HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6231112_Wetland Determination/Report_20240409 2401 Brentwood Rd, Suite 107 i-erracon Raleigh, NC 27604 P (919) 873-2211 Terracon.com April 27, 2023 Triangle Land Partners, LLC PO Box 5548 Cary, NC 27512 Attn: Andrew Ross P: (919) 703-6203 E: andrewross647@gmail.com RE: Eaker-Patterson Property Wetlands/Waters Delineation Harnett County, NC Terracon Project No: 70237231 Dear Mr. Ross: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), has completed the requested wetlands and waters delineation for the Eaker-Patterson Property, totaling approximately 73.48-acres in Harnett County, NC (Exhibit 1). Terracon staff was tasked with identifying features that may be considered subject to jurisdiction and permitting requirements under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and under the North Carolina Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters program. Background Research Prior to the initiation of field efforts, several available resources were reviewed, including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles of Mamers, NC, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Published Soil Survey of Harnett County, NC, aerial photography, and other publicly available mapping resources. Field work was conducted by technical staff on April 24, 2023. Topography Topography in the study area is characterized by slopes and drainages. Elevations range from a high of approximately 438 feet above mean sea level (MSL) down to approximately 361 feet above MSL (Exhibit 1) based on a review of USGS mapping and other online resources. Soils Exhibit 2 depicts five soil mapping units potentially occurring in the study area: Blaney loamy sand, 2-8% slopes; Candor sand, 0-8% slopes; Fuquay loamy sand, 0-6% slopes; Gilead loamy sand, 2-8% slopes; Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 2-8% slopes; and Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 15- 25% slopes. The soil mapping units Candor sand, 0-8% slopes; Gilead loamy sand, 2-8% slopes; Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 2-8% slopes; and Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 15-25% slopes, all potentially occurring in the study area, are considered hydric (wetland) soils by NRCS. Explore with us Eaker-Patterson Property I Harnett County, NC April 27, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70237231 r ferracon Wetlands and Waters Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires regulation of discharges into waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). Although the principal administrative agency of the CWA is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has major responsibility for implementation, permitting, and enforcement of provisions of the CWA. Water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and streams are subject to jurisdictional consideration under the Section 404 program. However, by regulation, certain wetlands are also considered WOTUS. Currently WOTUS are assessed by the CWA's 2023 definition of WOTUS. This definition of WOTUS includes the implementation of rulemaking as decided in the Supreme Court's 2015 decision of the consolidated cases Rapanos v. United States and Carabell v. United States. Specifically, the following waters will be under federal jurisdiction pursuant to the CWA: • Traditional