HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110359 Ver 2_Application_20151120; ;, 7i-ansportation November 17, 2015 NCDOT Division 9 (co-applicant) 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 28621 Village of Clemmons (co-applicant) 3715 Clemmons Rd Clemmons, NC 27013 John Thomas, Jr. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 PAT McCRORY coven,or NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON seo=ra,y SUBJECT: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification for the proposed Village Point Drive project on new location from existing Village Point Drive to Towncenter Drive in the Village of Clemmons in Forsyth County, NCDOT Division 9. TIP Project No. U-5551. Debit $570.00 from WBS Element No. 46310.1.1. Dear Sir: The North Carolina Depaitment of Transportation (NCDO'1� and the Village, of Clemmons propose to construct a two-lane road with a center turn iane on new location.in the Village of Clemmons; Eorsyih County. The road will exfend the existing Village Point Drive and connect to Towncenter Drive. This road is part of the Village of Clernmons Small Area Plan which can be found on their website (httd://www.clemmons.org). One year a$er construction, maintenance of the road will be transferred to the Village of Clemmons. We request that the USACE and NCDWR, include a special condition in the permits stating that the Village of Clemmons will be responsible for the 404�and 401 permits after maintenance responsibilities are transferred. A portion of the road was previously permitted by Novant Health (to be referred to as 2011 application). The PCN for the perntit was dated April 12; 2011. The USACE Action Id no. is 201100800 and the DWR no. is 2011-0359. The referenced PCN had 2 crossings {referred to as Permit site 1 and Pernut site_ 2). Crossing 1 was not constructed. The plans for Crossing 1 have changed since the 2011 application. Revised plans are included with the cutrent pemut application. �Nothing Compares�...� State of North CaroG�m � Depariment of Transportation � Division 9— CONSTRUCT70N 375 Silas Cicek Parkway � Wir�stoo-Satem, NC 27127 (336) 747-9800 T �(33� 703-6693 F In addition to the cover letter, please find the enclosed ENG 4345; the NCDENR Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Acceptance Letter); payment receipt from American Wetlands; Historic Architecture `No Effects' letter dated June 26, 2015; Archeology `No Effects' letter dated July 10, 2015; Combined Community Characteristics Report and Community Impact Assessment report dated October 2015; USFWS Northem long-eared bat concurrence request dated July 20, 2015 and. approval dated August 25, 2015; a conceptual plan showing potential access points to properties adjoining the road; State Stormwater Management Plan (SMP); letter from the Village of Clemmons approving Phase II Stormwater Design; permit drawings; and roadway plans. PROJECT SCHEDULE We would like to start the project April 1, 2016, but may move the date up if the schedule allows. Construction should be completed by August 2017. PURPOSE AND NEED The puipose and need of the project is to improve access to a 203 acre comprehensively planned area in the Village of Clemmons for economic development. SEPA DOCUMENT STATUS A Minimum Criteria Checklist was prepared for the project ariii is available upon request. RESOURCE STATUS Wetland and stream determinations within the U-5551 projeet study area were conducted using the field delineation methodologies outlined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987) and the subsequent Regional Supplement to the Corps ofEngineers Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] Peer Review Draft [June 2009], Interim Version [2010], and Version 2.0 [Apri12012]). Stream identificarion and classification followed the Ident�cation Methods for the Origins of Intermittent and Perennial Streams (NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ], Version 2.0 [January 1999], Version 3.1 [February 2005], and Version 4.11, [September 2010]). The jurisdictional wetlands and streams were field verified by Mr. John Thomas (USACE Regulatory Specialist) and Ms. Sue Hoxnewood (NCDWR) on May 21, 2015. Mr. John Thomas issued an approved jurisdictional detennination on Septemb"er 23, 2015. Ms. Sue Homewood verified all of the streams that the USACE claimed as jurisdictional in a stream call letter dated May 26, 2015 and determined the intemuttent and perennial stream start points. The project area lies within the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina. Jurisdictional features_within the project footprint are lbcated in the Yadkiii Pee-Dee River Drainage Basin (LJnited States Geological Survey [LTSGSj Hydrologic Unit Code [HIJC] 03040101) in Forsyth County. Jurisdictional streams that will be impacted by this project iriclude UTs to Johnson Creek (North Carolina Division of Water Resources [NCDWR] Classification C; NCDWR Index No. 12-91). There are no designated High Quality Waters (HQV�, Outstanding Resource Waters (ORV�, Water Supply I(WS-I}, Water Supply II(WS-In, or Trout Waters (Tr) occurring within 1.0 mile of the project area. No Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas or potential habitat areas are located ' near or within the project study area. There are no 303(d) listed waters in the project area. IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES Surface Waters Total jurisdictional stream impacts for U-5551 include 437 linear feet of peimanent stream impacts, and 65 linear feet of temporary stream impacts. The jurisdictional stream impacts are summarized below in Table 1. Table 1. Surface Water Im acts within the Yadldn River Basin UC 03U � ' � � 2 �� ', � i. �': 7 � �' , . �;�� � ' �' � � �'� � ° � - ' - �; :.::��,,, � . � `" ;�. ; . yPernut3 � Stre, am; :"� � �SfrJean�,�`±Intermittent � Inipact' � ¢ Zlmpacts�j � � `Srte,�No:�� � Name�; { � ;ID#� ! ��/Pere, n al� , � � ti ¢;Ty► pe� � �((Iin��1, � .� � _:�•:� ; � .,�, , � � G `:A - lt� �t� " ;Y.,�' .��., +` _ ; F�� '� ¢ , �' �: ��'' .� ` ��.��"y:ia�.;� r � �g t. : �; *a' ��: "t � I•�k`.:'.. � b; 1- " �' .-j � � tO Perennial �lvert 181 1 Johnson SC ,I,��� Creek t . 15 UT to SA/SA Intemuttent/ 2 Johnson BR* Perennial Creek Culvert 210 'Tnfermittent � Culvert 46 erennial Temporary 50 Im acts ;�� � %ImpB'CtSR-- i rin� , USAC � �' �Recjui ng�� �CE�.. r� � Miti�ati7 � � , �1�....: 181+ 0 21U 46 0 . '.� � �.rt�l,_ ;-!,12,1 , ' . , � ,�-� „>-;;,N . �4. . Fa z �2�1y.-= -�,: � : �'�°Z'�1!. .'��A _ �.�: ��,; f�G�y- - - - ;�" —T�—••-�•- y � _ •��,.' ' � {�S O _- _ - - � : ��,OTAI;rTEMP�OR.��RY I1VI�P'/AC��'�TSJ' �.k� - �� > - :�tj r'Y' ''i�'. _ i �"� ,�T'^��.*^"".'^zY "� �A � _ ��: - ���''.��: :�T�O�rT��AL PE =,-�RMA1 ENT --IlVI�PACTS� .''°"= =V' : �°�+ 4�':; - � ���� ��.�.? � �� .�,��,�'--.�.� �: ' .,�e�; :� �� � 43,7 437 �;• _ Stream identifiers reference the jurisdicrional determination identifiers �Impacts to SA are reported.as iYs the main channel in the braided system 'USACE mitigation ratio is 2:1 for all stream impacts; however i23' has already been mirigated for at a 1:1 ratio. See explanation in mitigation section. Wetlands There will be a total of 0.38 acres of permanent riparian wetland impacts (when rounded) associated with this project. The riparian wetland impacts are comprised of 0.323 acres of permanent fill, 0.005 acres of excavation, and 0.049 acres of inechanized clearing. There are no hand clearing impacts in wetlands. There will be no wetland impacts, from utilities associated with this project. These impacts are summarized in Table 2. - 181 ; NA I i none 46 � NA � { 0 ( 22'1 C � � i � i 1 i , � � , � � Table 2. Wetlsnd Im acts within the Yadldn River Basin UC 03040101 - � , �r .- - .;; --� ;,.. - ;. �, �, - - --- s�<,- w;; �, ,t---:� - � : .� ; - -. :<.: ��;4....: - i .x ^•..a - d; -�' rx ;;�� r ?::�i�..:;: ,�.. :fi..� _+t°«i.'� . ' _i"�'s�,. ;A_`,".i's°a �irr, "' �+ `'' ;;�!', .:`�'„ �� ' • � ' ,a: �, ,t. ' a , - � .,�,-• • � . . _ � ?• " -. - - �} : ._. � � „ � :, :�; _ .,>z<:.,, R ,� � , � � >Permauent�'f �, Pei�nu"t�Site� RW �$nd�ID� ` Wetlandl7'I�peN Ympac't�:Type� �empor,a . 4 r , No ` 1 , ^ �- s, , � ' ,Impaets�i(ac�)) ` , � �.Impactsi„ ;� � � � - . � _ ,; *.j, ; � � ° _ , _- `l+ WC � Riparian Fill � 0.003 Excavation Mechanized Clearin 2 WA Riparian Fill Excavation NA 0.005 NA 0.009 � 0.320 NA Q Mechanized NA 0.040 Clearin ,; - -_ y -r:� �.� p an,�Iii�paets�. �s � - � 038= Pw :.�.: _�?«: :��`= _ �---_.�:, - - �Mitigation ratio for all applicable wetland sites is 2:1: No DWR wetland mitigation required. ZRounded total is based on the sum of the actual impacts 3Wetland identifiers reference the jurisdictional determination identifiers MITIGATION OPTIONS 0.003 0.005 0.009 0.320 0 0.040 0382 The USACE has adopted, through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy that embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological, and physical integrity of the waters of the United States. CEQ has defined mitigation of wetland and surface water impacts to include: avoiding impacts, minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over tune, and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impaets, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all� remaining, unavoidable jurisiiictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning phase and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practicable steps to reduce adverse impacts. Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance and minimization have been employed in the project area to the maximum extent practicable. Listed below are some of the measures implemented on the project: Avoidance • Village Point Drive generally runs northeast to southwest from Jessie Lane to Harper Road. There are four streams in the vicinity of Village Point Drive. One of the four streams generally flows northeast to the southwest paralleling Village Point Drive. Village Point Drive alignment was set just to the west of this parallel stream to avoid impacts. The 4 1 � i ' E ; � � � I remaining three streams generally flow northwest to southeast perpendicular to the roadway alignment, and impacts could not be avoided. , Minimization � NCDOT's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Protection of Surface Waters will be enforced; • NCDOT's BMPs for Construction and Maintenance Activities will be utilized. • Headwalis aze utilized on each culvert to minimize the length of the impact. o Plunge pools or minimum length energy dissipaters as appropriate based on the velocities and flows were used at each culvert. o The roadway embankments were steepened to a 2:1 ratio over the stream crossings to minimize the impacts. Stormwater Management Plan Post construction stormwater treatment has been designed to the maximum extent practicable using NCDOT's Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox (Apri12014). A copy of the stormwater management plan is.attached. The.pmject was designed to meet the post-construction stormwater requirements of NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit (NCS00250). Once the Village of Clemmons takes over maintenance of the road, NCDOT will no longer be able to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment devices. The Village of Clemmons will be responsible for maintaining the devices through their 1VPDES Phase II program. In a letter dated, November 13, 2015, the Village of Clemmons verified that the post-construction stormwater design was in compliance with NCDOT BMP toolbox, and based, on Session Law 2014-1, Senate Bill 294, Section (bl), ttie Village understands that NCDOT's toolbox can be used to meet Phase II stormwater requirements for linear roads. Also, the Village of Clemmons agcees to operate and maintain the stormwater devices. Comuensatorv MitiQation The 2011 application mitigated for 123' of itnpacts at pernut site 1(also known as permit site 1 in the 2011 application) at a l:l .ratio. Per dire�tion of the USACE, mitigation.for stream impacts will be required at a 2:1 ratio. Since impacts at permit site 1 increased by 58', an additiona158' of mitigation will be mitigated for at a 2:1 ratio. Furthermore, since 2:1 mitigation is now required, the 123' will be mitigated for at a 1:1 ratio. Also, at permit site 1, 0.02 acres of wetland will be mitigated for at a 2:1 ratio. Documentation of payment to American Wetlands is attached for preyiously permitted site 1. At petmit site 2, 256' of impacts to intemuttent and perennial stream will be mitigated for at a 2:1 ratio. Also at pemut site 2, 0.36 acres of wetland will be mitigated for at a 2:1 ratio. Mitigation for 437' of stream impacts (123' at 1:1 and 314' at 2:1) and wetland impacts (0:38 acres at a 2:1 ratio) are being mitigated for thmugh the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Table 3. U-5551 Com ensator Miti, - " . • � ' .. ' .- • f �7L1� .._ .�._.. _�, _,� .....�. _�.�. _ .� . _. Impacts Requiring Mitigation Required DMS Mirigation Ratios Total DMS Mitigation Credits h .�i! � "' ;t:..na� ..-i?,�.���. -_'��'K ....u: :am �pactsVin ���Riparian Wetland:�•,' ,`. �.,-_- ; � �h°i�): -. " :Impacts.(ac:)�;_ �4'�,. . � �.,.,�, ,��'� .�.��:- - 437' 038 314' @ 2:1 123' @ 1:1 2.1 751' FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES 0.76 As of April 2; 2015, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis•, NLEB) is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as "Threatened" with an Interim 4d rule including � Forsyth County within NCDOT Division 9 (http://www.fws:gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc counties:html). The project involves a 404 pernrit and state funds ancl is subject to Sebtion 7 of the Endangered Species Act. We determiried that the project "may affect, but not likely to adversely affect" the NLEB. We have committed to a tree clearing moratorium from May 15-August 15 of any calendar year to avoid disturbing potential Northern long-eared bats in their summer roosting }iabitat. We submitted a concurrence request to USFWS dated July 20, 201 S, and they concurred in a letter dated August 25, 2015. Copies of those letters are attaclied. CULTURAL RESOURCES The project was reviewed by NCDOT Hurnan Environment Section for Cultural Resources. It was deternuned that the prbject would have no effect on either Histbric Arclutecture or Archeology. Copies of the `No Survey Requued' form for Historic Architecture dated June 26, 201 S, and the `No Effects' form for Archeology dated August 20, 2145 are attached. FEMA COMPLIANCE There aze no streams within the project limits that are within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-designated flood zones. INDIRECT CUMULATIVE IMPACT ANALYSIS The project may alter trafiic capacity or travel patterns, reduce travel time, affect access to and exposure to properties in the area, and open areas for development or redevelopment�. Due to the potential transportation impact-causing activities, this project may in#luence nearby land uses or stimulate growth. Therefore, a detailed indirect and cumulative effects screening is provided in Appendix D of the attached Combined Community Chazacteristics Report. � � i { , � WII�D AND SCENIC RNEit SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended) or North Cazolina Natural and Scenic Rivers. ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT The project wil] not impact any essential fish habitat afforded protection under the Magnuson- Stevens Act of 1996 (16 U.S.0 1801 et seq.). REGULATORY APPROVALS Application is, hereby made for a Department of the Army Seciion 404 Individual Pernut as requireci for the above-described activities for the proposed T.I.P. Project U-5551. We are also hereby requesting a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the NCDWR. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) of the NCAC, we will provide $570.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit. Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact Amy Euliss before November 18, 2015 at aeulissCu�nodot.gov or at (336) 747-7802 and on or after November 18, 2015, please contact Jim Mason at jsmasonna,ncdot.eov or (919) 707-6136 if you have any questions or need additional information: Sinc _ely, Am Euliss NCDOT Division 9 DEO Attdchments: US Army Corps Individual Permit application, the NCDENR Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Acceptance Letter, Agreement for Sale of Stream Mitigation (SMS) Credits from American Wetlands for previotisly pernutted impacts, Combined Community Characteristics Report, Stormwater Management Plan, Village of Clemmons Phase II approval letter, USFWS concurrence request and approval letters, Cultural Resource Effects letters, Conceptual Access points map, Adjacent Property Owners Contact Information, and Permit Drawings cc: Sue Homewood, NCDWR WSRO Dave Wanucha, NCDWR WSRO Wright Archer, NCDOT Division 9 District 2 District Engineer Jim Mason, NCDOT PDEA Natural Environment Section Phil Suggs, NCDOT Roadside Environmental Larry Kirby, Village of Clemmons Manager U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT IXPIRES: 28 FEBRUARY 20'13 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Public repoAing for this coliection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, inGuding the time for reviewi�g instrudions, searching - existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of iniortnation. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other asped of the collection of information, induding suggestlons tor reducing this burden, to DepaRment of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information ManagemeM Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-OQ03). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any oiher provision ot law, no person shall be subJect to any penatty for failing to oomply with a collection of infortnation 'rf it dces not display a currendy valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Compieted applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdicdon over the location of the proposed adivity. ?RIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authoritfes: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Secti�n 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engfneers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Ir�formation provided on this fortn will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This ir�formation may be shared with the Departmeni of Justice and other federal, state, and local govemment agencies, and the public and may be made available as pari of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, ff information is not provided the permit application cannot be evatuated nor can a pertnit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the IocaUon ar�d charader of the proposed activity must be attached to this appiication (see sample drawings and/or insVuctions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the looation of the proposed adivity. An application that is not �ompleted in full will be retumed. (ITEM31 THRU 4 TO BE FILIED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FlLLED BYAPPLICAN� 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. Ei��'3 NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required} c'�te-aY� pli�h,.�S First - Pat Middle - Last - Ivey Firsi - I;arry iddle - Last - Kirby Company - North Carolina Departrnent of Transportation - Division 9 Company - Village of Clemmmons E-mail Address - pivey@ncdot.gov E-rr�ii Address -LKirby@clemmons.org 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 375 Silas Creek Parkway Address- 3715 Clemmons Rd C�ty - Winston Salem State - NC Z'ip - 27127 country -USA City - Clemmons State - NC Zip - 28621 Country -USA 7, APPIICANTS PHONE NOs. wlAREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOS. w/ARFA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 336-747-7800 336-703-6693 336-766-7511 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION � 1. I hereby authorize, to aet in rriy behalf as my agent in the processing of this appilcatlon and to furnish, upon request, suppfemental information in support of ihis permit applicadon. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTMTY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) U-5551 Village Point Drive 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if appUcable) See Resource Status section in attached cover letter. Address Village Point Drive 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: �N 36.05273 Longitude: �W -80.391682 ��h' - Clemmons State- NC Zip- 27012 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instrucUons) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, OCT 201 Z PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 oi 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Please see attached vicinity map and cover letter. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) The North Carolina Departrnent of Transportation (NCDO'1� proposes to construct a two-lane road with a center turn lane on new location in the Village of Clemmons, Forsyth County. The road will extend the existing Village Point Drive and connect to Towncenter Drive. This road is part of the Village of Clemmons Small Area Plan which can be found on their website (http:l/www.clemmons.org). 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructlons) The purpose and need of the project is to improve access to a 203 acre comprehensively planned azea in the Village of Clemmons for economic development. USE BLOCKS 20-23 �F DREDGED AND/OR FILL AAATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Proposed impacts are required to construci a road on new location, connecting existing Village Point Dr. to existing Towncenter Dr. 21. Type(s) of Materiai Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount iri Cubic Ya�ds See attached cover letter/permit drawings 22. Surface'Area In Acres of WeUands or Other Watets Filled (see instrudions) ' Acres See attached cover letter/petmit drawings or Linear Feet See attached cover letter/permit drawings 23. Description ofAvoidance, Minimizatlon, and Compensation (see instn�ctions) . See attached cover letter. ENG fORM 4345, OCT 2012 . Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? QYes ONo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Your office was notified on May 4, 2015 that a contractor working for the Village of Clemmons cleared the majority of the project area. Trees that were dropped in the wetland were removed. No other work has been completed at this time. 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody �n more a,an can be eMerea nere, Wease at�ecn e s�p�ememm iiat>. a. Address- see attached. Cfry - State - Zip - b. Address- City - State - Zp - c. Address- Cfty - State - Zip - d. Address- City - State - Z{p - e. Address- City - State - Zip - 26. List of Other CerUficates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies tor Work Described tn This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL` IDENTIFICATtON DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER USACE 404 approval 20l 100800 April 12, 2011 Apri129, 2011 DENR-DWQ(R) 401 approval 2011-0359 April 12, 2011 September, 29, 2011 USACE approved JD 201100800 NA , July 23, 2015 DENR-DWR stream determination NA NA May 26, 2015 ' Would indude but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Apptication is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in thfs apptlption is co te and accurate. I further cerdfy that I possess the authority to undertake the work described hePein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the ap ica t. P �. �- . SIG URE PPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who cJesires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been fllled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 � } a �3'r�.;a. � li��;� � \ � _� ' �; � � � Environmental Quality PAT MCCRORY GOVP�RO�' DOhlALO R. VAN DER VAART Secretory Ms. Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, North Cazolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: November 17, 2015 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: Division 9, TIA U-5551, New Route 4Village Point Dr) east of SI� 1101 (Ilarpe� Rd) to SR 1103 (Lewisville-Clemmons Rd), Forsyth County; WBS No 46310.1.1 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigafion Services (TDMS) will provide the compensatory stream and wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on November 17, 2015, the impacts are located in CU 03040101 of the Yadldn River basin in the Cenh�l Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as fofllows: Yadkin 03040101 CP Impacts Stream Cold Cool Warm 0 0 437.0 Wetlartds �pan� Non- r___�:__ 0.3 8 Buffer (Sq. Ft.) �oastal �ne 1 Zone 2 Mazsh 0 0 0 '�Some of the stream and wetland impacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See pemut application for detaiLs. This impact and associated mitigation need were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2015 impact data. DMS wiIl commit to implement sufficient compensatory stream and wetland mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F3.c.ui of the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated Ju1y 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be. valid and a new mirigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, 7am s . Stanfill , Cred't Management Supervisor cc: Mr. Jotm Thomas, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Sue Homewood, NCDEQ — DWR Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: U-5551— Division 9 -�'�'Nothing Compares�..,. Staie oi �brth Carolina � Environmenial Q�ir,lity 1G07 RAailSerr'ceCrnter Raleigh,tderthCarolina27699-1501 919-70i-SE00 �"�^'� �'�' `'�e+�� ., m � �:� �� �' ���.��.��� x_� � !.,Mf f.i[r,h' AGR�V'1° irr SALE OF STREAM MITlGA7'!OK (SMS) C7iED17b f. N,erLrwl Rawvm Bactl�r�t C�eretine 'I1�is Agnorr�eM is enta�+od 'mb thc Z� of �6, 2(►1 I i�eiw�eai Americen Watlea�ds & Natu�+d Resow+ocs Bxd��e ( WdLnds� Z310 a�ur�� c«w, Re�on, VA 24191 mdc��s���'�t� 7.NC MiericAn watl�nds agines to oblig�te 3tre�m Mitig�etioo Cicdita from their Fisher Rivu and Deap C.neelc Mi ' . � of mitlgating for imp� faB������p11 S��, �,����'� Mierican WetLads w�rrents tiut thc c�edib M�v�e bem� rela�eed for ealc by d�e iatenigency Review Te�tt (IR'1�. Tbe price for dre e�k of Z►� SMU's i� 7i� Huodrod aid Tlroe Uollara {x ?A3.OUle�dit) �'nr s toW of � 7NON6AN0'1i�la � Dollns �� 10�1�."1 ). I�,Q4e'o "1w��ar� �,!!Vl�N As � oaidi'tion of obii�diog t�he _�'-�rSMU's �r �OVAM�` �ia1i � .�_�.� ---- - � -_ ____ ..� �..��1NT NEAL��_ J � � b�« frnnt-end fee af ta� perocd (10lG) af�e toW oost (� "i b1'� ."1 to Ihai the �am miqg�tion is hdd fnr uec at d�c 1i�ac IL�c projocx is �pp�uMOd b�► tht n�ulw0arr a�cias !ar' oondr�ction.11ie a�bjoc� foe 's uoo-�bk, bat �vill be ot+odi�od bnwNra the �oad �tio�cwls.�en tNn p.raewt i� a.a. 7]�e b.w�oa o[s ��Q .�n � a� a m� r;� _ owV+r Nr�. �+ 4,�„�:� ��► tioo► u�c �ppsapri.te ieguhtorr a�ci�s auth�x�uu�B �pbjo� P�'�• 11�e underai�oed ind'rvidu�b tepe�e�enl apd � tl�t O�ey �ne a�i�oed b execrote � Agreemait va beMlf of, ra�pa�ivdy, Gia�t �d Atsaia�n R►e�lands. ("c:lieat) BY•� �"�u� . s�A�/1� . I I� .� _ j TIT[.E:�� �iAL �STJOR'� fi ��: ,�,e�s iD EH r c��t.ua�aN DA'fE: 3 ' ��•' �•O � I _ DATE: .? �5` !! � 3 a o Be��rc�irae (,'orrt Re�ton, Vi►�iMi■ • o i y� «I�rL..� �.axn.ioa f.x �oa.a6o.00� ',�� !, STIP U-5551 Forsyth County COMBINED COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS REPORT AND COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT � P�^""ER, FiR^": Simone Robinson, CS i oivisioN: 9 ROUTE --- - - -- ---- - - - � � - - - --- -- -- - - -- , NCDOT ENGINEER: Aflly EUIISS �S: �IG3� O. �. � I� AADT: i�/lq Proposed right-of-way: I +- --; - - � No Control NCDO7 ENGINEER�S Existing No. of Lanes: ' suaeRVisoR: Pat Ivey, P.E. � None ', ❑ widening ❑ Partial Control � I CS PROJEC7 j ❑ LimRed Control i cooR�iNnroR: Simone Robinson �� Existing nnedian: No II ❑ Addicion ot nnedian�s) ' p Fuu controi CS GROUP LEADER I pROJECT DESCRIPTION: COI1StfUCt O.S'I Il'lII2, three-lane facility on new APPROVn�: location east of Harper Rd. (SR 1101) to Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. '� � (SR 1103} in Clemmons. �- --- - - - � PROJECT TYPE: ❑ PDEA � Division ❑ Locally-Administered Project (LAP� __ _. -- _ i- - _ _ _ _ _ — - __ Community Context % � ���FORSYtR COUN7Y � CLEYYONE � a .r.c[ �.y,Ey �o � �� �c � F ��e � � • •iHM,WpM 110 0 naMa �m � � � rta�eneapY�a t � «�� � g °O � ��� , �` � s 0 huw�e w.ir o� v � � c`t��owa . � �oF�'11M GOUMIv OpP �«c? a � � � _.��,�si� ay"" 0 025 ►�bs � , ' — FORSYTH COUNTY � '� State Transportation Improvement Project (STIP) U-5551 proposes a new location route connecting Harper Road � I(SR 1101) to Lewisville-Clemmons Road (SR 1103). Existing Village Point Drive is a 0.60 mile, three-lane i � connector road located in southwest Clemmons in Forsyth County. The project proposes an additional 0.51 mile, , three-lane extension with bike lanes and sidewalks to complete the east-west connector from Village Point Drive to i� Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. (SR 1103). The primary purpose of this project is to create jobs by completing road ' construction that improves access to a 203 acre comprehensively planned area in the Village of Clemmons, and to I alleviate congestion on Lewisville-Clemmons Road. !, The Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) for the proposed project is bound by Harper Road to the west, S. Peace � ; Haven Road to the north, Lewisville-Clemmons Road on the east, and I-40 on the south. The DCIA contains a mix '� of undeveloped forested land and developed parcels (commercial/retail, office, multi-family residential, established single family residential and institutional). The primary commercial corridor for the Village of Clemmons is located I along Lewisville-Clemmons Road, just east of the DCIA. � �_ — - - - -- - -- - J STIP U�b5:,1 �_ f orsyth County �, COMBWE_D CCR ANDCIA � October2015 � page 2 - — – --- -- il Notable Characteristics � , • Census data does not indicate a notable presence of populations meeting the criteria for Environmental Justice within the Demographic Study Area (DSA), nor were minority, low-income, or non-EJ Title VI communities I observed within the Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) during the field visit. ■ Census data does not indicate Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations meeting the US Department of Justice LEP Safe Harbor threshold or a notable presence within the Demographic Study Area. I ■ Village Point Lake and greenway, a potential Section 4(f� resource, is located adjacent to the project corridor. I The lake is a part of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Community Fishing Program, and �� features a fishing pier. The Village Point Lake and greenway is owned by the Village of Clemmons and is open , to the public. i • Clemmons Town Center Apartments is a 312 unit multi-family luxury apartment home community located along the south east quadrant of the DCIA. The community includes eight fully constructed buildings, with an additional four to be constructed by March 2016. • Novant Health System plans to construct two additional 20,000 sq. ft. medical office buildings adjacent to the I Clemmons Medical Center, west of the DCIA. I ■ Peace Haven Village is a proposed mixed-use commercial development to be constructed at the southwest quadrant of Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. and S. Peace Haven Rd. in the northwest quadrant of the DCIA. The site will contain a grocery store, retail, restaurant, and financial services. • There are three reasonably foreseeable STIP projects within three miles of U-5551. STIP B-5152: Replace bridge number 330095 on Lasater Rd. (SR 1100) over Blanket Creek in Clemmons, Forsyth County. STIP I- 5794: I�0 Interstate maintenance (pavement rehabilitation) from Harper Rd. (SR 1101) in Clemmons, Forsyth County to 0.3 miles west of NC 801 in Bermuda Run, Davie County. STIP U-2707: Idols Rd. (SR 3000) two- lane shoulder section on new location from Hampton Rd. (SR 2999) to U.S. 158 in Clemmons, Forsyth County. • Village Point Drive, Village Point Lake Drive, and Harper Road have five-foot sidewalks and dedicated bicycle lanes on both sides. • The Village Point Greenway is an approximately 0.75 mile trail around Village Point Lake with an additional segment adjacent to Frank Morgan Elementary School. The Village plans to develop a series of multi-use paths and greenway connectors to link various destinations within the Village Point Area including: Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center, Clemmons Town Center Apartments, and Village Point Lake Fishing Area. Potential Proiect Impacts • The proposed projecYs inclusion of bike lanes and sidewalks will expand the current network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. If additional access points from the newly constructed sidewalks to the Village Point Lake Greenway are included, it will result in a positive impact to multi-modal facilities. • The proposed project will expand access from Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. to Frank Morgan Elementary School, Village Point Lake and Greenway and future developments. The project will also enhance public safety by providing a quicker route to the Novant Health medical campus, resufting in a positive impact to acCess. Recommendations I� Indirect and Cumulative Effects Statement � • The project may alter traffic capacity or travel patterns, reduce travel time, affect access to and exposure to � � properties in the area, and open areas for development or redevelopment. Due to the potential transportation impact-causing activities, this project may influence nearby land uses or stimulate growth. Therefore, a detailed indirect and cumulative effects screening is provided in Appendix D_ � � '�..s' STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County �, COMBINED CCR ANU CIA � October 2G15 � paqe S I � ! � i _ i �-�_„ FORSYTH COUNTY � � _ . ___._. �. _.....i il CL E M AA OM S In+ S a�� �vEM R6 Rrojed 8egins JHtR► LONG F1lYllr � �� .s �i CL91YON5�0�11RfMENTfTAT10M/0 » �- KMNIi11tON Rp IE fOIiESF BI1rflff UH � LPLJIZA m4 __'�r Projed Ends -�r� � ', i 9 .F G �. t' k_ �, � � h w�c t � �' � THE CiE4T OF CLBfItON� � i r I � � �4�GE rpiAt eN �� NDMNi-CLHIY �IEOICIILCENTHt � i � � m r� � m � o�oa � ' �° i �,y��° � a.e�raNs aF�Nr�ar saao� � 0 0.125 0.25 Miles ' l � � � DCIA *• EMS Loc�bns � Cormun�y Centers � Qertrnons Village West I i �� --•• Vtltape Pont Dri�e Exter�sion Q Hosptals Wlla9e Po�t Lake Reae�bnal Area I I Clemrnons Rnads �] Medical Faditles �j Schools I pemrr►ans Parcels � Redremert Homes qemrnnsTown CenterApatmeris ; I COId�AUNITYCONTEXT W1P I MORTHCAROLINADEPARTME?11 V�LLAGE POINT DRIVE EXTEN510N OFTRANSF'ORTATIDN VILLAGE POINT LAKE DRIVE TO TOWN CENTER DRIVE DNISIOH OF MKiHWAYS F I G U R E PROJECi DEVEIOPhAENTAND CLEIaMONS, FORSYTH COUNTY 2 � ENVIRONMENTALANALYSISUNIT . ' STIP PROJECT U-6661 — - --- — - �gJ ...f Sl IP U-5551 :. i orsyth County � COMBINE.D CCR AND CIA - dctober 2015 _ page 4 wr ♦� A FORSYTH COUMTY + � ` � ': _.._,.