HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151307 Ver 1_670023 wet forms_20151216W�TLAND D�T�RMINATION QATA FORNi — Easiern N�ountains and Piedmon� i -; 1 1� l.� FroiecL'Site ' �i�O� �L's.� Ciry/i,ounty: __ / ( �' =.;•'?F? Sampiing Da�F: �� � �G ' �� 1� r kppiicanUGwne�: ("� ' j'� State: �'� _ Sampling Foint { �' i+';",��' + fnvesfioatorls� � ' r� _ i� 3�,r=� ,, � �'` Section, iownship, Ranoe. j Landrorm (hillslope. terrace, etc.): t�Y, n�`.' i L�ocal relief (concave, conver.. none): �' a="�";,)-'_ Slope (%j' �r� Suoreaion(LRR`orMLRA): �� Lat: ���� �'����;M> Long: ' `, %�`�("-%� Datum: Soil Map Unit�Narne: %"�_'( �� ' �° NWI ctassification: Are ciimatic 1 hydroloqic conditions on the site typical ror this time or year? Yes .. - No (If no, explain in Remarks.j Hre Vegetation �� , 5oil , or Hydrology +'� significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes _ ne Are Veaetation `, Soil , or Hydroiogy ' naturally problemaiic? (IT needed, explain anV answers in Remarks.j � SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampf'tng point locations, trartsects, important features, etc. � �� � Hydrophytic Veaetation Present? Yes No Hvdric Soil Fresen(? Yes �- No VVetland Hydrology Present7 Yes No Reman:s: (�'a�ia': ", e� " , ._ � fs the Sampled Area within a WetVand? / Yes � ' No HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrofogy fndicators: Secondarv Indlcators Iminimum of two reouired) Gnmarv indicators iminimum of one is reauired: check all that aoolvl —�rtace Soil Cracks (B6) _ Surtace Water (A1) _ i rue Aquaiic Plants (B14j �Soarsely Vegeiaced Goncave Surface (B8) �ian Water Table (A2) /Hvdrogen Sulnde Odor (�1) �Drainaae Fattems (B10) �r Saturafion (A3) -f Oxidized Rhizospheros on Living Roots (C3) _ Moss i rim Lines (B16j _ Water Marks (61) _ Fresence of Reduced iron (C4) _ Dry-Season Vvater Table (C2) _ Sediment Deoosits (B2) _ Recent Iron Reduciion in Tilled Soils (Co") _ Cravr"ish Burrows (C8) _ Drift Deposits (B3j ' _ Tnin Muck Surrace (C7) _ Saturafion Visibfe on Aerial imagery (C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust B4) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) _ fron Deposl'ts (B5) �Geomorpnic Position (D2) _ Inundation Visible on kenal Imaaery (B7j _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ Water-Stained Leaves (69) Microtopographi� Relief (D4) _ Aquatic rauna (B13) _"FAC-Neutral iest (DSj riefd Ohservations: Surrace Water Present? Yes No ' Depth (incnes): Water iable Present? Yes No Depth jincnesj: � ; I Saturaiion Present? Yes No Deoth (incnesi' Q� i Wetland Hydrology Preser.t? Yes,� hc iincludes caoillarv irinoe� ' Descrioe Recoroed Data (stream aauae, monitonng weli, aerial photos, arovious inspectionsj, ir available: Remarks: US Army Corps o� �noineers �as[em Moun[ains and Pieamont - intenm Version :�;? �'� C:7! �'� ..1 , V�G�TATION (rour Strataj - Use scientiTic names oi pfants. Sampiino Poin: �}�t�t"7C' � � Aosolute Dominant Indlcator � Dominance iest worksheet: I i ree Siratum (Plot siz�: r? °� Cover S�ecies� Status I Numoer of Uominant 5�ecies ' � `'`�., I That Hre OBL, FACW, or FAC I _._� � J. 4. � 5. "... 6. �~"'� 7. 8. � = Total Cover Saolina/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: ��� ) 1. 2 3. 4. 5. I a 7. �� �. 8. � �'.� 9. .�@ 10. � � = Total Co'ver Herb Stratum (Plot size� V�7 ) 1. t''����o�tli�i't �?��1��- ���' �__Lc`�_ � ti�; � � (i ";�. 2 , r;�:-r-,t-lt� fr� �l.rft(�_ Qif,'.�� � l'..� . . ' =r' � ..,. _-� , � 3. /Y�'�.i'-.