navigable waters (TNWs) • Wetlands adjacent to TNWs • Non-navigable tributaries of traditional navigable waters that are relatively permanent where the tributaries typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally (3 months) • Wetlands that directly abut such tributaries • Relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing bodies of water "forming geographic features" that are described in ordinary parlance as "streams, oceans, rivers, and lakes". These are Relatively Permanent Waters (RPWs). The following waters will be considered jurisdictional if a significant nexus (contributes to the physical, chemical, or biological integrity of downstream TNWs) exists between these features and traditional navigable waters: • Non-navigable tributaries that are not relatively permanent • Wetlands adjacent to non-navigable tributaries that are not relatively permanent • Wetlands adjacent to but that do not directly abut a relatively permanent non-navigable tributary The following waters will be considered non jurisdictional under the CWA: • Swales or Erosional features (gullies, small washes characterized by low volume, infrequent or short duration flows) • Ditches (including roadside ditches) excavated wholly in and draining only uplands and that do not carry a relatively permanent flow of water. However, wetlands and other waterbodies that do not fall under federal regulation per the CWA may be subject to jurisdiction by the N.C. Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) under the state's Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters program. Our delineation methodology generally follows the guidance outlined in the Regional Supplement to the USACE Wetland Delineation Manual for the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, which states that areas must exhibit three distinct characteristics to be considered jurisdictional wetlands: 1) prevalence of hydrophytic (water tolerant) plants; 2) presence of hydric soils; and 3) sufficient wetland hydrology indicators within 12 inches of the ground surface. The study area was also reviewed for the presence of tributaries (stream channels) using criteria provided by the USACE and the NCDWR. When present, intermittent and perennial tributaries, and certain other surface waters, are also considered jurisdictional by the USACE and/or NCDWR. Preliminary Delineation Results 2 Explore with us Eaker-Patterson Property I Harnett County, NC April 27, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70237231 r ferracon Our review of the Eaker-Patterson property identified three (3) potential wetlands and three (3) potential tributaries (Exhibit 3). Potential wetlands were flagged with pink-and-black and blue flagging and potential tributaries were flagged with blue and orange flagging. These delineation results are considered preliminary and are subject to review and approval by the USACE, should you request, and USACE chooses to review the delineation. Exhibit 3 depicts the approximate location and extent of the potential wetland and waters and was prepared using non- survey grade, sub-meter GPS data. Exhibit 3 is not a replacement for a traditional survey. It is suitable for preliminary planning purposes only and for use by a surveyor to aid in locating flags. The following tables contain the specific information for the potential wetlands and