of Limit Calculated %Over Violation Penalty Weekly #1100ml 400 730 82.5 Daily $100.00 Maximum Exceeded W :ukly 4/100ml 400 2,420 Da"y $100.00 Maximum Exceeded Weekly 41100m1 200 265r.61 34.8 Monthly $250.00 Geometric Mean Exceeded k k ;,d �rnw•nw � v6, Z Z O cc Vp n n O 2 2 O a c=s o TgES 6T22 OOOO 0992 .'COL �¢ o o � z 2 1 � ❑❑ m DO C o z E d 4 O Q oco ❑ � � G } a cc 0 3 � U m 0 O Q a > 3 z r.�c E T 7o E V 0. V 1 a O N O a p aN '2a W { Y 0 C� j+=ID + a r lNC `I N sii N YO Z po C L m Cf L 6 Z rn d p U "•p mCC X} C r Y ° 0 y u C o z p VBd N¢ `a a o Z o a cc m u7 Q" rq PU ru m Cl m 0 m ru ra 0 N _a 9 cc E u a TV. cn CD Cl. CD m r c v z (D Gl LD mm O m x > A z A > A n m a s v C) 2 pi m m CD 0 z z a Q r O M kv N A m � 01 O z Q H 1 NC Dept of Environn+entalga 3 � MAR — �j r�nr�a L11/1 p 7 'aleigli c z_ d n m CD s m j � C m m M p t� aww�waaaae_ i t> (D -0 O T cn z (D m O go C) m (D d. p N — a DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT Violator: Southern Veneer Specialty Products LLC Facility Name: Moncure Plywood Permit Number: NC0023442 County: Chatham Case Number: LV-2021-0035 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; No known damage to environment, public health or private property 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; Two daily maximum and one monthly average exceeded for fecal. '' � S t " $-a5 6vt'- um' T- 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; Not documented. 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; Not documented. 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; It is not believed that any money was saved by these violations. 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; It is not believed that the violations were committed intentionally. 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply, with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and 4tiv There have been t e CPAs in the past year. ul-,1"/To*2., 8) The cost to the State oft the enforcement procedures. $43.59 Date/Vanessa E. Manuel, Assistant Reg onal Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ C b n d } = N C c E E Lg3wa°' i 7 7 r 0 cY.' oaf o N 'a d a. ]. L C N >' N u d d _ _ m o ro a Nb d L N N N Q S C d G N a r+ d N 5 ry N d 7y S g S •�pd'� E 0�i q N H L"• 7 ai �• d p C k w y •E '9 c c 3 N C• O Q t G] C Q CD ti O C C N rn gym] Um mL^$ m alN ' � 1 co Ln Z � IL l4 S L' O N J N C ? �Z:T 2: z Y etqQ d O a u� z p� o - E€ U- 0- E u yma �; -� Q OZ oa U j„° •TQj m w w = �Pn a ui N •" CI yQy O U P C N co 7i ��'� Y U yrj IA �p 'L ryl N O E N y V C V C N W MM t0 _ IO V L z i Q ZNn.f' c d o W. c W >..m fa c o LL7 ab �J W pw w d �6 u'i •; O O 8ff1 t' ppm0 �10 o O o p7gEN^r �7,yd V it �n V a' QSIL N O Q > Qe7f C w,P-1 r"i 'Q N kf/k �2 5Ea -2�� - k/ \/�\ ///\ / / ajm - �§ «�)E- _ )\'E § ,]( i k\§ 2 &|£N_ -� ;# ƒc Eƒ@£ k ■■ «()E cLL, m ®§E 2 'co cl -§k2 ux E «. �§® -/ o§t; m ~�\// k2 /\�k \\ o760mw 2w r- 'ca �{ �kk) (%r]{ �\ #■75 k) &o 2k£2L m a� e !` aj cc \ cc \ V,. , § ( / = z© � � \\ COOPER- k lvll4'HiMI.S S. D 1`ICLSMIT-1-- 1, dn.irartararer "C'r. Certified Mail #7017 0190 0000 9562 7442 Return Receipt Requested Ora Kendall Adams Southern Veneer Specialty Products LL PO Box 279 Fitzgerald, GA 31750 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2 Permit No. NCO023442 Moncure Plywood Chatham County ar Permittee: A review of the September 2020 Disch< violation(s) indicated below: Limit Exceedance Violation(s): Sample Location Parameter November 20..,2. n2r1 ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the matlpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ORA KFNDAL L ADAMS SOUTHERN VENEER SPECIALTY PRODUCTS LLCPO BOX 71'- FITZGCRAL0, GA 31750 NOV-2020-LV'0828: NC0023442- MONCURF Pi-YwOOD CHATHAM COUNTY: NOV & INTENT TO ASSESS CP 11/20/20 MA-LED:11/23/20:7.HANG A. Signature , !