HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_Allen CAP Part 1_Appx B_Final_20151120This page intentionally left blank Background Monitoring Well Determinations Allen Steam Station Allen is a coal-fired electricity generating facility along the Catawba River. The five -unit station began commercial operation in 1957 with Units 1 and 2. Unit 3 was placed into commercial operation in 1959, followed by Unit 4 in 1960, and Unit 5 in 1961. The Allen ash basin is situated between the Allen powerhouse to the north and topographic divides to the west (along South Point Road) and south (along Reese Wilson Road). Coal ash residue from the coal combustion process has historically been disposed of in the Allen ash basin system, which comprises the inactive ash basin and the active ash basin. A lined Retired Ash Basin (RAB) dry ash landfill, two unlined Distribution of Residuals Solids (DORS) structural fill units, and two unlined dry ash storage areas are also located on top of the inactive ash basin. The active ash basin is located on the southern portion of the property. The inactive ash basin is located between the generating units and the active ash basin. The inactive ash basin was commissioned in 1957 and is located adjacent to and north of the active ash basin. The active ash basin was constructed in 1973. Natural topography at the site generally slopes from west to east. A topographic high is located 50 to 100 yards west of South Point Road on the west side of the site. Topography at the Allen site ranges from approximately 650 feet to 680 feet elevation near the west and southwest boundaries of the site to an approximate low elevation of 570 feet at the shoreline of Lake Wylie over a distance of approximately 0.8 miles. In June 2015, groundwater elevations were collected from onsite National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance wells, voluntary wells, and newly installed Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) monitoring wells. Groundwater elevations were measured in shallow and fractured bedrock flow layers (S/D and BR/BRU wells, respectively), and groundwater flow direction was estimated by contouring elevations in each flow layer. Generalized groundwater contours for all three flow layers are shown in Figures 3-3, 3-4, and 3-5. The CSA submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in August 2015 indicated the active ash basin and the inactive ash basin at Allen as potential source areas for groundwater contamination. Existing ash basin compliance monitoring well AB-1 R has been considered by Duke Energy to represent background water quality at the site since being installed in 2010. AB-1 R is located to the northwest of the inactive ash basin at the compliance boundary. AB-1 R was installed to a total depth of 70.89 feet below ground surface (bgs) with a 20-foot well screen to monitor water quality in saprolite. Historical groundwater data for AB-1 R date back to March 2011. This compliance monitoring well is sampled three times per year. Shallow groundwater contours (see Figure 3-3) indicate groundwater flow in the vicinity of AB-1 R is to the north from the ash basin toward the Station Discharge Canal. Compliance monitoring results indicate increasing concentrations of calcium, sulfate, and total dissolved solids (TDS) at AB-1 R since the March 2014 sampling event. These three constituents are included in the list of detection monitoring constituents per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Final Rule. The USEPA selected constituents for detection monitoring that are present in CCR that would be expected to migrate rapidly and provide early detection as to whether contaminants were migrating from a coal ash disposal unit. Although measured concentrations have not previously exceeded 2L Standards at AB-1 R, concentrations of calcium, sulfate, and TDS have increased. Boron, another constituent selected by the USEPA for detection monitoring, has not been detected in this well. Although boron has not been detected above laboratory reporting limits, the direction of groundwater flow and increasing concentration trends of calcium, sulfate, and TDS may be an early indication of groundwater in the vicinity of AB-1 R being influenced by the northwest portion of the inactive ash basin. During the CSA work plan preparation, three well groups, BG-1, BG-2, and BG-3 were chosen for likely background locations for installation of new wells. Once wells were installed and groundwater elevations and flow directions established from the first round of sampling in 2015, the location of BG-2 became suspect for its use as a background well. It is possible that this well may be influenced by old ash fills on the west side of South Point Road in the vicinity of River Run. Additional wells are planned for installation in the vicinity of BG-2 well cluster to further define groundwater flow direction and groundwater quality. Once this is accomplished, the use of this well cluster for background water quality will be re-evaluated. The well cluster BG-1 on the south side of the property, approximately 1,200 feet south of the active ash basin had groundwater elevations that are at or lower than porewater levels in the ash basin. Additional wells are planned for installation in the vicinity of the BG-1 cluster to further define groundwater flow direction and groundwater quality. Once this is accomplished, the use of this well cluster for background water quality will be re-evaluated. The remaining well cluster, BG-3, is located on the north side of the Station Discharge Canal north of the facility. This location, following LeGrand's conceptual model of the Piedmont groundwater system, is across a groundwater divide formed by the Station Discharge Canal. Based on the location and groundwater quality exhibited in this well, it appears to be suitable for a background location. Background groundwater concentrations in the BG-1, BG-2 and BG-3 were developed from samples with turbidity less than 10 NTU. As a result, only three samples could be used to develop PPBCs. Due to the small sample size, the PPBC is the highest reported value or highest laboratory reporting limit for non -detects. These values are shown in Table B-1. Background concentrations identified for new background wells will be incorporated into statistical background analysis once a statistically valid data set has been obtained. 2 Table B-1. Proposed Provisional Background Concentrations Constituent 2L Standard/ IMAC PPBC Units Aluminum NS 860 u /L Antimony 1 0.5 u /L Arsenic 10 2.3 ug/L Barium 700 99 u /L Beryllium 4* 0.2 ug/L Boron 700 50 u /L Cadmium 2 0.08 ug/L Chloride 250 5.7 m /L Chromium 10 16 u /L Cobalt 1* 0.74 ug/L Copper 1000 3 u /L Iron 300 960 ug/L Lead 15 0.38 u /L Manganese 50 38 u /L Molybdenum NS 5.6 ug/L Mercury 1 0.2 u /L Nickel 100 7.3 ug/L Nitrate 10 0.52 m /L pH 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 SU Selenium 20 0.7 u /L strontium NS 210 u /I Sulfate 250 30.3 mg/L TDS 500 198 m /L Thallium 0.2 0.1 ug/L Vanadium 0.3* 22.5 u /L Zinc 1000 10 u /L NOTES: 1. All PPBCs are highest detected value or highest ND reporting limit. Too few values to develop statistics 2. * = I MAC Wells were chosen to represent background groundwater quality based on factors such as their horizontal distance from the source area or waste boundary, the relative topographic and groundwater elevation difference compared to the nearest ash basin surface or porewater, and the calculated groundwater flow direction. A summary table of information regarding the well construction, well location, and water elevations is provided in Table B-2. Table B-2. Background Monitoring Well Information Distance and Direction from Ground Elevation Closest Pore Well Source Area Groundwater Surface of Elevation of Water ID Flow Elevation Screened Groundwater Elevation Direction (feet) Interval (feet) to Well Active Ash Inactive Ash (feet) Basin Basin (feet) BG-1S 1,275feet SE --- SE 692 628-643 635.48 644 BG-1 D 1,275 feet SE --- SE 692 573-578 635.67 644 BG-3S 2,700 feet NE SE 672 587-602 605.53 631 BG-3D --- 2,700 feet NE SE 672 574-579 607.76 631 Note: 1. Elevations presented in North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. The methodology applied to determine if a well represents background water quality is explained in detail below for each monitoring well listed in the above table. BG-1 S and BG-1 D Monitoring wells BG-1S and BG-1D were installed onsite as a background monitoring wells during the CSA. The well pair is located in the southeast area of the site, near the intersection of South Point Road and Reese Wilson Road. The June 2015 groundwater gauging event was considered for determining groundwater flow direction. • The ground surface elevation at this monitoring well pair is approximately 692 feet. The ground surface elevation of the active ash basin waste boundary is approximately 645 feet (ground surface at the wells is 47 feet higher than the edge of the active ash basin waste boundary). • The monitoring well pair is located approximately 1,275 feet from the southwestern edge of the active ash basin. • BG-1 S is screened from approximately 49 feet to 64 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. BG-1 S well screen interval elevation is approximately 628 to 643 feet with a water elevation of approximately 635 feet in June 2015. • BG-1 D is screened from approximately 114 feet to 119 feet below ground surface in the deep flow layer. BG-1 S well screen interval elevation is approximately 573 to 578 feet with a water elevation of approximately 637 feet in June 2015. • The porewater elevation in the active basin (measured in ash basin monitoring well AB-21 S) in June 2015 was approximately 636 feet. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from onsite wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in well BG-1 S and BG-1 D originates from the residential area to the south and southwest. These properties are not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. The well cluster BG-1 had groundwater elevation at the same or lower elevation than porewater levels in the ash basin. Additional wells are planned for installation in the vicinity of the BG-1 cluster to further define groundwater flow direction and groundwater quality. Once this is accomplished, the use of this well cluster for background water quality will be re-evaluated. BG-3D Monitoring well BG-3D was installed as a background monitoring well during the CSA. It is located on beyond the Station Discharge Canal northwest of Allen. The June 2015 groundwater gauging event was considered for determining groundwater flow direction. • The ground surface elevation at this monitoring well is approximately 672 feet. • The ground surface elevation at the northwestern edge of the inactive ash basin waste boundary is approximately 635 feet (ground surface at the well is 37.5 feet higher than the edge of the waste boundary). • The monitoring well is located approximately 2,700 feet northwest of the inactive ash basin waste boundary. • BG-3D is screened from approximately 93 feet to 98 feet bgs in the deep flow layer. BG- 3D well screen interval elevation is approximately 574 to 579 feet with a water level elevation (from June 2015) of 672 feet. • There is no free water in the inactive ash basin. Porewater in the basin was measured in ash basin monitoring well AB-35S at 619.80 feet in June 2015. This basin is located across the Station Discharge Canal, which is a groundwater divide. • BG-3D is separated from the site by the Station Discharge Canal, which serves as both a topographic and hydrogeologic divide between the inactive ash basin and the monitoring well. The normal water elevation within the Station Discharge Canal is approximately 569 feet (ground surface elevation at the well is 103 feet higher than the Station Discharge Canal). • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from onsite wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in well BG-3D originates from the north; this area is rural and residential in nature and is not expected to contribute site -specific Cols to groundwater at this location. Based on the horizontal distance from the waste boundary to the monitoring well, the relative topographic and groundwater elevations, measured elevation differences between the monitoring well and the nearest ash basin surface water, and the determined groundwater flow direction, monitoring well cluster BG-3D represents background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site. Turbidity and pH Observations in Background Wells Turbidity and pH were evaluated at each well to determine its suitability for use in monitoring. In some cases, turbidity was elevated above 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) and pH was above 8.5 Standard Units (SU). Analytical data from those wells have not been used to establish