tributaries that were identified and delineated inside the property boundary. The potential wetlands were classified according to the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NCWAM). The wetlands onsite were classified as Headwater Forest Wetlands. Headwater Forest wetlands are found in geographic floodplains of first order or smaller streams and in crenulations without a stream. Table 1. Potential Wetlands Identified for the Eaker-Patterson Property Potential NCWAM Approximate Hydrophytic Hydric Soil Indicators of Wetland Classification size (ac) Vegetation' (Munsell Hydrology' ID color) Netted chain Sphagnum W1 Headwater 2 93 fern royal fern, 2.5Y 2/1 moss, surface Forest red maple with Redox water, saturation Red maple, High water Headwater netted chain 2.5Y 2/1 table, surface W2 0.47 Forest fern, sensitive with Redox water, fern saturation Netted chain High water W3 Headwater 0.95 fern red maple, 2.5Y 2/1 table, surface Forest with Redox water, sensitive fern saturation Total: 4.35 AC 1 Does not include all hydrophytic vegetation or hydrology indicators W2 is depicted on Exhibit 1 as a pond/surface water. Upon inspection, this feature does exhibit characteristics suggesting that it is an old pond that has naturalized with native wetland vegetation. All three wetland areas are inside of wooded land that has not been historically cleared for agricultural use. Table 2. Potential Tributaries Identified for the Eaker-Patterson Property Potential 1 NCDWR Stream Approximate Amount Tributary ID Flow Regime Score in Study Area (LF) T1 Perennial 30.5 273 T2 Perennial 31.5 260 3 Explore with us Eaker-Patterson Property I Harnett County, NC April 27, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70237231 • Terracon Potential Flow Regime' NCDWR Stream Approximate Amount Tributary ID Score in Study Area (LF) T3 Perennial 32.5 148 Total: 681 LF 1 Based on NCDWR score at the time of the site investigation. All three tributaries flow in a southerly direction and eventually leave the property before flowing into the Upper Little River. Clean Water Act Permitting Most impacts to wetlands and WOTUS, which are deemed under the jurisdiction of either the federal or state regulatory authority (USACE or NCDWR, respectively) must first be permitted pursuant to Section 404 and Section 401 of the CWA and/or the State's Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters program. Activities so authorized are subject to additional requirements to comply with water quality and storm water management regulations. The Nationwide Permit (NWP) program, administered by USACE, provides permitting of impacts which do not exceed pre-determined thresholds. The delineated features will likely be subject to Section 404 jurisdiction. If determined necessary, Terracon can prepare and submit a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) request to USACE to request written concurrence through a site visit or desktop review. If no impacts to any of the WOTUS delineated onsite are proposed, then a PJD is not necessary. Riparian Buffers/Setbacks The study area is within the Cape Fear River Basin. Specifically, the study area is in Harnett County. The Cape Fear River basin does not implement riparian buffers. However, Harnett County implements Watershed Buffer Rules within watershed district WS-IV-PA. Based on Harnett County GIS data, the