HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130800_Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Second Request_20151119 (2)Wanucha, Dave From: Stacey Triplett <sdtrip@wilkes.net> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:38 AM To: Holder, Michael L Cc: Latham, Tim; Wanucha, Dave; Chambers, Marla J; Senator Shirley Randleman; bbriscoe; Holbrook, Alex; sheiligl; Palermo, James R Subject: Re: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Second Request Attachments: April 6 letter to the row dept.doc; 106_3829.JPG; 106_3836.JPG; 106_3834.JPG; 106_ 3833.JPG; 106_3832.JPG; 106_3831.JPG From: "Stacey Triplett" <sdtrip@wilkes.net> To: "Holder, Michael L" <mholder@ncdot.gov> Cc: "Latham, Tim" <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>, "Dave Wanucha" <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>, "marla chambers"<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>, "shirley randleman" <shirley.randleman@ncleg.net>, "bbriscoe" <bbriscoe@wfmy.com>, "alex holbrook" <alex.holbrook@nc.gov>, "sheiligl" <sheilig1@triad.rr.com>, "jrpalermo" <jrpalermo@ncdot.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:36:59 AM Subject: Re: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Second Request Mr. Holder, I understand that you are a very busy man and that this is a Secondary Road, but I sent this e-mail Monday November 16th. I am still waiting fora response. I am not asking that you take my word for it or Division 11"s word either. I would like to invite you to come to Hackett Town Rd and see for yourself what my concerns are and that they are very legitimate and justified. I will be glad to work around your schedule. Thank you. Stacey Triplett From: "Stacey Triplett" <sdtrip@wilkes.net> To: "Holder, Michael L" <mholder@ncdot.gov> Cc: "Latham, Tim" <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>, "Dave Wanucha" <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>, "marla chambers"<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>, "shirley randleman" <shirley.randleman@ncleg.net>, "bbriscoe" <bbriscoe@wfmy.com>, "alex holbrook" <alex.holbrook@nc.gov>, "sheiligl" <sheilig1@triad.rr.com>, "jrpalermo" <jrpalermo@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 11:34:48 AM Subject: Re: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Third Request Mr. Holder, Thank you for your response. But I still have some questions. i 1. SPEED LIMIT SIGNS SHOULD BE REQUIRED Can you explain in detail what you are referring to when you say (The traffic services unit plans to place some additional signage in the near future with any advisory speed limits that might be warranted. ) There is no signage on this road. 2. GUARD RAILS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED. Thank you for getting some guardrail installed. I think that will help greatly. 3. DRAINAGE ISSUES STILL PREVAIL I'm not really sure what your maintenance forces are looking at or if they even are. I can assure you that it is very possible for water to get in this road. I am including pictures. Notice the close proximity of the water to the road. It is encroaching the lane of travel. I would also like to know what ditches they have worked on. I live here and can assure you that they haven't worked on any but the one that was filled when the mudslide occurred. You said, the damaged pipe that you mentioned was actually damaged by the paving contractor as they were setting up the road in preparation for paving when their grader dug too deep into the subgrade and damaged the top of the pipe. If that is the case I find it very hard to believe because Division 11 was supposed to have placed 8 inches of gravel on the subgrade not including how much dirt that would have been covering the pipe. Then we have the question as to why the paving company would have been cutting that far down in the 8" base of gravel? If that is true then the pipe was not installed correctly by Division 11 or while placing the 8" base of gravel they must have contaminated the gravel. There would be NO reason that the paving company would be cutting that deep. Right?? 4. SPEAKING OF INTEGRITY I would also like to point out how my father in law was mislead when he signed his right of way to you. See attached document. He tried to get his right of way released when he realized that this was nothing that he had agreed to or had been told and he wasn't the only property owner that tried to get the right of way released! Back to the point the road is only supposed to be 32 feet wide from shoulder to ditch.... How do you explain this excessive amount of shoulders in our pastures only? Excessive being anywhere from 9 to 17 feet of shoulders. So what you are saying is that they deemed it necessary to provide for cut and fill slopes, sedimentation control, and drainage of the road." That is not the case either. There is NO drainage on a good part of this road. Also sedimentation control does not apply to shoulders. In summary I would like to point out that initially this road was supposed to cost the tax payers $850,000. We are now at what you say 1.6 MILLION. For this amount of our money you would expect that the ditches would drain, there would be erosion 2 control, and sharp blind curves would have been taken out. The list can go on and on. I would hope in the future that DIVISION 11 would do their homework and do it by the law not their law. Instead of wasting our tax payers dollars spend it where it needs to be spent. Thank you for your response in advance. Stacey Triplett From: "Holder, Michael L" <mholder@ncdot.gov> To: "Stacey Triplett" <sdtrip@wilkes.net> Cc: "Dave Wanucha" <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>, "Latham, Tim" <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>, "marla chambers"<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>, "shirley randleman" <Shirley.Randleman@ncleg.net>, "Holbrook, Alex" <alex.holbrook@nc.gov>, "jrpalermo" <jrpalermo@ncdot.gov>, "sheiligl" <sheilig1@triad.rr.com>, "bbriscoe" <bbriscoe@wfmy.com> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 2:21:06 PM Subject: RE: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Third Request Ms. Triplett, I apologize for my delay in response. Please find attached my response. Thanks for your patience! Please advise if I can be of further assistance. Mike From: Stacey Triplett [mailto:sdtrip@wilkes.net] Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:42 PM To: Holder, Michael L Cc: Wanucha, Dave; Latham, Tim; Chambers, Marla J; Senator Shirley Randleman; Holbrook, Alex; Palermo, James R; sheiligl; bbriscoe Subject: Re: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Third Request Mr. Holder, I have waited very patiently for a response from you. I understand that yesterday was Veterans Day but you said Friday November 6th that you would respond by Monday November 9th. I'm sure as you well know this is November 12th. I expect a response by the end of the day. If that is not possible can you at least e-mail me and let me know when you intend on responding to my issues. I have also included new pictures taken on November 10th of the lack of drainage. From: "Holder, Michael L" <mholder@ncdot.gov> To: "Stacey Triplett" <sdtrip@wilkes.net> Cc: "Latham, Tim" <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>, "Dave Wanucha" <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>, "marla chambers"<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>, "shirley randleman" <Shirley.Randleman@ncleg.net>, "sheiligl" <sheilig1@triad.rr.com>, "bbriscoe" <bbriscoe@wfmy.com>, "Holbrook, Alex" <alex.holbrook@nc.gov>, "jrpalermo" <jrpalermo@ncdot.gov> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015 2:51:17 PM Subject: RE: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Second Request Ms. Triplett, 3 I have had a very busy week with the Board of Transportation in town. I will respond to your email by close of business Monday. Mike From: Stacey Triplett [mailto:sdtrip©wilkes.net] Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 9:37 AM To: Holder, Michael L Cc: Latham, Tim; Wanucha, Dave; Chambers, Marla J; Senator Shirley Randleman; sheiligl; bbriscoe; Holbrook, Alex; Palermo, James R Subject: Fwd: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Second Request Mr. Holder, Some recipients of this e-mail have said they could not open the traffic count data page so I have removed that attachment. I understand that you are busy and that you may think this is not a big deal but to us it is. You have had several days to respond and come up with a solution to these issues. I would appreciate a response asap. Thank you Have a good day. Stacey Triplett From: "Stacey Triplett" <sdtrip@wilkes.net> To: mholder@ncdot.gov Cc: "Latham, Tim" <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>, "Dave Wanucha" <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>, "marla chambers"<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>, "jrpalermo" <jrpalermo@ncdot.gov>, "Hamby, Brian K" <bhamby@ncdot.gov>, "bbriscoe" <bbriscoe@wfmy.com>, "shirley randleman" <shirley.randleman@ncleg.net>, "alex holbrook" <alex.holbrook@nc.gov> Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 3:41:14 PM Subject: Hackett Town Rd (SR-1305) Mr. Holder, There are several vital issues left unresolved regarding the Hackett Town Road SR1305 paving project that require immediate attention; especially since this proposed $1,000,000 project has now exceeded $1,500,000 of the taxpayers money for a 1.3 mile project on a road with only 3 residences. 1. SPEED LIMIT SIGNS SHOULD BE REQUIRED for this 2-lane, curvy, rural back road. When this road was gravel/dirt, traffic was very light. Most drivers maintained a reasonable speed because of loose gravel, and during the past 20 years only a few minor accidents have occurred. Now, many individuals driving down Hackett Town Road are exceeding the state guideline of 55 mph when no speed limit is posted. Already there has been one wreck due to excessive speed. If the DOT does not at least post recommended speed limits for this roadway, there will be many more based upon how drivers are now not only careening but passing on Hackett Town Road. It is our understanding that Hackett Town Road does not meet the criteria for a speed limit due to only 3 residences. We find this ironic, to say the least. After all, NCDOT Division 11 didn't follow the criteria and rules that were needed to prioritize and then pave this road. 4 For example, prior to project start-up, the DOT Division 11 Office could not produce any records to support our field inventory score, specifically the traffic count of 100. A month later, Mr. Pettyjohn revealed this count was from the year 2000. When I expressed shock and skepticism about this figure, Mr. Pettyjohn told me that he had known people to run back and forth over the traffic counter to inflate the counts. I asked him to redo the count because I knew it was wrong and evidently so did he, but he refused. . This 100 ADT doubled in 2 years. See attached documents. This count should have been a red