Proposed Provisional Background Concentrations (PPBCs) at this time. Each well will be evaluated, re -developed as necessary, and new determinations made as to its continued suitability in future groundwater sampling events. BG-1 S and BG-1 D • The turbidity in BG-1 S was less than 10 NTU during the June 2015 sampling event. The pH value in BG-1S was 4.7 SU during the June 2015 sampling event. The relatively low pH reading indicates that the monitoring well is not being affected by grout/well construction issues. • The turbidity in BG-1 D did not exceed 10 NTU during the June 2015 sampling event. The pH value in BG-1 D was 10.22 SU during the June 2015 sampling event. The relatively high pH reading indicates that the monitoring well may be being affected by grout/well construction issues. This well is scheduled for re -development. If pH values do not decrease, this well will be considered for replacement. The analytical results from the June 2015 sampling event at this well will not be utilized to establish proposed provisional background concentrations. BG-3S The turbidity in BG-3S was 41.2 NTU during the June sampling event. Because of the turbidity in this well, it was not used to establish PPBCs for the site. However, additional development and sampling may show that turbidities in the well may come down to a point where its data can be used. The pH in this well was 7.9 SU during the June 2015 sampling event. The relatively low pH reading indicates that the monitoring well is not being affected by grout/well construction issues. BG-3D The turbidity in BG-3D was less than 10 NTU during the June 2015 sampling event. The pH value in BG-31D was 6.43 SU during the June 2015 sampling event. The relatively low pH reading indicates that the monitoring well is not being affected by grout/well construction issues. Regional Background In addition to reviewing the pH and turbidity readings to assess water quality in the monitoring wells, the data from the proposed background wells were compared to the regional background concentrations of constituents, where available, and the 2-10 Private Well data. The 2-10 Private Wells are Duke Employee private water supply wells that are located between 2 and 10 miles of the Allen site. These values are shown in Table 2-2. The source of the regional background concentrations are presented in Section 2.2.1. In general, the concentrations of constituents in the newly installed background wells are within the range of available regional background and 2-10 data, with the exception of the following: • Aluminum concentrations in the newly installed background wells are greater than the regional background concentrations and the 2-10 data. • Arsenic is within the range of regional background concentrations, but higher than the 2-10 data. • Barium concentrations in the newly installed background wells are greater than the regional background concentrations. • Chromium is within the range of regional background concentrations, but higher than the 2-10 data. The water quality in the proposed background wells appears to be similar in many respects to the regional published background concentrations for many constituents. Additional background groundwater data being collected in 2015 (for a total of four sampling rounds in 2015) will help future decision -making and also provide a better understanding of the constituent concentrations noted above. Soil Background Statistics for Allen Steps for determining background threshold values (BTV) for soils: Step 1: Collect an appropriate number of soil samples from the designated background or reference areas. Assume same population. Conduct data validation on analytical data to assess suitability of data for statistical analysis and decision making. Step 2: Determine the data distribution. Depending upon the data distribution, uses parametric or nonparametric methods to estimate BTVs. Step 3: Check for outliers in data set. Remove outliers if it can be justified. Step 4: Calculate BTVs • Upper percentiles • Upper prediction limits (UPLs) • Upper tolerance limits (UTLs) • Upper simultaneous limits (USLs) — New in ProUCL 5.0 Each BTV is described below (USEPA 2013): • Upper Percentile, x0.95: Based upon an established background data set, a 95th percentile represents that statistic such that 95% of the sampled data will be less than or equal to (<_) x0.95 . It is expected that an observation coming from the background population (or comparable to the background population) will be <_ x0.95 with probability 0.95. Upper Tolerance Limit (UTL): Based upon an established background data set, a UTL95-95 represents that statistic such that 95% observations (current and future) from the target population (background, comparable to background) will be less than or equal to the UTL95-95 with CC of 0.95. A UTL95-95 represents a 95% UCL of the 95th percentile of the data distribution (population). A UTL95-95 is designed to simultaneously provide coverage for 95% of all potential observations (current and future) from the background population (or comparable to background) with a CC of 0.95. A UTL95-95 can be used when many (unknown) current or future onsite observations need to be compared with a BTV. A parametric UTL95-95 takes the data variability into account. Upper Prediction Limit (UPL): Based upon an established background data set, a 95% UPL (UPL95) represents that statistic such that an independently collected new/future observation from the target population (e.g., background, comparable to background) will be less than or equal to the UPL95 with confidence coefficient (CC) of 0.95. We are 95% sure that a single future value from the background population will be less than the UPL95 with CC= 0.95. A parametric UPL takes data variability into account. • Upper Simultaneous Limit (USL): Based upon an established background data set free of outliers and representing a single statistical population, a USL95 represents that statistic such that all observations from the "established" background data set are less than or equal to the USL95 with a CC of 0.95. A parametric USL takes the data variability into account. It is expected that all current or future observations coming from the background population (comparable to background population, unimpacted site locations) will be less than or equal to the USL95 with CC, 0.95. The use of a USL as a BTV estimate is suggested by the USEPA when a large number of onsite observations (current or future) need to be compared with a BTV. Approach: • Attachment A presents the Allen soil dataset. HDR completed a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) data validation assessment (presented in separate document) and has determined that the data meets project data quality objectives and is suitable for statistical analysis and for establishing BTVs. Table 1 list the constituents (16 samples and 30 constituents per sample) Next, HDR conducted Dixon's outlier test for each constituent using ProUCL Version 5.0 software (USEPA 2013). Statically significant outliers were identified for 4 out of 30 constituents at the 5% significant level. Outliers can inflate background concentration estimates (over estimate), where USEPA (2013) defines an outlier as Measurements (usually larger or smaller than the majority of the data values in a sample) that are not representative of the population from which they were drawn. The presence of outliers distorts most statistics if used in any calculations. However, an outlier should only be removed if there is justification for doing so (e.g., sample collected an area not representative of background conditions). Allen samples represent subsurface soils collected from drilling operations. HDR has determined that samples meet data quality objectives. As stated by the USEPA (2013), since the treatment and handling of outliers is a controversial and subjective topic, it is suggested that the outliers be treated on a site -specific basis using all existing knowledge about the site; and regional and site - specific background areas. Because soil samples were collected at depths greater than 5 feet below ground surface, and there is no evidence of anthropogenic impacts at depths greater than 5 feet below ground surface, the entire dataset was utilized for establishing BTV (assumes no outliers). • HDR used ProUCL Version 5.0, to calculate summary statistics, goodness of fit (population distribution), and the BTV upper limits (UTL, UPL, and USL). Results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The Kaplan Meier (KM) method was used for estimating statistics with censored data (data with non -detections). ProUCL printouts are presented in Attachment B. Table 1. Summary Statistics for Subsurface Soils Allen Variable n' Detect Non- Detects KM Mean Detect Mean Detect Median KM SD Detect SD Detect Min Detect Max mg/Kg Aluminum 16 16 0 13,000 13,000 13,400 5,560 5,560 2,500 21,700 Antimony 16 0 16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Arsenic 16 1 15 0.68 0.68 0.68 0 NS 0.68 0.68 Barium 16 16 0 148 148 146 69.8 69.8 26.3 269 Beryllium 16 15 1 0.53 0.55 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.07 1.60 Boron 16 4 12 10.9 24.9 19.0 11.6 16.2 13.4 48.2 Cadmium 16 1 15 0.21 0.35 0.35 0.10 NS 0.35 0.35 Calcium 16 14 2 2,860 3,260 2,890 3,040 3,170 59.8 11,100 Chloride 16 0 16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Chromium 16 15 1 11.0 11.6 4.60 16.2 17.1 1.00 58.1 Cobalt 16 15 1 14.1 14.6 14.5 7.59 7.78 3.90 28.7 Copper 16 16 0 26.2 26.2 27.9 14.3 14.3 3.2 55.7 Iron 16 16 0 26,100 26,100 24,500 13,400 13,400 6,400 53,600 Lead 16 11 5 5.57 6.71 3.90 7.00 8.54 1.60 31.6 Magnesium 16 16 0 7,340 7,340 8,220 3,890 3,890 433 14,400 Manganese 16 16 0 592 592 523 305 305 172 1.340 Mercury 16 3 13 0.008 0.010 0.008 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.016 Molybdenum 16 1 15 0.61 0.69 0.69 0.04 NS 0.69 0.69 Nickel 16 13 3 6.52 7.78 2.10 8.95 9.89 0.78 29.2 Nitrate 16 0 16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS H field 16 16 0 6.22 6.22 6.35 0.63 0.63 5.30 7.50 Potassium 16 15 1 5,950 6,330 6,870 2,860 2,630 752 10,100 Selenium 16 1 15 1.72 4.30 4.30 1.16 NS 4.30 4.30 Sodium 16 5 11 117 134 140 66.2 66.9 33.3 221 Strontium 16 14 2 19.5 22.1 17.8 17.6 18.0 1.30 62.8 Sulfate 16 0 16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Thallium 16 0 16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS TOC 15 6 9 697 1,030 494 747 1,206 415 3,470 Vanadium 16 16 0 60.6 60.6 51.6 32.3 32.3 15.3 143 Zinc 16 16 0 48.0 48.0 47.3 22.4 22.4 13.2 88.2 n = number of observations, KM = Kaplan Meier method (addresses data with non -detections, see USEPA 2013); NS = No statistical analysis run due to too few detections; SD = standard deviation; TOC = total organic carbon Table 2. Subsurface Soil Background Concentration Estimates Allen Constituent Distribution 95916 Percentile 95% UTL 95% UPL 95% USL (Mg /K Aluminum Normal 22,100 27,000 23,000 26,600 Antimony NS NS NS NS NS Arsenic NS NS NS NS NS Barium Normal 263 324 274 319 Beryllium Normal 1.19 1.54 1.04 1.47 Boron Normal 26.9 40.1 31.8 39.2 Cadmium NS NS NS NS NS Calcium Normal 7,860 10,500 8,360 10,300 Chloride NS NS NS NS NS Chromium Log Normal 35.9 106 43.8 95.6 Cobalt Normal 26.6 33.2 27.8 32.6 Copper Normal 49.8 62.3 52.1 61.2 Iron Normal 48,100 59,800 50,200 58,800 Lead Log Normal 13.2 25.5 14.9 24.0 Magnesium Normal 13,700 17,200 14,400 16,800 Manganese Normal 1,090 1,360 1,140 1,340 Mercury NS NS NS NS NS Molybdenum NS NS NS NS NS Nickel Log Normal 21.0 69.5 27.9 62.7 Nitrate NS NS NS NS NS pH (field) NS NS NS NS NS Potassium Normal 10,800 5,950 11,100 13,022 Selenium Normal NS NS NS NS Sodium Normal 226 284 237 279 Strontium Normal 48.0 63.9 51.3 62.5 Sulfate NS NS NS NS NS Thallium NS NS NS NS NS TOC Log Normal 1,370 2,090 1,430 1,930 Vanadium Normal 114 142 119 139 Zinc Normal 84.9 105 88.5 103 'NS = No statistical analysis run due to too few detections; UTL = upper tolerance limit; UPL = upper tolerance limit; USL = upper simultaneous limit References U.S. EPA. ProUCL Version 5.0.00 Technical Guide, EPA/600/R-07/041 Attachment A Allen Dataset BG-3D Location ID Sample ID Sample Depth Aluminum:) Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic D Arsenic Barium D_Barium Beryllium 3_Beryllium Boron D Boron BG-lD BG-1D(19-20.5) 19-20.5 4990 1 6.2 0 6.20 0 46.2 1 0.360 1 15.5 0 BG-lD BG-1D(45-50) 45-50 20100 1 7.6 0 7.60 0 203.0 1 0.910 1 23.4 1 BG-lD BG-1D(56-57) 56-57 21700 1 7.2 0 7.20 0 219.0 1 1.600 1 48.2 1 BG-lD BG-1D(84-85.5) 84-85.5 18500 1 6.1 0 6.10 0 269.0 1 1.000 1 15.4 0 BG-1D BG-1D(9-10.5) 9-10.5 6450 1 6.8 0 6.80 0 42.8 1 0.610 1 16.9 0 BG-2D BG-2D(18-20) 18-20 15500 1 7.0 0 7.00 0 233.0 1 0.950 1 17.6 0 BG-2D BG-2D(48.5-50) 48.5-50 11500 1 6.4 0 6.40 0 141.0 1 0.340 1 16.1 0 BG-2D BG-2D(8.5-10) 8.5-10 17800 1 6.4 0 6.40 0 208.0 1 0.350 1 16.1 0 BG-2S BG-2S(48.5-50) 48.5-50 13300 1 6.1 0 6.10 0 161.0 1 0.360 