�.., •�� � a� _, t � � . _ .. . � ; � f � f � � ..�� i � F _..J � T CLEMbtOMS '�.,_ . f' -_' � �� i F j ._ .�.�, i i f�_ . � �E���'i!, k f .a I i , i � � � .,� � �� yY i s. - _ - �� � ;� � » w�c T . r r �NaluDk Rp S P�ojev^t6tefs +* � ��� f� � , ^ t � � f ,.. f es � `'• . I �a " . . � Block GroYry 2 ry,.ay��..��3a � F ^ a,a �Dp� < Ot ;� ,P�'��x � � �' ° �- } � � � � ; �M'` `o � �,,, _ , � � �,�pt� ; � A O 4 � W i i Q�" � CIR���x$ -- . 1�i . taRgYtN ���� II •4 i .4 . i } - i ,� - �`� ' � � � _ _ _ �� 0 � 0.5 Yiks � Q 2010 CT 004013 BG 2 Clemmons Roads Fors�h County � �� DC�A Clemmons Pareels � ---•�•• vllage Pofnt Drive Extension ;; : Clemmons � ! DSA IAAP � VILLAGE POINT ORIVE EXTENSION , NORTHCAROL►NAdEP11R1MENT y�LLAGE POINT LAKE ORIVE TO TOWN CENTER DR1VE OF TRAN SPORTATIOH I � OMSIONOFHI(iHWAYS F IG U R E i PROJECT DEVEIOPYO7TAND ClE61AAONS, FORSYTH COUHTY �I ENVIRONMEHTAL AM1LLY51S UMIT .� � � STIP PROJECT U-6a51 � `�....�� STIP U 55�1 � Forsyth County .. COMBINED CCR AND CIA � October 2015 ,; page ` Threshold Laws Possibly Aflecting Class of Action � ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE [EJ] AND TITLE VI POPULATIONS j/,re t.here a� pcpulario��s Irving +r ;he Demographic S!ud� F.res ihaf ineet fhe criter�r; for Ee.�uc��rnerr�l r, JushCe snd/cr 7r:le '��I % H so no:'e wY,;ch groups are present (check ai! t.hat apply,' �� C� f✓inoniy [ �ow-!ncvme ❑ iitle W(non-EJ) '� - — — — - - - �I LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY [LEP] OR LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE [LA] � POPULATIONS Are there 2ny pcpul�;icr,� living in the Demographic Study P.rea tha! meet the crrteri2 /or LimiteC, Eng,'ish I Prcliciency% F,re tnere �,•�y populations within the Demoaraphic Siudy Area tha! do not meet the l FP threshold but dc meet the criteria lor Language Assistance? II POTENTIAL SECTION 4(F) PUBLIC RECREATIONAL RESOURCES ' l,re there any proper�ies or areas thaf may be impocted by the project U�at are or may be protected under Section 4;� (not includino hisioric propert;es and/ordistricts)� Village Point Lake, a potential Section 4(fl resource, is located adjacent to the project i corridor. The lake is surrounded by a greenway, with plans to connect with other greenways and sidewalks in the future. The lake is a part of the North Carolina Wildlife ' Resources Commission Community Fishing Program, and features a fishing pier. ' NCWRC stocks the lake with Channel ca�sh, Largemouth bass, and Sunfish. Village Point Lake and greenway is owned by the Village of Clemmons and is open to the ' public. II SECTION 6(F) LAND 8 WATER CONSERVATION FUND RESOURCES Are there any areas protected under Section 6(f) in the Direct Communrty Impact Area? FARMLAND PROTECTION POLICY ACT [FPPA]SOILS Are there any larmland soils eligible for protection under the US Farm/and Protection Policy Act (FPPAJ within the project foofprint7 (See Appendix for NRCS Farmland Conversion Impact Rating) � - -- - -- � VOLUNTARY 8 ENHANCED VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS [VAD/EVAD] !s there a Voluntary Agricultural District or Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Disfrict in the Direcf Communrty Impact Areo? Community Resouroe AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS Are there sny 2ctive agrrculfural operatror,s lcc�ted rn the uirect Community Impact Rre� % � Not present according to Census I data and observation/local input ❑ Present; Census data indicates presence but there is no observation/local input to confirm ❑ Present; Census data does not indicate presence but communities were observed ❑ Present according to Census data and observatioNlocal input � No LEP or LA ❑ No LEP, but LA population is present ❑ LEP population present ❑ [and L4 population present] � Present; adjacent tolaccessed from the project corridor ❑ Not present; present in DCIA but not adjacent to or accessed from the project corridor ❑ Not presentwithin DCIA ❑ YES � NO ❑ Present in the project footprirrt � Not present; present in the DCIA but not in the project footprint, or not relevant due to location in an urbanized area_ _ ❑ YES � NO NOTABLE POPULATION GROWTH OR DECLINE Has the Demographrc Study Area experienced notable population growth or dedme in recent years? ll the sveraoe annualizei Demogrophic Study Area populaGon growth is higher thon 1 5%. note the growth in the couniy ond hov✓ it compares. ❑ Dec! ne ❑ Gre2ter than ? 5% annu�l grcv✓th (in CSP.) i�� `�_,..✓ Presence ❑ YES � NO � ❑ YES � � NO ! ---- -- Sl IF U-55�;1 :, f orsyth County �� COMBINE D CCR AND CIA � Oclober?01;� �� page 6 DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY � YES I!a� recer,t develcpmenr actrvity occurreC in the Direct Community lmpact Area anc%; �,-e ;f;ere kro�vr pl�ns for public vr prr✓�te ❑ NO developmert ac!rvity ir, the Direci Cvm�r�u��riy Impaci Area7 Clemmons Town Center Apartments: A multi-family luxury apartment home community located along ' the south east quadrant of the DCIA. The 24.32 acres community includes eight fully constructed � buildings, with an additional four to be constructed by March 2016, for a total of 312 units. Novant Health System: A proposed medical support services project to be constructed adjacent to the Clemmons Medical Center, west of the DCIA. The project proposes the construction of two additional 20,000 sq. ft. medical office buildings. The property is a part of the 124 acre Novant Master Plan approved by the Village of Clemmons in 2009. Peace Haven Village: A proposed mixed-use commercial development to be constructed at the , southwest quadrant of Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. and S. Peace Haven Rd. in the northwest quadrant of � the DCIA. The site will contain a grocery store, retail, restaurant, and financial services. r— -- ---- — - --- — - - - --- LOCAL AREA PLANS/GOALS � YEs A.re the;e any ioc21 area plans, goals, or zoning ini;iaUves speci(ically 2flectmg the Direct Community Impad Are2 (e q bicycle, ❑ NO pedestrian, greemr✓ay or transit plan, small srea plan. lony-ranye gro�Nth p!ar,: thoroughfare plan, etc )? Village Point Small Area Plan (2003): Developed for the Village of Clemmons with input from citizens ; through a charrette process. The plan includes a development maricet analysis, an analysis of the , i transportation network, detailed plans and key recommendations for designated areas within the , ' approximately 340 acre planning area, design guidelines, proposed rezoning, and an overall future land use plan. It is stated that the plan will be implemented using two tools; the Regulating Plan and the Zoning Map. Planned development includes various forms of inedium and high density residential, , park/open space, office, office campus, neighborhood retail, a village center, mixed-use and institutional. ', Village of Clemmons Transportation Plan (2009): Guides transportation decisions, and is used for input ! to the Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The plan recommends widening �� improvements to Lewisville-Clemmons Road, South Peace Haven Road and constructing the proposed ' project, which is identified as a proposed collector street. The plan a�so outlines the development of a I multi-modal system of bike lanes, sidewalks throughout the Village, and greenways along Muddy Creek and Blanket Bottom Creek. � Clemmons Community Compass Comprehensive Plan (2010): This plan "serves as a guide for land use decisions and future planning needs of the Village." More specifically, this plan addresses land use and development through 2030 and is focused on currently un-incorporated areas of Forsyth County outside � of the municipal boundary, but within the ETJ. ; STIP PROJECTS Are there any reasonab/y foreseeable STlP projects wrthin 3 miles of this project and/or that have the potentral to affect or be 2flected by this project? B-5152: Replace bridge number 330095 on Lasater Rd. (SR 1100) over Blanket Creek in Clemmons, Forsyth County. Construction Year: 2017 I-5794: I-40 Interstate maintenance (pavement rehabilitation) from 0.3 miles west of NC 801 in Bermuda Run, Davie County to Harper Rd. (SR 1101) in Clemmons, Forsyth County. Construction Year: 2018 U-2707: Idols Rd. (SR 3000) two-lane snoulder section on new location from Hampton Rd. (SR 2999) to U.S. 158 in Clemmons, Forsyth County. Construction Year: 2016 BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN AND/OR GREENWAY FACILITIES Are bicycle, pedestrizn: cr greenway lacilities located m the Direct Communrty Impacf Area? I Village Point Drive, Village Point Lake Drive, and Harper Road have five-foot sidewalks and dedicated 'I bicycle lanes on both sides. '' The Village Point Greenway is an approximately 0.75 mile trail around Village Point Lake with an �, additional segment adjacent to Frank Morgan Elementary 5chool. The Village plans to develop a series ' of multi-use paths and greenway connectors to link various destinations within the Village Point Area � includin�_ Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center, Clemmons Town Center Apartments, and Villa�c e_ � �� i�� �� � YES ❑ NO � YES ❑ NO _� Sl IP U 5551 � Forsyth County _ COfJIBWED CCR AND CIA � October 2015 o page 7 i Point Lake Fishing Area. -- - __ —�I II BICYCLEIPEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY �� Were b�cycli�is or pedesfrions cLserve� in the Girec' C^mirurnty �mpcct Area % Pedestrians were observed on Village Point Lake Drive near the Village Point Lake Fishing Area and � Greenway. TRANSIT ROUTES, FACILITIES, AND/OR ACTIVITY tNere bus routes cbserved in the Direcl Community Impact !�re<: cn rr,c site visir� Were any riders observed using these facilities % We; e any of these riders members of special populstions? � YES ❑ NO ❑ YES � NO � --_ — — — -- - - - -- ACCESS DRIVEWAYS AND CROSS STREETS ❑ YEs �I �.rE ;he;e 2ny dir�,�e�n�eys o� intersections located 21ono�the project corridor? � NO - - -- — ---- TRAFFIC GENERATING FACILITY OR NODE '� YEs I, is [nere �� node o� i2cildy th2t generates a nr,t�ble fevel o! veh�cular cr pedestrian b�:f!ic ir; !he Direct Ccmmuni!y l,mp2ct AreG? ❑ NO Clemmons Town Center Apartments is a 312 unit multi-family luxury apartment home community located along the southeast quadrant of the DCIA. Clemmons Village West Shopping Center is a mixed-use commercial activity center development located on Towncenter Drive at the northern terminus of the Village Point Drive extension. The site features retail, personal services, financial services, and restaurants. ' Frank Morgan Elementary School is a Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools system public elementary school located on Village Point Drive in the northwest quadrant of the DCIA. It provides I kindergarten thru fifth grade instruction to approximately 600 students. Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center is a 35,000 sq. ft. medical facility that includes a 24/7 emergency room, an imaging center and an outpatient surgery center. II BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES I A.re any specific business and/or economic resources preserr; �r the Direct Community Impact Area (e.g business parks. 'I distribu'ion centers manu`acturina /acildies, etc)? � Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center is a 35,000 sq. ft. medical facility that includes a 24/7 !� emergency room, an imaging center and an outpatient surgery center. — - - - - --- -_ - --- �I BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITY � Is there any documenled actrvity rel�ted tc goods movement in the Direct Community Impact Area (e.g. tractor- trailers, logging j trucks trectors or ofher agricultura! equipment, or industrial haffic)? � -�--- - � YES ❑ NO �i � T p YEs � NO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (EMS) OPERATIONS i p YES Did !he Ef✓S loc�l officral note any emergency servrces oper2tions within the Direcl Commundy Impzct Area that may be affecled j� NO by the projecL such as stations or corridois that are primary response roufes % I SCHOOL BUS ROUTES Did tne locar sc.hccl trarsportaticr cHicia! no!e any schee! bus routes within the Drrect Ccmmunity lmpact P,re� that may be 2ffected b}� the project � � Twenty-two (22) buses travel to and from Morgan Elementary school each day. School buses enter from the north and south on Harper Rd. and turn in at Village Point Drive. r--- - -- � SPECIAL POPULATIONS ! re rhere ar,y speaai po;��iatons (e g t�ibal groups corrected w;th land, religious. ethnic or other groups wirh special mobili;y neecs. d�`�ercn! ou;re�cY� nee�s etc J locsied in the Direct Community lmpact Area? t.Jn�! `� _..i� � YES ❑ NO ❑ YES � NO STIP U 5::`�1 ;, f��orsytf; County �, COMBWFD CCR AND CIA �� October 2015 � page 8 ; — — - — --- — � SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESOURCES � YES� i Are Ihere 2ny norat�Ie soci� eccnor;�c rE�so ��ce �!o� ��etl ;,; � l� �F; t Co r�mc� �y �r� r��� � F e. ir cli c1��� � p�oces c' .✓c �sh,p privare ❑ NO and/or pub6c schocls, Caycorss ccme�erie. �,riv�te o,��,ub;i� su�i�� serv,ce a,ei,��e. cc n...nriy to� D.ies e!c � � ; ! Frank Morgan Elementary School provides kindergarten thru fifth grade instruction to approximately 600 students. Jerry Long Family YMCA is a 88,000 sq. ft. community center located on S. Peace Haven Rd., adjacent � to the DCIA. It pro�ides adult fitness and wellness programs and youth development programs and activities to its 14,000 members. The JLF YMCA is considered by Village residents as the "lively hub of fClemmons" and hosts annual community tournaments. — --I COMMUNITY COHESION ❑ YEs IWere �ny speaf�c sions or indic�tors ol community cohesion observed/found wrthin the Dfreci Commur,ity Impact Are� % � NO ' COMMUNITY SAFETY p YES Are there any exrstrng or percerved crrme or safety issues in the Direct Communrly Impact Area, including high crash r2tes. uns2le � NO facilities, inadequate lightrng and/or isolated areas 7 '� OTHER RECREATIONAL RESOURCE(S) OR ACTIVITY Is there any oiher recreational resource or observed acfivity in the Drrect Communrfy /mpact Area {that is not a potentla/ 4(�J? — -I-, ❑ YES � NO r-- - - - - --- - — -- — -- - � AREA/COMMUNITY CONCERNS ' ❑ YES !� Rre there any knoUin communify concems oi ccniroversy relafive to the project? � NO -- -- -- -- -- - — = ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND TITLE Vt POPULATIONS /s the project lrkely to have a drspropvrtionately I»yh and adverse impact on identilied Environrnental Justice and/or Title V! populafions in the Uirect Community lmpzct Area? POTENTIAL SECTION 4(F) PUBLIC RECREATIONAL RESOURCES /s tlle profect likely to rmpact identified Sectivn 4(1) public recreatrona! resources? While a potential Section 4(fl resource is located adjacent to the project corridor, impacts to the use and/or access of this resource are not anticipated. l���, \,�i � No impacts; no EJ or Title VI population present ❑ No impacts; EJ and/or Title VI � population present ❑ Community Impacts; no EJ or Title VI population preseM ❑ Impacts; EJ and/or Title VI population present; "No" finding ❑ Impacts; EJ and/or Title VI population present; "Yes" finding ❑ Impact anticlpated; resource present � No impact anticipated; resource present ❑ De minlmis impact anticipated; resource present i ❑ No Impact anticipated; n� resource present STIP U-5551 � Forsyth County � COMBWFD CCR AND CIA � October 2015 �, page 9 � SECTION 6(F) LAND S WATER CONSERVATION FUND RESOURCES � is the projecr Ilkel;� tc inp�d rder.f�iied Sectron 6(r L2n� 8 l�d�ter Consen��ho;: Funr kesou,ces % F— — - - - - — - FARMLAND PROTECTION POLICY ACT [FPPA] SOILS I Is the project likely fo have a r,ctable rmpar.f on identified Fa�ml2nd F�rotectra� Policy Act sorls % I VOLUNTARY 8� ENHANCED VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS , [VAD/EVAD] I; fhe project likely tc impact CesignG'ea Voiurrtary Agricultural Districts o, f nhanceG Vo'ur!er,� i Hgricultura/ Districts? fAGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS Is the project likely to impact identified agricultural oper�tions % � COMMUNITY RESOURCES �� Is the prc,�ect lrKely tc impuct !dentified commurnty rescurces (e g recreat�onar soc�o-econcmrc etc)� ❑ Impact anticipated; resource preseM I � No impact anUcipated; resource preserrt ❑ No Impact anticipated; no resource present ❑ Are present in the proJect footprint and exceed threshold ❑ Are present in the project footprint but II do not exceed threshold � Not present In the project footprint ❑ Impact anticipated; resource I present ❑ No lmpact anticipated; � — resource present � No impact anticipated; no resource preserrt —a YES -- � NO _ �' LOCAL AREA PLANS/GOALS �! Is the projecf inccnsistent wiih existing pla�s reoulatlons, znd policies af the local: regional, or state level % ❑ YES - � NO - ❑ YES � NO i� — - — — MULTI-MODAL FACILITIES AND ACTIVITY � YES� � Is the projecf likety to result in impacts to multi-modaJ facilitres or bicycle, pedestrian or transit use? ❑ NO � The proposed project's inclusion of bike lanes and sidewalks will expand the current nefinrork of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. If additional access points from the newly constructed sidewalks to �I the Village Point Lake Greenway are included, it will result in a positive impact to multi-modal �, facilities. �_ - - - - -- _-- ACCESS, ACCESSIBILITY AND MOBILITY � YES Are there any access. accessibility. or mobility impacts likety to be associated with this project (e.g. barner eNect, muRi-moda! ❑ NO � accommodation, available detours. non-motorist access to properties and facilities. emergency services response, school �I bus routmg)? The proposed project will expand access from Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. to Frank Morgan , Elementary School, Village Point Lake and Greenway and future developments. The project will ', � also enhance public safety by providing a quicker route to the Novant Heafth medical campus. �-- - _ — — — — - - ---- --- I BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES ❑ YES I, !s the project iikely to resu/t in impacts to busrness and economic resources? � NO COMMUNITY COHESION Is the projeci Gkely to alter the overall functionrng o1 an identifiable distnct (e g. interactions bet�veen, or isolatron ol persons and groups or change m the physrca! makeup of the commuNty)? Is the project likely to drsrupt connectrons between neighborhoods snd commercial. recreational, institutionol and employment areas� COMMUNITY SAFETY Is the project lrkely to impacf any existing or perceived crime or safety issues� I— - - - --- - --- I AREA/COMMUNITY CONCERNS �� ��.` ❑ YES ! � NO ❑ YES � � NO ❑ YES i S i 11' U-;�551 � f�orsyth Ccur�ty � COfNBINED CCR AND CIF� Octohsr 2015 � page 10 !s ihe project likely ;o b� mcompctible w;th cr r,o: aCdress cammur,rty concer; �s � OTHER /;rF ehere cny ciher po!en�i��i impacts associated wi,-h iYe prc�ec.? � NO ❑-YES � � NO RECURRING EFFECTS ❑ YEs !s Lhe projec� likeiy ic resul! in recu!!ina e!!ecis or any populations and commundies wdhrn rhe Direci Community Impact � NO Ares? . --- --- --------------- — ------- - -- - ----- -- Indirect and Cumulative Effects (Transportation Impact-Causrng Activities (TICAs)] A confirtned TICA requires completion af the ICE screening tool. InGude the appropriate standard language paragraph in the Executive Summary. �-- -- -- -- _ TRAVEL TIMES WrU the project result rn iravel time savings of more than one mirute? Travel time from the projecYs proposed northern terminus at the western end of existing Towncenter Drive to the southern terminus on existing Village Point Drive while utilizing the existing road network �I (Lewisville-Clemmons Road, South Peace Haven Road, Harper Road, and existing Village Point Drive) � was estimated to be 4 minutes over an approximate distance of 1.7 miles. The total distance of the proposed new location roadway is approximately 0.5 miles and it is assumed that the posted speed limit will be 35-mph. Therefore, total travel time along the new roadway will be approximately 1 minute and savings over the existing route is estimated to be approximately 3 minutes. �--- -- - - _ _ - NEW NETWORK CONNECTIONS Wrll the project permanenily add ro the exrsting rcad netw�ork (; e new connections or increased capaci,�! � The project proposes a new location route connecting Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. to Harper Rd. - - - --1 � YES ❑ NO � YES ❑ NO PROPERTY ACCESS � YES Will the p!oject provide newi or exp2nded access to properiies? ❑ NO The proposed project will expand access to Frank Morgan Elementary School, Novant Heath Clemmons Medical Center, Village Point Lake and Greenway, and future developments by providing an east-west connector street from Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. to Harper Rd. PROPERTY EXPOSURE � YEs Wil1 the project permanertly incre.ase functional exposure (� e Averaqe D�i!}� TraHic volume increase ir m���t�-modal actrvityJ to ❑ NO any properiies in the area? The proposed project will increase exposure to adjacent undeveloped parcels. CREATION OF ACTIVITY CENTERS � YES Will the project open areas (or concentrated, moderate to high intensity lsnd development or redevelopment? ❑ NO The proposed project will improve access to a 203 acre undeveloped comprehensively planned area for the purpose of creating jobs and ensuring the economic vitality of the Village of Clemmons. TICA SUMMARY WiU the project result in one or more transportation impact-causing activitres� The project may alter traffic capacity or travel patterns, reduce travel time, affect access to and exposure to properties in the area, and open areas for development or redevelopment. Due to the potential transportation impact-causing activities, this project may influence nearby land uses or stimulate growth. Therefore, a detailed indirect and cumulative effects screening is provided in Appendix D. i�'r1 �..�..f� � ❑ Absence of TICAs � � Presence of T1CAs STIP U 5551 o Forsyth County � COf�JIBINE L) CCR AND CIA � October 2015 � page 11 AVOIDANCE ARe; ths project sc ar, impset :rces ro! occur � -- _ _— _ - — ! MINIMIZATION ' f✓o%ii;y the project ,o reduce the severiiy o! ar impac; : _ _ — — - - -- MITIGATION UndeRake a,. actrcr' tc a�.ev;�!e o%of�set �r, impact or to rep�ace ar, a�•��rc,priareC resource ENHANCEMENT kdd a desi%able or a!tro-c,ive feature to the projecf to make it tit more hannoniously into the community OUTREACH TO EJ AND/OR TITLE VI POPULATION(S) Conduc! outreac� c�ected tc E.% sncior Trtie VI popu%afions to prcvide opporlunrtres for their review and mput on the propcsed project i— - -- - — - OUTREACH TO LEP POPULATION(S) Conduct vutreach dr; ected te LEF populations tc provide opportunities for their review and input on Lhe proposed project ' COORDINATE WITH FHWA REGARDING POTENTIAL SECTION 4(F) RESOURCES I- - — - - - - -- ---_ _ - � COORDINATE WITH NCDENR REGARDING SECTION 6(F) RESOURCES � COMPLETE FARMLAND CONVERSION FORM AND SUBMIT TO NRCS EVALUATE ALTERNATIVE(S) THAT UTILIZE A TEMPORARY ON-SITE DETOUR ❑ YES ' � NO ❑ YES � NO I ❑ YESJI � rvo I ❑ YES I � NO ❑ YES � NO ❑ YES~I � NO ❑ YES I � N� _ _ � ,rEs � NO ❑ YES � No I �� ❑ YES ; � No � __ — - ---- - --- --- _ _ -- — --- , MAINTAIN ACCESS FOR FARM EQUIPMENT 8 MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO AGRICU�TURAL OPERATIONS � YES � NO COORDINATE WITH OTHER LOCAL OFFICIALS OR STAKEHOLDERS ❑ YEs i � No , PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT DUE TO NOTABLE COMMUNITY CONCERNS ❑ YES Provide opportuniiies lor earry ond continuing communica�ron be!ween the community 2nd project staff � NO I __ _ — �COORDINATE WITH NCDOT DIVISION OF BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN TRANSPORTATION ' OTHER �I Nny other rece�nmenC�iicns to address potential impacts noted in the previous sectior Please lisi them using b�vle,s �d ..i' ❑ YES � NO ❑ YES � NO STlP U 5551 �, f orsyth County � COMBINED CCR ANU CIA �, October 2015 � page 12 SOURCES Clemmons, Village of. http://www.clemmons.orQ/ Drabble, Jenny. °20 years of service: Jerry Long YMCA has grown into Clemmons hub," Winston-Salem Journal, July 24, 2013. httq://www.iournalnow.com/iournal wesUnews/vears-of-service-ierrv-lonq-ymca-has-qrown-into- clemmons/article 1d82b18e-f3d4-11e2-aed7-001a4bcf6878.html (Accessed on October 1, 2015). Jerry Long Family YMCA. httq://vmcanwnc.orq/locationslierrv-lonq-family-vmca/ (Accessed on October 1, 2015). Ledbetter, Megan. Village Planner, Village of Clemmons. October 6, 2015. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Fishing Access, October 5, 2015. http://ncpaws. orq/RsReports/IMAP/FishinqAreasPDF.asox?ShorelineAccess=0&BoatRamp=O&CanoeAccess=08Fish inqPi er=0&Universa�=0&5peciesGroupID=68�WaterTvpe=2 (Accessed on October 1, 2015). North Carolina Wildlffe Resources Commission. "Wildlife Commission Begins Stocking Village Point Lake with Channel Catfish," August 12, 2013. http://www.ncwildlife.orq/News/NewsArticle/tabid/416/indexld/9217/Default.asqx (Accessed on October 1, 2015). North Carolina Department of Transportation. State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) — 2016-2025 STIP, October, 2015. https://connect.ncdot.qov/proiects/planninq/Paqes/State-Transportation-Improvement-Proqram.aspx (Accessed on October 6, 2015). Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center. https://www.novanthealth.orq/clemmons-medical-center.asqx (Accessed on October 1, 2015). Parr Investments, Clemmons Town Center Apartments. http://www.parrinvestments.com/apartments/clemmons-town- center-luxurv-apartments/ (Accessed on October 1, 2015). Smith, A. Todd. Southwest Corridor Supervisor, Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools, September 9, 2015. US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2009-2013) US Census Bureau, Census 2000 US Census Bureau, Census 2010 Village of Clemmons, Clemmons Community Compass 2030, April 2010. http://www. clemmons.ora/index.asp?SEC=6F03587A-569A-43D5-BD03-E65195C8ABD0&DE=D8619C7A-317B-4B8D- 9C42-274A1730C516&Tvpe=6 BASIC (Accessed on September 4, 2015). Village of Clemmons, Village Point Smal! Area Plan, 2003. http:/Iwww.clemmons.orq/vertical/sites/%766201256A-BE8C- 46C3-66EC-EC4045FEE2C1%7D/uploads/SAPPIan.qdf, (Accessed on September4, 2015). Village of Clemmons, Transportation Plan 2030-2035, 2009. htta://www.clemmons.orq/index.asq?SEC=6F03587A-569A- 43D5-BD03-E65195C8ABD0&DE=5D85479C-36D2-4718-A9D5-200E17C06885&Tvqe=B BASIC (Accessed on September 4, 2015). W. Frank Morgan Elementary School. http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/PaAe/42303 (Accessed on October 1, 2015). Ziglar, Daren. Assistant Chief of Compliance, Forsyth County Emergency Services. September 3, 2015. :J!,1�' STIP U 55,51 - f orsyth County .� COf,��INF�_f) CCR AND CIA :� October 20�5 � page �3 APPENDIX ITEMS A. Summary of Demographics Used in Tabular Form B. Site Photographs C. Local Official Input Forms D. Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening �� r.......!� S�iP U-555� - Fc�syth Ccunty = CON�6�N�D CCR FlNCCIP. - Octobe%2� �5 _ p2ge �4 APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF DEMOGRAPHICS USED IN TABULAR FORM Source: US Census Bureau, Census 2010 and Census 2000, Summary File 1 100% Data, TaWe P1 and P001 "Total Population." ' Minority population includes all races that are non-white and Hispanic populations that are also White. Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2009-2013), Table 803002, "Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race." Race � N�tlw Bladc a Afriean Ir�an and Two or Ma'e � Aslan HawalirUPaeiflc Soms OIMr Racs � Tafal NomWMb �Y Tobl American Alaska NaWa Islandsr P��� /llorro * '/6 il� Ye 11 7 # °k !It % # Ne #t Y # N CT 40.13 BG 2 1 403 1 266 902°k 49 3.5°� 21 1.5% 34 2,4°,6 � 0.0°h 0.0% 33 2.4°% 137 9.8°k DSA 90.2•A 3.5•/. 21 7.554 2,4!4 0.0% O.U!G 2.<°,�. f37 9.8'/0 Fors Coun 3S4 858 234,728 68.2°h 92 612 26.1°,6 801 0.2°,G 8 985 2,096 158 0.0 % 13,251 3.7;6 8 120 1.7°� 119 928 33.8% Source: US Census 8ureau, American Commun�ty Survey 5-year Estimates (2009-2013), Teble 802001, "Race. �,�_ 1 STIP U-5551 � Forsyth County - COMBINEU CCR ANDCIA _ October 20�5 = page 15 Hispanic or Latino Population T�� Hispanic Not Hispanic C'e°gnPhy Populatlon — At y. # % CT 40.�3, BG 2 1,403 65 4.6% 1,338 95.4°/a DSA 66 4.6Yo 96.4% Forsyth County 364,666 42 �67 12.1% 311 899 87.9°k Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2009-2013), Table 603002, "Hispanic or Latino Orgin by Race." Limited En lish Profcienc LEP) Tohl Aduk P��ry �^g�e Group oi Persons Who 8psak English Lass tlun Vory Woll ���Phy PoP���. Spanish Other Indo-Euro AsianlPaciflc Oth�r 18 yean and older �f i6 1{ '/. fl % # •/ CT 40.13 BG 2 1 053 0.0% 0.0% 17 1.6% - O.D°h DSA A ate 0.0� Q.0°k 1.6'ti 0.0'k Source: US Census Bureau, Amencan Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2009-2013), Table B16004, "Age by Language Spoken at Flome by Abiliry to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Ovcr ° Poverty Very Poor. Under 8elow Powrty Near Poor. Between 100'K and Tohl Populatlon for whom �ewl �% of Powrty 1a874 of Poverty Lswl Geognphy Povsrty StaWs Is Leval Determined # .ti 1t Yo 71 X CT 40.13, BG 2 1 362 72 0.9% 12 0.8°k 67 4.9% DSA 0.9% 0.9% 4.9Y• Fors Coun 344697 64022 18.6°h 29,270 8.5•% 36768 10A% Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2D09-20�3), Table C17002, "Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months." ��a��,�� �j, �� Sl IP U-5551 , Forsyth County �: COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2.015 � page 16 APPENDIX B: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS �� ,r�: ... _, �..r�:. � Figure 1: Village Point Access Road North Terminus at Towncenter Drive �= t� � �: i Figure 3: Village Point Drive Traffic Circle Facing Village Point Access Road .,,._.. �.. ' � �:�;. '�-�i_ Figure 5: Village Point Lake Greenway Trail � 1 I `� � � �t�C' Figure 2: Village Point Access Road Facing South Terminus at Village Point Drive Traffic Circle _� _ Figure 4: Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities �. '��__ � c:�...�.. c. �nu....., n�:.�a �_i__ n..u:_ r-�:-- ^--- � � ��' F STIP U-5551 � Forsytn County :_ COf�4E�lf�lE D CCk AND CIA� :. October 2U15 �: page 17 Figure 7: Frank Morgan Elementary School Figure 9: Novant Health Clemmons Medical Center ::� \`•;, ...•'� Figure 8: Clemmons Village West Shopping Center STIP U 6551 .� Forsyth County � COMBINED CCR AND CIA �, October 2015 o page 18 APPENDIX C: LOCAL OFFICIAL INPUT FORMS �re� �e�� �.�� STIF' U-�i551 �; Forsyth County :, COMBWFD CCR ANDCIA �� October 2015 �� page i9 NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Human Environment Section Local EMS Input Form for VILLAGE POINT DRIVE COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Interviewee Name: Daren Ziglar Date: September 3, 2015 Title/Position: Assistant Chief - Compliance Phone Number: 336-703-2753 Organization/Agency: Forsyth County Emergency Services - EMS Email: ziglardf@forsyth.cc Completed Via: � Email ❑ Phone Interview Information/Instructions !f completed by email: Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions by typing your answers in the space provided. Then save (using the Save As command) this file with a new file name for your records and e- mail the new file back to the original sender or to srobinsonl@ncdot.AO�. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of this form, please send all sheets to the address or fax number below: NCDOT Human Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1583 Fax: (919) 212-5785 , �`y / .. �w � � .�. � �fokSYTN GOUMTY' � GtEMMOMt � � y,u: �ra�qywq�v a Rw'..YOw�e �� n- v haAaba The project proposes a 0.51 mile, three-lane � extension of Village Point Drive from Village ` Point Lake Drive to Town Center Drive in the „�,,,,,�„ � Village of Clemmons. The proposed extension ��.,.,� will include bike lanes and sidewalks. �`'"a � .� � oe y�ur s� O r o"" "s 0 p� �� § � � �.. � � � o O]SYM1� For all applicable questions, please provide a detailed explanation of your response in the Check if item �eld provided. is applicoble .� `�. i- � °:�.d..r� 1 2 STIP U-5551 ., F orsyth County �� COMBWEU CCR AND CIA �� October 2015 � page 20 Are there any concerns related to EMS services for this project? Please be as specific as possible (e.g. location in a high call volume area, closure could affect response to schools, weight restrictions, expected new development in the area, coordination with partner agency required to facilitate service). Don't foresee negative impact on response Based on your knowledge of the project area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes, or the location of resources along these routes? �/ �; -- � I 3. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where bridge or road closure would be of particular concern? � � 4. (For bridge projectsJ Rate the overall impact on emergency services if the bridge were closed for up to a year: ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact ❑ Moderate Impact ❑ High Impact 5. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? ' � 6. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders ? p � Clemmons Fire De artment I� _ _ _ t 7. Do you have any other concerns regarding the potential impact of this project on EMS services, I, or any additional comments? Please be as specific as possible. � ❑ .r����. !� i � �: d...d STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County - COMBINED CCR AND CIA :: October 2015 � page 21 NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Human Environment Section Local Schools Input Form for VILLAGE POINT DRIVE COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Contact Information Date: September 9, 2015 Interviewee Name: Todd Smith Phone Number: (336) 748-2287 ext. Title/Position: Supervisor, Southwest Corridor 34704 Organization/Agency: Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools Email: atsmith@wsfcs.kl2.nc.us Completed Via: ❑ Email ❑ Phone lnter�iew Information/Instructions Interviewed By (Name/Organization): Simone Robinson, Community Studies If completed by email: Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions by typing your answers in the space provided. Then save (using the Save As command) this file with a new file name for your records and e-mail the new file back to the original sender or to srobinsoni@ncdot.�ov. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of this form, please send all sheets to the following address or fax number: NCDOT Human Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1583 Fax: (919) 212-5785 Projett lnformation Project Type: Q Bridge � Corridor F � � � .�. ' !�,: � : . '� FORSYTN coubTr, � � � � y� � � C�EYYOME 7 � � ��ucz'r,.a.o ° ow.Me.�.e � �iyw 46 � The project proposes a 0.51 mile, three-lane � extension of Village Point Drive from Village � Point Lake Orive to Town Center Drive in the �,�,,, Village of Clemmons. The proposed extension ��,,� will include bike lanes and sidewalks. b�""�4 � w � ot roi�+e� P° � f 4 s ,.��'°� ,� _ p` ' � � � : � � e . a a�s u�r. :�� l�: � �-� STIP U-5551 � Forsyth County � COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 22 Check atl questions that apply and provide a detailed explanation of your respanse in #he Check i}item fietd prouitled. is applicabie 1. How many school buses (cross the bridge/pass through the corridorJ per day (total # of daily I buses, total # daily of trips)? � Twenty-two (22) buses travel to and from Morgan Elementary school each day. School buses enter from north and south Harper Rd. and turn in at Village Point Drive. 2. Is the corridor used by carpool traffic or pedestrians to access local schools? If yes, please describe the location and time(s) of day. � � Cars currently use Village Point Drive to access school. There are more morning car riders I _(approximatety 200-300 cars in the AM, making up 3 carpool lanes) ; 3. (Applicable if schools are located in or neor the community study orea] Are there any Safe � Routes to School plans in place at schools in/near the community study area? ; � Currently no "walk zone" in place for Morgan Elementary School. 4. Based on your knowledge of the community study area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes or the location of resources along these routes , � with respect to school traffic? i, 5. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where (bridge or road closur%onstruction) would be of particular concern? ❑ 6. (For bridge projects] Rate the overall impact on school transportation if the bridge were closed for up to a year: ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact ❑ Moderate Impact ❑ High Impact 7. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? � Yes 8. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders)? � EMS and Fire, Forsyth County Sheriff, and Larry Curby - Village of Clemmons Town Manager � 9. Are there any other concerns you have regarding the potential impact of this project on school i transportation services or any additional comments? Please be as specific as possible. � Depending on how the access road is constructed, visibility issues for buses and or potential bus stops may occur as a result of road curves. • 600 students attend Morgan Elementary School • Buses may use new route once completed ir��^`"t } e.� STIP U-5551 � Forsyth County : COMBINEU CCR AND CIA � October 2015 o page 23 NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Human Environment Section Local Planner Input Form for VILLAGE POINT DRIVE COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Contact Information Interviewee Name: Megan Ledbetter Date: 10/06/15 Title/Position: Village Planner Phone Number: 336-766-7511 Organization/Agency: Village of Clemmons Email: mledbetter@clemmons.org Completed Via: � Email ❑ Phone Interview Information/Instructions If completed by email.• Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions by typing your answers in the space provided. Then save {using the Save As command) this file with a new file name for your records and e- mail the new file back to the original sender or to srobinsonl@ncdot.�ov. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of this form, please send all sheets to the address or fax number below: NCDOT Human Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1583 Fax:(919)212-5785 i ` 1�.!. . � � �, � �� , �''�+. _ FoRSVTn couNTr ` � � a Clp�p�pON6 .... � � �y;�-�' ,-dQ�'[M110 a WNYUw11C �' . s �wfa6.Y M The project proposes a 0.5 mile, three-lane � extension of Village Point Drive from Village i Point Lake Drive to Town Center Drive in the ,,,,,,,�� Village of Clemmons. The proposed extension �2�,� will include bike lanes and sidewalks. b�"'`4> . •�a! b�wreR d� ? ��� i � �,,�,Ve ,y�''�_ wr^ � � � � � a � !' 0 �.35 YII�� (.�� �� � STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County o COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 24 - ��- _ � _ —�. , . - µ-. � = Check those questions that ppiy.randapcovide a detailec! explanation of your response �heck i�item is ` ,�in the field pro�icled. applicable , , �.: .�;�n;�� � - - - . � : _ - - - t, . _-� -- - �Growth:,and�Developmenf�� �� ,� ; �_�.._._. _._..� ____._ � _____._,..: _.._ F..�._ _ � ._..� ti__ . �__ �8. Are there any known plans for development in the vicinity of the project? Novant Master Plan, include medical office, hospital, possible hotel, (a proposed 49,000 � square foot grocery store, bank, retail, restaurants on the SWC of Lewisville-Clemmons Road), 9. Are there any adopted plans for growth or economic development that could directly affect or be affected by this project? � Clemmons Community Compass and Village Point Small area plan 10. Are there plans to extend water/sewer lines or to build any new facilities, such as fire stations, schools, or other facilities, in the vicinity of the project? � There was a bore completed under 140 to provide sewer capacity to the area ---_----------.....------- ---._._._...-----____.------------....__....—._.._..----�....____. .._...--------------- 11. Are there any specific business and/or economic resources present in the project area, such as business parks, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, etc.? � Novant Hospital and Medical Office ; S ecio/ Po ulatio'ns : _ � , � *" . - - --- p p 'r,= . __� 12. Are you aware of any minority, low-income or limited English proficiency (LEP) populations/ communities in the vicinity of the project? If so, please provide the locations of these � populations. in the area. (If yes, proceed to Question 6. If no, skip to Question 8.] No � - 13. Are there specific community resources or services that are used by minority, low-income or LEP populations in the community study area? How is the project likely to aff,ect minority and � low-income populations? . N/A 14. Are there any tribal groups connected with land, religious, ethnic or other special populations with different mobility needs or outreach needs in the project area? No 15. Who should we contact to discuss outreach needs for any special populations? Please provide input on community leader contacts, media sources or other ways to reach these populations. ❑ N/A Access; Accessibility, and;Mob►hty-,- `- ��L` � � � — .� : �� , � � ` y r } ,• - �, � 16. Is there pedestrian or bicycle activity/traffic or transit use along the projed? If so, please describe multimodal actiuity in the community study area. � Yes, bike lanes, interconnected greenway, sidewalks connect the area --___-----------.__-----------------------._—_______--------.__---------------------------�--- ____ 17. Are there any existing access, accessibility, or mobility concerns or any barriers to non-auto travel in the area? Please consider all modes. � N/A 18. Are there any adopted plans for pedestrian, greenway, bicycle, or transit facilities in the area? � For each plan, please provide a description of how the plan applies to the community study area, the title of the plan, its year of adoption, and the current status of its implementation. � The VTP shows the development of a multi modal corridor with bike lanes, sidewalk/ greenways and this project provides sidewalks and bike lanes in conformance with the plan — _ - � . . — - _ -- _ . — . —_— t.i�—�-.-c--' --- ' 4 - 4i �-,.b�' ' ., . . :. . .., . . . -.� '-. ; ,:, -. '�._::--- « ; ... ,. �. .�. - .� : .� . �. :. ,. 5- .. A' nculturolO erat►ons= �.. : r:-`:�_ i_.. - r�� - 9 ..,,- ' .P °. s°.- ", .. � . __ �� '�,� � _ `� - ___ _ ".�y".�_ '�L _ � _ _ " , S'i'... .ra�w� ��,a��� STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County o COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 25 - --- - ------- -- -- -------- --- ---.._ __ __ �__ ___- -- -------- y-------- -"I 19. Are you aware of any active agricultural operations in the vicinity of the project? If so, please describe these operations (e.g. size, ownership, crops, years farmed, suppliers, customers, value to the community). (If yes, answer Question 11. If no, skip to Question 13.] N/A 20. Are farm support services—such as farm suppliers, equipment dealers, processing and storage facilities, and farme�s markets—located in the community study area? If so, please describe i these services (e.g. type, location). ' N/A ' n ❑� ------------ -----...__.._._..------------_..._...- ----------------_— ---------�__ _. _ _ 1 21. Does the project lie within a VAD or EVAD district, or are you aware of any land with other farmland protections (plans, tax districts or credits, trust, agricultural zoning, deed ❑ restrictions)? If so, please describe the nature and location of these areas and properties. N/A - - - . . - . . _ - - _�,. T�� w .� , _ — �r.s , , OtherNotab/e.Fe'dtu e 22. Are there any recreational properties within the project area that were purchased or improved with Land and Water Conservation Act funds? No ----- ---__.�.__ _�----- - -- _ __ ----- --------__--.^...___. _.-------- -- -- ---------- — -------_ _._--- 23. Are there any other specific notable community resources or issues in the project area? (e.g. socio-economic resources, recreational resources, community safety concerns, cohesive neighborhoods, areas in decline) If so, please describe. In the general area there is a wide range of housing from single-family (300,000+) to 312 apartment units, the residential development is stable, a hospital, elementary school and a 16 acre recreational lake that is stocked and fished(urban fishery) . - , � �---5--r�. _ ' _ , - '_'r-'�-.-.-*. '�.,_ : Detours and Clowres'- `�} j � � ';�� _ ,� �;,;;: . � _ _ _ •z, y�J - � j' _ "*',.". :��v_ _ 24. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where road or bridge closure would be of particular concern? Since this is new construction there should not be any concern for detours or closures 25. (If applicable) Based on your knowledge of the community study area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes, or the location of resources along these routes? N/A ❑ ►1 r_ .� �. „ . , , . s. C � 26. (For bridge projects] Rate the overall impact on local planning objectives if the bridge were closed for up to a year: ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact ❑ Moderate Impact ❑ High Impact -__ - .�,:,, - - _ �. - _ _ - �f . - -�� �� _ :�; • _ - `? - '.r:. LLYn3, � G �:;, � �; r.�.; `_ Closing..Questions,� z � � fr �`3 ;� �{ > t - _ y.�: • � � . .. , : ,. . � , . ,.� . . . .. . . �s . . . ;4 �,: 4:`� , . »..:_-�. _;:` . . : - :?e_ ``:�;� _. . _ , . , � _ `•� . -- — --.._—_� 27. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? Yes 28. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders)? A stakeholders meeting was held by NCDOT regarding this project 29. Do you have any additional comments about this project? �J� �a�� � 0 u STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County o COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 26 APPENDIX D: ICE SCREENING MATRIX AND SUMMARY LANGUAGE Future Land Use Study Area ' The Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) is the area surrounding a construction project that could possibly be indirectly affected by the actions of others as a result of the completion of the project and combined projects. This study area encompasses all of the areas examined for potential increases in development pressure as a result of project construction. For the purposes of this Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) analysis, the FLUSA boundary was delineated to generally encompass the land contained within The Village of Clemmons Village Point Small Area Plan (2003) not including land to the east of Lewisville-Clemmons Road and north of South Peace Haven Road. ICE Screening Matrix Summary An Indirect and Cumulative Land Use Effects Screening Matrix was completed for STIP U-5551 (Village Point Access RoadlTown Center Drive). This matrix assesses factors that influence land development decisions and presents an assessment in a quantitative matrix based upon existing conditions and trends. It rates the impact of each category from higher potential for indirect effects to lower potential for indirect effects. The measures used are supported by documentation. Each category is assessed individually and the results of the table are looked at comprehensively to determine the indirect and cumulative effects potential of the proposed project. The Scope of Project, Travel Time Savings, Public Policy, and Notable Environmental Features categories are given extra weight to determine if future growth in the area is related to project modifications. Based upon the information analyzed and the corresponding values assigned for each category within the ICE screening matrix, the output recommendation is 'Land Use Scenario Assessment Not Likely'. This indicates that further analysis is not warranted. Scope of Project The proposed project is an approximately 2,700 foot long roadway on new location through currently undeveloped, forested land. The cross-section is proposed to be 3-lanes wide and will include bike lanes and adjacent sidewalks. Based on the fact that this is a new location roadway, but of relatively short length, this category was rated as 'moderate'. Change in Travel Time Potential travel time savings were estimated by utilizing the Google Maps trip estimating application. Travel time from the project's proposed northern terminus at the western end of existing Towncenter Drive to the southern terminus on existing Village Point Drive while utilizing the existing road network (Lewisville-Clemmons Road, South Peace Haven Road, Harper .'