HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC240816_(ARPA) DWI Letter of Intent to Fund_20240321 Eovernor
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Director Emriroanuntat Qualify
March 10,2022
Kenneth Waldroup,Executive Director
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
235 Government Center Drive
Wilmington NC 28403
Subject: Letter of Intent to Fund
Northern Regional Pump Stations and
Force Main Improvements
American Rescue Plan-Earmark
Project No.:SRP-W-ARP-0062
Dear Mr.Waldroup:
The Division of Water Infrastructure has reviewed your Request for Funding,and
determined your project is eligible to receive American Rescue Plan(ARP)funding from the
State Fiscal Recovery Fund established in S.L.2021-180.Projects funded from the State Fiscal
Recovery Fund must meet applicable federal law and guidance for the ARP funds.The ARP
Project Grant will be one hundred percent of eligible project costs up to a maximum of
Thc-fist-n;ilestoneisihesubmittal of a Bid and Design Package-by August 1,-2022.
Please note that this intent to fund is contingent on meeting all of the following_milestones:
Milestone -- Date
Apply for all Necessary Permits* ASAP
Bid and Design Package Submittal(obtain all permits) August 1,2022 Bid and Design Package Approval December 1,2022
Advertise Project,Receive Bids,Submit Bid Information, April 3,2023
1 Receive Authority To Award
(Execute Construction Contracts) _ _ May 1=,2023.
Receive last reimbursement-Statutory December 31,2026 _
*An engineering alternatives analysis(EAA)may be required on certain projects.
Failure to meet any milestone may result in the forfeiture of funding for the proposed
I.Note that theDh_ision:will:make iia ieiinoursements of ARP funds after December 3I,202 '
EQ.!) NorthCarolinaDepartment of Emiroirnmta)QualityI DIvison ofWaterkifiastry tune
Si2,Y Selts6ury Surer 1 1633 Mali Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 t633
�'0" � 919.707.9160
Kenneth Waldroup,Executive Director
March 10,2022
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The State Environmental Policy Act exempts projects funded by the State Reserve(such
as this project)from state-mandated environmental review.Federal requirements may still apply.
[NCGS 113A-12(2)h.]
Upon detailed review of the project during the funding process,it may be determined that
portions of your project are not eligible for funding.
US Treasury Requirements
Projects with an expected total cost of ten million dollars or more must meet US Treasury
requirements for prevailing wage rates,project labor agreements,and related requirements.
Recipients can either certify meeting the requirements or provide plans and reports as the SLFRF
injiiance and Reporting Guidance(treasure gov) specifies.
If you have any questions,please contact Ishwar Devkota,by phone at(919)707-9192 or
by email at Ishwar.devkota@ncdenr.gov.
Jon Risgaard,Chief
State Revolving Fund Section
CC: Carel Vandenneyden,Cape Fear Utility Authority,Wilmington
Ken Pohlig,PE(DWI,via email)
Ishwar Devkota(DWI,via email)
Mark Hubbard,PE(DWI,via email)
ARP Project File(COM LOIF)
John Jernigan
,From: Gary McSmith
Sent: Wednesday,April 27, 2022 9:26 AM
To: John Jernigan
Cc: Craig Wilson; Frank Styers;Carel Vandermeyden;John McLean;Julia Faircloth
Subject: DEQ guidance on Northern NHC Regional Pump Station and Force Mains Schedule
Hi John,
I just got off the phone with Jon Risgaard (SRF Section Chief)to confirm schedule deadlines and coordinate a way
Target submittal of design and bid package to your project manager at DEQ is Jan 1,2023.
• This is not a date that is set in either federal or state legislation.
• This is a target date set by DEQ to help ensure that the legislative dates are met,and the grant money is not
Firm legislative federal date for construction contract award is December 31,2024.
• This is fixed, no compromises or exceptions.
Firm legislative federal date all grant money being reimbursed to CFPUA is December 31,2026.
• This is fixed, no compromises or exceptions.
• Actual construction final completion, as-builts and final billing should pre-date this to allow Finance adequate
time to submit the final reimbursement and DEQ adequate time to pay it.
Since the$30 million was earmarked by the legislature to CFPUA,DEQ has not established a way for us to forfeit it
and would really appreciate it if they don't have to figure it out.
• This is fixed, no compromises or exceptions.
Jon asked that once you establish a schedule that a letter be sent to your DEQ PM with that schedule.
That and phone calls in advance of any milestone deviations would be very helpful to his staff.
Many Thanks,
Gary McSmith, P.E.
Chief Engineer
Assistant Director of Engineering
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
o: 910-332-6629 I c:910-833-4197
235 Government Center Dr., Wilmington, NC 28403
www.cfpua.org I Facebook I Twitter
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