1 15.1 0 BG-2S BG-2S(58.5-60) 58.5-60 14700 1 7.3 0 7.30 0 118.0 1 0.430 1 18.3 0 BG-2S BG-2S(66-68) 66-68 17400 1 6.4 0 6.40 0 146.0 1 0.580 1 16.1 0 BG-3D BG-3D (83-85) 83-85 9140 1 1.2 0 0.68 1 130.0 1 0.160 1 2.9 0 BG-3D BG-3D(13.5-15) 13.5-15 8570 1 1.2 0 3.00 0 109.0 1 0.360 0 3.0 0 BG-3D BG-3D(18.5-20) 18.5-20 2500 1 1.2 0 1.20 0 26.3 1 0.071 1 3.0 0 BG-3D BG-3D(62-64) 62-64 13500 1 3.0 0 3.00 0 168.0 1 0.260 1 13.4 1 BG-3D(78.5-80) 78.5-80 11800 1 3.4 0 3.40 0 146.0 1 0.300 1 14.6 1 BG-3D Location ID Sample ID Cadmium D_Cadmium Calcium D Calcium Chloride D_Chloride Chromium D_Chromium Cobalt D_Cobalt Copper D_Copper Iron D_Iron Lead BG-lD BG-1D(19-20.5) 0.74 0 155.0 0 304 0 14.7 1 14.5 1 11.9 1 27600 1 7.6 BG-lD BG-1D(45-50) 0.92 0 245.0 1 363 0 6.2 1 18.7 1 29.0 1 33600 1 6.9 BG-lD BG-1D(56-57) 0.86 0 2020.0 1 363 0 5.6 1 28.7 1 30.0 1 51900 1 5.0 BG-lD BG-1D(84-85.5) 0.74 0 11100.0 1 308 0 19.9 1 17.0 1 32.0 1 35600 1 6.1 BG-1D BG-1D(9-10.5) 0.81 0 169.0 0 357 0 4.6 1 6.8 0 26.7 1 53600 1 7.1 BG-2D BG-2D(18-20) 0.84 0 1260.0 1 336 0 2.7 1 19.4 1 55.7 1 32400 1 3.9 BG-2D BG-2D(48.5-50) 0.77 0 3060.0 1 304 0 1.6 0 10.0 1 23.5 1 16300 1 6.4 BG-2D BG-2D(8.5-10) 0.77 0 195.0 1 315 0 3.1 1 9.7 1 3.2 1 23100 1 3.6 BG-2S BG-2S(48.5-50) 0.73 0 2710.0 1 294 0 1.9 l 6.6 1 4.9 1 18200 1 6.1 BG-2S BG-2S(58.5-60) 0.88 0 6410.0 1 352 0 43.9 1 18.3 1 40.9 1 25800 1 7.3 BG-2S BG-2S(66-68) 0.77 0 7470.0 1 312 0 58.1 1 20.5 1 42.5 1 31400 1 6.4 BG-3D BG-3D (83-85) 0.14 0 3400.0 1 297 0 1.6 1 6.7 1 29.2 1 12300 1 1.6 BG-3D BG-3D(13.5-15) 0.35 1 59.8 1 311 0 1.7 1 28.5 1 10.3 1 13600 1 31.6 BG-3D BG-3D(18.5-20) 0.14 0 773.0 1 291 0 7.6 1 3.9 1 18.2 1 6400 1 1.7 BG-3D BG-3D(62-64) 0.36 0 3130.0 1 295 0 1.0 1 8.8 1 37.7 1 17800 1 2.6 BG-3D(78.5-80) 0.40 0 3800.0 1 326 0 1.5 1 8.2 1 24.0 1 17200 1 2.2 BG-3D Location ID Sample ID D_Lead Magnesium Magnesium Manganese _Manganese Mercury D_Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel D_Nickel Nitrate D_Nitrate nt Moisture : Moisture BG-lD BG-1D(19-20.5) 1 903 1 436 1 0.0094 0 3.10 0 1.80 1 30.4 0 17.7 1 BG-lD BG-1D(45-50) 1 10000 1 1060 1 0.0110 0 3.80 0 5.30 1 36.3 0 31.8 1 BG-lD BG-1D(56-57) 1 8860 1 805 1 0.0110 0 3.60 0 12.00 1 36.3 0 31.0 1 BG-lD BG-1D(84-85.5) 0 14400 1 537 1 0.0100 0 3.10 0 16.80 1 30.8 0 18.8 1 BG-1D BG-1D(9-10.5) 1 433 1 293 1 0.0160 1 3.40 0 1.70 0 35.7 0 29.8 1 BG-2D BG-2D(18-20) 1 9490 1 1340 1 0.0110 0 3.50 0 1.80 0 33.6 0 25.9 1 BG-2D BG-2D(48.5-50) 0 7110 1 426 1 0.0096 0 3.20 0 1.60 0 30.4 0 19.2 1 BG-2D BG-2D(8.5-10) 1 8930 1 587 1 0.0082 1 3.20 0 1.40 1 31.5 0 19.8 1 BG-2S BG-2S(48.5-50) 0 8480 1 574 1 0.0096 0 3.00 0 1.70 1 29.4 0 14.9 1 BG-2S BG-2S(58.5-60) 0 9850 1 468 1 0.0120 0 3.70 0 25.10 1 35.2 0 28.6 1 BG-2S BG-2S(66-68) 0 11600 1 522 1 0.0110 0 3.20 0 29.20 1 31.2 0 21.2 1 BG-3D BG-3D (83-85) 1 6160 1 376 1 0.0100 0 0.59 0 0.93 1 29.7 0 16.4 1 BG-3D BG-3D(13.5-15) 1 4890 1 962 1 0.0071 1 0.60 0 2.10 1 31.1 0 20.0 1 BG-3D BG-3D(18.5-20) 1 1160 1 172 1 0.0100 0 0.69 1 0.78 1 29.1 0 14.9 1 BG-3D BG-3D(62-64) 1 7190 1 524 1 0.0100 0 0.60 0 1.80 1 29.5 0 16.3 1 BG-31)(78.5-80) 1 7950 1 397 1 0.0100 0 0.67 0 2.20 1 32.6 0 23.6 1 Location ID BG-lD BG-1 D BG-lD BG-1 D BG-1D BG-2D BG-2D BG-2D BG-2 S BG-2S BG-2 S BG-3D BG-3D BG-3D BG-3D BG-3D Sample ID pH (field) pH (field) otassium tassium BG-1D(19-20.5) 5.3 1 752 1 BG-1D(45-50) 5.7 1 10100 1 BG-1D(56-57) 6.2 1 6870 1 BG-1D(84-85.5) 6.3 1 9230 1 BG-1D(9-10.5) 5.5 1 339 0 BG-2D(18-20) 6.0 1 7790 1 BG-2D(48.5-50) 6.5 1 6200 1 BG-2D(8.5-10) 5.4 1 8720 1 BG-2S(48.5-50) 6.5 1 7250 1 BG-2S(58.5-60) 6.8 1 4570 1 BG-2S(66-68) 6.5 1 6390 1 BG-3D (83-85) 7.5 1 5800 1 BG-3D(13.5-15) 5.4 1 5220 1 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6.9 1 1110 1 BG-3D(62-64) 6.4 1 7420 1 BG-3D(78.5-80) 6.6 1 7460 1 Selenium Selenium 6.2 0 7.6 0 4.3 1 6.1 0 6.8 0 5.3 0 4.8 0 4.8 0 4.5 0 5.5 0 4.8 0 1.2 0 3.0 0 1.2 0 3.0 0 3.4 0 Sodium D_Sodium 310.0 0 384.0 0 359.0 0 307.0 0 339.0 0 351.0 0 322.0 0 322.0 0 303.0 0 365.0 0 221.0 1 145.0 1 33.3 1 59.5 0 140.0 1 130.0 1 Strontium Strontium 3.1 0 10.1 1 27.4 1 62.8 1 3.4 0 16.7 1 21.3 1 5.5 1 21.3 1 40.5 1 50.0 1 17.3 1 1.5 1 1.3 1 15.5 1 18.3 1 Sulfate 304 363 363 308 357 336 304 315 294 352 312 297 311 291 295 326 BG-3D Location ID Sample ID D_Sulfate Thallium _Thallium Total Organic Carbon;anic Carbon BG-1D BG-1D(19-20.5) 0 6.2 0 475 1 BG-1D BG-1D(45-50) 0 7.6 0 878 0 BG-1D BG-1D(56-57) 0 7.2 0 871 0 BG-1D BG-1D(84-85.5) 0 6.1 0 499 1 BG-1D BG-1D(9-10.5) 0 6.8 0 798 1 BG-2D BG-2D(18-20) 0 7.0 0 415 1 BG-2D BG-2D(48.5-50) 0 6.4 0 BG-2D BG-2D(8.5-10) 0 6.4 0 744 0 BG-2S BG-2S(48.5-50) 0 6.1 0 701 0 BG-2S BG-2S(58.5-60) 0 7.3 0 837 0 BG-2S BG-2S(66-68) 0 6.4 0 761 0 BG-3D BG-3D (83-85) 0 1.2 0 716 0 BG-3D BG-3D(13.5-15) 0 1.2 0 488 1 BG-3D BG-3D(18.5-20) 0 1.2 0 3470 1 BG-3D BG-3D(62-64) 0 3.0 0 716 0 BG-3D(78.5-80) 0 3.4 0 786 0 Vanadium /anadium Zinc D Zinc 68.1 1 13.2 1 79.3 1 88.2 1 116.0 1 82.4 1 68.1 1 74.7 1 143.0 1 14.7 1 77.5 1 64.3 1 36.8 1 41.4 1 49.0 1 59.4 1 32.3 1 48.0 1 49.2 1 41.5 1 59.1 1 51.5 1 34.5 1 39.5 1 40.9 1 36.4 1 15.3 1 16.8 1 45.9 1 46.5 1 54.0 1 50.1 1 Attachment 6 ProUCL 5.0.00 Printout User Selected Options Date/Time of Computation From File Full Precision Confidence Coefficient Coverage Different or Future K Observatior Number of Bootstrap Operations Aluminum General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Background Statistics for Data Sets with Non -Detects ######## ProUCL data Allen - REVISED 20151029104252.xls OFF 95% 95% 1 2000 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 2500 First Quartile 8998 20100 Median 13400 21700 Third Quartile 17500 12966 SD 5560 0.429 Skewness -0.29 9.346 SD of logged Data 0.577 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.976 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.0999 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 27000 90% Percentile (z) 20091 23013 95% Percentile (z) 22111 26551 99% Percentile (z) 25901 A-D Test Statistic 0.436 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.157 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.216 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 4.186 k star (bias corrected MLE) 3.442 Theta hat (MLE) 3098 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 3766 nu hat (MLE) 133.9 nu star (bias corrected) 110.2 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 12966 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 6988 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 27055 90% Percentile 22336 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 28032 95% Percentile 26175 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 35429 99% Percentile 34437 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 37665 95% WH USL 34410 95% HW USL 36472 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.878 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.19 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 49169 90% Percentile (z) 23998 95% UPL (t) 32503 95% Percentile (z) 29598 95% USL 46930 99% Percentile (z) 43867 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 21700 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 21700 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 21700 95% UPL 21700 90% Percentile 19300 90% Chebyshev UPL 30160 95% Percentile 20500 95% Chebyshev UPL 37948 99% Percentile 21460 95% USL 21700 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Antimony General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 16 Number of Missing Observations 11 0 Number of Non -Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects N/A Minimum Non -Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect N/A Percent Non -Detects N/A SD Detected N/A SD of Detected Logged Data Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDsI Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Antimony was not processed! Arsenic General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 16 Number of Missing Observations 12 1 Number of Non -Detects 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 0.68 Minimum Non -Detect 0.68 Maximum Non -Detect N/A Percent Non -Detects 0.68 SD Detected -0.386 SD of Detected Logged Data 0 16 11 1.2 7.6 100% N/A N/A 0 15 11 1.2 7.6 93.75% N/A N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected! ProUCL (or any other software) should not be used on such a data set! It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Arsenic was not processed I Barium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 15 26.3 First Quartile 115.8 233 Median 146 269 Third Quartile 204.3 147.9 SD 69.83 0.472 Skewness -0.214 4.837 SD of logged Data 0.663 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.963 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.115 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 324.1 90% Percentile (z) 237.4 274.1 95% Percentile (z) 262.8 318.5 99% Percentile (z) 310.3 A-D Test Statistic 0.712 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.744 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.18 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.217 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 3.297 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.72 Theta hat (MLE) 44.86 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 54.37 nu hat (MLE) 105.5 nu star (bias corrected) 87.05 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 147.9 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 89.67 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 332.2 90% Percentile 268.1 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 347 95% Percentile 319.3 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 446.2 99% Percentile 431 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 480.8 95% WH USL 432.3 95% HW USL 464.1 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.847 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.225 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 671.9 90% Percentile (z) 294.9 95% UPL (t) 417.8 95% Percentile (z) 375.2 95% USL 636.9 99% Percentile (z) 589.4 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 269 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 269 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 269 95% UPL 269 90% Percentile 226 90% Chebyshev UPL 363.8 95% Percentile 242 95% Chebyshev UPL 461.6 99% Percentile 263.6 95% USL 269 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Beryllium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 14 Number of Detects 15 Number of Non -Detects 1 Number of Distinct Detects 14 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 1 Minimum Detect 0.071 Minimum Non -Detect 0.36 Maximum Detect 1.6 Maximum Non -Detect 0.36 Variance Detected 0.164 Percent Non -Detects 6.25% Mean Detected 0.552 SD Detected 0.405 Mean of Detected Logged Data -0.851 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.794 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.867 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.881 Data Not Normal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.218 Lilliefors GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.229 Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Normal at 5%Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.533 SD 0.387 95% UTL95% Coverage 1.51 95% KM UPL (t) 1.232 90% KM Percentile (z) 1.029 95% KM Percentile (z) 1.169 99% KM Percentile (z) 1.433 95% KM USL 1.478 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.529 SD 0.402 95% UTL95% Coverage 1.544 95% UPL (t) 1.256 90% Percentile (z) 1.044 95% Percentile (z) 1.191 99% Percentile (z) 1.465 95% USL 1.512 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.325 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.747 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.166 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5%K-S Critical Value 0.224 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MILE) 2.101 k star (bias corrected MLE) 1.725 Theta hat (MLE) 0.263 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 0.32 nu hat (MILE) 63.02 nu star (bias corrected) 51.75 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 0.552 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 0.42 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 8.581 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has> 50%NDs with many tied observations at multiple DI GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.071 Mean 0.53 Maximum 1.6 Median 0.36 SO 0.402 CV 0.758 k hat (MLE) 2.038 k star (bias corrected MLE) 1.697 Theta hat (MILE) 0.26 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 0.312 nu hat (MILE) 65.21 nu star(bias corrected) 54.32 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 0.53 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.406 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 8.489 90% Percentile 1.071 95% Percentile 