HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240094 Ver 1_MallardCreekInterceptorPhase1_ResponseToNCDEQ_20240409To: CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES, INC. 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 704-527-1177 (office) 704-527-1133 (fax) Samantha Dailey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charlotte Regulatory Office 8430 University Executive Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Ms. Maria Schutte NCDWR, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury St., 9th Floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Response to Agency Comments (SAW-2024-00078, DWR # 24-0094) Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase 1 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina CWS Project No. 2022-0018 Dear Ms. Dailey and Ms. Schutte, Thank you for your emails requesting additional information and clarification regarding the Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase 1 Nationwide Permit No. 58 application and the Water Quality Certification application. This letter is in response to your comments on the project. NCDEQ Comments: 1.At streams and Mallard Creek, the surface impacts are similar for a jack and bore and open cut. For both options, a cofferdam and bypass would be required, along with temporary bridge mat crossings for equipment transfer over the stream. The cofferdam would still be required for jack and bore to prevent the Mallard Creek from falling into the tunnel and for contingency planning in case unforeseen challenges arise due to equipment malfunctions, unexpected soil conditions, or obstacles. While open cut methods would result in installation of the sewer pipe within a week, jack and bore methods could last for months. Also, jack and bores are not typically used for 84 in casing installation. Performing these large diameter sewer trenchless installations requires massive tunnel shafts and an acre of land or more to set up tunneling equipment. 2.13esides the stream crossings, areas where the limit of disturbance abuts the stream bank include delineations of the existing sanitary sewer line easement. Therefore, some areas within the LOD abut the stream bank, but the erosion and sediment control there is shown such that it is offset inland from the banks (see Sheet C-3 near STA 1+43.43). For other areas where it appears the LOD abuts the stream bank (Sheets C-4, C-5, C-6), the design drawings will be updated to show the silt fence off top of bank. Even with this update, we'll probably need a waiver as we are following the existing sanitary sewer easement. While construction shall occur off the stream bank, there are some areas where lateral connections need to be plugged at the existing manholes which appear close to the creek (see Sheet C-9). 3.This impact is called out on sheet C-24 as S26 (Intermittent Stream N). Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase I April 9, 2024 Response to Agency Comments CWS Project No. 2022-0018 4. The main reason for non -perpendicular stream crossings is that design parameters of the project included the proposed 60" sanitary sewer for the most part running parallel to the existing sanitary sewer. The existing sewer will remain in place for future use. Each specific called -out crossing is addressed individually below. - STA 4+00 on Sheet C-3 (Stream A) The crossing of the proposed sanitary sewer and Stream A is not between the 75-104' requirement. The sanitary sewer design in this area was made to reduce the number of manholes and construction impacts by staying away from Mallard Creek and low topography. As seen on Sheet C-3, the existing sanitary sewer is within a wetland (Wetland #20), therefore the design attempted to avoid any further wetland impacts by not paralleling the existing sanitary sewer. However, this resulted in crossing Stream A at an angle that is not perpendicular. - STA 39+00 on Sheet C-6 (Stream D) The crossing of the proposed sanitary sewer and Stream D is not between the 75-104' requirement. The sanitary sewer design in this area was meant to reduce the overall impact by paralleling the existing sanitary sewer line. A perpendicular sanitary sewer run would require additional manholes to make the bends or a trenchless crossing underneath Mallard Creek, neither of which are financially feasible compared to the current crossing. - STA 145+60 on Sheet C-15 (Stream K) The crossing of the proposed sanitary sewer and Stream K is not between the 75-104' requirement. The sanitary sewer design in this area was meant to reduce the overall impact by paralleling the existing sanitary sewer line. The proposed sewer design is perpendicular to Stream J in this location, but since Stream K is an adjacent stream flowing into Mallard Creek via the same culverts, the sanitary sewer design crossing was not perpendicular. The existing culverts move stream flow into Mallard Creek under the existing Mallard Creek Greenway. - STA 0+60 on Sheet C-21 (Stream H) The crossing of the proposed sanitary sewer lateral and Stream H is not between the 75-104' requirement. Numerous variables factored into the sanitary sewer connection design at this specific area. Variables included the location of the proposed