-, ���:>t��:.t �,iiin�i_�r�t�t� �,t J� /,-� f-/i�- T 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. _ Id i.uidi I.VVCI -� - WoodV Vine Stratum (Plot siz�: �`>`3 ( ) 1. - 2. - 4 _ 6. - �'=�qt� Cover Remarks: (Inciude pnoto numbers here or on a seoaraie sheet.� Total Numoer of Dominant Species Across All Strata: (A) �BI Percent of Dominant Species 1"�� "� f That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: �` �'' (A/Bl Prevalence Index worksheet: 7otal % Cover of MultiplV bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x � _ Column Totals: (A) (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = Hydropnyiic Vegetation indicators: _ 1- F.apid i est for Hydrophyfic Vegetation ✓2 - Dominance iesf is >50°0 _ 3 - Prevalence Index is _<3.0' _ 4 - Morphological Hdaptations' (Provide supporiing data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) _ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'fndicators of hydric soil and wetfand hydrology must be present, unless disturimed or problema[ic. Definitions of Four Vegetation StreYa: Tree - Woody plan:s, excluding vines, 3 in. (7.o cmj or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless or heiqht. SaplinglShnib - Woody plants, excludinq vines, less than 3 in. DBH and greater than 3.28 ft(1 m) tall. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woodyj plants, reqardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. Woody vine - All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in neiaht. Hydrophytic / Veqetafion Present? Yes _ No !'S Armv Soros or �noineers �as[ern PJ�ountains and Piedmont - Intenm Version �� ;.�,� ��°a "',,: � SOfL G...F:I., r ,...�....__�.___ I.IA_.�_.--�- -��- ---�� •r����•• �r=��� ��c w �ne aepzn neeoed to document the indicator or conrlrm the absence of indicators.� i Gepth Matnz Redor. Features � (inchesi Color(moisil �� Colorlmolsti �._ Tvoe' Loc- i exture Remarks t.��- ! it�� i�` � f- ��'�� �c��la� �' i,;, �`,- � ��� , � � '' - �. I'/. � � �i �- , . (� %1.. �' ,-c , � �n�l ( �C.� ;',�t, �' � '.��. 7 �, .� - �, i � � �� : � — , - �, / (`._.� ? y ^�>,,, ' i oe: C=Concentretion. C=Deoletion. RM=Reduced Matnr.. MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lirnnq. M=Matrir:. Hydric 5oil indicators: indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils': _ Hisiosol (A1) Dark SuRace (S7) 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) _ Hisiic �pipedon (;,2; _ Polyvalue 6elow Surlace iSa) (ln��ci�, i47, iwoj Coast Frairie Kedox iHi6i _ Biack Hisiic (P,3) _,�rthin Gar1: Surface ;S9) (MLRA 147, 148 ) (MLRA 147, 148 _ Hydrooen Sulnde (A4) � amy Gleyed Matrix (F2 ) � Piedmont Fioodoiain Soiis (F191 _ Strafified Layers (A5) � � Depleted Matnx (F3) _ 2 cm Muck (A90 LRR N (MLRA 136, 1471 �( ) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Red Parent Material (f�2j _ Depleted Below Darr Surface (A11) _ Deoleted Dark Surface (F7j Ve Shaliow Dark 5urface _ Thick DarY Surrace Al2 — ry �� �Z) � ) Redox Deoressions (r8j Otner (Expiain in Remarks) _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, _ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR �t, MLRA 147, 148) MLRA 136) _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Umbnc Surface (F13) (MLRA 136, 122 - _ SandV Redox (S5) ) 'Indicators oT hydroonyiic veoetation and _ Fiedmont Fioodplafn Soils (F19) (MLRA 148J wetland hydrology must be oresent, Stnpoed Mainx (S6) Restrictive Layer (if observed): unless disturbed or problematic. � iyo�: IGeptn (incnes): I Remari:s: US Nrmv �oros or =noineers Hydric Soil Present? Yes ` � No �astern Mountains and Gieamoni – Inienm Versior. W�TLAND a=T�RMIN�.TION DAT�, �ORM -�astern N�oun;ams and Fiedmon� ;� ProiecUSn= _ ,i ` l�y �ity/Gounr; , � ;:amoimg �at= � ��1 � A' � Hppii�anUGwne� �� 9tate �`� �_ Samoiinq Foin; f v�/--� •- � ��% 1 � invesiioatoris, � Seciior, 7ownshio, F.anae LandTorm (nillsiooe. ierrace, etc.; Local reiief Iconcave, conver.. none! %;" f% r Sfooe (%r 5uoreaion lLRF or MLR�,;. Lat `' �i Lonc ^� `' ' Gawm Soil Mao Unit Nam=: '-'+ " ' NVJI classiiicaiior,: Nre ciimaii� / hyaroiooic �onditions on tne site tyoical ior tnis time or year % Y"es No (li no, expiain in Remarr.s.j Ar� Veaetation , Soil or Hyaroiooy sianiiicantly disturbed? Ar� "Normal Gircumstances` present? Yes `� No tire Veoetaiion ' Soil or Hyaroiogy '' naturaliy prooiema�ic � (Ir needed, exoiain any answers in RemarYs.j SUMMAP.Y 0= rINDIN�S - Attacn sit� rriap showing sampfing point locafions, transects, impor;ant Teatures. et�. j Hvaroonyii� Veo�taiion Fresenl % Y"es i hydnc Soil Fr�sen!? Y'es ! Wetiand Hyaroiogy �resen!? Y'�s I Kemar:�: i� l � _ :i J L r �.�+ ,;' }� , }. ,. __'`:--_. I No -�� ! fs the Sampled Are2 �/ Nc i witnin a Wetland? Yes No � No `-� HYDROLOGY iWet�and Hyaroiogy Indicators: SAconcarv inaicators iminimum or �vro rsouired) ' Gnman� indicators iminimum or one is reowred cneck all tha; aooiv'� V ; _ Suriace Soil ;acrs (Bol �_ SuRace Water (A1 j _ i rue Aquaiic Piants (6'i �; _ Soarsely V'egetated ;,oncave Surtace (B8j �_ Hian WaterTabie (A2) _ hydroaen Suinde Gdor (�1 i _ Drainaa� Fahems (B10) �_ Saturaiion (F.3j _ Gxidized Rhizosoneres on _ivinq Roots (C3i Nioss inm Lines (B io� �_ Water �J�arrs (B1 j _ Fresence or Reduced iron i�4) _ Dry-Sezson Vvater -able f�2) �_ Sediment Deoosis (E2j _ Recent Iron Reduciion ir Tilled Soiis (Coj _ Crayrisn Burrows f�o") _ Grift Deoosits (B3j � _ i nin Muck Surrace (�; 1 _ Sacuraiion Visioie on Aeral imaoen� (�9j j_ Aiaal Mat or Grust (B4j _ Otner (�xpiain in Remares) _ Stunted o; Stress�d Plants (D11 , _ iron Geoosits (E5i _ Geomoronic Fosition (C2i _ inundaiion Visibie on Aenal imaoe�; (87i _ Snallowlaaui;ard (C�3; _ Water-Siamed Leaves (891 ,Mi�rot0000raonic Reiief (D41 � � Aauaiic r=auna B13) ,�_ � � I i — / rA„-Neutral 7�st (�5i � � �ield O�servaiior.�: � SuTace VVaier Froseni% Yes No ueoth iincnes; i � VVa�er -abie Present? Yes Ne - reoth iincnes;� j � I�acu;aiion Present"' Y'es Nc Deotn iincnes; � Wetiand Hydrology Preser.?? Yes hc �� iinciuoes caoiliarv ninae � ,_�escrioe r:ecoroed Data !sveam caua=, moni�onno weli, aerai onoios, pr�vious in;ee�uons;, ii avaiiao!=_: i i �emar�� U� Armv Goros o; �noineere �2siern t:4oun,ains anc Fieamonf - mierim \�er;ior� j- .'�� �, C1� ;, Vc�.=TATION (�our Strataj — Use scientiiic names oi pkants. w Samoiino roin� _� �, ' Nosoiu[� Gominant inaicator � Uominance 7est worKsneet: i r�� 5iraturr� (Plot siz= �� " , ;,over Soeci�� �' Sta�us j ": �,. � Numoer of Dominant Soecies � � f�r.a ( �' `� � , �,-�. � i� ',� �_ �'f{ %-- � Tnat kre OBL. FACV��. or FAC �� _ �.�,'� f t". i .�Y`=' .. —� �n i.� � i / , "� �',_ f � �, � � � - l�l , � � � � Total Numeer of Gominanl � � �� ��'� I Soeaes Across AL Svata: +,n; •�l ' c,y7c_ `j P 1 f=F,;. � I ' Percenl of Gommant Soecies ' That Are OBL, rACW, or rAC �I C. � i Frevaience index worksneer. 2 i ota! °i� Gover o' Multioiv bv: i (A i (B� ` 1 ;� r3 �>�.' / IA/Bl � � � � = Total Cover :`�, Saoiina;Snruo Stratum (Plot siz�' �7 j �_� ,; �} �_ r , 1 l,t;,,, O.