HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026123_Authorization to Construct_19830525.p•:i.w,jt •. th Ca-(%-D'11r1(J I of Naturol, Imun K r.01 %esourcas ty Deveopmet Jame=, o. Hunt, Jr., Gov4 rncj. J(Jse. h W. Grir,,sfey, Secretary DIVISION OF 1.'NVIRONMENTAL MANAGE n_ NT May 25, 1953 Mr. Thomas J. McIntosh City Manager City of Asheboro P. 0. Box 1106 Asheboro, North Carolina 27203 SUBJECT: Permit No. NCO026123 Authorization to Construct City of Asheboro Asheboro Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Revised Resign) EPA Project No. C370403-02 Lear Air. McIntosh: The final platis and specifications for the subject project have been reviewed and found to be sa4isfactory. This Author {.zation-to-Construct supersedes the Asttioriza:-ion--to-Construct issued August 20, 1952 foa: r. ►is projecr6.. Authorization is hereby granted for the construction of improvements cc expand the existing 4 MGD Asheboro Wastewater Treatj.::ent Plant Lo b MGD by new construction of one manual and one mechanical bar screen, one aeraced grit chamber, influent flow measuring, one primary clarifier, modifications to the existing trickling filter pump station, a nitrification pump station, two counter -current aeration nitrification basin systems, three final clarifiers, return sludge valve vault, modifications to the existing chlorine contact basiTi, cascade reaeration, flow measuring -monitoring equipment, polymer/cauFtic feed and storage facilitiet�, new sludge thickening facilities 4ad im-rov ements to existing facilities, improvements to the existing anaerobic diges:.ers, improvements to the existing maintenance laboratory bi;ildings, and instrument and control equipment. Do not proceed with construction until the Authorization -to -Award package, EEO, and MBE documentation/certification has been reviewed, and you are in receipt of our approval, if Federal Funding is desired for project construction. The Permittee shall employ a State certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. Such operator must hold a valid State certificate of the grade at least equiva- lent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. When a new chief operator midst be obtained to be in responsible charge of the new facilities, it is required that this be done by the ti.mE the construction of the 'facilities is 50% completed. This Authorization to Construct is issued in accordance with Part III paragraph C of NPDES Permit No. NCO026123 issued June 30, 1982, and shall be subiect to revocation unless the uastewa=er treatment facilities are constructed in accordance with the approved plans, ;recifications, support- ing documents, and are in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in Permit No. N00026123. During the construction of the proposed addition s;modifications, the Fermittee shall continue to properly° maintain and operate the existing wastewater treat- ment facilities at all times; and in such manner as necessary to comply with the effluent limits specified i.n the NPDES Permit. The proposed nitrification treatment system must be placed in complete operation prior to taking the existing trickling filter pump station out of service for improvements. The selling or free distribution of weL, dried, composted sludge or sludge like materials from wastewater facilities without prior review and approval by this Division, is illegal. One (1) set of final approved plans and specifications is to be forwarded to you, one (1) set to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and two (2) sets to tLe Corps of Engineers. If you have any questions or need additional infonmatjon, please contact Na. Bill Huai fwp-n , telephone number 919/ 733-690U. Sincerely, Original Signed By FORREST R. WESTALL FOR Robert F. Helms Director cc: Randolph County Health Department Moore, Gardner and Associates Mr. Walter Taft 14r. William Mills Mr. Russell Radf ord Mr. Robert Joyce Mr. Bobby Blcwe 11s. Erenda Chesson W . W. S. Hoffman Mr. Carmine Forcinito FPA GPF