1.324 99% Percentile 1.891 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 1.976 2.113 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 1.388 1.433 95% Gamma USL 1.902 2.026 The following statistics are computed usinggamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty(WH) and Hawkins WIxIey(HW) Methods k hat (KM) 1.898 nu hat (KM) 60.72 WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 1.91 2.04 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 1.353 1.396 95% Gamma USL 1.841 1.958 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5%Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level 0.959 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.881 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level 0.13 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.229 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 0.531 Mean in Log Scale -0.894 SO in Original Scale 0.401 SD in Log Scale 0.777 95% UTL95% Coverage 2.909 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 1.6 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 1.6 95% UPL (t) 1.666 90% Percentile (z) 1.107 95% Percentile (z) 1.469 99% Percentile (z) 2.495 95% USL 2.732 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data -0.893 95% KM UTL(Lognormal)95%.Coverage 2.82 KM SD of Logged Data 0.764 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 1.63 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 1.44 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 2.651 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 0.529 Mean in Log Scale -0.905 SO in Original Scale 0.402 SO in Log Scale 0.788 95% UTL95% Coverage 2.954 95% UPL (t) 1.68 90% Percentile (z) 1.11 95% Percentile (z) 1.478 99% Percentile (z) 2.529 95% USL 2.772 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 1.6 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 1.6 95% USL 1.6 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 2.271 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Boron General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 13 Number of Detects 4 Number of Non -Detects 12 Number of Distinct Detects 4 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 9 Minimum Detect 13.4 Minimum Non -Detect 2.9 Maximum Detect 48.2 Maximum Non -Detect 18.3 Variance Detected 261.2 Percent Non -Detects 75% Mean Detected 24.9 SD Detected 16.16 Mean of Detected Logged Data 3.076 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.587 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.823 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.748 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.287 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.443 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 10.9 SD 11.57 95% UTL95% Coverage 40.09 95% KM UPL (t) 31.8 90% KM Percentile (z) 25.72 95% KM Percentile (z) 29.92 99% KM Percentile (z) 37.81 95% KM USL 39.16 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 11.1 SD 11.26 95% UTL95% Coverage 39.52 95% UPL (t) 31.45 90% Percentile (z) 25.53 95% Percentile (z) 29.62 99% Percentile (z) 37.3 95% USL 38.61 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.415 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.659 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.28 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.396 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 3.762 k star (bias corrected MLE) 6.62 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 30.09 nu star (bias corrected) 24.9 23.67 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean Maximum 48.2 Median SD 13.08 CV k hat (MLE) 0.278 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 25.45 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 8.904 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 7.081 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 2.539 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 33.57 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 1.107 22.49 8.856 6.4 7.081 0.487 1.848 0.268 26.45 8.568 13.69 21.14 66.37 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 62.92 79.58 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 32.77 36.08 95% Gamma USL 58.86 73.34 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.887 nu hat (KM) 28.4 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 50.02 53.57 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 32.94 33.71 95% Gamma USL 47.85 50.98 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.891 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.748 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.25 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.443 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 11.44 Mean in Log Scale 2.19 SD in Original Scale 10.96 SD in Log Scale 0.649 95% UTL95% Coverage 45.93 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 48.2 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 48.2 95% UPL (t) 28.85 90% Percentile (z) 20.51 95% Percentile (z) 25.97 99% Percentile (z) 40.4 95% USL 43.59 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 1.922 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 74.81 KM SD of Logged Data 0.948 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 37.9 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 32.5 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 69.29 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 11.1 Mean in Log Scale 2.024 SD in Original Scale 11.26 SD in Log Scale 0.949 95% UTL95% Coverage 83.03 95% UPL (t) 42.04 90% Percentile (z) 25.53 95% Percentile (z) 36.04 99% Percentile (z) 68.82 95% USL 76.9 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 48.2 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 48.2 95% USL 48.2 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 62.87 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Cadmium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 12 Number of Detects 1 Number of Non -Detects 15 Number of Distinct Detects 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 11 Minimum Detect 0.35 Minimum Non -Detect 0.14 Maximum Detect 0.35 Maximum Non -Detect 0.92 Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects 93.75% Mean Detected 0.35 SD Detected N/A Mean of Detected Logged Data -1.05 SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected Pro UCL (or any other software) should not be used on such ad a ta sett It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data setfor variable Cadmium was not processed! Calcium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 16 Number of Detects 14 Number of Non -Detects 2 Number of Distinct Detects 14 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 2 Minimum Detect 59.8 Minimum Non -Detect 155 Maximum Detect 11100 Maximum Non -Detect 169 Variance Detected 10017792 Percent Non -Detects 12.50% Mean Detected 3259 SD Detected 3165 Mean of Detected Logged Data 7.401 SD of Detected Logged Data 1.517 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.867 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.874 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.218 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.237 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 2860 SD 3043 95% UTL95% Coverage 10540 95% KM UPL (t) 8358 90% KM Percentile (z) 6759 95% KM Percentile (z) 7865 99% KM Percentile (z) 9938 95% KM USL 10294 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 2862 SD 3140 95% UTL95% Coverage 10788 95% UPL (t) 8536 90% Percentile (z) 6886 95% Percentile (z) 8027 99% Percentile (z) 10167 95% USL 10534 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.281 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.766 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.152 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.237 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.855 k star (bias corrected MLE) 3811 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 23.94 nu star (bias corrected) 3259 3843 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean Maximum 11100 Median SD 3150 CV k hat (MLE) 0.33 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 8635 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 10.57 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 2852 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 2.806 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 12909 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 0.72 4530 20.15 4.85 2852 2365 1.104 0.31 9200 9.921 5122 8378 24638 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 22563 33368 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 12949 16688 95% Gamma USL 21300 31041 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.883 nu hat (KM) 28.26 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 18280 22449 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 11005 12344 95% Gamma USL 17336 21077 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.904 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.874 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.201 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.237 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 2865 Mean in Log Scale 7.057 SD in Original Scale 3137 SD in Log Scale 1.696 95% UTL95% Coverage 84021 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 11100 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 11100 95% UPL (t) 24898 90% Percentile (z) 10211 95% Percentile (z) 18910 99% Percentile (z) 60086 95% USL 73268 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 6.988 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 90051 KM SD of Logged Data 1.751 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 25652 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 19310 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 78178 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 2862 Mean in Log Scale 7.025 SD in Original Scale 3140 SD in Log Scale 1.746 95% UTL95% Coverage 92300 95% UPL (t) 26390 90% Percentile (z) 10543 95% Percentile (z) 19883 99% Percentile (z) 65359 95% USL 80164 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 11100 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 11100 95% USL 11100 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 16531 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Chloride General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 14 Number of Detects 0 Number of Non -Detects 16 Number of Distinct Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 14 Minimum Detect N/A Minimum Non -Detect 291 Maximum Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect 363 Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects 100% Mean Detected N/A SD Detected N/A Mean of Detected Logged Data N/A SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specifcvalues to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Chloride was not processedl Chromium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 15 Number of Detects 15 Number of Non -Detects 1 Number of Distinct Detects 15 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 1 Minimum Detect 1 Minimum Non -Detect 1.6 Maximum Detect 58.1 Maximum Non -Detect 1.6 Variance Detected 290.9 Percent Non -Detects 6.25% Mean Detected 11.61 SD Detected 17.05 Mean of Detected Logged Data 1.653 SD of Detected Logged Data 1.255 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.654 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.881 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.326 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.229 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 10.96 SD 16.15 95% UTL95% Coverage 51.72 95% KM UPL (t) 40.14 90% KM Percentile (z) 31.66 95% KM Percentile (z) 37.52 99% KM Percentile (z) 48.53 95% KM USL 50.42 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 10.93 SD 16.7 95% UTL95% Coverage 53.07 95% UPL (t) 41.1 90% Percentile (z) 32.33 95% Percentile (z) 38.39 99% Percentile (z) 49.77 95% USL 51.73 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.888 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.775 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.211 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.23 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data follow Appr. Gamma Distribution at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.75 k star (bias corrected MLE) 15.48 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 22.49 nu star (bias corrected) 11.61 14.46 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean Maximum 58.1 Median SD 16.73 CV k hat (MLE) 0.556 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 19.59 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 17.78 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 10.88 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 3.807 