xCLT greenway trail (designed by others but being constructed simultaneously with the proposed sanitary sewer project), existing Duke Energy R/W for transmission lines, and making a sanitary sewer line connection from the existing sanitary sewer lateral to the proposed sanitary sewer manhole at angles that would work for sewer flow. 5. Sheet C-28 is meant for the Charlotte Water Mallard Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to portray the route the contractor plans to use to access the plant to reach the project start location. There are many roads and potential routes, but this is meant to show that the contractor will use the main road to avoid buildings and tight turns when bringing in equipment. The image appears cut-off, but it is intentional to only show the CLTW WRF property. There is no legend as the primary focus is not the sanitary sewer design but the access route. 6. 1 have attached these. 7. The wider width is necessary due to the size of the new pipe. Because this new sewer line is being installed in such a high density area, a 60" pipe is being installed to handle the capacity. This size pipe requires a much deeper and wider trench. Because of the size and depth of the trenches, they need plenty of Page 2 of 4 Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase I Response to Agency Comments April 9, 2024 CWS Project No. 2022-0018 room to safely operate equipment along the sides without risking overloading the walls of the trench and causing a collapse. Within the wetlands there are some areas where the trenches are over 20 feet deep and exceed 25 feet in width. 8. Permanent easement widths varied from 50 ft to 30 ft and were typically offset from the existing sanitary sewer easement. This resulted in areas where the proposed sanitary sewer centerline appears off -center within the permanent easement mainly due to the location of proposed sanitary manholes. The permanent easement will result in permanently maintained corridors in these areas for future maintenance. Due to the proposed pipe size and depth, any future maintenance will need the permanent easement width to excavate, bench down and fix the pipe if any maintenance is needed. 9. This project will not result in additional development that will impact downstream waters. This sewer improvement is to provide increased capacity to existing infrastructure. Please do not hesitate to contact Megan Bollero at 757-576-6433 or megan@cws-inc.net should you have any questions or comments regarding this request. Sincerely, Megan Bollero, PWS Project Scientist .' /" A- " Z -'-, � Aliisa Harjuniemi, PWS Senior Project Manager Attachments: Attachment A: Original comments from NCDEQ Attachment B: Plan Sheets EC-1 - C-31 Page 3 of 4 Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase 1 Attachments April 9, 2024 CWS Project No. 2022-0018 Attachment A: NCDEQ Comments ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS. JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 12, 2024 DWR # 20240094 Mecklenburg County Charlotte Water Attn: Mr. Michael Vaniska 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte NC 28216 Delivered via email to: Michael.Vaniska@charlottenc.gov Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Mallard Creek Interceptor— Phase 1 Project Dear Mr. Vaniska: On January 9, 2024, with fee received on January 19, 2024, the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your application requesting a 401 Individual Water quality from the Division for the subject project. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received: 1. In the PCN Under Avoidance and Minimization it states, "Trenchless boring under the stream...carries risk...option was abandoned from further consideration." Boring is used throughout the state in various projects to minimize stream impact / potential WQ issues from trenches. Further justification is needed to adequately document that all reasonable avoidance and minimization efforts have been taken. 2. A few plan sheets show the limit of disturbance up to the top of streambank. Standard 401 Certification requirement states "Any utility construction corridor that is parallel to a stream or open water shall not be closer than 10 feet to the top of bank or ordinary high-water mark." If this requirement cannot be met in a specific location, please identify that location and provide details of why the project cannot be modified to meet this condition. Please also submit a very detailed construction sequence that includes additional measures that will be taken to protect long term stream stability and to protect downstream water quality standards. 3. There is a tributary stream crossing near STA 0+00 on Plan sheet C-3 that is not included in impacts. Please explain. See "What is this Crossing?" in image below. VnYtlt C'arnlina Ih�artrrlent ctf knt itonntccttal (�ualic� I I)it iswn nt t1 seer 1Zehnurcrti 1_" Nrnrlh :tialishUn titn*ed 1 16l 1 Mad Scrt ice ('rmer I kilrtgh. North ('an)lYn:i ?7699-161 l 919.707.9000 Mallard Creek Interceptor— Phase 1- Project DWR# 20240094 Request for Additional Information Page 2of3 snag I PROa N. 3U'E. 1 , ,. — . 11 - 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 ..... PROP. J6r c s49.64 (7)) .... ..... ':YE-iAA0 9 ode (TCLtFarAi�L1,TJNU1..CC, 'TEV="R.