HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010550 Ver 6_Application_20060216Y STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART7VIEENT' OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY ~.s~~~a ~ I ~,~s a ~. ~ ~i' e ws..o„ ,,,.,, February 16, 2006 C~~~~~ NCDENR- Division of Water Quality ~ Transportation Permitting Unit FEB ~ ~ 2006 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 pENR _ WATER Q~ ER g NCN Raleigh, NC 27604 ,~~,NDS w~D sTUR~ ATTN: Mr. John Hennessy Unit Supervisor Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Permit Modification Request for TIP No. R-2809C, Wake County, NC DOT Division 5, Federal Aid No. STP-98(1), State Project No. 8.1402501, USACE Action ID 199601836, and DWQ Project No. 010550, $475 Debit Work Order WBS Element 34503.1.1 _". On April 4, 2002 and February 4, 2002 respectively, the USACE 404 Individual Permit ~'' and the NCDWQ 401 Water Quality Certification and Neuse River Riparian Certification were issued for project R-2809. On October 18, 2005 and September 30, 2005 '" respectively, modifications to the USACE 404 Individual Permit and the NCDWQ 401 , Water Quality Certification and Neuse River Riparian Certification were last issued. The ~r'`, ~„ North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to modify the natural stream design plan at Site 2 for the abovementioned project. The purpose of this letter is to request a modification the 401 Water Quality Certification as well as the Buffer - Certification from the NC Division of Water Quality. The location map of Site 2 and the `~ revised sheet of the design plan sheets are attached. , '~ Summary of Impact Changes The proposed revisions to the natural stream design at Site 2 do not result in any impact changes from the last permit modification. As shown on the attached plan sheet, the only revision is changing the typical section of the channel from a 3 foot bankfull depth to a 2 foot bankfull depth. This change is based on field measurements upstream and downstream and from review of regional bankfull curves. These curves were not available at the time of the original design. MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 FAX: 919-715-1501 WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US LOCATION: 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING, SUITE 168 RALEIGH, NC 27699 The revised natural stream design does not compromise NCDOT's compliance with any existing permit conditions. Regulatory Approval The NCDOT respectfully requests that the referenced 401 Water Quality Certification and Neuse River Riparian Certification be modified to reflect the revisions outlined in this letter. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) of the NCAC we will provide $475 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit application previously noted in this application (see Subject line). If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact LeiLani Paugh at (919) 715-1457. Respectfully, i Q ~~ Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. ~`"'' Environmental Management Director, PDEA w/ attachment Ms Nicole Thomson, DWQ (7 copies) Mr. Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Mr. Eddie Bunn, P.E., Division 4 Resident Engineer Mr. Byron Moore, P.E., PDEA Natural Environment Unit 2 ~--- / ) , ?~~ ~ . /// i~ ~ i ~ i~ I ~ ~ 1 r ""' ,.. ~' ~ ~~,~rom / ^ _ SAKE FORE57 G!Y LWIiS \ .A~ 98 ~ ~ _ 7 BEGIN PROJECT R-28098 \. \ ~\ \__ ~ J ,1 ~ ~; -SITE ~ ~1 SITE 1 ~ `'';, SITE 3 f ~, ~• / ~..~ /i ~ ~ ~1 f~ _' / ~ ~!~= ~~ . `. END PROJECT R-28096 .