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 42.01 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 0.644 18.02 19.33 4.519 10.88 3.85 1.537 0.493 22.07 15.78 15.5 29.53 72.76 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 73.29 86.81 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 43.03 46.66 95% Gamma USL 69.34 81.32 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.461 nu hat (KM) 14.74 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 63.22 68.18 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 38.45 38.97 95% Gamma USL 60.01 64.26 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.929 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.881 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.128 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.229 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 10.93 Mean in Log Scale 1.53 SD in Original Scale 16.7 SD in Log Scale 1.309 95% UTL95% Coverage 125.6 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 58.1 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 58.1 95% UPL (t) 49.15 90% Percentile (z) 24.71 95% Percentile (z) 39.75 99% Percentile (z) 96.98 95% USL 113 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 1.562 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 105.5 KM SD of Logged Data 1.227 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 43.78 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 35.88 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 95.56 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 10.93 Mean in Log Scale 1.536 SD in Original Scale 16.7 SD in Log Scale 1.3 95% UTL95% Coverage 123.7 95% UPL (t) 48.7 90% Percentile (z) 24.59 95% Percentile (z) 39.44 99% Percentile (z) 95.68 95% USL 111.4 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 58.1 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 58.1 95% USL 58.1 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 83.52 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Cobalt General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 16 Number of Detects 15 Number of Non -Detects 1 Number of Distinct Detects 15 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 1 Minimum Detect 3.9 Minimum Non -Detect 6.8 Maximum Detect 28.7 Maximum Non -Detect 6.8 Variance Detected 60.49 Percent Non -Detects 6.25% Mean Detected 14.63 SD Detected 7.777 Mean of Detected Logged Data 2.536 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.585 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.923 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.881 Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.191 Lilliefors GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.229 Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 14.08 SO 7.594 95% UTL95% Coverage 33.24 95% KM UPL (t) 27.8 90% KM Percentile (z) 23.81 95% KM Percentile (z) 26.57 99% KM Percentile (z) 31.74 95% KM USL 32.63 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 13.93 SD 8.021 95% UTL95% Coverage 34.18 95% UPL (t) 28.43 90% Percentile (z) 24.21 95% Percentile (z) 27.12 99% Percentile (z) 32.59 95% USL 33.53 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.355 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.155 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 59/K-5 Critical Value 0.223 Detected data. appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 3.551 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.885 Theta hat (MLE) 4.121 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 5.072 nu hat (MLE) 106.5 nu star (bias corrected) 86.56 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 14.63 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 8.615 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 12.25 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > SO% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCIs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 3.9 Mean 14.04 Maximum 28.7 Median 12.25 SO 7.877 CV 0.561 k hat (MILE) 3.246 k star (bias corrected MILE) 2.679 Theta hat (MILE) 4.326 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 5.241 nu hat (MILE) 103.9 nu star (bias corrected) 85.73 VILE Mean (bias corrected) 14.04 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 8.579 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 11.62 90% Percentile 25.54 95% Percentile 30.46 99% Percentile 41.18 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 42.67 44.87 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 31.66 32.45 95% Gamma USL 41.32 43.32 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty(WH) and Hawkins Wixley(HW) Methods k hat (KM) 3.436 nu hat (KM) 110 WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 41.22 43.2 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 30.83 31.54 95% Gamma USL 39.95 41.75 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.948 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.881 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.161 Lilliefors GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.229 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 14.07 Mean in Log Scale 2.486 SO in Original Scale 7.841 SO in Log Scale 0.6 95% UTL95% Coverage 54.63 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 28.7 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 28.7 95% UPL (t) 35.53 90% Percentile (z) 25.92 95% Percentile (z) 32.23 99% Percentile (z) 48.52 95% USL 52.04 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 2.485 95% KM UTL(Lognormal)95%Coverage 52.64 KM SD of Logged Data 0.586 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 34.58 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 31.45 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 50.21 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 13.93 Mean in Log Scale 2.454 SO in Original Scale 8.021 SD in Log Scale 0.654 95% UTL95% Coverage 60.6 95% UPL (t) 37.92 90% Percentile (z) 26.89 95% Percentile (z) 34.11 99% Percentile (z) 53.25 95% USL 57.48 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 28.7 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 28.7 95% USL 28.7 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 48.2 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Copper General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 3.2 First Quartile 16.63 42.5 Median 27.85 55.7 Third Quartile 33.43 26.23 SD 14.3 0.545 Skewness 0.141 3.05 SD of logged Data 0.789 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.974 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.112 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 62.31 90% Percentile (z) 44.55 52.06 95% Percentile (z) 49.75 61.16 99% Percentile (z) 59.49 A-D Test Statistic 0.561 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.748 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.206 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.217 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 2.459 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.04 Theta hat (MLE) 10.67 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 12.86 nu hat (MLE) 78.69 nu star (bias corrected) 65.27 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 26.23 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 18.37 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 64.81 90% Percentile 50.78 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 68.47 95% Percentile 61.83 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 89.99 99% Percentile 86.32 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 98.82 95% WH USL 86.88 95% HW USL 94.97 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.866 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.241 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 154.9 90% Percentile (z) 58.08 95% UPL (t) 87.93 95% Percentile (z) 77.37 95% USL 145.3 99% Percentile (z) 132.5 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 55.7 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 55.7 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 55.7 95% UPL 55.7 90% Percentile 41.7 90% Chebyshev UPL 70.44 95% Percentile 45.8 95% Chebyshev UPL 90.46 99% Percentile 53.72 95% USL 55.7 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Iron General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5%Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 6400 First Quartile 16975 51900 Median 24450 53600 Third Quartile 32700 26050 SD 13389 0.514 Skewness 0.797 10.04 SD of logged Data 0.554 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.929 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level 0.159 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level 59843 90% Percentile (z) 43208 50243 95% Percentile (z) 48072 58762 99%Percentile (z) 57196 A-D Test Statistic 0.211 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.128 Kolmogrov-Sm irnoff Gamma GOF Test 5%K-S Critical Value 0.216 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 3.938 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.241 Theta hat (MLE) 6615 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 8037 nu hat (MLE) 126 nu star (bias corrected) 103.7 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 26050 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 14469 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty(WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 55282 90% Percentile 45452 95% Hawkins Wixley(HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 56532 95% Percentile 53480 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverage 72923 99% Percentile 70811 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverage 76261 95%WH USL 70773 95%HW USL 73814 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.965 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.0961 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%.Coverage 92338 90% Percentile (z) 46405 95% UPL (t) 62078 95% Percentile (z) 56747 95% USL 88301 99% Percentile (z) 82764 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 53600 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 536G0 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95%Coverage 53600 95% UPL 53600 90% Percentile 43750 90% Chebyshev UPL 67452 95% Percentile 52325 95% Chebyshev UPL 86205 99% Percentile 53345 95% USL 53600 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Lead General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 14 Number of Detects 11 Number of Non -Detects 5 Number of Distinct Detects 11 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 3 Minimum Detect 1.6 Minimum Non -Detect 6.1 Maximum Detect 31.6 Maximum Non -Detect 7.3 Variance Detected 72.94 Percent Non -Detects 31.25% Mean Detected 6.709 SD Detected 8.541 Mean of Detected Logged Data 1.488 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.859 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.581 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.85 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.368 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.267 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5.571 SD 7 95% UTL95% Coverage 23.24 95% KM UPL (t) 18.22 90% KM Percentile (z) 14.54 95% KM Percentile (z) 17.09 99% KM Percentile (z) 21.86 95% KM USL 22.68 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5.622 SD 7.171 95% UTL95% Coverage 23.72 95% UPL (t) 18.58 90% Percentile (z) 14.81 95% Percentile (z) 17.42 99% Percentile (z) 22.3 95% USL 23.14 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.746 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.745 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.241 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.261 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data follow Appr. Gamma Distribution at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 1.346 k star (bias corrected MLE) 4.984 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 29.61 nu star (bias corrected) 6.709 6.58 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.559 Mean Maximum 31.6 Median SD 7.336 CV k hat (MLE) 1.153 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 4.615 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 36.91 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 5.323 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 5.909 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 16.07 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 1.04 6.454 22.87 6.144 5.323 3.641 1.378 0.979 5.439 31.32 5.381 12.32 24.78 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 25.47 26.99 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 16.57 16.8 95% Gamma USL 24.34 25.66 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.633 nu hat (KM) 20.27 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 22.51 22.86 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 15.29 15.08 