•44 �IP..TUPPAlK,'E GL£aP.INGA'1GFI�EIN:'R.LI-1-.1. RE =97'6&= 1 UL-kRIN3hVL' '1-L1"'?IL;iMD1. ARE4•`s.]L' S;r EX. 4V t. ky11CR FRnPnYFb Se°..- PRrt/-. IF-0 SFNAf T+P. 3F FP - FWP. ' 7.. J:: °. iE AFAVI EC I)f'MEK- V ,T (HFC SHFCT;::N• t:. ANC[ Tk)h i CONNL�CIICN llcl _'VL>• .",1V:3 �r ISEESREETC1t) 11 AT r%,°efl� `I.;; EE :: YE ET-r.11 Arr IN .;:bnnAs!` S C cl? .-p( 5:1.,tS >. VrP4-r rn -]. 11 u.1„lyt• 4, i3'Irri1, � _ ---U,. ""^.ti rµ - N P � # PPr ip•- 1S' - J 19rr rw r r T 21Er x I� (:l � rPERNAV�NET plSTll R1SIt N::Ef � 'T ' - qr. ` �+.. V J1FtIN:, PNrt PIPE INts7w..riT1rf4 AR FAC76 9-'� 'BY C-HERS' 'a (Snippet from plan sheet C-3. Reference for item 3 above) 4. The PCN states stream crossings meet standard requirements; however, there are stream crossings (approximate locations below) that do not appear to be perpendicular. Standard 401 Certification requirement states, "Where there are temporary or permanent impacts from stream crossings, utility lines shall cross the stream channel at a near -perpendicular direction (i.e., between 75 degrees and 104 degrees to stream bank)." Please explain/verify crossings are between 75 degrees and 105 degrees to the stream bank and provide justification if not. • STA 4+00 on Plan Sheet C-3 Labeled Perennial Stream A (also shown in image above and on Plan Sheet C-18) • STA 39+00 on Plan sheet C-6 Labeled Intermittent Stream D • STA 145+60 on Plan Sheet C-15 Intermittent Stream K • STA 0+60 on Plan Sheet C-21 Perennial Stream H 5. The Plan Sheet C-28 appears cut-off and there is no legend. Please correct as needed or clarify. 6. Many of the Erosion Control and Construction Plan Sheets are not legible when magnified. Submit a higher quality copy of just these plan sheets (EC-1 to C-31) or also submit the information in a separate document. Include specifics for each section of the project. 7. A waiver is requested for construction corridors in excess of 40 feet wide. Standard 401 Certification requirements state, "Construction corridors in wetlands and/or across stream channels shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable and shall not exceed 40 feet wide." The request is reasonable for this type of project; however, the plans appear to show a ' Q � �^�,� �nrtll ('nmlina I)tp�rrmenl OfEfii�rrnnmrntal QualiLl� � I)it�isenq. nf11'arrr Resources✓ 9 Nmih Salmhun SLTecl 1 1611 Niml Str%Act ('enter I italetglt, North ('arohna -17699-[61 l 9 19. 707. L>GUU Mallard Creek Interceptor— Phase 1- Project DWR# 20240094 Request for Additional Information Page 3of3 proposed width of 80 feet or more for most of the project. is this necessary? Note that MINIMUM width of disturbance is the requirement. 8. Standard 401 Certification regulation states, "Permanent maintained access corridors in wetlands and across stream channels shall be restricted to the minimum width practicable and shall not exceed 30 feet wide." Many of the plan sheets reference permanent easements that appear to be off the centerline of the proposed SS. Permanent easements are different than permanent, maintained corridors. Do you intend to have permanent, maintained corridors wider than 30 feet? If so, justify. 9. On the PCN item G.3b. requires a narrative description. Please provide. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. Please respond in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter by sending one (1) copy of all of the above requested information to the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 OR by submitting all of the above requested information through this link: https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/Supplemental-Information-Form (note the DWR# requested on the link is referenced above). If all of the requested information is not received within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be denied as incomplete. The denial of this project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this activity and any work done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Maria Schutte at 704-235-2184 or.Maria.Schutte@deg.nc.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: �a-4w H pa+,t4 F161F869A2a84A3.. Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Electronic cc: Megan Bollero, Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. Samantha Dailey, USAGE Charlotte Regulatory Field Office DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch file Filename: 20240094 Mallard Creek Interceptor — Phase 1 project - Mecklenburg - add info. docx North Carolina Dcparintent of Ell; ironmental Qualily I pit imoo of Wirer Resources rr Q � 12 Noah. Salmhun StTect 1 1611 \Earl Scr%Ace. Center I italets la, North Carolina?7699-[61 l n.F�MF.aN-mi.A �►"f 919.707.9000 Mallard Creek Interceptor - Phase 1 Attachments April 9, 2024 CWS Project No. 2022-0018 Attachment B: Sheets EC-1 - C-31 - w ❑ � Q U J ° r O x �p - � e= b .H H f OGa40 \ T11 oil mN S S e gF ga 44a G �3 /yam 7- IrV� ki ®p `J3c ask = oil w ° „0 oNixm Qua �1; 4 and �G�� 03�� 65�� ���C':� HIM 0 < „oa ❑ z �\ � P � � z� ����a�pp El ME pp ❑ � Y � x .�r 4N ��I3 0 •yla haw gig w' ko Hg� dr �me e O i lS -... 1 1 b w ; € . 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