~ f I\ woke For~sr I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION Rol~ivllls YItlAs s`"' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAgE COUNTY SCALE PROJECT: 8.102501 (R-2809B) .5 0 1 KM NC 98 WAgE FOREST BYPASS ~~i h~,~, Sd WETLAND SHEET ~. OF ~ •1 IST. RIPARIAN 200 " _ - - ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ - - ~ , 2 rvST. RIPARIAN ~h T~NC ~~ II 3 I 1 ~zs ss ~~./ _~ ' - ~ ~ _ OFFSET TO FL STA ID+60 -Y2- LT DED ELEV=T4.46m OfFSEi TO FLOODPLAIN ~ 45.6m STA 10+50 -Y@- LT BED ELEV=74.34m OFFSET 10 FLOOOPLAIN ~ 45Jm ~~ 4 \4 9 `p~ASp ~ ~ Y ~ ~ _ - u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wooos ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ -Y2_ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~I ~ _:=ice \~_, ~c 1 3 ~ / 1 ~`~ Y "~ k ~ ID SPEC. LAT.'V' DITCH ~~ Y SPECIgL ~ SEE DETAIL F ~ r NOTE: ~~'-~L,, ~, v ~ LAT.'v'DITCH~ w ~~ ~ ~ -Y2- PC 10+52.646 sEE DETAIL F -~ ~ T. BEGIN & END STREAM ELEVATIONS SHOULD BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE PROPOSED STREAM GRADE (AND ELEVATIONS) ~ ~ ~ - ,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ` J , ~c .nr .nn~,n..-rr r, r~~.r~n~~~ ~~x:. ~~~nv rnnu nn~nn ninvwr A /C ~ OFFSET i0 FLOODPLAIN ~ 44.Im STA II+00 -Y2- LT ~~ BED ELEV=75.12m 3 OFFSET TO FLOODPLAIN ~ 45.2m j' P) STA II+10 -Y2- LT NPD CROSS BED ELEV=75.28m VANE OFFSET TO FLOODPLAIN fL 47.4m ROCK STA 11+20 -Y2- LT WEIR BED ELEV=75.45m (TYP,1 OFFSET TD FLOODPLAIN ~ 41.3m ~ • (R1P ~~ ,~ _ - - ~ i x0oo5 _ / R-28098 2-I tl4S CONST.REV.7/20/04 NarES: NUMBER DF RDOTwAOS INSTALLED TO BE DETERMINED ON SITE. NUMBER DF CROSS VANES TO BE DETERMINED ON SITE. PLANTINGS SHOULD BE PLACED ABOVE BANKFULL DEPTH. CROSS vaNES TO BE PLACED IN BOTTOM ONE THIRD DF RUN (SEE STREAM PLAN vIEW DETAIU ' ~ I spp ~ ~\~_~ ~ SILL F ' ~ o , , i,~ T OFF ~ ~ \ , \ ; / ; , / , , ~~ , ~ -Y2- PT U+30.723 sECnoN A-A - I ~ .~ ~ ~ml~W a~d~s 1~reca~ m~ ~ ~12 ° ryP wLq r 1r J° t'at' T r.o~r.o o oouaWS crmworro o. tom : ;.n~~ p - - t- \ rm'apn 0.15m A~ .Q :aQO o °o o .o~ d . Fltrr tna-,•c aaxiq~n O.wm ,mow rA~s PLAN VIEW IN N cwk N ~ Cvutr7uv strge 711 °30• l Nv. i 9remn N1 ~ ' \ A ~ a tp~~ [xy 1 drmm rte. r~s rcp d mm ~ [p,ro6•s (nnFlull Naye ~] iplAe maMr9 9 CROSS VANE ROCK WEIR DETAILS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_ 10+40 +60 +80 l %20 +40 +60 SECTION B-B (Mxpafn o0.ve weir Mqn K v°r wlig 0.9 m ~ - ' s ~p,0 r,~mm~ ~ w,.; . o idenyvfmn 2p ml I".---I . '- - ": ~:~ ° p; i•~~~aa• '°q •'o~° 9v ~ 0 NOfe: Rxks srtwld (!r O'9nlly. Trim f'Iter foDric f(u50 wBn !op of rwks. Nde Boulders slxwld ce rafive scone WIEn drop 6eMee/r upstra~m (1051p1ain alyd v S1N rCCk.arkylar dM OD1Clq wlin axis oyproxitmlety 030m in lenglM1 davnsJ~eam flrod p'oin exceeds 03m,o nuuWer slllls ra:animended !n tle fleMplain. CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED TYPICAL RIFFLE 5ECT10N I Nor to scale ~ BANKFULL DEPTN 0.6m VAA VAR Flood Ploln ~ * Flood PIaIn v AR. 2 ,F_ vAR. GG Y ~ 1` F u~R P01~ 1dAtR 2.Om r Excavate Overbank Floodpl0in to Extent Practical to Mclntain Minimum 10' Berm from -Y2- Toe of F111 DET Al LS OF NATURAL STREAM DESIGN FROM STA 10+46 -Y2- ~LT~ TO STA 1122 -Y2- ALT) -L- POT 33+00.000 -Y2- POT 10+00.000 OFFSET TO FLDODPLAIN ~ A9.3m .AIN ('L 94.Om CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED TYPICAL POOL SECTION ~ BEND (MEANDERI I Not to Scale I DEEPEN AREAu BELOW GR0.DE POINT BANkFOLL &pC~ O.ISm Ai BEND Flood PIOIn DEPTH ~ Flootl Naln 0.6m VAR. ~r ~) VAA. 1a 9'/ COIR FIBER ~18ER AIAT ~ T EST. 7.2 4~TN EST. 15 m2FF ~ ~ ~~~. //„ / ~~ ( ( i