95% Gamma USL 21.61 21.86 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.913 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.85 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.174 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.267 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 5.544 Mean in Log Scale 1.354 SD in Original Scale 7.21 SD in Log Scale 0.746 95% UTL95% Coverage 25.45 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 31.6 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 31.6 95% UPL (t) 14.91 90% Percentile (z) 10.08 95% Percentile (z) 13.21 99% Percentile (z) 21.96 95% USL 23.96 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 1.344 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 25.51 KM SD of Logged Data 0.751 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 14.89 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 13.18 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 24.01 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 5.622 Mean in Log Scale 1.389 SD in Original Scale 7.171 SD in Log Scale 0.718 95% UTL95% Coverage 24.58 95% UPL (t) 14.69 90% Percentile (z) 10.07 95% Percentile (z) 13.07 99% Percentile (z) 21.33 95% USL 23.2 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 31.6 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 31.6 95% USL 31.6 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 37.02 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Magnesium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 Minimum 433 First Quartile 5843 Second Largest 11600 Median 8215 Maximum 14400 Third Quartile 9580 Mean 7338 SD 3893 Coefficient of Variation 0.531 Skewness -0.47 Mean of logged Data 8.601 SD of logged Data 1.019 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.931 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.164 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%Coverage 17163 90% Percentile (z) 12327 95% UPL (t) 14372 95% Percentile (z) 13741 95% USL 16849 99% Percentile (z) 16394 Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 1.493 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.752 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.27 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.218 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) 1.816 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.517 Theta hat (MLE) 4041 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 4837 nu hat (MILE) 58.1 nu star (bias corrected) 48.54 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 7338 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 5958 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 20157 90% Percentile 15249 95% Hawkins Wixley(HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 22049 95% Percentile 19043 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTLwith 95%Coverage 28965 99% Percentile 27604 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverage 33423 95% WH USL 27866 95% HW USL 31961 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.738 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.299 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%.Coverage 71151 90% Percentile (z) 20063 95% UPL (t) 34269 95% Percentile (z) 29050 95% USL 65532 99% Percentile (z) 58172 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 14400 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 14400 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95%Coverage 14400 95% UPL 14400 90% Percentile 10800 90% Chebyshev UPL 19376 95% Percentile 12300 95% Chebyshev UPL 24828 99% Percentile 13980 95% USL 14400 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Manganese General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 172 First Quartile 418.8 1060 Median 523 1340 Third Quartile 641.5 592.4 SD 304.6 0.514 Skewness 1.214 6.268 SD of logged Data 0.504 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.887 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.257 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 1361 90% Percentile (z) 982.8 1143 95% Percentile (z) 1093 1337 99% Percentile (z) 1301 A-D Test Statistic 0.412 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.194 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.216 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 4.445 k star (bias corrected MILE) 133.3 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 142.2 nu star (bias corrected) 592.4 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 1212 90% Percentile 1230 95% Percentile 1579 99% Percentile 1632 1534 95% HW USL 0.965 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.166 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 1881 90% Percentile (z) 95% UPL (t) 1310 95% Percentile (z) 95% USL 1806 99% Percentile (z) Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 1340 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 1340 90% Percentile 90% Chebyshev UPL 1534 95% Percentile 95% Chebyshev UPL 1961 99% Percentile 95% USL 1340 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Mercury General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 16 Number of Missing Observations 8 3 Number of Non -Detects 3 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 0.0071 Minimum Non -Detect 0.016 Maximum Non -Detect 2.35E-05 Percent Non -Detects 0.0104 SD Detected -4.629 SD of Detected Logged Data Warning: Data set has only 3 Detected Values. This is not enough to compute meaningful or reliable statistics and estimates. Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 2.524 d2max (for USL) 0.841 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.767 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.344 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.512 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.00817 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0134 95% KM UPL (t) 90% KM Percentile (z) 0.0109 95% KM Percentile (z) 99% KM Percentile (z) 0.013 95% KM USL DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.00616 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0132 95% UPL (t) 90% Percentile (z) 0.00973 95% Percentile (z) 99% Percentile (z) 0.0126 95% USL DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only Not Enough Data to Perform GOF Test Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 7.731 k star (bias corrected MILE) 0.00135 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 46.39 nu star (bias corrected) N/A N/A 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.0071 Mean Maximum 0.016 Median SD 0.00179 CV k hat (MLE) 39.53 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 2.57E-04 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) nu hat (MLE) 1265 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 0.0102 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 84.03 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 0.0133 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 3.653 162.2 116.9 310 1008 1177 1539 1583 1006 1208 1702 1340 0.56 1340 1011 1130 1298 N 13 5 0.0094 0.012 81.25 % 0.00485 0.434 2.443 0.00209 0.0119 0.0116 0.0133 0.00278 0.0112 0.0107 0.013 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0102 0.01 0.176 32.16 3.16E-04 1029 0.00179 0.0125 0.0148 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 0.0149 0.0149 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 0.0134 0.0134 95% Gamma USL 0.0147 0.0147 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 15.29 nu hat (KM) 489.1 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 0.0131 0.0131 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 0.0115 0.0115 95% Gamma USL 0.0129 0.0129 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.878 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.767 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.323 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.512 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 0.00835 Mean in Log Scale -4.819 SD in Original Scale 0.00246 SD in Log Scale 0.254 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0153 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 0.016 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 0.016 95% UPL (t) 0.0128 90% Percentile (z) 0.0112 95% Percentile (z) 0.0123 99% Percentile (z) 0.0146 95% USL 0.015 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data -4.829 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 0.013 KM SD of Logged Data 0.192 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 0.0113 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 0.011 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 0.0128 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 0.00616 Mean in Log Scale -5.147 SD in Original Scale 0.00278 SD in Log Scale 0.309 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0127 95% UPL (t) 0.0102 90% Percentile (z) 0.00864 95% Percentile (z) 0.00967 99% Percentile (z) 0.0119 95% USL 0.0124 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 0.016 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 0.016 95% USL 0.016 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 0.0176 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Molybdenum General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 12 Number of Detects I Number of Non -Detects 15 Number of Distinct Detects 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 11 Minimum Detect 0.69 Minimum Non -Detect 0.59 Maximum Detect 0.69 Maximum Non -Detect 3.8 Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects 93.75% Mean Detected 0.69 SD Detected N/A Mean of Detected Logged Data -0.371 SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected! ProUCL (or any other software) should not be used on such a data set! It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Molybdenum was not processed! Nickel General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 16 Number of Missing Observations 13 13 Number of Non -Detects 12 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 0.78 Minimum Non -Detect 29.2 Maximum Non -Detect 97.72 Percent Non -Detects 7.778 SD Detected 1.294 SD of Detected Logged Data 2.524 d2max (for USL) 0.724 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.866 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.329 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.246 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 6.521 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 29.12 95% KM UPL (t) 90% KM Percentile (z) 17.99 95% KM Percentile (z) 99% KM Percentile (z) 27.35 95% KM USL DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 6.479 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 29.88 95% UPL (t) 90% Percentile (z) 18.36 95% Percentile (z) 99% Percentile (z) 28.05 95% USL DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 1.057 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 0.768 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.315 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 0.245 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.786 k star (bias corrected MLE) 9.899 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 20.43 nu star (bias corrected) 7.778 9.605 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean Maximum 29.2 Median SD 9.38 CV k hat (MLE) 0.398 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 15.89 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 12.73 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 6.321 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 3.129 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 27.11 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods n 3 3 1.6 1.8 18.75 % 9.885 1.266 2.443 8.953 22.7 21.25 28.39 9.272 23.23 21.73 29.13 0.656 11.86 17.05 4.57 6.321 1.8 1.484 0.365 17.33 11.67 10.47 18.14 49.89 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 50.03 64.71 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 28.01 32.2 95% Gamma USL 47.12 60.17 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.53 nu hat (KM) 16.98 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 37.69 40.68 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 22.95 23.29 95% Gamma USL 35.78 38.35 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.873 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.866 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.271 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.246 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 6.472 Mean in Log Scale 1.012 SD in Original Scale 9.277 SD in Log Scale 1.285 95% UTL95% Coverage 70.5 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 29.2 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 29.2 95% UPL (t) 28.06 90% Percentile (z) 14.28 95% Percentile (z) 22.78 99% Percentile (z) 54.69 95% USL 63.56 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 1.058 