Eaker-Patterson Property does not appear to be within this watershed, therefore riparian buffers should not apply. Recommendations Three (3) potential tributaries and three (3) potential wetlands have been delineated on the Eaker- Patterson Property Site. Terracon recommends that a PJD request be submitted to USACE if there is a possibility of Section 404 permitting being needed for the project. We are prepared to do this upon your authorization. Please contact our office if you have questions regarding this evaluation. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. hiannon G -th ke Jeff f ttaYboat Rhiannon Graham Jeff Harbour, SPWS Senior Staff Scientist Senior Scientist CC: Kirby LaForce Attachments: Exhibits & Photographs 4 Explore with us 4mcjI&crt* ; 1 4.0%110 r '.,, Ls_ c. mill Cape Fear River Basin 's ? , Ni; i - ' --c- 4 .6, _ -�: ly., \A, . M spas <oO�� ' L.\___. y \, ) 2 . .kif \-> ___-_' i,,- Its ', "--., � �, S. (( N� 1Th 1 gyp. `\ l / , '\ i I, i L ----, :-/-2-7 ' . . --„__________,. ..---- ,7-- . ,:- ::, NI 0 ; < I ��y h /'J �� \ 1 }• Pr,� 10 F ---. r \ \ . • ,....„,,---"::,7 - 7-./..,------7 ../---:.::-.0:_o:_-:\,,\:j ( ' froie ,__ ) C-1 rrt ' '. USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset,3DEP Elevation f - Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography /~— _ Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset,and �i�',q� _ National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S.Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Road Data; Natural Earth Data; U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit;and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, U.S.Coastal Relief Model. Data refreshed April,2023. Data Sources: Legend Site Boundary provided by Client& g NC One Map Data =Project Study Area 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 Feet PM: Project No. —�� USGS Topo EXHIBIT RG 70237231 � lerracon NO. Drawn By: Scale: RG 1 in= 1,000 ft Eaker-Patterson Property Checked By: File Path: Harnett County, 1 JH Site Diagram North Carolina Approved By: Date: 2401 Brentwood Road,Suite 107 Raleigh,NC 27604 JH 4/18/2023 Phone:(919)873-2211 Fax:(919)873-9555 411 in - NRCS Soils Mapping Units + j - -firnaliSs. BnB:Blaney loamy sand, 2 to 8 percent slopes "` l V v, .G ...,„1,14 CaB:Candor sand, 0 to 8 percent slopes 'l; h FaB:Fuquay loamy sand, 0 to 6 percent slopes a B GaB:Gilead loamy sand, 2 to 8 percent slopes 411" VeB:Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 2 to 8 percent slopes VeE:Vaucluse gravelly loamy sand, 15 to 25 percent slope t ra B ,.. FaB ' 1W B n "IF - aB 0 �---IL Al:::iiii .. r • mB GaO J 1232 1- GaB -.-•--mmil1 i ,. . BnB YeB 1 WO '''-'-'.- 1 .4... ,..„. .,..1k... n B G a a..._' . r\''...„. a Data Sources: Legend Site Boundary provided by Client& g NC One Map Data Project Study Area 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 Feet — PM: Project No. NRCS Soil Survey EXHIBIT RG 70237231 ierracon NO. Drawn By: Scale: r RG 1 in=500 ft Eaker-Patterson Property Checked By: File Path: Harnett County, 2 JH Site Diagram North Carolina Approved By: Date: 2401 Brentwood Road,Suite 107 Raleigh,NC 27604 JH 4/19/2023 Phone:(919)873-2211 Fax:(919)873-9555 ' . ,' These preliminary delineation results are subject to regulatory review N - . 