HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010550 Ver 4_Application_20041004`~~ ~ ® ~ - ~ Mx ,~ ~N ~a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR September 28, 2004 Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 ATTENTION: Mr. John Hennessy NCDOT Coordinator LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Q~c~~ae~~ OCi 0 4 2004 DENR - WgTER QUALITY I'1~ETlANQS ANO STORMyyA~ g~H Subject: Supplemental Information for Buffer Modification Request for TIP No. R-2809B, Wake County, NC DOT Division 5, Federal Aid No. STP-98(1), State Project No. 8.1402501, USACE Action ID 199601836, and DWQ Project No. 010550, $475 Debit Work Order WBS Element 34503.1.1 Dear Mr. Hennessy: On August 11, 2004 NCDOT submitted a request to modify the USACE 404 Individual Permit and the NCDWQ 401 Water Quality Certification and Neuse River Riparian Certification. NCDOT received a verbal request from Ms. Nicole Thomson of the NCDWQ on September 28, 2004 to provide written clarification on the buffer impacts to two stream buffers at Site 4. By way of this letter we are providing NCDWQ with written clarification regarding the impacts at Buffer Site 4. Site 4, Sheet 7 of 20 Station -L- 38+24.5/ 39+44.5 In the letter dated August 11, 2004 the increase in impacts was attributed to the fact that the contractor cleared outside of the permitted area. However, the increase in impacts to the buffer at this site is due to the proposed relocation of Richland Creek as well as unauthorized clearing in the buffer by the contractor. The area required to relocate the stream overlaps and includes the area that was cleared by the contractor without prior approval. A supplemental sheet 7 of 20 of the Buffer Drawings shows the area of impact cleared by the contractor. No trees were cut as part of the unauthorized clearing, and the area has already been revegetated with grasses. After the unauthorized clearing occurred, NCDOT Division Construction surveyed and marked all clearing limits within jurisdictional areas to MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-715-1501 272H CAPITOL BOULEVARD PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING, SUITE 168 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC 27699 RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 prevent future unauthorized clearing. NCDOT will re-plant the area with the streambank reforestation species as shown in the current construction plans. Site 4, Sheet 9 of 20 Station -Y3- 10+84R/ 11+OS As part of the original buffer verification conducted on November 19, 2000 by Steve Mitchell, formally of the NCDWQ, this stream (UT to Richland Creek) was determined to be intermittent and subject to the Neuse Buffer Rules, as shown on page 9 of the original buffer drawings dated 6/03. On November 29, 2000 Eric Alsmeyer visited the site and determined that the UT was not jurisdictional under the Clean Water Act. After NCDOT received the Buffer Certification to impact the buffer, Lowe's filled this stream during the construction of their parking lot. On March 18, 2004 NCDOT visited the site with Debbie Edwards of NCDWQ to verify that the stream had been filled by Lowe's. A revised buffer drawing, dated 4/04 showing the new buffer area was submitted with the August 11, 2004 letter. A copy of the original and revised buffer drawing at this site is included with this letter for convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Brett Feulner at (919) 715-1488. Sincerely, ~~ Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA w/ attachment: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer, USACE Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. David Chang, P.E., H draulics Jim H. Trogdon , PE, Div Engineer Mr. Jamie Shern, DEO, Div ~' w/o attachment Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Omar Sultan, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Env. Mr. James Bridges, PDEA Mr. David Franklin, USACE Wilmington LINE -RPDD- STA. 10+60 MA1 EXTENDED DRY OUTLET CONTROL JI \F~ DETENTION BASIN STRUCTURE WOODS \ ~ 600 ~~ ~ ~ ~ --- ~~_ R a. U 0 0 ~~ v WOODS . 11 + 8 p - f ~.F F r --> --> -~ I!~ ~ 375 2GI +- 2GI F NC 98 WAKE FOREST F BYPASS WESTBOUND 37 -~- pp ~ -L- ~., ,:. 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