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 60.66 KM SD of Logged Data 1.207 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 25.52 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 20.99 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 55.03 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 6.479 Mean in Log Scale 1.021 SD in Original Scale 9.272 SD in Log Scale 1.276 95% UTL95% Coverage 69.53 95% UPL (t) 27.85 90% Percentile (z) 14.24 95% Percentile (z) 22.64 99% Percentile (z) 54.03 95% USL 62.73 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 29.2 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 29.2 95% USL 29.2 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 46.75 Note: The use of USLto estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Nitrate General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 14 Number of Detects 0 Number of Non -Detects 16 Number of Distinct Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 14 Minimum Detect N/A Minimum Non -Detect 29.1 Maximum Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect 36.3 Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects 100% Mean Detected N/A SD Detected N/A Mean of Detected Logged Data N/A SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDsI Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPts, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Nitrate was not processed) pH (field) General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 13 5.3 First Quartile 5.65 6.9 Median 6.35 7.5 Third Quartile 6.525 6.219 SD 0.626 0.101 Skewness 0.108 1.823 SD of logged Data 0.101 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.945 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.124 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 7.8 90% Percentile (z) 7.021 7.351 95% Percentile (z) 7.249 7.749 99% Percentile (z) 7.676 A-D Test Statistic 0.443 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.736 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.135 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.214 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 104.9 k star (bias corrected MLE) 85.25 Theta hat (MLE) 0.0593 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 0.0729 nu hat (MLE) 3356 nu star (bias corrected) 2728 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 6.219 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.674 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 7.4 90% Percentile 7.096 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 7.407 95% Percentile 7.366 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 7.917 99% Percentile 7.892 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 7.934 95% WH USL 7.857 95% HW USL 7.873 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.941 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.132 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 7.988 90% Percentile (z) 7.045 95% UPL (t) 7.43 95% Percentile (z) 7.309 95% USL 7.923 99% Percentile (z) 7.83 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 7.5 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 7.5 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 7.5 95% UPL 7.5 90% Percentile 6.85 90% Chebyshev UPL 8.156 95% Percentile 7.05 95% Chebyshev UPL 9.033 99% Percentile 7.41 95% USL 7.5 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Potassium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 16 Number of Detects 15 Number of Non -Detects 1 Number of Distinct Detects 15 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 1 Minimum Detect 752 Minimum Non -Detect 339 Maximum Detect 30300 Maximum Non -Detect 339 Variance Detected 6933063 Percent Non -Detects 6.25% Mean Detected 6325 SD Detected 2633 Mean of Detected Logged Data 8.581 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.749 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.908 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.881 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.154 Lilliefors GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.229 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5951 SD 2858 95% UTL95% Coverage 13164 95% KM UPL (t) 11115 90% KM Percentile (z) 9614 95% KM Percentile (z) 10652 99% KM Percentile (z) 12599 95% KM USL 12933 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5941 SD 2973 95% UTL95% Coverage 13445 95% UPL (t) 11313 90% Percentile (z) 9751 95% Percentile (z) 10831 99% Percentile (z) 12857 95% USL 13205 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 1.514 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.744 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.25 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.223 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 3.081 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.509 Theta hat (MLE) 2053 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 2521 nu hat (MILE) 92.42 nu star (bias corrected) 75.27 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 6325 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 3993 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 11.1 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has> 50%NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as <0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 752 Mean 6077 Maximum 10100 Median 6630 SD 2732 CV 0.45 k hat (MLE) 2.9 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.398 Theta hat (MLE) 2096 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 2534 nu hat (MILE) 92.79 nu star (bias corrected) 76.73 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 6077 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 3924 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 10.75 90% Percentile 11332 95% Percentile 13625 99% Percentile 18658 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 19336 21322 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 14212 15093 95% Gamma USL 18706 20538 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 4.337 nu hat (KM) 138.8 WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 21985 25221 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 15532 16935 95% Gamma USL 21183 24162 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.69 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.881 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.289 Lilliefors GOFTest 0.229 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 6006 Mean in Log Scale 8,489 SO in Original Scale 2846 SD in Log Scale 0.813 95% UTL95% Coverage 37802 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 10100 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 10100 95% UPL (t) 21109 90% Percentile (z) 13773 95% Percentile (z) 18503 99% Percentile (z) 32193 95% USL 35401 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 5941 Mean in Log Scale 8.366 SD in Original Scale 2973 SD in Log Scale 1.126 95% UTL95% Coverage 73665 95% UPL (t) 32863 90% Percentile (z) 18189 95% Percentile (z) 27380 99% Percentile (z) 58969 95% USL 67266 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 10100 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 10100 95% USL 10100 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 18791 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Selenium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 12 1 Number of Non -Detects 15 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 11 4.3 Minimum Non -Detect 1.2 4.3 Maximum Non -Detect 7.6 N/A Percent Non -Detects 93.75% 4.3 SD Detected N/A 1.459 SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected! ProUCL (or any other software) should not be used on such a data set! It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Selenium was not processed! Sodium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 15 Number of Detects 5 Number of Non -Detects 11 Number of Distinct Detects 5 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 10 Minimum Detect 33.3 Minimum Non -Detect 59.5 Maximum Detect 221 Maximum Non -Detect 384 Variance Detected 4471 Percent Non -Detects 68.75% Mean Detected 133.9 SD Detected 66.86 Mean of Detected Logged Data 4.738 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.719 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.921 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.762 Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.277 Lilliefors GOF Test 5%Ulliefors Critical Value 0.396 Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 117.1 SD 66.22 95% UTL95% Coverage 294.2 95% KM UPL (t) 236.8 90% KM Percentile (z) 202 95% KM Percentile (z) 226 99% KM Percentile (z) 271.1 95% KM USL 278.9 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 148.8 SD 50.74 95% UTL95% Coverage 276.8 95% UPL (t) 240.4 90% Percentile (z) 213.8 95% Percentile (z) 232.2 99% Percentile (z) 266.8 95% USL 272.7 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.56 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.682 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.353 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5%K-S Critical Value 0.359 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MILE) 3.305 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.455 Theta hat (MLE) 40.51 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 91.99 nu hat (MILE) 33.05 nu star (bias corrected) 14.55 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 133.9 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 111 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 7.659 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has> 50%NDs with many tied observations at multiple DI GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 33.3 Mean 114.5 Maximum 221 Median 110.9 SO 42.12 CV 0.368 k hat (MILE) 6.582 k star (bias corrected MILE) 5.39 Theta hat (MILE) 17.4 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 21.25 nu hat (MILE) 210.6 nu star (bias corrected) 172.5 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 114.5 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 49.33 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 19.38 90% Percentile 180.5 95% Percentile 205.8 99% Percentile 259.1 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 264.2 274.9 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 210.8 215.5 95% Gamma USL 257.8 267.6 The following statistics are computed usinggamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty(WH) and Hawkins WIxley(HW) Methods k hat (KM) 3.127 nu hat (KM) 100.1 WH HW WH HW 95%Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverag 400.2 432.6 95%Approx. Gamma UPL 287.6 300.1 95% Gamma USL 386.2 415.9 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5%Ulliefors Critical Value Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level 0.797 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.762 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level 0.371 Ulliefors GOF Test 0.396 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 106.1 Mean in Log Scale 4.575 SO in Original Scale 44.11 SD in Log Scale 0.46 95% UTL95% Coverage 309.6 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 221 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 221 95% UPL (t) 222.7 90% Percentile (z) 174.9 95% Percentile (z) 206.7 99% Percentile (z) 282.7 95% USL 298.4 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged. Data 4.533 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95%. Coverage 610.6 KM SD of Logged Data 0.746 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 357.8 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 317 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 574.9 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 148.8 Mean in Log Scale 4.894 SO in Original Scale 50.74 SO in Log Scale 0.579 95% UTL95% Coverage 574.9 95% UPL (t) 379.7 90% Percentile (z) 280.1 95% Percentile (z) 345.7 99% Percentile (z) 512.8 95% USL 548.7 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 384 Approximate IF 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 384 95% USL 384 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 414.6 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Strontium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 15 Number of Detects 14 Number of Non -Detects 2 Number of Distinct Detects 13 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 2 Minimum Detect 1.3 Minimum Non -Detect 3.1 Maximum Detect 62.8 Maximum Non -Detect 3.4 Variance Detected 322.3 Percent Non -Detects 12.50% Mean Detected 22.11 SD Detected 17.95 Mean of Detected Logged Data 2.656 SD of Detected Logged Data 1.163 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.894 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.874 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.232 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.237 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 