HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01596_Well Construction - GW1_20240308 . .. . . _ . . . . ,. . . 8VELL.CONStRUCTION.RECO r;:r.(GIA&11) FOr Intemallise OnlY:- - • .1.Well Omitractof Information: - - -. . . Chris King 14.WATER ZONES- : . _. . - • ' . . . - •FROM- •• TO-- • .DESCRIPTION - ' ' ' . . Well Connecter Narita- . - . . 2680A. .. . • ft.-. . ft.- [ . • .: -. . " : •NC Well.Contractor Certification Number 'IS.OUTER CASING(for ainIti-easedivefts):OR-LINER(if air limbic) • - AQUB'brill,:Inc. FROM.: - - .TO .: .1 DIAMETER .. THICKNFSS- . MATERIAL, . . • . . - • • - .-If). t.t.-. 70 ft.. ..6fici,L.I.... ,5 0,1,7 i. ,..-.(21 td,.. .,.. •.. .. Company Name •16,INNER-CASING OR TUBING(geotbermal-closed400p) • .. . ... • . . A i /1 OPt . •FROM• . "TO ' -DIAMETER- - THICKNESS. MATERIAL . '2:Well Construction-Permit#:• • • _i 1 ‘..•-• i • . .. . .II. ' ' R. :- tn.• : . List all apPlicohle well constrwriion permits(1.e.VI(:County.State.Variance.ete.) • • ft. • In; . . . . , I.Well Use(check well itae)t . . . , • • - • -, . . .Watet•Supply Welk. Agricultural - -)111Munie-ipal/POrblic Geothermal(Hcating/Coolmg Supply):/Ai;•esidentiril Water Supply(Sinale)'-.. indUstrial/Conimercial: lateaidential•Water SUpplY(shared) : - IFF178RR.:S:C:R.I.::::NT:T6:0 . - Irrightfon • .".'ft..-,'.....•DIAMETER' sun siza ._ititainss- .MATERIAL . . . . , . . . MATERIAL : EMPLACEMENT MpffO &'A3t3NT. Non-Waiter Supply Well: '0-.IL-...i3O'. . .1.3'eA4r0- . f4c. •61-1415. .-- '.5'-c • • . Monitoring.. .. . . Recovery' .. .. :ft.• . ' :ft.. . . . Injection.Well: , ' • • . . AquiferRecharge- -pGroandwater Retnediation. . . • - : . ' 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(If malleable) . .- • . . • - _ . Aquifer Storage and Recovery- ip Salinity Barrier -FROM - -TO' - 'MATERIAL ' . . 'EMPLACEMENT METHOD • -.. .. Aquifer Test OSteriniArateiDrairiage- ft.- . •ft.. ' . . . . . . . . . •' Big:edit:cut&Technology' :E3Sitbsicience Control ft ft • •. • . •• . - .:- Geotherima(Closed LoOp)* DTracer- •20:DRILLING LOG(attach additiOnal sheets If necessary:). - - - ' •FROM • ..TO. . . DF-SCRIPTION(color,hardness,soil/rock type,grain size,de.) • . 4Geothermal(Heitirtg/Cooling'Return) .17110ther(explain under 021.Reniarlis).. : . - -7 ./.1!) ..), . _.. .. • .4 -4.Dite•Wcil(s).Completed: —,-.2-",2 - - Well ID# . .1,...../ . •.. 6. .!.'! 6.5"'• '' Stud• ..it0C IC . . . • .5a.WeillLocation: . ..61St'.. 76.51'- Bite' &stop•i4C . . • ":-. .._\\ .7.7VOr . . . . -. ft. ft.' : . . . .. . . : •• - • • - Facility-0 N:une " . ''FacilitylD#(if applicable). ft .ft • . _ - . - . •'• . ft.: : t.,-4 1!‘"-.i '' • ;. P 1 -v.-,.-,„,, .• c?. 1<-..1:4,f., .pki.1),-p:5_ pd: Bedifuot.;,01 id : . ft.,. -, : . ..- a f .__ !. :ft. - ft. : --- .4.1; V 1......d..1 Physical Address,City,and ZiP- (..• 141 . - - ..: -4h6A• m _ . . .•.21.REMARKS ' . ' - -' . , . . ,, MA Ft 0.s 1074- ,T County ,Parcel Identification No.(PIN) . . :- • iliac..';eria*VC:a i-)FT..4...N7svel _ .Sli:Latifude.and longitude In.degrces/minutesfseconds,Or decimal degrees:. -. .- '. . .. . . - , - PAPIC"::::::; (if well field:owlet/long is sufficient)'- '22..Certificali n: . : •- . . , • •N • . _ - . W . , , • • . • Signs um of Certified Well Contract ,-" Date •6.Is(aire)the wells 1W,P crmanent or Temporary .Brsigri/ag this Arlo,I iterehi cern/i that Me wall(s)seas(were)"cmistnwied hi accordtinee• 7.Is thiki a repai-to an existing well:- -OYes- o" No ror/ Oh.aft A'Ciff,02.0;0100 or.I54 NCAC.02C:.0200.Well Construdion Standen&and that a 'If this'li ttreptdr.fill nut knoini well cemsintrilowhihrmailon um emiltihitlie IIIIIIIIT tithe copyedit?Mtlird liar been Provided to the well.miller; . repair ant'lerial-remarks swarm or on the hack tithlslann: . 23.-Sitc diagram or additional welidetalls:: . . a.For Geoprobc/DPT of Closed Loop Geothermal Walla having the Same You may use the.back of this page to provide additional Well site details or well constnict:cso.only I 01,71-is needed..Indieate:TOTAL NUMBER cif Wells• construction:details:You may also:attach additional pages-if necessary. -drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 7d-C 9.TotaliVel!depth below land suffice: -. - - . -(0,) 24a.For All'Wells:• Submit this:form within 30 days of coinPletion•of well For multhile welisitst all depths idliferent(example,3(0200'and 20:100)• .construction to the following: ; 10.-Static water level below-top-of casing: .to 0 - (ft) Divialonof-Water Resources,InforznatiOn ProcessingVnit, . If sassier level hi it/wren:sing use 1617•Mall•Serviec Center,-Raleigh;IN 276994617 .• r. :11.-Brirehole diameter: ‘ . CI' .. • (In.) 24b;For Inieedon Wells:.in addition to.sending the font to.the address in 240 m 1. above..also submit• one Copy of this form within 30.days of completion of well• 12.Well construction method:. Pr IL el.TZt:).)- - - constructicin-to the following:- (i.c..-augell rotary,cable,direct push;etc.) - - - - Division of Water Resources,iindergeoundinjettion ContiolfrOgram,. FOR WATER.glinLY ELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service center,Raleigh,NC-27699-1636 132.Yie3d(gpni) ..V . Method'of test: 7"B I 9 n-t- . : .24c.For Water Snooty.&Inlection-Willst- In:addition:to sending the:fonn:to - the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within-30 days of / ' .---,' . 13h.Disinfection type:• /4771 . :Amount ) a-.. e) .6., . . . ',completion of well construction to the county health.department of the•county- - •where conatructcd. 1 Fenn Ow-i North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources: Revised 2-22-2016