4 and concurrence. II This is not a replacement for a traditional survey and is suitable for preliminary planning purposes only and for use to aid in location of A.flags. .' ' , . 4 I ,r o OId.US-421 y Thomas Farm ' _*_F __ ->i ,, r • t CO o .._ alik r. ' Moore Umon C • -4 - $ • - 4 hurchl '' • •L' J rW. E wry. • W1 .t , :' / W2 A .. , _ •• .g„„„„ ' % . ; . , 1 i„ / / W3 _ , .i dr . , t • ,H i y JTI // , ^'` 7 ` r t it S' `:� L. a ` , • • , i ', a I. 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Drawn By: Scale: II RG 1 in=300 ft Eaker-Patterson Property Checked By: File Path: Harnett County, 3 JH Site Diagram North Carolina Approved By: Date: 2401 Brentwood Road,Suite 107 Raleigh,NC 27604 JH 4/25/2023 Phone:(919)873-2211 Fax:(919)873-9555 Project No. 70237231 Prerracon 1 �R'..1 y� .3. .tea ��9� 1.� ''IyMY• t ' li r 9 Z, o— v ai ,,+ r't70 ..',,:,4.•-+Al''1.'.-'',.:,N,t•l•fo.V•..,'.i.!-.r1/4..,.,-,,i'k;.:i 4.4't,4t.-y•''i,...','•"..--';. 1, ,t"t t i 1 .3,:'', t ry^a.F +4.y'� lRN A-:,„J,t:t,e ,. ` ', ! ii' 1+/O"gh4 , ',aid,.+ it�' w'b,.• \:.'+=4, - ,r ;4 , " M • M '' Y ' ,"y; , ill'�d�. 4§1`t .' ,i t ,i j,q1 `,„i.r b .� 'q'a��Y' '•O +I 1, -,I t G Ili\' t7'T }A4(# .. 14r. f • O z r .1 '1 ' SFf i' I. { 'a',. <r - CO - f ' r` }. 6 , .sue* Ln ��•i CO y CNI CV s Photograph 1: W 1 wetland. CO— +� ?'t' q Fey• J 4 .. �3t*. * l4 1•, E^r.. • �Swl�p 9L�' + �" a i,r '�'r • n r d 1 s' V' ' t• � CO 1 y '• 4.` 1 7 4,k1,. .., ✓ f • ' iL :- 14e Sid "►', f .', ,y7,.'' . `p S 1'. � , — Q l,. ., a 4' .7 kit ' 3 S.tr '.: ,Yq ��" i h r is `r +YZ t�, _* tpn— In c awe +. . 7 k' ' rg . , J ! a 2 O t • +I s> kr, ' c p?srYil j N"• LI • r ti' r ' s ,,. yr ai t,• _ . M � j r1e `i� ! ,�-CO 2 1, y4 fl ' , %. •� � "ff y T F i , -t- ,A • w— ' ,.• 3 ce , . . ` �•, , ,, ,..., .. ,„ , _,... F ,•,, • - „„„:- _ \ !i,,,,,, -..„--•-•11:4' . . , - - -: -k-f-, '-r-_,..,;>--- CD • ,,,,,, _ . - . . _ _ _ _. ,„ _ . , Z CO Photograph 2: W1 upland. Eaker-Patterson Property Project No. 70237231 el ierraeon • 1� 'r � , e' `I :a ' \,4' T . 1+l til"� k b , Y ' t . ,YI Lc,y 1 ,:t 1 CO € -- +I •r :'L +[,. - pia tt t N' ,.: + e fye J , ... ,_,L,:',„,,,,,V,.7.:::‘"'...-;''','' ,..\,,"'f,Ak ,- -,.:,44,1H;t,,AN.Lrve,{,1„,4f,ri'l.P--„4" A.•'i,,I'. .,11.„74.-ettr, '---"---;-k, •-•,.7"-.)"..--_.,A....$,_ 71--,`.." - a),, ; 7",,,' 4-„,, ,,i 4,.. ,,i v„. , ,,: . „2. ,. .,..- . , , , ,. '' ' ..--- A"'- co � N b e y �. `G s r �]v 11 • J f f'4- - '�. 1 �t 1�- .' Nam.. O r j • Xo • _CO �,• — m *_,` a �,.r am --ic A.'-4* , p + Qy1��- lH I�f tr aA.f,s y i re "Y .fit 7. � � �a t . � � �"E' ^o �q`�� ,- -1 '• ,,?4-`-;',.;:Ift-,;,114, ZOIr•-:2;;,,i--t .:44`:" 4,-5/47,-,"'..-6-10„.* '''/145- '- ' ' - A:tic, -- . _, , —.4,7 v; ' I'"-i"..-Nr" , '...-.4 _ lk. ---4;,-- -.5--4.''''` glik - - "---, ".44- �t *AA -`' . ri a Jos :�a>. Photograph 3: W2 wetland. 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Eaker-Patterson Property Project No. 70237231 ®ierraeon a U ra s st.r06 `1' R �VMn r f4n ` f S F'}I frt ' ' 'Q _.,s N Ili, W — ti ti rk¢yam r n p \' ;kkY• :ice �� Jr a 'rt - `r--- ,- - -. I' • t • co -dD4`-` .: •�• -,fit+A ". ;.*_ 1r ,=f• ' sr _ -moo,t t ,';'. -- s."'tS, -% -"' `•J . a pr Sam _y �� a`�K Photograph 5: W3 wetland. cal-', CO 9 „, "' , 'ii -/F'y x i , . ` T , , ,.4 :.,,, S `i �r R - • , t' �' itifr ', ,-, t• '`�'•�,V. , ,,,A ,, 'Sw ray t s~ »";..;7 . s y ?a `®t,a , pi •f'1t ,i \ f! ' ,.. �- ,n,t y - . 4" �� �� to ., k I ..= }I ` ,�.: A .�f� i:' � ��"r. • � - •!..•_. � `•�r�sr �v 'i ....le;�i[ZJ N - 1 r K' ;� 1 '..M yt•�la d!�Ry� (�- - fi v yr. .+- '_- '.4' L • ?•4• ?; h � t (� b. c raw ry„,��11, s♦ ..17: C M.,.�,b '•... �`�' x.• bq„ lt rt •. ''gip ,• � .*-a,.'s rs`:h a t��ru "n F -,..• _ .t CO 1 it ,_P ^��1 .s i�• i �O - 04 i.C' . 5 £f '-- ..--- e r ,t � , .. r � r • Y • • •;N— Vi ri t..i =F te:-1'. .lam R,,I,.. - c. '1` • L1J y co - _ - _ ' WO 0 �— N • y t S iik II Photograph 6: Tributary T1 upstream. Eaker-Patterson Property Project No. 70237231 ferracon No • . • / � 'i f Fr � " f l• ._ ,, +`^ r wi "4 ' " °a- a Ys M 4 T j 4 a'1-.4v. Ail 4 -x --zr . i . , — O—• O7. ` /' '� ""' ..1. 'd" 4,- "\ . / carat ID i O • • /t� _ j :r . i � '� ` \c (t� .) S' 1 �,;, >.�' >....' �... z • I� c� 4 r^e - °T` A' "` Y .{�� {fix ..,, _ 41:,:iNp,,,..- ,,:' e.,17 Alp. 141 1 �41 :y _ 1 �`c WYto CO R ,- t`at ` IN- am .a Photograph 7: Tributary T2 downstream. co 1, P'NI4 iS F Y S,. [�E, �4 lit =fir �. ` N cv�- r Z to , 00 J ..� _ Y ' fh ; ' • co Lo '' { s4i17' sF "s.t�_,.a..f 'ii, .�� ` '[.. r ,ape'. — CO — ! c r o rs] ,yf �t r, .re c .Zx r 4 ''r't ~" .. t '' �4 — .}1" .� �/.� ler + • F- 1 \ L Photograph 8: Tributary T2 upstream. Eaker-Patterson Property Pro ect No. 70237231 Prerracon " '^ \ `' < " • • ,.ji.e ,f Y'7 �j t. ' 11 3 w. „r • / - LV4. N \ i ! y� N `_- CO e, i. O Wes: ri r •. 0 .'.. � �.i ' '�. ... � �i- _ co -, ‘ 4, _ 1/1 } Photograph 9: Tributary T3 across. SE S SIV W NW 150 180 210 240 270 300 • 1 • I • I • I • I • I I I I I I I • I • I • I • I I I • I BRG: 226°SW (T) LAT: 35.419617 LON: -78.978529 ±13ft ALT: 410ft t R `_ f � iA a- E ms+ - �� -_- � )� ` � , �� ) ,-4"\ �` 4 ram-. ,` y,, �� Y ---�'�� 6: ♦ .Y "ems t ' -': )14' -,1- — ,_ ..74''-':=., -.1, ,''z--1 ,4':.1.4"44111'....,,,-- c' ' -:-)NL-i- 1-'5-, -,---'jq. \s7---.\-`- ‘fl\- \,.-'-'='.-:'-'‘,- ) C li .. �� �023 927:28�4 A 0 :!! k� t. �‘ a . p Photograph 10: View of ag field. Eaker-Patterson Property Project No. 70237231 Prerracon • 0) N— C) • J — < "Co O • o O — J ,r �iiaelratl�r ( I • d #r x dt ,. r; 1 VA N al's3 • t,I�1�7 s t f'14 d�'�'l [11 { P YyIt rl� q'�"44'' xli4 ''' ,zr 11 • '"3 4 • J v *4�, If ' ;t j- f M1,'.aay,i4,, r ! f- n - d ', { is ,- �1~ If fk ''6' 1 r `e f tr 4� *l ( - 4r is 1 to f 1.11a „ I , ,l I 1 k ?r r r)Y r �+. t''1 u, +F'1 , Alt At � 1 t �' • � f i� ��r '11dyS Y r'""�a�'' A�t 1 �.,�IgP�J ��{� rJ�r�i:45�� r �'� )44.',-` �y °) '� r ,Y i f ,p`( � try '�j ) "dE r1"' , j kh 9l i • �•4-'' �} 4 f, $ 1� yl �q 1 r "f q :1t1 Y R ii nn ,F mac`iL -y. - 'tl' 1 �."5, 1p1 /yQQ t d .� ( II� IA �� Q✓� ce Iy,?yCy. w. ;r'+tNt ''444 L.tly `Y1, ,, �I ' �,{^.y Mn, .., ",--Y. k'�1 { 1 Y ( m , rr y�,LET '� yA�?..^^ r(u � ;� i ,/�`� ��fpr /1 /''>.`-'1 'l• 1 1 d n1 ;1 �_h� (� ;'� ,Rtst RI ..-- _. t'i7 ill" ':�/- -- - ga > '4 �f. "ti' Photograph 11: View of non-jurisdictional low area. 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W — M a �,, ) r>4+ " , -: Ct i rTx :'G v k W .3 h r , a, a v > t �� -� - o_ ��, c n� i . e' 4,'P l� ac - y _ .. CO4'' ' • /•11 ( ' 4 • Ya a6, — � � got 3z � .'„}�, � � , d � y�. k � k t, l � � A ��G CO h d 'd�'P�' ir.' .3�els3 6",.,..r,t.:a" �.ah1" " c,- _• , / Photograph 13: View of non-jurisdictional low area. • }, Wes— • LO coO J LU • Q r — C7 a) N • �. NO c,— +1 i L(') a • o Q o WI — M N • co Z 0) — co 9 >. M 'ram •_,, ZO M ndrt — J V Y * ' _ ,*r4Y 4 Photograph 14: View of ag field. Eaker-Patterson Property