HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01879_Well Construction - GW1_20240322 t o ell i k 1 44.!2r l h WELL CONSTIZUC CTUti RECORD (;W-1 For c n a ilsc n1rJ —I DI ` v 1,Well Cnr.l racier inforrnation: /,` { _,.1{'„1r2_,-T � i G� ,/ ,� /l/ ! J)•-1�1'! MOM nrsCRrYTRJn Well C:onisetct.r Name / ��SS IL 1� 1 � ���— <. ; J L/ — ft. (! fl ft. NC Well CoOte cteCttbfi- 0.4Nclr£+r: iS:o13T31R ASINO((ottitultl raatd.wttbt OR LIN ', fa •fea6TCRtA I. l t1811111111 s9 DM __ T111CIQC M TCRIAh /+� n. L n. / to 1� Gam. t oa ,any Nsnx 0 ((Z7Q 1 11 O :. -mu ti(:A tar'OATUDINC,Tibdlherttal t Beed•::uil11>�3'' �. A�'* -� ^ mom FM UTAN[Tr.R _ T111Ch'�f�5 MA'fERUI. 2.15 ell Construction Permit N:pe I7c' , !n. rOf brit cm'',,,Ic we8e!.nafr,neon Mimeo, e if!..C.-'4.- $,Ice.lc:etueee Ct, ft. h. ft It. to { 3,Well Use(cheek well use): — -- g ,, 17.SCR t UN �u '+ ATt Iater Supply Well: rxt'o o III+,[!n it `i ul♦I/I THICKNCSS_ MATIRtnl. A cuinanl tunic i alit u`h: , g t �;, C (? r,. ft. m Geothetmnl Meriting/Cool n Supply I eft s,dent ud water Supply(single) n, n. IndustrinitCoanmefelal [�Resuleni to]ll'atet Supply(shared) "''tg.(:RULrI'-''ts. ,i' y,r s b'., -_�— Ifflr.,ahan rIttt TO .NATIRIAI_ r.NPL.\t C,fl ti-r,Nr IllUU i AMOIaT Non-Water Supply Well: �� f 1'� �/ t��l U; ]!' (elLL�<<t1 �a— I Monitoring: QRecevery h. ft. /`� [_��S ection Well: fr. n. G1 quifer Recharge QGrou tdwslcr Remedtanoo I�.SANDlCRAv"):1;PACK(if al It altle)x :a 'r �4 F_, $;Y :a. qulferSterageandRacovcr}' EiSitlinityl3anter raovt TO 1 MA'IIRUL 1 rN I.ACIM �rsfenton—� qutfeeTest OStnrmwater Drainage R ft. xperimantr+l'Technotogy 0Si:hsidenceControl h. If• oihamal(ClosedLoop) QTraccr 20.DRILLING Lt)G{attith aktdltletinr3heefkifeliceirary) t eothermal(FfeatitlpjCCxtling.Return) QCxFtcr(explain under N21 Remarks) fxust 1 TO DESCRIPTION(eeter,heethmt uilireek ripe a,+ ..,etc.) 0 ft. w , f'' t')t// �?vJ'<>Cri)C+ AC.' ' J 0.Dace Well(s)Completeddddd�`�'(�'f 1v411]llu / it--ft. L� IL (eery p ^4 Ss.Well Location: P. � -fL n. 1 �h. ,/ - r fit/dam '7'05 ,L� Facility-Owner t.'arne Fa<tl,:y lf:n Of a lwabk) ft. ft. _�-`6 W%�G�Ac<<.: %.1'), __- ft rt. - r Physical address,City and 7.i' ft. ft. i ialrC'eunty Parcel Idc:11;:i:411.1 No (PIN( Sb.Latitude reed longitude in drgreerrsinutes'seconds or decimal degrees: --- (if well ti::d,aac lat9dog is suffleient i 22.Certification: l // /,S / Ji _ `mo 7 t//z3Llr(,3O N$/ " /', 5'f7p 11 / 6.is(are)the s,eII(s) rrnanene orQ'femporar.v sr f eriified WellC nd truiv Outs 3v algnt.ag Ale Prim,1 herehy coney dint the 5Y11(i)was(were)eonttnrrtr,rn accon6tn,r 7.Istbisarepairtoanexistingwell: Dyes or ION() w,rh1JAh'C.1CU1C.016JcrISA,Yt tC01C.0200WetlConsuuce/onSianlardfandthara :the natl.1f this is o repair,f tt our known well calf f•fly:r,'n tryrtutealtvn ass(ert-,',a:n re:),:a the copy cJihu record has been provided to the well owner, repair,ender e11 ee mania section or e..1 the bark Orr AUJ<+rnr 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For Ceoprohe.tDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt construction,only I 6W-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUA1131:R of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: (c-� Sli6ti11)`I`AL INSTRUCTION 9.'l'otal well depth below land surface: -� ] fL) 24a, W . • For multiple wetta itrtoildepths lda9e,nt(ent. .ii 3 and2@1001 For All Weill: Submit thisform within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following. 10.Static,rater level below top of casing: 31,I (1.) Division of Water Resources,information Processing tlnit, if water trv<1 is oLo;e eating, ur"+ 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 4 11.Borehole diameter. (in.) 24b.For Inieclipn Weill: In addition to sending the form to the eddies in 24a 12.Well construction method: Q �j above,also submit one copy of tt.is form within 30 days of completion of well (i.e.auger,rainy,table,direct push,r:e.) J construction to the following: ota FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS( NLY; / Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) a 7 ,. .Ntethod of test:A) �-� 24c.for Water S�lvnh' (nisei QI)\Yells: In additiutt to sc�iding tI)c form to 14 // Qtc addrecs(cs) above, also submit one copy of this foml within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection h'pr: L Amount:, C�s ccmpleuon of well construction to the county health department of the county s. k whereconstructed. rForm OW-1 North Caroline Dccurtntect of Environmental Quality-Division of WAtet Resources Revised 2.22.2016:• "t v,a' .� a M ,