flag to Division 11 as there were no new homes, businesses, churches, etc. on or abutting this road. There was no reasonable explanation for our traffic count to double to 100. This road should have never made it into the top 200 in Wilkes County had it been prioritized correctly and by law. I would also like to point out in an article written in the Mt. Airy news what Mr. Pettyjohn said: By Randy Walker Staff Writer (snipped) "Although dozens of miles of dirt roads are paved every year, there are approximately 128 miles of unpaved secondary roads in Surry County. Who gets their road paved, and who has to wait another year -- or more -- involves a state system that prioritizes the paving of secondary roads. (Roads are required by Law initially enacted in 1972) to be inventoried, evaluated, and prioritized on a periodic basis. Normally, this process is repeated every four years, according to Mike Pettyjohn, division maintenance engineer, for Division 11, which includes Surry County." These are his words. Division 11 doesn't follow State laws or rules! I would also like to include an e-mail written by Mr. Tetzlaff on February 17th 2015. This message follows our conversation earlier today regarding subject route scheduled for improvements/paving. SR 1305 was listed as paving priority number 14 within the 2009 paving list for Wilkes County (paving lists are updated every 4-years following a field inventory) (As initially thought, the actual data sheets associated with the 2009 update were disposed of as a result of the physical relocation of this office last year.) For your general information, a number of items have been attached to this message as follows; - A copy of the blank Field data sheet completed for each route during the field inventory of unpaved roads.. - First page of the 2009 Paving priority list for Wilkes County. SR 1305 is listed as # 14 ; paving was programmed thru priority # 31 from this listing. - First page of the 2005 Paving priority listing for Wilkes County. SR 1305 is listed as # 29 on this earlier listing & indicates a traffic count of 100. It is thought very likely that this count was utilized within the later 2009 listing since we utilize the highest count on file for any route. Sincerely, Doug Tetzlaff (North Wilkesboro NCDOT District field office) 2. GUARD RAILS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED along certain sections of the road. However, Mr. Hamby said in an e-mail dated March 19th 2015 that a Guardrail is not part of the current project. The trees formerly standing alongside the road were historically instrumental in helping some 5 reckless drivers when their car left the shoulder of the road -- not any more. All natural barriers are now gone, and it is likely much more serious wrecks will occur due to blind sharp curves, speeding drivers, and the fact that Lewis Fork Creek is directly adjacent to a significant portion of the road. Furthermore, according to Mr. Slaughter the reason for all the destruction of this natural habit was that the DOT had to remove curves for safety and liability issues. There have been NO curves removed. The only thing that Division 11 did was to make these curves worse than they were to start with. See pictures attached. There are several blind sharp curves now. Also, on our land we have 48 foot of fill or I should say rock and boulders and tree stumps that Division 11 placed into our pastures. Now it is straight drop off the road. See pictures. It would be a grave mistake not to install guard rails in my opinion. Being as Division 11 decided to make this rural soil road into a highway, I would think that is what you would do for "Safety" and to prevent the DOT from being culpable. 3. DRAINAGE ISSUES STILL PREVAIL; and although there were assurances from Mr. Hamby and Mr. Slaughter that the ditches would "eventually fill in and drain", evidence points to the contrary. The rock bed on this road in certain areas is holding water like small lakes or ponds, and some areas have held water at the same level (no reduction in level other than minor evaporation). In addition, due to the DOT's removal of all natural erosion barriers, a landslide occurred during the recent rain period. DOT Division 11's response to these concerns is that they will be reviewed next Spring. Why not now? If not, hopefully no one will be killed by hitting ice across the roadway due to improper drainage. We call them "drainage ditches" for a reason — they're supposed to collect and drain water, not keep it impounded to make a 'mosquito motel' The haphazard, shoddy reparations that have occurred so far continue to display the lack of integrity throughout the DOT Division 11 establishment. For example, a portion of the last culvert pipe that was installed at the end of the road (Station 90) by Division 11 had been sheered off by a trackhoe during installation. Instead of fixing the ripped culvert pipe they decided to cover it up with dirt. This shoddy work was discovered by the paving company when they noticed it had caved in. Division 11 came back on Friday October 9th to repair it. Aaron Myers decided that the repair would be to wrap the hole with a piece of metal rather than to replace it. Another example is when they Division 11 was caught stealing water from Millers Creek Water Association. What else will we find that has been covered up by Division 11 as time goes on? I would like to also point out that evidently the 30 day rule does not apply to Division 11 either. All sections are under the 30 day design and MUST be permanently stabilized within 30 days of the time clearing and grubbing begins. This road is no where near stabilized. This is evident from the mud slide that occurred. 