19.52 SD 17.57 95% UTL95% Coverage 63.87 95% KM UPL (t) 51.27 90% KM Percentile (z) 42.04 95% KM Percentile (z) 48.42 99% KM Percentile (z) 60.4 95% KM USL 62.45 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 19.55 SD 18.12 95% UTL95% Coverage 65.28 95% UPL (t) 52.29 90% Percentile (z) 42.77 95% Percentile (z) 49.35 99% Percentile (z) 61.69 95% USL 63.81 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.374 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.755 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.185 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.234 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 1.277 k star (bias corrected MLE) 17.31 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 35.75 nu star (bias corrected) 22.11 21.57 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.854 Mean Maximum 62.8 Median SD 18.22 CV k hat (MLE) 0.883 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 22.03 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 28.25 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 19.45 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 5.018 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 64.3 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods 1.051 21.04 29.42 6.187 19.45 17 0.937 0.759 25.63 24.29 22.33 47.9 103.2 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 111 132.4 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 69.68 77.09 95% Gamma USL 105.7 125 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 1.234 nu hat (KM) 39.49 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 101.9 118.5 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 65.19 70.85 95% Gamma USL 97.24 112.2 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.878 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.874 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.243 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.237 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 19.64 Mean in Log Scale 2.434 SD in Original Scale 18.02 SD in Log Scale 1.241 95% UTL95% Coverage 261.3 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 62.8 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 62.8 95% UPL (t) 107.3 90% Percentile (z) 55.92 95% Percentile (z) 87.77 99% Percentile (z) 204.5 95% USL 236.4 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 2.366 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 283 KM SD of Logged Data 1.3 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 111.5 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 90.29 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 254.8 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 19.55 Mean in Log Scale 2.384 SD in Original Scale 18.12 SD in Log Scale 1.312 95% UTL95% Coverage 297.8 95% UPL (t) 116.2 90% Percentile (z) 58.33 95% Percentile (z) 93.95 99% Percentile (z) 229.8 95% USL 267.9 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with95% Coverage 62.8 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% UPL 62.8 95% USL 62.8 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 98.47 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Sulfate General Statistics Total Number of Observations 16 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 14 Number of Detects 0 Number of Non -Detects 16 Number of Distinct Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 14 Minimum Detect N/A Minimum Non -Detect 291 Maximum Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect 363 Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects 100% Mean Detected N/A SD Detected N/A Mean of Detected Logged Data N/A SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specificvalues to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Sulfate was not processed] Thallium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 16 Number of Missing Observations 11 0 Number of Non -Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects N/A Minimum Non -Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect N/A Percent Non -Detects N/A SD Detected N/A SD of Detected Logged Data Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Thallium was not processed! Total Organic Carbon General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 15 Number of Missing Observations 14 6 Number of Non -Detects 6 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 415 Minimum Non -Detect 3470 Maximum Non -Detect 1453839 Percent Non -Detects 1024 SD Detected 6.571 SD of Detected Logged Data 2.566 d2max (for USL) 0.582 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.788 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.408 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.362 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 697.2 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 2615 95% KM UPL (t) 90% KM Percentile (z) 1655 95% KM Percentile (z) 99% KM Percentile (z) 2436 95% KM USL DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 643.3 SD 95% UTL95% Coverage 2669 95% UPL (t) 90% Percentile (z) 1655 95% Percentile (z) 99% Percentile (z) 2480 95% USL DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) MLE Sd (bias corrected) 1.113 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 0.708 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.362 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 0.337 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 1.533 k star (bias corrected MLE) 667.9 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 18.4 nu star (bias corrected) 1024 1093 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 157.9 Mean Maximum 3470 Median SD 791.3 CV k hat (MLE) 1.928 k star (bias corrected MLE) Theta hat (MLE) 339 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) nu hat (MLE) 57.85 nu star (bias corrected) MLE Mean (bias corrected) 653.7 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 8.115 90% Percentile 95% Percentile 1671 99% Percentile The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods n 16 11 1.2 7.6 100 % N/A N/A 1 9 8 701 878 60% 1206 0.806 2.409 747.3 2057 1926 2497 789.6 2080 1942 2546 0.878 1167 10.53 5.509 653.7 450.7 1.21 1.587 411.9 47.61 518.9 1344 2408 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 2472 2468 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 1703 1664 95% Gamma USL 2295 2279 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.87 nu hat (KM) 26.11 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverag 2279 2233 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 1631 1578 95% Gamma USL 2131 2081 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.705 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.788 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.339 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.362 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 715.7 Mean in Log Scale 6.365 SD in Original Scale 767.7 SD in Log Scale 0.521 95% UTL95% Coverage 2213 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 3470 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 3470 95% UPL (t) 1500 90% Percentile (z) 1133 95% Percentile (z) 1369 99% Percentile (z) 1953 95% USL 2039 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 6.327 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 2092 KM SD of Logged Data 0.514 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 1425 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 1303 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 1930 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 643.3 Mean in Log Scale 6.205 SD in Original Scale 789.6 SD in Log Scale 0.576 95% UTL95% Coverage 2172 95% UPL (t) 1413 90% Percentile (z) 1037 95% Percentile (z) 1278 99% Percentile (z) 1892 95% USL 1984 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 15 95% UTL with95% Coverage 3470 Approximate f 0.789 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.537 95% UPL 3470 95% USL 3470 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 4061 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Vanadium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5%Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 15 15.3 First Quartile 39.88 116 Median 51.6 143 Third Quartile 70.45 60.56 SD 32.27 0.533 Skewness 1.32 3.977 SD of logged Data 0.532 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.894 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level 0.158 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 142 90% Percentile (z) 101.9 118.9 95% Percentile (z) 113.6 139.4 99% Percentile (z) 135.6 A-D Test Statistic 0.25 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5%A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level K-5 Test Statistic 0.107 Kolmogrov-Sm irnoff Gamma GOF Test 5%K-S Critical Value 0.216 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5%Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) 4.092 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.367 Theta hat (MLE) 14.8 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 17.99 nu hat (MILE) 131 nu star (bias corrected) 107.7 MILE Mean (bias corrected) %S6 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 33.01 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 126.9 90% Percentile 104.8 95% Hawkins Wixley(HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 129.1 95% Percentile 123 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverage 166.6 99% Percentile 162.2 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95%Coverage 173.1 95% WH USL 161.8 95%HW USL 167.7 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.971 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5%Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.111 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5%Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Data appear Lognormal at 5%Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95%UTLwith 95%.Coverage 204.3 90% Percentile (z) 105.5 95% UPL (t) 139.5 95% Percentile (z) 128 95% USL 195.8 99% Percentile (z) 183.9 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5%Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95%UTLwith 95%Coverage 143 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 143 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95%Coverage 143 95% UPL 143 90% Percentile 97.65 90% Chebyshev UPL 160.4 95% Percentile 122.8 95% Chebyshev UPL 205.6 99% Percentile 139 95% USL 143 Note: The use of USLto estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Zinc General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test 16 Number of Distinct Observations 16 13.2 First Quartile 38.73 82.4 Median 47.25 88.2 Third Quartile 60.63 48.04 SD 22.38 0.466 Skewness 0.119 3.739 SD of logged Data 0.58 2.524 d2max (for USL) 2.443 0.953 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.887 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.126 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.222 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 104.5 90% Percentile (z) 76.72 88.48 95% Percentile (z) 84.85 102.7 99% Percentile (z) 100.1 A-D Test Statistic 0.548 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.742 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.175 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.216 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) 3.926 k star (bias corrected MLE) 3.232 Theta hat (MLE) 12.24 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 14.87 nu hat (MLE) 125.6 nu star (bias corrected) 103.4 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 48.04 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 26.72 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 102.2 90% Percentile 83.87 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 105.5 95% Percentile 98.7 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 134.8 99% Percentile 130.7 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 142.7 95% WH USL 130.9 95% HW USL 138.1 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.88 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.887 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.214 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.222 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 181.8 90% Percentile (z) 88.45 95% UPL (t) 120 95% Percentile (z) 109.2 95% USL 173.5 99% Percentile (z) 162.1 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 16 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 88.2 Approximate f 0.842 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.56 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 88.2 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 88.2 95% UPL 88.2 90% Percentile 78.55 90% Chebyshev UPL 117.2 95% Percentile 83.85 95% Chebyshev UPL 148.6 99% Percentile 87.33 95% USL 88.2 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV.