HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01566_Well Construction - GW1_20240308 • • • • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1") For in " - - Print Form ternal Use Only: I` ' :I.Well Contractor information: ' . I • Chris King ' • . 14.WATER ZONES" Well Contractor Name • •FROM TO DFSCRIPTON" - 2080-A' rr:.� " ft:. NC•Well Contractor Certification Nianbcr ft' ft' Aqua Drill, Inc. 15.OUTER CASING(for multi eased wells)OR LINER(if op linable) '.FROM- TO DIAMETER .THICK.NFSs- MATERIAL - ' Company Name 0. fit: I-�J O ft / /%. '1n.'IS . 2.Well ConstracHon Permit#: `1" • . . 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(Reoth'ermaldosed-loop) " •� ./ /� . - .FROM' 'TO_ • DIAMETER - . -THICKNESS MATERIAL .. .. List all applicable well constntclion perot, (i.e.UIC,(amity State Varm,zc'e etc). •• 3.Well Use(check well - - : ft.• ' . . ft:' ,In,. Water Supply-Well:- - IL SCREEN - " _ Agricaiti,tal . . ' FROM. - TO . - • 'DIAMETER' SLOT SIZE . 'THICKNESS MATERIAL ' �Municipal/Public ft: - - in Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single): : •Industrial/Comrnercial- ft' ft. i� .Residential.Water Supply(shared)" - " " ' irrigation• 18 GROUT - FROM: - TO " . - -- MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT METH 013 'Non-Water Supply Welk - R." ^ ft• • - fJ( • t Monitoring t". •"0 Recovery. .. 't.: - de.. s a . . :injection Well: : fit.: Aquifer Recharge - - - . DGroundivatcr Remediation ft' Aquifer Storage and Recovery. 'Salinity-Hairier .• 19:SAND/GRAVEL PACK-((fapplicable). . .FROM - 'TO. -MATERIAL -EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Test .OStornlwaterDrainage ft. ' It " Experimental Technology OSnbsidence Control :ft. Geothermal"(Closed Loop) Tracer- 20:DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary)' Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) FlOther(explain:under#21"Remarks) .FROM To DESCRIPTION learns,hardness sotumekevpe, • cram sl a ale) 4:Date Well(s):Completedyg '/C""a:C/Well1D# ft, ft,• �� ' Sa."We1lLocation: �"-1 - ' :I ft. • - Facility/Owner Name. i", .-, :. Faoility ID0(if applicable); . • . . ft..I :"ft- 5 5 j Par)1 [. J2G't- ' _7vtI;At.)R"jf" 1,Q. iC - tit:.' . its 'Physical Address,City,:and Zip M cI K +� ?i1Ly • . lr�n-� 21:REMARKS • tIt{'oi s77.7,::P'1 7D.•-... . ..L.-t^d: County • - :Parcel Identification No.(PIN). - . - OW 7 ..: A • . Sb.Latitude and longitude In'degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:, " • • - -I •(if well field.One lst/long is sufficient) • 22.Certiflca' n: N • `i, 6.Is(are)the well(s) Permanent.' .or'QTemporary Sig urc of Certified Well Corinne Date • 'By signing thi 's form;/herein ccsrt/drat the well(i)was'(acne)consnvded in accordance 7:Is this a repair to Aire. Q xisting well:- Yes 'or.610 • • - u(th ISANC-ICO2C:0100 or%54 NCACWC.0100'iVell Consirucilon Standards and thee a .If this IA a repair,fill out!Maori.well consrnrcilon inffmpmtlon and explain lhc•nature'ofthe "copy of this record has been provided In the urll owner. "repair under#22remarks'secilon or on the back ofthls:form.. 23.Site diagram or additlonal.well details:. 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop.Geothermal-Wells having the'Same: You may use the back of this page to provide additional.Well site"details or•well' ' •• construction,only 1 GW=1 is:needed: Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells• construction details:.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. • •drilled:- SUl;N1iTTAL INSTRUCTIONS . , 9.Tatal well depth below land surface: • a"2'5— • •• (fit• •)' 24a."For All Wells: Submit this form within'30.da.days corn letton of well. • For multiple wells list all depths ifd jlTerenl(example:3@200'and 2@100r • ' y p construction to the'following 10.Static waterlevel below top of.easing: . - " ", (ft.) .Division of Water Resources If water level is above casing..use--+" ,information Processing Unit, ///_ • 1617 Mail-Service.Center,Aidelgh,NC 27699-1617 • - 11.Borehole diameter: <O. . •(ln:). 246:.For Injection Wells: In addition'to sending the'forn to the.address in 24a' t ` above,also(submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:4,., ),.. :an.l :,-1.(i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push; 11 construction to the following: . • • ' FOR WATERSUPPLY:VVELLS ONLY: Division)of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program,. ` 1636 Mail Service Center,;Raleigh,NC•27699-1636 • 13a.Yield(gpm). 'ST__. Method of_test:" 19 l j - 24c..For Water Sunnis, Injection Wells:'In addition to sending the form to, 136.Disinfection Ja the addresses),above,"also:submit one',copy"of"this form within.30 days of • ' type: T I Amount:') 4G'Z- :completion lof"well construction to th county'health department'of the county " where constructed.• .Farm GW-1. • •North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality--Division-of Water,Resources ""Rcviscd.2-22-2076 .