4. SPEAKING OF INTEGRITY, we would like to know who is going to compensate us for the DOT using our pastures as a waste pit? Was a permit ever issued to use our property as a waste pit area? Our pastures should not have been used as your dumping area! The road is only supposed to be 32 feet wide from shoulder to ditch according to Mr. Slaughter (see attached e-mail). Ironically the roadway bordering our pastures from shoulder to ditch is anywhere from 36 to 50 feet. The shoulders in our pastures are 9 to 17 feet. 6 We should be compensated by the DOT for the excess land taken to create exceptionally wide shoulders without permission of the property owners. As you can see, there are still serious issues to be addressed before the NCDOT Division 11 turns their back on the Hackett Town Road "folly". Please address these issues with the necessary personnel and provide your response to each item noted above right away. We look forward to both your response and the resolution of these issues quickly. Thank You. 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' ' ,:� � _ f � ` :1 x<;�r : � �, J � f� • { ; �,. � � � � �. s E` ( ,: i-. � � . 11,'y °� . . ♦ ..Y �. . .�t .r � . YJ � � B � � �' _ �4. .�� 1 . . ..SN' � -� � .S. i �. .c. +'.�-�_ . �j�.� �:� "�#�Y � 5 ��' � -,,.;�. � ; � ' . '';��'�,� r. _ . 'y,w,._�i � r. �. _.�. . ` a!". L . ��� ,� . x v' � :' " . �� � n �R1 i 1 ( +'� / � �'�� � "' �'v� � �t�, y}, i � � fIF Iy' `R'� 4 � �� t �♦j , ' • i t''�_Z .: ��..c�.� .�-��� , `'f 1. ` � — � Z,�,,,i'p��a �¢ ...r � �: ,�'"� .,.. � �.. � ` � .Y . Y 1. r � �� � , e' i � r� •± �� * t� �. ,; :* x.� ' x�, "fri : ,.....� �� �j�yY � ) Ih April 8, 2015 Mr. Childrey NCDOT Right of Way Unit 1546 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27601 Mr. Childrey, I, Bobby Lennis Triplett, request that my right of way donation be released immediately (before any clearing takes place on my property by the Division 11 DOT). I am very upset due to being misled during my right of way acquisition process. I live at 1080 Hackett Town Road (SR 1305) in Wilkes County. Hackett Town Road is currently a soil road which the Division 11 DOT plans to pave. Shortly, they intend to begin clearing the portion of the road adjoining my property. My ROW donation, dated February 23, 2012, was obtained by fraudulent means by the Right Of Way Agent, Susan Huffman. (see attached) 1. The ROW agent did not inform me about fill slopes, the potential of future revisions of the road plan, grading, etc. She concentrated only on the center line of the proposed road. After recently being shown the current road plan by the DOT Project Foreman as well as reviewing the online Right of Way Manual, I realize she lied to me throughout the process of obtaining my ROW. From pages 54-56 of the NCDOT Right of Way Manual, dated 2011 "The Right of Way Agent will carefully point out to the property owners how the particular project will affect their property and show the property owners the plans, including the particular section and cross sections in order to explain the cut and fill slopes. The Agent is cautioned to consult the cross sections or the computation sheets in explaining grade changes and not rely solely on the center line profile. What may appear to be a two foot cut on the highway centerline may be a ten foot fill between the shoulder break point and the slope stake line." 2. The ROW agent never provided me with the following documents: From pages 54-56, "On the initial contact, the agent will present the property owner with a Legal Rights Brochure FRM4-G, Title VI Brochures FRM4-GG, and a Right of Way Flow Chart FRM4-GGG. These items explain the legal rights of the owner and provide an overview of the acquisition process." 3. The ROW agent's road plan shown to me at the time I donated my ROW looks nothing like the latest plan the DOT is going to use to clear, construct, and pave my portion of this road. From pages 54-56, "The Agent should explain the effects of the project on the property in complete frankness and not attempt to hide or gloss over any undesirable features of the project." 4. I was never given a copy of my right of way contract. 5. I recently obtained a copy of my contract from the ROW Department. After reviewing, I realize I was only shown the 2nd page of the contract when I signed it. 6. I have learned the road construction plans have been revised numerous times subsequent to the donation of my ROW. The final plan takes a substantial amount of my income -producing land (cattle pasture). I was never informed of these decisions by the DOT until several weeks ago. A road plan can be viewed at: http://its.enr.state.nc.us/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=198909 (Note that my land begins on page 9, after passing N. Goforth Road, and ends on page 15.) In summary, I respectfully request that the property I donated via the right of way agreement be returned to me because of the circumstances I've outlined above. I do not want my portion of this road cleared much less paved. As this is a time sensitive matter, I ask for you to take action as soon as possible. In the meantime, please inform the Division 11 NCDOT not to clear any of my property. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this most urgent matter. Sincerely, Bobby Lennis Triplett 1080 Hackett Town Road Ferguson, N.C. 28624 Wilkes County #336-973-3779