�'�^`'�` `�.,d..,.� STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County o COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 27 Road, and existing Village Point Drive) was estimated to be 4 minutes over an approximate distance of 1.7 miles. The total distance of the proposed new location roadway is approximately 0.5 miles and it is assumed that the posted speed limit will be 35-mph. Therefore, total travel time along the new roadway will be approximately 1 minute and savings over the existing route is estimated to be approximately 3 minutes. As a result, this category was rated as 'moderately-low' or between 0-3 minutes. Forecasted Population Growth According to population estimates and projections from the State Demographer provided by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, Forsyth County's total population was estimated to be 364,258 in July 2014 and is expected to be 429,059 in July of 2030. This represents a projected 1.03°/a annualized growth rate during that time period. As a result, this category was rated as'moderate' or between 1-2%. Forecasted Employment Growth According to employment projections provided by the North Carolina Department of Commerce-Division of Employment Security, the Northwest Piedmont Workforce Development Board (WDB), which is comprised of Forsyth, Davie, Surry, Stokes, Rockingham and Yadkin Counties, will experience a 0.9% annualized employment growth rate between 2010-2020. Consequently, this category was rated as `moderately-low' or between 0-1%. Available Land As currently comprised, the FLUSA contains a mix of undeveloped forested land and developed parcels (commercial/retail, office, multi-family residential, established single family residential and institutional). Using GIS analysis, it was determined that the FLUSA defined for this project is approximately 317 acres in size. Acreage contained within road right of way (18 acres) or land used for water impoundmenUparkland (16 acres) was not considered available for development. Furthermore, it was determined that currently developed parcels comprise 141 acres of the FLUSA. As a result of this analysis, the amount of undeveloped or underutilized (where land value exceeds building value) parcels is approximately 142 acres. Therefore, this category was rated as 'low' or between 0-1,250 acres. Water and Sewer Availability While water and sewer infrastructure has not been technically extended to the undeveloped areas adjacent to the proposed project at the time of this analysis, water and sewer service is available to all surrounding developed parcels and will be made available to any new development in the near future. Therefore, water and sewer service is considered fully available and this category was rated 'high'. Market for Development Annualized population and employment projections for Forsyth County and the Northwest Piedmont WDB are generally moderate to low, respectively. In terms of population data from the US Census Bureau, population in the Demographic Study Area (2000 CT 40.06, BG 3— 2010 CT 40.13 BG 2) increased by a 1.4% annualized rate between 2000-2010. One of the stated goals of this project is to facilitate economic development, more specifically to "ensure Clemmons' economic vitality through development and job creation." The undeveloped "Village PoinY' area is located in the center of the Village of Clemmons and represents one of last remaining large acreage, developable areas. Additional neighborhood retail, small office, multi-family residential, single family residential and commercial development is planned for the FLUSA as detailed in the Village Point Small Area Plan. The new access and exposure to adjacent undeveloped parcels as a result of the project will spur this development. Some development has already occurred in the form of multi-family housing southeast of the proposed project, adjacent to I-40, a new elementary school near the southern terminus and the Novant Health Medical Center along Village Point Drive. Water and sewer service is available to all surrounding developed parcels and will be available to any new development. Based upon these factors, it can be assumed that the market for development within the FLUSA will remain strong. This category was rated 'high'. �,�.,� :� `�,,...,t STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County o COMBiNED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 28 Public Policy The proposed project is located entirely within the city limits of the Village of Clemmons in Forsyth County and therefore is subject to the following planning documents,'regulations and adopted ordinances. Vil_laqe Point Small Area Plan The guiding planning document in the project area is the Village Point Small Area Plan (2003) developed for the Village of Clemmons with input from citizens through a charrette process. The plan includes a development market analysis, an analysis of the transportation network, detailed plans and key recommendations for designated areas within the larger approximately 340 acre planning area, design guidelines, proposed rezoning, and an overall future land use plan. It is stated that the plan will be implemented using two tools, the Regulating Plan and the Zoning Map. In regards to notable environmental features, the plan states "as new development occurs, these natural resources should be treated as essential components of the human environment [and] appropriate measures should be pursued to carefully identify and protect these important areas, where feasible, from future development." In terms of future land use, planned development includes: various forms of inedium and high density residential, park/open space, office, office campus, neighborhood retail, a village center, mixed-use.and institutional. Villaqe Plan: Comqrehensive Plan Clemmons has an adopted comprehensive plan the Clemmons Community Compass (2010). This plan "serves as a guide for land use decisions and future planning needs of the Village." More specifically, this plan addresses land use and development through 2030 and is focused on currently un-incorporated areas of Forsyth County outside of the municipal boundary, but within the ETJ. Villaqe Plan: Transportation Plan The Village Transportation Plan (2009) guides transportation decisions, including multi-modal facilities, to serve new development and also is used for input to the Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The plan recommends widening improvements to Lewisville-Clemmons Road, South Peace Haven Road and constructing the proposed project, which is identified as a proposed collector street. Villaqe of Clemmons Stormwater Quantitv Ordinance Clemmons has an adopted stormwater ordinance th�at manages the quantity of stormwater resulting from new development by limiting the amount of runoff from land under construction and post construction. NPDES Phase II Requlations. Clemmons is a designated National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II entity which requires permits for stormwater discharge. Under Phase II regulations, low-density projects must not exceed a 24% built upon area and high density projects must implement post-construction storm water control. Watershed Protection Ordinance Forsyth County has an adopted watershed protection ordinance and the FLUSA is within a designated water supply watershed, the Yadkin River (Winston-Salem) Lower Water Supply Watershed (WS-IV, Protected). Density restrictions within a WS-IV WSWS limit development to 24-36% of the total lot area. This density can be increased to 70% of total lot area for non-residential development within a WS-IV WSWS using a Special Intense Development Allocation (SIDA), which is permitted on a specific project basis. Based on the adopted plans and development regulations in place, development will be properly implemented and managed and any potential effects will be mitigated. Therefore, this category was rated as 'low' or having the most stringent growth management possible. ff� `�,w�...� STIP U-5551 o Forsyth County � COMBINED CCR AND CIA o October 2015 o page 29 Notable Environmental Features Within the FLUSA, there is existing forested land (slated for development), unnamed streams and an approximately 7 acre man-made lake. There are no other notable natural features present within, or in close proximity, to the FLUSA. Furthermore, none of the streams within the FLUSA are listed on the 2014 303(d) list. The FLUSA does fall within the Yadkin River (Winston-Salem) Lower Water Supply Watershed (WS-IV, Protected). Due to the absence of impaired waterways, lands managed for conservation, or designated Natural Heritage Program Natural Areas, this category was conservatively rated as 'moderately-low'. Indirect Effects Summary Transportation impact causing activities as a result of this project include: an increase in exposure, an increase in access, minimal travel time savings, and a change in travel patterns. Land use nodes currently exist at the project termini due to existing roadways. The interior portion of the FLUSA is undeveloped, but the portions that currently have access to existing roadways have been experiencing medium density residential, commercial/retail and institutional development as outlined in the Village Point Small Area Plan. Based upon the output of the ICE Screening Matrix, this partial control of access project on new location has a moderately- low likelihood to increase the development potential of and intensity in the areas adjacent to the project corridor. This score is more reflective of the more stringent public policy in place to manage this growth and the relative lack of notable environmental features. It is important to note that economic development is included in the purpose and need of this project and the project will provide access to planned development, consistent with the adopted Village Point Small Area Plan. Any development, with or without the project that potentially impacts jurisdictional resources, will be subject to regulatory permitting requirements. Furthermore, any development within the FLUSA will be subject to the requirements of adopted ordinances, land use plans and zoning regulations. Although change in land use and an associated increase in impervious surface is anticipated, the presence of the Water Supply Watershed, Phase II stormwater regulations, which stipulate post- construction stormwater treatment, and the implementation of Best Management Practices during construction, will further mitigate potential water quality effects. Cumulative Effects Summary The construction of the proposed project, in conjunction with other planned transportation projects in the general vicinity, will improve mobility, accessibility and will change travel patterns. Any resultant induced development and complementary land development, coupled with the completion of planned transportation and private development projects, could constitute a cumulative effect on the study area. With respect to past and present projects within and in the general vicinity of the FLUSA, development has occurred in the form of various types of land use along Lewisville Clemmons Road, South Peace Haven Road, Harper Road, and existing Village Point Drive (low and medium density residential, institutional and commercial/retail) and transportation projects such as the conversion of intersections to roundabouts in various locations and the construction of Village Point Drive and Village Point Lake Drive. Future transportation projects include potential improvements to I-40, Lewisville Clemmons Road and South Peace Haven Road. The past, present and future projects within the FLUSA are consistent with local land use and long range transportation plans. The potential does exist for water resources within the FLUSA to be minimally impacted given the level of past, present, and planned projects. However, comprehensive planning, Phase II regulations, the presence of the Water Supply Watershed, stormwater ordinances, and local sediment and erosion control measures will minimize these effects. Direct natural environmental impacts by NCDOT projects will be addressed by programmatic agreements with resource agencies, and will be further evaluated by the NCDOT Natural Environment Unit during project permitting. Natural environmental impacts that may result from any induced development may be avoided or minimized through the implementation of local, state and federal regulations. Because few indirect impacts are anticipated, the cumulative effect of this project when considered in the context of other past present and future actions, and the resulting impact on the notable ir����i �'�,>..,� STIP U-5551 �� Forsyth County � COMBINED CCR AND CIA � Octobe�� 2015 � page 30 human and natural features, should be minimal. Therefore, potential indirect and cumulative effects to downstream water quality should be minimal. Sources: Village of Clemmons, http://www.clemmons.orq/index.asp?SEC=6F03587A-569A-43D5-BD03- E65195C8ABD0&Tvpe=B BASIC, accessed September 2015 Village of Clemmons, Village Point Small Area Plan, 2003: http://www.clemmons.orp/vertical/sites/%7B6201256A-BE8C- 46C3-B6EC-EC4045FEE2C1%7D/uploads/SAPPIan.pdf, accessed September2015 r: N i�- _ . . ... _ - -- - - - - - - - . . __ .. .: . ,:.:. _ , - ��- - - - - -- - - -- — . _ .. . �, , � _ - - . .w __._.� P�_...;�.. � . ... .:, :.. . . , : r: ;. . x . > - . .: . - . .� _ ,�,�.,_ .�. . -_, :. :�. . ... . _ _ , . �--�_ ." � _ _ - . .e.,„� - ,� � :.,..�,: f ' .,-., , ... ..-r , � - . � . .... . .. . . . .. ._ . -...:.�_ - ' ��r 's = �•t� . ' 'a w ..; < < . • - --° .'°7` . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. _, .. ,.. _. , ' `> - -- - - . - . . - . _ � � e � ,,,� � � �North Carolina `Departirient�of T�ansportafion � � , � H wa �� .� � .. - _ - r' ��-. �- --- . . - -- _ . _ �}° _� ;;.;-� ;.;: `a► er - �r�iw . tor �� �S - � — u,''y _ � a � ' R! . J. �'� nx.e«v ii THi 'h:: wa� ,St �P� , o- �r r� 1��m': rmvirate a A.� . 9. � ,, ,:. � , .Y . , aJ . ,. -, ---�-:.-�'-:�--� ; . :;; : ��':�;,:° , . _ _ _ •� .<° . �a , _ _.,� , s: .�y - - �� : �� r,- . . . �.. - 3. ` '�,a �.,N'`. %t�. 3TORM - - WATER� M� � � AGEMENT`PLAN - � AN ., _ :; '; �� -�;�,:.,, - _�� �.�'. �'���. x. �-� .s�- a _x _ - ,.. _ . �. :� . ,. .• . : . , , .. , : � _ , ..,. . ,., �.x , - - ' , ,.fi.:'��',� . . . ' '.' . . �c _. � .� . t.- p - ; J,^ '„ �, $� .Re ea October 2015 Ve ` i n 2.03• `-�t= rs o ;,: 'F. R'N .'��. :,..�, O CD� C'_ � ,• ,. "-{"> (.. 1� OT � ROJE TS� ` _ � _ _ `.4. '.3 � .f +S�„���wY" � 9 " — __ _ _ - _ " _ .ir'" 6�`_ � 'x..-� .�. . .._ . _ .. .. .. -. . _� .e. . ., � ,> , �..��,r . ���.,_. -,_ r s S' ,s.._.•. -.,.;.c, 'w..... ,.. ��.�._ � -' . -'�...... , .-L y_ . ,� ..� ,-_ � - ' WBS Element: 46310.1.1 TIP No.: U-5551 Coun ies : Fors h Pa e 1 of �,1 � .. - � �.� • -_ - - - .s- - _ - - _ . - - ' Gener I P - � _ _ _ _ _ - x. a r.'o ect Inforriiation: �' . WBS Element: 46310:1:1, _-:..� _ . TIP Number: ;U-5551_ :� � " " _ Pro'ect T e: �New,�Location, ' . Date: i11/4/2015 NCDOT Contact: INri h4=ArcHer,_ PE NCDOT Div'ision 9:Disf�ict=1lF�En inee�-: :�. ,.;::�r �; "� Contractor / Desi ner: $timmel Associate's; ;P:A.��/ Kelvira :L.: Howard III, P:E.��=.'::' ..` • , Address: 375'Silas�C�reek Fa'�kwy - ; � �' � f _ Address 601'�NortFi Trade Street•� �. ,, - � . � ; WinstonaSalem,:NC.27127._ �. _ _ �'� • . Suite,200,;� - .. : , •'. ' _ � - . � __ . - � 1Nin"s4on',Salem,�N�.�,C..27101" �� ' - - Phone: 336-747-7900-' � - - - _ _ - _ - ' - Phone: 336=723=1067',';�,= - - - = - � . , ,,.. ;. �: '- - . � - - :,,: - - Email: warcher � ncdot. ov '. : _ - - _ _ _ - __ Email: kF►oward stimmel a.com,:., .•:,`; � :: . ' ° • � - - . _.:�... .- - - - Ci /Town: ; . `- ;,.�. ;�.'Clemmons � ' ' Coun ies ,F-- . - - - - - _ , . -;'- �.: - �Fors��h _ =. River Basin s '.Yadkin-Pee:Dee - ` - CAMA Coun ? No Wetlands within Pro'ect Limits? ?'' °'Yes , ° �. � .,. , - . o - - _. � . � Pro'ect,Descri tion � ` � .. Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : • ~ n -0.50 mi..- =., : . : � :. � Surroundin Land Use: Urban�development including;school, medical; commericial and�residenfial _��� .: �. � � �� ��� -_ � � - � - � ��Pro osed'P�o ect � � � � - �;' � Existin .Site, ' � �� � � � Pro'ect Built-U on Area ac. � ;��' �• � �� � �"''� - ' � � ,� .t: ��3':3 ; = _ ; ac. --OiQ� , ac. , . ,� :.. , .. , . ._ .. . . . .. .:; �� _ . -,,� . . � . -, . ._;r�:� : : �... • : �:. :.� �.,.;-,� •. �. „�: T ical Cross Section Descri tion: The'� ��o o`sed� "�ical �cross=section�.for the proposed project is�a�curti.and;guttered;: t.: �"t: �. NA' �; ": �. : "=�""° ;, _ � `'':�° `: ^, � • � � ` - YP� p P . P tYp - . - - ��z . roadwa va in in.widtti frorri 35 feet back to back to 46 feef back to back. TtieVc�oss' • � �•� � ` � - - Y` !Y .9 _ , . . , . . section also: includes 5 foofwide "sidewalks sepa�ated-from the roadway by_plan,ter,stci'ps - "` -` _ � - , . � , _ _ on both sides'of the cross=section:. � _ ` � - . -, - - . . �,.; , ' � ' - � ' � - _ _ _ � . _ . _ _ _ ; �� r . _ .� _ - . _ . . .�.. , _ _� .. , . . . ., .. - ... � . � - - - - - - Ann �-.., - :-4: . _ + r,,. = - _- - �.. ... <:. '' _ _ ual Av Dail Traffic veh/hr/da : • • . -: : �-< `, .'� : �, '�,: : ' � � 9 Y � Y) Desi NFuture. _ -� - ., Year: - :�.;'�.; Existin : �,.�; < - - nx;�`= _:NA�' y��;:'; Year: �, �.NA , , ,., ... ,,�....:.�..•..;.•�.�.�.- :�... _ "''"' '..."' _.=:...�; . ..: >_, � General Pr ' N rr i • .. -�,.�.._..._„ . ... . <. ; �, r�. , ,� . _ _ ... � � �.� � �; , :. ..;..;;; . F _. , o�ect a at ve. 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November 13, 2015 Amy Euliss North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Siias Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27127 Re: Village Point Drive Dear Amy: This letter is to confirm that the Village of Clemmons has reviewed the post-construction stormwater drawings for Village Point Drive utilizing NCDOT's post-construction stormwater toolbox. The Viflage's Phase II ordinance doesn't specify stormwater treatment for public linear roads. According to Session Law 2014-1, Senate Bill 294, Section (b1), the Village understands that we can utilize NCDOT's post-construction stormwater toolbox in place af NCDEMLR's BMP manual. Therefore, the ViUage concludes that the post-construction stormwater design of the proposed Village Point Drive meets the Phase II Stormwater requirements for public linear roads. Furthermore, the Village will accept the responsibility of the operation and maintenance of any post-construction stormwater control measures e upon the dedication of Village Point Drive to the Viltage's public road system. Sincerely, ,� _.. %j � ��` - � // Mic aet Gunnelt, PE, PLS Director of Public Works/Village Engineer For the Village of Clemmons 3�t�U 17ill�,n Iu�lus�rial 1)i�i�c. 1'.U. I�c>� 171O. C�lcniiu�>i�s. \.C'. 27Ut'? (;;31i) %Gti-�?UO 1':i� (�i�>G) �l`?-1O!i) :�v'� rY��/E��� �R'c�. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR'I�NT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT L. MCCRORY GOVERNOR July 20, 2015 Marella Buncick U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 16Q Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY Subject: Section 7 Coacurrence Request on the Northern-long eared bat associated with construction of V illage Point Drive, a new location road, in Clemmons, Forsyth County. U-SSS1. WBS no.46310.1.1. As of April 2, 2015, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalrs; NLEB) is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wiidlife Service (USFWS) as "Threatened" with an Interim 4d rule including Forsyth County within NCDOT Division 9 {http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylisVnc_counties.html). The project involves a 404 permit and state funds and is subject to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Using USGS mines shapefile dataset, a desktop assessment was conducted for any mines within one half mile of the project area. No mines were shown in the area. Therefore, no mines needed to be checked on foot. In addition, no known caves are in the area for the project. Based on the lack of mines and caves, no winter habitat will be affected by the project. � There are no manmade dwellings of suitable habitat that ar�e proposed to be removed in the project area. The project does not involve removal of bridges or large (>200') concrete box culverts. Thus, a structure moratorium is not applicable to the project. According to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) Biotics Database, most recently updated in Apri12015, NLEB have not been documented in Forsyth County. However, a rabies lab record that lacks specific location information exists for Davidson County in Division 9. The closest specifically documented occurrence of NLEB is in Wilkes County (NHP 2001 mist net record), more than 50 miles the project site. Potential summer roosting and foraging habitat in the form of forested areas interspersed with fields, and water sources do exist in or around the project. The project area invoives tree clearing. The majority of the tree clearing was done by the Village of Clemmons prior to the listing of the NLEB. However,�some tree clearing remains. For the remaining trees, NCDOT commits to a tree clearing moratorium for the p%ject area from May 1 S to August 15 of any calendar year to avoid disturbing potential Northern long-eared bats in their summer roosting habitat. Based on the results of proximity to known occurrences of NLEB, potential foraging and roosting habitat within the study area, and currently available guidance from USFWS, we determined that � DMSION Of HIGHWAYS �NISION NINE DIVISION OFFICE 375 SMS CREEK PARKWAY, WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27127 PHONE (336) 747-7800 FAX (336) 703-6&93 the project area will have a bioiogical conclusion of May Afj`ect-Not Likely to Adversely Affect for NLEB_ NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied and hereby request your concurrence. Thank you for your assistance with the project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amy Euliss at (336) 747-7802 or at aeuliss@ncdot.gov. S' cerely, t�-- A y� uliss Division Environmental O�cer, NCDOT Division 9 Cc: Mr. John Thomas, USACE Steven Jones, Assistant District Engineer, NCDOT Division 9 District 1I John Rhyne, NCDOT Division 9 Maintenance Engineer Cheryl Gregory, NCDOT Biotogical Surveys Group United States Departffient of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field O�ce 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 August 25, 2015 Ms. Amy Euliss Division 9 Environmental O�cer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: Subject: Endangered Species Consultation for Potential Impacts to the Northern Long-eared Bat from the Construction of Village Point Drive in Clemmons, Forsyth County, North Carolina, U- 5551, WBS No. 46310.1.1. , As requested by the North.Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) in your letter of July 20, 2015, we have reviewed the natural resources information and biological conclusion with regard to the federally threatened northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) for the subject project. The proposed project includes constructing a new tocation road in the town of Clemmons. We provide the following comments in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (l6 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). Habitat for the NLEB exists along the project corridor and has been evaluated for potential impacts from project,implementation. According to the information provided, no caves or mines were found in the project footprint and within one-half mile of the project and no structures will be demolished. Although most of the trees have been cleared, there are some remaining trees that will be cut during project implementation. Based on the negative surveys for wintering habitat and a commitment by the NCDOT to a tree cutting moratorium between May 15th and August 15th (of any year) for the subject project, we agree that implementation of this project is "not likely to adversely affect" the NLEB in the project area. In view of this, we believe the requirements under section 7(c) of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered if (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modifed in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action. If you have questions about these comments, please contact Ms. Marella Buncick of our staff at 828/258-3939, Ext. 237. In any future conespondence concerning this project, please reference our Log No. 4-2-15-418. Sincerely, - - origii�al sig��ed - - Janet A. Mizzi Field Supervisor �r - t -. � �xa Project Tracking No. (InteiYial Use) (�;-d6►. -0011 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LAND5CAPES NO SURVEY REQUIREll FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION ProjectNo: U-5551 County: Forsyth WBS No.: 46310.1.1 Document Minimum Criteria Ty e: Fed. Aid No: N/A Funding: State ❑ Federal Federnl Yes No Permit Permit s: T e s: Proiect Descrintion: Construct a new location road, Village Point Drive for the Village of Clemmons. 2,700' feet of 2-lane road with a center turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Descrintion oireview activities, results. and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, and indexes was undertaken on June 26, 2015. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects, which is defined on the following page. 3251 Harper Road, built 1957, and 3305 Harper Road, built 1963, are the only two structures over fifty years of age within the APE. Both are one-story mid-20`h century homes, and both are unremazkable and common examples of mid-20th century brick ranch homes. They are not eligible for National Register listing. 'There are no National Register listed or eligible properties, and no survey is required. If design plans change, additional review will be required. Whv the available information nrovides a reliable basis for reasonablv nredictinQ that there are no unidentired siFnificant historic architectural or landscape resources in t/ie proiect �rrea: HPO quad maps and GIS information recording NR, SL, LD, DE, and SS properties for the Forsyth County survey, Forsyth County GIS/Tax information, and Google Maps are considered valid for the purposes of determining the likelihood of historic resources being present. There are no National Register listed or eli�ible properties within the APE and no survey is required. `[�Map(s) SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ❑Previous Survey Info. [�Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED NCDOT Architectural Historian Date / Nistoric Archilecrure rn�d Landscapes NO SURVF.Y RF.Qf IIRF.D jorm jor Minor 7}m�sporlalion Yrojecis as QualifreAin ihe 2007 Programmalic Agreemenl. 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Page 2 of 4 ❑ ��� Y . . v �.i.� �'�: � ' y .� µ� . Tt ZR • y,�y. ,.► � , � . , �S : •.�.�. , „ �-� - .,. . ,�,�!-�.. `,� � .. � " ' •� ' � '�. i � �Yr` � � w. �.��/I � j�, , "7. ��� • .�r.' i . �: � � � - � ; .,��, �;,.� � � �� � .� :� , . ;F. , �. . �� � :� � � � � ��� � �.. ,- x ,. 'y,� .t__ I� �� � , � y � � fi; ��i� � � ��f � �+�,� .� �S �k E . , �� �; , ����` �. ` . ,• �� V�'�= . �.ti J: 'tY�. � j'� , f_` �-�..�1�\ � . i .� 1 ,�: sY" E. �' ( �` i,l r. � ♦ � � � j� .�. .. r 4 _ �-, �. � ����. ,�.A � {r �� 1_ . �' . `" x) , ' °�� . �, :.' ;�� 1� �. .� � �ti.�. ._� . ;,,- , ;4`�. �'� : {� r. '� . .- ;` ' J .: -,� f�j iF�,J '� f .�. � g� �� J.��. ',� },`-. , '. % � 1��� �� � ` � • � 3251 Harper Road, Tax Photo. 3305 Harper Road, Tax Photo. Nisloric Ard�ifecture mrd l.mxlscapes NO SURVF,Y REQU/1PED jorni fo� Minor 7rmisporta�ion Projec�s ar Qualified in ihe 1007 Progrommafic Agree+neni. Page 4 of 4 _ t.� �,: ,�:� _ �, 111. ��,; : - .. r- i2��c: �}p' �. .,s` ''_ r �- � �r-�-_ . f�' Yr� � � :'� . _. {r. -i;' :. f , ��., �� � � — � � ; . \ _r _ _ . - � , . ,� ; s� , ,; , . —�� �.� . �� , 4, � ,, <� - ��••. i � . . � .'_:.. ' ' �s.� i + r �{� , . :., : �� ' ;� •'�` _. _� �� � � � � r r M � r � I. i f :i = f�� ' ! �r-J ^ ' i: . � , � l �' G'�.,Tyr; f • �'� . � 1 � �� � � � �, r., _ � ��if9�,' : � � . � � ` � : �� Y f `�1� - � '�... i ,� �����. � '�`... M.w� , � I C', 4. � '� . ._ `_ _ . � � ' . 14,~.� �• � � � ., ^�-.�` _ =; A - � . �_� . . r:-- h � e *, . , �._ � « •�� . _l .r r. .. � ' : �. 4, �� ` _, � x..y , ' �\ ' � � _� .;l M1� - ; .,F'�i. � � . - .. . � �,;. i�:,,, � , -s „�;� ` ;� •s�• 1 \ � 1 \. 1 , . .. . . � .. . 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Forsyth Minimum Criteria Funding: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: 404 and 401 WQC Project Description: The project is for the constructions of Village Point Drive along a new location in Forsyth County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project runs for approximately 2, 700 feet (8.23 m) from Towncenter Drive in the north to the roundabout at Village Point Lake Drive in the south. The APE corridor is generally 100 feet (30.48 m) wide extertding SO_feet (15.24 m) on either side ofproposed centerline. In some area the APE expands beyond 100 feet to encompass proposed stream pipes, a starm water collection area, and an access road. In all, the APE includes 8.05 acres. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: � There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. � There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� "NO NATIONAL REG/STER EL/GIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOG/CAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED Jornr Jor Mina' Trnnspor7nliat Projecls as QanliJied in (he 2007 Progrnmmalic Agreemen7. � Oi% Project Tracking No.: 15-06-0011 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and coi:clusions: The Village Point Drive project area is just north of I-40 in the town of Clemmons within the southwest corner of Forsyth County, North Carolina. The project area is plotted in the southeastern corner of the Clemmons USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on July 7, 2015. No previously recorded archaeological sites have been identified within the APE, but five sites (31FY58, 31FY188, 31FY189, 31FY246, and 31FY767) are recorded within a mile of the project. According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online data base (HPOWEB 2015), there are no known historic architectural resources within the APE that may yield intact archaeological deposits. Topographic maps, USDA soil survey maps, aerial photographs (NC One Map), and historic maps (North Carolina maps website) were examined for information on environmental and cultural variables that may have contributed to prehistoric or historic settlement within the project limits and to assess the level of ground disturbance. An archaeological field investigation was carried out on August 18, 2015, to evaluate the project area. The proposed Village Point Drive runs roughly north to south traversing mostly side slopes and crossing two unnamed drainages (Figure 2). However, small portions of the APE reside on terraces and/or ridge toes that overlook a drainage and pond to the southeast. The waterways are part of the Yadkin-Pee Dee basin. The area was recently forested, but had been timber harvested at the time of the investigation (Figures 3 and 4). The southern end of the APE is open with a road cut already in place extending from the roundabout. This likely occurred prior to DOT's acquisition of the property. Although disturbance was initial thought to be low, the field inspection revealed it to be high. Disturbance includes an access track for logging vehicles that runs mostly along the centerline, a utility corridor, drainage improvements in association with the existing retention ponds, grading at the northern and southern ends, and soil erosion especially along the slopes. According to the USDA soil survey map, the APE encompasses three soil types including Pacolet fine sandy loam (PaD), Madison fine sandy loam (MaC; MaD), and Wilkes soils (WID; W1D) (see Figure 2). These are well drained sandy loams with slope between 6 and 15 percent. Significant archaeological sites are not usually found on slope of 15 percent or more and therefore not tested, but the soil maps suggest that slope is gentle and could yield potential and intact sites. However, erosion is heavier than anticipated. In addition, wetland soils are present along the western drainage, which is not depicted on the soil map. These soils are saturated with water and not well suited for archaeological sites. A review of the site files shows several investigations carried out by Wake Forest University within the general area. These investigations have yielded modest results including five sites (31 FY58, 31 FY 188, 31 FY189, 31FY246, and 31FY767) to the north. None of the previous investigations have fallen within the limits of the current project. All known recorded sites are located on ridge toes composed of Wilkes and Pacolet soils in areas similar to those within the APE. Due to the potential for additional prehistoric sites in the area, subsurface investigations were recommended along the new location for Village Point Drive where soils are dry, fairly level, and minimally disturbed. Lastly prior to fieldwork, a historic map review was conducted. Most early maps prior to the 20th century provide few details concerning the project area. By the early 20th century, maps are published in which an approximate location for the project area can be found. Calvin Miller's 1907 map of Forsyth County shows an area void of structure or roads in the vicinity of the project (Figure 5). A church is to the west and houses are to the north, but all are very likely well away from the APE. The 1913 soil survey map for the county depicts a similar picture with no roads or structures within or near the project area (Figure 6). Subsequent maps from the first half of the 20th century provide no new or important information. As a result, no historic archaeological deposits should be affected by the proposed bridge replacement. