HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0081426_staff report_19950809CC: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Jeanette Powell) Date: 8-9-95 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND No X 0--Z�- 0 (o - oZ N� eTm �kFGAu� IxEew— County Guilford_ Permit NCO081426 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: N.L. Mitchell Water Filtration Plant Mailing address: Location: Ray E. Shaw, Jr. 1041 Battleground Ave PO Box 3136 - Utilities Dept. Greensboro, NC Greensboro, NC 27402 2. Date of Investigation: 8-9-95 3. Report Prepared by: Bill Justice, DEM, WSRO, WQ. 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: James Moorefield, Water Supply Superintendent (910) 373-5856. Ray Shaw, Public Utilities Manager (910) 373-3055 (not contacted). 5. Directions to Site: I-40 East to Greensboro. Take Wendover Ave. East to Battleground Ave.. Follow Battleground Ave. East to Benjamin Parkway. Plant is on Benjamin Parkway on right (at the corner junction of Battleground and Benjamin). 6. Discharge Points(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 360 04' 53" Longitude: 790 48' 12" U.S.G.S. Quad No. C19SE U.S.G.S. Quad Name Greensboro 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application ? X Yes No If No, explain: No expansion of the facility is expected. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): The site is above the flood plain with slopes varying from 1 to 50. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Over 500 feet +/- from.W Ptwo--TED 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: North Buffalo Creek. a. Classification: C-NSW b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Cape Fear; 03-06-02 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: The stream flows through a city park and then through part of Greensboro. Cone Mill's and North Buffalo WWTP.both discharge into this creek. Part II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: The current permit does not have a Flow limit, it only requires monitoring of the discharge. Usually, the maximum volume of water generated daily as a result of filter backwash, is approximately 650,000 gallons. This volume varies depending oJN the amount of treated water the plant is generating but, 650,000 gallons would normally be the maximum. b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? No flow limit - see question above. C. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility? As explained above, the volume of water discharged daily will vary. The clarifier/settling basin used to treat the filter backwash is approximately 350,000 gallons. This basin should be able to adequately treat the filter backwash volumes described above. d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years. None. e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities; Filter backwash water from the water plant is pumped to an existing clarifier/settling basin (approximately 350,000 gallons). After solids settle, the water is discharged to the receiving stream. Settled solids are pumped to the sanitary sewer. The alum sludge and wash water generated during washing of the sedimentation basins (one basin is washed each weekend) goes to the city sanitary sewer. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities. None. NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 2 g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None known. 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Settled solids are pumped to the City Sanitary sewer system. 3. Treatment plant classification: Class I. 4. SIC Code (s) : 4941 Primary 21 Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 5 0 0 x PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved? N/A. 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None. 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: None. 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: N/A. Connection to Regional Sewer System: N/A. Subsurface: N/A. Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Currently, the water treatment plant is discharging the filter backwash to the sanitary sewer system because effluent from the clarifier/settling basin will not meet the Total Suspended Solids and Settleable Solids limits in the permit. The plant personnel are presently experimenting with a floating pump which should pump clear supernate from the basin and meet the permit limits in the near future. NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 3 WSRO recommends renewal of NPDES Permit NC0081426 in accordance with current Division policy. 0. 1:S6= 4/)- ffl- f - Signature of re ort prepaff6r ter Quality Reg' a Supervisor Date NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 4 9 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL' SYSTEMS Name of Facility: r , 1 Owner or Contact Person: Mailing Address:. l County: 9� Zg&C&-Ltd Present Classification;,, NPDES Per. No. NC Q z Nondisc. Per. No.WQ Health Dept -Per No...,. o� Rated by: T aej /- f�� Date:elephone:—g= Reviewed by: Health Dept. Telephone: egionalOffce Telephone: Central Office Telephone: ORC• %sc 14 Grade: 7elephene: 3 7 *3 5 Check Classification(s): Subsurface _ Spray Irrigation Land Application Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) T n III IV Total Points. F lw WA SII WALE CULISFICA'f M ;d +at!unitsk t app1� tanks ? pump !oaks 3....siphon or pump -dosing systOns aww Biters 5`__9reass trapfrnteroeptor &...eWwwor separators 7`_9ravhy subsurface moment and disposal: &,._pressure subsurface trsafme d and dispass : Im Telephone-� Facility Existing Facility_ $PRAY ff VGKI CLASSFICATION (died* all unit; that apply) 1`�preliminary treatment (deftWon M. 32 ) ilegoons 3,.,__septic tanks . 4,. PAT twits 6,,.__.PAVG 8`_sand filters .„__grease trapJinterceptor 2,_..oll/waler separators 9...�dlslnteotion 10,...__et+emical addition for nutrlentlalgae Control 11'__apray irrigation of wastewater In addition to the ebove etasslflcatlons.. pretrsatmsnt of Mast• *&ator in i h oss an appropriate these dui onents erttflcat ell. be rated using the point rating system and will require on op LAND APPLICATIONMESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permll holder) Hated site. !. ^__Land apprcat+on of biosdrds. residuals or contaminated soils on a desig wAVIMATERTREATMI34T FACILM CLASUF104TIM . The following systems shaft be assigned a Class 1 dass!lication. unless Mw flow h of a 93901cant quanttty or the technology is unusunfly Complex. to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Chid* If Approprime) 1 ..Wwater Separator Systems owWding only cl physical separation, pumps and disposal: g�—Septic TanWSand Filter Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatw. pumps.sand titters. Qiskdeaion wd direct disdiarge: oons. d�slnfeation. necessary ehsmkW treatment for 3 _Ugoon Systems consisting only of preAmlresry tresimant. lag pumps. . algae or nutrient control, and diced discha": 4L__Ciosed-1oop Recycle Systems; air -stripping• Carbon a�qAion, disinlec Wn it roundwaier Remediation Sydems Consisting only of odWOf separators, pumps. .and &Vol*al: Aquacutture operations whh discharge to surface wafers t='Waier Plant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment: ,,__._Seafood prooessing consisting of screening and dIsp=ai. *111 be classified d permitted after July 1. 9�_,�Singto4amily discharging systems. with the exception of Aerobic Treatment Units. 1993 or tf upon tnspedion by the Division. It Is found that the system Is not being adequately operated or mairdalned. Sud systems will be notified of the classification or reclassification by the Commission. in wdit-