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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140539_Site Plans 4_20240328 2� 3 4 5 7 8 g!p74 I At M,Q0 410 3-A gZV bols "k Eaton Road E a t o In R o a d A A r am fan am Ow am 00 *",a X�_ ka"! r N Concrete Paved V < (D R e s i d e n R e s i d e n ti a I R e s i d e n ti a I R e s i d e n ti a I 0- f of n o t p a r t not pa rt o f M not part of not pa rt of ( not part of not Wooded Area < < o p e r a ti o n o p e r a ti o n o p e r a ti o n o p e r a ti o In o p e ra ti o n CD (D T, (D (D B U B -1 tr" Ln "®r" A� A�' F�R (D (D `6" rr % Wooded Area Ma OW "s =0 4�" W* �w qva� Top "All I L 4M low Am 4W111 am t", aw �fz me Iffs "P dw wo MAN *VA X X X X_ F < (D ............ Concrete .......... Paved I (D Mixer Truck Parking JA-1, r-t r-t K, Misc V7-"Y' L r-t Wooded Area (D I (D Af Storage orcl C Ilk C Ilk V) Area Gravel Gravel LU Surface Offices Surface (D (D Maintenance all Wooded Area L Gara Covered Storage Wooded AJ J nm tone Lined Slope Gravel D > D Su rface (D n (D Gravel Surface Concrete Truck Wa s h ->-P-Lqnt U-) R, o d' ed Area > Office J, r—D Agg Agg Agg 3 Gravel 6 Bin Bin Bin >1 R, Surfa,-'e Outfall Location No.: SDO-1 CR Z A Q� Outfall Location No.: PDO-2 Stormwater discharge from drainage area #1 & J_1� 'J Process Water discharge from drainage area (approx. 0.85 acres) to Unnamed Tributary BE rm #2 (approx. 3.75 acres) to Unnamed Tributary nr_=� . . . E E associated with Leonard Creek (Class: C). U,-) Detention '�asj �-Sed iment i I ro associated with Leonard Creek (Class: C). Lat. Lon.: 35052'41"N, 80'33'12"W rea Pond (Trap) 0", 10114'"'_� '_'"'� I I Misc Storage A Lat. Lon.: 3505241"N, 80033'09"W 4-1 QJ Approx. Impervious Area: 0.1 acres Q) Woocle� Wo am 4M "a aw Approx. Impervious Area: 0.75 acres J WUS M� U 0 41 -C C < — M C NOTE: W 4- = _ � � = Approx. Site Boundary Oil Tank - Indoors Sur-face Water SWPPP Site Maps Facility Detail Page E LMA 2 -c- Rn -0- 1. This site map has been prepared as a graphical representation of the existing site conditions at this facility. No attempt has — QJ c) +1 .?:, a) W 0011111. 01 0 CC: 41 been made to show the precise location of any site features, location of property boundaries, site boundary conditions, or Flow Direction 120 25 — -0 - — — — — — - Approx. Drainage Area Divide Oil Tank - Outdoors 0 = C 0 other on-site or off-site features not shown; nor are any such conditions implied or to be inferred from this map. Mocksville Concrete Company, LLC s,­0:. -'Z 0 .5, 2 0 1., 8_ 2. Topography Sources (if shown): USGS National Elevation Dataset, NASA Space Shuttle Radar — — — — — — — Approx. Minor Line of Topography E.M Catch Basin (I OJ QJ .Ln tA 252 Eaton Road Mocksville Davie County,, NC 27028 F Ou -:E� o E Topography Mission 1 (30-meters), NASA Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 3 (90-meters), and Advanced Spaceborne Authorized Discharge F 0 LA Q) Ln EL q a) -C C 0_2 Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model. —————— Approx. Major Line of Topography Filtration DRAWN BY: APPVD BY: DRAWING DATE: SHEET: CC .0 ar U MOO- Outfall Location I 0 3. Soil Data Source (if shown): United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). NUMBER: V1 W 0 0 Z 'n I N 5 CWR CWR 1 23-211 1 03/12/2024 2 OF 3 CL 46 < 4. Aerial Image Source (if shown): Google Earth. Aerial photograph may not show current features, which may be identified in Approx. Concrete Block Wall Trench Drain 4-1 C> ("R 8 1 approximate ((current) areas. 0 CCU: Resource 888- RMA-0230 L_ Approx. Wood Line CL Approx. UG Water Piping fwNf"v*�� c E 5. Scale shown is from aerial image source. Scale shown is approximate. Proicess Water -7e 'egg;& a C;) (V aj MI Management info@rmagreen .com C -c E "0 0 M 6. Site conditions shown are those present on the date indicated on this map, unless revised and noted. g) Approx. AG Water Piping X X Approx. Fence Line Flow Direction O = 0 , ..F M 7. This plan is NOT for legal, survey, or construction purposes. 40o, Associates www. rmagreen . com U < -a 0 3: Z> I �1 I I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8