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIG/BLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGlCAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFEC'TF.D form for Minor Trnnspor[nrian Projecrs as Quali�ed in the 2007 Progrnnimaric Agreemenr. 2of7 Project Ti-acking No.: 15-06-0011 The archaeological field investigation at the Village Point Drive project area consisted of two shovel test placements (STPs) at 30-m (ca. 98-ft) apart on the ridge toe near the center of the project area (see Figure 2). This was the only prominent and fairly leve] landform within the APE with an intact surface layer. Stratigraphy in this area consists of two soil layers. The upper layer is a dark yellowish brown (lOYR 3/4) sandy clay loam or sandy loam approximately 10 to 15 cm (ca. 4 to 6 in) thick. It is followed by subsoil, which is a strong brown (7.SYR 4/6) sandy clay that extends at least 35 cm (ca. 14 in) below the surface. No cultural material was found other than discarded modern trash. Additional STPs were not excavated due to severe erosion or previous ground disturbance from grading and cut areas, which left subsoil at the surface. Standing water and hydric soils alongside the eastern drainage also prevented excavations in this area. Regardless, surface visibility was fairly good at 80 percent or more. Because of this, the APE was visual inspected for exposed cultural material or deposits. None were identified. The archaeological investigations for the proposed Village Point Drive show that no significant archaeological sites are within the APE. Subsurface investigations reveal no cultural material as the project area is heavily disturbed and urilikely to yield any significant or intact archaeological sites. As a result of the current investigation, no further archaeological work is required for the Village Point Drive project area in Forsyth County. However, additional work will be required should design plans change to encompass property outside of the currently defined APE. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info Other: images of historic maps consulted Signed: � C. Damon Jones NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST � Photos ❑Correspondence 8/20/ 15 NO NATIONAL REGISTER F./JGlBLF. OR LISTED AR('FIA60fAGICAI SITL:S PRESENT OR AFFECTED Jornr Jor Mina 7'ransportntion Projects ns QimliJierl i+r tlre 2007 Progranmintic Agreentei�l. 3 of 7 Project Ti-acking No.: 15-o6-ooi i Topographic Quadrangle. "NO NAT/ONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOG/CAL SITES PRESF.NT OR AFFF.CTED form Jor Minor Trnnsporrniion Projects as Qunlifred in tlie 10!)7 Yrogramnmiic Agreement. 4 of 7 .. W I D`•� � .�.�;. �� �' ; ���� ..� �r ���•�`���4!*. �+' E n C � i + � �r �'i�.a`r ! . �� t t ! � '1 � ' 1 { i � ►' .: 1 �.++�' � �.`a lppy`INCENTEF ��_�: ' �� �: ��� � � .. ; �: _ ,,.,� ��� � � ����+... uio � � Projecr 7racking No.: 15-OG-0011 Figure 3. General View of the project area along the ridge toe showing the clear cut from timber harvesting looking northeast. Figure 4. General View of the project area along the ridge toe showing the clear cut from timber harvesting looking southwest. NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCNAEOLOGIC'AL SITES PRESENT OR AF'FE('TED �w�m /or Mi��or Transportarion Projecls ns Q�mli/ied i+r 1ke 2q07 Progran�matic Agreemenr. 6 of'7 Projecr Trackrng No.: --- — i 15-06-0011 __ - I�igure 5. "I'he Cal��in Miller's ] 907 map of Forsyth County showing the location of the project area. Figure 6. The 1913 Soil Survey of Forsyth County sheet showing the project area. "NO NAT/ONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARC'NAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED Jarn� %r Minor Transporfaria� Projects as QimliJied i�r Nie 2007 Progrmm�mtic Agreenient. 7 of7 U-5551 Adjacent land owners and contact information. See attached map for parcel identifiers. 1. Gibraltar Commercial Iv, Ilc Property address: 6110 Towncenter Dr Mailing address: 250 Gibraltar Rd Horsham, PA 19044 2. Village Pointe, Ilc Property address: 2394 Lewisville Clemmons Rd. Mailing address: PO Box 1719 King, NC 27021 3. YMCA of Greater W-S, inc Property address: 1120 S. Peacehaven Rd. Mailing address: 301 N. Main St. Apt./Unit 1900 Winston Salem, NC 27101 4. Novant Health, Inc. Property address: Village Point Dr Mailing address: PO Box 25686 Winston Salem, NC 27114 5. Village of Clemmons Property address: Village Point Lake Dr Mailing address: PO Box 1710 Clemmons, NC 27012 6. Mary M. Tesh Reavis Property address: 3251 Harper Rd. Mailing address: 6199 Styers Ferry Rd Clemmons, NC 27012 7. Billy T. Tesh and Emma Tesh Property address and mailing address: 3305 Harper Rd Clemmons, NC 27012 Page 1 of 1 Disc/armer: Forsylh Counry canrtol guarantee !he nccuracy of Ihis injormnlion, and �he County hereby Map SCale disclaims a!! warranties. lncluding warranties as fo !he accirrncy oJthis informotion. l IItCh = 752 feet 9/Z/201 S about:blank 9/2/2015 i, ��� � �.1! �� � , . _'� . : �� f ` �`,;;;;� { � �,, ., -: ., ., , , . ,:� ` ��.. .k . �M,� ~ , � � �� i� � l + .s r .�" , � � �.� .i ; ;�, �, �: � � � r �� j' ti^ s � � �;+� , a , 4 ; .,e�� � ' �. � � � ; . � •� � . #!. ', i .� i�. � r . • � t �::e _ .:� w,� Y, i.s�r � a�,� 3 _ Y �, ,� � . .� ' y�. , S ` �,� • � _ ._ -'' f �': � � la � ,.����� • ' i � ��~ � yA� ,r •�. � ! - � �` e � � K.:� � ' 1 t. ��. t' .. .� , � ''� , '� � n . _ 1,� r� .,�.•�.- . � ` :,� , , rr�} � ' . . � tj� � 7�� ���3j ,� '� �'' ,�, � '.�,� .��, ;�i�' ��.;� . � , i . S , fi �, s "` � if Ty�,",, ' � �. ,�.r!� •� i � _ - .. 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TRADE SINEET SUfTE 200 •� « . � ' �� t,'� stimmel �,��-�N���,o, �" wwwstimmelps.00m 336.723.1067 ��, � - '� � ' -- � . ; i� + � LAMDSCA�E A�CXITECTUIIE CIVIL ENGINEEN�MG lAMO PIAMNING ,�,. --i=-'— J� - - � � � 1 i� . - —_,. . � �Y,.- �` - '� '' ' � � � SCALE: 1 " = 500' , ; : ^�:, , � _ r��•�. ' � `� � ' . �� , �#zY 500 0 500 North WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY an Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. {From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ft ft ft site 1 3a+i3.az ss -INCH RCP 0.003 0.00 0.005 0.009 0.00 0.03 0.003 181 15 0.000 site 2 16+21.53 - 17�33.72 66-INCH RCP CULVERT 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.040 0.00 0.02 P 46 P 50 P 0.000 0.004 I 0.005 I 210 I TOTALS PERENNIAL 0.050 O.OUO 227 65 0 INTERMITTENT 0.004 0.005 210 0 0 TOTALS': 0.32 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.01 437 65 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: P•perennial stream I-intermittent stream � 601 N.TRADESTREET SUITE200 date: 11/17/2015 job #: �5-07� L7stimmel I�wsUmmel� m�336n3.1o67 �rOjeCt: Permit Site #1- Villaqe Point Drive Phase III LANDSCAPE ANCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING scale: 1"=5��(�'i) 1"=�J�(�/) sheet 1 Of 2 description• wet�ar,d & svear„ EXHIBIT ���ts . , � � � � 1 � � � �, '� � � . 1� I I I �� 1 �� 1 � / • % � � � \� I I 1 � 1 � \ 1 � � � � ��. � ."� � 1 I I 4 � I I I I ENDIMPACT � � \ � � ♦ � � • I I I 1 • � I � �� � � 1 I I I � I � * � L _ _ _ � - �� � 14.7 LF � _ � \ / i � � TEMPORARY � ` X � � _ � � � � � 1 •I STREAM � �• � + � � ` ��� /�� � DISTURBANCE � � \ � \ i �i � � � �� / :� \ � � �� � � - . � i� /� �� � � � � 0.017 AC � i i � � 126 LF � WETLANDS �� � �/ ��/ �� � � ,1.27% � ` �, � �\ � � DISTURBANCE ` . , , / y ` , .-� 1 �� `. .�' � � � ��� � �� �. � � � / � y �•� . ��� / � �� I � �. i �'� � . � / . �, - � � �.. � �� � . � � ` ti \ � � .___ '�;. I / _ �. , �.� x / � � 180.7 LF \ � � � � I . �� � .� , / PERMANENT - � � �� �� END IMPACT � ' . •�. .� [ 1 STREAM � � � � �� ��� � � � � � \� �� � i �'' � �1 � DISTURBANCE � �� � � � / � / � � � _- �i;�� _ \ ` � �\�\ \\\\� �`�`• �\/ ,�,: \\ . . \ i � � � � � � � � �� � - �.-C --' " - �, . . ,� � ,:,� I-. �, � � � , >' �� �,�, �� � ,,. �... . _ � ' ,� `� � . � � � � � ' '�� TOTALSTREAM TOTAL WETLANDS IMPACT=195.4 LF IMPACT=0.017 AC 7 g O 7 g O ; PERAAANENT IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER ;;�s;;n; (INTERMITTEN� ti :i:�s». 0.0 SF RO O ED PERMANENT IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER O D AY (PERENNIAL) O % $ �J 1293.1 SF 7 8 �J {P RENN L) �MPACTS TO SURFACE WATER ::: ::::� • � 116.3 SF -- 78� NETLAND: 'ERMANENT FILI NCBEES CERT. NO.: C-1347 33.3 SF = 0.003 AC ���� •'C" �+i ,� i, � '� •yt•• • J •� � � f i . : 'ERMANENT EXCAVATION 4 4 q� d � � 9r = 775 � SEAL = !30.9 SF = 0.005 AC ° ° ° � 27912 � ► %��� ��In��� ��` ';�� ,.. ,���, P�C.; ;LEARING T MECHANIZE� � R ' M ���.�r,L"H�,���`�,, �87.0 SF = 0.009 AC '� ' 7 7 � i� ��iiffi����1►1� �; �������u ��� %%� 601 N.TRADESTREET SUITE200 date: 11/17/2015 JOb #: 15-077 t.7 stimmei ( WINSTON-SALEM,N�27101 ro eCt: Permit Site #1 - Villa e Point Drive Phase III www.st(mmelpa.com 336.723.1067 p � g LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE [IVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING scale: ���='rJO'(H) 'I��=S'(V) sheet 2 Of Z EXH IB IT description: Wetland & Stream Impacts . . � / /�� // / ' * 2- \ ` �D � i��. // / � s� END IMPACT / f '\ / . ' � /�� \ f :• / 14.7 LF /� ' / � //� TEMPORARY � X }cJ • STREAM / �• r `� DISTURBANCE � / O 1 /� \� / . / / � / - j � \ � 126 LF I O.ot7 AC 66" RCP WETLANDS / � � 27� + / . ' D(S7URBANCE / / � .�. / ~/ . � � i / . : / ,,� � �,� . i�. �� � �� � � �- � � � � � _- - , �:�x � `���.. � / � PERMANENT . � K END IMPACT \ � • ; •' 1 / � / � " DISTURBANCE r ` / \ ��"_ . ` /\ � � � .� •�•: \ . / }� � � �` \ �•.. . \ � ' � � - , � �. ��. TOTALSTREAM TOTAL WETLANDS IMPACT=195.4 LF IMPACT=0.017 AC 7.66� -� PERMANENT IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER �� � (INTERMITTEN'n • t•sss. vtis� o.o SF PERMANENT IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER � N (PERENNIAL) � � • 1293.1 SF � � � - TEMPORARY IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER �,... � (PERENNIAI) ��•�� � • •::.:'. 118.3 SF -I I � INOR DISRUPTION TO ORIGINAL STREAM DUE TO TEMPORARY STREAM BY-PASS CHANNEL ET�AND: � 7.65' ERMANENT FILL NCBEES CERT. NO.: C-1347 33.3SF=0.003AC ����� �� ���� C ���i � ` �i N I� . ti� . . . � ERMANENT EXCAVATION a d aa a � SEAL 9r� ' � I n 230.9 SF = 0.005 AC ° a ° a � 027912 . I I = 7��, �� : �� il�l?I�� � �,c�^, �� � ',`���•:1'G�n�:�'- �O� EXCAVATE CHANNEL ERMANENT MECHANIZED � ,i � P ,` ., Y L�� H0� �� SIDES AND INVERT 38 OSFG0.009AC „ � } ,����������»'`��,, 30"TOINSTALLRIP .... RAP DISSIPATER S t i m m e I���g� se�,' N` Landscape Architecture z��o�-ZS�s Civil Engineering p:336.723.1087 Stimmel Associates, PA Land Planning F: 338.723.1089 EXHIBIT A � ��� . � � �` �.� ' :\ .�• EX. STORMWATER � ' ` POND , .� STREAMMIETLAND IMPACT #1, SEE SHEET 2 OF EXHIBIT FOR DETAIL .-- PROPOSED � VILLAGE POINT DRIVE {PHASE I� �I� � STORMWATER I GRASSED , swA�e 1 1 STORMVYNTER NARRATNE �j 1� PHASE N PROPOSED NIPERYIOUS AREA WILL BE TREATED VIA A GRASS SWALE. OFFSITE DRAINAGE I AREAS BYPASS THE SW/LLE AND CONTINUE DRAINING TO THEIR PRE-DEVELOPMENT LOCATION. I NO PROPOSED NAPERVIOUS WLL ORAtN INTO AN EXISTNtG 6TORMWATER POND. I ,_.,,���_�:��-... n ,� J ' � � � _ �// . � _ � ��: ��,o� / 027912 • _ Qo�Q�, \� � =:��; �iJ��+S �: Q��.�� ymr � date: 11-17-15 job #: 15-077 projeCt: Permit Site #2 - Villaqe Pointe Drive Phase IV scale: ���=200' sheet � of s description: OVERALL SITE SHOWING LOCATION OF STREAM IMPACT (PHASE I� � � / � /� � � / / � � � / .�� �.��. � . EXISTING � = DEVELOPMENT ��� ;� _ _ oa``� —� � ,�oWr- � � �— , � EXISTING a, r�� DEVELOPMENT ? , �L � `�\���w� � / /��� o � ��� � f ��� \ EX. STORMWATER '�,� POND � � '�:100' BUFF� ,:,��; � ` 1 �'��� � � / � �;,� � � . , // :''_ ��_� � ' 1 .f ?>, � I � I'� � `J 30' UNDISTURBED I � / BUFF€R I _� r�`. I� . � �� .4': i`1 � � r�:: � :.� � 1 : I `-.-. ,.. 1 � 1 � `�;; � 1 . �11,'• � \ :. � � �� .1 °� �� ' f � �. i� � rL � / � 1 l / ; � / / � + FUTURE � / / / � DEVELOPMENT �n � � 0 r . o� ,' �0,, Jv �r � ".� �.11:��• P .. �. � � '•qY t. H�� �` � � �������u���������, �� //i� / . , � - � scAt�: , p `� oo' � 200 0 200 FUTURE r 1 DEVELOPMENT � / V—� S t i m m e I 601 N. Trede Street date: 11-17-15 jOb #: 15-077 Suite 200 Winston Salem, Nc pt'OjeCt: Permit Site #2 - Village Pointe Drive Phase IV - Landscape Architecture 2��o�-ze�s Civil Engineering P; 336 �23 �pg� SC81G: 1"=50' (PLAN1 sheet 2 Of 3 Stimmel Associates, PA Land Planning F: 336.723.7089 description: Roadway Culvert EXHIBIT B uMrrs oF srR� i2 ' � �s � �- � � ND835241 �E � � EXISTING . \� ` �g2_ 7g4� �-m E 1589292.076 � WETLANDS CI t�t 13 j � �g� `� CONTRACTOR TO FIAVE 8 BEGIN STREAM IMPACT �� SURVEYOR STAKE IN / � \ � PRO OSED C/L STREAM / THE/ FlELD ��� / / ps `�8, � — 88•' RCP PIP � - � � a+oo \� � � ��f �, RIS /� � ' ���1 � ,. �.. ���� �� � � i� � �' � s � � .� _— � YI /201, � � �� � � � EX. DAM OF STORMWATER POND • � � 10 05 C�I�] 95 790 � :� 775 770 ' ' —n+�n n+ \ �`` • •ii • �e ��� , - �:: � �� .��"'r:� !�� � `� �� � ��► � �► � �����. � �\��:►� � nn n+�� � +nn � +�n �+nn �+�n �.�.�.�. . :..�,�. �,�.:i�.���; : , �� � � IMPAC^ CIL STREAM � GL STREAM � 8����\TOP OF BANK \\\\\\ SCALE: 1 " = 50' 50 0 50 „� �+nn .�+�n PLUNGE POOL S}( w1 ` ����� �� � 1�� ���''Y�� � �HC Stimmel ��g,o�s�m' � Landscape Architecture ��o�-za�s Civil Engineering P: �s.�zs.�oe� Stimmel Associates, PA Land Planning F: 338.723.1069 EXHIBIT C , \� � y� � Cit��3 \ \ � � °Sf�'8��cp � ♦ � \ � o+o�= � ` U�'�s� * �ti E / / ` R� � 1 � YI*2D1 TOTALSTREAM IMPACT=305.40 LF PERMANENT IMPACTS TO SURFACE WATER (INTERMITTEIJ� 209.6 LF 1,035.99 SF -> 0.02 AC 'ERMANENT IMPACTS TO �URFACE WATER PERENNIAL) 46.3 LF 94.85 SF -> 0.004 AC PORARY IMPACTS T FACE WATER tENNIAL) 49.5 LF i3 SF -> 0.005 AC � \ \ � �8\\` � MPACT `� 1MDTH VARIES (2' - 5') ` �\ � \ d8te: 11-17-15 jOb #: 15-077 projeCt: Permit Site #2 - Villaqe Pointe Drive Phase IV scale: 1"=50' (PLAM _ sheet 3 of 3 description: Roadway Culvert Impacts UMRS OF STREAM D�STURBANCE N 835241.400 EXISTING . � ° E 1589292.076 WETLANDS � CONiRACTOR TO HAVE SURVEYOR STAKE IN — GL STREAM TME FlELD INTERMITTENT PERENNIAL � STREAMT STREAM � 1 � � � PROPOSED 86" RCP PIPE \ \ I WETLAND IMPACTS SEE DESCRIPTION BELOW PERMANENT FILL 13,922.50 SF -> 0.32 AC \\\` ,< . .� . .. !} � � . � • � • �� END � IMPACT ` WADTH = 5' � \ \ \ CIL STREAM \ SCALE: 1 " = 50� 50 0 50 NCDOT STORMWATER SWALE DRlUNAGE AREA 3.10 AC LENGTH 380 LF BoTroM wioni s' CHANNEL DEPTH 1.5' CHANNEL SLOPE U.3X SIDE SLOPES 3:1 NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SC250 STAPLE E PERM UNER TALL FESCUE � � � � � �� ` ._� � STA 25+44+.18 �,�, � 789.00 � � � �_-- — — _ 0/S —112.34 � �— —� � — — — N 834,696.20 � ` � — —E 1.589,133.476 \� �` f '— � �— — _ _ ELEV �87.80� \\ �' �� \ '� � ='� \ _� � ` � �� �—^ � —� \ • � — —� —�.�—�..� � •I �. - ; --_'`�,`��a ---- .re ` � - _ .� i. -- - --_� ___� � _��`_i .1 �Z-� \� � •1 1 .1 ' ������ � � �� � � � � � ,,,,,.,. . �'1�%s�n�� y��`= = 027912 = � :?`�� I��n��S ��;: � � -. �'?, ����Q��: �. .. P .- ''�qY l. NO�,•�`' '�►�,������+��` � �� �'4 �•�``��� N��19201� . -� , ��'v,�;ic'iu4'�f`f�f'`=;' ,I�Y _, , -, , ,