HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02111_Well Construction - GW1_20240405 ,
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2.WA ontractor Infosmatint .
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Witter. tipallyi.WcIii nusitiOr;t s -Iiiiiissitis MATERIAL-
311nlin.1 T° it ID. sWIae 1
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&painteptal Technology r3Salnitiatos Centro/ tt St
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Sa.Well location' • . 4 . It- 1 1 i /2- * OWA, er,
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Posiii.V0woo-Name raolii711)5goppacabic) .
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fir4Seld,ass ItUbftissalfziest) 2.
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SigrommaCcrofied Well Contractor i , Date
6.Is(am)the trdl(s)Elrennanent or EITemporarf
4.stipints likrOnn ilicrithy are that the=NV ion fninil cannoned in orecntanct
7.Ts Ibis a repair to an cadging Ooli: Dyes or RIM with LTA ifede ex.010aor ISA NOW MC.W00 ma cm:two=sambas toe?:ha a
.9111,1 is a=Ins filings known will anianakn inpniation and&Vain dip m Ni•Fr oft,* cePY eihrs morn=been Pnwidni ki ihniwi.inninin
wake&wider 121 nimairsoiction or ai the bock efilisform.
2.3.Sitc diagramor Additional wtlidetails: ,.
SA For GeoprobelDPI or Closed-LooP Geothermal Wells having themMO You=Pisa the Lick or this Me to;Mai&additiooal well sita details or welt
coostructico,only 1 GW-1 is itaxied.Indicas TOTALIIUMBER ewes. 0011.511141kto details.Yonmay also attach'aultlilionti pages ifneossouy.
ddlk4: ,. ), S sttilMf1741;04STRUCTIORS 1
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P.Willman depth below landsmlnee: '.,•,- (ft.) 24.yippi weg5 Submit tbis fom4 wilbin 30 days of conviction of wil .
For nsthiple war Rst on*Filar thjranit rennivie-Vaarnin120100) craolowtion tothO fOlowing: i
10.Statie inter kSel belowtop ofcashw ii 9 " Cilt4 DitisieuctriVotegritateWtS,bietwafamProvessing Unit, .
If Innakrel is abone cathtipine nil UV WI SetviteCenter,Rakiete,DIC27699-1017
11..Bordele amid= Cg 149 6.4 . 24u.r.r 3.,s ,WO= ks a4irgi00*.sgt00103 the form to to Olds=in 24a
arc also submit coo copy of this form within' 30 days of completion of%Neil
1.7.,WellosoOntetionnisholt 4( sitt9, ocestrettion tolls%fonouinx .
0.a.Bum Ida%cal*,&comb,ctc.) ' '..., .' I . .
Iritiiii4101W2atr ReTai;i100,ihilewm.4 injection Ckinfrol Program,
iOR WAlStaitiv"le 41110141N: ' 1436 MU SOkoevite Roleigh,NC27699.1636 -
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'i3i.I'lekl(gm*4 0 ,........ttir_L ill- , 24cIx.... ._srARBOAlikshot. r4F In ackftfica to&Soft tba bon to %
R c, 4 s ' laa adfresges)above,obi oda*cob opy of els on within 30 dap of . :•
iiii.iji4,601*inw Chieri4t, Asnalm 4 .1 u t. • ,-dotopl Oka of sill coestiuctics 10 SO IC,itlY htligi dcpartititiii of the coui!tl,
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