� � j.� k 1 i(�i,,'�t p a':^� E� I r�"�i''C�L-�=. /� ) �t.'< � ����'.y,;- r,� `, ,.--� :- � �� ,r ji �_.a r .... . n . F �' � . L "c 0 10. , � .:- — �`��v� = i otal Cover Herb Stratum (Plo! siz=� � �� ' j 1. 3. 4. o. i 8 `�,� � o �' 10. 11 \ i2. f = iotal �ove; �� 1/Voodv Vine Stratum (Pio: si?= I ( � j ' �,�f r � � 1 � f:. ,.-R` _ �:l t `;7a 1/.Cl �-� � j �' , i > /�. � ',-.��;'� �r��� '�> �� ..,�?r 'i I,. ..,v � � � —�-- �1 I �. � i �.7� ? C �%f1!`:.��(pn �:"�..0 l�L�-1 ,S � ��i�. j 'I ` � i � ' V I lo I I f.�� - To;al �over ' ; i-�emarr,s. nnauae onoto rumoer, ner� or on z seoara[e snee'.. OBL soecies x 1 = �ACW soecies r. � _ =AC soecies r, � _ rA�U SD�CIOS X � _ UPL SDBCI25 X � _ Column 7ocals (A) (Bj �revaience fnoex = B/k. _ Hydropnytic Veaetailon indYcators: �,;F.aoid i est ror Hyoroonyiic Veaetation L' - Gominance Test is >50°0 3- Frevalence index is 53.C�' _ � - Momhoioaical Adaptations' (Provide supooriing oata in Remarks or on a separate sheet) _ Problemaiic Hydroohyiic Veoetation' (=xpiain) `indicators of nydnc soil and w�tland nyorology musi be prosent, unless distumed or orobiemaii�. Genni[ions of "rour VeQetation Strata: i ree - Woody pian:�, excludinq vines. 3 m. (7.o cmi or more in diameter at oreast neiaht (DBHj, reqardless oi n�ian�. Sap(inq;5hrub - Woody piants, excludina vines. less tnan 3 in. DBH ano areater than �.28 ft (1 ml call Herb - All nemaceous i non-woody� oiants, reaardiess oi size, and wooay oiants less thar 3.28 ft tall. Woodv vYne - All woodv vines oreater tnan �.28 ft in n�ian? Hyarophyiic Veqetaiion �' Fresent? Yes %� No L'� r,;rnv "orns o: =n�ineer_ - A =astem h.houn,ams ano �ieomon - int..nm \�ersicr, ' i %"`� f� �.? �-•--�N.,�' ; , 501L ` ° i ;"' °/ < :�amoiino �oir: �� ' ` ' �;�, � Profiie Gescnotior.: fDescrioe io tne deptn neeoed to aocument the indicator or confirm tne aosence of indicators.� , ' GePth Matnr Keaor -eatur�� � � iincnes �oiorimoist ;. Coiorimoist� 7v�� , o.- i exture Kemarr.s � � _ � _ � .� ,�� � -,, i � � � i i I ' i vo=_: �=::oncentra'tiori. C=Geoletior. RM=Reouced Mainr.. M��=MzsKe� Sand ��rams. `Locaiior,: P_=Pore Lininq. b^•=hiatri;; I Hydnc 5oil inciicators: � Yndica[or; ror Froblemauc Nyaric Soiis`: j _ Histosol fA1 j _ Gark Surrace (57: % cm �J�uct; (A10) (MLRA 1471 i _ i'1�Su� =pl��Gvii In=; _ rO��NB�IJ� jje�OK� JlJR8C6 iJG} (IYILKhi �14( � 14p) . I �.025I �"f31f1� KBpOXIH Ib! I _, Black Hisuc (P.31 _ Tnm Gark Surac� ;S9) (MLRA 14; , '148' � ! 1 (MLRA '14. , 148j _ Hydrooen Sufnae (A4j _ LoamV Gieyed Mamr. (�2? Pieamonl Fioodoiair Soiis (=? g! I _ Straiined Layers (P,Sj Geoieted Mainx (-3j (MLRA 136, 147i � _' cm Muck (A10) fLRR N) Reaox Garl: Surace iFE) _ Red Parent Ma[enzl i i=?; � _ Deoleted Beiow Gart; Su�ace (A11 j Geoieted Gar1: Surace i�7� ben� Shaliow Garf; Suriac� -�� Tnick Dark Surlace (Al2 A — �' '-� — 1 _ R�dor. Deorossions (FSj Otner j=xoiain in Femarr,s; _ Sanoy Mucky b/iineral (S1) (LRR k, _ iron-Manaanese Mzsses (=i2) (LRR h, ' MLRA 147, 148) MLRL, 136) � _ Sanoy Gleyed Ma[nx (S4;; _ Umonc Surace (,=i3) (MLRA i36, i22 - j ) °indi�aiors or nydroonvi;� veoetaiion and _ Sandy F.edox ;S51 _ Fieamoni riooaoiain Soiis j� 19) (MLRA 1481 wetland hydrologv must �e oreseri, ; _ Stnooed Mainx (S6i uniess d�stur�eo ororobiemaii�. � � kestricfive Layer (ii ooservedJ: iyee' , � Ge�tn iincnes;: � � i , Hydric Soil Fresent? Yes No � I i:emarr.s: U� krmy ;,ores oi =nom�er �2stem Niourtains ane Gieamon' - im�nm '�. �rsior