� � ❑ Ager X L !i� 4 `?7i' . ❑ Addr B. Received b}/ ( Printed erne) C at of DE D. Is dellYerf address different ftm item 17 x Uy re: If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Servt Type ert,Eied Mail ❑ 9ppress Mall ❑ Registered 1311'Retum Receipt for Merchi ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. _ 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes �s=_,_ 7017 Olga 0000 9562 7442 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02- Limit Reported Date Value Value Type of Violation 001 Effluent ...Coliform, Fecal HF, MFC Broth, 9/8/2020 400 44.5 C (31616) 001 Effluent Coliform, Fecal NIF, MFC Broth, 9/15/2020 44.5 C (31616) 730 Daily Maximum Exceeded 400 2,420 Daily Maximum Exceeded 001 Effluent Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC Broth, 9/30/2020 200 269.61 Monthly Geometric f,lean Exceeded 44.5 C (31616) A Notice of Violation/Intent to Issue Civil Penalty is being issued for the noted violation of North Carolina General Statute (G.S,) 143-215.1 and the facility's NPDES WW Permit. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. If you wish to provide additional information regarding the noted violation, request technical assistance, or discuss overall compliance please respond in writing within ten 10 business days after receipt of this Notice. A review of your response will be considered along with any information provided on the submitted Nlonitoring y. e4 NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO023442 PERMIT VERSION: 4.0 FACILITY NAME.- Momirc Plywood CLASS: WW-I OWNER NAINIE: Soutlicm Vcneer Specialty Products ORC: Randall Craig Jarrell LLC GRADE: WW4. ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDNIR PERIOD: 09-2020 (September 2020) VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Chatham ORC CERT NUMBER: 7937 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO IN Nil ai• No Reporting Reason: FNFRUSI. = No Flow-ReusOReeycle: UNVWI'IIR = Nu Visitation— Ad%-eru %%'rather; NOFLOA' = No Flow; IIOt,IDAY — No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - CoPy Of Record (COR_NC0023442_Ver 1.0_9_2020.pdf) NPDE.S PER►IIT NO.: NCO023442 PERMIT VERSION: 4.0 FACILITY NAME: Moncurc Plywood CLASS: WW-I OWN ER NAMF: Southern Veneer Specialty Products ORC: Randall Craig Jarrell LLC GRADE,: WW-4. eDMR PERIOD: 09-2020 (September 2020) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Non -Compliant ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT PHONE, 4:9193102500 Electronically Certified by Randall Craig Jarrell on 2020-10-31 15:29:20.601 ORC'Certifier Signature: Randall Craig Jarrell I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Chatham ORC CERT NUMBER: 7937 STATUS: Submitted SUBMISSION DATE: 14'31:'2020 Phone 9 : 9 1 9 - 2 1 0 - 2 5 0 0 Date The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall be made as required by part 11.E.6 of the NPDES permit. Elcctronically Siened by Randall CraitT Jarrell on 2020-10-31 15:30:31.807 Permittee;Submitter Signature: ***Randall Craig Jarrcll Phone t+:919-210-2500 D a t c Permittee Address: 306 Corinth Rd Moncure NC 27559 Permit Expiration Date: 05,31'2021 1 certify, tinder penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tnic, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. LAB NA►IE: ENCO, Wasiewatcr Managcinan. L,L,C. CERTIFIED LAB M 591. 5038 PFRSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Randall Jarrell CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by visiting https:::deq.ne.go%'aboiitr'dieisions-water-resources.'ednir'user-documentation. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow'Discharge From Site: YES indicates that No Flow Discharge occurred and, as a result, no data is reported for any parameter on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC on Site?: ORC Hurst visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC: 8G .0204. *** Signature of Pennittee: If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority Hurst be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506(b)(2)(D). Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0023442_%'er_1.0_9_2020.pdf) NPDF.S PERMIT NO.: NCO023442 PFRNIIT VERSION: 4 0 PFR]11T STATUS: Active FACILITI' NAME: Moncure Plywood CLASS: WW. I COUNTI': Chatham OWNER NANIE: Southem Veneer Specialty Products ORC: Randall Craig Jarrall ORC CFRT NUMBER: 7937 LLC GRADE: WW-4. ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDNIR PERIOD: 09-2020 (September 2020) VERSION: 1 0 STATUS: Submitted Repowt Comments. Non-Compliam for exceeding the efl]ucra fecal coliform daily limit on 9:9'20 and 915.-20. The monthly geometric mean limit was also exceeded. Infiltration of roundwater during rain events contribute to the non-compliance. 4.91 inches of rainfall was nzcasVedldocumented onsite for the month of September_ An engineering Finn is assisting N%ilh corrective actions. y a) C. O O to to � m N W W 00_3 W O n N46 r (D 0 tD i0 cD 40 a' I� (�i 6D cD to r N cam) N N N r LO ci iU t0 co ao ao ('6 (h r (O N O) O) O1 r in 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x a a z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z O O O b O b O 0 O 0 O a O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O o n a 0 fA 0 66 0 in 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 61, 0 V) 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 69 C. G!l 0 (H 0 C) N 03 N M R 3 N f8 C zO N 00 Go 0o 0o T f, rl I, O ~ 4 M O M Cl) Cl) M 4 n 0 to CD ci W) co cl O O M M C9 6�) Obi 00 00 co N M N LO N 00 M M N C C FA 69 fi) d9 fA u9 fA 6A to 69 69 69 w 69 69 69 co O 0 m E a V � H G 0 .y r G N 'E x 00 ova 0 N � N � O E E Wxa 3 W Y Y O e a _ b O E 0 N C. 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V) fA V) 69 V) 64 64 c n n ao 0o CO oo r0 ai O CD N 'T di d r r oo o r o _ O Ln (D N Q C. t+ N r R (D (D co co to (O 00 r r n r h r [ h n h h n n n r n 00 00 00CD O rn O O O R r r C. (DN N O N O N CD N CD N N R N CDN (V O' N N N N N N N N N M 4 U[ N M v � CD.^ r N r r (D 00 0G0 O �2 00 N O M M N O O ( a c Q OO n n O ao O ao O 00 °o q °& O ao O 06 O co 9 O 0o h 9 O d o N m R (D CD O N N O O O CDO N O O G G U N N N N N N N N N N N N N N �p `! � � � - 2 J � > > > '2 > > > O J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J H f Permit NCO023442 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Boise Cascade Wood Products, LLC is hereby authorized to discharge treated wastewater from a facility located at the Moncure Plywood W WTP 306 Corinth Road (NCSR 1916) Moncure Chatham County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to the Haw River in the Cape Fear Ri%rer Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requi 1, 11, I11 and IV hereof rements, and other conditions set forth in Part This modified permit shall become effective February 14, 2017. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on May 31. 2021. Signed this day .......... April 18, 2016. XljayGimmeWafi.�P.G. �j (,hector, Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page I of 8 Permit NCO023442 A. (2) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 115A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period beginning upon receipt of the Engineer's Certificate for the new treatment works, and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored ' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS CHARACTERISTIC MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Code ::,!Monthly Daily Maximum MeasurementPara�jteter Frequency E���Sar,,jtperage Flow 50050 0.008 MGD Weekly Continuous Effluent Dissolved Oxygen 00300 Daily average > 5.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 00010 Weekly Grab Effluent BOD, 5-day (20°C) C0310 30.0 mg/L 45.6 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids C0530 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform (geometric inean) 31616 200'100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent pH 00400 � 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N (April 1 — October 31) C0610 2.0 10.0 2:'Month Grab Effluent NH3 as N (November 1 — March 31) C0610 4.0 20.0 Effluent Total Residual Chlorine 2 50060 17 µg/L Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TonG {TKN} 00625 Effluent NOZ as N+NO3 as N 00630 Effluent Total Nitrogen (NO2 as N+NO_, as N+TKN) (1600 Quarterly Calculaled Effluent Total Phosphorus C0665 Quarterly Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. Starting Deceniber 21, 2016 begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using NC DWIZ's eDMR application system. See Special Condition A. (5.) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF MONITORING REPORTS. 2. If chlorine or a chlorine derivative is used then the Total Residual Chlorine monitoring and limit immediately apply. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the pen -nit. However, the Pertittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 µg/L. b. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Page 3 of 8